Download - The need for a holistic approach to the conservation and use of heritage assets


The need for a holistic approach to the

conservation and use of heritage assets

- With Central Police Station as a case study

Lack of Overall Conservation Policy• Both built and natural heritage require

protection• Piecemeal approach by Government with no

single Bureau/Minister responsible• Lack of “not-for-profit” culture or “lifestyle

capital” mentality• Need for more sustainable model if we are to

retain what is left of our heritage assets

Premium/Return driven approach

• Presumption that property developers and incentives are only solution to conservation of built environment

• Results in less than optimum levels of conservation being required so as to maximise returns

• 60:40 (even 80:20) split means strong financial bid will always win

• Sites should not be “sold”- they are public assets, not private developments

• New mind-set required

Impact of new development/re-use• Needs to be very sympathetic, if permitted at

all – many old buildings could continue in present use but need protection from alteration, lack of maintenance

• Uses need to be appropriate to the overall ambience and context of the location

• Must not destroy integrity of the site or overwhelm heritage aspects

• Needs to be “living” use, not just “dead” space

No confidence in present controls• Government unwilling to re-enter,

resume if lease terms not fulfilled

• Restitution (even if enforced/viable) not possible in heritage situations

• Monitoring of performance levels needs to be greatly strengthened

• Important in both natural and built heritage locations

Possible solution

• Establish statutory Heritage Foundation (c/f National Trust in UK) to own, conserve, maintain and oversee management and operation of all heritage assets

• Funding seeded by Government – but supplemented by gifts, bequests, levies, et

• Open and transparent structure with professional and specialist staff

• Community support and involvement essential

In the meantime …

• No further “bids” on heritage assets until policy in place

• All future schemes to be assessed on their conservation, design, maintenance, management, operation and sustainability merits, not on the financial return to Government

• Public and AAB to be involved in assessment of schemes, even under the proposed Foundation

Former Marine Police Headquarters

a heritage hotel with food and beverages outlets and retail facilities for completion in 2007

Source: Flying Snow Limited

The Site The site includes the Central Police Station,

the Victoria Prison and the former Central Magistracy

This is a collection of some of the oldest existing buildings in Hong Kong and is close to other buildings of historical and architectural interest

Strategically located near the night-life areas of Lan Kwai Fong and SOHO, the arts and antiques area of Hollywood Road and the CBD

All three compounds listed in their entirety

CPS Site Plan

The Magistracy

CPS Barrack Block

CPS interior

CPS Courtyard

Victoria Prison

Our Concept

The creation of a centrally located, integrated living, learning and working arts environment which will establish

the site as a vibrant and self-sustaining gathering place for both residents and

visitors through conscientious and active management and by offering a

dynamic and diverse programme of arts, culture, community and leisure activities

Our Proposal

Our proposal envisages the maximum preservation of existing historic buildings coupled with an investment in the arts and culture of Hong Kong, thereby enhancing Hong Kong’s international reputation as a world city

Our proposal is socially motivated and not focused on profit maximisation

Our financial model does not call for recurring Government expenditure

Proposed Ownership Structure

A not-for-profit Foundation with the stated mission of preserving the architecture and fabric of the site, and through high quality design, content and management, enhancing the economic and social vibrancy of the immediate neighbourhood

Financial sustainability of the site is the goal with all revenues re-invested in the property

This entity would lease and be responsible for the conversion and management of the site

Overall Design Concept Conscientious, sensitive and appropriate

renovation and restoration of all historic buildings, including environmentally sensitive solutions

A mixed-used site split between : visual arts academy, arts and cultural attractions, public resource and public “plaza” space

A gathering place which draws on Hong Kong’s unique eastern and western history and provides a focal point for residents and visitors alike

The Rationale Behind The Concept It is vital for Hong Kong to preserve its

historical architecture Hong Kong needs to develop a multifaceted

social strata and vibrant arts community life to become a true world city

Hong Kong needs an academic visual arts institution and destination with international exposure to foster and develop the expression of creativity in the city

Hong Kong needs a focal point to help forge its unique identity

Financial Context

• GFA of Restored Complex 26,289sm• Restoration Period 2.5 years• Renovation Costs $392.5m• Revenues (2008) $37.75m p.a.• Management and Maintenance Expenses $18.00m p.a.• Sinking Fund for major repairs $6.00m p.a.• Contribution to The Academy $5.00m p.a.

• Renovation Costs recovered in 2031 (w/o interest)

(All at 2004 values and prices)

What Are The Benefits For HK?

The preserved and reused historic buildings, the Visual Arts Academy and the vibrant social environment will together combine to develop local creativity, foster local pride and identity, and enhance the international prestige of Hong Kong

This is an investment in the future stature of art and culture in Hong Kong

No future Government investment or future support is envisioned