Download - The Official Division 28 Newsletter / October 2012

Page 1: The Official Division 28 Newsletter / October 2012

Dear Division 28,

First I want to say what awesome Key Clubbers you all are. Always ready to serve, always ready

to respond. You make it completely worth it to be a lieutenant governor.

That being said, let's talk about the Joint PCM that never was. I apologize for cancelling at the

last minute. We're all busy with school and sports and our home clubs, and usually I try to plan

my events so that your schedules conflict as little as possible. The fact that I had to cancel

because no one could make it just shows that no matter what I do or organize, it's all

meaningless unless you guys come out and participate! It's the individuals that make Key Club

such a great help to our community.

On a brighter note, you guys have all been busy this month! I keep hearing about your service

projects and meetings. I'm so glad that normal high school students can care enough to help

out the people in their community. You're all inspirations.

Stay amazing!

Nancy Huang

Letter from Your LTG

Causes to Love

New Early Bird Deadline


November PCM: Mats for


Wanted: 2012-2013


District Contacts

Page 2: The Official Division 28 Newsletter / October 2012

No idea what to do for a project? Here are some great causes your club can adopt alongside

other clubs across the division and the district. Talk to me if you have any questions about

doing any of these projects! I'm happy to answer anything.

The Didi Project

Every year, autistic kids in Houston go to The Westview School,

where these children can learn and actually make friends with their

classmates. Parents sacrifice a LOT for their autistic children, which

is why I want to create a scholarship so that they have one less

financial burden to worry about.

To fundraise for the Didi Project, your club can hold a bake sale, a walkathon, or just ask

around for donations! You can award the clubber who raises the most money with a Skype

session with Didi, the kid who started it all.

The B.R.O. Project

Participate in the Brothers Reaching Out project! Direct

service and fundraising will drastically help the Children's

Miracle Network (CMN), a network of hospitals that makes

sure that children get the best healthcare they possibly can.

Project Eliminate

Surely by now you have heard of the Eliminate Project! The Texas-

Oklahoma District Project has now become a two-year district

initiative! To meet Kiwanis' deadline of raising $110m by 2015, us Key

Clubbers have to step it up to raise enough funds to wipe maternal

and neonatal tetanus from the face of the earth.

Here's Didi! Teaching my brother

how to take webcam photos is

harder than you'd think.

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Are you handy with Publisher and Word? Do you always meet your deadlines? Do you

want to be a part Texas-Oklahoma's public relations?

Now you can take your skills and talents to the Key Club District Board! We're looking

for someone to serve as the 2012-2013 District Editor. The Editor will be responsible for

collaborating with the public relations committees, keeping the district updated, and for

publishing the beautiful Tex-O-Key.

Prepare and distribute communiqués (aka notifications and updates) for district

board members and for clubs. Cover important

topics in a timely manner.

Attend required events and meetings

Present a bulletin editor’s report at all official

board meetings.

Strive to make all communications timely, well

written, free of mistakes and follow the Key

Club graphics standards.

Applications are due

An editor will be selected by Monday, November 12th! Wiggle room for

late applications is slim to none.

Send your applications to ([email protected])

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As of Saturday afternoon, this was my screenshot on the t-O website of the clubs

who have successfully inputted their club officer contact information. Thank you so

much to:

Here is a happy owl for your troubles.

Now, that's less than 50% of the division that I am on speaking terms with. Barbers

Hill, Bay City, Robert E. Lee, La Marque, Pasadena, and Texas City, let's take our

relationship to the next level! Or I'm going to be showing up at your doorsteps


To submit your club officer contact information, log onto the district website with

your information (which you can get again from Walt Roetter at [email protected]

if you've misplaced it), go to the "Members Only" tab, click on "Update Club

Officers", and put in all your officers' contact information!

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Due to backlog in trying to get the new membership center up

(we all love technology), the Early Bird deadline for club dues

has now been pushed back to

Notice that this is the original day for the normal, just-on-time

membership deadline. Secretaries and treasurers, it's up to you to make

sure your club gets on the International roll for the 2012-2013 year.

1. Go to to access the Membership Update Center.

2. Click "Register/Reset Password."

3. You'll be prompted to enter an email address. If the faculty advisor who paid dues last year is still your

faculty advisor, enter his email address. He should receive a confirmation email that provides him with a

unique hyperlink which will allow him to set his own password to access the Membership Update Center.

4. If you have a new faculty advisor or your faculty advisor's email has been rejected, you need to

email [email protected] with a request to update your club's faculty advisor contact

information before you can set yourself a password. Once your information is updated, then you should

be able to go through the process detailed in Step 3.

- The ID numbers and passwords from last year are no longer being used to access the MUC. Instead, all

clubs, new and old, must complete the process of setting a new personal password. Clubs will be able to

use this password to access the Membership Update Center every year from here on out.

-Login privileges will also be provided to club secretaries whose email is on file with Kiwanis International.

Once you long into the MUC, add a club secretary (and a corresponding email) to your list of club

officers, and your club secretary should be able to long into the MUC using his/her email address and

update records on behalf of your club using the club password.

- If officer information is updated immediately following elections, when a club still has regular contact

with its outgoing officers, next year's secretaries don't encounter the same problems as this year's.

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1) Towards making a difference in the lives of mothers halfway around the world!!

2) On your activity sheet as a service project

3) As attending a divisional PCM on your main page

4) (If at least 5 people come): As attending an interclub social


Reuse plastic bags to make birthing mats for Ugandan mothers to help eliminate maternal

and neonatal tetanus.



Please let all your members and K-family members know so they can come too!

More members = more fun = more enthusiasm for key Club = more service for our community! (also, more points for you on

your MR hehe)

Page 7: The Official Division 28 Newsletter / October 2012

District Governor

[email protected]

District Treasurer

[email protected]

District Secretary

[email protected]

14906 Bridle Bend Dr.

Houston TX 77084

Hardcopies of secretary reports go to me!

District Editor

Convention Liaison

[email protected]

International Trustee

[email protected]

Regional Advisor

[email protected]

Email copies of secretary reports to me!

Division 28 Lt. Governor

[email protected]

Email copies of secretary reports to me!

Feel free to ask me anything (:

Resources & district updates can be found on the new T-O District


Don't forget to check out the latest issue of the Tex-O-Key.

Do you love your district? Then go like the T-O Facebook page