Download - The-ninth-Age Warriors of the Dark Gods 0-11-0

  • Fantasy Battles The 9th Age

    Warriors of the Dark Gods Army Rules

    Version 0.11.0 Beta

    Army Special Rules Armoury Magical items Quick Reference Sheet Change Log

    Lords Heroes Core Special Rare Mounts

    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a community-made miniatures wargame.

    All relevant rules, as well as feedback and suggestions, can be found/given here:

    Rules changes between versions are colour coded in green. See change log at end of document.

  • Army Special Rules Gaze of the Gods A model with this rule cannot refuse a challenge, and must issue one if no other model does so. Immediately after killing a non-champion model in a challenge or slaying a monster, the controlling player rolls on the table and confers to the part of the model that has Gaze of the Gods:

    1 +1 Initiative If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model must take a toughness test. If the test passed, the model gains Stupidity. If the test is failed, the model turns into a Fallen Beast.

    2 +1 Weapon Skill If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model gains Lightning Reflexes.

    3 +1 Attack If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model gains Lethal Strike.

    4 +1 Strength If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model gains Multiple Wounds (2).

    5 +1 Toughness If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model may gain Ward Save (5+) or increase an existing Regeneration or Ward Save by +1, up to a maximum of 3+. The player decides which effect takes place.

    6 +1 Leadership If this is the second time receiving this gift, the model may gain Stubborn or turn into a Daemon Prince. The player decides which effect takes place.

    Re-roll any roll that results in getting a gift a 3rd time. If the model is a combined model, special rules or Characteristic increases from this special rule only affect the part of the model that has Gaze of the Gods. When turning into a new model remove the old model from the board. It counts as being killed for all purposes, except for the King is Dead and the Their Flag is Down. Place the new model back on the the table within 6" of the old model's position. Keep it at least 1" away from all other models and impassable terrain. If the model is impossible to place within these guidelines, place it as close as possible to a legal position. This new model becomes your Battle Standard or General if replacing a model with that rule. Spawns only retain the mark of the old model, while Demonic Princes keep all Gifts, Magical or Mundane Items, and Marks. Fallen Beasts can never confer their Leadership to another model.


  • Marks of the Dark Gods There are different Marks of the Dark Gods, each one with a different effect, explained below. Which mark a model has is stated in brackets. Models with a Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) can join a unit with any Mark of the Dark Gods. Models with a Mark of the Dark Gods other than True Chaos cannot join Units with one or more models with a Mark of the Dark Gods other than the same as themselves or True Chaos.Wizards cannot join units with Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) or Chosen by the Gods (Wrath) modelsand cannot gain the Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) in any way.Models who choose a Mark of the Dark Gods as an option must specify which mark they have on the army list.

    True Chaos

    Units with majority of models with the Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) may reroll failed Panic tests.


    The bearer may gain one of the following bonus effect: Flaming Attacks, Ward-Breaker Attacks or Hellfire, which affects both close combat attacks and shooting attacks. The effect must be chosen at the start of each combat phase and before shooting with a unit. Every model in a unit must choose the same bonus effect. Special Attacks such as Stomps or Impact Hits are not affected. Characters with a Marks of the Dark Gods (Change) that are Wizards do not get above effect, instead they add a +1 modifier to their casting roll.


    Units with majority of models with the Mark of the Dark Gods (Lust) can reroll charge, pursuit and random movement rolls and are Immune to panic caused by 25% casualties (but not immune to any other kinds of panic: unit destroyed or broken within 6", terror-caused panic etc.).


    Enemy models attacking or being attacked by models with Mark of the Dark Gods (Pestilence) have -1 Weapon Skill (to a minimum of 1) when rolling to hit. Toxic Attacks are at -1 to wound against the model.


    Parts of models with the Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) have +1 to hit in combat, are immune to Fear and cannot declare Flee as a charge reaction.


  • Wizards with Marks Wizards with Mark of the Dark Gods must use certain Paths depending on the mark chosen

    True Chaos Path of Heavens (Lord only), Alchemy, Shadow, Death or Fire

    Change Path of Change or Alchemy

    Lust Path of Lust or Shadows

    Pestilence Path of Disease or Death

    Chosen by the Gods: A model with this special rule is one of the few Chosen of the Dark Gods. Those models gain an additional effect from their Mark of the Dark Gods. These follow the same rules as Mark of the Dark Gods in relation to Characters joining units (for example, a character with Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) can not join a unit with Chosen by the Gods (Lust)).

    True Chaos +1 Leadership

    Change 6+ Ward Save (or improving their existing Ward Save by 1) and Wizard Conclave (Level 1: Path of Change: Blue Fire, Pink Fire) Special rule.

    Lust +1 Movement and Armour Piercing (1), or increases its existing Armour Piercing by 1. The additional Movement speed is also conferred to any Character with the Mark of the Dark Gods (Lust) that joins this unit.

    Pestilence +1 Toughness.

    Wrath +1 Strength.

    Lightning Rage The model has Ward Save (2+) against attacks with the Lightning Attack special rule. If a model is hit by Lightning Attack it gains Frenzy Special rule.

    Brute Force If a Unit has this Special Rule, the unit only needs to be 4 models wide to form Full Ranks. Models with this Special rule have the Monstrous Support rule and cannot be the target of a stomp.

    Inspire Greatness As long as one or more models with this special rule are alive and in a unit of the same troop type as themselves, the unit can make an additional Supporting attack from the second rank (but not from the third rank). Mounts can still never make supporting attacks.

    Armoury Daemon Weapon Close Combat Weapon. A Daemon Weapon grants +1 Strength and Magical Attacks.


  • Gifts of the Gods

    Gifts of the Gods cannot be duplicated within the army unless stated otherwise.

    Soul Feeder (15 pts) For every wound the wearer inflicts in close combat, excluding Special attacks, roll a D6. For each 6+, the wearer recovers 1 wound. This Gift cannot be taken by a model mounted on a Wasteland Dragon and does not count towards the limitation on Gifts per Character. Mutant of the Dark Gods (20 pts) Infantry Character only. A model with this gift receives +1 Wound, +1 Movement, has 40x40 base size, and the Brute Force Special Rule. This Gift can be duplicated within an army. Third Eye of Change (Models with Mark of the Daemon Legion (Change) 45 pts, Models with Mark of the Dark Gods (Change) 30 pts) A model with this Gift has its Ward save increased by one to a maximum of 4+. Waste Hardened Skin (35 pts) Wearer has Innate Defense (5+). This item cannot be taken by a model mounted on a Manticore. Daemonic Wings (50 pts) - models On Foot only Bearer gains the Fly (8) special rule.

    Crushing Strength (30 pts) Model has the Crush Attack Special Rule. Necrotic Miasma (35 pt) Mark of the Dark God (Pestilence) only. Model has a Breath Attack (Toxic Attack). In addition, every round of combat each enemy model in base contact with the bearer suffers a Strength 1 hit with Armour Piercing (6) special rule at Initiative 10. Blessed by the Dark Gods (50 / 30 pts) Model with Gaze of the Gods only. When you deploy this model the wearer can increase one of its statistics by 1. This can never increase Mounts statistics. Wildling Blood (40 pts) Units with Warbeast, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Beast, and Monster troop type in 12 can use this models Leadership instead of their own. If the gifted is your General the range of this Leadership is increased by 6 and one unit of Wasteland Trolls count as a Core choice instead of Special.


  • Magical Items

    Magical Weapons Burning Blade of Chaos (65 pts) Type: Hand weapon. Attacks made by the Weapons have Flaming Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3) and Armour Piercing (6). After all attacks are made, for each model slain by this sword, that models unit suffers a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attack Special Rule. Spear of Gagnir (30 pts) - Requires Mark of Pestilence Type: Spear. +1 Strength. Poisoned Attacks. Wielder has the Fear Special rule. If the wielder kills a model in combat he gains the Terror Special Rule. Counts as a Light Lance if taken on a mounted character. Dagger of Change (25 pts) - Requires Mark of Change Type: Hand Weapon. All hits from spells from the Path of Change cast by the wearers unit are at +1 Strength. Magical Armour Helm of Foresight (35 pts) Type: None (6+ Armour Save). Wearer has Lightning Reflexes. Talismans Sorcerers Bane (30 pts) - Requires Mark of Wrath Magical Resistance (1). The wearers unit is immune to all effects from non damage hex and augment spells.

    Enchanted Items Beguiling Chains (20 pts) - Requires Mark of Lust Whenever the wearer issues a Challenge the opponent has to accept it, if possible. Magical Standards Nine-Tailed Standard (55 pts) Friendly Infantry units with a Standard Bearer within 12 of this banner gain +1 Movement. All enemy units within 12 of this banner have -1 Initiative. Banner of Transmutation (30 pts) - Requires Mark of Change All Shooting Attacks made against the unit have -1 on any to wound rolls Banner of Temptation (30 pts) - Requires Mark of Lust When a unit is charged by the bearer of this banner, they may only declare Hold as their Charge reaction unless they are already Fleeing. Banner of Fury (25 pts) - Requires Mark of Wrath All models in the wearers unit gain Frenzy (until they have lost a combat). Banner of Filth (25 pts) - Requires Mark of Pestilence All Models in wearers unit Close Combat attacks have the Poisoned Attack Special Rule.


  • Army List LORDS

    Daemon Prince 245 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    8 9 5 6 5 4 8 5 9 Monster 50x50mm base

    Alliance: Daemonic Mark (True Chaos) Special Rules: Otherworldly, Daemonic Instability, Stubborn

    Options: pts May choose Daemonic Mark free May take Magical Items up to 25 May take up to 2 Gifts no pt limit May take Plate Armour 40 May become

    Level 1 (Wizard Apprentice) 40 Level 2 (Wizard Apprentice) 65 Level 3 (Wizard Master) 135 Level 4 (Wizard Master) 170

    Daemonic Marks: Models with Daemonic Marks Special rule have different marks than mortals and get access to different magic paths:

    Bonus Magical Path

    True Chaos A Daemon Prince with this mark has +1 Leadership.

    Alchemy, Death, Fire, Heavens or Shadow


    The bearer may gain one of the following bonus effect: Flaming Attacks, Ward-Breaker Attacks or Hellfire, which affects both close combat attacks and shooting attacks. The effect must be chosen at the start of each combat phase and before shooting with a unit.Every model in a unit must choose the same bonus effect. Special Attacks such as Stomps or Impact Hits are not affected. Characters with a Daemonic Mark (Change) that are Wizards do not get above effect, instead they add a +1 modifier to their casting roll.

    Change or Alchemy

    Lust The bearer gains Armour Piercing (1), or may increase its existing Armour Piercing by 1.

    Lust, Shadow or Black Magic


    Enemy units in base contact with these models receive a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill when they attack. This is increased to a -2 modifier to their Weapon Skill if the model attacking is in a unit in base contact with two or more units with the Daemonic Mark (Pestilence). This cannot reduce Weapon Skill below 1.

    Disease or Death

    Wrath The bearer gains +1 Strength during first round of combat. Special Attacks such as Stomps or Impact Hits are not affected.

    May not take magic levels


  • Lord of Chaos 160 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Gaze of the Gods, Inspire Greatness

    Options: pts May replace True Chos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 15 May take a single Gift no pt limit May take Magical Items up to 100 May take Shield 5 May take a Weapon (one choice only)

    Additional Hand Weapon 10 Flail 10 Halberd 15 Great Weapon 15 Lance 20

    May take a Mount (one choice only) Daemonic Steed 35 Wasteland Steed 40 Crusher 40 Steed of Lust 50 Pestilent Palanquin 50 Disc of Change 60 Wasteland Chariot 95 Manticore 120 Wasteland Dragon 270

    Sorcerer Lord 205 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Gaze of the Gods Magic: Level 3 Wizard Master. Generates spells from Paths of Magic that depends on the models Mark of the Dark Gods.

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 15 May take a single Gift no pt limit Upgrade to Wizard level 4 35 May take Magical Items up to 100 May take a mount (one choice only)

    Steed of Lust 20 Pestilent Palanquin 30 Wasteland Steed 35 Daemonic Steed 50 Disc of Change 50 Wasteland Chariot 95 Manticore 120 Wasteland Dragon 320


  • HEROES Harbinger of Chaos 100 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 7 3 5 4 2 6 4 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Gaze of the Gods, Inspire greatness

    Options: pts May become Battle Standard Bearer 25 May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10 May take a single Gift no pt limit May take Magical Items up to 50 May take Shield 5 May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Additional hand weapon 5 Flail 5 Halberd 10 Great Weapon 10 Lance 15

    May take a mount (one choice only) Wasteland Steed 30 Crusher 35 Steed of Lust 35 Pestilent Palanquin 40 Disc of Change 50 Daemonic Steed 50 Manticore 150 Wasteland Chariot 100


  • Sorcerer 90 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 3 4 4 2 4 2 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Gaze of the Gods

    Options: pts May take a single Gift no pt limit May take Magical Items up to 50 May take a mount (one choice only)

    Steed of Lust 20 Wasteland Steed 25 Crusher 35 Pestilent Palanquin 40 Disc of Change 50 Daemonic Steed 50 Wasteland Chariot 100

    Must be upgraded into

    Sorcerer (free) Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Magic: Level 1 Wizard Apprentice. Generates spells from Paths of Magic that depends on the models Mark of the Dark Gods. Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10 May become level 2 Wizard 25

    Wrath Priest (10 pts) Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) Special Rules: Wrath Priest: A Wrath Priest can make Dispel attempts as if he was a Wizard Apprentice and is able to channel Dispel Dice. Options: pts May have Magic Resistance (2) 35 May take a weapon

    Additional hand weapon 3 Flail 5 Great Weapon 10


  • Barbarian Chief 55 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Light Armour Special Rules: Inspire Barbarians: When in a unit of Barbarians or Barbarian Horsemen that unit has Fight in Extra Ranks Special Rule until Barbarian Chief dies or leaves that unit. A unit can only benefit from either Inspire Barbarians or Inspire Greatness but not from both at the same time. Pick which one at the start of Combat.

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10 May take Magical Items up to 50 Man take one Gift (if chosen as General) no pt limit May take any of the following

    Shield 4 Heavy armour 5

    May take Throwing Weapons 3 May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Flail 3 Additional hand weapon 3 Light Lance 3 Spear 3 Great Weapon 4

    May be mounted on (one choice only) Warhorse 20 Steed of Lust 20

    May have one of the following upgrades

    Osklander Jarl (40 pts) The model gains the Ambush and Vanguard. Choose one Barbarian unit without Veteran Magical Standard, that unit gains Ambush and Vanguard special rules and the Osklander Jarl has to be deployed in that unit.

    Makhar Khan (15 pts) The model gains the Devastating Charge. If the model joins a unit of Barbarian Horsemen or Hell Riders, this unit also gains the Thunderous Charge special rule.


  • CORE

    Wasteland Warriors 130 pts 10 models, may add up to 15 models 13 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour

    Options: pts All models may replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 2 / model May take any of the following:

    Shields 1 / model Additional Hand Weapons 2 / model Great weapons 2 / model Halberds 3 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - May become Veteran Standard Bearer*

    *A Veteran Standard Bearer is One of a Kind and may take Magical Standard worth up to 25 pts.

    Fallen 85 pts 5 models, may add up to 7 models 15 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 4 - 4 4 1 4 D3 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Random Attacks (D3), Frenzy, Immune to Psychology, Skirmishers

    Options: pts All models must replace True Chaos

    with another Mark of the Dark Gods free May upgrade one model to Champion 10


  • Wasteland Chariot 95 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -

    Crew (2) - 5 3 4 - - 4 2 8

    Waste Steeds (2) 8 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - Chariot 50x100mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) (Crew only) Weapons: Halberd (Crew only) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Heavy Armour Special Rules: Scythes

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10 May take barding 15

    Barbarians 60 pts 15 models, may add up to 35 models 4 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Light Armour

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 1 / model All models replace Light Armour

    with Additional Hand Weapons free All models may take

    Shields 1 / model Flails 1 / model Spears 1 / model Throwing weapons 2 / model Great weapons 3 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - May become the Veteran Standard Bearer


  • Barbarian Horsemen 80 pts 5 models, may add up to 10 models 12 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Riders 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    Warhorse 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 Cavalry 25x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) (Riders only) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Light Armour Special Rules: Fast Cavalry

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 1 / model May replace Fast Cavalry special rule

    with Mount's Protection (5+) free All models may take

    Shields 1 / model Light Lances 1 / model Flails 1 / model Throwing weapons 2 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - May become the Veteran Standard Bearer

    Warhounds 35 pts 5 models, may add up to 30 models 4 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 4 - 3 3 1 3 1 5 War Beast 25x50mm base

    Special Rules: Insignificant

    Options: pts All models may have

    Innate Defence (6+) 1 / model Poisoned Attacks 1 / model Vanguard 2 / model



    Chosen 130 pts 10 models, may add up to 15 models 13 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 6 3 4 4 1 5 2 8 Infantry 25x25mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos), Chosen by the Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Immune to Psychology

    Options: pts All models may replace True Chaos

    with another Mark of the Dark Gods and the same Chosen by the Gods 4 / model

    All models may take: Shields 1 / model Additional Hand Weapons 2 / model Great weapons 2 / model Halberds 3 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10

    - may take Magical Weapon up to 25 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - may take a Magical Standard up to 50

    Wasteland Knights 170 pts 5 models, may add up to 5 models 34 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 8

    Wasteland Steed 8 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 5 Cavalry 25x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos)(Riders only) Weapons: Lance (Riders only) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour, Shields and Barding Special Rules: Fear

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 2 / model All models may replace Lance

    with Daemon Weapons 4 / model May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10 Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10 - may take a Magical Standard up to 50


  • Once-Chosen 105 pts 3 models, may add up to 5 models 35 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    5 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 8 Monstrous Infantry 40x40mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Plate Armour Special Rules: Brute Force

    Options: pts All models may replace True Chaos

    with another Mark of the Dark Gods 5 / model All models may be upgraded with the Chosen by the Gods (use the same Mark as Mark of the Dark Gods) 12 / model All models may take:

    Shields 3 / model Additional Hand Weapons 4 / model Spear 4 / model Flail 4 / model Halberds 7 / model Great weapons 8 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10

    - may take Magical Weapon up to 25 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - may take a Magical Standard up to 25

    Hell Riders 80 pts 5 models, may add up to 10 models 10 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 4 3 3 3 1 5 1 7

    Steed of Lust 10 3 - 3 3 1 5 1 7 Cavalry 25x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Lust)(Riders only) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Shield Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Lightning Reflexes (Strider only), Poisoned Attacks (Steed of Lust only) Weapons: Light lance

    Options: pts May upgrade one model to each of the following:

    Champion 10 Musician 10

    Standard Bearer 10

    Hellish Whip: This is a shooting weapon with Range 4. Strength as user. Quick to Fire. When making an attack with this weapon treat it as a Close combat attack as if you were in base contact with your target (including all special rules that would apply, use Weapon skill instead of Ballistic skill). Units that suffer a hit from this weapon have Initiative 0 and Stupidity Special Rule until the start of the current player's next shooting phase.


  • Dragon Centaurs 192 pts 3 models, may add up to 2 models 64 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 4 2 5 5 4 2 3 8 Monstrous Beast 50x75mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Light Armour and Innate Defence (5+) Special Rules: Lightning Rage, Stomp(2)

    Options: pts All models may take:

    Additional Hand Weapons 3 / model Halberds 6 / model Great weapons 8 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10 Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10

    Wasteland Trolls 135 pts 3 models, may add up to 6 models 45 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4 Monstrous Infantry 40x40mm base

    Special Rules: Regeneration (4+), Stupidity

    Options: pts All models may take Additional Hand Weapons 3 / model

    Troll Belch: Instead of making its usual attacks the model may choose to make a single attack, which hits automatically and has Strength 5 and Armour Piercing (6). Warped Regeneration: When a unit of Wasteland Trolls successfully saves 4 or more Regenerations saves in one phase, roll on Gaze of the Gods table and always treat the roll as if it was their first. All models in the unit with Warped Regeneration receive the characteristic increase. This could result in the same characteristic being increased more than once.


  • Bloodbeast 175 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 3 0 6 5 5 3 5 4 Monster 50x100mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (4+) Special Rules: Frenzy, Hatred Rites of Binding: When deploying a Bloodbeast, the player must nominate one character in the army to be its Master. For as long as the Bloodbeasts Master lives, the Bloodbeast gains their corresponding Mark of the Dark Gods and may use their Weapon Skills and Leadership. For as long as the Bloodbeast lives, its Master gains Hatred. A character cannot be the Master of more than one Bloodbeast and a Bloodbeast cannot receive Inspiring Presence from the General.

    Vortex Fiend 175 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 4 - 5 5 5 3 * 8 Monster 50x100mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (4+) Special Rules: Random Attacks (D6+2), Ward Save (5+), Hard Target, Channel Waves of Change: Enemy units within 6 of a Vortex Fiend are affected by Fear as if they were in base contact. Every friendly unit within 6 of a Vortext Fiend is immune to Fear. Wizards may cast spells with the Type:Damage through this model if within 24. When using this ability, the spell range is measured using the Vortex Fiend model using its forward arc and Line of sight. Wizards may cast spells with the Type:Missile through a Vortext Fiend even when engaged in combat as long as the Vortex Fiend isnt. If a spell cast through a Vortext Fiend causes a miscast, the casting Wizard rolls on the Miscast Table as normal and the Vortex Fiend suffers a Strength PDU+2 hit.

    Fallen Beast 55 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    * 3 - 4 5 3 2 * 10 Monstrous Beast 40x40mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Special Rules: Fear, Random Movement (3D6), Random Attacks (D6+1), Unbreakable

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10

    Wasteland Wanderer: The Fallen Beast has Ambush. When entering the Battlefield, the Fallen Beast may perform a 2D6 Random move as if in Compulsory Moves sub-phase but treating all friendly and enemy units as Impassable Terrain.


  • RARE

    Chimera 200 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 4 - 6 5 4 3 6 5 Monster 50x100mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (4+) Special Rules: Fly (8), Regeneration (5+)

    Options: pts May have a Breath Weapon: (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks) 30 May be upgrade to Ancient Chimera 60

    Ancient Chimera: One of a Kind. The model gains Regeneration (4+) and adds +1 Wound to its profile.

    Hellscream Cannon 200 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    1 4 3 5 6 5 1 4 6 Monster 100x150mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (4+) Special Rules: Otherworldly, Unbreakable, Frenzy, Innate Defense (4+)

    Options: pts May upgrade to Unchained free

    Unchained: Model gains +3 Movement, Free Reform and replaces Hellscream Cannon with Hellscream Mortar: This is a Catapult (3) Artillery Weapon with the following profile: Range 24, Strength 3


    Hellscream Cannon: This is a Catapult (3) Artillery Weapon with Range 60", Strength 4 [9], Armour Piercing (1), [Multiple Wounds (Ordnance)]. A unit which suffers 1 or more casualties from a Hellscream Cannon must immediately

    take a Panic Test with -1 to its Leadership.


  • Elder Dragon Centaur 220 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 6 3 6 6 6 4 5 9 Monster 50x75mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (4+) Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Lightning Resistance, Swiftstride

    Options: pts May take Light Armour 20 May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Additional Hand weapon 5 Great weapon 10 Halberd 15

    Crusher Knights 140 pts 2 models, may add up to 3 models 70 pts/model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Rider 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 8

    Crusher 7 5 - 5 4 3 2 3 7 Monstrous Cavalry 50x75mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour and Shields Special Rules: Frenzy (Riders only), Magical Attacks (Crusher only), Fear

    Options: pts May take a weapon (one choice only)

    Daemon Weapons 5 / model Lances 3 / model

    May upgrade one model to each of the following: Champion 10

    Musician 10 Standard Bearer 10 - may take a Magical Standard up to 50

    Mauler Chariot 150 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Chariot - - - 5 6 5 - - -

    Crew (2) - 5 3 4 - - 5 2 8

    Mauler (1) 7 4 - 5 - - 2 3 - Chariot 50x100mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) (Crew only) Weapons: Halberds Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Plate Armour

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10 May take Barding 20

    Special Rules: Scythes, Lethal Strike (Mauler only), Grinding attacks (D3) (Chariot only), Fear


  • Battle Shrine 150 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Battle Shrine - - - 0 5 5 - - -

    Shrine Priest (1) - 5 3 4 - - 4 2 8

    Shrine Bearer (1) 6 3 3 4 - - 2 * - Chariot 50x100mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (True Chaos) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Heavy Armour

    Options: pts May replace True Chaos with another

    Mark of the Dark Gods 10

    Special Rules: Fear, Ward Save (4+), Random Attack (3D3) (Shrine Bearers only) The Gods Are Watching: This model grants a Ward Save (5+) against shooting attacks to all friendly units within 12. If these units already have a Ward Save then it is increased by two, up to a maximum of Ward Save (4+) against shooting attacks. The model also gains a special effect that varies depending on its Mark of the Dark Gods. If it gains an augment spell it may only target units with the same mark or units which are True Chaos. If it gains an aura it may only benefit units with majority of models with the same mark or units which are True Chaos.

    True Chaos The model may cast the spell Wind Blast from the Path of Heaven as a Bound Spell (Power Level 5).

    Change The model may cast the spell Wave of Transformation from the Path of Change as a Bound Spell (Power Level 5)

    Lust The model may cast the spell Frenzied Histeria from the Path of Lust as a Bound Spell (Power Level 5).

    Pestilence The model may cast the spell Shadow Miasma from the Path of Shadow as a Bound Spell (Power Level 5).

    Wrath The model grants the special rule Magic Resistance (2) to all friendly units within 6


  • Wasteland Giant 140 pts single model

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 3 - 6 5 6 3 * 10 Monster 50x75mm base

    Special Rules: Immune to Psychology, Stubborn

    Options: pts May take a single Mark of the Dark Gods 5

    - May be Chosen by the Gods 15

    Giant Attacks: When a giant attacks in Close Combat, pick a target in base contact to attack and roll on the chart below. Giants have two types of attack patterns depending on the Troop Type of the target.

    Against Infantry, War Beast, Swarm, Warmachine and Cavalry targets: 1: Bellow 2: Jump 3: Grab 4-6: Swing

    Against Monstrous Beast, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry, Chariot, Monster and Ridden Monster targets: 1: Bellow 2-3: Thump 4-6: Smash

    Bellow: Neither the giant nor the chosen unit can make any Close Combat attacks this phase. Attacks already done (including those simultaneous with this attack) are not affected. The Giant's side automatically wins the combat by 2. If two (or more) opposing Giants Bellow, the combat is a draw.

    Jump: The chosen unit suffers D6 hits with the Giant's Strength, carried out as if it were a Grinding Attack. The Giant must take a Dangerous Terrain test.

    Grab: Select a single model in base contact with the Giant. This model must take a Strength and Weapon Skill test. For each failed test, the model suffers a hit with the Giant's Strength and Multiple Wounds (D3).

    Swing: The Giant makes 2D6 attacks on the chosen unit.

    Thump: Select a model from the chosen unit in base contact with the Giant. This model takes a Initiative test. If the test is failed, the model suffers 2D6 wounds with Armour Piercing (6).

    Smash: Select a model from the chosen unit in base contact with the Giant. This model suffers 1 wound with Armour Piercing (6). If the model has not yet attacked it cannot attack in this round. It the model has already attacked, it cannot attack in the next player turn.

    - Notes- Giant Attacks counts as Close Combat attack and therefore are affected by all rules normally affecting Close Combat attacks. After rolling on this chart, the Giant may still Stomp as normal.


  • MOUNTS The Mounts section is for character mounts. Non-character mounts follow the rules given under their respective entries.

    Warhorse M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5 War Beast 25x50mm base

    Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Fast Cavalry

    Options: pts May take Mount's Protection (5+) 10 (model loses Fast Cavalry Special Rule)

    Wasteland Steed M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    8 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 5 War Beast 25x50mm base

    Armour: Mounts Protection (6+), Barding

    Daemonic Steed M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    8 4 - 5 5 3 2 2 8 Monstrous Beast 50x50mm base

    Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Magical Attacks, Fear

    Options: pts May take Barding 20


  • Disc of Change (Model with Mark of Change only)

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    1 3 - 4 4 1 4 3 7 War Beast 50x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Change) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Magical Attacks, Fly (9), Flaming Attacks

    Pestilent Palanquin (Model with Mark of Pestilence only)

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    4 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 7 Infantry 50x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Pestilence) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks

    Crusher (Model with Mark of Wrath only)

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    7 5 - 5 4 3 2 3 7 Monstrous Beast 50x75mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Wrath) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Magical Attacks


  • Steed of Lust (Model with Mark of Lust only)

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    10 3 - 3 3 1 5 1 7 War Beast 25x50mm base

    Alliance: Mark of the Dark Gods (Lust) Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rule: Vanguard, Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks

    Wasteland Chariot M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -

    Crew (1) - 5 3 4 - - 4 2 8

    Waste steed (2) 8 3 - 4 - - 3 1 - Chariot 50x100mm base

    Alliance: Same as character. Weapons: Halberd (Crew only)

    Options: pts May take Barding 20

    Armour: Mounts Protection (6+) Special Rules: Scythes

    Manticore M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 5 - 5 5 4 5 3 5 Monstrous Beast 50x100mm base

    Special Rule: Fly (8), Large Target, Fear, Lethal Strike, Frenzy, Multiple Wounds (D3)


  • Wasteland Dragon (one of a kind) M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    6 5 1 6 6 6 3 6 9 Monster 50x100mm base

    Armour: Innate Defence (3+) Special Rule: Breath Weapon (Strength 4, Flaming Attacks), Breath Weapon (Strength 3, Armour Piercing (3)), Fly (7)


  • Quick Reference Sheet L - Lords, H - Heroes, C - Core, S - Special, R - Rare, M - Mounts only


    L Daemonic Prince 8 9 5 6 5 4 8 5 9

    Lord of Chaos 4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9

    Sorcerer Lord 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 3 8

    H Harbinger of Chaos 4 7 3 5 4 2 6 4 8

    Sorcerer 4 5 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

    Barbarian Chieftain 4 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 8


    C Wasteland Warrior 4 5 3 4 4 1 4 2 8

    Fallen 6 4 0 4 4 1 4 * 8

    Barbarian 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    S Chisen 4 6 3 4 4 1 5 2 8

    M Pestilent Palanquin 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 7


    S Wasteland Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 2 3 4

    Once- Chosen 5 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 8


    C Warhound 7 4 - 3 3 1 3 1 5

    M War Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5

    Wasteland Steed 8 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 5

    Disc of Change 1 3 - 4 4 1 4 3 7

    Steed of Lust 10 3 - 3 3 1 5 1 7


    S Fallen Beast * 3 - 4 5 3 2 * 10

    M Daemonic Steed 8 4 - 5 5 3 2 2 8

    Crusher 7 5 - 5 4 3 2 3 7

    Manticora 6 5 - 5 5 4 5 3 5


    C Mounted Barbarian 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

    - Warhorse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5

    S Wasteland Knight 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 8

    - Wasteland Steed 8 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 5

    Hell Riders 4 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7

    - Steed of Lust 10 3 - 3 3 1 5 1 7


    R Crusher Knights 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 8

    - Crusher 7 5 - 5 4 3 2 3 7


    C Wasteland Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -

    - Crew (2)[1] - 5 3 4 - - 4 2 8

    - Wasteland Steed (2)

    8 3 - 4 - - 3 1 -

    R Battle Shrine - - - 0 5 5 - - -

    - Shrine Priest (1) - 5 3 4 - - 4 2 8

    - Shrine Bearer (1) 6 3 3 4 - - 2 * -

    Mauler Chariot - - - 5 6 5 - - -

    - Crew (2) - 5 3 4 - - 5 2 8

    - Mauler(1) 7 4 - 5 - - 2 3 - (2) - number of crew members when taken as a separate unit [1] - number of crew members when taken as a mount MONSTERS

    S Bloodbrute 6 4 - 6 5 4 3 4 4

    Vortex Fiend 6 4 - 5 5 5 3 * 8

    R Chimera 6 4 - 6 7 4 3 6 5

    Hellscream Cannon 1 4 3 5 6 5 1 4 6

    Elder Dragon Centaur 7 6 3 6 6 6 4 5 9

    Wasteland Giant 6 3 - 6 5 6 3 * 10

    M Wasteland Dragon 6 5 1 6 6 6 3 6 9

    SPECIAL SHOOTING WEAPON Range S Multiple Shots Multiple Wounds Armour Piercing

    Hellscream Cannon Hellscream Cannon Catapult (3) 60 4[9] - [Ordnance] 1

    Hellscream Cannon Hellscream Mortar Catapult (3) 24 3 - - -


  • CHANGE LOG v0.9.1 Wasteborn Fallen random attacks (in response to rulebook change) Lightning Resistance Inspire Greatness Diseased Spear Wasteborn Warriors Wasteborn Fallen, attacks and unit size Favoured and Brute champion, magic weapon only Brutes max unit size Mutant Spawn Warpscream Cannon statline and shooting Crushers special rules Steed of Lust character mount Blessed by the Dark Gods v0.9.2 Crushers loses option for marks (copy paste error) Clarified marks for multipart models (knights, chariots etc) Ancient chimera had regained one of a kind v0.9.3 Eye of the Warp, #6, typo Chosen Sorcerer, points cost, level 4 cost Mounted Barbarians horse statline (copy-paste mistake) Brutes, movement (copy-paste mistake) Striders of Lust, marks v0.9.4 Name of army Warhounds, troop type Crusher base size v.0.10.0 Attention from Beyond clarification Eye of the Warp clarification Mark of Lust clarification Mark of Wrath Chosen of the Dark Gods - Lust Blessed by the Dark Gods Circlet changed to Dagger of Change Void Strike, price Daemonic Wings gift Chosen Jarl upgrade - removed Inspire Barbarians Heir of the Steppe Various Mount prices Daemonic Prince - Mark, Plate cost and Paths Wasteborn Warriors, Barbarians - Shield price Wasteborn Warriors, Barbarians, Mounted Barbarians - Magic banner


  • Wasteborn Warriors, Fallen, and Barbarians max unit size Fallen base unit price Mounted barbarians, Warhorses, Natural armour Barbarians, Throwing weapons Maulerbeast Chariot BS=S Dragon Centaur price Dragon Centaurs, max size Striders of Lust Initiative Wasteborn Knights, Hatred/Fear, Price Favoureds, max size and Shield price Brutes - rework Crushers, max size Chimera, price, number of attacks Elder Dragon Centaur price v0.10.1 crushers, Mounts Protection (6+) (typo) v0.10.2 Daemonic wings, models in foot only (unintended consequences) Chosen of the Dark Lords given access to mark specific items v0.11.0 NEW NAMES Updated name of Special rules (Blurry -> Hard Target, Holy Attacks -> Ward-Breaking Attack) Mark of Change - streamlined due to new magic Mark of Wrath - reworked Chosen Change Mark - additional spell Chosen Lust Mark - AP stacks Chosen Unbound Mark - +1 Leadership instead of Bodyguard Banner of Filth - Close Combat only Banner of Fury - Clarification Third eye of Change - price up for Daemon Price Disc of Change, Pestilent Palanquin, Steed of Lust - got the respective Marks Daemon Prince - Mark of (True Chaos) changed + streamlining with DL AB Wrath Priest implemented Barbarian Chief - Osklander Jarl cannot be combined with Veteran Standard Bearer Warriors, Mounted Barbarians Barbarians - weapon option prices adjustment Wasteland Chariots - price up, barding down Fallen - price up Chosen - base cost down, mark price up, weapon option price up Fallen Beast, price up Hell Riders - starting price up Wasteland Knights - max size down, Daemon Weapon cost down Once- Chosen - redesign Battle Shrine - number of attacks adjusted Renamed magic items to magical items
