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Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 25-11-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 223 9th Waxing of Nadaw 1371 ME Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel-opment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms

of technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept inthe hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

Pyawbwe poised to catch up with othertownships in terms of development

Panswa village developingthanks to artesian wells

Byline: Maung Maung Htwe;Photos: Tha Nyan (MNA)

As time passes by, Pyawbwe becomes rapidlydeveloped with characteristics of a township such asnewly-inaugurated Myawady Bank, Township Ma-ternal and Child Welfare Association, and AmayhteinHall. In addition, Centenary Sasana Beikman Build-ing and a home for the aged are being built to enhancethe image of the township.

Now, the five rural development programmeshave gained momentum. On the tour, we droppedinto Kyudawwa Village, where a 40 feet long and 20feet wide and 20 feet high bridge is under construc-tion, side by side with the old wooden bridge.

With a smile, farmer U Win Maung on his returnfrom the farm said, “Previously, we could not passthrough the old bridge by bullock cart, by car, and bymotorbike. It was available for people only. We hadto get across the canal if we were with ploughs andoxen. Now, such unnecessary difficulties are nomore.”

U Maung Pu from Hse Village in KyudawwaVillage-tract said, “I am here to buy sunflower seeds.In olden days, our region was not easily accessible.

(See page 7) Basic Education Middle School (Branch) in Shawbyugon (West) Village, Pyawbwe Township.

Article and Photos; Aung Than(Mingala Taungnyunt)

Chairman U Khin Maung Than of Myaing Town-ship Peace and Development Council in PakokkuDistrict told us about the agricultural development ofBaswa village thanks to the contribution of artesianwells. The strange name of the village caught myattention. When I inquired about the name "Baswa", itwas learnt that the name of the village is written asPanswa and pronounced as Baswa.

The way to Panswa is 20 miles long earth roadeast of Pakokku-Yesagyo-Myaing motorway. It sharesborder with Yesagyo and Myaing. We, Myanma Alinnews crew, toured Panswa as we had heard that thevillage is booming in agricultural sector because of theartesian wells. Village PDC Chairman U Than Win

Water flowing out from No (72) artesian wellin Panswa village.

invited us to visit recently opened self-reliant two-storey building of Panswa village Middle School(Branch) which cost K 65 million.

We found the new concrete building with 140-ft length, 30-ft width and 24-ft height which wasopened on 14 September.

Panswa village has 439 houses of 475 families.Its population is over 2,300. The school is beingattended by 440 students learning their lessons withtheir eight teachers. The main livelihood of its villag-ers is agriculture. It was challenging to grow monsoonpaddy in the past due to lack of rainfall.

(See page 7)

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


World Summit on Food Securitycontributes to food security ofthe nation

The Myanmar delegation attended the 2nd

Non-Aligned Movement First Ladies Summit,the World Summit on Food Security and the 36th

Session of the Food and Agriculture OrganizationConference held in Rome, Italy from 15 to 20November.

At the World Summit on Food Security, thedeclaration of FAO Summit was approved, andthe participants delivered addresses. TheMyanmar delegation dealt with endeavours forfood security in Myanmar, undertakings in theagricultural sector for world food security andcooperation with the United Nations andinternational organizations.

At the 36th Session of the Food andAgriculture Organization Conference, theMyanmar delegation explained widely on layingdown policies for boosting food and agricultureproduction, assistance for supply of water foragriculture purpose and inputs for farmers whileMyanmar is striving for overcoming difficultiesof food security during financial crisis, raisingirrigated sown acreage to increase food productionand endeavours for prevention against loss andwastage in food production in climate change.

The Myanmar delegation also touched uponmatters related to cooperation in the agriculturalsector, construction of Cyclone shelters in theNargis ravaged regions and acquisition of waterin dry regions and others. We firmly believe thatsuch discussions made by the Myanmar delegationwould contribute much to further strengtheningco-operation among the member countries.

NAY PYI TAW, 24 Nov—Chairman of Mon StatePeace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win attended theawarding ceremony of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy Weightlifting Contest and Body

Tatmadaw Weightlifting, Body Building and Physical Culture contests concludeBuilding and Physical Culture Contests at the statehall in Mawlamyine on 13 November.

The commander and officials concernedpresented awards to winners and cordially met judgesand athletes.—MNA

YANGON, 24 Nov—President of the Union ofMyanmar Federation ofChambers of Commerceand Industry U Win

UMFCCI officials receive Vietnamese delegationMyint, Vice-PresidentsU Mya Han and U TunAung, General SecretaryDr Maung Maung Lay,Joint General Secretaries

Dr Myo Thet and Dr PwintHsan, CEC members UTun Aung and U MyoThant received adelegation led by Deputy

Minister of Industry andTrade Mr. Nguyen ThanhBien of the SocialistRepublic of Vietnam atUMFCCI office here on20 November.

At the meeting, theycordially discussed mattersrelating to economic andtrade opportunities andcooperation betweenVietnam and Myanmar,discussion about economicmatters’ exchangingdelegations, study ofagricultural technologiesand more cooperation ininvestments and tradesectors.—MNA

YANGON, 24 Nov—The Myanmar FisheryE n t r e p r e n e u r sAssociation, theMyanmar Deep-SeaFishery Association, theMyanmar Fish and PrawnFeedstuff Producers

AGM of four marine associations on 29 Nov

NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov — The CapitalHypermarket will holdspecial sales promotionprogramme at its PromotionArea in which entertainmentfacilities—LED, LCD, flatTV, home theatre, DVD,EVD, amplifier speaker,mini Hifi cassette, radio—and kitchen appliances—refrigerator, washingmachine, oven, hotplate,digital hotplate and ricecooker—will be on sale atspecial price.

The well known brands

Capital Hypermarket to holdmodern electronic fair on 27 Nov

Sony, Samsung, Sakura,Nibban, Panasonic,Hitachi, Asahi, Elba, Haier,Black & Decker, Media,LG, Star, Orchid, Ogawa,T-Home, Fuji, Zillion,Povos, Chunlan, Naturalwill also participate in thefair.

As a way of repayingthe gratitude of the CapitalHypermarket lovers whobuy the items of over K100,000, the CapitalHypermarket will holdluckydraw programmeoffering refrigerator,

washing machine, 21-inchTV, microwave, bicycle,JXD MP4 and air purifierand the lists of luckydrawwinners will be publicizedon 6 December.

The electronicpromotion fair will be heldfrom 27 November to 6December.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov—Minister for HealthDr Kyaw Myint receivedManaging Director ofProgramme Delivery atGlobal Alliance forVaccine andImmunization (GAVI),Alliance Secretariat DrMercy Ahun and SeniorProgramme Manager DrRanjana Kumar of SouthEast Asia ProgrammeDelivery Team who wereaccompanied by DrRaijendra Bohara of theWHO ResidentRepresentative Office andPublic HealthAdministrator MsMargareta Skold at theMinistry of Health hereyesterday morning.

The meeting mainlyfocused on measures to be

Health Minister receives foreign guests

taken for capabilityimprovement of primaryhealth staff, provision offunds for five years inupgrading of rural healthcare branches, rural health

care centres and stationhospitals and for extendedintroduction ofvaccination. Minister DrKyaw Myint explainedefforts being carried out

by the government in itsdrive for reducing childand maternal mortality rateand thanked the donors fortheir assistance.


Association, theMyanmar FreshwaterFishery EntrepreneursAssociation under theMyanmar FisheryFederation will holdAnnual General Meetingat Thiri Annawa Hall of

MFF at 9 am on 29November.

Members of theassociations are to attendthe meeting, whether theyhave received invitationcards or not.


Minister Dr Kyaw Myint receives Managing Director of ProgrammeDelivery at Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI)

Alliance Secretariat Dr Mercy Ahun and Senior Programme ManagerDr Ranjana Kumar of South East Asia Programme Delivery Team.—MNA

President ofUMFCCIreceivesDeputy

Minister ofIndustry

and TradeMr NguyenThanh Bien

of theVietnam.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 3

Radiation leak at ThreeMile Island not significant

WASHINGTON, 24 Nov—US authorities investigat-ing a radiation leak at the nuclear plant in Three MileIsland, Pa, said on Monday that the leak has been con-tained and the impact is not significant.

John White, an investigator at the US Nuclear Regu-latory Commission (NRC), told reporters that the leakwas contained quickly and it didn’t exceeded or evenapproached regulatory limits. After a small amount ofradiation leak was detected at the plant on Saturday af-ternoon, some 150 plant employees was sent home onan airborne radiological contamination alarm.

The employees were being evaluated but a handfulof them who had contamination have been decontami-nated, according to the NRC. No public health riskwas announced.—Xinhua

Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station site in Middletown, Pennsylva-nia, pictured in 2001. A radiation leak at Three Mile Island, the site of theworst nuclear accident in US history, has sent home about 150 workers, the

Nuclear Regulatory Commission reported on Sunday.—INTERNET

Peacekeepers should prepareto leave Darfur

A Sudanese man walks while a peacekeeper from the United Nations-AfricanUnion Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) secures the area outside a military base

in Kor Abeche, south Darfur, on 15 March, 2009.—INTERNET

Military plane crash in Italy kills all five aboard PISA, 24 Nov—Five people were killed in a plane crash near Pisa airport in

northwestern Italy, the country’s air force said on Monday. A military C-130 transport plane with five people on board crashed soon after

takeoff from Pisa airport at 2:10 pm local time (0310 GMT), according to ANSAnews agency.

All the five people aboard the plane were killed in the crash, air force sourcessaid. Military sources said the plane, which was from the 46th air force brigade,was engaged in a training exercise.

Some Witnesses said the plane spun out of control before crashing and burst-ing into flames. Pisa Mayor Marco Filippeschi said the plane came down justoutside the airport area and crashed on to tracks of the local Pisa-Collessavetti-Cecina rail line.—Xinhua

Military personnel investigate the crash of an Italian air force C-130JHercules transport aircraft in a field near a base in Pisa on 23 Nov, 2009. The

Italian air force said that all five crew were killed in the crash. —XINHUA

Chemical plant explosionsinjure four in France

PARIS, 24 Nov—Four men were injured during aseries of explosions which happened on Mondayevening in a chemical factory belonging to Frenchmajor chemical producer SNF in central France.

The first explosion happened at 5:45 pm localtime in the chemical plant which is located inAndrezieux-Boutheon, a central town of Loire de-partment, while the second occurred ten minutes laterat the same workshop.

The injured suffering from burning andscratches were all sent to hospitals. There was no bigfire triggered by the explosions, the firefighterssaid.

The government of Loire said that they had notdetected any leak of dangerous chemical elementcaused by the explosion, confirming the environmen-tal safety for nearby residents.


UNITED NATIONS, 24Nov—Khartoum’s UNenvoy, rejecting a bleakUN assessment of thesituation in Sudan’s con-flict-torn western Darfurregion, said on Monday itwas time for internationalpeacekeepers to prepareto leave.

Saying it omitted keyinformation, Sudan’s UNambassador, Abdal-mahmoud Abdalhaleem,criticized the latest reportabout Darfur by UNSecretary-General BanKi-moon, which saysKhartoum has broken adeal on deploying thepeacekeepers.

“One big fact should bethe focus of the report —that the war is over,” he

told Reuters. “With peacein sight, the UN should, incoordination with the Af-rican Union and Sudanesegovernment, plan for anexit strategy.”

The UN-AU mission inDarfur, known asUNAMID, has been

fraught with difficulties.For nearly two years, themission’s commandershave faced bureaucraticdelays and other obstaclesin deploying the 26,000peacekeepers approvedby the UN Security Coun-cil.—Internet

LONDON,24 NOV—Leaked Britishgovernment documentscall into question ex-Prime Minister TonyBlair’s public statementson the buildup to the Iraqwar and show plans forthe U S led 2003 invasionwere being made morethan a year earlier, anewspaper reportedSunday.

Britain’s SundayTelegraph publisheddetails of privatestatements made by seniorBritish military figuresclaiming plans were in

Leaked UK documents detail Iraq war chaosplace months before theMarch 2003 invasion, butwere so badly drafted theyleft troops poorlyequipped and ill-preparedfor the conflict.

The documents —transcripts of interviewsfrom an internal defenceministry review of theconflict — disclose thatsome planning for the Iraqwar had begun in February2002. Maj-Gen GraemeLamb, then head ofBritain’s special forces,was quoted as saying hehad been “working thewar up since early 2002,”

according to thenewspaper.

In July 2002, Blairtold lawmakers at a Houseof Commons committeesession that there were nopreparations to invadeIraq.

Critics of the war havelong insisted that Blairoffered then-PresidentGeorge W.

Bush an assurance asearly as mid-2002 —before British lawmakersvoted in 2003 to approveUK involvement — thatBritain would join the war.


Report saysIndia Agni-II

Missile test failsNEW DELHI, 24 Nov—

India’s nuclear-capableintermediate range Agni-II missile failed to get thedesired results when be-ing test-fired for the firsttime after sunset on Mon-day, teported the Times ofIndia on Tuesday.

The Army test-firedthe surface-to-surface In-termediate Range Ballis-tic Missile (IRBM) fromthe Intergrated TestRange (ITR) from Wheel-er’s Island off the coastof the southeast state ofOrissa at around 19:50p.m (14:20 GMT), saidthe report.

MNA/ Xinhua

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

A visitor looks at laptops at a computer fair. World-wide sales of personal computers, which had been

forecast to decline this year, will instead postmodest gains, Gartner research group said on


BRUSSELS, 24 Nov—The European Union(EU) labour market washard hit by the current fi-nancial and economic cri-sis, with long-term unem-ployment remaining a se-rious threat, according toa report released on Mon-day.

“The current crisis istaking its toll on EU la-bour markets, reversingmost of the employmentgrowth achieved since2000,” the EuropeanCommission said in its

Visitors stand beside the new protection gear for mine workers on display at acoal industry exhibition in Beijing. China is trying to modernize its coal

industry by capturing the dangerous methane gas in order to recycle it anduse it as an energy source.—INTERNET

EU labour market deeplyhit by crisis

annual report on employ-ment in Europe. The re-port showed employmentin the EU has shrunk byover four million jobssince the start of the cri-sis, and all EU memberstates except Luxem-bourg have seen employ-ment contract, most nota-bly the Baltic States, Ire-land and Spain.

Meanwhile, the unem-ployment rate in the EUhas remained on an up-ward trend since spring oflast year, and by Septem-ber 2009 had increased to9.2 percent, a rise of 2.5percentage points com-pared to spring 2008.

In particular, the long-term unemployment re-mained to be a concern

for policy makers sincethe longer someone staysunemployed, the lesschance they have of mov-ing back into employ-ment, the report said. Inrecent years, close to 45percent of all unemploy-ment spells lasted longerthan a year in the EU,compared with only about10 percent in the UnitedStates.

“Tackling this issuehas become even moreurgent since the start ofthe crisis,” the commis-sion said. However, thereport found the level ofemployment in the EU hasnevertheless remainedrelatively resistant consid-ering the strength of therecession.—Xinhua

MEXICO CITY, 24 Nov— The Mexican governmenton Monday received a warning from Fitch Ratingsabout its fast rising budget deficit and dropping oil in-come.

In a statement released by Fitch Ratings, which pro-vides ratings on big borrowers, Mexico’s national rat-ing was lowered by one notch to BBB, down fromBBB+.

The current rating remains above the “sub-invest-ment grade,” a rating that would shut out many majorinvestors, but the news will probably make it moreexpensive for both the government and major Mexi-can firms to raise funds overseas.

Oil is the nation’s top foreign currency earner andabout 40 percent of the national budget comes fromoil production, which has been on a downward trendfor about five years. Meanwhile, the government’s at-tempts to increase taxes were mostly squashed by theopposition-controlled parliament.—Xinhua

SEOUL, 24 Nov—SouthKorea’s fiscal deficitsoared on-month in Sep-tember as governmentspending has been out-growing revenue, the fi-nance ministry said onTuesday.

According to the Min-istry of Strategy and Fi-nance, the country’s cu-mulative fiscal deficit, asof late September, posted

CARACAS, 24 Nov—Representatives of theVenezuelan and Iraniangovernments opened onMonday the Venezuela-Iran Entrepreneurs Meet-ing in Caracas before avisit of the country by Ira-nian President MahmoudAhmadinejad on Tuesday.

Venezuelan ForeignMinister Nicolas Maduroand Iranian Ambassadorto Venezuela AhmadSobhani attended theopening ceremony, whichwas broadcast by thestate-run TV channelVenezolana de Television(VTV).

“Our challenge is togive a plan of new and in-tense projects. Nothingcan impede the capacitieswe have continued com-bining to give concreteresults,” Maduro said atthe ceremony.


Venezuela-Iranbusiness meeting


HANOI, 24 Nov— Viet-nam earned 1.92 billionUS dollars from exportingelectronic products andcomputer components inthe first nine months ofthis year, about the sameas the same period of2008, reported the Gen-eral Statistics Office of Vi-etnam on Monday.

In September alone,the country gained 270million US dollars, up 4.2percent from August, ac-

MANILA, 24 Nov—The Philippinesmay need to import as much as 3 mil-lion tons of rice next year if abnormalclimatic conditions would slash coun-try’s rice production, an official said onMonday.

National Food Authority (NFA) RexEstoperez said on Monday that erraticweather patterns have made it harder forthe government to estimate its currentrice supply. Importing three million tonsis the “worst case scenario”, accordingto Estoperez.—Xinhua

Indonesia sees crisis inForeign Investment

JAKARTA, 24 Nov— Indonesia’s com-bined foreign and domestic investmentduring the first 10 months of this yearfell 13.8 percent from it was in the sameperiod last year due to the global eco-nomic crisis, a local media reported onTuesday.

Speaking in a hearing with the law-makers from Commission VI in the par-liament that oversees trade and invest-ment affairs on Monday, Indonesia’sHead of the Investment CoordinatingBoard Gita Wirjawan said that the do-mestic economy had escaped from thecrisis with relatively unharmed.


Mexico warned of rising deficit,declining income

cording to the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade.

Vietnam’s electronicproducts and computercomponents have beenexported to more than 32markets in the world, saidthe ministry.

Vietnam’s largest ex-port market of electronicsnow is the United States,with the revenue for thefirst nine months approxi-mately at 320 million USdollars, an increase of 59

percent year-on-year. TheUnited States is followedby Japan, Thailand andChina with the exportvalue of about 266 millionUS dollars, 209 millionUS dollars and 182 mil-lion US dollars, respec-tively.

Last year, Vietnamraked in 2.63 billion USdollars from exportingelectronic products andcomputer components,said the office.—Xinhua

Philippines may import3-million-ton rice

in 2010 to plugshortage

S Korea’s fiscal deficit widens in Sept25.69 trillion won (22.21billion US dollars), uparound 9 trillion wonfrom 16.34 trillion won amonth ago.

The increase is thesharpest since May whenthe country saw a 10 tril-lion won raise in the fis-cal deficit, the ministrysaid in a report.

It noted the govern-ment’s earnings during

the nine months of thisyear, including taxes andordinary earnings, topped196.18 trillion won, whilegovernment spendingmarked 221.87 trillionwon.

However, the ministryreiterated that it will bepossible to meet its annualfiscal deficit target of 22trillion won (18.38 billiondollars).—Xinhua

Vietnam’s electronics exports hit $1.92bin first nine months

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 5

UN chief urges intensified effortsto curb poverty in Africa

Some 2,400 journalists to cover5th East Asian Games

Freight train derailsin Houston, Texas

HOUSTON, 24 Nov—A freight train derailed in south-west Houston, Texas, on Monday, and no injuries werereported, authorities said.

The derailment was reported around 11:30 am, theHouston Fire Department said. More than a dozen carsof the train left the tracks, spilling asphalt and othersubstances, and shutting down a highway in both di-rections.

Residents in the area were advised to take shelterindoors as emergency crew worked the scene, offi-cials said.—Xinhua

India deploys another warshipoff Seychelles to fight piratesNEW DELHI, 24 Nov—The Indian Navy is deploying

another warship with marine commandos on board tocombat pirates off the island nations of Seychelles andMauritius in the Indian Ocean, reported the Indo-AsianNews Service on Monday.

INS Savitri, an offshore patrol vessel, with a Chetakhelicopter and marine commandos on board, “willconduct surveillance of the exclusive economic zonesof Seychelles and Mauritius from November-end tillearly January 2010,” the report quoted Indian Navyspokesperson Commander PVS Satish as saying.


700 families in Panamanianprovince face starvation after

floodingPANAMA CITY, 24 Nov—About 700 Panamanian

families in Darien Province on the border with Co-lombia are now threatened by hunger due to floods inthe last three years, authorities said on Monday.

Residents in the affected districts were at risk ofsuffering hunger as agricultural and livestock produc-tion in more than 20 communities almost came to ahalt as a result of the flooding, said Alfonso Moreno,representative of the Agriculture-Livestock Develop-ment Ministry in Darien.—Xinhua

Special programme opens to groom“2nd generation” in Shanghai

UNITED NATIONS, 24Nov—UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon onMonday called on Africanleaders and donors tomake intensified efforts tofight against poverty inAfrica. The Secretary-General made the appealas he spoke at the launchof a new UN report whichoutlines steps to be takenby Africa and its develop-ment partners to helplift millions of peopleacross the continent out of

poverty.The report by the Com-

mission on Effective De-velopment Cooperationwith Africa calls for stepsincluding creating an Af-rican Guarantee Fund inpartnership with the Afri-can Development Bank.

“The report’s recom-mendations are far-reach-ing. They include creatingan African GuaranteeFund in partnership withthe African DevelopmentBank; ensuring access to

energy; and unleashingthe power of African en-trepreneurship,” Ban said.

“If they are imple-mented conscientiously,such steps will help miti-gate the effects of the eco-nomic crisis,” he said.“They could help to liftmillions of people out ofpoverty.”

He also welcomed thereport’s emphasis onyouth employment andopportunities for youngpeople.—Xinhua

Two men look at the almost-finished Zhengzhou Yellow River highway andrailway dual-use bridge in central China’s Henan Province, on 22 Nov, 2009.The bridge is expected to be completed in July 2010 and open to traffic in the

end of October 2010.—XINHUA

HONG KONG, 24 Nov—A total of 2,416 accred-ited journalists wouldcover the 5th East AsianGames in China’s HongKong, said the PlanningCommittee here on Mon-day at the launching cer-emony for the MediaCenter.

The Media Center ofEAG, located on theground floor of the HongKong Central Library,comprised a Main PressCenter, an International

Broadcasting Center and a290-seat Press ConferenceRoom. It opens from 23Nov-14 Dec, providingservices on competitionsschedules, athletes infor-mation, results updating,medal tally, news releases,etc.

“We are now ready, andwe are looking forward toshowcasing Hong Kong’sability in organizing alarge-scale internationalsports event,” President ofthe Planning Committee

of EAG Timothy FokTsun-ting said here at thelaunching ceremony.

According to EmanKwong, Media Servicesand Public Relations Co-ordinator of the 2009EAG Limited, the numberof accredited mediaamounted to 2,416,among which 257 wereoverseas, and a total of 16TV Right has been con-firmed with seven HongKong broadcasters andfive from the Chinesemainland.—Xinhua

Photographers take photos of Shicheng Village on a sunny day after snowfallin Wuyuan, east China’s Jiangxi Province, on 22 Nov, 2009. —XINHUA

Cameramen take video of a luxurious car during the Press day of the 7th

China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition in Guangzhou,capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, on 23 Nov, 2009.—XINHUA

All Items from Xinhua News Agency

BEIJING, 24 Nov—Aleading university in thecountry’s financial hub haslaunched a special busi-ness programme cateringto students from wealthyfamilies who are expectedto take over the reins oftheir family’s enterprises,according to Tuesday’sChina Daily.

The programme by the

overseas education collegeof Shanghai Jiaotong Uni-versity will include coop-eration with the UnitedStates Military Academyat West Point, CambridgeUniversity, as well as busi-ness schools around Eu-rope. “I think this projectwill soon be popular as it’svery timely,” said WangHongxin, the executive

dean of Overseas Educa-tion College at ShanghaiJiaotong University.

Over the past 30 years,China has seen rapid de-velopment of private en-terprises, and as the firstgeneration of entrepre-neurs nears retirement age,the time for their succes-sors to step forward iscoming.—Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009


A brown bear carries a dog during a

show in a circus in the Siberian city

of Krasnoyarsk.

The deep sea is teeming with thou-sands of species that have never knownsunlight, explorers now say.

Revealed via cameras towed deep inthe sea, sonar and other technologies, astunning 17,650 species are now knownto thrive in an eternal watery darkness.This menagerie of weird creatures, rang-ing from crabs to shrimp to worms,somehow manage a living in a frigidblack world down to roughly 3 miles (5km) below the ocean waves.

Most of these creatures have adaptedto diets based on meager droppings fromthe sunlit layer above, while others liveon sulfur and methane, or bacteria thatbreak down oil, or the sunken bones ofdead whales and other implausible foods.

Thousands of strange seacreatures discovered

Vertebral fossils from the Cretaceous

period are displayed in front of a

map of South America at Interpol

headquarters in Buenos Aires. Police

announced that they seized 300, 000

euros ($448, 860) worth of fossils

from an Argentinian man who tried

to sell them to museums and

collectors in Europe.

SAN’A, 24 Nov— A Japanese engineer seized byYemeni tribesmen seeking to swap him for a prisonerwith al-Qaeda links was released on Monday after aweek in captivity.

Takeo Mashimo returned to the capital, San’a, aftera day of negotiations between the tribesmen and Yemeniauthorities, said Natahiro Yamaguchi, the JapaneseEmbassy’s deputy chief of mission. Mashimo was ingood health and was received by the Japanese ambas-sador and the governor of San’a, Yamaguchi said.

In brief remarks Mashimo thanked the govern-ment’s negotiating team and the tribesmen for lettinghim go. Mashimo was working on the constructionof a school about 12 miles (20 kilometres) northeastof the capital when he was kidnapped on 15 Nov.

He was taken by armed men from the Arhab tribe.One of its leaders, Sheik Nazih al-Hanaq, told TheAssociated Press on Sunday that the tribe kidnappedthe man in an attempt to force the government to re-lease one of its members from prison — a commontactic by powerful tribes in large parts of Yemen wherethe central government has little or no control.


TANJUNG BALAI, 24 Nov—The captain of an Indo-nesian ferry which sank killing 29 people rejectedclaims of overcrowding on Monday and blamed a freakstorm for the disaster, as officials launched an investi-gation.

Despite more choppy conditions, the search for sur-vivors from the Dumai Express resumed off Karimunisland, near Singapore, with dozens feared lost at seaor trapped in the wreck at the bottom of the MalaccaStrait.

With the official toll standing at 29 dead and 245rescued, officials arrived at Karimun to try to piecetogether what caused the latest in a litany of ferry dis-asters in Indonesia, an archipelago of 17,000 islands.

The 147-tonne vessel’s capacity was 273 passen-gers and crew, but local police said more than 400people could have been on board. Two survivors toldAFP its decks were packed with undocumented pas-sengers.—Internet

Ferry Dumai Express 12 waits for passengers atSikupang Port in Batam, Indonesia, on 23 Nov,2009.The Dumai Express 10, similar type to thisDumai Express 12, was hit by towering waves onSunday and sank about 90 minutes into an inter-

island trip from Batam to Dumai in Riau, a provinceoff Sumatra island in western Indonesia. —INTERNET

Fire in building kills 2 in eastPakistan

ISLAMABAD, 24 Nov — At least one man and onewoman were killed while another person was injuredon Tuesday as a fire erupted in a building in the east-ern Pakistani city of Lahore.

The official news agency APP said the fire acci-dent took place at a three-storey building at EmpressRoad in the Punjabi capital on Tuesday morning.

According to the police and rescue team, the firebroke out at the Kashmir Palace hotel, the cause ofwhich is yet to be determined.

The rescue operation was going on as the fire-fight-ers tried to bring the fire under control.—Xinhua

WELLINGTON, 24 Nov— Eight women set out Mon-day from their base camp on Antarctica to ski to theSouth Pole in a trek to mark the 60th anniversary ofthe Commonwealth grouping of 53 former Britishcolonies.

Skiing six to 10 hours a day, they expect to travel500 miles (800 kilometres) across the frozen southerncontinent to the pole in about 40 days. Each is towinga sledge with food and gear weighing some 175 pounds(80 kilogrammes).

The Commonwealth Women’s Antarctic Expedi-tion will face blinding blizzards, winds in excess of80 miles (130 kilometres) an hour, hidden crevassesand temperatures that plummet to minus 42 degreesFahrenheit (minus 40 degrees Celsius), their Web sitesaid.

“As the team skis past the polar ice cap’s mountainpasses and fields, they will experience 24-hour day-light, endless vistas, and intense solitude. —Internet

Indonesian ferry captainblames storm for sinking

Freed Japaneseengineer andhostage Takeo

Mashimo speaks to hisfamily by

telephone after hisarrival at the San’a

Governor’s office in thecapital San’a, Yemen

on 23 Nov, 2009.INTERNET

Japanese engineer released byYemeni tribesmen

Eight women set out to skito South Pole

A specimen of the ‘Archeopteryx

simensii’ is displayed at the 46th

international trade fair for minerals,

fossils, precious stones and jewellery

in Munich, Germany,on 29 Oct,

2009. Six of the world’s ten existing

originals of the Archaeopteryx will

be on display in Munich — the value

of each one of the rare fossils is in

the millions of euro. The trade fair

lasts from 30 Oct to 1 Nov, 2009.

A Wisconsin man created the world’stallest gingerbread man, standing 26 feettall, as part of a cookie decorating eventat a mall.

Mary Beth Collins, the executive di-rector of Dane County Court AppointedSpecial Advocates, said Dave Bowdenof Market Street Diner created the gin-gerbread man as part of the “Ginger-bread Cookie Factory” fundraiser at theHilldale Mall in Madison, WISC-TV,Madison, reported.

Man creates 26-foot-tall gingerbread man“This was a goal he had,” Collins

said. “To create the world’s tallest gin-gerbread man.

So Dane County CASA approachedhim to see if he would do it, and heagreed, and here we are today.”

The cookie factory, which will beopen the first three Saturdays in Decem-ber, will allow children to decorate theirown gingerbread cookies to raise fundsfor CASA, which advocates for childrenin abusive situations.

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Page 7: The New Light of Myanmar 25-11-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 7

Pyawbwe poised to catch up with othertownships in terms of development

Byline: Maung Maung Htwe; Photos: Tha Nyan (MNA)

(from page 1) Now, the State has reclaimed vir-

gin lands with the use of machineryand sank the artesian wells to launchmixed-and multiple-cropping patterns.

The new school building, whichcost K 65 million has been built thanksto the development in agriculture. It

Panswa village developing thanks to artesian wells

Entrance to Panswa village.

Article and Photos;Aung Than (Mingala Taungnyunt)

was built with the education funds ofPanswa villagers. With the watersplashed out from the artesian wells,Panswa village is going to see a betterfuture with the growth in agriculture.

******Translation : HKA

(Myanma Alin: 23-11-09)

Pyawbwe TownshipPeace and Develop-ment Council Chair-

man U San Htayexplains ongoing

projects for regionaldevelopment.

Amayhtein Hall in Pyawbwe Township.

Newly-built Pyawbwe Township Maternaland Child Welfare Association Office.

U Maung Pu fromHse Village in

Pyawbwe Township.

A concrete bridge is being built, shoulder to shoulder with the old wooden bridge in KyudawVillage in Pyawbwe Township.

(from page 1)But, now our region hasenjoyed, a lot of eco-nomic growth. U TinMyint from Yindaw Vil-lage said, “I am here onbusiness. In the past, thebridge was not availablefor cars. I had to leavemy car on the one side ofthe bridge when I was tocross the canal.”

With the contribu-tion of officials and well-wishers, a large numberof bridges have beenbuilt, thus improving thetransport sector of theregion. The townshipalso has got self-relianthealth centres and basiceducation schools. So,

the region is developingrapidly.

Rural areas’ majorbusinesses are agricul-ture and livestock farm-ing . Pyawbwe is an aridregion, so cotton and ed-ible oil crops thrivethere.

Local farmers ofPyawbwe Townshipgrow paddy, cotton,

sugarcane, sesame, sun-flower, green gram, pi-geon pea, black gram,and corn not only withrainwater but also withirrigation water. Now,the government is sink-ing 50 tube-wells underthe programme of boost-ing agricultural produc-tion and greening PhayaNgazu in Pyawbwe

Township, thereby gen-erating a better future ofthe region.

Regarding regionaldevelopment tasks,Chairman of TownshipPeace and DevelopmentCouncil U San Htay said,“Now, we grow Ngwechi(6) strain long staple cot-ton extensively. And weare trying to launch tri-ple-cropping pattern in-cluding paddy, peas andcotton.

We have a plan tobuild seven roads inKyaukchat, Shwe-nyaungphu, Pinthaung,Kontha, Myaukmeegon,Beinnaka and Yongonvillages that lead to inter-

district roads. We aregearing up to build a five-mile road section that willlink the inter-district roadand Pauk-ai Yoe,Ywathit, Nwe-nwelt,Okshitpin, Kyauk-oh andHngetmee villages.

We constantly main-tain the lakes for drinkingwater. Now, we are work-ing for supply of adequatefreshwater to 15 villages.So far, the programme hasbenefited five villages. We

use a lot of heavy ma-chinery to complete allthe work including build-ing roads on schedule.”

According to my first-hand experiences,Pyawbwe, which was es-tablished in 1186 MyanmarEra, has begun to enjoy re-markable developmentwith junctions of roads andrailroads, and large build-ings.

Translation: MSKyemon: 23-10-2009

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

The experiences I have come acrossYein Nan

Dear old Bran Shao,I am writing this to share the experiences I have

gained at the graduation parade in Bahtoo OfficerTraining School. As you know, our NDAK force hasbeen transformed to a border guard force recently.Really, we have become soldiers. We wear armyuniforms and military insignias, and take oaths. So, wefeel as if we have started a new life, and we areparticipating in the transforming processes.

On the opening day of our border guard force, westarted to wear army uniforms, armbands, and peakcaps. A major general who was learned to be a commandcommander decorated me with military officer insigniason my shoulders. That was the first time I had ever meta senior military officer closely. At that time, I happenedto look at my shoulders so many times because I worriedthat the gold stars would fall off from my shoulders.Then, the commander touched my shoulder in a cordialmanner and said, “Captain, now, the State has recognizedyou as a reliable army officer.” Just as I heard his words,I had goose-flesh and my whole body was a bit shakingout of great relish. I swear, as the commander said to me,I felt as if I had become a reliable army officer whowould soon take charge of national defence duties.

Whoever we were and whatever wrong we did inthe past, now we have taken oaths of allegiance to theState, and we will soon assume charge of nationaldefence duties in our home regions to serve the interestof our regions, and our national brethren. Thegovernment provided cash awards, and salaries andrations to us. We got 35 items of military equipment,many of which we have never used. It also provided 16types of supplies for the clinic and delivery room of ourforce, and 14 other types of supplies. Our force wasprovided with cars, motorcycles, typewriters and funds.The Tatmadaw supplied a lot of rations to our front linecamps, and all forms of assistance to our families.

If we need something, officers and warrantofficers from the Tatmadaw fulfil our wishes. So, weare not in need of any particular help. In fact, ourborder guard force also comprises 30 membersfrom other military units, so it is very convenient forus to form organizational set-up of our platoons andto carry out office work. As you know, our force isweak in office work. And it is impossible for us to befamiliar with the Tatmadaw’s procedures overnight.I am sure this is the most appropriate way to smoothlytransform a force that has stood for ages. They areservice personnel who have moved here on duty,and we are also service personnel who are responsiblefor national defence duties. So, all are the same,Tatmadaw members.

As you know, transforming to a border guardforce is not a matter to be taken lightly. Our KachinState, for instance, suffered evil consequences of thedivide-and-rule policy throughout the colonial periodbecause ours is a highland. The conditions of our statein the post-independence period were as you havelearnt. Till 1989, we stayed hiding, and so we couldnot do anything in the interest of our region and thepeople. Only in the time of the Tatmadaw, could peacebe restored and national development tasks belaunched. I do not know whether you believe it or not,we could make a one-day round trip between ourSadone Village and Myitkyina, which was a three-daytrip in the past. Our region has enjoyed materialdevelopment in various sectors. Local people of useven shudder at the thought of suffering again evilconsequences of battles that took place till 1989. So,I am proud to be a Tatmadaw member and I am

following in the path the government has paved foreverlasting peace.

We have enjoyed the benefits from thetransforming far more than expected. I am gaining somany unexpected experiences. I would like to sharesome of my experiences with you. Border guard forceshave been formed systematically, and we are nowattending the courses conducted according to ranks inthe training schools.

On our way to the training school in Myitkyina,we received a rousing welcome from local people.Frankly, I did not expect such a warm welcome. Mygirlfriend from Dukahtaung took me for someonebecause I was at that time in army officer uniform. Ihad to settle the jealousy she had when she saw somenurses garlanding me. I am just sharing my pleasureswith you, not boasting to make you envy my success.The pleasure of the people who garlanded us hasstrengthened our determination. Mostly, we stayedin border areas, so up to that time, we had neverreceived the support, encouragement and praisefrom local people in an urban area. The support ofthe local people, for whom loss of peace is completelyunacceptable, will be always special to me. I realizedand felt that the local people of Myitkyina, whooffered a rousing welcome to us, represented theentire people. And I am sure other members felt thesame as I did.

recognize our diligence and hard work. We arereally proud of their recognition.

As we are attending the course together withsome national brethren from Kayah State, we make newfriends and we have come to understand the meaning of‘blood brother’. We have come to realize that strongnational unity is necessary for non-disintegration of theUnion no matter where we live in it. I don’t want you torun away with the idea that I’m talking big as I’mattending a Tatmadaw training course. I think the pathbeing taken by the nation for transition to democracy isan unexpected opportunity for us educated youths to beable to work for eternal peace and development of ourrespective regions. I believe that, in a way, it is anopportunity that the State, the people and the Tatmadawhave given us. It is priceless and it will be an extraordinarymilestone in the history of the nation and nationalpeople. As I’m at the fore in setting the extraordinarymilestone in history, I’m proud of it and I really valuethis unexpected experience.

One of the unexpected experiences I have hadoccurred on the day when our border guard force wasformed. On that day, with tears flooding down hercheeks, my mother (Anu) said, “I no longer have toworry about my son; our state will be peaceful for ever.”At the same time, she kissed both my cheeks to herheart’s content. The tears she shed on that day weredifferent from the tears she had shed when we sometimes

When we arrived at the training school, all wentwell as everything had been prearranged, includingaccommodation, lessons to be learnt and administrativeaffairs. Only when we started taking the course did weknow more about our duties and responsibilities. It wasfound that lessons taught at the course focussed on thespirit a Tatmadaw member should possess and subjectson organizing and serving people rather than on militaryart. Officers have to attend the officers training schoolin Bahtoo and warrant officers, sergeants and privatesare to attend their respective training courses. It is anabsolute necessity to attend courses. We are notunfamiliar with military art as we took up arms in thepast but there are lots of other military subjects weshould learn rather than military tactics.

We held arms illegally for a long time. Now wehave been assigned special duty as legal arms holderswith trust and understanding. Therefore, we realizethat we have to learn necessary subjects and rules andregulations. As we all are trying to learn actively andenthusiastically, our trainers and conductors

met while we were in hiding or on the run. Now no morecares and worries in her eyes. I felt that her kind eyeswelling with tears were full of trust in and reliance onme. I believe there will be many mothers like mine notonly in Kachin State but all over the Union. This is whyI’m convinced that serving the duties of the State by theorganizations of our national races after beingtransformed into border guard forces is not only in theinterest of respective regions and local people but it alsoensures our individual life security and our future.

I’m very busy but I’m writing this letter as Iwould like to share my experiences with you. Now, Iwill have to take morning PT (physical exercise). I willwrite to you again later. If I get leave after completingthe training, I will visit your house in Bhamo, wearinguniform.

Yours,Lt Yein Nan

Officers Training School (Army)Bahtoo, Shan State

(Translation: MS + NN)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 9

NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov—Chairman ofAyeyawady DivisionPeace and DevelopmentCouncil Commander ofSouth-West CommandMaj-Gen Kyaw Swe

Commander attends donationceremony in Pathein

attended the ceremony topresent wheel chairs andrestroom appliances heldin Pathein on 16November. The com-mander made a speechand presented wheelchairs and restroomappliances.

On 17 November, heinspected the site chosenfor construction of mainpower supply station in

Maubin and ploughingfor monsoon paddy onNgapiowekwae qualitypaddy plantation.

The commander alsolooked into the diggingthe drains for proper flowof water at the junction ofYaele.

The commander thengave necessaryinstructions.


YANGON, 24 Nov—Myanmar Writers andJournalists Association will organize ceremony to payrespects to doyen literati to mark Sarsodaw Day atCity Hall here on 6 December.

The township chairmen and secretaries can get theinvitation cards for senior writers and well-wishers toattend the ceremony at No. 529 of Sarpay Beikman(second floor) on Merchant Street starting from 30November during office hours.


NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov—Minister forFinance and RevenueMaj-Gen Hla Tunaddressed the opening ofBanking Services Coursefor Assistant Managers ofMyanma Economic Bank(1/2009) at the meetinghall of MyanmaEconomic BankHeadquarters on Myat PanThazin Road in Nay Pyi

NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov—The MandalayTechnological Universityof Technological andVocational EducationDepartment under theMinistry of Science andTechnology conductedthe 3rd collective blooddonation ceremony at itsthree-storey buildingyesterday.

At the ceremony,medical superintendent

NAY PYI TAW, 24Nov—To mark Decembermass sports activities for2009, Ministry of Sportswill hold photo, article andshort story contests.Participants must writeshort stories from 5 to 8pages in foolscap sizes andheading is to be based onuplift of health and fitnessof the people andpromoting Myanmar

Banking Services Course for AssistantManagers (1/2009) commences

Taw Banks Zone hereyesterday morning.

In his address, theminister said that theministry is conducting thecourses to nurture humanresources in its drive toboost banking sector andurged the trainees to learnhard for the practicalapplication of bankinglaws and administrationknowledge and to study

seriously the widerknowledge in banking andmonetary businesses. Healso called on the traineesfor launching MEB onlinee-banking system.

Later, the ministercordially greetedlecturers, trainee assistantmanagers. The course wasattended by assistantmanagers from townshipbanks (branch) and they

Photo, article and short story contests for

December mass sports activities 2009 to be held

sports standard.Articles on sports

activities will be from 4to 6 pages in foolscapsizes. Photos are notlimited and must be 12inches x 12 inches in size.

Short stories, articlesand photos are to be sentto Kyaikkasan sportsground, Mass Sports andEducation Division,Organizing Committee,

Yangon, (Ph-01-400431and 01-400894) not laterthan 12 January, 2010.

First, second, third andconsolation prizes will beawarded. The date forprize-awarding ceremonywill be announced in thenewspapers in advance.Winners or representativesmust attend the ceremonywithout fail.


YANGON, 23 Nov—Concordia Int’l Co Ltdwill launch a programmefor sales promotion ofFujixerox Brand copiersand printers and GarminBrand GPS productssimultaneously at

Concordia Int’l Co Ltd’s sales promotionon 25-27 Nov

Concordia showrooms inMandalay, Nay Pyi Tawand Yangon from 25 to 27November.

Fujixerox Brandcopiers and printers thesole agent imports anddistributes in Myanmar are

on sale at five to 10 percent discount in the salespromotion period.

During the period,Garmin GPS products aresold at a seven per centdiscount, and with atestimony of the departmentconcerned, those fromministries, servicemen andn o n - g o v e r n m e n t a lorganizations get an extrapiece at a purchase of 10pieces.

For more information,contact Shwegon Plaza on

MTU holds 3rd collective blood

donation ceremonyDr Maung Win ofMandalay GeneralHospital, Pathologist DrKhin Sein Win ofNational Blood Bank,doctors, nurses andmedical staff of bloodbank made blood tests tostudents. Acting PrincipalDr Khin Htaik HtaikLwin of MandalayTechnological Universityviewed the activities forblood donation and

fulfilled the requirements.Next, Dr Khin Htaik

Htaik Lwin handed overthe 55 bags of blood (A),70 bags of blood (B), 75bags of blood (O) and 23bags of blood (AB)totaling 223 to in-chargeof blood bank Dr KhinSein Win who presentedemblems, certificates ofhonour, wholesome food,medicines and gifts to thedonors.—MNA

are learning banking andmonetary rules andregulations andinternational bankingknowledge.—MNA

Kaba Aye Pagoda Road inBahan Township (Ph: 01-544824, 558170, 540026)09-5005912, Fax 544199;SY Building on 30th Street

between 77th and 78th

Streets in Chanaye ThazanTownship, Mandalay (02-36478, 69303, 09-5067172); and Thiri

Minister Maj-Gen Hla Tun addresses the opening of Banking Services Course for AssistantManagers of Myanma Economic Bank (1/2009).—F&R

The third collective blood donation ceremony of MandalayTechnological University of Mechanical and Vocational Education

Department in progress.—MNA

Yadana Supermarket atNo 144 in Nay Pyi Taw(067-420819, and421362).


MWJA to organizerespect-paying ceremony

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

Byline & Photos: Aung Than (Mingala Taungnyunt)Kanbalu: A town of development and prosperity in Sagaing Division

(from page 16)wayside publicresthouse constructedand commanded an ogreto guard the ponds fordurability. The townwas then called Kanbilubased on the fact that anogre was kept as awatchman. Kanbiluchanged to Kanbaluwith the passage of time.In 1893, a railway sta-tion was set up on Man-dalay-Myitkyina roadand the town was namedKanbalu. We inter-viewed Chairman UWai Myo Khaing ofKanbalu TownshipPeace and DevelopmentCouncil who said thatthe mainstay of KanbaluTownship was agricul-ture; that there were atotal of 135,311 acresof farmlands, and

291,266 acres ofcroplands: that the sownacreage had increasedalong with the emer-gence of irrigation fa-cilities in the time ofTatmadaw Govern-ment: that 128,361 acresof farmlands were putunder monsoon paddyin 2001-2002 and sownacreage was increasedto 147,248 acres lastyear; that summerpaddy could not begrown in the region inthe past, but last year atotal of 24,128 acreswere put under summerpaddy; that the targetproduction wasachieved as the total out-put had reached 83.73baskets of rice per acre;that it could be seen thatcurrent year's sownacreage had increasedevidently in comparisonwith 108,012 acres of

The township hasseen economic

growth as agricultureis successful.

U Wai Myo KhaingChairman of

Kanbalu TownshipPDC

Entrance to Kanbalu Township flanked by green and lush trees.

Neat and well-built Shwe Yakha Yadanar Royal Lake in downtown Kanbalu.

A total of 168 farmers grow over 500 acres of paddy in Wattoe (North).

farmlands in 1988; thatthere were only 528,365acres of croplands in2001-2002 and the sownacreage had increased to894831 acres in 2008-2009; that in 2008-2009,

256,700 acres of landcould be extended formixed-cropping thanksto irrigation facilities;that along with the im-provement in cultivationwhich led to economicgrowth of the township,

the per capita income hadincreased.

It is learnt that a totalof 429,419 acres havebeen put under variouskinds of crops including49,367 acres of monsoonpaddy, 154,239 acres ofpeas and beans, 85614acres of edible oil crops,252 acres of long staplecotton, 22,588 acres ofsugarcane, 61425 acres ofmaize, which is far morethan production target.There is 274 per cent foodsufficiency and 849 percent edible oil sufficiency.

Each household in thetownship was encouragedto breed one pig and tenchickens on manageablescale and as a result, nowa total of 407,114 pigsand 740,100 chickenshave been bred in the

whole township with eachhousehold raising one pigand 18 chickens. Conse-quently, the economicgrowth of the townshiphas gone from strength tostrength. Chicken breed-ing zones are established

separately, with a view toensuring bio-safety of theanimals and prevention ofbird flu (H5N1). Localsare now reaping the ben-efits from sale of chickensfrom Zigon, Htangon,Kanbalu chicken breedingzones that are transportedto regions to regions as

far as Myitkyina by train.Furthermore, in a drive tobuild up the township aslush and green one, a totalof 75,210 trees of variouskinds have been grownand the growing of 4,266toddy-palms on either side

of Myayhtu Street is inprogress.

With respect to com-munication sector, KanbaluTownship had only dial tel-ephones in the past, but thetownship has beenequipped with one AutoExchange and 723 tel-ephones, two Semi-Auto

Exchange and 463 tel-ephones, seven dial ex-change and 521 telephones,40 public telephones and380 CDMA telephones invillages and the township.In consequence, nowKanbalu Township can

communicate not onlywith other towns inMyanmar but also withcountries across the globe.

Kanbalu Townshipcovers an area of1599. 35 square miles or1023587 acres. The town-ship is surrounded byAyeyawady river andThabeikkyin Township innorth-east, Mu river andDaze Township in thewest, KhinU Township inthe south, Kawlin andKyunhla Townships in thenorth. The township iscomposed of five wards,273 villages from 86 vil-lage-tracts, with 38,773households and a popula-tion of over 290,000.

Kanbalu Townshipwon first prize in con-struction of rural roadsand stood second in ur-ban development for2008-2009 in the wholecountry.

Translation: TKKMyanma Alin(24.11.2009)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 11

US, Russia under negotiationsover arms reduction treaty

In this 11 Nov, 2009 photo, Dr Igohwo Etuh examines Ahmed MohamedMohamoud in a hospital in Kijabe, Kenya. Mohamoud became one of thelatest victims of Somalia’s savage war when he was caught in the crossfire

between militants and government forces while walking home from the largestmarket in Mogadishu.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 24Nov—US officials aredoing negotiations withtheir Russian counterpartsover the renewal of anarms reduction treaty thatexpires early next month,the State Department saidon Monday.

“The negotiating teamsare continuing to workvery hard in Geneva, theyhave agreement on anumber of issues, but theyare also trying to work out

some of the areas wherethey need to come to-gether,” State Departmentspokesman Ian Kelly toldreporters.

“We are certainly hope-ful about it, that we will beable to have a draft agree-ment that both sides arecomfortable with,” he said.The United States and theformer Soviet Unionsigned in 1991 StrategicArms Reduction Treaty(START) that expires on 5

December, 2009. Underthe treaty, Washington andMoscow agreed to cut intheir nuclear arsenals andto set limits on long-rangemissiles. During theirMoscow summit meetingin July, US PresidentBarack Obama andhis Russian counterpartDmitry Medvedev agreedto each reduce their nucleararsenal to between 1,500and 1,675 warheads withinseven years.—Xinhua

5.1-magnitude quake joltsMexico Pacific coast

MEXICO CITY, 24 Nov—An earthquake measuring5.1 on the Richter Scale struck Jalisco, a state on Mexi-co’s Pacific coast on Monday, the state-run NationalSeismology Service said.

It was recorded 8 minutes and 41 seconds aftermidnight as was 192 kilometers (km) southwest ofCihuatlan, a town in Jalisco. There have been no re-ports so far of harm to people or damage to property.

The quake was 30 km deep and was located at 18.05degrees north and 105.88 degrees west in longitude. TheUS Geological Survey reported the magnitude as 5.2.On Sunday night, there were three minor quakes in neigh-bouring Pacific State Guerrero, hitting Zihuantanejo withmagnitudes of 3.7. 4.6 and 4.2; and one more in Oaxaca,the next state south along the coast, registering 4.3 onthe Richter Scale.—Xinhua

KLM flies world’s first“passenger flight on biofuel”

Bullet tears open Somali boy’s face

Pirates free hijacked shipbound for Somali port

MOGADISHU, 24 Nov—A Somali businessman saysa ship hijacked by pirates off East Africa two weeksago has been released.

Ali Dheere, the chairman of a group of traders inMogadishu, says the al-Mizan has arrived in Soma-lia’s capital.

The Panama-flagged, United Arab Emirates-ownedcargo ship was carrying electronics, food and othergoods. The 18-member crew were all in good condi-tion.


China, Italy renewbilateral scientific

cooperationROME, 24 Nov—Italy

and China renewed onMonday a strategic bilat-eral cooperation in thescientific and technologi-cal fields by signing anew agreement for 2010-2012.

The treaty was signedby Chinese Vice Ministerfor Science and Technol-ogy Du Zhanyuan and theItalian undersecretary forforeign affairs StefaniaCraxi. The ceremonialevent was as well attendedby China’s ambassador toItaly Sun Yuxi.

Both Du and Craxipraised the importance ofthe scientific cooperation.

“Thanks to the attentionand promotion of the twogovernments, the Sino-Italian cooperation in sci-ence and technology hasbeen deeply enhanced,”said Du.


NAIROBI, 24 Nov—Thebullet hit mother and sonas they walked throughSomalia’s capital. She felta sharp pain in her palm.Then she saw her 8-year-old: The bullet torethrough his cheekbones,nose and mouth. Bloodgushed down to his waist.

Two months later,Ahmed MohamedMohamoud’s nose is asmall hole. His mouth is

always open because hehas no upper lip and hisright eye is gone. He canbarely speak.

He is a lost face of So-malia’s war.

Like so many other vic-tims of a savage war,Ahmed was caught in thecrossfire between insur-gents and governmentforces, struck as hewalked home from aMogadishu market with

his mother, who says abarrage of bullets pouredout from the presidentialpalace.

Unlike Afghanistanand Iraq, there are fewimages of the bloodshedin Somalia, where thou-sands of children havebeen casualties withoutthe world knowing. Mostforeign journalists stayaway because of the dan-ger.—Internet

GENEVA, 24 Nov—Greenhouse gaseshave reached their highest levels sincepre-industrial times, meteorologistswarned on Monday.The World Meteoro-logical Organization (WMO) announcedthat 2008 saw the largest increase ingreenhouse gases since 1998 during apress conference in Geneva. “We wantdecisions to be based not on rumors buton facts, so here are the facts,” said MichelJarraud, the WMO Secretary General, re-ferring to the United Nations Climate

The KLM airplane which runs on biokerosene is seen at Schiphol airport,near Amsterdam. A Boeing 747, one of four engines powered by a 50-percent

biokerosene mix, circled the Netherlands for an hour on Monday for whatairline KLM called the world’s first passenger flight using biofuel.—INTERNET

THE HAGUE, 24 Nov—A Boeing 747, one of fourengines powered by a 50-percent biokerosene mix,circled the Netherlands foran hour on Monday forwhat airline KLM calledthe world’s first passengerflight using biofuel.

“This is technically fea-sible. We have demon-strated that it is possible,”KLM chief executive of-ficer Peter Hartman saidafter the flight, which tookoff and landed at Schiphol

airport near Amsterdam.“Government, industry

and society at large mustnow join forces to ensurethat we quickly gain accessto a continuous supply ofbiofuel.” The flight hadabout 40 people on board,including Hartman, Eco-nomic Affairs MinisterMaria van der Hoeven, thedirector of nature groupWWF in the Netherlands,Johan van de Gronden, anda handful of journalists.

KLM spokeswoman

Monique Matze told AFPthat of the Boeing’s four en-gines, one was powered bya mix of 50 percent sustain-able kerosene and 50percent normal fuel. Thebiofuel was manufacturedfrom the camelina plant,sourced from a biotechno-logy company basedin Seattle in the UnitedStates. The test flight wasalso the first of any kind inEurope powered partly bysustainable biofuel, accord-ing to KLM.—Internet

Greenhouse gases reach highest levels,meteorologists warn

Change Conference in Copenhagen inDecember.

The WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletinshows that as of 2008, ratios of carbondioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in-creased by 38 percent, 157 percent and19 percent, respectively, since pre-indus-trial times before 1750 .“What this in-crease means was that Kyoto was notenough,” said Jarraud, “but withoutKyoto, it would be even worse.”


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TEGAPVOY NO (481 ) are here by notified that the vessels willbe arriving on 25.11.2009 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Job losses to bottomout in 1Q

NEW YORK, 24 Nov — Economists expect the job-lessness that has weighed down the nation’s economicrecovery will start to slowly abate in 2010, but theypredict consumers will continue to keep a tight reinon spending, according to a new survey.

While signs have pointed to the end of the reces-sion, joblessness remains rampant. The national un-employment rate jumped to 10.2 percent in October,the highest in 26 years. About 9 million people cur-rently receive unemployment benefits.

The November outlook by the National Associationfor Business Economics, which is set to be releasedon Monday, shows economists expect net employmentlosses to bottom out in the first quarter of next year.Employers are seen starting to add to their payrollsafter that. “While the recovery has been jobless so far,that should soon change,” said Lynn Reaser, NABE’spresident and chief economist at Point Loma NazareneUniversity. “Within the next few months, companiesshould be adding instead of cutting jobs.”—Internet

China’s Hong Kong expects toincrease legal co-op with Vietnam HANOI, 24 Nov—China’s Hong Kong Secretary for

Justice Wong Yan Lung said here on Monday that HongKong is discussing with Vietnam on three legal agree-ments to expand judicial cooperation.

The agreements cover the mutual legal assistancein criminal matters, surrender of fugitives and trans-fer of sentenced persons, said Wong.

Wong said that the increase in trade and investmentbetween China’s Hong Kong and Vietnam creates thedemand for enhancing cooperation in legal area.

In the first nine months this year, bilateral trade be-tween Hong Kong and Vietnam went up 13 percentyear-on-year, according to Wong. Besides, Vietnam isbecoming an increasingly popular tourist destinationfor Hong Kong travellers. Last year, Hong Kong andVietnam signed a double taxation avoidance agree-ment to facilitate trade and investment.

Wong encourages Vietnamese companies and busi-nessmen to utilize the International Arbitration Center(IAC) in Hong Kong for dispute settlement with part-ners from other countries or regions.—Xinhua

Job seekers look over a list of jobs at an employ-ment center in San Francisco, California on 20Nov, 2009. California’s unemployment rate for

October hit 12.5 percent, as the pace of job lossesslowed in many US states.—INTERNET

169 new A/H1N1 flufatal cases confirmed

in EuropeSTOCKHOLM, 24 Nov—

A European health agencysaid Monday that 169 newA/H1N1 flu fatal caseswere confirmed in Euro-pean countries within thelast seven days.

Of the news cases, 31were reported from Brit-ain, 27 from Spain, 26from Italy, 25 fromFrance, 14 from Germanywhile the rest confirmedrespectively from other 16countries, the EuropeanCenter for Disease Pre-vention and Control(ECDC) said in its re-ports.

The cumulative numberof confirmed fatal cases ofthe A/H1N1 flu virus inthe EU (European Union)and EFTA (European FreeTrade Association) coun-tries increased to 670from 501, with 216 inBritain, 115 cases inSpain, 84 in France and 70in Italy, the ECDC said.


AT&T offersprepaid wireless

broadband serviceBEIJING, 24 Nov—

AT&T on Monday starteda prepaid wirelessbroadband service to allowusers pay by the day, by theweek or by the month.

The new service allowscustomers to use its net-work for web surfing onlaptop computers ornetbooks without the ob-ligation to sign a two-yearcontract with the operator.

Wireless broadbandservices allow users toconnect their laptops tothe Internet via the carri-ers 3G wireless network.These services havemostly been targeted atbusiness users, accordingto media reports.


Global PC shipments to rise 2.8% in 2009SAN FRANCISCO, 24

Nov—Worldwide per-sonal computer (PC)shipments are expected toincrease 2.8 percent in2009 from last year to to-tal 298.9 million units,showing the market is no-

ticeably improving, US in-formation technology re-search firm Gartner said onMonday.

“Shipments in the thirdquarter of 2009 were muchstronger than we expected,and that alone virtuallyguaranteed we would seepositive growth this year,”George Shiffler, researchdirector at Gartner, said ina statement.

According to Gartner,global PC shipments areprojected to reach 336.6million units in 2010, up12.6 percent from 2009.

But Gartner also cau-tioned that despite the fore-cast growth of PC ship-ments, the market value isexpected to drop 10.7 per-

cent from last year to 217billion US dollars.

“Blame this year’s dropin market value on the un-precedented declines in PCaverage selling priceswe’ve seen this year,” saidShiffler.

The decline of PC aver-age selling prices is ex-pected to slow as the mar-ket recovers, but given themarket’s competitive dy-namic, PC average sellingprices may not rise anytime soon, he noted.

“As a result, growth inthe market value of ship-ments will significantlylag shipment growth nextyear and beyond,” Shifflerconcluded.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 13

VAn iPod sits in a newtoilet stall on display at a

promotional event forCharmin Restrooms in

New York’s TimesSquare, on 23 Nov ,

2009. The Charmin toiletpaper brand, producedby Procter & Gamble,has since 2006 offered

free deluxe toilets to thepublic during the peak

shopping weeks betweenThanksgiving and

Christmas, with some 1.5million visitors to date,

according to thecompany.—INTERNET

Better TB, malaria and AIDStests urged

MONTREAL, 24 Nov—A Canadian-led team ofresearchers is urgingcreation of better qualitydiagnostic studies fortuberculosis, malariaand human immuno-deficiency virus tests.

The team, led by DrMadhukar Pai, anassistant professor atMcGill University, said arapid and accuratediagnosis is the first steptowards treatment in thefight against infectiousdisease. But the team,in collaboration withresearchers at the WorldHealth Organization’sSpecial Programme forResearch and Training inTropical Diseases, has

highlighted the poorquality of publishedstudies that evaluate theaccuracy of diagnostictests for the three majorkiller infections.

The researchers saytheir findings suggest thediagnostic studies on TB,malaria and HIVcommercial tests havemoderate to low qualityand are often poorlyreported. The scientistsalso said sources of biasand variation werepresent in all the studies.

“The necessary metho-dological elements suchas patient selectioncriteria, recruitmentmethods or ... testinterpretation were poorly

reported,” said Pai, wholed the research.“Moreover, only a smallpercentage of thesestudies accuratelydescribed the manner inwhich the tests wereconducted and whetherthey are reproducible.

“Poorly designedstudies can lead topremature or misguidedadoption of tests that mayhave little or no clinicaland public healthrelevance, resulting inincorrect diagnosis andadverse consequences forthe patient,” Pai added.

The research appears inthe online journal PLoSOne.


Insulin and core body temperature linked Women can quitsmoking, lose weight

CHICAGO, 24 Nov — Women who quit smokingwhile receiving treatment for weight control are betterable to control weight and quit cigarettes, USresearchers say.

Lead author Bonnie Spring, a professor ofpreventive medicine at the Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, and colleagues saymany women don’t quit smoking because they areafraid of gaining weight because nicotine suppressesthe appetite and boosts a smoker’s metabolism.

“Women who smoke often feel caught between arock and hard place, because they’re concerned abouttheir health but also concerned about theirappearance,” Spring says in a statement. “Now theydon’t have to choose between the two.”

Spring examined the results from 2,233 smokersin 10 studies from 1991-2007.

The review, published in the journal Addiction,showed that women whose treatment addressed bothsmoking and weight control were 29 percent morelikely to quit smoking in the short term, three months,and 23 percent more likely to quit in the long term,from six to 14 months, than those whose treatmentaddressed only smoking.


Low amountsof alcohol may

hurt healthLUND, 24 Nov — Even

low amounts of alcoholconsumption may be badfor health, Swedishresearchers said.

Study leader Johan Jarlof Lund University inSweden found with theexception of people age 80and older, men whoconsumed up to five unitsof alcohol a day andwomen who consumed upto 2.5 units a day cost thehealth service more thanthose who did not drink.

The researchers saidtheir study, published in thejournal Cost Effectivenessand Resource Allocation,challenged the conven-tional wisdom that low-alcohol consumption wasgood for health and causedfewer sick days and higherwages.

“In this study, however,we found that, whenincluding also thosediseases where low-consumption increases therisk of morbidity andmortality, low-to-moderatealcohol intake actually hasa net negative healthimpact,” Jarl said in astatement. “It is thereforedoubtful if the commonexplanation of health as thelink between alcoholconsumption and increasedwages is valid in itsexisting form.—Internet

Tea may help control blood sugar

LAJOLLA, 24 Nov — A team ofscientists led by the Scripps ResearchInstitute says it has discovered a directlink between insulin and core bodytemperature.

Although much research has beenfocused on insulin — a hormone longassociated with metabolism andmetabolic disorders such as diabetes —the new finding marks the first timeinsulin has been linked with thefundamental process of bodytemperature regulation.

The scientists said they found thatwhen insulin was injected directly intoa specific area of the brain in rodents,core body temperature rose, metabolismincreased and brown adipose (fat) tissuewas activated to release heat. Theresearch team also found the effects

were dose-dependent to a point — themore insulin, the more the metabolicmeasures rose.

“Scientists have known for manyyears that insulin is involved in glucoseregulation in tissues outside the brain,”said Scripps Research neurobiologistManuel Sanchez-Alavez, first author ofthe study. “The connection totemperature regulation in the brain isnew.”

The researchers said their findinghighlights the possibility that differencesin core temperature may play a role inobesity and may represent a therapeuticarea in future drug design.

The research recently appeared in theonline edition of the journal Diabetesand is to appear in the journal’s Januaryprint issue.—Internet

DALLAS, 24 Nov — Teahas long been heralded aspromoting heart health andmay reduce cancer risk buta US researcher suggeststea may also help controlblood sugar.

Dr Jo Ann Carson,professor of clinicalnutrition at the Universityof Texas SouthwesternMedical Center in Dallas,says studies from variouscountries suggest a lifetimeconsumption of at least twoto four cups of tea per day— black tea, in particular— reduces the incidence oftype 2 diabetes.

However, Carson sayswhile scientific evidenceon tea’s health benefits islimited, all teas — green,white, black and oolong

— can be part of a healthydiet.

Carson says people havetwo choices — learn toenjoy iced tea with little or

no sugar, or drink sugarediced tea in moderation,generally once a day orless.



French artist paints Chinese opera

Screenshot photo shows a French painter sharesthe stage with Chinese opera performers on

Sunday evening in Paris. —INTERNET

BEIJING, 24 Nov — AFrench painter shared thestage with Chinese operaperformers on Sundayevening in Paris. Theevent was the finale at thefourth ChineseTraditional OperaFestival in the Frenchcapital, and offered a newtake on the west-meets-east trend in art.

A Hong Kong operatheatre group brought theKunqu classic “PeonyPavilion” to Paris to closethis year’s Chinese OperaFestival there.

While the costumedartists were reviving thecenturies-old romanticstory on the stage, aFrench painter workedbehind them, improvisingon a ten-meter-long

canvas.Audiences seemed to

be thrilled by thisextraordinary com-bination of eastern operaand western painting.

The French painterGerald was more thanpleased to be part of the

new attempt inpromoting culturalexchange.

He has been bestknown in France for hisimprovisation accom-panying a musicalbackground.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009


Soderling stuns Nadal at ATP Finals debut

Rafael Nadal of Spain returns theball to Robin Soderling of Sweden

during their ATP World Tour Finalsfirst round tennis match in London

on 23 Nov, 2009.—XINHUA

Nordqvist wins LPGA Tour Championship

Lorena Ochoa, of Mexico, reactsafter hitting her tee shot on the 13thhole during the second round of the

LPGA Tour Championship golftournament on 22 Nov, 2009 inRichmond, Texas.—INTERNET

France coach RaymondDomenech

Domenech ridicules bonus claims

FIFA call crisis talks afterqualifiers, betting scandal

FIFA presidentSepp Blatter

Slavia Prague loan captainSuchy to Spartak Moscow

Wigan’s Won-Hee Cho(C) controlsthe ball during the Premier Leagueclash against Tottenham Hotspur on

22 November.—INTERNET

Wigan refund fans who witnessed Spurs massacre

Czech championsSlavia Prague’s captain

Marek Suchy

Palermo fire Zenga afterderby draw, hire Rossi

ROME, 24 Nov—Palermo on Monday sacked coachWalter Zenga, a day after their 1-1 home draw againstSicilian rivals Catania, and appointed former Lazioboss Delio Rossi. Zenga, a former coach at Catania,becomes the sixth Serie A coach to be sacked this sea-son while Luciano Spalletti also quit as AS Roma boss.

His sacking comes as a surprise as Palermo werehaving a reasonable season and some had been sug-gesting that Zenga, a former Italy goalkeeper, wouldbe in the running to be the next Inter Milan boss.Palermo had not won in four games but one of thosewas a thrilling 5-3 defeat at leaders Inter wherePalermo hit back from 4-0 down at half-time to 4-3 atone point.

Prior to those four games they had won three in arow, including a 2-0 success over Turin giantsJuventus, prompting Zenga to proclaim that his teamcould finish in the top four this season. They currentlysit 12th but are only seven points off fourth in a tightmid-table.—Internet

Palermo havesacked coachWalter Zenga,after their 1-1draw againstSicilian rivals


PRAGUE, 24 Nov—Czech champions SlaviaPrague’s captain MarekSuchy is heading to Rus-sia’s nine-time championsSpartak Moscow on aone-year loan, his teamsaid on Monday.

The 21-year-old de-fender, who was a mem-ber of the Czech Under-20 side that reached theunder-20 World Cup finalin 2007, is expected to sign a loan deal for the

next Russian league sea-son beginning nextSpring.

“I can confirm the talkswith Spartak Moscow areclose to a formal conclu-sion,” said Ondrej Zlamal,spokesman for the two-time defending Czechchampions.

Suchy has scored onegoal in 108 games forSlavia since his debut atthe age of 17.—Internet


James shrugsoff injury scare

LONDON, 24 Nov—Portsmouth’s Englandkeeper David Jamesshrugged off the scare ofthe injury he has sustainedin the warm-up for Sun-day’s Premier Leaguematch against Stoke City.

“I had a scan and it’sjust a minor tear, so insome respects I’m happy.We thought it could beworse,” the 39-year-oldtold local media onMonday.

England coachCapello said earlier thismonth that he would onlybring fit players to nextyear’s World Cup inSouth Africa, so James,who has not started amatch for England sinceApril, needs to prove hisfitness to Capello.


WIGAN, 24 Nov—Wigan’s shell-shocked players on Monday offered torefund supporters who travelled to Lon-don to watch their side being thrashed9-1 by Tottenham. The Latics crashedto the second worst defeat in PremierLeague history as they conceded eightsecond-half goals at White Hart Laneon Sunday.

Defender Mario Melchiot admittedthe result was embarrassing and, alongwith the rest of his team-mates, will payaway fans the cost of their tickets.Melchiot told the club’s website, “We feel that asa group of players we badly let downour supporters yesterday, and this is agesture we have to make and pay themback for their tremendous loyalty.

“There is not a lot else to say, justthat as a group of professionals we were

embarrassed by the way we performed,we feel it was below our standards andthis is something we feel we owe to thefans. “Now we have to draw a line un-der the game, focus completely on train-ing this week and bounce back onSaturday.” — Internet

RICHMOND, 24 Nov—Lorena Ochoaand Jiyai Shin’s duel for LPGA playerof the year fittingly came down to thefinal hole of the season.

Anna Nordqvist won the LPGA TourChampionship on Monday and Ochoafinished second to earn the top playertitle for the fourth consecutive year.

The 22-year-old Nordqvist shot a fi-

nal-round 65 to finish 13 under par.Ochoa was two strokes back and wonthe top player honor when Shin couldn’tchip in for birdie from the front of the18th hole.

“I always say that I want to stay ontop as long as I continue playing, so thisis just a great year for me,” Ochoa said.“It’s been tough in many different ways,but the important thing is I’m at the top.”


LONDON, 24 Nov—Sweden WorldNo. 9 Robin Soderling clinched a stun-ning victory over World No. 2 RafaelNadal 6-4, 6-4in his debut here on Mon-day at the ATP World Tour Finals.

This is the second win in a row theSweden imposed upon the Spaniard af-ter his record-written triumph fivemonths ago at the French Open.

“It’s always fun to play against a goodplayer. I always enjoy playing against thetop guys. Nadal is for sure one of them,”said Soderling, who grabbed the chanceto substitute World No. 6 Andy Roddickto perform in London as the Americandeclared his withdrawal due to injury lastTuesday.

The season finale’s debutantSoderling opened his first match strongas he broke Nadal’s serve in the secondgame. Although the 23-year-old Span-ish wunderkind returned a break in thefifth game, he withered in the tenthgame and allowed a 6-4 loss in the firstset.

Soderling, the first ever to beat Nadalat Roland Garros this June, kept utiliz-ing his big forehand in the second set andchase done game back quickly in thefourth game after surrender a serve in thethird. And again in the tenth game,Soderling tamed his archrival in his sec-ond match point.—Xinhua

PARIS, 24 Nov—FIFApresident Sepp Blatter hascalled an extraordinarygeneral meeting for De-cember 2 following theThierry Henry handballincident and an ongoinginvestigation into match-fixing in Europe.

A FIFA statement re-leased by world football’sruling body said Monday:“Due to recent events inthe world of football,namely incidents at theplay-offs for the 2010FIFA World Cup SouthAfrica, match control (ref-ereeing) and irregularitiesin the football bettingmarket, the FIFA Presi-dent has called an extraor-dinary meeting of the Ex-

ecutive Committee.“The extraordinary

meeting of the ExecutiveCommittee will take placein Cape Town on 2 De-cember 2009, starting at15.00.”—Internet

PARIS, 24 Nov—Francecoach RaymondDomenech on Mondaydismissed claims that hehad received a bonus of862,000 euros for suc-

cessfully guiding the sideto next year’s World Cupfinals.

The combative 57-year-old - whose teamreached the finals in con-troversial circumstanceslast Wednesday as ThierryHenry’s double handballset up the decisive goal inthe 2-1 aggregate victoryover the Republic of Ire-land - told France Bleuthat France Football’sclaims over his bonuswere way over the mark.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Wednesday, 25 November, 2009 15

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;


7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 3. Morning News7:40 am 4. t*¾HZ,r*FvH


aw ; a & ; - * D w p m q d k

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Wednesday, 25November

View on today

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* The Beauty of Tamonyel Region* The Game of “Gone Nyin Doe”* Myanmar Movies Impact* Myanmar Modern Song* A Glimpse at the Mighty Loggers* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* The Beauty of Tamonyel Region* The Game of “Gone Nyin Doe”* Myanmar Movies Impact* Myanmar Art of Making Items in gold* A Glimpse at the Mighty Loggers* Myanmar Modern Song* Creative Decoration for Creative living* Ever Green Songs “A Lover Spirit”

(Pianist Chit Swe)* Pantaya, School of Fine Arts!* Poem Garden “Bobby”* Myanmar Modern Song* Extend Irrigation, Boost Agro-Production* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights


MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(25-11-2009) (Wednesday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Kachin,Chin and Rakhine States, lower Sagaing,Bago and Ayeyawady Division and generally fair in theremaining areas. Night temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C)below November average temperatures in Chin, Rakhine,Kayin and Mon States, Sagaing, Bago and TaninthayiDivisions, (5°C) to (6°C) below November averagetemperatures in Magway and Yangon Divisions and aboutNovember average temperatures in the remaining Statesand Divisions. The significant night temperatures wereLoilem and Hakha (2°C) each, Teteain (6°C), Mindat andKatha (7°C) each and Pinlaung and Machanbaw (8°C)each.

Maximum temperature on 23-11-2009 was 92°F.Minimum temperature on 24-11-2009 was 63°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 24-11-2009 was 66%.Total sun shine hours on 23-11-2009 was (9.2) hoursapprox.

Rainfall on 24-11-2009 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, atKaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (111.69) inches at Mingaladon, (122.09) inchesat Kaba-Aye and (129.41) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4) mphfrom Southeast at (17:30) hours MST on 23-11-2009.

Bay inference: Weather is cloudy in the South Bayand partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea and eleswhere in theBay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 25th November 2009:Expect for the likelihood of isolated light rain in TaninthayiDivision and weather will be partly cloudy in the wholecountry. Degree of certainty is (60%).

State of the sea: Sea will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of slightdecreas of night temperatures in the Eastern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for25-11-2009: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for25-11-2009: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for25-11-2009: Fair weather.

Tuesday, 24thNovember, 2009

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

7:50 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song8:00 am 6. jrL;jrL;<u<u,Ofaus;rItu

8:15 am 7. tqdkNydKifyGJ

8:20 am 8. ul;vl;,SufEG,fcspfBudK;



8:25 am 9. ]]trSefxifaeaomtrSm;}}

8:30 am 10. twD;NydKifyGJ

8:40 am11. International News8:45 am12. Musical Programme4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Dance Of National

Races4:20 pm 3. Classical Songs4:30 pm

4. EdkifiHhpD;yGm;tav;xm;aus;


4:40 pm 5. Musical Programme4:55 pm6. ta0;oifwuúod kvfynm




5:10 pm 7. Songs For Uphold

National Spirit5:20 pm 8. Musical Programme5:30 pm 9. ½IzG,fpHkviftmqD,HtpD


5:40 pm10. plygaw;oH&Sifa&G;cs,fyGJ

6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report6:20 pm13. jrefrmh"avh½dk;&mvufa0SU

6:40 pm14. xufjrufaysmf&Tif


7:05 pm15. &oay:vGifo½kyfaqmif


7:40 pm16. 0wfrHIaw;*Dwazsmfajzcef;

8:00 pm17. News18. International News19. Weather Report20. Mu,fpifoufao

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Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

Gold medalist China’s Lu Xiaojun, center, silvermedalist Tigran Martirosyan of Armenia, left,

and bronze medalist Su Dajin of China listen tothe national anthem during medal ceremony ofthe men’s group A 77-kilogram category of theWorld Weightlifting Championships in Goyang,

west of Seoul, South Korea, on Tuesday, 24 Nov.2009.—INTERNET

SAN FRANCISCO, 23 Nov— Google Inc. onMonday announced that it has agreed to buyTeracent, a startup company whose technology cancreate display advertising customized to specificconsumer and website. Founded in 2006, Teracentis headquartered in San Mateo, California. Thecompany’s machine-learning algorithms canautomatically pick and choose from thousands ofcreative elements of a display ad in real-time.

“These elements can be optimizeddepending on factors like geographic location,language, the content of the website, the time ofday or the past performance of different ads,”Google’s vice president of product managementNeal Mohan and engineering director JoergHeilig wrote in a blog posting announcing thedeal.—Internet

Google buys displayadvertising company Teracent

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Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 25-11-2009

9th Waxing of Nadaw 1371 ME Wednesday, 25 November, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC-sowing hatred amongthe people

■ RFA, DVB-generating publicoutrage

■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

Kanbalu: A town of development and prosperity in Sagaing DivisionByline & Photos: Aung Than (Mingala Taungnyunt)

Photo shows downtown Kanbalu where independence monument stands magnificently.On our trip to collect news about Linban Dam in

Kanbalu Township, we have witnessed the develop-ment of the township. We saw endless monsoonpaddy fields along the motorway while travellingfrom Shwebo to Kanbalu Township in Shwebo Dis-trict, Sagaing Division.

When asked water from which source was usedfor cultivation of paddy as the township is situated inarid region, Deputy Staff Officer U Tin Maung Cho ofIrrigation Department answered that farms werecultivated with irrigation water.

He added that in addition to five main damsnamely Kintat dam, Kabo dam, Kyibinak dam, Beigyidam and newly-built Linban dam, there had also been

Public Holiday AnnouncementNAY PYI TAW, 24 Nov—The Government of

the Union of Myanmar today announced that officesin the Union of Myanmar will be closed on 12Waxing of Nadaw, 1371 ME (28 November, 2009)Saturday being Bakri Eid public holiday.


ten self-reliant dams in Shwebo District.It was a cloudy day and the lush and green paddy

fields were also pleasing to eyes. We drove alongShwebo-Myitkyina road and finally reached KanbaluTownship. At the right side of the entrance to thetownship is the stone plaque reading "Kanbalu City".After driving about two furlongs along the road withlush and green trees on either side, we were greeted bythe town’s glory—independence monument, floralgarden, football pitch and indoor-stadium. We weresatisfied with the progress of the township developingin accordance with a town’s characteristics.

At the town centre, we saw a historic monument,Shwe Yakha (Golden Ogre) Yadanar Royal Lake

which was beautifully renovated as a symbol of theancient town. According to records of KanbaluTownship, King Kazana of Kapilawut, in 46 Mahathe gaji (Era preceding the Buddhist era), whileestablishing Myayhtu City, had nine ponds and

(See page 10)

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