Download - The Network, May 2014, Issue 11

Page 1: The Network, May 2014, Issue 11

MAY 2014 ISSUE 11

At our vision evening in February of this year, one of the themes that emerged for 2014 was the theme of turning our trials into testimonies. That is to say, having come through the 'Refiner's Fire' season, we are able to see how God has been active in and through those difficult times, and we give glory to him for how he has not only turned the situation around, but how he has grown something in us as a result. Our trial becomes our testimony. And testimonies are powerful things they become part of the story of our lives, landmarks along the journey. They bring meaning to the 'Refiner's Fire' season. As Friedrich Nietzsche once up it: 'He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.' To come to understand what God was doing in the 'Refiner's fire' season, even if only in part, provides a sense of purpose about that season. What then gives real power to that is that we share that as a testimony.

!Speaking out - telling others what God has done in your life during that season of trial - is often the difference between you getting to the end of that season feeling like a survivor and coming out of it with a positive sense of growth and renewed confidence in The Lord. So what testimony do you have to share about your 'Refiner's Fire' season of trial? As you think about this, here are some guidelines to help you give a testimony:

Keep to the facts - don't embellish the story to make it sound more miraculous or sensational than it really

was, but at the same time, don't downplay or diminish the things that God actually HAS done.

Make sure it is God who gets the glory - the testimony is about what God has done. Having heard your story, people should end up praising God, not praising you!

Focus on life change - this is not a story about your trial, this is a testimony about how God has been actively involved in your life.

Another way of looking at this by asking three questions: 'what? So what? Now what?

What? What was the trial and what did God do about it?

So what? What was the significance of this for you and how have you grown in and through it?

Now what? Looking ahead, what changes have come into your life and how are you going to think, choose and act differently now?

Tredworth church is taking this challenge to turn trials into testimonies seriously. Their current morning sermon series, entitled: 'What's Your Story?' is spending 8 weeks alternately looking at various stories in the Bible of how Jesus touched people's lives interspersed every second week with testimonies from people in the congregation of how Jesus has touched and changed their lives. If you have ever experienced a baptism service at Kingfisher, you will appreciate how powerful this going to be! Eight weeks of life changing stories from the Bible and from people that you know - this is going to be emotional, powerful and full of joy.

A second, and related, theme to have emerged so far this year is the theme of But God. We have just finished our Lent series of 40 But God thoughts for the day. A But God moment is the point at which God steps in and does or says something decisive in what might seem like a hopeless situation. It is the But

God intervention that turns a trial into a testimony, and But God interventions often occur at the darkest, most difficult point of the trial. Take Noah, for instance. The story of the Flood employs a literary device called a 'Chiasm'. It works as follows:

Genesis 7:10 after 7 days the waters of the flood came upon the earth

Genesis 7:17a the Flood continued 40 days on the earth

Genesis 7:24 the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days

Genesis 8:6-7a at the end of 40 days, Noah opened the windows of the ark and sent forth a raven

Genesis 8:10 he waited another 7 days and sent forth the dove out of the ark.

7 days...40 days...150 days...40 days...7 days. That is a chiasm, which is intended to direct the reader's attention to what happens in the middle of the story. The middle of this story is Genesis 8:1, which reads:

“But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat. He sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the floodwaters began to recede”. Genesis 8:1 NLT

But God is at the very centre of the 'Refiner's Fire' season, turning the trial into a testimony of his grace, mercy and power.

From trial to testimony


"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies."

Psalms 107:1-2 NLT

So, what's your story? Have you been through a 'Refiner's Fire' season of late? Perhaps you are still going though one. Can you see the But God moment yet, turning that trial into the opportunity to give a testimony? Take the opportunity - TELL YOUR STORY!

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Hello to all the Kingfisher family!

I can't believe how fast the year has gone so far, but God has undoubtedly been on the move and I'm excited for what's next. On the Engage team front, the main thing I wanted to update you on is the album process: much of it remains behind the scenes, but the songs are coming together and some are already finding their way into the times of corporate worship we share. I'm hoping this will become the case more and more!

What's been really exciting is receiving verses, text and entire prose as offerings from members of the church - a big thank you to everyone who has contributed! I'm really

hoping and praying that these will aid us in creating songs that will capture the heart of the network at this time and will bless us all as we share them.

Please pray for the team in the ongoing process and more importantly that this album would reach people in a way that only God can bring about. Let's be bold in our expectations that He can use our expressions of worship to draw us closer to Him and to draw others to Him for the first time. Amen?

We look forward to sharing more with you in the not too distant future - stay tuned!

God bless, Joe

News from Kingfisher Tredworth

An album update from the Engage team

Our next Baptism service

We have our second baptism service of the year booked for Sunday 13th July at 6pm. We already have two people wanting to get baptised and are praying for more to come forward. If you are a Christian and have not yet been baptised why not go for it!

“What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.”

Acts 22: 16

Saturday May 24th!10am to 12:30pm !

at Kingfisher Church Tredworth

For more information see Stuart Gray or call the office to book a place on 304339

We live in a culture which is often cynical towards the claims of Christianity. But together, we can

learn how to Respond in a reasonable, compelling and God honoring way!

Attendees can choose to look at either!

Is the Bible unscientific on the age of the earth?!

or!Was God's behavior in the Old

Testament immoral?

17th - 21st August 2014

See Craig, Charli or Rosie for more details

Have you booked yet?

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News from the Network

The new building in Mozambique

Back in 2011, when Kingfisher Network in Mozambique was just a small gathering in a village named Mauza, we were presented with a strategic opportunity. Mauza is a region close to the Malawi border; and a large plot of land suddenly became available for sale there. Why was this a strategic opportunity? Because up to that point, Kingfisher was not an officially recognized church in Mozambique. We owned no land there – so the Government of that country would not recognize Kingfisher as a church. Yet - it seemed God had other plans.

Before 2011 had come to a close, Kingfisher had purchased that plot of land – which was close to the surrounding villages – and big enough to accommodate a growing church community and future training center.

Fast forward to autumn 2013.

Kingfisher Network is growing – there are multiple churches all over Mozambique – Fuloresi Dempster has been commissioned as apprentice National Director of Kingfisher in Mozambique. And again – God brings that land back into focus for us.

While visiting in 2013, the UK team met with the Kingfisher Mauza church on their land in a large grass shelter. And the question came to us – why not now? Why not build a proper, brick and steel building to house this growing church community?

A place to house the training of church leaders, and encourage people in the local community. A resource for the proclamation of the Christian Gospel – and a place where lives would be changed by God for his good purposes.

Kingfisher church contributed to this Harvest Building appeal and – well before the end of 2013 – we had exactly the amount of money required to purchase the raw materials and pay for the construction of a proper home at Mauza.

Fast forward again to May 2014.

The building is complete. The Kingfisher Mauza church is praising the God who has provided and exceeded their wildest expectations. And James and Stuart are travelling to be with the Kingfisher Churches as we commission this brand new building

for God’s purposes – and celebrate all that he has done so far.

What about the future, the months and years yet to come in that land…in that Building? They are in God’s safe hands. And we expect big things – because He is the God who provides; He is Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord who provides.

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News from Treasure Seekers

Treasure Seekers is continuing to grow at a rapid rate! Our numbers are increasing in all of our groups, and we are reaching new care homes every week!

We have a new building, which I’m sure a lot of you have heard about already. After just a couple of weeks, as you can all imagine, Jan has taken the building from a complete tip to almost fully functional!! I have said to her she could give 60 minute makeover a run for their money!

We also had our TSPA show this term at the Police Headquarters! What a fantastic opportunity that was, and such a huge blessing. We’ve seen the launch of our Karaoke Disco. This was launched originally to attempt to spread the number of people attending over three nights, as we had over 180 people attend our monday disco a couple of weeks back!

With all of this growth going on its so important to hold tightly to what our focus is, what our goals are, and who we are doing all of this for!

James challenged me, which I’m really thankful for, in a leaders meeting a while ago. He asked me,

what is your vision for Treasure Seekers this year?

What I’ve felt that God has really put on my heart is for the ever growing Treasure Seekers team to be working together in loving community. To really love and support each other, and to show those that attend our activities that loving community, real loving community is God's best! This can be very difficult. With a ministry that can receive 150-200 people in one morning/evening, and to keep things running smoothly, tensions can rise! But it comes back to really loving each other!


One of the many blessings that working for Treasure Seekers brings, is not only the life change of those that attend the activities, but the life change in the team as well!! I have been so blessed to witness first hand, God's amazing life transformation in our team. For them to find purpose, a real sense of joy, and unconditional love is just brilliant!

With the growth that comes with the discos and performing arts groups, we continually need more volunteers. If this is an area you are interested in and would like to get involved please get in contact. Also if you want to be kept updated with what new things are happening within Treasure Seekers, do sign up to the newsletter on the website:-

Craig Tucker

Life change at Treasure Seekers

“Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other”.

Romans 12:9-10


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News from Treasure Seekers

Treasure Seekers Performing Arts Got TalentWow what a brilliant show we put on in April 2014. The return of “Treasure Seekers Performing Arts (TSPA) Got Talent” was always going to be a popular format and I for one was not disappointed.

In addition to the usual talented individual entries there were brilliant performances from all our groups too. And of course with our guest Judges in the form of Simon Cowell, Amanda, Nicole Shirt-swinger, Sharon Osborne and Louis Walsh the participants were very keen to get their comments. There is not enough space here to mention all the names but it was lovely that Sarah got a special mention from the judges for the Dance team.

Of course everyone wanted to know who was going to win and this was so difficult and on the Thursday night the judges declared it impossible to pick a winner. However on the Friday morning we had a result. In third place was Peter

Deverson singing “Any Dream Will Do”. In second place came the Belly Dancing team. But the deserved winner was Miss Jane Chambers who looked it and sang it with “Truly Scrumptious”. Well done to everyone for another amazing show!

Bill Cooper

TSPA go “On Tour”

Something really special happened for this performance of TSPAs Got Talent. We were invited to stage our Friday morning performance in the Police Headquarters at Waterwells in Quedgeley.

We had never been “on tour” before with our show and it was so exciting as we boarded the specially arranged coaches to transport the performers there from Kingfisher Church. We had an amazing welcome, the gymnasium was arranged just like a large theatre and the police staff cheered us on and sang and danced all through the show.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Gary and Jill for their kindness, hard work and friendship. It was so successful that - and I can hardly believe it myself - we are going back there for our next two Friday shows in July and December this year! Wow isn’t that fantastic? As the song says ”We’re on the road again!”

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As I am writing this, I am reflecting on a great start to 2014 in the life of Kingfisher Church Kingsway. Our connect groups and ministry groups are starting to flourish, the prayer life of the church is going from strength to strength and through this we have seen God perform miracles and healings happen within our services. We have had a fantastic Easter Service & Celebration which included food, bouncy castle and other activities. This was well attended, with many people visiting our church on a Sunday for the first time. I am also looking forward to our first baptism service of the year, as we see two girls from our 180 youth group, Becky Barnes and Jane Morrison get baptised. What an exciting year so far!

This leads me to this question; what is God’s plan within all of this activity? It is very easy to miss what God is trying to say to us when we are busy doing what we feel God wants us to do. It would be so much easier if God just shouted above our activity ‘Stop! I’m going to say something to you now!’ Yet so often with God in my experience, His words come when we stop and listen to his whisper. This was Elijah’s experience after God allowed Him to triumph over the prophets of Ball, but then fled for his life as it was threatened by Queen Jezebel. God sent an angel to feed Elijah, and then this

happened; ‘”Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”’ (1 Kings 19:11-13, NLT).

So what if we are missing what God is saying to us as a church because we look at the activities which have been inspired by God within the church, just like the storm and the earthquake and the fire was inspired by God on the mountain in Elijah’s time, but yet we are missing what God is saying to us because we are not listening to the whisper? I say this not because what has happened this year is not amazing, it is! Rather, I say this because God wants to say something in the whisper which is even more important than all the exciting stuff which is happening. This is what I

believe God is saying to our church in the whisper; ‘For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ’ (1 Corinthians 3;11, NLT). The groups, the service, the outreach activities are all inspired by God, but these are not the foundation on which we build Kingfisher Church Kingsway. The foundation we build the church upon is Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of the Church and our faith. It is His words, rather than our activities which give life. As Paul said to the church in Corinth ‘I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow’ (1 Corinthians 3:6-7, NLT).

So am I saying that the activities, groups and services we do are not important? No, of course not! What I am saying, however, is that they do not bring the growth and maturity to our church; only Jesus does that. If we desire God’s best, then we need to build upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, and listen out for His whispers. Only then can we be influenced by God to serve people among the Kingsway community in the way we should.

News from Kingfisher Kingsway

Building the church on Christ’s foundation


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News from Kingfisher Kingsway

We are in the process of launching an exciting new ministry at Kingfisher Kingsway called Embrace, which is led by myself (Samantha Russell) and apprentice leader Rosslyn Nicholas. Embrace aims to share God’s love through practical support that embraces the community, with a focus on warmth, food and sharing skills. It hopes to encourage, support and enable people to help themselves and in turn help each other. The Bible calls us to “share our food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless, give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need our help” (Isaiah 58:7 NLT) Rosslyn and I have both experienced hard times in our lives where we have needed the

practical support of others to help us through these times. We believe that by sharing the skills we have and encouraging others to do the same, we can become a support for others and encourage the growth of a supportive community in Kingsway. Isaiah 58:10 adds that if we feed the hungry, and help those in trouble then God’s light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around us will be as bright as noon. It is our desire for God’s light to shine brightly in our community as we share his love with the people around us through supporting them to meet their practical needs.

Embrace is hosting its first of what is hoped to become a quarterly event in Kingsway called “The Great Clothes Swap”. Within these events people have the opportunity to collect good quality used clothing for free and if they are able, to donate a bag of clothes themselves. The event will include a free sewing and mending workshop. During the event there will be a tea, coffee and cake sale.

As a church we are collecting donations of clothing to launch the event and if you have any donations to make please contact Samantha Russell on 01452 720512 or via the church office.

New ministry launch !! !Jane Morrison and Becky Barnes braved the cold weather to get baptised on Sunday April 27th. We have another baptism service planned for September so if you are a christian at Kingfisher Kingsway and have not yet been baptised, why not go for it?

Baptism Service

Oasis connect groupOasis is a connect group for people who share a passion for sewing, knitting, crochet and other craft projects. We started in October 2013 and we meet one afternoon a month, bring our lunch and our latest project to work on. The idea for the group was to provide a space for everyone to have a bit of guilt free ‘me time’ with the opportunity to share our creativity. It is also an opportunity for us to invite friends and family, who may not come to church, to meet with Christians in a different way.

So far we have had a love theme creative competition, which happily involved a lot of cake, we had an

Easter Competition during the Easter Celebration event at Kingfisher Kingsway, that was open to the whole church and we have had a rag rugging demonstration with the chance to have a go, which was great fun. The group doesn’t have a set day to ensure that everyone who wants to come has a chance to around their other commitments.

The group also has an open Facebook group so that ideas, hints and tips can be shared. We have members in that group who can’t join the physical group, but share our passion, we even have a member who is in Canada. For more info contact Lisa Seagrave.

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Kingfisher Network Kingfisher Church Moor Street Tredworth Gloucester GL1 4NJ ! [email protected] !+441452 304339 !© Kingfisher Church, 2013


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In order for this newsletter to grow and develop, we need your help! If you go to any Kingfisher event and have taken a great photo, then please email it to: [email protected]. The copy deadline for the next issue (due out in August) is 21st July.

Or if you would like to get involved in the production of the next newsletter then email us with your particular area of interest.

Hope you enjoy hearing all that is happening across the Kingfisher Network!