Download - THE OMAHA DAILY FIUDA - · answers nddroMed in care of TIIK HBR, will plcnso ask for chock to





Advertisements under th s.hciui 10 corns perline for tlio flrst Insertion , 7 cents for o li

subsequent tescrtl ; nnnd flJjC n line per month-.NoixUcrtt'o'iicntUikon

.for ICM tlmn fticonts.-


will bo countto the lines theywuBtrun consecutively and must bo pnldln nl-ranco.


. AH ndvcrtliomonti must bo handel In-

bcforoS o'clock r. tn-, and under no ctrcum-rtnnccs


will they bo taken or discontinued by-

telephone. .

Parties advertising In those columns nnl har-tnirtho


answers nddroMed in care of TIIK HBR ,will plcnso ask for chock to onnblo thorn to gottheir letters , ns none will bo delivered except onpresentation of check. All answers to ndver-tltcmcnlgMioulfl


bo enclosed In envelopes.-






MONI1V to loan nt ronsonnblo rates on, fitrnltuto , wntchos and other per-

penal property wllhout removal. Small pay-ments


taken nt any tlmo nnd Interest reducedIn proportion. Hnslnc-os confidential. 0. J. CM-wrll


, lioom 19 , Iron Ilnnk IulldltiKl-Hh) nnd Far-nam.

-. Tnko elevator. C-



TO LOAN On residence property.] Spprcont, No commission. C. J. ( "asivoll& Co. , Hoom ID Iron Dank Htiildlng , 12th anaFnrnam. 3C1.

MONKY to loan on mortgage sorurlty. Healnnd commercial paper bonnht , J , 1L-

Frcodman , care Soltnau Hros. . 100 N. 13th St,

, to loan. Bums fnoo and upwards.$ Lowest rates, Ilotnls , 15th nnd Douglassts.-



TO LOAN on hti'inrss property.1'i Opposlto Postonipo. W. O.Bhrlvcr. 10-

1nooooo to loan on business and rcsldonco-probcrtr$ In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.

Amen , llX)7Farnnm) st. TO-

ino.oooto loan on city rcsldonco propertyGeo. W. Day , 1503 Farnnm. 03-

3fflO LOAN Money in any amountJL On all classes of pecurlty.-


time loans on real ostato.Longtime loans on real ostato.Money to loan on chattels.Money to loan on cr.lKtorals.Money to loan on any peed socwritf.Terms ciiRy. tlmo to suit.Apply nlthnOmntm Financial Uxohanue ,

Ilarkcr's hulldhiB , SW corner otFifteenth nnd Fnrnam sts. upstnlrs 010

MONKY for everytiodytou can borrowon furniture , horses , wagons ,

plr.noi , stock of all kinds , diamonds and flnowatches on your own tlmo. Payments receivedRt any time , mid Interest reduced pro rato-.1'roporty

.loft In your own possession. Terms

law as the lowest. Call and BCD mo. ntiMnoss-confldnntlnl. . No advontnuo taken. AT. R. Croft ,Boom 4 , Wlthnrll's Nownulk'Intr.NorthettBt cor-


15th and Harnoy. "I-


TO LOAN O. K. Davis * Co. lloal-ICatatoM and Loan agonta , 1505 Furnnm St

MONRT TO 1XAN On peed securities. A, roomT Ilcdlck IJlock , 1509Farna-

mM'ONEY TO LOAN On real estate and chat ¬

tels. I) . L. Thomas. ! >

MONKY TO LOAN In sums of J200 and up-on tlrst-rlnss real catuto security.

Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. BIO

LOANKI ) at a F. Rood & Go's. LoanMONKY , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagonspersonal property of nil hinds and all other ar-ticles of value , without removal. J110 a 13th ,over nimrlintn'o store. All bus-iness strictly contldontnl. 917


FOIt 8ALK Imnklnpr business In a peedon the U. P. It. U. Tim only bank In

town , a good chance for n party with smallcapital. Will trade for wild lands. Hlc-fflns &1'ark , 1512 Douglas. 770-21

Foil SAT.K A light manufacturing business ,at 500 per cout prollt. Owner has

other and moro Important nlTalrs to nttnnd to.Will exchange for real ostnto. Address D Ifi. lloo-olllco. . 7WI

SALK Small stock of confectionery-and lunch stand In good town. Address J.-


. Warner , Iliuo SpringsNob. 754-25 *

WANTH1) Partner with $500 for light mnnu-business , hundred per cent prof-


. Address D.14 , llco oHIco. 710-2i! *

$ Hooo to $20W1( to Invcitin'somo irood tmsl-nofa

-In Omuhit. llnnklng , real estnto or

money brokerage preferred. A'lilrcps P. 747. 7f 3-2a *

T71O11 Or oxc'hnngo : stock of dry poods ,J groceries , Moots , Shoes and Hardware , forgood farm land In eastern Nob. For particularsnddroBs Lock llox 1BO , I ulsvlllo. Nob. 712-211 *

10 EXCHANGE ICnnsiin lands for (ronornl-merchandise. . Also Nlshna Valley land to

exchange for tronornl uioiclmndlse. H.t It. ,Hex iim , Shonnniloah , Iowa. 085-31 *

"ITIOIl HALi : Ono of tlmbest pavlnir nbstniot ,JL loan and ronlostatoolllces In Iowa. AddressM. M. M . , lleo olllco. 07527-

T71OR SALK llnkerv nnd lunrli stand In townJj of about l.-OOInhabitants ; rhancol'or ngood-linker. . Inquire of Kopp , Urolbus & Co. . 1100-

ni unmet. ! ''T710H SALK--Mllo dairy , 9 cows , 1 Jnrsoy hull ,-U 2horses , wairon , oto. Norwood Park. Flor-cnco.

-. John Williams. 21-

7Fnn KXiJIIANGK Stocks of goods of every, fiinnsand land ; also hinds to ex-


for goods. If you want to trade , no' matter whnt It Is you hnvo , write , with full do-


, to C. K. ilnyno , real estate broker ,

Omulin.Npb. 1C-

3TT'OIIHALI' : Croiunery will bo sold cheap , onJ. easy terms , to ntiyono who will run It thecoming season. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob.


8Y7"ANTii: To oxohanrrn for stock of hard-M


ware and Konnral morcliandlso , 510 nernsoC-flno Thnyor Co. , Nob. , land ; 6 lots In Genoa ,Neb. , good store building (best corner ) ; gooddwelling ( best location ) In Kssox. la. , also 81iieios4 mlla from town of Kssox , la. , seeded. Inblue grass. For further particulars addressJohn Llndorhojm Central Cltv Nobraslm. 65T

Foil SALK A 2.WO htook of millinery goodslocution. A big bargain for some-

one as n liberal discount will bo glvmi. For I'ur-tlu


r partluulars address U W. Itno Olllco. Kfi




| ( I have for snlo one or all of tonFt , ea t of 20th st. at n bar-


ll'tnkun on or lioforo ten days. It. C. 1'iit-U'l

-son. 1221 Fiirnnm. " 17-27

: Wo cnn show you positive bar-gains


In Improved lesldeneo property , va-cant


lots and nctn tracts. It will pay to In-


thorn t'ofnro' purcliasliiif elsewhere.-Itlco

.A ; Jlooro , 12-J2 Fifrnam. 7J1-23

'PI'.KSONAL-U 1) . M. Foi nm plonso Fond hisX HddiPsstoTho Fainoun , Dunlap , Iowa , ho-vlll> hour of iioiiiothliig to ItU iiilvantago. 71 125.

PKUSONAL If you have do-ilrabln prnpnrtylorsalo , lift it with Cochran

Dros. , rout cstnto a outs , l.VXi Farnam st. 70U-2T

PKHSOXAL To persons who wlsli to bullil nMill , T will soil lots upon

payment of the nominal sum of ten dollars ntidImlaiico at the end or tlvo yottrd. Intcro > t at 6-

iior cent , payabln coml-annually. This h thebest oilnr ever made to any home-seeker tu thisolty. Call and oo mo , C. K. Mtiyuo , S. W. cor.IStHnnd Fartmm , fi7'-




. C. > lotzncrStoveltopalrCo. lllSouthJU 14th BL t'ctweiin Dodge and Douglas.

STItAYKD Or Stolen Oun thrcc-ynar-oldonw , sinull Htnooth madu , i-mr.ll

liurns. ten horn Foratchoson left Hank. Sultatilo-lawiud glvtsn If loturnotl U. W. mineral , Hoom4 , KedlrU I Hock , or residence on S. 17IU nud Con-tcr

-. , City. 72525

STUAYKIl-Fi-omlKS I'aul st. . on Sunday ,' spat in foirhead ,

two luftl'x't whllo , wclKhH about HV) , I.lhnnilreward will bo puld for hi * rotuni. Frank Crick-tftum.


. o is 't *

FOtlNIl A Koiitlor.uiu's alovo. Jnnulw lleo. UO-


n .VIIJLU boiu-J. 1010 Dcdge att-cot.J, _EMJUlJi.UNT day boimlut7U)8oullfuih) st.-


. *_

H i boar.t. ,0-J North M-

LlTl > ( : , Itca suuT Agents ,Kvur and

PlHlVlitnl Cesspools Vfeanbl by M. r.wlnu.of-lloo

-30,! , N Uth t ioou CtOapil *

ou kors ?. Aj tiiy nt14S1 Howard *t. { 3S

Foil HUNT Store room f-'sCQ ft. , lloomcr1 *, Stli ; nUo ons unfur-


I7AOH I.I.MSi : 15lots III Paikn's hddltlonuad Saundu Sts. Aino * , ISO ;


Foil bALK-Must be gold this wi-ok , n nrd-, IOUUEO , onrvcii , li ) lo tivdstoud and

runUture , c'-Ciip. lil'J D.-ucla * struct ,oem 3. irit *

Foil SALi-Match teams nml her >os of nilto suit cuMomcrs nt Star Sale Stables ,

20th nnd Cumlng. M. Cannon , lrop. 7T7

Foil SAI.r Gen. Howard wishes to *ell aof horses , good for fnmlly carriage,

tiqttlro U.S. ttnblcscornerllthand Chicago.781-31

ell SAM : Or Trrulo-Oood driving ponv.harness nnd bttggy.chenp for ca h or will

trade for tot. itlio Jloore , 12JS Farnnm.

Foil SALlV-Frcsh milch cow. 1707 COM st727.TO *


1A match team and buggy chrnp ,

at I'acltlo House , North ICth st , 344-20 *

; 1 jpin brown innro * . Jnijulro atngftnllros i i-l and 6-

3FOH SALK A hnrdwood counter for ollico. Inquire nt this olllco. CS-

78.LV Tivo tliorouRhbrPd JnrscV cowswith cnlvcs tiy their Mdrw. George Kpollno ,

1133 Plcrco St. , Council Illuffs , lown. 074-23

Poll wcnthrr Btrlps , gtorm onsh nnd doors , gaF. I ). Mend 2t 8. IBth st. '. .11-

3,7N14lh. .TP3-27 *

WANTKn-OoodRlrltodocookluirnt S.V... *

WANTKU-noodclmtiibermnld at St. James, . . . 7520 *

WANTHn Girl for prneml housework Ino ( two. 418 N. 18th Ft. 7tfl-2

WANTI5tniil for housework. BID College. 770-27 *

WANTr.n-HouEckoopcr at J. 1'. Amos' ,, 750 2-

JvyANTKOA good girl at No. 812 South 10th-street. . TJ3-2& *

WANTKIl First class wotnnn cook , SI IS

etioot , Mr * . J. M. Thurston. 313

Bcnnctlnnvtnn Rlrl nt the n-

tnurnnt. . 13 South ISlhst. 723-24 *

WANTKD A irlrl for general housework ;ft per wnok , If thoroughly com-


. Call this ovonlntr at third house northof Luavotiwoith.on Colfnxst. , ono block fromPark iwcnuo sti cot curs. 72-

0WANTKU A girls must bo peed cook ,mid ironor. Apply 1815 Cnpltol-

nvcnno. . 311-20 *

WANTlinirlntOI8S. . 17th street. Henry. 310-23

WANTnn A laundry girl at the Atlantic, 10th street 7.M20 *

WANTrn Help ; n compo'.ont middle njjodto take oaro ol children ; endorse-

ments required. MIB. Warren SwIUler , 2501 StJlniy's Avuniio. 7142-

0T7A7iTUi > Good girls for pnnornl house workt and Kood cooks. Cull im lGthst.Nobrns-


Employment Agency. 70-

2WANTii > Olrls for private fumUlivi. hotelsants. Call at Omaha Employ *

niuiit Iluteau , 1120 I'tuiinm et. 7U1

GUI for housowurk. 810 Collcso> 1 stroot. 70J-23 *

. A good girl , Gorman preferred ,for klteuon work , ut 1(117( Howard st. 0:0-23*

Y17ANTKU 1 dlnliiff-room girl , 1 chamber-> I niuld 1 dishwasher and 1 laundress. Ap-

ply 100 S. litli Bt U77

> Oi'orntors oncustom shhts. Aj -T ply Northwestern Shlit Factory , 13th and

, over Omaha Savings batik.H-7IWK


A (rood girl for ccnoral housn-M

-work. A good homo lor tiglrl In lamllvoft-

wo. . no children , no boarders , woik Unlit. Gillat N. W. cor. 30th and Mason Sts. , ft block westof 1aikavenuo. A. H. Fitch. C04

A girl to do general housework.-t

.A Gormau or Swede profurrod. 1C2J Doug ¬

las Btroet. [ 071

WANTED T.ndlca and young men to tnkowork at their own homo : $1-

to $S per day easily miulo ; work sent by miillno-canvassing.

;. Address G. WAQNKII & Co. , Dubu-


, Town. Itoxl77. | &I7-

2WANTBD Good girl for general housswor. Sloman , 1914 Farniim st. CS-

SANTKO A good woman cook ; (rood wages.Address City Hotel , Fairinout.-Nob. 447

Woman servant to wait on tnbloand do general work around house ; apply

between 11 and 12.U12 Douglas street. uJj-

AGKNTS traveling can make from$200 weoklv. Address Imperial Fire

Bxtliigulshor Co. , Stewart Uulldlng , Now Vorlc-.IXHaprl


WANTED Good glrN for general houoo-Hoom 4Uushman Block10th anil-

Douglas. . 11-




Forty men for now i-allroadApply to E. S. Albright , 13W Far-


, up stairs. 7b22-



Iy) nnrncs Hros. , Hastings , Nob. ,four coat and ono pants makers. Applynt-

O. . A. Llndiiuist V Co.'s at once. 757-20 *

WANTKD A few men to canvass the c'ty'

paying article. For particularscall at Omaha House , Harncy St. , between 12thand 13th 7060 *

WANTKD A good blacksmith , by Frank, Waco , Xob. 715-20 *

WANTKD !.M young men nnd ladles to on-the telegraph service. Addiosa-

W. . J. D. , room 1 , Crouuso block , 16th st. 039.121 *

WANTKD a good canvassers to soil furnl-Installments. Call on M. F. Mar-


, 3H ! South UtliBt. C7-

JTT7ANTJD: AgontB Twenty good solicitorsTI to work life Iniuranco In Omaha nnd Iowa.

Liberal commissions to good men. Full Instruc-tions


and outfit froo. Call on or wrlto ICraus StCampbell , Itoom 2 ! , Nebraska National Hankllulldlnar. yso-25 *

WANTKD sixteen harness ma'torj at Slo-. , lath and DoJgo sts. 2ti

WANTKD Hollablo agents and dealers inand Nebraska lor the Whlto

Sowing Machine and supplies for all mnko of-machines. . Catuloguo froo..ehriing. . Thorn-Ion & Co. 2-j7iipr5

00 N. ICth St.roi


Young ! ndy socks an ongngcmont-i in dry goods , or rorrofhmotit bur In any

depot ; C years' experience In former ; recentlyfrom isnglanil. Address M. H. Williams , Po t-


, I'latto Co. , Nob. (WJ-25 *

IT'ANTICD A situation for ahoy 17 years oldi tolonrna trade , Call nt 1611 Cassst. IU2-23 *

WANTlIl ) Work , by n steady , eobtr man ;, or anytblnir honrat to earn a-

living. . Itotcrenuos. AdJnis , Work , lloo otllce.ran

Vt'ANTKI ) Worlcon a gontleman'8 place by1 an oxporluucod pnrJnor , oouchmun , milker ,

In fact could do anything about the promises.-llogtiofcronccs.

.. 1101 South luth Bt. '


S.VLK-Freah mills cows at U. P. IlrldgoStock Yards ; all eoud nnd youiiir ; for dairy

or faintly. Cull early. 7WJ-27 *

WAMTKU-For cash , S6flft. front lots with-ponolllro , from tl.lWO to

$2,000 oplcoo. Apply at COI I'loasunt St. TiU-20 >

WANTIJU A aood team. Jn uxohaiiifo forin Chicago. Aildroja Ifox 5J ,

Overtoil , Neb. 701-M *

ANTKll To buy for customer , IIOUPO and> > lot for about $3,000 , all cash ilowu. In nlcolocality north of Fiirnnm and cast of XJrd pro-


. Address before next Monday t tatltm-nrloo nnd location. ItntU & Sclby , IH S , l&th.


TKI > Two Rood baud moil , a solo n Hat> ' cornet and II Hat clarionet players , can llnd-

penminent omploymunt , ollluir butcher or-maer. . Aildross W , A. Fithcr , Sco'y-i Mcd Oak ,Iowa._


Omaha Dulry Association ,IT sn N. 10th strum , forty fiirmoin hocanfurnisher W ) Ibs of choice tulilo butter per

nook ; will pay liluhnet market price. Contractscan bo niiulo by Mritliiff or gcoln C. U. Ilutchln-ton , .Mniuiyor. yi>'_' 7-

IWANTIID Two unfurnished rooms with' board , for (rnntlonmn , wlto and 2 clilldron ,Addrosc Hock IMand ticket olllco , 13)5 1'urn am-street. . tap

_"ITTANTIHI To buy R second-hand typo-

I T writvr. J. 1)) . 1 1 ay lies & Co. , Ouiubo._M.-iaplg

7ANTr.Uror § pot cash , doslnibln roslT-donro worth from { 3,000 to fd.OOO. Address

P. O- box 41L W

7ANTlUTeamg. 1093.) llth st.'To trade , lot In I'lalnvlew udd for

1 1 u pair of younv her 08 , that arc good luuglodriver * , or ono uood hour] harness and buygy.llico ; Mooi o. K t Furuam. flV6-

0S_>TTii: ) lloiso Wo have a largo number

applications furcood cottn c' , from Kd-toflOj'cr n.or.tti. If you want first-class ton-unlf

-, c-.ill on J , B. Evum & Co. , UU Dotlo it.




HKNT-Uy J. B. r.fftnS & Co1513DodgoJL1 street.

For Kent Now brick flat. Farnam st , all mod-ern


Improvement * , ? M.For Kent Now Hat , ICth 6t , lul mocorn 1m-


, fV ).nir Itont Kino house , beautiful location , nil

now.Oroom , JjftFor Kent-Hut of 3 rooms to family without

children , Cass andinih , 15.For Kcnt-Cottnen of 6 rooms , S 15th et , 8

blocks from cars , $ l * .

For Kent Cottage of 0 rooms , 1 block fromsliretrnrcrydcslralilo , $M.

For Ilcnt-Cotlaeo o J S rooms , ZCth nnd Dodpo-

Tor llcnt-Larpo brick store on Ciimlnff street ,

Tor Itont-2 first class houses on 2jth st, 8rooms nnd all modern Improvements. ff .

For Itont Cottage ot 8 rooms S blocks Iromstreet car , $2" .

Tor Itont Lot with trackiuro-.If

.you have hou o< to rent or want hou cs ,

call on J. U. Cvmn & Co. . 1BKI Podno. 783-'fl

Hit IINT ScottRfrosonirom ,

pnntry , closets , collar , cistern , outbiillilI-tiRS


, SIS per month , llljslnsi Park , 1512 imuffl-as.


. n3

HI'.NT Ton rMponslldo pnrty withoutF-"OHchildren , n larso , convoulont and handsome-

ly furnlMinl houfo with nil modern Imorove-monts

-, 110 323th St. , 1th door from *

IlKNT Hanson roomx. cor. 4th andFoil Et. Inquire Auj. llnndow , Ml.JChl-



KENT House wllhfl larffo roomspan-J2


try, closots.lnnl ami pott water, collar andyard ; all In good older , nt 1107 Davenport street.

HKNT Ono Hat , between 16th nnd 17thFOR . Howard. Inquire Omaha Heal Kstato-nnd Ixrnn Co. "

KiST-Hou: o8rooms , $3&por month ;Inquire 2510 Cnpltol nvo. 4IVK-

UTTIOH KENT To n rc'piinslMo ithont-J3 children , n Iai-po nicely furulshoa housenear the center nnd on paved stieou Hood rot-orunccs


required. luqulro ut 1UM Karnnm St.

oil HKNT 3 stores. H12 S. IBili t Q. II-


. 7f 4-


) in t KNT jiounas for rent In (food locnll-ties.

-? - . Ludwlck & Sony , S E cor lEth nnd-


Foil HUNT Two cottnco1' . B rooms , now.Ogdun , 13th and Douglas , near Su-


Foil HKNT A ton room house with furni ¬

, at 1318 Cnpltol Avo. 7113.-

VTTOll KKNT 80-Hcro Improved farm , nil umlor-J3 cultivation , with house and barn , six ( )

miles li-oin postolllco. H. Mannwo lor , TOD S-


, Onmlitt. 6'JJMl-

TTIOH Itr.NT House nnd olprht ncros of land-13 on Military lload. half mile northwot of-reservoir. . Inquire of Win. Mulhall , U115 Nicho-las


St. 078-S3 *

OH RHNT s brick stores on South loth St.-


. Howard nnd Jackson. Paulson A: Co. ,

1513 1'ariuim St._HKNT-NIco 0-rooin cott4UJo. 8. T"

Peterson , 8. K. cor. 15th nnd Douulns. 581

JlKNTA lint. Inqntro N. K. cor. 10thFOH Capitol avenue. _6" !

HENT llrlckyard. T.Murray. *FOH 53-

1TJIOll HUNT Itoslrnblo rosldcnco , 0 rooms ,JD B'ilnn'8 2d mid ; house of U rooms. South 5th ,

also 2 barns with lofts. J. Pblpps Hoe , lo557.-


! .

UKNT-Store room on 10th. C. 1-3.J

.? Mayno , S. W. cor. 15th and Famum. 4MO

HALE At a bargain , flno H-oom houseFoil modern conveniences ; full lot ; on-Harnoy St. , near 2Jth ; f53W. Potter & Cobb ,

1515 rarnam st. ° J

Foil HUNT-Qardcn lann. 303 B. llth St."j

Farm of 103 acres , twelve mllesfrom Omaha. Apply nt the Omaha Mnan-


Exchange , SW corner of 15th mid Fiirnam.




Il HUNT Olllco 1st llonr , , No. 111-15Harnoy St. Gratton &Drummoml. 7liO-2fl

UKNT a furnished rooms for house-keeping


, price moderate. 715 N. Ifth St-.7t

.! il1 *

UKNT Nicely furnl h l room. InquireFOK Omaha CarpDt Co. , 1511 Douglas St. 7C5

UKNT To man nnd wlfo , withoutFOR , 4 convenient chambers sultanlofor housekeeping , B blocks from P. O. , iilO N-

17th street 71-

8TTIOlinKNT Unfurnished looms at 1417 How-Jt

-! ard. 772-2J

oil UKNT A largo nicely furnished frontroom sulrahlo for two , Olj: S. 10th St. 747-25 *

UKNT Three nlco unfurnished roomsFoil light housekeeping. Inquire 2012'Hur-noy.

-. 71S-27*

oil UKNTRooms. . Hoarding liy dav orweek , 7CO N. Ibth St. _751-27 *

I7IOII HKNT-One nicely furnished room , S-WF

JL ; cor 17th end Capitol Avctmo. 312-25 *

Foil UKNT Two nicely furnished rooms ,

board , with all modern conveniences.2225 Oodgo. TOO

JlKNT A furnished room with boardFoil for two gcutlomon at 701 S. IHtli at.-



IlKNT Simfiirnlsticd rooms for lighthousekeeping. 4 blocks from poatolllco. I n-


Gate City Hestauinnt , cor. Capitol nvo.and ICtn st ; rent $12 per month. 722-25 *

10H HKNT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cass st,flgsap' ) *

T7 OH HINT Suit of furnlshod moms andJJ piano. 1121 N. 17th St. Ci3-a7! *

KENT Elejfant and doslrnhlo rooms ,furnished or unfurnMiod. 1U7( Doiiflus-



. Itoforcnces required of uppllcauts. CC-

SF OH HUNT 1 rooms en suite , In a de-sirable


located bride , with all conveniences ,very cheap. Furnished matfulUcontly for HBli-thoubulcoepln ? , which must soil to K'VO' posses ¬

sion. Address 1) 1. lloo olllco. ffJMT *

1T1OH HINT: Furnished rooms. InguiroN.L1 W. cor. 18th and Farnam sts. (W25-

POIC HUNT Nicely fiirnlshcJ looms In nlcofor to , $7 and ? 8 per month at 400

Walnut Stbtulnu.o3wullc southeast of U. P-.depot.

.. K-

OF HUNT FurnHhol room ; iniulro atdrii ); fitoro cor 10thand DoiiKlm. Ki-

lFOH K12NT Nicely furnished room with. 711 N. 1Jtlist. mi.1!

Foil UKNT (joott room and jood board.rarnam. 3i.iprJT-

71OH HINT With board , 0110 lar o nlooly-L- furnlehud front room , KOS and bath room at-

HO ) Jones St. 70-

HKNT I.nnfo room with or withoutboard. 1701 Capitol nvo ,

FOH HUNT FurnUhod roonu. slnslo and on, with or without board , Audreys O 51 ,

Ijco Oaice. 2-

4FOU HENT Furnished rooms.241

Foil HKNT Store room In Wltlmoll blonk ,

, Harnoy nnd Fnrnam on 15th. InquireHoom 17 , Wlthnoll Illook. 777

FOH HKNT-Nlooly furnlsliod rooms , with, K0.3 and bath ; also first-class table

boaiil ; bostof roforonoos jjlvea uuJ requlroX1-M1 Uodfo Bt. ,6333-




8AI.B By IllgRlns & Pnrk-J2

-House nud lot on Farnum tit. , 2 blocks from

Opera houso. A flno bargain at 1101. Housefi-rooms , cloeots , etc. , cellar , city water , 3 blocksfrom High school , 3HW., 771-27"171OU BALK Must bo sold nt once Two BO < K !-U frame stores nud four frame houses locatedon N W cor llth and Lonvciiworth su. IllJs lor-purohiuu nnd speedy romovul uf the nbovu In-rholo or Eopnrato lots received until Tuesday

noit by A. JlcOuvock Uodick Ulock , Omaha.| 771-2'J_

TTIOHSALE-Unsffrout lot 75x14. and Hue 8-


- room houeo with all Impio ; inontg , tirulttrees and drapes , ono block iron , St. Mary'suvo.-on

.Convent street. 1 1,0)) } down , balance insy

iniyincntfl. A rare bargain , 0590. Lovt'rcn &WlWq. _;


7r *" ' SALK A few of the boU lots InJ Dupoul Place , nnd to oof the best lots InDwli'ht & Lymuu ftJd ; terms to miu H. O ,Clara , 1312 Uouirlasetrcot. 723 S-

uFOH L'ALK-A full lot with nn eight-roomand food barn on 2Uth St. , 150 feet

Irom Fainuiu. Price t2lOO. Potter & Cobb ,1315 Faruam. 7523-

1TTlOHSALi : If you wunttobuyo liouso nndJlot on monthly payments , call on Ludwlck& Sony , fc'lS cor , ICth and Douglas gts. 7U1K-

IIFOH HUNT lu Howe's odd , near Eaundors, 0-ioom housoIn perfect onler.nlthburn lor six hoinoj , fchods , etc. , und )i uoro of-

Kround. . H. O , Ulurk , 1312 Douglas Btroet. 722 j-

POK SALi : Fouracres finest suburban propin Omalm , nuar Loavonworth St. , well

Improved. Owner U irolng' to California tor hishealth nud will eel] Ht a bar ala. Cochran Uros. ,real enatc , 1503 Fiunam. 7012-

7FOH SALE-Corncr lot in Durr Oak add., II.ICO.. KIco & Mooie1222Furnam.

. . t . , . -

1T Oll sVr.54t7so! 5-iooms , cljtom , smrllfnilt , shale trees , on Poppleton avenue ,

.cash monthly payments will buy you n

homo on Lake St. , on Street enr line.-Wo

.hnvo soMittrfrr desirable houses and lots

with nasy p j5>icup > tlmt His Impossible formto lift them , but nny ono wishing to buy lots or-n homo will do well to call on us. Hlcglns APark , 1512 Do-ugly SU


7FOH SAI.iitji'A.! . P. Tukey.acres northwest of city. fSfSIO

Slots , PolhamPJaco. each. ay)

CottaKO and cfcrwflot'itli and Chicago. . . 'ju-

Cottaso and lot , luth nenrCcntor ft. 2 , tf)7 room house nnd lot , oornor 15th nnd Mar-

tha¬.. SWO

7 room house and lot , IJtli St. , near Mar-tha

¬. .. 0,000Slots , Hark Place , osch. C.V )1 lot , Clark Place ,. tm0 room lieu o' { lot SUtst. 8W3-lx t on Cuinlnp street , near 27lh . . . ,. 2,0037 room house und full lot , Chicago near

2.lh. ..A , P. Tukev , 1331 Fnrnam FtreeL-

T71OR fl.VLK Houses nnd lot on easy pnyJ-L1

-inotits" . Ludwlok & Sony , SK oor. 15th and

Douglas streets. 73931-

T71OU SALi-At n bargain,3 full lots good 4JL' room house , pantry and closet , stable , shodnnd uhlckcn cobp. In Isnuo ft Spldrn's idd.Geo.Vobor , cor. Central nnd Church. 033-27 *

FOH SALK A first clnss now 10 room hotisaall modern Improvements and n

(rood bnrn , chicken house , vc. , all In fine order ,with three lots , smith front , commanding n lineview , Walnut Hill nddltlon. Tor mi easy. In-quire


of ti I * Rrlckson , of Kdliolm & Krlckou ,opp. P. O. OI5npr21

A splendid Investment , cornerCOxCB , Improved pays over 10 per cent. Knsy

tonne , tl2JUO.' W. ll. Oroon,2153 , 13th St. C1-

8"I71OH SALK First-class residence protiortyJL; on St. Mary's nvo. : larfro lot , good housennd other ) mprovomcnts ; prlco rcnsonnblo ;let ins easy. Coehruii Uros. , 15ua Farnam. 70-

5FOH SALK 4 beautiful lots on Saundcrs st. ,nddltlon , tfMW. $075 onoh. The

bunch together must bo sold this wook. Itlco &Moore , 1222 Fill num. 73223-

fT OU SALK Improved tnrms , by HiunllnJcJU llrowu , 311 S. llth street , Omaha , Nob-.Cns

.County , Nebraska :

Ki5 9Uli. 271012. ) ncrcs , nbout three milesfrom Avocar; ' ) ncros under cultivation.-Oton

.County , Ncbriuska :

NTTH , 31,0 , in , 100 ueros , linpi-ovomcnts ; 12-0ncn4 under cultivation nud now corn cilb.-


, 13. inoncro't , : 15-5ncrus under cultivation , with u double corncrlb ,new-


< j , 31,0,13,100 acres ; CO acres under culti ¬



, R. 13.15Sncro3tmprovomontsll3: norsunder cultlvntlon , nnd n now hedge fence nilmound the farm.-


, 5,9,12,100 ncros ; 100 acres under culti ¬


.. 4 , 8,12 , lWnorci:120( under cultivation ,

with n gocd dwelling , stableontliousca and corncrlbp.

Allot the above lands "within 1 miles of Dun-bar.


N M no U. 1B-S-11 , BO ncros ; e H B W U , 1911 ,80 ncros ; so U 10-8-11 , 100 ncroi 3iO ncros 0110and it half mlku southwest Syracuse , known asthe Chorn fnrm , ! !00 ncros umlor cultlvntlon ,ha * two jfood dwellings , barns , cribs , etc.

All the above lauds will bo sold on favorableterm" .

i To o 50 ncros for twenty years ; one-quarter of a mlle west ot Hunscom Park , nlso-alloins the poor I arm on the south.-


prices and further Information call on or-nddicss Hnmlln & Ill-own , real estate doilois ,311 South lUhBt. , )muha , Neb. 0i3-2!

- In Ha.vthorno.Lots In Pntminitor Placo." rlalnVlow.

" Cherry Garden." Klrkuootl." Fhliiu1s2iidadd." Hnnscom Placo." Hosier's add , ( Walnut Hills. )" IturrQak." .liio. h Hcillck's add." Wet Side." Ipunci-itSoldon'fl ndd-


South Omaha.Also homes. audlot, !> for sale , and splendid Jn-

side lots for residences nnd business purposes.Farm hinds In Nebraska , lown nnd Illinois.-CInrk


& HatfchOD ,' lufonts , 107 3 14th st, COO

FOR SA.LK.-Uy K. F. Illiiffor , 119 N. 15th St.1 robm house , Georgia avo. , cheap

f300. . . .

Good Groom htU = o , Georgia nvo. , $2,500.-CO

.foot corner , 2 largo houses , Hurt St. , $3,000-


hou ui North istli , near businosa ,

Sin nil lot , good houso. ISth St. , will oxcbaugofor aero property, $ IOJO.-


room liouso , full lot , Hurt Bt. , $ .' 5X1.2 lotft with ii good house * , N. 18th , 10000.142 foot Kast trout , California St. , S5.50-0.Doslrnhlo

.rcsldoncoonposlto PopplotonSI530.

Good 5room house , Improvoiuont Asa. , $2,5005 room house , N. llttb st.S'J,100-.Flno

.residence , Clark and lutli , f3,60(1-

.132x170( .

house , 0 rooms , Harnoy fct. , 8,203.-CiHllKJ

.house. 0 rooms , Harnoy Ft. , f4,001.-


) brick house , Hamilton st , 5000. Willexchange for farm.

Good 0 room houno , 31. Itodick'fl add. , $3,500-House 7 roomn. 2 lota , Shlnn's 2nd udd. , $2,203.-It

.houses , I.alto s add. , $1.830-


liouf e , Nelson's add. . $2,500-.1'lno

.rosldonco , C. V. Smith's add. . 0000.

Now house , 00x140 lot. 12. V.Snilth's udd. , $4,000-.44x140,3

.houses , K. V. Smith's add , S-.OOJ each

(CJY122. good houso. Hood's 1st add , $8,00-3.lloautltul

.residence , Chicago Ft. , 5000.

2 good houses. 2 lots , cor. vac int , east front.-Heed's

.1st ndd , $3.0UO-


, good hottbO , Shull's 1st ndd , $3,003-.OJvIKi


, small liousu and barn. SliuU'giidd.73,500-2J lots , Marsh ndd. ? l.n JO to $1,9M each-.Ixits

.In Snhm's add. $700 to 1000.

4 lots in Isaac & Soldou's add , $5VX ) .251 lots In Omalm View , S2V ) to ?500.Parties wanting to build can got n lo with

small payment down.I'aik Forest lots , $ .!00 to $250 each.0 ncros near Stock Yards , 85,000-.A

.few choice residence lota In the center of

city.IhnvoFovoral farms to trade for city prop ¬

erty. B. F. ItiiiKor. U)

T7IOH SALK Corner lot on 11th street nearH proposed viaduct. Very cheap.

For Sale Flno residence property on upper-Ilnrnoy


street at low llgure.Foe Sale South Omaha lots , the most beauti-

ful and cheapest , on ousy terms. First classplnco for homo or Investment Comu nud In-vestigate. . Cochran llros. , Heal I'.slato , 150-3Fnriiam. . 70S28-

TTIOH SALi-,100: fcot.S. front on Hamilton 81 ,JU l rospcct Place , 1000.

Corner lo.ton Seward St. , In Prospect Place$750-


on Charles St. near 20th , 059.Lot on Hamilton near 20th , 750.Lot on Virginia nvo. , near Leavcnwoith St. ,


.12.xl50 , S. 13th St. $11,00-


on Farnam St. oornor OiJxlSJ , $JO01.)

Lot on Faruam bt , corner HSvl'tJ , $J3OJJ.House and lot on Hamilton Ht , near Poor

Claiio Convent , $1,001 ; easy terms.Lot In Nelson'Badil , $ l7i0.)

Lot In I.owo8 add , f.WU ; easy terms.132 feet on Fariinm St , neat27th , 123 per foot.Corner lot In Lowe's ndd , 3W.2 largo houses and full lot on 19th near Web-


St , fifilj.! )

House anil i lot on Iznrd near 23th Bt , $2.533.-Goo.

.. lllomls. . 15th and Douglas tit , 59-

4A Ilia nAHOAIN-l500' will buy 10 rtrst-class lots , enoh 50x135 , south fiont , east of-

Foi t , one block west of Saundora St. AddressH Fockonscher , City , 20 ''apr-

SPOH SALK Store building nnd lot on Far-, big bargain , pays 10 per cent , $25,000 ,

W. H. Green , 215 S. 13th St. CM

neil SALKj-lijts to the west ot town , nearFaniam el, nud Lowe avo. , in Potter's ndd.

safe nnd profitable investment nt fW ) nnd $0)) }

oaoli. 1'ottor & Cobb 1515 Farnam Ht. BM

FOKHALKtTiy ) lota In Plalnvlow , S150 ouch._ 1515 Fatnam st, 1 M

Foil HALK Throe thin lots in Shlnn's 3d add.faOO oach. Potter ic Cobb , 1515 Farnam.


71lOH H.VLK-f-UMti in Lowo'a 1st tiddltlou ,JL' bouth fronts t y terms , ouly fcWO. PotterA : Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. 85-

1T71OK SALE >j ucro lot , a good B-room house ,JL ngroccrystorUrWlth stables , out-lionsoa nnd-olty water , 2id nfnr Loaronvrortli , rent S'B.O )

or mo. , prlco $1 1) . This U n HrH rate Invest ¬

ment. Omalm Itoal Rstato & Loan Co. , KoomaS und 23 , W't'ihoofc' ' 74-

0TTlOl SALIJ sfeTmUnller Mills.Wo have n nowJL Moain roller iilill In ono of the best localities In the etuto , nmplotu nnd ready to run , forsale very low. W. H. Oroon , 215 8. 13th St , Clt )

FOHSAI.K Ilost5-acro trncu In the market ,per aero. ItiQulru about thorn ,

Potter J: Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam. 83-

3POHSALK-Acro lots , Glso's add..only 81,09)Potter & Cobb , 1515 Furnum. 837-

"I7IOH SALK Farms , Imprreod nnd uiihn-L'

-- proved In uvory county in the state nt verylow figures. W. H. Giuou , 215S. 13th St. 01-UT7IOH HALE several doslrublo busluosa lotjJL oulOlli St.auU builno.i und roildenco loUlu all parts of the city. Also warehouse- , hoteland fnrm property. Houses to rent Propertyshown free of charge nnd a largo list to selectIrom at prices ranging from $23) to f IO.OJJ. Par-tics desiring to Invest should look over our list ,

and prices hoforo buylny. Correspondence solicited and information about tliu city freelygiven. Omaha Heal lUtato & Loan Co. , Room zx-Vlthuell Ulock , Omaha. 727

lJAHiAIN-Sl3c acres , W ralToInorthwest from poitotllcv , with good house ,

bai-u , well , otu. Thi plaoo in worth $5CU perucio without impiovoinunts. Wo olfcr thewhole for a few days ut the very low price of-li'iX ) , $900 cash , balance In two year* . Stock-dalu

-& lluuchur , 1511 Dodge St 1"J

TnnitSVLK 5 rcri> vrllh !iow o nnd Imrn ! IMJJ ncrcs nf urano vluo * . *i or of rnspborrlos ,uloo bay mnro. htirnos * and winn , nil new ; onomlle we t of Fort Omnh.i ; nil tor 1OJ. Inquireon the premises , Samuel u. ,lone . D7KU *

FOH SAI.t : Some of the finest rp ldrnco nndpoctlvo bitslnoM property on 1'nninm

street nt reasonable llguros , lmi rorc I nnd un-Improved.

-. W. II. Green. 2i : 8. 13th SU 02-

1Oll SALU Ciionp , ono of the best Improve 1

nnd finest locntoa fnrms In DouzlK county ,Ncb.5mllos wc t of Omnhn court house , eon-tnlulng


IfiO nore , with house , , well * , or-clmnl


and pasture , etc. ; ono-hnlf cash , InMnco-to suit ptirohtt or. For further particular :) n !dro s Quo. LIudo , oaro Omahii lloo , Omalm. No-tirn


ka. &U

FOHSAI.U lllgllarvnln (Xirnor In Isaac %

addition , only 2 blocUs from Lo. , --cnworth jt. , IS-'xl'JI , only $1,5H Potter & Cobb ,1515 Farnnrn st. Nil_

TTIOH SAI.K-Hibsonlmi forsalolots In IImi3-JU

-com Place , $SM to $1 ,* .

Gibson has for sale houses and lots In Hans-coin Place.-


ib.'on has for snlo houses and loU In all partsf the city.Gibson has Improved farms and Ian Js In R"

parts of Nebraska for sain or oxchmiKo.Gibson has thousands ot acre nf land In

Western Nobrnskn for sale from Ji to Jt perncre.

Gibson would like to eco you 1C you wnnt tobuy or s ll-


the plnco In list your property. Cnlt-nnd see him nt Itoom 3 , Wlthuoll Illook , cor. 15th-nnd Hnrnovsts. 690

_Foil SALE Four lot j , cor. California ntnl

sts. , 3 blocks from proposed pnvlnir on-Cumlng 9U, $av) and $950 ouch. Potter & Cobb ,1515 Farnam st. 84n

FnilSALK Two lots in Polhnm Piiiop. onoitrootcar track Inquire SIS P-





Is the cheapestAero property.-Lov

.price ,

Kusy torinR-.Cunningham

.& llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodge,

TTlOItSALK-A lot 00x140. and dwelling S0x23 ,JL1 near future Urowncll Hall , cheap ; half cash ,balnnco small monthly payments. V, L. Vo-dlckit,520

-B. 13th St. Oil_

OHH ALE Cheap lots In IJurr Oak , lust eastof IlHiisoom Park , near street cars , $73" ), onsy

terms. Potter & Cobb. 1513 Fnrantn st. Eel

Foil 0.SALK Cheapest lot In llanjcom Place ,

For Snlo- Full lot on Fnrnnin street , $ 200J.For Sale Full lot with house , Hickory Place ,,For Sale Elegant corner In Marsh's add. ,

2WO.For Salo-Lot 76x102 foot on S. IFIh , with good

house nnd bain In good lopnlr , plenty of trult ,nnd only $ I,9X ) . '

For Sale Full lot , only ono block from Loav-onworth.


. south front , S-mThose nro nil decided bnrgnlns , nnd wo have

ono hundred more. Cochran Ihos. , 1503 I'anmtn-street. . 700-27


House nnd bnrn ,Haundcrs street ,

f4r o-


& llrcnnnn , 1511 Dodgo.77825-


_A tow of the host ots In Wlloox's

ndi nt $0X1 onoh. Potter i: Cobb , 1515 Fnr-niini



SALK 7-room oottago , 1 blocK fromL! St , Mary's nvo. oar Hun , lot 75xHO , only1150. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. UO-

OF OHSALK-TlnoolotS In Shlnn's 2d nddltlon ,on eastern slope , onlv 3 blocks from street-

cars , cheap only 5750. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far ¬

nam st. B32

SALK Flno corner , Qoorgla nvcnno ,1 south end east trout , 1500. Graham &

Hcnnwn , CroK'hton Ulock. 53'1

SALK A now 7-room house and lot onSaunders st , n bargain. 4 ncro lots in-

Hlmobaugh's add. very cheap. Houses and lotsIn all parts ot the city. Improved nnd uiilm-provodland


for snlo or trado. It. H , Hall , 1J2 N-.15th

.st. 844mli24

Lots Just soutn of tlio parkin-CInrk Place $ r 5'J each , on cosy terms. Pot-


& Cobb , 1515 Fnrnura. 830

FOH SALU Fivo-anro place : eight and aaero plcco with buildings , etc. ; and

Blr-acro piece with buildings , etc. ; also fulldairy outllt,23 cows , oto. John F. Hooh , Omaha



and JaH Work.1020 L'arnam Street , Omaha , Nob.

Red Star LineCarrying the Belgium lloyul nnd United States

Mall , sailing every Saturday

Dehvean Antwerp S New YorkTO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL-




Salon from $00 to S100. Excursion trip from$110 to 180. Second Cabin J50 , and ExcursionS'.K' ) . Steorngo imsstign at low rales. 1'otorWright Sons , Cianoral Agents , 55 llroadvvuy ,

OW York.Omaha , Nebraska , Frank E. Macros , W. , St , L.

& 1' . tlckut age-



- AMERICAN-Corsvpany. .


England , France & Germany.T-


steamships of this well known line mobuilt of lion , in walcr-tl ht compartments , nud-uiu furnished wltli uvory requisite to mnko thepasgajro both fiUo and agrconlilo. They currythe United Statcn and Kurnpoun mull ? , anil jcnvoNow York Thursdays and Saturdays for 1'lv-.ranulli

., ( IONDON)1CUorbout'l'AUIs) ( and HAM-


) .Iti'turnlni ; , the steamers lonvo Hamburg on

Wednesdays and Sundays , via. Havre , takingpassontiorE ot Southampton and London.-


cabin fV ) , * 0) nnd ?7.ri ; Stooniffo $21-.Itallioad


tickets Irom I'lyinoutli to llristol , Cnr-dllf.

-. London , or to any place In the South of

England , KHKK. SlouraL'O from Europe onlyfij. Bond lor "Tourist tliizetti1. "

C. II. HIOIIAHD&CO. ,General I'assoiujor AROiits ,

01 nrondway , New York ; Washington and Lahallo ffi. , Chicago. III-






mm THYSELF- .. _-_ . .

Exhausted Vitality , Nnrroni nnil PhyMoil r ehliy| |Premature Decline In Mnn , I"rr0r of Voulb.nnd thiuntold miseries rajultlnitfrom Indiscretion and nr.cense*. A book for every , younir , mMdlo-auO't '

nndnld. Itconuinsli. ) proscriptions fur all acute andchronloulseasos.cAchono of which Is Invaluable Hofound by theuiithorwlioia oiporlencofur II lO'fTiiifuchasiirohitblr never before fell to the lot of anr-xlirslclani IU) pitfos. tMTund In beauttful Kronrh musIln.ciiiboaneil cover *, full idI! , truarantood to hon nriurwork In ovorr ton-ii-mt'chanluil , literary nnl iirofm-.ilonal

.than any other work In this country for 11.5))

ortho raonejr will be refund In erory Initanca. Prloapnlr H by mall , postpaid. Illuitratnd nainola , Illj.Fenanow. Onld modal awarded Ilia author brttia Ni-Ilonal-

Medical Association. t the Hon. A. I * Illiiellandajsoclate offloars of tha bosrd tlio roucterlsrifportfully referred.ThoSclancoof l.lfal > lorth raoro totna youn anlrnldillo-aeo'l' men of tma uoneratloa than nil thuKoll-rolnos of California and thu silver inliiej of Nevadal.lnrn , U li'KrntllGln. .

l o on nervous and physical debility , Uutrolt Vro )

AddrCBStha Paibody Me Heal Institute , or fr W. ILIarkurNo.4 Itulldnch utruot , UonUin , .Mast. ,wlio marbecuasulledou all dlsuates ruqulrliu < '< llt auduxperlo-nuu.

-. Cbroalcaiitt obilnule ttUcaaus Uiat h tvu baf

Hod the tklll uf all ntherptiytlclans a epoclully. yuotitreated nicccsjfully wltliout aa Inilauca of fullnrjMention Oaialia Uat.

VAI.ENTINE-'3Shorthand Institute


The largest , bast and chourieU short-hand and,typo-wrltliitr gthoy ) In the wosf ,

Lcnrn this valuable nrt and suouro n lucrativeposition. Ehort-hnnd taught by mail to thosewho cannot attend the Institute.-


keep on hand a full supply of Pitman'sshort-hand text book * , also typo-writer supplies

For particulars send for circulars to-

Valentine's' Short-Hand , InstituteJ118 and 1120 0 street Lincoln , Neb]



Also Business Lots

On the Inrgo map oC Oinnlm and observe that the two mid one-half inilo

belt from the Omaha poatofllce runs south o Section 33 and through thenorth cud of South Omnhu.

TAKE A STRINGAnd pencil , then get ono of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha and SouthOmaha combined ,

PUT YOUR FINGEROn the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's business center , and your pencil

on the string at where Bollcvue street enters South Omaha from the north ,

THEN DR W-A circle and note whore

SOUTH OMAHAIs , and also that many "Additions ," "Places" and "Hills" are far

OUTSIDEThis mystic circle.

THEN STOPAnd think a moment what will malco outside property increase in value.

THE GROWTH OF OMAHAIs ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than nt SOUTH

OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up

and malco valuable the property :

First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow thetransportation lines.

Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the bestmanufacturing point of any in or near the city. '



Dressed Beef Businessand Pork Packing Industry

Will make ft town of themselves.

TWO NEW PACKING HOUSESGoing up this yea-



Gigantic Beef Canning EstablishmentTo be jjut into operation by tlmb prince o meat producers , §QUqrvi § f-

jChicago. .

Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omnlia bft-

fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations uro boinjf takenMake your selections now.

Lots that sold for § 300 in 1831 cannot now bo bought for 8J000.,

Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares lint wonu thilcity and South Omah-



STREET CAR LINEWill run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lotn will double invalue , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by

Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted

ANY REAL ESTATE AGENTHas authority to sell lots. For further information , mapj , piiotlLsia , and

descriptive circulars , address

M. A , UPTON , Manager.