Download - The Natural Method to ‘ompany - tfta *n amStl.. , ismer ilcvdojMWI by a .— —, moving train. The wreck oHurred nt almut the aaiiic spot other bed w rucks have


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id e a la"■i,* %

I as*: J&ypí*. **- * **x

H O K |y '_ ___w w [a l i * b p * s a i h

jofflmAffiyiOMi* "Sfcriick M m .” ¿1- P a th s Kew* ’ - T j

v t o n s u T .J ^ V B U IIS I4 S Q S K J U K - 'PT H ftL « L * T * 0 » U

“T e r tk a M m <

..... TOM MOOBB U“Mr. Bu m a t Hoar Tork"

Christ, ScientistNEW JERSEY

ffNOBS A1 ‘ "l* . . •■

i Christian ScienceBY i

L T H U R S T , C . S . B.I>ft, ENGLAND \

sturerblp of the Mother Church, dentist, Ip Bouton, .Vlaùachuçett*


, O c t o b e r 3 1 s t , 1 9 2 2i O’CLOCK _ -.



M E T H 0 D S

u l S a le« D e p a r tm e n ts o f th e1 0 0 % R « t * 3 V a lu e « o n


¡ E p p o u l t r y

Vi to^ Mch:..36c( 4 lb s . « i c h ) > P*r





F r e s h J e r s e y P o rk

. Fresh Cali Hams

18c lbs F re s h F la t R ib s

17c lb• RegularF re s h H a m s

24c lbr ...F re s h ----------

P igs. F e e t .

-j P ___ * >$£ ,,,•<3ç«£f.

w ' j£gr-*£*V ' ; ; . Î T £ 3 S H

, _-í. -•• .. -i''.. ■ ^

V O L X X V N O ^ C R A N F O R D ,

COAL, SPECIAL' DELiïERYrK ruV V % Â ^ \^ ;^------ ¡Mr, llrwM'lwr gave Mr Maroney

j permission to truck it acro«« fo South avenue t»m the iuw ground

; being very »oft, made ìt hard .la i movo a Itûul . .

Hard Coal From Saturday's Rail road Wreck Bought by Dealer

E. G. Haroocr. Several ■f H undred T ons Added

to Cranford**■■'.■ Supply.. J i j s Jin. ..ill. telad—th a t—blows-n»


the;*»od. »■* Illustrated when u .« .,.,,,,* ,,. . , . *W«lt of eoal *m Saturday r« u U - 'l îh ;? ^ ,,(VL^ l . /v d , 1« setreral hundred ton* of coal .‘r,1.1*1*1 (^welne suddenly dumped In Cranford


j Starting the Urv, The whole , Ur- • ee»* ht the u * «Í limati flip Coat [in rango* particularly, and in fur* *” ** Atún ilriM'tuj* UiK»n

w h leh will stay here thank*, to prompt action on the part of Chair­man W. H- Yawger of the Coal Committee and Dealer, k g . Ma­

. Ktney. Mr. Yawger Saturday alter «oon brought the railroad oRirlal* *1 charge and Mr. Maroney together

V a quick deal resulted whereby Maroney purchased the coal as

lay, a t an agre.Hl price per ton leeked a t the scales Mr. Yawger

- o«S» present when the deal wan tnade. l |r . Maroney paid for the

i : coal more than It would have cost on wheels a t his yard'when the e.v

xponse ol getting it out, from the pile a t , the wrack Is added, hut he

■;- saw the chance to Increase by a few "hundred tons Cranford's available .atipply and grahited the chance. Wild stories of low price th e coal was bought, a t and also as to quan- tlty have been circulated. Actually somewhere annirnl 400 tons will be salvagtsl and the cost to Mr. Ma­roney will exceed (ires<-nt in hie cost plus freight, hut. coal rcwlpt* here are very light and the coal thus added to'Cranford's supply Will at tills time be a big help.. Cranford

f -u s e s upwards ol ‘AOMi touiT In the ■gaax «> th o -co a l . jm- ootiurtunely thrust uiion the town is not a very big iiererntage of the whole, but as the old woman said, every little helps. . '

When It eame to getting the coal ou t Mr. Maroney had Ills troubles. Ejprly. Sunday he marshalled every available truck but quickly found

, only the w ide tired dump wagons could be used Auto trucks and or­dinary delivery wagons eonld not

; bo used Tliey cu t,In to the soft, g, ground too deep and coal

ot be economically shovelled i dump wagons: lienee addition

reartlng jra s made, neceasary am i ‘ “ ‘ . o l th e coal ""

. tile tartlng the lire. Start .. as in the case ol hand

coal, a»ldlug a few bjiaps, enough to fairly cover tin* kindling. After th a t .lia« igid!id hi good sUaiw. One coal or slack ia* It I* railed’ sliould be thrown on and till* will rohgu- lafe or form a coke, and by that process not go through.tin* grates. If .«lack i fine cua ! Í* thrown on the kindling It will go through the grates and be wksted. Always *avc ■wmugli lumps for starting fires, •

Drafts Always keep the chine fiey-draft open part way.. This pro. vide* a vent or '«-»cape for gases that may form in the furnace, Is-ave the top and lower dimrs ojien about an inch, altliuugli this varies according to the tj |» . ol furnace hr stove Iai not wtifry about soot or «moke. Then-is no nuisance of that -on. Keep the tine coal Swept up ill tile cellar pile so If. w ill'm il be tracked around the bouse as till* is practically the only dirt connect­ed with thi> use of liroad Top.

Put very little liroad T(qi on Bf one time In order to prevent coking or forming of a crust on top of fire, if till« should form punchy a few lades in through th e tire bed. Using the ordinary Iron iwikcr that Is sum Idled with furnaces and stoves. This provide« n vent for.the ilrtuigllLand, nrsr'dvcri'r.Tn«'“fTi<c’(ftiTiniity

I’se the same grates as you .due for clie*tnnt or stove coal

RED MEN HAVE DANOETunahika Tribe. Improved Order

of Kod Men. hail a most successful dance on f*rblay evening last In Hod Jlcti's Hall. Tliere wa* close to ISO couples In the hnn and they all voiced their approval of the excel­lent danro music provided. At 11:30 the f2.J0 gold/plcce, which wae of­fered ia • dour prlxe. w«a drawn-for, tlm^iueky /lum ber being 775. ‘" ttteo l». to be compltmi «A « * .« » « twSk %k/9 fi»< ’


WUtter «ckedule U A m a^ad Throe La««*' B lgku

The .Men's DowHpg Cttfh of Hr»t M. K. (tiu rrh win IMilgy night. October JTUCi lioui* of Mr. and Mr*. O. L. I. and all arrangement a eompM a llve-teatn tournam ent d tlf Pall and W in te r months, were ducted as follows: ii. L Griffith: vlcivpreaidept. <*M*rtiy treasuref. Hiarlc# McO

Five team* ot four member* were organised lo play off th e nament and at least’ seven , voted for various tournaujoni ord*. Tim members of tlie five It' and the dates on which they: play a ir as follow*

Team No. 1 -llisd. Kresge. (’null, Itandotph

Team ¡¡a 2..tVertiy, IVdiwr.rilng. .strong.

Team No d- GrltltUi. i a fhiyti McDlannld. .tuerlch. '•

Team No. 4 - \V Inidnirsl. Ot wan. Amcaetq Olsen.. ^

Team No. 5 - Anger, F ilter. Colter. Hermann. : /" : ■

Novetnlicr 3rd, 1022­s p. in.. N a I va Noy*. .........'.<:43 ti. m.. No. 5 va./Nti. I.

November litli. 1222 s p. in . No. 2 to/No. A . .U:45 p. m . Ho A va No. 5.

December 1st. 1W22- : s p m .’N iy i vs. No. 4.

m /N o 1 vs. No. S. December I5i 1l. 1922

In d ie / Night.1 lens idler .“.Ull. li«2

S yi ni„ No, 3 vs. No. 3.•vi.Vp nk. No, I vs. No. 4. -' . January 12tln . I9iiS p. in.. No. 2 vs No. 5.

...=;January aitfi. l'J23

* ji in.. No. J vs. No. 4. . . ■?e 15 P III., No. I v*. No. 2. .

February Mh/HHEl Igulles’ Night. 1

’ February 23rtL 1923 H p. m.. No. 4 vs. No. b . .P;45 |i. m . No. 2 vs No. 3. v ,

March Dth. iWSs p. m.. No. I vs. No. 5. . \!l:45 p. tn.. No. 2 va. X tkJ

March 23nl. 1«» •$ a in.. No. I va N o-4

»• n "" "

- ‘ » ' j“-\

* ÍJ-fr»I ' ‘J

T H R £ E - < $ K E { ^ -


ÉÁ & M b a l R<7m W M E ktdL P fo

*’ Iwlnw A .dt. «Ht

________ ______ freightC J 4t «B th* DÍMH1 R H.

,*hout j | h u h an h u ir on tB H l Jo tt «H ied th a 1 Je coin 1 riHatat/khi« Uh u«h or at- tn x k /o n Ibe first «er of

" “ ckrttbyt tha m to f* ta « H o v e r H th e . track. There were

, .........1 «era tn the train,tanka «ad box vara, and

id nakuraUjr piled tip ahmg r th* flfiit car until ss of

were oE tin track and morabeing

Aa T Were

- p. M»,

iG iso. 9-va, No. 5. Arndl «Uk ww


H tlw work wae well under way. .police orders came to stop work on Sunday, and It was all on Until Monday, but the w eather li/s field good and the chances arc '' goal will be got out befure/raiu comes. I( It had rained. tM coal would hare staid on the lot until freezing . weather. The -coal was

_____t a e w t h w f f t o t t r n l. ill undoubtedly b* H well: patron- lzed as the previous affair*, every one knowing -that' good timos aro ojw'ayr promised,--at thu Red Mendances. -

Subscribe to tho Cltlren-Clinmlole, $1,50 per year, delivered.

Educator Bran / - Bordsn’s Maltsd MilkSwan*down Oalta Flour ’ N*w BnekwHat

Oranlord Honty/ . • Jumbo Focan Hut MaatsJ . H . M c M A H O N

H ig k -G n u le G ro c e rie a 22 K. Union Ava.Phon* 376

ï T T r » .

jes lOc IbU E S


u t te r


A. « f í

: S h ic k h a u s ’P u r« P o r k S au sag e

o n S a le a t a l l r 1‘N a tio n a l" M arket«

v y* Wioc waikkiPipR) “

nienruli sliarpsixs’ters. wbu Hre competing at the International «hooting g* at JIHan, Italy,, outside their quarter«.


(r e g u la r p y ita 5 0 c ) ,

16cib. 42c

lemory of J. H. Payne Is Honored

b 12 lb s . e a c h ) , p « lb - 23c ;


‘ompany[N A M E R IC A ”

A b o v e S p e d a i« «* A ll O u fN e w J e r a e y S lo ie a - -

tosSbFm[? I ^ «*«£<

rtiSL^lT»e;hltyed on...........Hold alley* th is week. ' *

William Reel waa appointed aa a committee on select ion of alley*. H. D. Kresge Mid "I’etu \V Jtialuirst a collllllittee on prlw.'S. .. •

MEN’S LEAOUE ENTERTAINClose on to 100 men attendod th e

last meeting of tho Mon’a l^aguu, which was held In tho Presbyterian chapel Thursday evcnln«, tho ZSth. and enjoyed one of tlie most enter-üinlnV evening* over gl veti lit Cron


r.vtreeiHNL ,17 « I *Jtar

pf«P«taM _ kBmkw Hi» uvorltH aUier until four of tho aU tnwka

*t were blocked, md dug .that wo varai hundred

tasi'to bf relakl andHrttln 'waa drown by IVntral

ne TM andAhe ear that raused ittaromi « M * IMÀ-Pronk* CUrUti -coil rar, No« Oli.

ttlfòrtor, Jwepb Doveny, of «li <l)Uhk. liad boeri ridine m i car until tho train reaebod

lid bur had «Mmbid over the Miglne cab’Jnr a drink

"" a d l» e r of_____ ___ earn«..« waatbind Downy tiatl for It

the Oentrol wreck- reroroou the iob and *i

1 wan were kept busy im rodar attanmon clearing

, and tehtying track. Tile „ iaad eotL'VM piled qn the thank along Ute track and tho

’ ‘‘Waa sold later to X. (»." m W. H. Y*wg»r.

re duel Ooramittee hav- a t one« with Central

and tfta *n amStl.. , ismer ilcvdojMWI by a .— —, moving train. The wreck oHurred nt almut the aaiiic spot other bed w rucks have Imnncued, a few liund- red feet east uf l.lmuln avenue, hut fiirturoitely without Injury to any ftiUWOfl. Tile pioney loss ranunt be rlHted hilt It Is sufe to say It Will go uidt over $15o.oou old timers In Cranford will reiueudM'r the Idg oil tank wreck and fin- at the same »i«it some 2d years ago. In tills wreck two railroad men lost Ujelr live*. , ' .

«Sä **-1*-*Thera m henHere _proerom. Tho'foli»« drown up by Mm, pHwd fay the Ouht

Where**, uie office of JkMtniostcr J* t»r «ppolntmsöt.

IW It rcwjlvck Tbat era, the tucin- twro of tltc \YcdnHday Momiag chtlv wish *- ““rnn tlr eiiTwt. tail a p p r é c ia i h m u f t h e e x e ä n o t * S -

ïi 7 a.“* J * “ **>t hieumbeawMr. John r. ttataton. Uh untah- ln« courtcey *m) faithiut aonrtee de­serve* the ««teem of all Cranford ClttSMIA

Ami tie It further rtwulvod. Thai we petlthai tu a puedy wai-parttoaa ^ t ^ t Mr. John / f S iG ta n ta t^abied ln offh» a* FtMtmaMar of uw tnN ,


A aunrta»Moderwd toher ombf frit

WOOD* «UBBBÏBBD- U aO tm ’m ^ u ty i

M in Anna by

j ^ t a S f l a è k H H a n d * ^ Î Î S r

Prtau wauMdl Mias ‘Wood* many moHonro i n t a t t i dlatfaguiìb umu ln thfdy «h u dlf-

g » ™ « ÿ a i t l ^ t h e S om w*,boMtUniiy decorated wttfa ffoworo 4Hd th a nattoBal coton, w ltb akln S ” ****»,■»taitew M M hSitkta make on» nutetabor BaUowo'cn. Stack **ta and pum phurnw en th o shic wall decoration*, Thtas woro many « « S S » « w,*n f, mention tug b a t Lew-

Im personatisi o t Hu '•‘‘toh Valentino was Mm moat «M- «inai and otto th a t wuutd matar Um ntaadh «lia « tac-admit to a twin k ro th a n . Al Edgier, a* a gold



) Γ J?! r f l

« S i i ® ” r w i S n r ' W M S ’ " i £ S S , S !

tnffuertce be u*ed lo UUa affwctMRA Jt KNjf£SFUN. Pmddont,M W t 1« l i MAHON, N a n t i iy .

Mr. Penlstoo’* Hrvlctw bava been linwlnabia and It U honed that tho rltbten* of tlranford will sea theg he rotabi* his.umcc.

Tha-ffMt p*hii«F-WH Rad ty Mn.Franklin on “impattniMii» of Town aovammcnL“ - '

Tire «ecomf aubieet. *l*ubMc Utili tl«k“ w h «ulwllvhicil luta l 'W

tatMiifreamian Aeterman tf»il hk'|Qtmen tn 'm 3 ì^psy,”t«4hìoair*AtroJMnlffM supper ww acrvaA «boninfty^gurou silting. Al E«lgt«r Horod ■ bhr Wt ,rrr^ "“Dang - 1» d iChM«md*ati and .th« M Issai tUwk and Nellie Wood« entartatmd wlth vocal Mlectiona, Oamea and dim etaff weye cnJoyod until the early hour« of Hnaday morabig. ; _

«pìsctlvely. .There wero many tptestlons and

vcry lntereetln* iIIscumIom during and attar the reading oí the papers. At 12 n’eloelt Mi« meathur adjourned.

The next meeting of Ino Wednea day Morning Club w{U bo Mid In thé attemopn of Nuv, Nth. at throe o'elock. at lHeveiami hchnol, Mr. FradaHek 2 Krnmons will anaak on the "Xduratlonal Vatu« of Travel" AU wna aro Inte#«atad are cord Invitad lo be proaant. -an tata Hiff eftanumn Ja Kt «tara tur «I who

r •■“ rí" ■ a i cogerrod a tag hit In hto roe ttat ot nicrotu Djui Magrea.' which d u b i a roaluitnep* dhd«ct,Mr, y ,


o m o a m »At a uieetlng o f tho trustn«« nf

the New Jersey N tate tankiw Golf AmoeJatlon, held a t the Koben Treat Hotel in Newark, on 0«t. «ut, tlm following elBeon wer« elected' h>r the eemlng year: . - " «

Honorary HrooMent, R, W. ^Nei- am. Nhackamaxmt (loll Ciuh.

Frosldent, A. VL Ilwiiiett,First VleaFroildent. J . I» McFpd

drm. K nek County Ounntry Club.ffecond YlejS-preeWeitL / A, Her.

ver, fo re s t HJ])« d o ti Club.OruUtehank. Hhaekamaioa OoU Club.

tteHunr, John B , Barr,

i Redirai?* 'i?i. iJm¿¡| ' YViii itttss 'M»|)

/-) •

___, ............ -- hrlilerarid j ni the Ihhiii' of Mr* W. 1 1 Ifutli

Don’t -forget tin toiiHirtowPUUI**-'".. s ' — ---- ,----- ,

ford. Mr. Stone, who Is a cousin of the famous actor by th in name, andhis .wile; aro finished artists, am i,... .......... . ..........cuve nn «-xtrcim'ly good program : muff, .wccint<m .avcniu-, ai"2:|»-p, kiH'iillig t)u< tnon In high good Ini | in. Tills I* Cranfoid’« bridgi-, vim mor with their ■storile*, impersona-, i.-now, for the-bi-nidlt ofttii.-Nallon- tlons and playing of odd musical In m l Navy Club ol New York. Maiiy -trum cnisr . l 'art kutorly—lttlc«aUiUL¿.cml...partit9‘—ftiiL^.holng lu-ld » Id* was tlip-ritarmlng music prislucijdinci'k throughonl New Jersey, and with a violin bow and an ordinary ¡.xew York for thl* nani» causo, ami «au In fart every dite was mi eie ruf i-iiiirse we w ant Cranford’S effort raptured with the novelty of the to tie as helpful a* possible. Then

Ufé PtiNbytariaa f. mtlofi* or alTkmaê of warm, «er- vlrcalile clothing are »elicited. In­cluding coat*, «ulta drei»*«*, under near, slum* ami Mocking* for men, women, nml children, c»p«rl*l|y for tho l*»t named, Hlioc* must lie low lii elcil ami in ii'mhI repair, to Ini ul inu-j amt nu party dotile* or high heelwl'iiKitui-ar will he of-any vs-

entertainment, that they were too excited to pay any attention to the refreshments holng pass«! around However. Umy finally nettimi down wnl did justice to tlmt «ml of tin- lirdgram. y ; ,

too, we think ( nine and see

you will enjoy It. l,n«t minute tickets

or any Information about the party: i nn (id oblalm-il from Mr*. Frederick-': ii..f.,,.Mi/.. w « your coopera >llclnncke. . Wo need Hon. l ’lcase romei


SPECIAL Brookfield Butter - - 48cNearly Fresh Egg* - - 55c

• F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y 'O N L Y “(N o T*J*pbone. N o 0 d iv e ry ) .

dosed A ll D »y Tuesday (E lection D a y )'4 U ilen Avcaee, B erth , ORANTORD" ' • : ' g a g ' • ' •

. . S o t U F J a o x i H B 3 0 2 - vn r TOU WANT IT QUOD OKT IT. AT IRVIBO’r


S T A N D A R DLUMBER s e x t e t t e

fj A HIGH S T TFL SOUY fit: won’t And a foot ot Inferior

“ -lumber - In our ««tahllshimtriY W.e «-H only dependable woo<J»

that have bm-n-properly »-asoli cd and properly prlcod. Ask any contractor or carpenter about us.

I ^ '.M rN d d ír^ o f °¿»Ií?To>S!ty.George- Van R earen of Englewood,(>, W, MUíQuobl of Monmnwt Hills,D. II. rheniller, ■ llarvejr N, Flsk» - sml Wm. M. Hperry of lialtiisrol.

Altliougli only organlred tlils Hprlng. tlie Association ha* a mem bersliíp of about míe hundred. tho llmlt helng two hundred, and liy tho way mernlK-r* are roinlng lu it I* cxiiei-ted thu llmlt will be teached lo-fore tlu- ficxt tourtiament In Kep Icinber, l'/íl New Ji-rsny I« mío ot , Hie first. If not tile llr«l to «irgan , 4o- n Nlnte Assiudatlofi of Kenlor (ÍK¡fcr«. mul It will probably be'bil loucd by nearly «vory Ntato in Ote.- rn lo iixand |si«slldy rcsiilt In hav.. Ing lnte<Hliile Tmirnamcnts, .

Tb« ngcdlm lt lias buen e*temb*l (; from .50 yi-*>».to fifi y car* and over.'

- " 1 iiIne. Goods will be reí el vi-d at Mrs. ' ru lln 's homo all days tiext Momlsy, and tlioae persoiM wlm llave »ult nido roritrlbutlona whICh they are

¡uualde to dellver, may liave theui , sent for by automobllc by liqUfylng <• Mr». (Alibi by teieplionu \-Tho nuwly eloctesj exociitlvo Iwmrd

of tlie Cranford Cliaoter rortslst* of ¡ Jtno Keuyon Moaalck, Mr*. Mary f. Da**, MÍ*. Frank T. Nloaii, Mra (.’W. Graniin, .Mr*. C. U, Culln, Hr , McMeekln. -

K. U Little, Mr*, and Mr. Tilomas

j There are nino case* of scarlet ! fever In the G rant kcluxd.

>»»»« »« »»»»♦♦»»»♦»]»«'♦ 4 4 »♦♦» ♦♦ «♦ ♦ M H H t »♦«««*« «♦»


0 ( I N C )• ■ i - ■ ■ • ■

STORAGE and MOVINGM 3-215 Ç- South Avenue s CRANFORD. N. J.-

T e t o p t i i o o « B 7 B * W

’ t ' ' ' '

PH ON E O N E’ TH PEC ,J -...................................................................... ........ I HM

THEM TALKS FUBUBHEO FOR EDUCATION OF THB PUBLIO Bf Oka*. Miliar, S. 0 , Pk. 0., formarly Instrastor ef Anatemy

Asthrna ls N o fa j Ä Vágalry o f Clim ate ,

j j tto i U nix « pr**4<«r< vt ffllMaU-. w# «UI * ehJiii* ut eilout«OlfftN «f fflbnât# •«»y Um fwrvHIkwi, Ini Ib# (rita 1» Hi Ife« «p<M ib4 “Utf ft«*?'* t« U- Il ««And H \ *«41 fptaBl *oorroe»SJiUBdto1.

rtlanièîTr btoiiltkm'fMlilfwTuïdliiiïiriiiffHn' «noi in ibmlftfal fotti* DikoU ud fw«4 àemm bmmt«•t friw. B» Mr»/ rh* ««uumUi: *tudi» did to Mop «two I MM. tut I VU «TOVA ri4 <4 Umbh- ua4«f; thitf/ptttu« Êpütâl *d-Mmè*U" . tb#n h* I4k*d wfoikwmkU Ufo • cIibat« ùro iftorabbc tro khi toM tatù, u4 U« dif/»$r«e1or ivtnd IHM ihâ.|,"M. eotiM. It WIm I« rtmti AbÜM«s ÜMct «il íéEídmtJ mita*tfUtít iff Ue» flF«1 Uke« «WW. U n It -; t u f f i n t o r o n » ixtckn

YEARS AHO Q0T p i l i . .■A!Ur tafNMl wnM ’tMfofo' Uf lilSu

IMA Md id Mh i K« In Ml SR pW a M*t foi», i mm aidirMd tmMj am»i «ditMftaMfa. i idui. 1 Im « fewa Mm i m& mm‘||»H M a —mm km» f fot, ala*» I •bn tu fown ai aitata a ad alava* waaOlai I wiM to da i t amarai yaar«.**—N, ' C SaaSaar,.- C»Jra«#aaua RataapaS Cartaaff t t o ia t o «a. tu r n , .

The Natural M ethod to

YbMrHealthiimiimiYour , N A

f : ; ?i t

DR. UBA B L U t a »m-w.

B ä iB B , U U aiea Ava, ft.*»w4sr* «M ttarsiaro, t w r; HiertaroM




) S g r -, -


i-!.- f ' ; ’ ' ■ i. ;

t ‘ ' ■ f j - -

.■i; ' t t -i


! • kr M e U t w * ’f“So[nobody'« coming I coming I coming t Homebody's coining—but I'll not m j

wlio I"Lale* chanted with lo r ‘ wicked twlnkla, nodding toward the far gut« tending upon tti« dt-t-p lawn from the highway. «Inter Anne turned brick red. for all «he bridled, and made to be ntiMirbi-d In the crochet intricacy under her bond. Lnlee, the young vlicn, giggled lo »ee, theo flung up her head, canted It «lightly sidewise. made a feint of «licking her hand« luto.lin-

..... ag lnnry pockets and rumbled out. inr* her dei'peHt voice; “ I t V. Ml«« Anne, I

hope I ace roll well and h earty " "Shut mi. you plague l’V from .<

0 ; • ' •* fir ‘

O' tv - r 'V v

Shut up, ter Anne. -- "Slmn'l du It 1M from Lnlee the law- lean. "You know that'a Ju»t what lie'll any. Ho'a getting down now—If I waa n lior»« I wouldn't curry a limn that looked ao like ho waa made of rain- roda. Hiding circuit twenty yenra ouglit to have learned him lielter than to get down allff-legged. llut he'« too ploun to have room for common acnae, or anything but a baas voice and n big appetite." ■ •

Again Staler Anno cried "Shut up!’ •—thia time effectually. Heavy, feet Bounded upon the front "step»,. a poti- demur knocking rang through the cool front lml|. .... . .

"Do go aak him In I"' Slater Anne entreated. Lnlee giggled again. “No need of primping up—he'a already awallowed hook, line anil sinker.” ahe aald huahedly, yet moved- to greet and sent the vlaltor, wlio Blood frowning faintly over the alight de­lay. Sight of her hnnlahed the frown, even brought a pnlo glow to the coy-/ ernoua eyea, Itoth Id* big hand« went over the acrntched end sunburned pnw ahe held out In greeting. In Ida moat mellifluous volco he aald: "How won­derful ore thy way«, 0 Lord. To put



'1 1 ;

Oalned Her Coign of Vantage Jurt In Tima.

i t '


- i t


nil the »umnictyJho rooming Into hu­man shape.1 thui doubly blessing our eyea." , . ’ ' . ' . . .

“ I'd any quit- your kldtlln'—only you’re a preacher," I.uleo «hid, pout­Ing and «nntcldtig-nwhy her hand«. -

“Why?" die minister, Angus Mc- Callum, naked eagerly. ■ .

Laleo giggled gleefully. "Itlg Sls would uiuke me atnnd In. the corner facing the wall full ten minute«." «he said, “or else any T shouldn’t go to

“the I)nl«y dunce tomorrow." ’"You like to dancer' from McCol­

lum. • .Lalee shook her head. "No, I love

It I So welt you could almost tote hie "up to Heaven by saying I could dance there forever—yipd never get tired."

“Suppose you found aumething you loved bettert’’ McCallum’a voice waa curiously husky. “Suppose 1 turned to an airplane—and flew away with myself—and Rig His."

' Lalee flung back: “That'a «« likely as the other."

“H-m I 1 hape I may see your slater —privately," McCnllum returned with

-'llgntflcanccr- Lnlee 'clapped-h- over tier Irrepressible .mputh to atrangle an “I knew It! Oh, I knew It 1" and whipped away, decorously silent. She did not wish McCnllum luck In hla wooing—but she did long deeply for Rig Sis to have a real sure enouglt proposal. Illg Sis waa rising thirty and all the mother-Laleo bad ever known. Bho was neither beautiful nor ugly, had a fine temper, and a fair wit, to any nothing of being u queen of housekeepers, and a general provl dencc to all In need or trouble. Why no man hod sought her bad boon puzzle to l.ulcc since she waa out of short frocks. She could not _realise that' "AirneV dedfrale' aloofness Kail

, Chilled many. an Incipient' Inclination, ■■ or that J>er seeming coutent with the

- ««tstein ]IN> wherein ahe found her«. ' su ltorabeotupon

' k-or-aothtniprto-.o. *- 1 """ '

■bo put up liter cblldlao cans, ntssd Judge Emory, her fatheif* cboro at college, had seriously proposed to her when the had readied the ripe age vt fourteen and «- half, »lie ought to have known nothing about It—but dad , bad" no aecrets from the child Whose coming bad cost him so dear. He bad married at nineteen—Sister Anne, waa just twenty year« 111«..Junior. Sha bad laughed with him merrily over the proposal—1f there had been anythlbg

had ever guessed It.- Naturally there Imd been, there «till

were, other«. Yet at almost nineteen ahe wn* heart-free—to . her own dla- gust. Often «he aald «tumiily: “!*on'l ace why unylaiily wants me, with illg Hla about—nor why I can't And some­body lo full'In love with, uud have done with It. !>»jl need« tt, son-in-law hndly. We neeil »umi-Wly, all three of u». to make ua mind and tuke life aerloualy."

.Still.'ahe had not fell quite may when McCnllum allowed sign» unnila- Uikiddy Anm-ward. He mint propose, llinl ’would nave lb« situation; but Illg KIh of course wouldn't think of him for a minute. Yet a« ahe trlp|«-d In search of Slater Anne a queer tremor fell on her. Huppoae-rhow must It «com to lie beyond thirty , and never unvlioily making love to you?

8 te hugged Anno tight before «end­ing her awuy, canllonlng her: "Don't you look Hint himb-to-tluvelalighter ways It would bu too encouraging. Make him • »went—lie deserve« It." When Illg HI» had got. half down the wide «fairway, Lnlee had nn Inspira­tion—nothing It-*» thnn to euvesdryp the mlnlaterlnl proposal. Read en*y— they 'were aeated la the hntl; she could »teal to the upper landing, where every word- would ,he audible. Moving sluulow-llke she gained her coign of vantage Jiiist In time lii caiclj S'rotund. "Under (lod, you are my help and com­fort, Sister Anne, now that I face the Great Orl«ls of Life.” . .

Capitals hardly do Justice to hi* emphjsl«. Hl»,ler Anne murmured something I*let- could not catch. Hut plainer tliaji 'cannon Sgiom came after it : "My desire 1« lo have you In truth nhd fact for my—nlster. To'hclp me wln .tho mast wonderful creature liv­ing. She Is *o fnlr, *o sweet, so young, I feel It laid specially upon mo to guide and guard here-tp bring her Into the fold. You will, you .must help lue. I know you love her so well you must long have understood——"

‘•She didn't—«he couldn't I Nobody did I” Lnlee cried, swooping diwn en j- f c Iheui, the moral nnd pattern of fury, "You'd sco yourself how ridiculous you are—only you're too conceited to ooeanything but yourself-----"

“Right, little «later 1" Judge Rmory 'boomed from the pin***. He had comp home with dad and walked' acrosi Into the house, ln«e«d of coming In the flerX't'Dut rnrjjRtott to; find 1'ns notthe iplo i>rUe Idiot—trying to marry a Attteisblt'■■like you when there’e the very best woman in the world lo plain view." \ ' ■ : ' ■ '

"Dear me) Who can you bo mean­ing? I thought you'd end by' going In­to a beautiful decline and leaving me your forluneXwhen I founil aomebody to marry,’’ Latwe suit! aauclly. McCat- lum, purple faced, tried to apeak. The judge motioned for »Hence and took Sister Anne's hanfl.saylng:

"Haven't I done penance long enough dear, for—a young w l man’s folly?You aald you couldn’i'trust in«. when first I realized how foollah I had been-----" "

"Nover you mind about\her. I enn trust you. You're. Juat this man this family liaa needed," Laleo cried Joy­ously. Then to the minister: "S ay , to show you hour no malice, morn: them right on the spot—they have wasted time enough."

"Several year» too much," the Judge snld,„tuktng Anne'» hand In a tig! grip. McCnllum, did not marry then then nnd there, but the rector made up for that a little later, with all tha ■ountryslde dancing at' the wedding.

Photographs of the Turtlsb nationalist occupation of Smyrna und of the flight of the Greek talmbUanui are Jo« beginning to arrive. Tbe'Illustration show« an armed band of Irregulars marching, through the 3vTlflc^lhey^ufre^a^dnlmoat wholly destroyed, and. below, cavalry of the Kemaltat force, on «he water front, with Rrltiah battleship In the background: . . ------------- 7

Tale of *1 D»Yo ■* ®** Matohaa Hlgh- •at Flight* of Imaglsatlon—Rida*

Out Typhoon* and Succaoalon of Heavy fiato«.


Tama Mat* In tha North and Taka tha Youngitara With Thsm

When Thay Migra»«. '

One of the curious-feature» of coast, loving hlnla la the little foot, tinier than that of many land' blrilat, and smnller than that of any aen bird, fact which makes them ahnoit help­less In rough sea. Hut they like to tilt at the water's edge, catching flah on the wing.: Their »lender bodies, narrow wings ahd forked tall» make them look like mere Unci flashing be: tween wave and . wind: .with move­ment* daring and graceful.

The arctic terns first cousin« to those commonly noticed In temperate dimes, rear their young In the north, polar regions, and take them 'along

en -they migrate-to the Antarctic, »one, jvrltea/ Lillian Trott In Our Dumb Animals.

They build their nests In the land of the midnight sun. and when they go south , they follow old Sol In that direction., making an ll,00b-mlle trip, and thus avoiding nearly all the nights with genuine darkness In them. The tern seems to try to find the edge of the world, going farther than “any other feathered creature, and resting only when he ‘thinks there will be no land farther along where he can nest, or open water containing food to sustain life.


Braves Gales in Junk of 23 Tons

Hollander Crosses Paolfio Ocean From Shanghai With Chinese

Wife a t TiUer.

up, thinking pirates boarded the ship.. • ' • '

— — 8nak« fo r B raakfiaL"The first sight to meet my

was this great snake sliding


How would' you Ilka m R isk* the'trip, thia .daring adventurer took? ' ;

Victoria, R. C.—It H well that Chris­topher Columbus established himself In Uie Hall of, Fame »oitie centurle* ago, for If he had to do hi» dlKoverfng today,, he wonld. fin4 ■ worthy rival adventuring about ; the “g re tt. *Ptces o tth eaea . .. , .. ■'

Christopher croosed tfrty AtUMgq. oa hla htatorle voyage In > 100-kon «ail­ing ve#»el—the 8ant« Marla—with a crew of fifty-two - men. But__Capt. George Waard. a modern Columbus, puts the historic navigator to «bame by »panning the broider Pacific to n 28-ton Chinese.flahlng Junk, with hla Chinese wife as helmaman, bit- nine year-old «on a« cook and cabin boy, and a foremast crew of three Chlheae, of whom two had nover been beyond the confines of llonkong harbor.

Several months ago, tired of life on the Chinese .-coast, Waard decided to return to America. So--be gathered tools and timbers, fashioned hlmaelf a ship, signed on a hand or two, and emhhrked with his family for British Columbia. That was at Shanghai. June 21. .

Junk Is Sanaatlon.Last week taw the finlah at Victoria.

B. C., of the remarkable crossing of more than 6.300 miles of. the Pacific. Into the harbor atolo a craft, the like of which hod never before beenjeen In these wnters. Spectators rubbed their eyes In bewilderment over the Vessel, with jta towering stem. Ita dump of a bow,' Its amuzlng coat' of ■dd, green and yellow, the two bulging

brilliant fish eyea glaring on both aides, the' three ill-cut Bails bellying In the breete—and over nil the five- striped,-multi-colored flag of the Chi­nese republic,., .

Timid soul» ga*ed nervously at the mysterious stranger, fearful lest ahe be some ghostly visitor from the deep, bonrinR 'to retribution some ancient, sinning mariner. ; '

The fuH talo of the 01 days a t sea­front the sailing day,. .June 21, .a t Shanghai to the dny of arrival s r Vic­toria, September .19, a s told,by Waard and hjs wife—mntchea the highestflights of Imagination. ■ .... -

“One night," *ot<! Captain Waard. pointing out a ; snake skin as wide around as a man's thigh and ten feet In length, , “we were a t ancBor olT the China coast: The man ¡on watch dozed off. "A stnsJl..-ckow dog aboard barked, ■nd- «wakened 'me. On the China coast) you sleep with yonr gun on your plt-

ToWTnd l had*lt—handy-ai 1. sprang

might .have

Itself, gained through a lifetim e'of voyaging on Its sieriny bosom. A Hol­lander by birth, be came to Canada aa a lad, qnd firsi went to sea with the sealing fleet from Victoria a t the age of eleven. He got bis ialty ration of beatings for doing wrong: or because the mate believed be would certainly do so before nightfall. If be had not done so at tbe time of beating. Tears later he «rent to China and now he ha* returned.

eyes down

from tbe fleck Into the cabin. Well, he took thé floor. I let him have It ; the table suited me better. And then I blazed_uway. It took'four shots to finish the beggar. I threw It on the deck. ,

“Half a minute later I followed. But It was too late. These fellows (point­ing to hla three Chinese) already had the snake siloed up and Iq.the pot. I didn't even get the whoio' skin. The men llyed well nett morning, break­fasting on. snake, cat and duck from the sumo pot. They dined like lords 1“

Full of pride In Ills vessel, the skip­per had a thousand Instunces to tell of her seaworthiness.

‘‘She'll ride anything or we wouldn’t be here. It was the roughest trip I aver made and I've made a-plenty.

“Nervous? Not a bit. The HhanghM people were when w6 le f t But. I kuew what' waa before ua—no doctoring, no fresh provisions, no Icq' cheat—hard­ship unstinted. I knew all that, and so did mother, . 1 ' '

Washed One*«.Weak Luxury. ' Water? Plenty of It for drinking.

The tanks cany between 400 and 500 gallons. But the luxury of a wash was a weekly“ occurence: Washingclothes was out : of -the question, W* couldn't think of huvlug a bath—not that I was greatly troubled by the sullors there. ; As for. the rest, we had plenty. There was always a fish to be caught on the road, a bird to be shot or a porpoise to be harpooned. Food was the least of our worries."

Captain Waard smiled und admitted that after all he was glad tt was ever. His Chinese wife nt the tiller <oij- curred., Little Bob, nine years die born In China, with the voice an

The Amoy, as hla Junk Is known. Is the captain's own creation, bnllt at Amoy at 1 the cost of four month*’ labor and several thousand dollars. It la 60 feet long—has an 18-foot beam and a 5-foot draft. The only motive power la In Its salla, six In all, arranged that one man can manipulate them all. The vessel to bnllt on the lines oí the Chinese fishing Junk, even •to the eyes. .

To tbe Chinaman tbe ship's eyes aré more Important than her lifeboats. They not only have tb be there, but roust be placed there on certain -days —Joss days. Behind them to a bit of money and a scrap of paper with some scribbling on it, all-very the Chinese seaman. Without eyes how could the ship see In the dark, the Chinaman reasons. -’

The tale of the trip to a stirring one. Scarcely had Shanghai been left be­hind when typhoon«, seemingly In waiting, aw eptjtaw n upon It. The 1,200 milts to Hokodapb In the north of Japan, waa ooe coutian»l struggle Six daya later, with the weather mot* moderate. Hakodate waa left behind. But the loll proved very temporary. The storm king rushed ut> from tbe east pad south, drlv'ng the Junk ever north, until, passing among the Aleu­tian Islands. It b u n t Into thCLBehriug sea. "Repeatedly the ladder- was car­ried away, repaired and «wept away again. Half the distance, was covered with Jury rudder* dragging the vessel back. Gales and gales succeeded-éach other—annoying calms with great breaking swell« that tore and smashed the-craft nbout while headway waa Impossible—and gales that made tbe frail ehlp labor in alarming fashion.

C loset Shave Near End.

V e a l C h o p s , p e r lb . . . 29clanguage of a Westerner but the fei. _tures of the Oriental, lent his part t^t Q J f S w e e tb re a d » , Pr » 3 9 Cthe Interview.

“I didn’t like It very much, too muc _ ^seasick," he admitted. Then, llcklij C u tle t I M id d le C u t» ) , first a cone In one hand and then a other in the other, he added:more better than Shanghai Ice « n N C Y C A N A D IA N L A M B S more cheap here."

If It wasn't for hcr. W.e would nev . Q U .u c c ia l L o t L e g s o f L a m b , u > . . J J C

chimed In again of hla Chinese w l-V « . t c u _ r . p n r« i i i a r .“ S h o rnn h « n .u B th e « h i.. h e t ie r » h . p a L L o t o t S h o r t r p r e q u M

have made it." the skipper prou

'She enn handle the ship better th a r '... ............._ , : i “i. lOcan, and the crew hops when she gtv-rs o f C a n a d ia n .L a m b . orders. No. she Isn’t the mate, a h i ^

Is Thoroughbred of Sea. . T I E R - A N D E G G V A L U E SBig and’ brawny. Waard to -35cthoroughbred of the Bea, bronzed a ^ te d E g g s , p e r d o z e n ,

wrinkled by the suns and winds > • _ .many waters.' Mild-mannered an i - __affable, he ■■ seems to have Bomethwant V a l le y C re a m e ry p u t t e rof the Imperturbability of the oc«rn o n e lb . p r i n t s ) , p e r l b . . . .4 5 C

Dedicating Sact

picnics, nm! n* team to ¡.tmly the nnlmnls «uh. out hurltni; H;«a, and we d'ui i t-u'it' for bints'- v.'.'«. and. lieitcr t!:.m all thnr—*' ' r.o' broke o(T.' “What c.mli] t)o better .than all th n t?" nakedDaddy! ....: “Yea b e l t e r th a n e v e n n 11\

that," continued Nick. "Is Hie farr thnt more and more are Jnhdru; du* club every day. And different hoy* In different towns are getting up clubs Just Uke I t ‘ ’ '

“They have to promise they willnot hurt any wild creature you knowIn order to belong.

"Then they go on hikes and picnics and camping parties mid Imve all sorts of fun. But they don't hurt creatures smaller and weaker thnn they—are;— In-fact—they—don't—hurt- creature« at all."

Fine," said Daddy. “Perfectly fine." ,

“And now Nancy must tell you that she has' any number of- addition« to her club. The girls promise thnt they will never wear feathers of birds ex­cept tbe ostrich feathers."

"Yes, Daddy,” said Nancy, “for you know the feather*, can be inken f nun the ostrich birds without hurting them.

“The feathers’al-e clipped nnd when In a couple of months or so the stuli* of the quills are dry they are plucked from the wings without hurting tha new feathers, and. hotter than that, without hurting the ostrich, us you’v» told oa.. “But, oh, dear. It Is strange to think people would ever be willing to wear aigrettes or plumes from the birds of paradise when they know how It- hurts the birds.” p“ t T ^ ’ aald Daddy, ‘‘there Ik no“« - -

for people who do It wlio know a t barm It doe«. But for those who

do! not know there to i excuse until they. know. :

“3n>af la what we must doMcll all w* can about the cruelty and the suf­fering It causes .... r “People are teaming more nboul birds and times are getting 1mlter and there. !» Improvement.” Dnddy . con­tinued. '

“In olden times people would wear feathers from doves nnd woodpeck­er*. bobolinks, orioles, larks nnd rob­Ins, thrushes, bluebirds, scurlet tan«- gere and many, many other»."

“Oh, Daddy,” said Nnncy. almost bursting Into tears, “how could any- nn" *T'xm w -ilcnr lljtle^rnldn?

In flirtili Dîtes, BIr i llgrnvo Itm

I. Kdminui li t a ttitude i Ho on be

W ashlngtc


. Fresh Flat Ribs

17c lb- Regular Fresh Hams

24c lb-Firesh.

P ig a F e e t

10c lb bu

S hickhaus*P u r e P o rk S au sag e

o n S a le a t all " N a t io n a l" M a rk e ts nerica n

at M

I,in. s q u a r e s ) fer lb ................

"X ' “The Proper Medium.“Did ymr hear that old Miss 8our*

letgh Is hnvlrig her portrait painted?" “Ton don’t sly I" .-r :

. “Tea, Indeed; painted In oil.“ i*Tn oU? tt,»he over vtanto r good

lUtaaeaa akgH have to bo pqt«ted‘-tn

Sang and Danced When . His Mother-in-Law Died

ofHer husbantT« exhibition rejolctngl byX Ploym r Jaw «we- onto, singing and dancing on re- ccltllng word from Cleveland, (X that his raother-la-law whs dead, was one of the allegations o f cruelty offered by Mrs. Malcolm McGowan of New Tort city In her quit for aepnration. O ther charges referred to frequent beatings and “ the many love .tiotes that her husband was In > the habit of receiving. The court granted $90 a wort and $400 counsel fees. ... .

11GH-GRADE SMOKED, MEATSp e r lb ................. .......... * .......

n (one pound package) (regular prie»? 50c), lb. I


ed Skin-Back Ham». (8 to 12 lb», each) . P*1



f x i i ih X n i i r ^ i ^. Premier Raymond Poincare of France dedieaUng the tre t milestone, at Barle-Dnc. on the famous “Sacred Way" which lczd a d R o rta ilk t r Terdoiv

Ihore 5SUI«mart soil there's nothlDK ’" hurting a creature . f a 'smaller, and more helple- -•self. .I“’■And when It come« to >

. . . *•«__ ino» ti-rnnnK i*'1* t.1 tí*?.and the fight ngnlnst wcar'"J:

now or when they get ouler.wort theywearing of little daughter, when X say : , •

“ ‘Spcce** to Nancy*

feather» ------ ,,I more than hJf'. '

i is thi ward

L « f All) “fbuslnn

sell p'Wa* *n

C i t i ’ from

_ ____- . _ . . . . « -----------------J S K ' . *

«¿A e.**.~vv-»»>.i»îy: ,.*«, ,

I #

" W T

.Avi !yv Eveg / u i i i v l iË *

- C M W O » U l l U N A f l D

jggghed in ColHaion and Drifting on a Reef New Record Set for Sustained FKght in Airplane

i Jü x >AVR? 3 * ,v » i

^ 5 « A ^ O N N E a► «* v *’

nancy ;» club

“Psdd».- .«M .Nick-. On#. fV.J-: ,rg•Nâocy wmiiU to tell you about r-r

c lub , and youknow my olu!. [?

. S e t t i n g along . aplcndldlv, too.

"We liavf Hi<n- .. d e r fn l M k « anil

e- -'¿.*0 ~r fct-.tfcAAe. *

eye»boats, s. but

days bit of some eyes


g otte. tt be­ly la

The north

wg*<* mote

ehlnd. orsry, n the I ever Alca*

ehring j c s r - away

jvered vessel 1-each

Croat lashed y was Je tbe lion.

picnics, am! n« lenm to ¡¡tudy the. nnlmnls «mi. out hurting them, and we don't hunt" for birds’ eggs, and. better than all thor—“ ' !.o broke olT.' “Whitt could be bettor .than all "t h n t ?“ naked

“Wonderful . ■Mtb..> ton. b e t t e r. . - ’th a n even n l t \

that," continued Nick, “Is the facH that more and more are Joining our dn b every day. And dlETert-ut hoys In different towns are getting up clubs Just Uke I t ' ’ "

“They have to promise they will not hurt any wild creature you know in order to belong.

"Then they go on hikes and picnics and camping parties and have oil sorts of fun. But they don’t hurt creatures smaller and weaker than they’-are;— In—fact—they—don't—burt- creatures at all.“

Fine," said Daddy. “Perfectly One." ,

“And now Nancy must tell you that she has' any number of nildltlons to her club. The girls promise that they will never wear feathers of birds ex­cept tbe ostrich feathers.”

“Yes, Daddy,” said Nancy, “for you know the feathers, can be tnken from the ostrich birds without hurting them.

“The feathers nre clipped and when In a couple of months or so the stubs of the quills are dry they are plucked from the wings-without hurting lb« new feathers, and. better than that, without hurting the ostrich, us you’va told us.. “But, oh, dear. It Is strange to think people would ever be willing to wear aigrettes or plumes from the birds of paradise when they know how It - J baity the birds” ,

“Yes,” said Daddy, “there ir on ei- cuae for people who do It who know what harm It doe*. But for those who do! not know there IS i excuse until they. know. •

“That la what we must doMell all we can about the cruelty and the suf­fering It cause«. .... r “People are learning more about blrdsandtlm es are getting bettor and there.. Is Improvement.” Daddy . con- tinned. '

“In olden times people would wear feathers from doves and woodpeck­ers. bobolink a orioles, larks and t«b- . Ins, thrushes, bluebirds, scurlet tana- gers and many, many others."

“Oh. Daddy," said Nnncy. almost bursting Into tears, “how could any- nn*~ -«■-dear llttle^niblr.?

. The Idg oil tankei1 Uslon with the steatner l.juian «tewart drifting on the rock« off the Holden date at Ban Francisco » f„ r g ra|

t\ utter A. Lurkenhacb which tore a great buie In her bow. . .

Here la U» huge Fókket monoplane with *Uh«.r»epowvr UNrcty motor which broke the world s record for su*. Mlaed Bight at Baa Mcgo; amt Ijeut. John A Uarltwady tieft» and Ueut. Oakley Kelly. |t, ft Aw'who piloted It.

— fthsjJjnuainwJ-In the *tr 55 boucs ts lutnuie* » iKVoudA.— to .V-»*;;,l-er they wpl Slice,t-i a titHiclop night from San IMago to .New York. - ■ . .

Statue of Edmund Burke Unveiled

y l

. Fresh Flat Ribs

lb- Regular Fresh Hams

24c lb- !

-Ftesh.Piga Feet

10c lb: , Shickhaus*Pure Pork Sausage

on Sale at all"National" Markets


.. * .... J,0Ceeeeeewweee««•••••••*»*****

egular price 50c), lb. 42c

12 lbs. each), per lb.»-.


rt and there;« nothlnL' ’n .,.r 'tag a creature ■ • <;.Her. and. more helples*- -* .

tone, at Verdun.

nd when It come« tothe fight against wea" ° f • nJ .»« or when they get 0l,!er- ' ...,.th e y ca n d o la te llln k■tag of feathers ■"* “n; . 6. daughter, I more than I

Sucre*» to Nancy s club-

. ’ / '

I t hh • - • . * *•* -If'-



In furthering the pulley of fostering friendship between KngUsh-speaktng Piles. Kir (.’Illirica Wakelleld. former lord mnjur of I.ondon,Jn behalf of the llgrnvo Institute of (Iront Britain, presented to the United Statt»« a «tutti» '.Kdmumi Burke, the fumbua British statesman wlio held out for n concilia-

f attitude tipvnrd the,AliHTlcancriU.nle«.Tit»ct'etftTy of Wnr tVeek* accepted tile ‘He on liehulf of the United States. Thé-photograph shows the unveilingWashington.

Yankee Marksmen Compete in Italy






Hero In llajtmo Iloild phoioRTaptiPd In kin hotel lii/i<an Frmiclsco, to wlilrltelty ho hn* Ju*t n tu m o j n rirh nml IMYwerfu! lihnnrlor. A ft»<r yrHini ago he v a i y i ponnilofu house m rvnnt ln Han FranrtBcc*; to<J«y ho U rall.rU tha •'Wootirorth of Ja p an .1* *M Is p rrth don t/u f the InrRe^t d n ic ootiipnuy In the Orient. Ho inirntln to vuir e%’ery hni-ortnnt mnnufucturlntf ren ter In tha Vh.lted Htnte* nnd Kuroin*.

dt'S • . . , • . .


f f

nertcun ^ Ih» uro coihpvtlng at the' International’al>ooU&gEta at MHan. Itnly. outride their quarter«. '

lo ry of J. H. Payne Is Honored

fcf I Is the monument unveiled at Spring Place, Ga, a few daya ago to vard Payne, author of "Horn». Sweet Home.“ M*mber*~of The Old

, jo f Atlanta, a h Is toric organttaa(m- Tf6tr,pdSfl- of~SBme7orn[BS ' \tlm»lnes* men of the clty,' are shown back of the mooument-Spring ' selected as the site of lb« monument because It wa* there-that

|%ras ar?ekted and held In prlaon for a while because of his sympathy Cherokee Indians at the tune that 14,000 of them were fordhty

' tn m thd r homes In Georgia.

\ .-W j***

m h \ c / r

Kif* »$. 'HA«1NÜ



Vlfglnla Brown Faire, leading wom­an fur tiny lisle« I'oai hi lire movie*.a,.'.., idA e ■ j ll.e Im ekl «LI.«wlll-'fpehd, anin# nxmlhs In Honolillu,

' fhfand Is preparing f«r her «thy There roaming around her ■••taie in trueKotith Hen fashion

Starts Broadcasting From CubaR

I 'H 'f tl drM Alfift 'do « f O d i « (h.niEUr»illTi«i; r u d to linx idt MBtliu In Otdmfn*ui Ih n mitli 'HAl pftlrtifi lu | | a>uIìa. w i ih u n Rddr*.»«» lo ilo» Aim*rltnii lh«< fclülli'U I ' th ' i i* » ti» thi* t/Ut’NH ' I r i r j ' J H i h r i t iu ip a iiy a i id Ioìs_ a wnvt* | h i «»IIiuf 4‘A) ||H'I Mf ft, • -, . ~ • ’ . . * •

Admiral Sims Now on Retired List


f i i

■ ■ 1 , , ••4«r««ed < 5... . * I «I *• •♦ *d *


vVThis lin ’t really Venn« rising from

llW b S t t r b u I - J I l i i MyrtJii. Hiller, a California beauty. Ju«t out of her dally mad batik «1 the Pncheteau jprlnga. O llatoga, Cal. Kho s«ya tlie black mud make* her »hln.flipTruna whiter.


Mrac Coalina Wagner, widow of Itlrhard Wagn*r, the jereot iCotnposer, •rid datiiftiter of Liszt. Is r«(joried to he Mrlousljr 111 ot her horn« In fl«r- tunny. Hhe Is elghly-two years old. ’



a m o l ,H fjir .A flniirnl WllMmu (h e n z» o f u lity four y ea rs

Oil O ri. If», und ljieref«*r* w m s 'jtm u n iif aIIjt {■lar-Ffl iin ifin retired Ifsf o f th« /isrjr. I le l i l u i « sh*nrn hiddinif zoo-îhy- to . Frank T . K>aaa. so u o f••F ighting I lo t/; K w m . s t «h« N rw |e.rr triitn ing s ta t io n . .


Mrs. Edna Brush Perkins, doveUnd society woman, author and world trav­eler, who with a woman friend ere »«ad Death ,V«iley. 280 feet heTow Ma ierel in the scan of the great Mojave des­ert of Canforata. Mrs. Perkins la the daughtVF of Charles Brush, the inven­te ra * the are lamp., and the wife of Or. Ungar GL Parfclh« - .

Here’s Something for Girls to Try

itS M ,


%■/./ y , . r , - » j ' S Î . L '*>-: P .? - # * X . *

-• - •• -»..■• . f : i-rep. ■**?. - *v»v>w -r ■ -eoo/ Art5 - v/' "I;- - J ' . S P - a</i'’VaftNtiNllgM \ A-J k*-V •- '■-+*** •- y-'w?«. '4 -

W alking ih** KT+HV-Ó ¡0,imr with.« of mutimi tin the urite, I« th« w*wwt of sfarti» tur women, Tfi# m-w •. oti«ot fr»;m Knginod Ttj« jiole Iw- pro- jer'ts.q ittitn 4 td*??»*’sd or d»^k ar.d I« w tll gres»<d The women competitor*' “ ejsd In bnfhlng rouf um«, ar** «'ipi^xed to r»»sch tlie-Uifl of the pol« where 1« the prise leg of mqtrun. Of eounM- If one of the contestants slips nrfrj rande* the o ther with her* two others rofttinn» 'th* carnè; Her« «re two fuir bather* ju st managing to hang on, with, the-priz« not fa r off. :

WORTH KNOWINGTherw ars 1 fffo women to rrery 1.W0

men In German/«.- 'Ezdnslve photograph of Jam«« E.I Conl " • * , '*rew to «"*< ohur.-Ur.r»

twnre-4*-.1lfMMi>ri.(n. whe 1« rtw d«^ >*ti» he the oldest màn yet to he JnJtJsted i ^IIrLfg»n. s&T OftUrto.hits‘a Maaonlc lodge, at th . ara of* ,n tb* '-’nltcd Huire reglatratlon righty-two yaara. Mr, Payne baa long’ compri.log thirty-four ataMw.beeo a realdvot of Washington, but tnt- pecta to apataJ the reel of-his life In jmuaa T«g.

(he deatit rate from all forma of tuber­colo«!* fell from iso In 1P10 to 114 in 1820. ....... ■ ■ ■ ■ -, ■

r>wnRi<,n houM flic« .havo beep proved to migrate a« much aa «lx ml Ice In one day.~ Many locotnotlve engineer» regard It a« unlucky to enter t],« cab with the left foot tint. „-The- United -Hrittee deatruysr 'mlne '

layer Israel No. 80 baa a speed of 41 Vi miles an hour. . ..

Portugal has presented the crew of beat I tO ithe United States flying

with nUltayr Croats.

M* P

-J_i. .—kl


/ '


tE^CHranfori) Cttif i \ enAND CHRONICLE

P U B U S U E D '.E v e u r ~ T U D H B O A Y Ü t ü ú n A v e n u e , C r a n f o r d , N . J .

provine the W5,000;000 highway bond Ijsue. lia* been fu lly e*| ‘ “ ‘

'H'JAMKS K, WARNfcK. ÂU/ar an4 )'n >(iiJkr,


Term* One Dollar and a Half a Year.« Knt«rMl at Ote Crenfurd Office ae * aeeead -C læ Metier.

roriKtructlbn-vritbont e t i i n y to the m atte r of financing needed road tax burden hr utilizing th e present marl ronatruetion tax In a basine** way. It lia* all been figured out by financial experta and ft la aafe to take their O. K. We know we need the road«. The wcond referendum, to adopt tho provision* of the police and firemen'* jtenulon ac t appear* to bn good anq »lioulit be adopted. In any rase every voter should mark hi* ticket one nay or the other on ttioM* .question*.

r u s *« U H

Next Tuesday. November 7tli. I» ■ E lect Ion May, On-t ha t day-will hedecider}, w hether Repuldlrnn poll- cle* are to he continued or whether the Democratic part:', th a t ha* not changed a lilt In the 'inst two year«,


shall he put Into power agalli;................ ‘ ‘ " ufo:whether New , Jerw'y «liait enjoy a

dean vigorous administration under William N. Runyon i * Governor. or

--sliHU.couUniie..tuJii'-.i1omlnatedJiV the Hudson County ring and Hague <>♦ Jersey City. The Issue I« clear aftd the voter» deride: EveryVoter must take Interest and should he sure to cast hi« or her luillot next Tuesday. ' -. -

VETS LOSE TO VONSOpposed to one of New Jersey'*

leaillug learns, the Cranford Veter- Tins of Foreign W ars was

lt I» dl«appolntlng. even lo a He pulillcan*,-tlmt thè Dc-morratl« cari- dldate» bave noi adv.lnred any reo- son or argument flint «houhl he ite- eeptahle to New Jersey voterà- why tliey shoiihl ho electid. The Demo èra tic National polley ,1» for Uree Trnde or low tarili wlileh New Je r­sey, a« au linlustrlid Ntnle niust reject. Astile -frolli thls thè Demo

■crai* Imve notom ¡«sue.: Thèy ap peni to prejuillce on die « e t and dry quiottJun, lt 1« ni* liqiger un I» «tt<V and "although lt fooled thè

. ^ o t e j s - l l i r r r - y e m s . tutu—U u i- .D e m ocrnis Imve faith lliey enti funi 'em ngaln. W hetlier we Ilice lt br not, prohlhlt lim is a flirt uhi II «urli, t Ime a»' thè (VipstUntimi mny ho agalli amendi'il iiyl Topiial ofi tlte - proiiihh Mori iimendment. ! I~“ ''

Timi prohibition has brought many Ills and iimeli croiikeilnohsanil erimo III It« wnke must he admitted, hul It m u s t. also ho remembered tha t Mio Democratic party then In control lu Congre»* maile prohllii- Ion priHslide. W hether the benefits of prohibition will nut'wrlj'h (lie ilnui- age dene Is n m atter yet to he prov­ed, hut Jlioro I» no quest Inn wlint- yvor, thlil the elect Inn of u Demo ernt to the Senate or In Congres» or ns Oovornor or mernVòr of the Slate logM ature will hot Ttiul II cannot h r the «lightest iimnuer nlleet pro­hibition. .

Them nro greater, far greater, uintter» Involved In tlio—election than; tho more registering of up-

qirovnlror dlsniiprovid ol prolilhltlim or In .e ther words t in wet hnd dry questlrtn. New JeCey should lie rescued from, tho grip of the Hague ring, William N.i Huhyon, ns cmi- dldnte for Governor, nml the He publlran- phttfnrm pledge the lle- puliitcmiN to bring about many need- mi reforms In the Slate. We fully believe they will If Runyon N elected. _

That Senator Frellnghuysen has limile a splendid ris'Ol-d at Waslilnj! ton Is admit toil, lie stands for pro

-t ectimi—to-Ainorlemi -Industry- and he stands Tor law enforcement anil upholding the dignity of Mio.Stato and Nation. The .Rejmldleiin eimill- datos fur the State Somite and As­sembly are pledged to Mie Repulí- llcán platform. Congressman A ov­erman ha* made a splendid record and that Is pledge for him for the future. ....... —

CongVcssmun Ackerman also has made a record to ho proud of at Washington, ldko Senator Frellng- liuysen he Is sound on Protection to Amerlcun Industry utiil luvs been faithful anil cimscleiitfoils In tho

'--performance of his fluty us our rep reseiitatlvc at "Washington.

. . mauled'ami aliuseil for a full hour, till they filially «ueeimihed to the Vons of New Itrunswlrk, last Sunday, on the short end of a 17-0 «corei The Vets umile u creditable showing against such a formidable team a« the Vons,. who have decisively defeated every team they have met this season, only the previous Sunday swamping Min liorrj|ines of Jersey <,’lty 5A0. which shows the driving power òf the New llrmiMWlck team. Tlio win­ning team has encountered soirie of the strongest team» In Mio Stato, nml are yet to have their goal cross­ed thlii »canon. Tim Vons scored their seventeen'points In tho first quarter when they drove the Vets' hither nml th ither for a pair of loiiehdowns and then a, drop kirk from the fill-yard lino gave tho home- stcr«-ii T7 poliit-|nail, whlch proved to he enough to win the game. Af­ter the first quarter,. thoAV'ots dis­played a «tyle of piny_ which was oqunl to .any shown by Mio Von» nml easily hold the New Rrunswlck team In check for the remainder of the giiuic. The light "tint game lino ot the Vets conili do llttlo against the strong lino of the Vons; who found little trouhlo pushing them town the field. Loriz.' Kopplor anil l.upsurdl fought'In their usual g rit­ty style, hut the extra poundage of thè w inners told on them heforo the game hml reached the half way. mark. Nomi and Aldrich showed up wi ll hi tlie Imckflcld, botti doing ex­cellent work on the.defense. Garrì- gun mul McCabo-wero tho bright lars for Min winner», Garrigmv

being a veritable tank In Ills tearing through the V e tr lino. Another game will undoubtedly lie arranged anil If football stars, llko Frunk Young, lleuny Poole and McOuIn- '« are .with the Vets when they

m ake-their second Visit to New Hnihswlck. It Is un oven money bet that tliéy will re tim i to Cranford w ltlc tluv honor and distinction of being the first team to score a win over tiie Vons. Tho dofeat of.-tlio Vi'fs at New Hrunsw lck proved ser­ious to 'Ernie Holt, their fighting iminnger. who received two broken ribs, w hen he was tackled by one of (he Voti». The gaiueness of H o lt' can not he denied us he continued; to ptav In the game although suffer- lug from two .broken ribs. It. Is doubtful It Roll will ho able to play In Itilv more, guiiiès Mils season. On next Sutunhiv the VetHwill meet the rolored Stur» of Staton Island. I'lie Stars me n team of nicked col­ored pluvcrs1 from the Island. The

- . VONS '........ ........... J. Ochesky-Loft Kml •

.........FlemmingLett Tackle

............... ................ WineLoti Guard

'E. McCabe-Cantre

.................... W. OebeskyHlglit Guard

improvement and are now the brand ot ball which wouM have made olther Roselle Park o r Chat­ham atop mighty lively toKeep. atej w ith them. "Stad" HoAenCnuu I quickly developing into one of the host barkfield men In the County and with a little more tu toring un­der the watchful eye of Coach Noah, he will he a hard candidate to keep off the All County team. “Stad" has spc-cd. a «mart .football head and an unlimited «mount of gainene** which g o e s to m ak e him tho most .reliable back on tile local teairL-Blg d o J n g * c m i l n i l < m k e d i a z , i Z ( u n ^ t h i *

s u o n o » e o t x o b sr w u u i i* the m S N H i

'As Act M »«Coto le ■ * * ■• f U M t « M M

lim .“ * « •* * I b r S h . l i t * . *s4 • * ■ * ■ « • te«««te, notte te lunar ( im <aal ih* item i •betten «Ul b* S*i4

T llSD A Y . X O Y U C an T. l i t t ,- ‘ ' ' eh e . te. * a i

player in-xt season when he will be ripe fiiT fast i-mnpari^aaiid If CoachNash develops a strong line i t would not he surprising to see “Stad” bring the Class B title to Cranford.,

Synopil* of tha Minata* of - tha

...... Freeholder*A regular meeting 'of the Union

County Board of Freeholders was hold at the Court House, Elizabeth, on Thursday. October 19th, 1922, a t 2:30 p. in. Nineteen in embers pres­ent, four absent. Minute»’o f the meeting of October 5th, were ateprtrimd;--------- -- ----- ~~

All hills presented were read* and on roll call ordered paid. '

The TreHMiii-r's riqxirt was receiv­ed showing a balance on hand Sep­tember 301 Iro f $141,»48.7(1.

The Treasurer reported the sale of «18,000 Park Bonds to the-U nion County Trust Co. for $250,063.00.

The report of tho Road Commit­tee asking for oilrlltlonal appropria­tion of $700.00 fur culvert on W alnut avenue, Cranford, was approved. Also tiie appiiintment 61 John J. Bergen as Inspector on W alriut avo- nne, Cranford. •

A contract for repairs to bridges at' -Milfoil avenue and Bridge stree t bridges,'--Rahway, for $2,249.60 was awarded to F. W. Schwelrs, Jr. C o._ - Two nililltlotml culverts were au­thorized to he built on Hlllaldo ave- ttiH*.—l,llilslileraM15A-|ter4lnoal-foot.

The Treasurer and Director wore authorized to issuo omergency notes of threeAhousand dollar* for necessary expense of SherHTa Office.

Board adjourned to m eet on Thursday, Nvcmber 2nd, 1922, a t 2:30 p. m.

BKNJ. KING,, ' Clerk.

tw(»Mn Um tour» » f Mm i l l I ’e M u teA <T) «'elocii p. wl, at .wfefcii foUavtaa v lii ba afaaaca; * .

X United p u t m Inriior t f tm Uw p u U of>iw better.

X Member o t Um Hw m o t lapm — ttUt —trwn tb« T in t OonfrcMkmal District.

A ik trenor o t tbe fetal« o t Nr« J«rary.A Member o f Dw Senate bf tbc State o t Hem

Jmrjr to All Uia unexpired tana o t William N. Iiuhyou, rcaixnrd. -• < .

A feurr<«atr, for tha Count? of (tatoo. .'¿.-y.foMe.r-memtec« . « f e r t r i t e n g r l » A tetei - T«e Coroner a. -

Otio Member of tha Township Comalttaa lot three’ pear tern. .

Tuo fuaticca of ttoa Pen««. -At «aid general aleetloo Norstaber 7 ,‘will b«

•utdoltted under tba protlalona of Chapter MS, laws of 1022, "An art ' for tha eonalructloo, im{jro/e*n«sl, recoostruetioo aad rabuUdtag; of the Hiate Highway Sratea; profIdlnt'for tha

ring of the cost of lh« t «r«f ^ ___lion of real and personal property to thla Slate, and br lbs creatkm of a dabt of (ha State tar sti amount not excaading fort? blUHoq dolUra \ty tbs Issuafi«*. of bonds -tbarafor, and for tha subtuissloa of ibis act to the people, at a general ♦'Irctlon/* ‘

At said general election also will b# aub- mUtrd under tha pro*talons of Chapter IM, laws of 1920« ‘'An act providing fpr toe rathing of policemen ahd firemen of tha polka .and firs <J',p*rtffifiits_Jn_-Bniiilclpailtltea-_aLthla_SUt«, including . all polka oOcera baring au*pervUloo or regulation of traffic up*on Count? Koada and providing a patialoa for such retired policemen and firman and mpmbera of the polka and firs departments and the widows, children and sole dependent parents of dcreaaod members of said departments f s ap­proved April 15, 1920. . • •

The place of meeting of tha said Boards of Keshtr? and Election, the polling places for tiie set era I Districts are as follows:_ first'District. Caruso's Barber Shop, Walnut rt?>fiue.' .

Btcofid District, Township Rooms, 2nd floor., I'nion «venue and Alden atraet. -

Third District, Fire House, North- arsnue, Kant. * * • t

Fourth District, - Cleveland School, Union avenue.’' ‘ . ’ • - s ■ _

Fifth District. Lincoln School, CentetmlM avenue, ror, Lincoln avenue. ' .

Sixth District, Sherman School, Llneolh is venue.

The tttundirles of tho llrpt Xlectlpn District arc is follows:'Beginning at Walnut avenue and Kastman street, along tha West aids of Walnut avenue to Ltucoln avenue, thence along the Northerly aide of Lincoln avenue to Town­ship line, thence Along Township lino to Or- liiutd—street,, thence alonfc Waitoriy ild» of Orchard street to Hampton street, thencs along Southerly side of Hampton street to Baatwan street,' thence along Westerly aid« of Eastman street to place of beginning; '

The boundaries of the Second Election DIs-

B O f ie t o r u fT om B My « i a te h m l* a t m U M . a a «*• <£■

R the IW ruhl* t t e i t lllt e •* Ik* T teM kk «( en o teca , te O u O rna« *f Bateau uhi a u w o í K « Jcn ty . te » * • ■

A S «r<£oonc* lo iteteli u e d k u t e «U UM “A n o r a m a e , « n ea lew sa * UaH OH Itetek*- n e bulk or twOdiBd. w n o t a i , *ad t u o n i n o Ita, a ra * *$ ju d o , m c t t ‘■pacte, ood u n p t a u aadUoo o t buUdlocs te o lfao i t Ita, locutea o t mute, «a* uoa a! tniBdln*» tu lso rO t u m cw m a oom »od t u teteta purpom Ut d liU , 0 « TMnakl» o t Cruferd tate OlstrlcU tei u te Proteo»« Uw public bMltta. to f t t r tu * *oM nl »telar», «Uh rH im ata , M u tè n lta f l , ■ « « * te l i« Ibi »io , to lb . marni d n ln b l» u , (or vblcb ta , tea* of

Uta1- » ■"» te»e I tei 11 -ite ab* te W / H te a l n u l a a u I n - ItarteteclAM nate, * • * :

ls*uotrlM. ih* Im a-


** wotdo~

tradì district ma? tw adaptad, the peculiar oul|-abUit? for partkulgr usa of a district, tha i.AK?afci0A-a:A£--APtsaM!dtf,/-valuw--An4.r>AttobtDx9ctiMof building development to accordance withwell considered plan and also to establish pan­el ties for tha .violation of these rtgulslBoa, res tries Iona, determine Does' and UmitaUens,** adopted May 19th, 1922,-and that '

WEDNESDAY. .NOVEMBER'8th, 1922. st 9 39 u'etoeg p. m., la tha tluut aud the Town- Street, Is the plaça where a final hearing will bt |ir«n on said proposed ordinance, the pro-

ninir ^ t r o i wtth ™ H A B Y ^e^Sa P^ » 1p«niiw5e$4i j

■P M|H7 AaBH !. V tlb u le. BJmJ T id e , 3i io 9 t i .( l9 M r dntrM

All In food condition. P ric. f i . sonable. Telephone 31J

ANDIRON8—$3AO a pair, 420 North avenue. W estfield ' - “

ATTON la- tliat aoinetiilnir tha) helps a fte r you put your W t

Be- U ordained by. tha Township Committee of the Township of Cranford, In the County of Union ;

feectkn 1. Thai section one of tho ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate and limit the height and'bulk of buildings* to regulate and determine tha areas o f yards, courts and other open spseee/and to regulate and restrict the location of buildings designed for apsetflad usee, and the location _of .trgdei_am1 Industries,

The R k illo ^ ö f'Buildings designed for.^eclfled uses and for such-purpose to divide the Town­ship of Cranford Into districts so aa to promote the publk-health, safety and general welfare.with reasonable consideration, among other things,, to the most desirable usé for which thaland of each district may be adapted, tha pa­

............................. •* " ‘ “ riet»culler suitability for particular use o f a dlstrL.. the conservation of property value« and tha di­rection of building development to accordance with a well considered plan afld also to estab­lish penalties for the violation of Pmw regula­tions,, restrictions, determinations and limita­tions," adopted May 10th, 1922, and aa amend­ed August 32nd, 19J2, be and It tareby la 1 amended to read aa follows :

8cc. 1. Short title—DUtrleta.Tba short title of. thla ordinance Is tha "Zon­

ing Ordinance."For iba punosa of this ordinance tho Town­

ship of Cranford la hereby divided into four

trld «re ae follows: Beginning at Union ave* »et, along westerly aid# of

FLOWERSfor ali occasions

Artistic and L a ta it Ii-<«tgiut Funeral Work a Specialty

,— a t t h a - -


Riverside Rower Shop- ft) N o r t h A v a R .


h a m Th a t 'S m ig h t y

I V a n t a u x i n g - - Y o u WILL P IN O IT

A P P E T I Z I N G * t

VETSA litft i 't i .






B i-r ln llt

Ami »6 wttll tli») Stato Si'tmtor . noni liU'»\'-'Arthur X. Ulcrsun. Ho tias a rvèorit ot vlttlit yrars splemllii

.-sorviei' In tlu> Asspintily. Two ot' " i T m fr u ìr U ftp u lil l i 'm i .Y ssiq iitily n o n i;

iin'os Imvi) pprvod In tlint body niid In o uro-no«' moti. All uro liltth typo mòli ulto itili ìmitiitaln tho

_prostlRO ot l'iitoii »'mintv ut Troll-loti ami iiol)i óarry- out Govornor Hunyon's proarum. - -For SnrroKUto

, ttu? Hoimblinuis ronomlimtoil f ’Iinrlos X. t'oililltic. ivlllmut opposi- Moti ami ho it ili ho ro olootpd tor ho dosorves to tu', liuvltur (althtully nil- inlAlstcrod tho. ottico tlurliiK hls first torni.- For Oomnor, our (ollotv- tonti »man. Dr. Zlnyulvs. Ims buon nominatoti and a-III limo u blu voto

1 In hls homo town. . . .

R ouk iui

Croit tlor

Rltjht Tackle

liìiriit Kmi

(Jimrtcr Back




H o lt '

McCahoLofi Huit Back

■ -Bugor

LyonsR ig h t H a l t B a c k

S’o a d .......F u l l B a c k -

S iil> s t lt i iM o n s- V o t s : U > u n ^ to rF i n n s . S o m lo r s to r B o r to U I . » F o ltz tor S o m lo r s , E v u n s fo r H y n n , M ast- rln n fo r H o lt , H o l t fo r L u sa n B : V o n s : B o liu im fo r F le m m in g . R y n n tor S itlo k lo n . S o a r s fo r W tn o . /

A'OU’LL iiiit only tliid the Ihivor ot mir ham mighty

tho—goodnoss—of—all tho tantalizing, but you'll find meats tie soli up to the puro toons service»-at your dls- vor mid you’ll'find our-oour- food mark. And you'll find

inning. • —larks of lha Fòurlh Election Dto- -fnliowa f Bfclnuiiig ä r iha Imraeg rtd ffprtog^eld avengaa^ 'aloni tha.

uur iiriccs down tu public ta- al.posai.


~ o ì t e r S u i la in

mid and Alden street, _ _Altlcn strcvL-ta North avenue, thence along Xouthvriy aide uL North avenue to lha under­grade crossing, tlwnc# along Westerly side of undergrade' crossing», to South avenue, thence along Southerly sl(Urtol South avenue to Cen­tennial avenue, thence along Westerly side of Centennial avenue to Raritan Boadr thence along Northerly side of Raritan Road to Wal­nut avenue, thence along Easterly elds ot Walnut avenue to Union avenue to place of ifglnnlng. *

The boundaries of tha Third Election Dis­trict are as follows: Beginning at"Union ave­nue and Alden street,, along Easterly • side of Alden street to North avenue, thence along Northerly side of North avenue to tba under­grade urouing, thence along Easterly side of undergrade crossing to centra of. roadway o f U. R. It. of N; J., thence along centre of road­way or C. R. R. of- N. J. to Towuahlp line, thi'iice along Westerly aids of Ibwnshlp (too to Faltoute avenue, thence Northwesterly along Fallout? avenue to Orange avenue, thence to n Hoiithwestorly direction along Orange avenue lo Hjirhigfield avSnue, thence along Easterly Mdn nf Nprlngflvld avenue to TTnlori avenue, thence along Southerly aldeof Union ayenua to I>laec of beginning.

Thv boiimlarl- iHrt 'aeo aa-fii'of -Union and __ ________ __ ____Westerly aide o f Springfield ttvtoua to Oringe' Jirenne .thence along the 'Northerly aids of Orange avenue to tha Tojantthlp Una, thehea in a Westerly and Bouthwiatarly dirac- tlon along th Southerly aide of the Town­ship line to Oi chard street, thenea along the Easterly aide of Orchard atreat * to itnmpton street, thence along the Northerly «Id* uf Hampton street to Eastman street, ihvnco' along the Easterly aide of Eastman street to Union avenue, thenea along the North- '■rlv side of Union avenue to place of begin-hhtg. ' * - ■

The taundarlei of the Fifth Election Dls- »rift are as follows: Beginning at the corner of the undergrade .crossing and the centra of the roadway of the C. R. R of N. J. aloog tha RsstBrly-elde: of'th»-underiraag” afOiatog to «outh and Centennial avenues, thence along the Easterly side of Centennial avenue 'to Raritan Road, thenea along tha Northerly aide or Raritan Road to the Township line, thence along the Westerly side of the Township lino h> the „centre of the roadbed of the C. R. R. of N. J. to place.of beginning. ‘ - ;r-' The boundaries of tha Sixth Election DU? trlct are aa follows: Beginning at tha-corner" of Lincoln and Walnut avenuea, along Uncoil» avenue to tha Township line, thence in a Southerly and Southeasterly direction to Wal­nut avenue, thenea- to a Nortimtiy direction along Walnut avenue to place o^paglnnlng.

An absentee voter or voter who will be prevented by Ulneaa from-going to the polls may make application to the municipal mack or to taodCkunty Board o f Elections not later than tn v Tuesday preceding General Election for formal application blanks for an official ballot which. may be voted by such absentee voter In the manner “ ‘ ‘

classes of districts:(a) Residence "A" Districts.

. (b) Residence "B" DUtrkta.(c) Business Districts.(d) Industrial District*.------ -

The boundaries of each of these dlatrkta are hereby established a* shown on the Building Zone Map, which accompanies, and la hereby

jtefliryfl .to. Jw. A.pári^f*iihlilnrilto9riga» -»lüt the following chaugee, to w it: ,

(1) Extend the business ion# on the l i l t side of Centennial Avenue ‘ between WtoaftS Street and the Lebtfch Valley Railroad to in­clude the land 75 feet to width .North of tha Northerly right of way of tha Lehigh Valley Railroad to a line parallel with Centennial Ave­nue and '819 feet Easterly from theEaiterly aide of Centennial Avenue. —- •

(2| Change Dorn Residence B to Residence A all land between South Avenua, Rahway River, Chestnut Street and the present business tone along High Street to* South Avenue. ......

(3) Enlarge the present business cone to the Mock between South Avenue, . High Street, Chestnut Street and Walnut Avenue to Include the entire area of tha block.

(4) Enlarge the present business soné lo theblock between Union Avenue, Alden* Street, North Avenue, Springfield Avenue South and Marlboro Street to Include the entire area of tba block. * /

(5) Extend the Business District on the Norhtweaterly aide of Union Avenue Northeast­erly from Alden ’ Street so aa to Include Lot 18 In Block 2 aa said tot and block aro laid downon tho Aasoomrat Map of the ToWhahlp.

(0) 'Change from Residence/B District j toBusiness District the property on the. Northwest corner of Centennial AvenuaAsnd Cranford Ter­race known and designated .on the AssessmentMap of the Township as Lots 188, 188 aad 187 In Block 594.

Section 2, Thla ordinane« shall uka affect Immediately. . • / .

_ ALVAN R. DENMAN. .../ r . 7 - , / Towothip Clerk.

D^fad October CL I>tf. ^L'' n

FUBLIC N0TICI OF TAX BALE Salo «f Real Catato far tha Baroagh af Koall*

werth. N. J.For Unpald Taxea for the year 1911.

Pursuant to an Aet antltled "Tas Sola Re­visión" approfed March 4, 1918.

Public notteo la hwaby girón br C. A. Petor* Aon, Colioctor *nd Treaaurorof tha Borough o íKenilworth, County bf Uatyo, and B uts of New Jersey, that tha Tenaoants, Hertdltamaata andReal Saute horetoaftar. mentioned will bo sold at tha lowest rat« of totorcsf for which anyperson will.agre« to Uke the samo and pay the u x Ilea thereon together with the totsrest andcosU-oL the-solex------:---------- -- - ----------- :— :

In accordance wttR a resolution o f the Bor* ough Council th e!jk l/'w lU u k e pUee at the Borough Hall, on - •

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. 1921 at 8 o'clock, P. M.

The fololwtng are .the nauet as recorded to the Tax Duplicate, against whom tho respective properties nave been assessed, and .the amount o f tax and Interest on each, and to thla amount fc to be added tha eoau of tha sals. •Block Lot Name 1911 Tax


find food "furniture "at* price* If you visit A. R Maxwell New Furniture tlaiesruoms, 430 North avenue, Westfield. Oneo every evening. !

FIVE ten dollar bill* buys au ifi* righ t piano th a t Is In good condì

—tionr—R enM tandT iew lio»ritluItFyon (rent may apply). Westfield Storage Warehouse. 17 Prospett street. Westfield. Several player* and high grade pianos In slock *

ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner with òli attachment*. In good condition Cheap. Telephone 159J.

KITCHEN coal range, with water back No. 831. AT condition: 113

- P ine street.NEW 1923 Dodge touring car. used

two months, run 1600 miles. For sale at a bargain. Warren Groff,

rOWMV » , M u w . o m , n u i c u UIV1I,1111 Emit Broad street. Westfield.

BOSTON FERNS-^Ntce as*ort-m ent ot clean, healthy /and strong- plants. 10« up to /tT itt. Flowers, and Floral Designs , on . short . notice. Lehigh./ Avenue Greenhouses. Karl Juul, Pro­prietor, 127 Lehigh Avenue Phone 354-M. . tf

K.\ HUE T'emeteryT’IbtVRosedate St Linden)' Cemetery. Best location

Cranioin Cemetery. Pflce lqw to prompt •••tvfti J W/. care Crantord.Citi­zen and Chronicle, Clranford. N. J.' " . - • " t f

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L ET H R E E lots, full size, street paved., has7 sower, gas, electricity, good '

neighborhood, eight minutes from station, lo w price to quick, buy-

/ or. W. E. J., care Citizen and Chronicle, Cranford. tf

OW NER m ust sell best' residential' site In Cranford. Facing P ark ,' Eastm an and .Central corner,'250' foot front op Eastman street. Now . act. Terms.- G: H. Riley. Potter Building. Phono 28-M. Inventors and builders see me. \ '. '

M u sic a )

P la n e

4 B A ST A

F O R R E N TFURNISHED house. Parties going;

South, will ren t their home In Best • section o t Cranford; 3 Burchfield" avonue, o r phone 409-R. <

W - 7» « ^ S i id '" . l» a tS r tS o Hpt]JVr houA : garaite Call momlnMi MA- North'avehue, (West, Cranford) -. /

R O O M S F O R R E N T /................ room*,

8 MstUde ^raoo..M.te-....te. 89 Joeephlne B. Picken«.^ S! X. 6 7 Woûdwtnl— te.«te

48-48 WlUtam H. FroeL.___4 William H r Froet,.........

• 4-5 Will I ta H. Frott. ■■’■■■■■41 WUlUm H. Cktptote^te

9-ie Timothy MeQtttld-..:.te.,Timothy MeQuald.P itrkk - - “

be voted by euch «bee rr provided by the «et *


Dated SeptwuUr 27, 1922.Towskhtp Gerk.


O R A N F O R O 14— A M B O Y P( ‘milioni High School came back

to "iVSitt last Friday anil »cored a

Locally the only otllcors to ho elected are oru1 iinembor of. tho Townsliip Committee mut two Ju s­tice*. Mayor Roach has been ro­

' nom inated-and'it Wa* Ids record of _clllclent service for Cranford, ns»voli ns general popularity tha t dis­couraged any opposition. Althoughunopposed John G. Roach should

to show appreciation of hls past sendee. For Justices, two to bo elected, Judge W. \V, .Monde!! has been renom inatedw itlii Jam es B. Dryden. They should likewise have tho votes of all though unopposed.

; V ‘ C "

-teJt will he easy for a Republican to vote Ids ticket; It Is the second eohunn-on’:tho ballot and on thts tho voting cross should be iniulo In tho 1m>x a t the left of each name.

•For»all those voters /who aro not

I &1 /

Imund to tiarty so strongly they can­not vote lor-other party candidateswo suggest close scrutiny o t the

bite - ' ' ‘ 'Ko publican ticket'. I t will be found " - .s u p e r io r to personnel to any

th a party-principios and BM i m o t the- p arty must-

u-o wilt over- South Amboy High



R. M. CROCKET,Seeds Bulbs -P la n tsi 30 H illcreit Aveaue

SHERIFF'« HALE^-Io Chtncory of New Jerecy.--Bvtween—Roeelte—A*—Heedley— compUtoAtit»-aml lì corse W. A'euxhxh, cL i l . t dofemkaU, FL fa. for sain of movigesed premi»««. . /

B y “virtue of the ahore-auud writ of fieri



______ ______________ 40.49lame« Underwood..... . .19H. H. Gouch«Tte«.__________ LIT.Joeephlne Barttelt~^..¿~~.~ 2.89Joeephtoe Bartlett^..,....... .... .80Eater Krila.....^.... . LT8Louie Cole,.,...tetetete .tete ..te 1.79Rose Brady..,.... ...................... .10Rota Brady tete.— ______ 2.9TAxel RobertaotLtetetete... tetetete. 3.44Axel Boheriiaot).te tete.teteL...te 1.93Marth« 8touteBburctLw.^xr,.te~—v80 Charlea 1C. B u c k ._ ^ .„ ^ „ 1.73

facias to me directed I afiatl expolie for aal« by publk vendue, at the* Btierlfi"s office to the


School. ’riie.lacaL4c4((U,showod vast .n to im 446-J CRANFQRD

. . . . J a 'Phone C rtnfotd 396

Charles E. Dooley Est.Funeral Krector and Embalmer

"Um of Madero Funerei GtuiyeUi Dtrired-Foldlng Chain and 0*rd T«hl*a to Hir*

218 North Ave. West, Cranford, N. J.Lady A ttcodant t

t'ogrt House, lu the city of KlUabeth, N. j ., on WEDNESDAY. THE 22ND DAY OF

NOVEMBER. A. D.. 1922. ut two o'clock lo ihc aftomooó of aaid~day,

Ail that tract or parcel of landa and prem­ises situate, lying and being to' the Township or Union, In the County of Union, and State uf New Jersey; ... — /

Beginning «at a point to the Southerly, ltoa of the road leading from Sprthglleld to South Orsuge, now known M Valfey S tm t , at to r Northerly corner-ot Unda,/recet>Uy conveyed to the - Calvery Baptist Church, (colored), which said beglúolug point la aleo distaut, two hund­red and twcntyvaaren .teet and alx tochaa (237 f t , 9tof) or- thereabout«. Westerly from 0 e

w rio. Contate..tetetetete.L .te,t - f Rawhide Products Oorpora-

__ UOB____-testete. _____ _it ,C l la ton DlxettLtete.tete~.Ate.tete.,.

23 E. A* Herrick..,..,,__»9 WUHam Sbortte


C. A,

1M.T« 19.2$

1.73 ,H

Dated October 24» 1922.


Wester)? Une of Maple Avenue, as sáld Una pf Maple Aveuue (a Utd out and located on a map of property of Isaac l l . WUllama* at WyoodngUelghta.' Thence running (1) along «aid road (Valley Street) North aevanty-eevan dagraas «leren ulnutca Beat aeventy-aaveo-fe«t thara- abouti. to a point on« hundred and fifty-one feet aod eighty hundredths of a foot Westorly fruta the. Westerly line of Maple Avenue, thence (2) parallel with aaM line of Maple Avenue South twenty-eight degree« thirty minute#



Washtogton. D. C.. October 19. 1922.Whereas, by tatlafaetory . evidence protected

id thé undersigned. It baa been made to appearthat ..... ................... • - - r ■

"Tba ; First National Bank of Cranford-*• In the Village of Cranford,

to the County o f Union, and State of New Jer­sey, has compiled with all toe provisions "of toe 8tatutos of the United State«, required to be cooplled with! before an association shall be

orlxed to ¡commence the business of Bank-

! Schouler Cement Construction Co.154-156 Frelinghuyscn A venue, N E W A R K , N . J.

General Contractors----------------- Eatobliahed 1887 - —

ROQER O. ALDRIOH, President -

te.tetel.1S.«te( GtiaafutAABmiiMb

a ? . - ^« “j' ■

two hundredths feeL Thsooe (8) Bouthweeterl at right angle« to said line of Maple Arsoue ilghty-one and- stxty-four hundredth« feet or thereabouu to a point to the Easterly Una of said land -conveyed—to aatd Calvery BapUaa Church or to range vHth the aald Une o f Us said land, which said point la two hundred fo il or more Southeasterly from said Um o f Talley Street Thence (4)along the Ime of land« of as Id church or to range with said Une North thirty-two degree« fifty-five mlnutse West two hundred feet more -or tcarto said Une of Valley Street and the point and* place of Beginning.

Being and Including and toteodtog to tnctbde the whole and no more or the name premises eonreytd to the said parties of the first part hereto by Paul E. Teed, and w ife,'by deed beertng date September 3. 1999; to Book 419 of Deeds for Union County on Pages 1, and to said Susan A. Vaughan by Will C. Headley, and wife by deed bearing date February 1, 1911. This mortgage being given to secure a part of the purchase price or conaideraUoo of the lands cooTTTrd to said Busan A- _Yauxhaa. bv_sald Headley by deed dated Feb. 1. 1931.

Deevee amounting apprexhnatety- 9999,9#.- • GEORGE B. JOHNSTON* Ib er« .

WIU. C HEADLEY» Solicitor. < ■oc30-4t SDJACC * Fees 033.84

L D. R. Crlastoger* Comptrollerdo hereby certify tost

-------- S A T ---------------.NATIONAL BANK OF CRANFORD.**

IE bf CRANFODUTCounti of UNION and Bute of NEW

________la author Had to commence the bust-neas of Banking as provided to* Section Fiftyoho hundred and alxty-utoe of the Revisad Bu

~ “ * id « t itutea of the United fiUte«. .In Testimony Whereof, witness my hand and

seal af office this Nineteenth day of Oetohsr, 1021 • • —

. D. R. CRIB8XM2ER.ComptroUer of tbs Currency.

028~-9w ‘ -

IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY.—To 'John Henry Bryer»:. By virtue of an order of the

Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made on tbs day of the date hereof, to a certain cause whereto Leon- Bowsteod Bryers .is petitionee, and you are defendant, you '«re required to appear, and plead, answer or demur to peti­tioners petition on or before the Fifteenth day of December next, or to default thereof, such decree will be ukea against you as tbs Chan­cellor shall think equluhle and lust.’ 'The object oT sAhTsurTUTe Ubttto *~deerve of divorce, dissolving tho marriage between youend the «aid petitioner. • ..........Dated October 140l 1022. '

L1AVRT •* ULBR1CH. •oUcttar» o f petftlooer,


TWO large well furnished rotau. single or light housekeeping, tor. reliable party. Call 119 North aY*--hue» W. ............ - j , •

FURNISHED room a t 229 North ■ avenue, West. QenUeman. ptmar*

LARGE room with board and wwli _ slhglc or two, Address F. R.: *

New street, Cranford. • , : - -­FURNISHED rooms, private-hjune.

breakfast U desired, conY«ileriLm.station. Adults: 122 Union.*»*-, nue. Phone 73-W.- - ■ /

H E L P W A N T E DA - ’ sexton * for- - Trinity V®£**cSBJr,

Church. to t Eev- Kermeth-unurca. - a d i i u w “ -r- “ 't t - 'í , D . M a r tin . 206 N o r t h a v e n u e , E f s t .

W A N T E D . .M E D I U M s i z e d o g h o u s e . In gw>d

'r ep a ir ; 1 1 2 - B lo o m ln g d a le a v e n o * .Pho 'Phone 233-W

L O S T , .BANK Book No. 7653 of the Cron

ford Trust Company. Cranford.J The finder Is requested to re­tu rn It to the bank. . I t stored, before the 27th day of N«f vembor, 1922, application wiU be made to th e bonk for o new book.

Frtn-Mta : B» »irta, or on oram -ot Ctuncorx of Sow I t n t j . moto on tMJtajJF o f-th o d a u honor, to » c«rt»in c u n rionneo 8. Polenoa U p«lUou«ty dofondont. you . n roquUod to oWW ploád. «umor or domur to ou or boforo Uio otxUl * » r .of ,?£!.or to dofoalt Iheroof, •uch docrte wUl b- UJHii

you »• tho Ctatocollor «mil totota *0*'

U Tho*objirr of u ld ouit Uof divorce, dissolving the marriage betws^o u t u td jotttlonjr. » V l bIICB. :

' solicitor, of v u s o u m .,

* ................... ’..................... Ellcabetb,Dated, Oct. ' 3lh. 1812- - T jL

AOMINIBTRATOS’S i m U M W .horobj tlron. that the ,cco œ t of

« I h * . o t o t o t w .t m of to . of » ¡ A ,scrlber, administratrix or w» S T 5 - .S r S FOOTE, deceased, wilt by the Surrogate, and reported,for to the) Orphan's Court orth * Æ —on rrldor, to . (onto d .r

. ‘ Admtotstrafl|tx.CODIÎÎUTON A BLAT2, Proctwe. j /

. . figinfleHL N. J. i __Dated October 4tt|> It**. .

u se 11*1, * • • -


• . o*»w «*-» - -

« x xcirroa -B axTTLXkxNT-by itrm that too o co n a l o t o .by itrrn that too u m u

tOxocutar of too tote win *aS rJC iN m HAMILTON, doccuo*. *1M h . o a ™ ~ :u d teated by to . Surrotmto. OB*•MUteOteit to too orphan* O o w t^ L S S r i - of Untoo. on Prldoy, too i»ro«toopto .NoTOBbte “ f t* D * B ic x o A v a - n o s a T i T .

Dated October 19th. I***- « e S # - l l A

ATTACHteCNT aOT.ICX- To whom tt may coacten: »umoo I«.-

S'otlco to horthy *1»« “ ■ " J Ä . i l19X3. • writ o f »turhmont ^th . Colon County Circuii Cernìrtohto and credito *” -0 w 7 .and chnlirto. tond» »nd W. *nder«m._nn * lM i debí«. of Theodor. O. Cootao. for toe ,tooim od dtetor.. rtenroeto* oo^SWM^j ^ H i t — T hu teld-indl.h*».-*»“ eiteuted. u d ~by the Ä erlff af"tl» County « cawO:.---.-------: .

Xtottd. September B



V 'V » ¿ ¿ i - ■ , , - ut; - - , : „ f t s , “ * i

- A la%t




: V ;vC ‘V « i i Ì U ;T H U R S D A Y ■ ■ . i M O N D A T ' ; ' C

3 t a n O l i » « O ù r w e e d * ! M A R I O N O A T H S t a ■" T H S G { K L F R O M P O R C X J P W t ' . "TA© T » u a * D i a n a “♦ îirMi* » '«.»ned» T » »• ».vvt Thu* ...... " •'¡.i«- (W »ylv "StfîiHw-r » IV > -■ , » ' ¡- ■ « > . . « »

N«'«. • )<•*• - Patin* \ , . * * . t - .. i .V m ‘ ! ' . Î wP K I D A T - T U E S D A Y ” , ' h?F î ' t ’ v . u — t S t d ’. .

' R A Y M O N D H IT C H C O C K lu • , ' m i A M l o l . I t U V M i t » « ’ ! I t Ht i ; c î t Y W ” N }- T h . B ea u ty S hop- W A L L A C E R A I D t a : «“ t »V.,. .... W. ...

• • • -• ••:••!... . <>av " T h . D i c t a t o r " . ' '* 1 1

• .... .. ' ?’•"*** ' retreat- for ; bjri;'

-' • . ‘ «S'il, «ta*u tram

■ ■ • ' I u f-u? * tbort• • i«*. *&4• . ^ . ■( u„* i«k**; t. . *»• t* n

: ’ t- i r ' I -omt t ,\ 4 ¿»».Hi rv*«u Jt \M

■-■i. ni».« \ wU ih t t« « aa' •.«•■ ini.! ..f Oraaj#

' ta »>--inî:fv'u» \«-ur York

5 «n•ñ:«s -■ in«- Il C l fi-lal

Today !

& A T U R O A T»»■M v a t * ----- - w - n t l ............... W B O W C R O A r-^ “ -*"” — —

T V i.L T M ARSHALL and E T H E L l><»t'lll.r. tT . U l H f. PAN __ T E R R Y m — AGNES A Y R ES t o ­

‘ ‘ “Too M uch B uti& ti« ' ~Bord#rU&<rV . ; . i^V A ^ix - Tl„- I am titm i VIVIAN M A RTIN tu

r nM r U iitu i,. . "P a rd o n My rr« n ch "

*>--* taKfuevpayy *i

-Come in and se­lect that Victrola you always have wanted. Why wait any longer, when a-sm all -amount'" will send it home?

A l l s i t e s , s t y l e s a n d f i n i s h t s —

C o m e i n .

DRESSMAKING Retail Dry Gpodi At W holtulc Prie» ^ i . ..

CPiinfflPil !PLEATING ...... — 4 * - ’


Dry Goods Co. |

01!..4.4 AllJOie- pl*»'V«-a Th*

• » l (h

■ 'i ;* «mírvl/ « *' a l‘f hit

- aU,‘fa*• 4«h*.L'l;Al rt»-«m*

’ft\ I »

BUTTON HOLES __ ____________

I BUTTON i - . PH O N E 471R 4 1I COVERING \ «y Crntpumal Avenu* r ATtAtilortlJ o t 5 W aln u t Av*nu* ' * . i.

Tel JH

d K A I T F O R D


•h - f-*»»» H i t ;.SlUl>it rmnii

pantry , U i’ iui'l â'-»n riK-ini * It*' »‘MiF.,Y!hrt7f>ni* The

'f* ‘riaaft'ra’ U ‘i| ;<•. ‘ *!■:> rlfTPU in«! firs i Y» Ui*r* » n IrHiling lo Ih» «' sl:iir\*e» fr»>m

t-| rè i'»ir ‘Vht'f..;t •» it» f f •>>m IhI '. a ! |t»* 1.,..,^

rè in* «’pi»'»rtimi!)r MtHHhirèirnt W t*

Cranford's New Music StoreS H E E T M U S IC

Musical Inatruln.aU and String. Plaao Repairing and Tuning

4 EASTMAN SY. CRANFORD. N I. T .l.phon . 531W

5 AND T SOUTH AVE. W (3 doors from Union Avc.)

( lo rm etly C ;i PO U N T N EY )

8 Union Avenue, North

Grain, Hay and Poultry FeedsNOTICE— Will continue to at'rvc our customers the same at ’ when manager at our'former address. ' *


Subscribe to The Citizen and Chronicle

CHAS. M. DECKER & BROS. THRIFT STORES, Inc.17 North Avenue. East 226 Centennial Avenue

QUAKER BRAND FLOUR, for family me, 24*/* Ib. bag.........:.,....... ...:............. ................ .....99c

DEN-MARY BRAND CORN—New. pack Sugar Corn, the can........................ 9c

ASPARAGUS TIPS.— Bohemian Brand, the can..'33cPEAS—Full Valué Brand,

new pack, the can.......

PEAS—llan:ock Sweet Cham- ■ pion, the . can.................... 19cSPINACH— Hancock Brand,

the cari.,........................... 21e

• *. .■ . if-’ 'I . b n .•»*»• ■'"•i. . ' {»If,, '.n-1 ,«<!>!•- '■ '-O'. 1.; , ! • If., tur»» .if Hl«

u ■ , . . ■ ■ .. 1 •' *► 1 .¿ht«*.» »'t » ' ' . ' ! ■ i ' ! fr iMtt n l»! rtn(¡ 1* *i i. i . .. - i-l- 1 ! -f . *'n nlr’ n i'l till« l l l t r , tt lifFt*! ■■■ i - t ‘ ! • ' ti:; ull- I ' « , ttrifc-r, l.-f hull««

1 V. it. -m I t . . ii.-'t; :• ■ 11<• 5 ti4: ».- t • I'.n i I • • ■ • \ ' _ 1 ' . l » « Y * * 1.0k*'

n , *. 1 ' - >■ ■■ . JVf..» ;<u- i -< ,»t ih« foot of th*1 *-F ! 11 • • : .4

N d l i i l F :t ' t... ; .......... If.-« 1 '! *■ '1 tri 1«, l.h*» hl*h-

1 th*1 ir*- ■ ; t I i- ’ 1 ' 1 ( :t 1 V[|* 't.- tiki« lit N«.*w ,l«p.

f*> ‘ “ ' ' '-vS . Il !» i\i «• « ¿.Mh* »»f h tuili* \%i T1 ‘

M .i , I { 1 i \' ■’ j. ' .tl '• i .i<i n mflo « 111« ji.nJ

* ; -r.-«- j-I.HVa i -'s fr» | tlrrj» A f* \t•< i ■ n .

' ' "• II U-« ti'-H‘kr*«l *V 11 ti lifOOll-

If.:- : 1,11.1 f.-- n«s MH|i h«t « Urtatit i i - • *• * ’ J*. 1 il* : 1 1 i'i| II..*1 M l , a. m m

I.f ' ■ 1 ' *• ' ' '* ' ! . ‘ t F-.-ft« 1« Ii «.t. * * 1 -uil nti tnhi* fr«>iuf ' •’ I l f - l . f f t i l > i U p hikf | n <v , | „ r

!ii .i ■ f .u l , » .I ' ,Inn. • u u. »r Iy t-»ti intira‘i ....... .. ! ; i * t t ii .t .'V i - u i ► rf 'd fitrnn»tli»h **f.1

It-» f * •- ' i’ - -1 I. * -rumi \ - ir» i r • • * ; ’•

'* im • - i-ro.f.i.. of M.'t:. .-A I i J ■ : • ;1 .ÍIL, J-‘ht f) h-rm l,M « r Î.■"'”'1 h.ù |1||'|»* 11 V t ; M« «.bruii.'»*.:’ M'H h Ìi • -t. •

;ihv ►tuy* |**t? If Miflrr.-.»mnti- i..!f.*j?i An

**r II"' vu in »• \t m • :•*nhmtJtl t't.'St • ! -r. IIinti I»- !,!().'■ ■ 1 ¡i-.-if.-i..i\ Mi ul . j 11 • »!i -i i r t 11M -I f ■ - ' . . • '

lidi« UHit*

'M-M1- t’, *•« lit .ttii'l rtti-ili<i1i»uilr»iu, c• ftui; l t ‘- it. r . * r » Itt •«» I)itr'kF Î • .1 ! * i'»u* immiM — La i c _ |«t * r«w| fl»ii iUiU nii-1 ktH* -» tu k*‘1 thrt'tJAli Thla U n fin* Ftinrr í ‘>r « I M of tho

frill r. I h* re 1« «li ifHrfi'atltig hit of hi#-

• -i -ry-rF>niiiiM!r*t w ttl|- tfuT l l l |h r l*ntnt : icu 'i Ir« Jills* <‘f*iiu* alrnuât dlr*<|

Vfr.m ihn Klim i.f Ilittfland thrmiÿh i ImIim AN>iiiuO«*f «tini l/iril H|t*rílnf

f , .jn..i fhiit ii«- « t ifi il ’i 111 è, th* Htjthrr ( 4.N unit Fiji*- -tlhrr f h«na* to lit# |4 . «i f,i • nt-f . , •

Whin ih* ß tjt« Own« 1h* LatidV*.'f ?i * hi- « 'ijir ft-fitiv»*» Mr « it *1

CANDIES.—We carry a full line of hard Candies and Chocolate Specialties, both, ■ . ■ .. ■ in boxes and loose. ... ■ .

Charms Satin Finish Dainties, the lb.. ,. . . .. ..

Rockwood's Silver Dew Drops, pure milk chocolate 49cSugar Covered Jordan Almonds, the lb........ - ■■ ......•:..... 33cPirika Chocolate Mints, the lb................... .... ............. 10cPEACHES—Valley Brand California Peaches, -

■ ZVi- R»-- -- .......... ....... -............................................................ .-.......... ;PINEAPPLE—^Various Brands—Grated. 2 ib...................... ......... -......... I...; j....... .............. ,.....................

N A T I O N A L A P P L E W E E K OCT. 31-N O V . 6Eat More Apples— Healthy and Economical .

Extra Large Jonathan Apples— for table use, Ib....... ......... - .... ..................... 8 cFancy Baldwin Applet^4ue eating and cooking, 3 lbs................. .............. . 1 j*

*»•' t^u m M.» u » u m lie «i * • u • »h ii i • tt • it'« it« tt m u*u * tt *n • t

30c ii, 2 0 c - Í

Kn*rr i-i h.r-* . i ■ , , •,,, ( , , . i, M’_r Ktj**ff'f :n »k'/iîrèipui gift tu«• • ■f » r * , •« ;t I. :. : ■■ ' ! . . IMutilili » 1 U •h »ihlTH« fornitilaM.«t 1 U t -i -»*• H !• 'W,.| « vf f -jitirf for tii* fr««f«'1 f»di <1 l"F - . » ' : 1. !■'.« ■L u «' {•< --it • • f itila nifi

T iTT Ìer .. . » 'Tl-V.O i ■ ■ , . * . !.. ¡ r~777 TTTT T ,» ah«’« 1 f» 1Ku*" t i « • i - • î uf ¡j,*• »' --ti*-ii li. Umy*» tlia

*'»1¡U ItU -• ' " ' ' F :i Y. f L.»- ft : * •1 ' r s augtfpM. Of (flitI.M Î- ,. . ‘ F ¡i f 1 hr < - fit «■'1 olili M,U'«»lgU|U«lhl

........u . .■ 1hr 11. j ,? V ; r ii ».f i 'i-rt4»»rtg|l.;rj• Th.' M fi. r i ' l’ . r . v •;•! p.-’m [»ní.’ll!. --f' « ),|c|, William

Iff» ♦■?*. uUm-i» A*. ' i yl iu-r >>f' %. Ili *jn»wtr k 1« -ha'« %» ttalfijtH Hl * . • : •’ : ■ J. t.l f-ÂHl 1. K »ttta-r. I olufii 1cru . ' • n 1». f 1 f • t.f'WlaMr. « *«. 5 F i, p ' Hi u 1 «y l 'ufif* Um* \» y. i 1 ■ ■ ;■ - 1 -• ■ r - - -h i t * »,,{(» i ,¡.. • v.• finii Hint«* I !r«a-• Il 11 i u ÜJi.a • ... . »f Hf> l.l...... *• -ri»«*-» %, _

T l i f l i ,h h m i - As t < i ’ i. t, 11 ! * ’ M u. '! /iM>e-fN vwlin fn»v«F hO«»f tt il. . • •" i 1 i : . ••* . s f -.1 . hi . Mo, »'fio i'nrk, 'friv!f)<

-j !f** Slot " i«M Ml.i.- _. ff.« m if'1 M- r,.h.»'0 • •f r!>*»U f*t «-Minp-•t»'K .1» » . » r ». V j -• ' . • '!r tr . .-fl ■* ptrMf ‘ v.) I h 111 lF|r.Mii;* . I l * • -VH1 f.-p ■<■ -•*.rr th** [ir-tai-.'tfl* lit . ; ?.. ■*!' A« i<:;: it'-if •'* fh » !,*• «u (up 1 ! 11 r»K «t uti.lttol '} j > ; i H H 1’ '.Fit ■ I' rf; * ifi tin* ♦-,« tat ri»îU*/‘iltlf»ts. i ' . . ** ' • • > " flf t f| - -..r 11 *« o î f : ‘t « fi ( m 1 ti i’urk • ili«

M.Jλ ml.' I '• . i ' ■'* ■ - 11F :t 11 - a» u \t Í fini 1* * ut 11»«1. i »• i , i . -. -U-J :. 'h HP.i r,' : fi J - f r.ifi, Un--, a Ijrumlf|»..w;u- ni. .',?*• i -, - r n IVmj'iI h»- Il hi. ••Mhfullivl h)'

t • n *17 * f ■ í T !.«t •fi-l.-lftll {» it. « .......... r f ) i n o !- " ' . — ■- : prit"; ' • r r îTj.fs*i»t| i*»n 1*r

- * ! • ’, • * ' . 1 ■ . f ¡M.. t..., 'Aft. ■ T L■ ■ ■ , Fin- -, Jaf4v*>il ,. . . i, r»#iF- ' .Il t«»»t A'- - <' n,t- ,i'i >.f«4

r<-;n:.'>i'« .f., ■ .. r,f i « H F t fort i' t « , ;• .A-iC >».-«! 1»« lyp'J ' l Çfl*- t-r-üt'-f.r M *; Ft1 u • fi i'Ark «a ;|

' V i r y*k ta t ' .i-’ Uf.".! t • ) t V t, j r ^ T p / r U,a [»«••tpj«. n'i'J tali. , f • i »va« V 1 H’ fi Allí h. M'nAon F«>

• »} *><‘rV • il .-f ! f tt f » * 1 *'» f *-¡¿ :s r«f If OFF F'il.«: >if u ' hf »! ' ’-ih» ut Fh»« «fot«

Pur*’'* of I r / nnf (i>v«n T««t*

WORK I ’rr,” u

- / ri.» h «u vtfi r nfth um,J*r Uir ihth ’»« h" ’I- thro'JK?»'

-■al.-» ' fl.t' ' H - ma» • «» t ri .1*1 TntPllTr'hM- t i. h . i'nt t * -F aW.TUb. ¡y, j, '•?«! hx " h ;m * fr «-n Mpp-iinl .rwj'l.Hf A h;- ' r: ! * S If'fil-r Jof'fl

r iîi- I '• ' * i» f of Ihjhlf.friar r*j« t :»:; t i if[,<,a« */f thi*t«--’*, •' i,:>h I f . 1 roilaf ' If) t ho«***& • *• n. I." -, I.'.ii's >gf»ijin F 'i <Î.,I [hr fionnul -ntiff

ffi •», !i' 1 ;l'î r»‘f », *« wHl r* •*br r * /.-fFi'il Of,P|. '





Phon* 163-R . . . or call at 43 So. Union Ave. *}* /Th». R

r-y-nf- tnr

M ; ;irir;it«i ( o. • - - wüî úiri-ilyr.*»' r«-^jlf> u f ' ' *• ’« V« • »s fl « I f*-« Oiri■ ,r:,'{ ' ;>r -• f-U-ir**T-u'.-ih,*».#; u ! . - ' o f t, [ * J i f* r I ffoir!M r * M ' 1 ? 4 .rf ' ;• - .* ♦“ V. 4 n-wf H Will

pi F: ‘ . Jifhatjs -* -nffi- î' 4 -*n-i^u

«h 'i i* .\ i t : 'i*'

- , -y.: -if, d! - H fl »I for»<* «Mi pfa*p«tfa* ô

;> -r K - o • ' »hv * ;J»’f-r* fi f »*fi * l•- - 'A '*«H' f»i*r», if! v if!»

•! It H ‘ , ,v »* 'TH.a.-»;rt/‘j4t|.»ri ¡in-3»■ » ' r . ■ * », .p • r r . |

:f-MÎ;Ori iû ‘h*r » " i d - n ---------• . «

e- rr:4'

A P ' >

f ó k íI-


n t H H O W L S O F T H f e M R *i »fii u ttw rsttts so a ttwanaad hiiu .11 ontrlbuts attars at '

M f c A T F O R Y O U T O E A T .Thl< u i.rk rt hsndlis ooos bat tb srli«il*‘<* «l.tlii. »t - -_______ __

P O U L T R Y A N D M E A T it * I ' f l r r , art* b a a « ! u n t b s a u s t f

aii.l am ali iiMtU r - ‘n i ly la I t .muta >uur regular trails aad « a l l

I it II, ) .Hi «•III o n ly « t a s a s a t r i a i T h . u u . i l i r u l t i t s a t a a t s s o « !»• in i.torat. u r l^ a a rs « b s t « s,'1.'. ':L'_tv’ i'u'Ji(b*>*lnwa_______

ru b ' and Clama E r.ry PrtSay


1» 'M

Plainfiefd-UnioR Water Company

U m I'lniuiii 1 1 1 uhm W s ta r Owa-iittrit *ii|ii'ti. « ihn Inhabttsnts *t I' lninllii.i s. itli I'lalnttahl, f a » in.,. I.- .......... .. Harwood, C r a »riini;— lfr,;; ri V—îîiütîjïa “l ärti aodiMiiilu.iiir nlth iwalar fsr do

It* f; m- .

"The Ptirr.l and Swsatsit That Nature Can YiakT

ii» unin ■iiimii«ti br tbs Oh» iinii> Imi iin'ii analriad br Allan Uni. n, i:.i|, n ii'iulln« hfilraulla as- i" it filini,uv ui lloaton! tu>W sf >'*'« "t "rk, i riiuounowl by biw in in. >mii" "t ' great organls f a ^ l>." mul In ■ li tte r tu una o t 'tb s "luj.niiy « i.ntruua lis add* Tas

i " ’ t» In. .ratDiateli upon hatr-"if «.... I n «uniilr, ami you Oasd

tun" mi rmii .'T« nliatuvur sa t é IlaIl ll"[T'.ii|nrh"re ,

Tha Ci‘mi>«n R»dard to sit • Pstrooa

T f i" ln 1 . 1 !•-» i f ilia Ou inpans I«ul.Ti11 ili'it u H i, -ili« coinmunltlas In i,li|ili II. i. I n 111 la located and t | la in. t'iillry in ii,,, uiaiiageiusnl Uf do i. full .iu«i,i to promote tb .tr

,» 11 I iii'/.p rrltr _ '\ u in " ., n u i i o f d m Coin;i*/nr

olii im 1 1,'N.i'i. to rail ou partii« oli.,- do ,u,i_ii prnennt uaa « f lo r i ' "in it . omin i ami itiplaln ra ts^ l ' i lo - , imi), ..i iif »«rvlea. a li.' '


7fi N inth A v„ t n i o s . l d , N . 7 . asd

H t lim a il tu W .it S . l d , N. i . ;

i. J m m » Ha *i- * im a

BRENNAN & TOTE'Mumbing, Tinning,

Heuting —14 South Av*-, t . ( .r sa fo rd

> • > ,T


l - l .E N T Y U P M IL KIV - 1 ' III m ill" lioiotn U tlm t« 4 t

ii . oMt i of nil iim irtlltlo* IlO th InMi, ::■ I" n'f.ij lic a t t l l.' a ll h in d s~or if- ’ v nod n litr lt lo u * d tshea m a r

m ; i f , > tim.iMo of tills aasanttad M l, d ry I 'rsn fo rd , D airy m lU . "I f " i ' « ii go wrong.

)ranford DairyM ! I IIKHMAtf. Prop. _ "

Vl fount AVB.I.i-i.idioii* 1»7

1-lionp .¡C-M. •

C H A S . S. Ü IV E N SP A I N T n t O A M D D X O O R A Z D H P------Satbfaction- Ooarantasd--------tt J.tuuos Arsaus, . O M n O l i i

• , - r f lt a ‘L'lXi# S


® ficdranforii (Eiiijcn' ' ronst ruction w ithout addine to theAND CHRONICLE

P d b u s u e d K v e u y T h u r s d a y Union Avenue, Cranford, N. J.

JAMIC* K, WAHNKH, k j i t o t aitd I'u 4l»h*r.

m atte r of financing needed road tax bunlen b f utilizing the present road construction tax In a business way. It lias, all been figured out by financial experts and It Is safe to

T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B R I ! 2. 1922

. fa n a s Osa Dollar sod a Half a Y ea r

* K'jlatad s t Die Pr.nfi'rd l-o*t Oflit» ss aseoeA tisesM slisr . >

1 r a s » I s s s i t

take their O. K ...We-know we needth e road*. Tlic soroml reforenduin, to adopt the provisions of the police and firemen's iw.-nulon act appear* to bo good and should be adopted. In any case every voter should mark Ins ticket one w ay.or the o ther bn tiiOMuouestlbns.

Improvement and are now t fie brand of ball which would have made either Roselle Park or Chat­ham step mighty lively to keep step with them, "mad" Hoseneranx is quickly developing Into one of the best liBCkllcid men In the County and with a little more tutoring un­der th e watchful eye of Coach Sash, lie u ill be a hart) candidate to keep off tin- All County team.“ Htad” ha* spcieb a smart .football head and an unlimited —amount of gamenc** which goes to make him the most reliable back on the local team,. Big doing* .cmi-bc-JAudied. fo r / jc n n th U player next season when lie will be ripe for fast company, and It.Coach Nash develops a strong line ft would not tre-surprising to see “Stad” bring the cia«s it title to Cranford..

N e x t T u e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 7 th , Is- d ete c t i o n D a y . O n l i â t d a y w il l

d e c id e d w h e t h e r R e p u h l le a n I so 11 - e l c s a r e t o h e c o n t in u e d o r w h e t h e r t h e D e m o c r a t i c .p a tty , t h a t h a s n o t c h a n g e d a b it In th e ;ia s t t w o y e a r s , s h a l l h e p u t . In to p o w o r a g a in ; w h e t h e r N e w J e r s e y s i t a l i e n j o y a e le a n v lg o r o u a a d m in i s t r a t io n u n d e r W i l l h tm N. R u n y o n /. s G o v e r n o r , o r

—s h a l l e < m t lf lu e - lo d n - - t lo H iln f t te < l -li)c t h e I fm ls o n C o u n ty r in g a n d H a g u e o ' J e r s e y C ity . T h e I s s u e Is e le u r a n d tin* v o t e r s d e c id e . E v e r y v o t e r m u st t a k e I n t e t e s t a n d s h o u ld h e s u r e t o c a s t h is o r h e r b a llo t n e x t 'T u e s d a y .

It Is d ls a p i io ln t ln g , o v e n t o a Ite- l iu ld lc a n s , t h a t t h e D e m o c r a t ic c a n i lh la t e s h a v e n o t a d v in c e d a n y re a su n o r a r g u m e n t I lin t s h o u ld h e an I 'e p ta h le n o N e w J e r s e y v o t e r s w h y t h e y s h o u ld h o e l e c t e d . T h e D e m o cr u t Ir V lit lo n a l p o lic y Is fo r Fret T r a d e i/r lo w ta r if f w h ic h N e w J e r ­s e y , n s an - in d u s tr ia l N tn te m u s t le j e . i ' t / A s id e fr o m t i l l s ( l i e D e m o

. e i n t s / l i a v e n o t - a n I ssu e . T h e y ap " p e a l / t o p r e j i id lc e o n t h e w e t an d

d ry A iiiestfu n ,' i t ' i s n o lo n g e r un Is­s u e / an d u lt lu m g li It f o o le d th e c o t t a s I lir c e yi*nrs i i c o . t h e D o m o ’ e r n t s h a v e f a i t h t i i e y c a n fo o l 'em a g a in . W h e t h e r w o l ik e It fir n o t , p r o h ib it io n Is a f a c t u n t i l s u c h t im e o s t h e C o n s t i t u t io n lii'ny h e n g a ln

/n m e n d e d liy r e p e a l o f t h e p r iiiil ld - / l i o n a m e n d m e n t .


VETS LOBE TO TONS. (ipposed to ope of New Jersey’s leading teams, the Cranford Veter­ans M ’ Foreign Wars was m a u le d ¡ proved

Bynopsl» of th s Minuta» _ of tha seting of tha Board of

FreeholdersA regular m eeting‘o f the Union

Cotmt-y Hoard of Freeholder« was held a t the Court. House, Elizabeth, on Thursday. October 19th,' 1952, at

p. in. Nineteen, members prés­ent, four absent. Mlnutes'.of the meeting of-O etober fit-h, were ap

and bIiuhi-iI for a full boiir, till they finally succumbed to the;Von* of New Unmswlck. last Sunday, on the short end of a 17-0 score. The Vets made u creditable showing against such a fprmiilahlo team as the Vims, wlm have decisively defeated every team they have m et this season, only the previous Ntindny swamping the lAirrglnes of Jersey City 56b, which shows the driving |>ower of the .New'.Brunswick team. The win­ning team tins encountered some of tin* strongest team s In the State, and are yet to linve their goal cross­ed this seuson. 'The Vims scored I heir seventeen polins In the first ipinrier when they drove the Vets hither and th ither fur u pair of rimeluliiwns and then a drop kick from the no-yord lino gave tins home­sters u 17 point lead, wlilcli prnved to lie enough to win the game. Af-

ELECTION MOTIO*»a i u u i u> uw R s w s i a t a a a a m u m

■'Ab Act oC Regalate B u t ta*». IBeetetaw r tIfiCr.” May Uh, 192*.thereto, cutirg u lufthy |t i ( » chat (h t |i*M UidM'Ueh *U1 t* held ou

Tl'RMDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1921.twt«c«i Lbv hour» of u s (1} »'dark a. & aad %es*n (7) o'rloci p. sa , »t which timo “*MUoWifig -wm tu d iow g:— :—1—:-----------~- a United »uui Senator fro« tbe ?ttte r t ,>gw Xrrtry, ■ •

A Member of tha Houaè of 1 toe — a latlvsw 'from the rm h CeagrciMteai District.

A <si»cftjor of lite fttate of S « Jersey.\ H* mtxr of Umt flensu of the Stata of X**

to All tit* unrjptred u n » «f Will la » N. iiuft.tOH. renlgpwd. ta ,

A Burrogate, for thè" »ffouoty of l'Aha. '^ .-iB « » tt> r» i< ifr ib » .HMw t- t fT«0 Coroner». 'One hlanber of llji Toweship Committee

for tfjrre' year trra.Two Justice« of tha. Pear*. ,At Mid cannai election Not «a ber T.’wUl ha

•jtunltt«d under tha provision»«! Chapter MS. ita» of 192Î, “An act for tha construction, impro/nurnt. reconstruction and rate Udine, « f the K uu Highway System; providing for th«

turn of real and personal property to thia Beata, inti by |i»e creatloo of a debt of (ha Stata ta an amount not exceeding forty million dollars Ly the issuance of bond* (her of or, and far tha guhrnUtloa o f this act to lha paopla at a tmer»I r-lwtion." • •

At tatd geoaral ' atectioa. ab»o wUI ba aob> muted under the provisiona of Chapter IIP, 1awe of 1920.- "An act providing for the rathfaf o t i*>lic.imen and Bremen o f tha- polira nod Ara iJrp«runrtita In, munlctpaHtUe* of Olla Stato,

-at!—* pqttwr—aflberr^- bavtHA • - mr (ifrrlslon or rreuUtlon of trafilo ap­on County itoada and providinf. 'tar such retired „ pollcetnen and Ì _ . _Mtemhera'wf the t»illce and lira departmesta a&d Oir widows, children and sole dependest parente tif dec rased tneotixTa.of aatd dapartmaote ;*> ap­proved April IS, 1920. ’ .

Tiie i>U«*r of tncctluf of tha «aid Boaria o f ileyistry and Election, the polllnf placca ‘ Uic scorai JDlstrlrta are at follow«:

First TMstrict, Caruso'» Barbar Shop, Walaat itrenue.. •

Htfond I>Lstrtft, Townablp Boom». 2nd floor. I'd ion avomrffNahd Alden street. '

Third Dlstrl^i^Flr« Boato, North arco bo,Fast. . s ' V •

Fourth. l>istrlft. néveland School. V a te avenue. • '

Fifth district. Lincoln School, CeatanalB arenile, cor. Lincoln avenue.

.S isth . Dtatrlrt, Sherman School. ■ Ltacotavenue. . • ' ,__TI»h iioundarifs of tha first B ectloe District

«re as follows: Beginning at Walnut avi and Eastman street, along tba W«*t akhl o f Walnut avenue (o Lincoln avenue, lhaoco along the NnrUwTly aide, of Lincoln aveano to T m - tlit|> line, thence along ToWhahtp.klna to Or-

"Hraed—»treetr—Uience ■ along -W aaterlp—alda^lofl

' i .r.-

t i

Timi priihlhltlim Ims hruught limiiy IIIh limi nmeh erookeiltmssanil crime iti Its wiike must he nilinltteil, Imt It must also ho remeinhensl flint tip* Dctnucrntif party tlieii In rnntrul Iti Conirnms inaile prolllhl- Imi posslblc. H’Iietlier tlie lieriefitsof pnitilhltlnn wlll imtw.elgh (ite ilam- uge tlimc is a m ntter ve.t ti) ho prov­isi. buM here is no. ipieStlon whnt- yver, limi tli« elertlon ol a Domo- erat to thè Notiate or lo Congross or a* Hovornor or meniber of thè State Legislature wlll noi unii It cmmnt In thè sllghtest nuumnr liffeet prò-l i lh it lo n . .. . . --

Tlioro are greater, far greut'er, m atters Involveil lu Mie eleetlon t liuti : tho moro regi Teilbg of -np­

. provai ojvillKnpjirov^l-of-prolilhltlon or In i i t h c r A v o n l s llm w e t antlTlry ipiiwitlfin. New Jersey sliould hore*rtiwl from th e grip of tlm Hague ring. William! N, Uimytm. a s cim libiate for Oov.ernor. ami tho Me- publican platform pledge the He publicans to bring abeut many need- mi reforms In the State. We fully believe they will' if Runyon N elected.' ' . -

• . . . . ' .That Senator i-Tolluglmysen liTis

m ad e a splendid record at W ashing­ton Is admit loth He stnnils for pro

"tootlon-tii-iXmerleim Industry—unii ho stands for Ipw enforcement and upholding the dignity of the State and Nation. The Reniildleun canili- dutee for the Stale Sentito and As- somhly are pledged to the Repub­lican plat form. .Congressman Ack­erman has made a splendid record und that Is-plgilgo for him for the future. ■•• ■ - - • - - ---- -...... —-,....

Congressumn Ackerman also lias ■undo *a record to In* proud of at Washington. Like Senator Frollug- Imyscn lie is sound on Protection to American Industry anil hits been faithful and conscientious In tho performance o f his duty ns pur rep­resentative ut Washington.' ' ' * * # '

And sii w itti the S tate Senator nominee A rthur N. Pierson. He

•lms it record of eight years'splendid service In the Assembly. Two of the' fdnrltcpuldlcan .issemldy noni-'

ter the first (imifter. tlio 'Vxits ills- pluyisl a style of pitiy which was erpinl to any shown, by' the Vons and easily hold tho New Brunswick team In check for tho remainder of the game. The IlghtTmt gnmo lino of .the.V ets could do llttlo against the strong line of the Vonn who found llttlo trouble pushing them down tlm ileldr Lmiz, Kopploc anil l.upsiirdl fought In their usual grit- iy st.vlc! hut tho extra poundage of the winners told on them before tlm game had reached the half way mark. Nead anil Aldrich Hhowed up roll In the hucktloUl, both doing cx­

. piloid work on the defense. .Gnrrl- gim mill ('. Met’nlie wero tho bright stars for the winner«, Garrlgan being II veritable tank In Ills tearing through thé Vets line. Another gnmo will undoulitediy lié arranged ihhI If football sturs, like Frank Young. Hetmy Poole und MeOuln- ess nrn with- the Vets When they make 1 heir si'cotHl vIsjt to New UnitiRwiek. It Is an even money bet that tliéy will return to Cranford w ith tho honor and distinction m being the first team to score a win over tlic .VoiiHt.. The ilcfoat .of tlm Vets iit-New -Brunswick »roved sor- Ions to - Krnlo H olt, their fighting manager, who received two broken ribs, when he was taokled hymn* of­tin* Vous: Tlii'rgnineness of Holt*un not be deoleil as he continued ,ii plnv In tin* game although suffer­ing two broken ribs. It Isdoubtful If Holt will he able to piny In liny more gaines this season. On next NnturiU>y~ till* Vots will niccttin* '(’oionni SlftTK of Htnton TbIiuiu, *\'\w Stars un* a team »t pick«! rol* on*d p1avi‘rs from tho Inland "In* line up: , VONS -

.................... -J. OcheskyI.eft End ,

.............. -,___/ FlemmingLeft Tucklo

........................................... W h ipLeft Guard ,

..............E. McCabeContre

............ . W. OcheskyR ig h t G u a r d

VETS Aldrich

Morris ..


l.ctvz . . . .

Evans ..

I .u sìird !

H c i t o l l l

R e a g a n

C to W d er

I l lg l i t ^ r i i c k lo

R ig h t K nit

i j u a r t e r B a c k

. Bender



, McCabeL e ft t j a l t B a c k

■ T ir .

■I K


inVeirhnvi» served In Hint body and two are neiv' men. All are high typo men- who will- m aintain the prestige ol Union 'Comity lit Tren­ton and help carry out Governor Runyon's .program. For Surrogate the Republicans renominated Charles N. -Codding, without opposi­tion and he Will be re elected for he deserves lo b e , having faithfully ad* ministered the olllce during hls-first term. For Coroner, our fellow- townsnmn, l»r. Zhigalos, lms been nominated and-w Ill-have-n Idg vote In his home town.

* ' • «- » ’ • Locally tiie on ly officers to ho

elected are one member of tho Township ConimlHeo anil two Jus­tices. Mayor Roach has been re­nominated and It was Ids,record of i-llleleiit service for Cranford. I os well as general popularity tlmt His- euurageu any opposition.' Although unopposed John O. Roach should have trie vote ol every eUl/.eu-just- to show appreciation of Ills past, service. For Just Ices',' two to be elected. Judgo W. W. Mendell has been renom inated with 1 Jam es B. Bryden; They should likewise have the votes o( all though tuiopiHiSed.■ . # * • " . ' sJ t will he easy for n Republican to vote Ills ticket; It Is tbe second column on tlio ballot and on this the voting cross should -bc-imule In the box nt th e left of each name. For fall those voters who are not bound to party so Strongly they can­not vote for o ther party candidates wo suggest close scrutiny ot. the Republican ticket. I t will be found

'" - superior—In -personnel -to.. any___er-and- tbe-party-principles anil

- pUttorm ptadce* o t the party must Vito'-:«*«*, votur -who places

Iq w (State aad N ation““'‘SfiffiSsSSi;

H o lt ......................., U n g e rR ig h t H a l f H ack

N e n d .> ...............— . . . . . . . . . . . . L y o n s■ F u ll B a e k _ -

S n b s t l t u t lo i i s - lV e t s ' . R >}u > . V.,r E v a n s . N o lu le r s f o r B e r t o l l i , S to lta fo r S o m r e r s , K v iu is fo r R y a n . M o s t­r im i' fo r H o l t . H o l t to r L u sn rd l; Vous: H o lm a n (o r F le m m in g , R y a n fo r S t ic k le n , S e a r s fo r W in e .

C R A N F O R D 14— A M B O Y 0C r a n fo r d H ig h S c h o o l c a m e b a c k

t o I t s e l f la s t F r id a y a n d s c o r e d w ••-ii w in s t iv e r S o u t h . A m b o y H ig h

'h u iit .'T lio lo c a l t e a m s h o w e d v a s t

A ll b i l l s p r e s e n t e d w o r e r e a d an d o n r o l l c u ll o r d e r e d p a id . -

T h e T r e a s u r e r 's re p o r t w o* r e c e iv ­ed , s h o w in g u b a la n c e o n h a n d S e p ­t e m b e r M th o f $141,618.76 •

T in t T r e a s u r e r r e p o r ir j s a l e o f SllS.OOf) B ark B o n d s a e U n io nC o u n t y T r u s t C o . fo r $¿,..1,063.60.

T h e r e p o r t o f t h e R o n d C o m m it ­t e e a s k in g fo r a d d i t io n a l a p p r o p r ia ­t io n o f $700.00 fo r e u lv e r t o n W a ln u t a v e n u e .' C r a n fo r d , w a s a p p r o v e d .A ls o t h e a p p o in t m e n t o f J o h n J .B e r g e n u s I n s p e c t o r o n W a ln u t avo - n u e , C r a n fo r d . . ,

A c o n t r a c t f o r r e p a ir s t o b r id g e s a t 'M i l t o n a v e n u e a n d B r id g e s t r e e t b r id g e s , R a h w a y , fo r 112,249.00 w a s n w u r ile t l t o F. W . N ch w e lr s , J r . C o.

T w o a d d i t io n a l c u lv e r t s w e r e a u ­t h o r iz e d t u b e b i i l l f o n H l l l s ld o a v o - . i i i ie , M illstr tem r .('s):2 l ie r - lI n o a l- fo o t : - (

'T Ii,', T ren s iiC er a m i D lr e e to r w e r e '-lr‘'l,a,|i to l l ta p u » ■ m n . O a o *l»o« .1 . I i . - - - - - - - - Somberly ,l«l<'..f HimpUm s n R to l u a u

IUltlU>l Izftsl t o iMHUO OTnerifOIU y gtrrt*t, tiicnre «Ions .Weotcrlj akfe ofstreet to |>lace of bealnnlQE« _

Tin* boutidarlta of the Becon’d Dectloo Dls- irlrt are aa follows: Bectelnff at Union t i t * huh and AldfQ street, along WraUrly a t e o f Alden street to. North avenue, thenceSoiiihcrly aide of North avenue to the ____sr«<le rrosalng,. thence along Weaterly a t e of undiTKTade creating to Booth avenue, tb nea Along Hotitherly aide of Booth avenue to Cen* tfjinlal avenue, thence «long Weaterlj a t e o f Centennial avenoe to Raritan Rood, tbeneo along Northerly aide of Karitan Rood to Wal­nut avenue, thence along BarterLr a t e of Walnut avenue to Union avenue to ploco of («■ginning. . - *

The iKiundarlea of the Third Election Dlo- trlct ar« aa follows; BfgLctntnf at Union ate* nue and Alden street, along Earterif a t e o f Alden street" to North avenue, thooco ‘Northerly side of North avenue to tho ____grado <-ros»lng, thence' along Easterly a t e i f iimlorgrado crossing to centre of .roadway o f

R. of N. J., thence along centre of road­way of C. R. R. of J. to Townablp Use,thence along Westerly aide of Itownahlp I t e io Faltouto avenue, thence Northwerterty ahoni Faltoutn avenue to Orange avenue, thence la h Hotitliweatcrly d lrectte along Orange avenuo (<» Hiirlngfleld avenue, thence along Easterly Mdu hf Hjirlngflyld avenue, to i'n loo aveflhe. ihcni’F Along Mouther!y aldeof Union avenao CO ¡»lace of tieglmitng.__The hounilarki o f the fourth.Jnectte_D la-trlrt «re ii»« follow«: Beglnnlnt.'al thojewfaer of 'Uitkxt and Hpringfield arentaat 'o te g t e Weafcrly slde-.of-Rprtagfleld avenue to Orange •tvemie- .thence along tha Northerly a t e o f Grange avenue- to the pownthfe Line, tbeneo 'rt a • Westerly and Bouthweeterly dtree- tlmt along th Southerly alde of the Town­ship tin» to Occhard street, theoee •i^»g Uve n Easterly aide of Orchard street - to /fnmpion ' street, thence along the Northerty sill« of Hampton street to Eertman street, thence along the .Easterly aide of w»—"»*m Ntrcet to Union avenue, thence eloog the North- ••rlv side of Union avenue to place o f begin- nltig - . ' •

The l«mndarlea of the F ifth 'Election Dio* trie! are aa folloif»:' Beginning gt the ewrner of tho -undergrade croaalng and the centre o f The roadway of theX . R. R. of N. i . along the RAADWly aide of th» umWyraifa ersUrfyiy y

n o t e s o f t iir u e th iu is a n il d o l la r s fo r n e e c w ia r y e x p e n s e o f .Sheriff'* O ffice .

R o a n i a d jo u r n e d t o m e e t o n T h u r s d a y , N v e m b e r 2n d , 1922, a t 2 :30 p. m . ,

B E N J . K I N G ,ClCTk.

~ FLOWERSfor all oooasicnx

Artistic and Latest b '^lgns to Funeral Work a Specialty

---- at the-----Riverside Flower Shop

57 North Avo E. ;



HAM THAT*5 M ldH TYS T A N T A U X t N G - - > ¿ 0 W ILL F IN D IT / A P P E T I X I N t J - 4

Y O U 'L L n o t o n ly _ l l n d t h e l lu y o r o f o u r Im ni m lf fh ty

— t l i e — BoodneKK— o f — a l l — t h e — t i in ta l iz ln f ; , b u t y o u ’l l f in d in c u t s w u s e l l l ip t o th o p u r o t o o n s ' s o r v l e o s u t y o l ir d ls - v o r a n d y o u 'l l fin d o u r co u r - fo o d m a r k . A n d y o u ’l l f in d o u r p r ic e s d o w n t o p u b lic fa -

p o sa i .

K L E IN 'Sm a r k e t»otter Build'

A \

I mpec er urreim««..." . *I smtorn it b n * *i*»« » u * « JJ*. r r r 1 -* '**— b a « l l C m * a “ ,<J T i n a t a « O n a l a t a I** ( b u l l * U M o .iM e tm , « J*r» t m n . j a » » . , __ ___ '

A S * « u m i k> i m ( u grdkU M « « t tM . I , n e o * » 4 Uma ib , hMcbt; u t bai* ot bmbtt*». w nsuU M v >4 t o u r m f

t i f u w t i jm Sp. e m a a — d mb*r m m t r a m , mad to nratato and rtotrict tif toca- lioo of tMdtiAi*f "iwliwed fnr epeclfied t e a , and the lo ea ite r t trad« «ad taduatrlea. lhe“Ibea- t*fc r t twfldtega dstt e * f * apertfled «ea* «ltd for such purposes to divide the Thwaabll» uf Creaford bate dtatrlcta so a i 16 pnoaole the

' p u U k health, aaMy aad geaordl wetfjuy, with . reasonable tooaldrralte, aa»Bg other IhUtea, la ­th« meet dralraUe use for/w hkb the load o f - meb dtatrlrt s a y be adaftod. tbe peculiar a t e - * ebUay far particular sae/ r t a fllatrtrl, the eoo-

s « t t e ,o f pruceru. zaiUtfo. ajwl.. ib#^4ttirtteL rt Lutlding devdepeenl tn accordance with a- w«U ccMoaldcred plan and also to ertaWlah pen- a like for the r to U tte r t theta rcgulattea, rcotrkates, drterwi taafloni and itaJUttoas.' adopted May 16th. 19S2, and that,

RTEDNKSDAT, NOVEMBER Ith. 1622. at S 3 I o'clock p .« . , la Ah» tlin« aud the Town- btrert. la the place where a Anal tearing will b e given on said proposed ordinal tee, the pro­

Be tt ordained by the Townablp Committee of the Towaafcip of Cranford, in. the' County r t Union» - * ■ • >■ Section L That aacttor one of the ordinance entitled "An ordinance to 'regulate and limit the height aad*bulk r t buildings, to regulate and determine the area* of 'yards, court* and other open apace*, and to regulate and restrict the location r t buildings designed for specified uses, and tbe location o f trade« and Industries, tba- iocat loii -o i-huUdlnga daalgnnd for r tfgjflrt uses and for such purpose to divide the Town* •hip of Cranford Into districts so aa to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, with reasonable consideration, among other things, to the most desirable uw for. which the land of each district aaay be adapted, the pe-! culler suitability for particular use of a district, the conaervsUoa rt property values and the di­rection r t building development In accordance with a weir considered plan and also to estab­lish penalties for the violation r t these regula- iloea, m trktlona, determination« and limita­tion«," adopted May 19th, ,1922, and aa amend­ed August ita d , lt£2. be and It hereby la amended to read as follow*: .

flee. 1. Short Utle—Districts.The abort title of this ordinance la the "Zon­

ing Ordinance." • . " - .For the purpose of this ordinance the Town­

ship o f Cranford la hereby divided Into four dames of district*:

(a) Residence “A ” Districts.. ib | Residence "B* District».

(c) Business Districts.(d) Industrial Districts. .

The boundaries r t each of them districts arehereby established a* shown on the Building Zone Map, which accompanies, and la hereby .declared to he e part of. thle ordinance, with theTollowtog changes, to w it: .

( 11 Ertend the business cone on the East side o f Centennial Avenue between Winans Street and the Lehigh Valley Railroad to In« etude the land 75 feet In width North of the- Northerly right o f way of the- Lehigh Valley Railroad to a line parallel with Centennial Ave­nue and B it feet Easterly from theEaaterly aide of Centennial Avenue. -

(2l Change from Residence B to Residence A all land between South Avenue, Rahway River. Chestnut Street and the present business r •$)<-. along Blgb Street to- South-Avenue.

(() Enlarge the present business sons In the Nock between South Avenue. High Street, Chestnut Street and Walnut Avenue to Include the entire area of the block.

(41 Enlarga the present business zone in tbe block between Union Avenue, Alden* Street, North Avenue, Springfield Avenue South and Marlboro Street to Include the entire area rt tbe blotk. . ■ ..

(5! Extend the Business District on the Norhtwenterly aide of Union Avenue Northeast­erly from AMenrStreet a* as to Include Lot IB In Block 3 aa said tot and block are laid doini on the Asaeamect Map of tbe Township.

(9) 'Change from Residence B District ¡to Buslnew District tbe property on the Northwest

ic r o f Centennial Avenue and Cranford Ter* race known and designsUd jm the Aaae— ent Map r t the Township «« Leu MS. 1M and lBT la Block 544. ' . ' * • " • ’

Bert km t , This ordinance shall take effect tmiaedlsteiy. •______ ___________ ALVAN-JL DENMAN,__ ___ * ■ . ____ ' Township ClarkeDatod Ortober t 4 , J : ; ■ .

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSA a v a fth n y u te f lih a M d ,*“• 2^ w**iS’ 25 « » (« « u

O m ¿Swarf«, k . » wtad.

“ in» eonditioii. with430- Pbone Craoiord 341 j

«torm vestibule,—M ,fc » L jjd e ,X iMt Jw iviiw tii. paneled doors,

AH In «ood eondltiML Price* «S eonable. Telepljimo 31J

AJTDI RONS—raso a p i r '420 v orth avenue. Westfield. orth

** that somethin j; that helps alter you put your foot

flntL good furniture at derirabb prices If you visit Ar R. Maxwefi New Furniture Saieiroomx 430 North nveuue, W estfie ld .O n« , every evening. '

FIVE ten dollar bills buy* an un­right piano tha t i* in good eondl tloa Rent It and Hee how It suit, yoii 'd 'eht mny apply). Westfleli Storage Warehouse. 17 Pm,poet street, Westfield. Several player*

Pl*nos In stock: • ELLCTItIC vacuum cleaner with all

attachment*. In good condition Cheap. Telephone 159-J. •

KITCHEN coal range, with water back No. 8M. A1 condition; 113 Pine street.

NEW 1923 Dodge touring cor, used two months, run 1600 miles. For sale at a bargain. Warren Gruff,

-1111 East Broad street, West field BOSTON FERNS—Nice assort­

ment oL y clean, healthy and . strong plants, 10c Up to $7-00. Flowers and Floral Designs on

- short notice. Lehigh - Avenue ' Greenhouse*. Karl Juul, Pro-.

prletor, 127 Lehigh Avenue Phone 354-M. _' : tf

, LA 1 tGKtTincteryPlot.Hosed&feS Llndeni- Cemetery. Best location m Cemetery.-Price low to prompt . •uvei J VV\. eare Cranford Ultl-.

zen and Chronicle, Cranford, N. J.• .......... * ■ .. . .■ t(

. . u r u o a Av< T el. 9 3

Homh and CFnirnnlsI arefiora, ibtoco «laoff the Easterly aid« of Cvutenutal ovmtio *to Raritan Road, thtnc* along th« Northerly a t e of Raritan Road to The Township lint, thane« along the Westerly side of th« Township I t e to the vcentre of th« roadbed of th« C. R. R. of fN. J. to place o f beginning.

The boundaries o f-th«-3txth Election Dis­trict m i s follow«: Beginning at the corn«r o f Lincoln and Walout nreouea, along Llacola avenuv to the Township line, thenee la a Southerly and Southeasterly d in e t te to Wnl- mit avenue, thenc* to a North«tiy dtroette along Walnut avenu« to place of '

An absentee voter or voter who wUI he prevented by Ulnema from going to th* poU* may make application to the numtrlpal dm k or to the County Board of Election* art later than the Tuesday precedtog Oeoeral V U ctte for formal application blank* for aa oOelal linljot which may be voted by auch absentee voter In the manner provided try the act.

ALVAN R. DENMAN.----- TowmfttP Clerk.

Dated September 27, 1121

MIBUC NOTICE OF TAX EAIC ta le r t Raal Catata for tk« Oereeili e f KeoU-

wertk, H, I.For Unpaid Tata* for the year 19IL

Punmaat fo an Act entitled "Tax Bale Re­vision" approtod March 4, 1918. ,

Public notice l* hatahy (Iran try C. A. Petar* too. Collector gad Treasurer of the Borough r t KsaOworth, County bf Unkm, sod State of Naw Jeraey. that the TencmiQta, HertdUamaots aad Reel Battle hereinafter mentkmad will be oold a t the lowest rata r t taterert for which any pereoo wtil agree to take the same aad pay tba tax Ika thereon together with tha Interest and (•m e o f the sale. ■" , _— m-accordanee-wlUra*-reaoluUon~rt-tha~Bor> ouch Council the aaie will take place at the Borough Hall, on

Sa t u r d a y . No v e m b e r 21th, 19t t . at t o'clock. P. M.

The fololwtng are.the names as reoorded to the . Tax Duplicate, against whom th# raspeettvo propertler'afire been a n n u l and th« amount r t tax and Interest on each, and to this amount ta to be added the costa o f tho sale.Block Lot Name 1999 Tax

11 9 M atiteJU raoa— ....-------------------- 1 ,gf11 92 Jaorahi» B. D ictate._____ "II 91 A. OT Woodward^.™ .____*n 42-49 william B . From___________74 4 WUI lam H. f t o s u ...

i n 4-S w nitem H. ......................29 41 WtUUrn H. Chapte.__________

REAL ESTATE FOR SALETH R EE lot*,, full size, utreet paved,

has sewer, go*, electricity, good neighborhood, eight minute* front station. Low price to quick, buy- or. W. E. J.. core Citizen and Chronicle. Cranford. t f .

O W N ER 'm ust sell best're*Ideutl»l- site In Cranford. Facing Farit; Eastm an and . Central corner, ,250 ' feet front op Eastman street. Now . net. Terms,- G: H. Riley, Potter Building. Phono 28-M. Inveotoni

‘ and .builders see mi*. •

™ V : FOR RENTFURNISHED house. Parties going..

South, will ren t their home in best • section of Cranford; 3 Burchfield avenue, o r phone 409-R.

SIX 1 fioonu olnd bath; two fglnl^Vim ufjeTiuoiie. Ctfil mornlngfi iSi North avenue. .West, Cranford .

i i » - it 91 11-14


T U L I P S , D A F F O D I L S . C R O C U S O R B n r A C I N T H S . T H E Y B L O O M I N T H E S P R I N G I F P L A N T E D N O W . A S K T O R F R E E D E S C R I P ­T I V E L IS T . !

R. M. CROCKET,Seeds Bulbs Plants

36 H i l l c r e s t A v e n u e

F l u m e 416-J C R A N F Q R D

Phone Crznioid 396

Charles E. Dooley EstFuneral Director and Embalmer

Us« ol Modem Funeral Cluj-d 11 Dialled :Foldlnc Ohmlra and Oard Tablaa Io Hira

218 North Ave. West, Cranford, N. J.• • ■ Lady Attendant . ,

Schoulef CementConstructionCo. |154-156. Frclinghuysen Avenue, NEWARK, N. J.

General ContractorsEstobluhed 1887

V ROGER 0. ALDRICH, President ,v'MWIw m ..*U n CRANFORD, N. J. ;

SHERIFF’S SALESBliEilirF*» BALE—In C haocsrrrt New Jersey.

itftwwR ^ i f t i a —Ar~ Uëaaïéy; ' eemptamifii. «ml (levrfte AV. Vaughan, e t a t , dsfcpdaata, F t la . fur-tale of mortgaged premise«. .

lly »Irtvie of the abovo-auted writ of fieri facias to iuc directed 1 shall expooo for .salo by public vendue, at the Bber;iff*» office to tho Court House, in the city of 13 Us both. N. J., on


nt two o'clock In tbe afternooo of,Alt tluit tract or parcel of Lands and pre

Ises situate, lying and being to the Township of Union, la t.hs .County rt Union, end ~of New Jcryey iT=r--r-----

Beginning s i a point to the Southerly Itoe r t tbe road Wading from Bprtogfltid to South Orange, now known as Valley Street, a t tho Northerly corner of lands, recently conveyed to. tire Calvary HapUst Çhurch, (colored), which said begtunlng' point Is also distant, two hund­red and twemy*a«v«i feet and «lx toehce (B 7 rt . or .ttfertaboute.-Weaieriy-frato (heWt-iwrljr line of Maple Avenue, as said I t e flfi Maple Avenue Is laid out and located on a MSP of property of Isaac M. Williams, at Wyoming Heights Thence running (I) along «aid read (Valley Street) North seventy-seven <eievrn uinutce East,, aeventy-eeven f e e t ____«bout», to a point one hundred and fifty*eno fext and vtghty hundredths of a-foot Westerly fruin the Westerly line rt Maple Avenue. Tbmce kii- parallel with said Une r t Mafil« Aeenua South twenty‘Vlght degrtoe thirty- East ope bwmfrrt and elghiy-one andtUo bumlredtite-fm. TbtncsTTî) __at right angles to aatd Hat of Marte A m iighty*one and stoy-four hundredths Diet _ thvrvabouu to a'point tn tho Easterly line o f said land conveyed to said Calrary Baptist Church or tn range with the said Une r t Ua ' * land, which aatd point la two hawked fen raurw Southeasterly fro» said, ttee r t YaQoy Street. Thence (4)along fhe une r t land ~ aatd church or tn range wtth raid t t e N thtrtV'two degrees fifty-five minute« Wa hundred feet more or leaf to «aid Us« r t Talley Street and the point and place r t Bettoatoj

Being and Including and tntendfng to hactad* the'whole and no more ce. the ‘

Timothy MeQo*ld~~~Timothy MeQuald_________Patrick McQttaldi.,.....^.;;...^ James ,H. H. Oouchsr____ _Joecphto« Bartlett.


Axel _Axe) Robertaon_ .........

I —Martha—Stouten burgh..^19 Charles M. Buck_________

999T.IO .3194 Umberto Centa_~_____

I -2 Rawhide Products Cor|K>ra*

. 3 29 99

d to tm D izoa. E. A. Herrick. ., William


189.78 19 25 1.T8 .88

Dated October 24, 1122.

C. A. PETERSON,Collector.



Washington. D. C. October 19. 1922.Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to thè undersigned. U 'has been made to appearthat .......

“Tbe First National Bank of Cranford" to.the Village of Cranford, .

In the County rt Unte, and Bute of New Jer­sey. has compiled wtth all the provisions of the Statutes rt the United States, required to be compiled with before an association shall be authorised to-commence the builnea* rt Bank-.

ROOMS VOR RENTTWO large well furnished rooms,

single o r light housekeeping, tor reliable pony. Call 119 North avo-f

FURNISHED room at 228-North avenue. West." Gentleman, prater-

LARGE room w ith board and n A slhgle or two. Address F. R.:

-NeW-street,-Cranford.^------ - -FURNISHED rooms, private-home,

b reakfast'll desired, convenlen^.to station. Adults; 122 U nion .«»-, nue. Phone 73-W. - . . ■

HELP WANTED"A -sexton - tor- • T rin ity"

Church. A p p l y -to Rev. KetwWh- D. Martin, 205 N orth avenue. K^st-

” WANTED. , rMEDIUM size dog house. In (n»a

repair; 112 Bloomingdale BYena«.Phone 233-W. . ; -

LOST „ .BANK Book No. 7653 OU the .Cran

ford-Trust Company. Cranford. «,t The finder Is requested, to re. turn It to th e bank. I t no t Te- stored before the 27th day ot N°. veraber, 1922. application will h® mode to th e bonk for a new book.

IN CHANCXSY or NOW JIBSEY. ™ **<**’.. FiWM: By tlrts» ot »0 orC« ofJOtancatJ ot Now IwtoY. n»<looo of tho drnto h,root. In « cwuln etuto ««Mlo

notuco 8. Prtorton Is P«UlUin«. ttofonCtnt. you nro rwultwl to. «P««. *»o pltod. omwor or demur to os or befor. the »UUior In Uterwn inch docroo wm bo uul* SZSISU.YOU so tho ChssMllor ih»U tSlos «¡o'u rs«*otpjoSif-»»i<i «.ua u ot dIror«Tdluoins( tho msrrUZo hotwwajou «d uld pofltloojr. LEAVI„ , 'B U l i a

Solicitors ot.PQtltW»-, lllllbrth. S.T

Dsud, Oct. Stb. lilt. ' " *■AOUimSTRATOra S«TtLI«llt»T.

btnbj sins, thnt thr aceami vscrlhw. sttplslstrstrts' ot ths Bstnto otwW^. roOTS. docesswl. wDl b .. «udltod by ths-flurrontei ““to ths -Orphan’s Court of th* <

sod r e p o r t «

Htercfora l ' D. R. Crlsslnger, Comptroller o f tbe Currency, do hereby certify that


to the VILLAGE o f rflANTORD._ — county or UNION *ad State of NEW JERSEY, ts aatimrltsd to bommeoce the busl- M H r t Banking as provided to Section Fifty ehe tu a^ efi and atxte-alna rt the Revised Sta­tutes o f the United BUte*.

In T—TTmray Whereof, witness my hand and •sal r t office this Nineteenth, day of October, 1922.

D. R. CRX881NGER.- - Comptroller of the Currency.

029—fw , ....

„o w s v r t i . »«u. d ,, -' "Admin Inraffti

cO D iîio r e s * r - jPlainfield. N-i J* ,, .. .Osud Octobw 4lh. tm . , '

«XSCÜTOB-8 8*rriÂŒNT. 'by ftron Ihst tho »«5«®* °t .***»; •

^Executor r t the la s t . wig - JENNIE HAMILTON, deceaeed. and stated by tbe flurrogate, gnfl /T T ^ m w *r aettieoent to (he Ofpban a 2 ^ o fof Union, on Friday, the aertateMua w r .^ “ ^ . “ S eDERICE ARM»TRONOFAt rDated October 19th. 1922.


«onveyed to the salfi patti**1 of tbe first part reto, by Faul R. Teed, and wtfs, by dswd

bearliML-oste Brpiember 5. 1999. to Book 499 r t Deeds to t Union County on Page« I. aad to ‘ ‘Sumo A. Vaughan by WUI C Headley. ___wife by deed bearing date February 1. 1I2L This mortgage being given to « c u e a part r t the purchase price of consideration o f tbe lands conveyed to said Busan A. Vaughan by said Bradley by deed’ dated Feb. 1. 1921.

Decree amounting aoarexlmatstr 9999.9t.- GKOBGE’B. J0H N *10N ,--ttan

WILL C. HEADLEY. M teR rt, - ...oc29—4t . SDJACC ' ïïwm <S U 4

Qtize& Want Ads BràfScsÉs

15 CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY.—To John Henry Brycre: By virtue of aa order r t tbe

Court r t Chancery of New Jersey, made on tha day o f tbf date hereof, in a certain ranee whereto Leon Bowatoad Brysrs petition«, aad you ;are M m d ia t, you are required to appear. snd plcath answer or demur to peti- Utxw»» petition on or_before the Ftfteeoth day o f December nesx. or-to default-tbureof, ouch decree will be taken against yon. as the Chan­cellor ahaH think equitable and Just.

The object rt «aid suit ts to obtain a decree rt divorce, dissolving tbs m intage betwesn youand tho said petitioner. ....-.......‘ ‘ ‘ 141b, 192».

^ lE A T U T -A ULBB1C9,—~ BoUtittra pf petition«.

f ATTAqMHEHT BOTICI- :t o »hom « n»y cm «*"'- . . 'xuivM' If.-

NoOce I . h « . » Ç * « . “L Ä tt 1922 a writ of attachment waa-t»WH* tb T Cnlon County Clrrult tllhta nod a ed lu money» i iS d m tte l» . U nd. »nd -W. Andenon. m »tMOt debtne. U t i f ^ o t Tbeodore B. Cof lc*- ,f?r s ^ C w *• thoumnd d o U ^ . * d yU ÎS. Th.1 f U i »rit U** „ ¡ n eexecuud. and „ » returned on A nfn* .»• try tte^airria af i ______

Pa u l a q u v x B .

' V ....


f i t U BSD AT .; JMn»» OUt« i C a n «»! i-THE GIRL FROM PORCUPINE"< hit-ili- « oimx» Tw». Kir' T*>"»

: . l 's ü S - , i .PRISAT

V RATMOND HITCHCOCK. la "Th» Beauly Shaj

Var t ( i ‘.1).


1.... : t ■m-.~.l> >K , ,X ■ » !•..‘ < ' __ l'»ÜM \. «.

TUESDAY -' l ' h IAL H' *1 Í!' A A "¡Lini

. .WALLACE REÍD in “Th» Dictator*

I li-'dv Iwiinl) "■Ti* T' lh;it!>i>era5,ii

. t . L


r »

C om e in an d ■«»-

: SATURDAY»»*» M'-WH-Ai.--—«ftit'rVM— WEDNESDAY ..... ..... ...........TOUT MARSHALL tnd ETHEL' ' l*'>!TU:i: I L u i Kl !>\\

Î F K? Ï lc , ■ AGNES A T R E S in“Too Much - “Bold»tl*odM¡n*!.ú;,- «T.n.dx • Tío- 1 ami lord' VIVIAN MARTIN ni "

: . • t aitiHU¡ . i . -Patiion Nr Fi»nch

.1! M.


l e c t t h a t V i c t r o l a

y o u a l w a y s h a v e

w a n t e d . W h y w a i t ^ <

a n y l o n g e r , w h e n

_ * „ a m a l L a m o u n t

w i l l s e n d i t h o m e ?

A ll sites, stylet ’ *S^v and finishes—

. Come in-.

$ ' »DRESSMAKING- D'T Good* at Wholesale I’rk c t ^ n Cranford ÌïPLEATING


BUTTONDry Goods Co. | ■

PHONE III uCOVERING £ 220 Cetitoniiial Avenu#

Y .. ^ - * v i o v r a i u u i a t i u u * ^ , \.

f :Ct «tifoni 'çor 3 Walnut Avtaut i .

THE PLAZACranford’» New Muiic Store '

. SHEET MUSICMuileal Imbrumanti and String*

Plano Repairing and Tuning 4 EASTMAN ST.. ORANPORD. N. I.

Tolophon* 1Í3W .


C R A 3 S T F O R D .

Feed and Grain Store_S A N D 7S Q U T T U iW E ,W r

(3 doors from Union Ave.)(lorraeily C S. POU.NTNEY)8 Union Avenue, North

A r a c k i n g ^

T n e r v o u s h e a d a c h e ?


chases i t a w a y .

Grain, Hay and Poulti^ J/e^ds; NOTICE—Will continue to serve our customers the same a t

when manager at our former address.


Subscribe to The Citizen and ChronicleifHJf iM e t tH itra jt iM .u r # M # i t » » . » H , # H # i t r » n k H e n « fi • t f b

B w r o C w r o s n r w » » ® ^ ^ >1 "lit



17 North Avenue, East

QUAKER BRAND FLOUR, for family us«T 24*/4 lb. bag. ‘

DEN-MARY BRAND CORN-New pack Sugar Corny the canTTTr.TTTTrr:vtx:

226 Centennial Avenue

99c 9c

ASPARAGUS TIPS, ' ) '>Bohemian Brand, th ; can..*T«3G

PEAS-r-Han :ock Sweet Cham- 1 ( J % - pion, the can...-..,*.... ............ -»

PEAS—Full Value Brand, 1 A new pack, the can..............1 i C

SPINACH— Hancock Brand, *T 1 ‘ the can........... ........w I 0

CANDIES.— W e carry a full line of hard Candies and Chocolate Specialties, both . in boxes and loose. ’

Charm» Satin Finish Dainties, the lb..... ' ............... .. .....

Rockwood’s Silver Dew Drop», pure milk chocolate.

. Sugar Covered Jordan Almonds, the lb.................... .

Pirika Chocolate -Mint», the lb.................. .................... .

PEACHES— Valley Brand California Peaches,, ; z l/ z lb............................................. .........

PINEAPPLE—1 Various Brands—Grated2 lb.,.,:............. ......■....:..........................

" N A T I O N A L A P P L E W E E K OCT. 31 Eat More Applet— Healthy and Economical

Extra L uge Jonathan Apples— for table use, lb....... ........... ..Fancy Baldwin Apples— for eating and cooking! 3 lbs..______

< «»|H It ■ i,#T«;#» # ty # i» * II W if # I» • M # ty #.!(■'*1 • M * *H íFeiíFriie tiie it e ti »i ö l i e i i r e **•*•» i*«í* ■ «iTTiiïiiYî*1m < *


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>i Mou>ila*n»td« .»■w II O IVIol *- r f svia.

*•■... VU Î I« vUj !» .} ..J .*xu - ' rt.

Ì. * . a. * M k(h

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it'll tit I a. Ih # l l u l l t i 'f

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M E A T FOR Y O U T O E A T . 1I<1» marfcrt hamllw ooo. b a t Iba grail«, ol

POULTRY AN i> MEAT......It » |>rlr.4 ar. iMVmt un Iba aUMf •■ir, anil «mali umili pi inalala It ' i x t . H'lir ii'gular iraü . mari a . I I f i n il tim will oolr aW a aa a inai I h . nualliy u( llia a « a < M é tu- m xlorai. urtMa ara a b a t a#

t .) , .-n i., hulla busto«»«, .r n h t n J O U a » E » .r y P r ib a f


I . l.-|.h«li.. JLBX MI

Plainfield-Union Water Company

I h . l 'la h ilh i.i r u lo n W U « U n » l-nnr .ui'i-n.» iti. Inhabitant» «!I ' î n i n n . i . i N . i ih l ' la ln Ü ^ W , P itaiMHi.i. \v. x i ,..|iL (larwuodl Craaf'-hl— U--r., i x ,—U uw p.l'nrbnoa~ K .iiiIu ..,i i win, wstar l«r d»IMI’*»11 i* I.-’»' ' ... '■ .

1 he Puresi and Swaataat That Natur« Can YlaUT

I hr unii i -I.i'ullwl by UM Um» nnnv— l.n. i.. i n analyria! by Altan Un . n. m i.’iuiing hrilraatta «a- ' ,rll titilli,-, IV n' Ilottun, turi» et Ni’» A «tri», «n.l Vronoun«»a by bias

i... »al.i ..I ’ orgaoU MS n V. ami in ■ ii it.r tn una ot'llM

'"linn»'« i-mruna li» alila *T«a - (n In- win ralulatml upua fea»*

im i- n... i « .iippiy, «ui ¡rw jM LnV im niiti.-iy itliaiavar aa ta tu

tt h«ilr>n|iH’fi»«n* ,

T h e ___C o m p a n y R n f a r n

(o all T Pa

ihi iiiiiir-i i.( ih . lAimpboi la ii'iitiM.ii »Uh ih» cuiniDuolttaa In

»hh h li. iiin.ii ia lucataa and !| la hn (niih-r ut lini niwiag.mant ti»da • tuli . 111,111 tu liminola t^alr molli alni inni.iHirlty. -

i n-iiti ». nini l.i; uf II,« Coni;iariy olii in, ih.«-,, tu «fall on parttaa» hn ih. n.ii ii |ir«iont u#. *,1#»o"in li-, ami «spialo^rat«a I- u| ut aorvle« ata.


n III,Kb a*. Tuioatld, H. P, aadw .n a.14 m. ».I l i U l n a r i // Il

i. i mina««»i'. K ti.,*

RENNAN&TOYEPlumbing, Tinning,

H e ¿iti ng ...I i South Ave. {, Craglwd

l'LENTY Of MILK< ni iiitlu- limi,« la II,« baat

it ni nil iliniriiltlua. Both lo





Phone 163-R or cal! at 43 So. Union Ave.

—My > '« . - t.T y/,*,, ¡i e r '•* • ‘ • Í ■ ! » *- e K-.'-ii- 'y nml initrltloiia dir Lies nayV*:•

-i ■’

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• mu in '.y tin- ii-o ot this aaaeDtlal i 'l l-' ’try i 'ranford Dairy milk,■ - -I imi i nn t go .wrong. -

❖ : : . . . ❖ .

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.A. ........ ‘7. ■ ■- ■ ■■.'1. f . -•*■'■, 1 •Jl. I>¡ ■ ■ ■ f ¡»uji.iiT f-<r «1- ■ Satlif»ctlon Guaranta»dg h \ f*r/Td M r.tuuaa Avaaua, a U lT O li l


-sÇïFT5i f *



-:• i


Change From Gov. Edge's Board

ate lenient nn'-hf* hixkv.'ay f ■¿Ftkae called for 11»** repeal of the Mhf. biu-semenf ,u.-i: for a highway M - misslou ..f three to roplafe Uovoveor Edward«' board of eight and for aped bidding- Senator" William H. Parry* of Newark, sponsor In 1020 and in 1821 of oiienLWddtng bills, baa testl- fled that UHitunyon. then a jjenalor

to the Edwards’ Body Imposes tiwEuloi^nnry, always was n»^**' u bered »mong the sincere supporters

of the proposed reform. Mr. Runyon has prumlsed. thac If'etEcted, bs will use all the many resources and the prestige of the Governor's office to compel 0a discontinuance of presentpractice#. - ------ ----------- ---- ---- —;P-—

B u rton D is p r o v e d .North Jersey dailies recently died

the Mliile Highway t'ommisslOB's own records in disprove a defense Issued by (.'corge I- Miiit-u. of Middlesex County, prcsldcui or the highway boar<l.:— It w -» brought out by- the-

Extra Tax Burden of SI ,500,000. .


Republican Candidata Promisi* That, If IKctsd, Ms Will Us* All ths Many Resources of the Governor's Office

ts Discard Prs.snt Practicas.

MK-ÿ ¡X

?.. IÍ.V- yl»** “ ’ íí . ¡ / ;i


Tba controrerey !o New Jereey be i tW**D defender* of dosed pevlnf

■perlflcaUona and advocates of open bidding continue1* to* rage. with Vie

‘letter charging that the present ays’ ten) costa an excea^ of 928.000 a mile.

-—New—Jersey-h«a* p a id -a* -h ig h ss 92.46 a square yard fur the lama material a> whs furnished ID Peon* aylvanla for $1 (ft a square yard.

Names have been “mentioned, and dentals have followed, to prove, that Job II, IJpplncou haa been a "pntrtrn* age broker** for fhivernor Edwards, tn selecting mernheM of the State High­way Commission

Tlie change from Governor Edge’s highway hoard to the Edwards body haa meant an extra burden upon the taxpayers of more than 91.?K)0,d00, ac­cording to an exhibit offered by.crit­ics of the present administration.

A rnmtflcntlon of .the dlacuHslon la th e aasertton Mint rfjtproacliea to »be pVnpoied new Perth Amboy Tlrldne were BptffruuH) nt JJM1.000 by wtute up* p raU fft...and _ were Suhsequently





' ¿ i

-. y

ì ' ì /


L IS T E N IN : . -- ’ ' . ."In iiresenting my chiuJidacy for the Governorship lo the people of Xew Jersey I base my

• appeal on the explicit pledges of tlic lícjmljiíeiití State pltttforni amj on ni\ record of eight yearn ►..•I AMeirihlymaii, Schatof and Acting-Goyertior. i . . . ' • . , , T;

"If elected Governor I pledge myself to use all tpie resource* at my command to enact into law 1 Our party pledges : ■ ' ,

’ ' : To preserve the direr! primary inviolate; ~ . . '| To enforce the U».> .mil the rou.Miitiun faithfully and impartially;

To base Holley laic» ami gas and electric rales un actual values, eliminating watered stuck;-To subject utility huMmg companies to the jurisdiction of the PuBííc" Utilities Commission;To rcotgamrv the Slate Highway Comniissioti:. .

-----To pass a l.iw-foi ..|‘tn-speciiirationsr—Kvery-patented^-pavement must compete with non-• -patented pavements :óf equivalent merit, to the end that-the grip of tlie patented pavement Trim - - .

' On New Jersey highways utay Ih‘ speedily ended; .j To give .'comities the same tight lo advertise for bids on more than unc type of pavement a*; . municipalities luvc, ami (.i cml the county relmbursernent scheme 01 highway building: "

, To provide higher k.U'-of \vmkmen's compensation; - , .- To prohibit night work foi women in laundries, bakeries and factories after 111 K. M.; ^

To improve marketing iaerl¡t!éS~ifirbnghout die Stare through the extension of die work .. of die Bureau of Karin M.nkels; • .. ■ To afford an espial educational opportunity for every child in die State ; '

To abolish tisclcss oiiiee's ami consolídale public enterprises wherever possible: - -To pass a law audiori/ihft "the. State authorities toa.afeguard consumers against shortage of .

coil and extortionate prices, similar to'tlic laws recently passed in New York State.

“ In soliciting your■ support I sithniit niy record in' the legislature and its- .Acting-fsovcniuf as i proof of my impartiality to capital and labor alike and of my sincere interest in the welfare of the

people/of the entire State." ■'

,'IIlIi »dvértíieutcm ha» Ucu ¡'¿¡J ior l>> Arthui T. YtnJcibiH, CasipA'ifa JklioAjtr of William N. R »a/ee

G LEN F. S T E E L ECarpenter and Builder


o f A l l K in j d a, , , rhone a73-M. ' '



ATLANTIC CITV, $3.60SuiuUy, Mew. I

l « v e Vnusfotsl 7.M-V. N.

PHILADbLPHIA, $3.00N u t Sunday and No*. U «ad Due. I ' ’ Lasso I'lsInMd • M x. *1

Tickets cim i osly w «-««tal m <a


C A R P E N T E R suid B U IL D E R ,............. ......... ........J obbtng .gtamptly AtUndkd Ta

AyjUTDS, T«L CrautorU W6-U . O U X r O lA , N. J

have refused o'- pavements forv The CUlaan-Chroolei* « sn isim a]t .

T h e local oewa fit to prin t, aa well cou5 l,t‘*. f«T «hr.-h the. ta tte r win "he aa- a l t trsnns- iv sn n g rsn sf w trK-ltisietv: ■ la ter-rptmlmre^rt-te,—TRe~gnrre:— ’— -----ship government. A hlgbelaM In- William -N.- u-neim.- tb( Bepubilcan vWKinaat to r |LSB per y e n r . ............. nominee fo r gosornSr, in a OetsBad

bonght fnr Xy’.'iO.IMKI .without eon- demnnllon proceedings.’■ Still another eliurge la that die eon-

tract for n temporury bridge on Hie ‘Idncoln • Highway oyer the Ilaeken- aack Itlver whb n.svhrderl to Highway Commissioner John Kerris, of .Tersey City, the same iln.v the latter resigned. Thl* rontrnel nlreml.v has cost Hie state BfMtO.hO«» mul was given without bidding on n 11» per cent cost plus basin ‘ ■

A $200,000 Architect Charle, I,. Hudson wna about to he

engaged ns the nrchlteet on the Perth Amboy Bridge Job nt a 0 per rent rate, or nn estlinuled reimbursement of over 1200.000, when Highway Com­missioner Ceorge t,. Piiildoek. of New. ark, successfully remonstrated. Hml- son tlnnlly took the place at $¡10,000 for two years. Commissioner P»d- dock for some time Uns heen tlie lone, militant minority In the hoard.

__Another eharge Is that the Sen-brook Karma In Deerfield- Tinvnship, Cumberland Dotinty, which are owned t»i Highway Commlssloher Churles K. Senhrook, tidve been eijlss-crossed bv roada conslrtirted nf atute expense, .In Deerfleld Township, where Sen- brook .has a :i,200 ncre place, $8:i7,ooy hap been expended, while the ndjui'ent township of Greenwich hue Imd but $4>069.09 of slate work. .

Five gravel rcoids built uvross Ihe Btabrook fnrm cost $11(1.000, of Wbleb ths- state paid 70 per cent. - A ' run crate road there represented *IM, 80127, of which ihe stale paid IU per epnt and Cumherlaii.d .Kounty up I Deerfleld Township the tmiame. Skirting the Senhrook forin for about eight mile«,, $:|IM.77(MSI w ort\ of Hew road waa laid by ('uihhprland ^'.oin'y, with the stale ngnvlng lo relmhur-e It. Another pfke. whfeli mo uhoik the western line of Ihe Senhrook fiirin, meant an outlay (>f S21.240.2S.- \

Moat o f the fiaitrncla In Deerfleld Towpshlp und thereabouts have been handled"by IheT rl Stnle Cohsino-ll.iii Company. The otlhers of the Trl Btete company at ihe time the bulk of the paving WHS d o n e , 'were als. associate Stockholders wlih Sc-uhr.-ok In the Beahriatk -Karins Company. Albert It. .McAllister, a former .Asse',.,, blytnan und one of this group, h .s been pointed .mi as the drnfler of .thectanee In iIm‘ i.i enile.i imnie Tiil.- ;ii-r

-of 1018 for- counties, whereby dosed specification* were nnihorlgr.l. ■

"Extras" Add to Cost ...In 1921. patented paving companies

secured eoulmcts from the stale counting to $l,;i2:i..T2A fin- nearly

twenty-three miles at an ineruge mst of $83,830 a mile. They illil uot.flti. lah-'et. that tlgore, "ex'tras” bringing It up to SSikir.l. Knrty-three and three-fourths mile* <,f concreie- road* were authorlred at $2;r>71.P7d, or an average ofvJöM.7.'M a mile, and there sere no “extras." . __ .

Contract record* for Hn*? showed an average per mile for. twenty-two and a half miles of patented pave­ment of $S'>..-'TI. against ap average of $T>7,2H> a .ndle for eighty tidies of concrete. New Jersey lino paid tip to $1.12,000 a o.lfe for an Important ptretch of patented highway In Ml.l-

. dieses Tnnniv .. _In I’ennsylv.inin.' where a ’vieim-

out" of the road department, wns forced by a I'ldladelphla newspaper's expose ten .ear* ago. the average cost Is from $:t7.isSi-lo $78,000 a mile for -' the same material as runs to $152,000 In N ew Jersey. '

Besides the $1 274.000 excess charg ed against, the f.o ty-flve and a half

¡ miles of patented roads under (in*, .ernor Edward*' h-ghway hoard, the county r*diahm,*.-met,i- act has made

; It possible to *\\et! tic,* figure to oyer ' $1,500,000. It I- claimed thal the

Highway i'omtnisslon could

newspapers that the only patented road laid by the Edge hoard was a flve-mlle highway put down aa an ex­periment at Ihe Insistence of George E. Blakeslee, who was Mr. Edwards' campaign manager In 1019, and who wee In constant wurfure with hie colleagues OH (lie Kdge hoard over patented malerjat.

Mr. Burton, In discussing the work of tlie two hoards, also gare the Edge board credit for roads aetunlly completed and to the Kdvvkrds com­mission credited ronds not only finish­ed but for which contracts have been Issued. . The defense of the Edwards board by Judge Sllzer, tlie Democratic gubernatorial nominee, was based on the Burton tnlde, It. appeared. .Mr. Burton nnd Judge Sllzer are asso­ciated In Middlesex County politics.

Job H, ft foi'i.ner police commissi.mer In Jersey City, whose name 1« heard so often tn Jersey, le an officer and the chief legislative ■gent of the patented pavement .com­panies. He tins denied, along1' with II._W,_Turner, having nltorml—Dr,Cliarles K. Kraemer, of Newark, an appointment by Governor Edwards to the State Highway Commission. ••

Another deplul Is from Governor Edwards, In reference to the publish­ed charge that iio|es°for $(¡0,000 fur­nished tlie Edwards campaign In 1919 by the late Highway Commissioner Blakeslee, were taken . over after Blakeslee'a death by someone acting for a paring company,

Federal Aid UostBesides the $28.000 a mile New

Jersey taxpayers believe they are losing, there Is $15.000 of federal aid withheld from roads built under so- called closed specifications. "It takas Bo special gift of prophecy to furesee the collapse of a road-building pro­gram which Inflicts such gross wrongs upon the taxpayers,” editorially said tb» Philadelphia North American on October 8. "No other state In-the Union could so III afford to suspend highway Improvement aa New Jersey. The great terming Industry, special!«-, lug la fruits and , vegatablaac muat hare good roads inj order to market Its perlshabta products auccasafully.

"Ths coast resorte, representing colossal Investments, are largely de­pendent for.their popularity’Upon the malntenanca of the automobile high­ways that give distant visitors access to the great national playground. These arteries of travel are also used by multitudes of tourists golog south­ward or up Into New York and New England, a * traffic from which the state derives substantial benefit, its roads, therefore, constitute one of New Jersey's most valnabla assets, and toleration: ott a system whjoh makes ’their cost _ excessive sod threatens their development. Indicts grave Injury upon ths state.

"The Issue now before the voter« of New Jersey Is clean-cut. Tbs sys­tem was established after Governor Edwards dismissed the Republican highway commissioners who would not recognize' the warrenlte monopoh^ and replaced ¡them with Democrats who put Into effect the closed specifica­tions., and thereby made compulsory excessive prices. It would be utter tolly to believe that the way to eradi­cate the system would bo to perpetuate the power of the politicians who de- vteedlt-and-havo-proflted-byli;"—:—

“The taxpayers, of ,i New Jersey, however, can easily rid their state of the costly disgrace by voting the Republican ticket at the forthcoming election. That party Is unequivocally pledged to establish honest and .elll- ctadt method! In road work, and Its candidate for Governor ' la a inun whose Integrity and courage guar­antee telfliUtent of the policy."

ABOJUT PEOPLEIwasd Jenner, who Introduced

anullpM vaccination, waa a post of aaiitl

The dake of York, second aoa of King George, baa an official allow­ance of $00,000 a year.

15 Union Avenue

“ The D rug Store. W ITH A__________ _



Mutation"A R E C A R K


Sunday Hours:9 A . M . to l- P. M

3 P. M . to 7 P M .

1 Phone 137 ' Night Phone 387

J/ R. REAYv Prop.

ZINQALES’ Fly. and Mosquito

ExterminatorZ lnga le i'. Drug Store

Treacrlptloo PhArauey ■Walaut aa4 A«m .» XRARFORD. n i.

Raritan Valley FarmsRreduce Oartlfisd Milk Only

2 7 c . Q t .0 HANFORD DAIRY

Phone 1IT M Beutb *»•


' Carpenter and Builder Parquet Floors. Jobbing a Specialty.

Tel. 495 It-

22 Grove Street CRANFORD


Jobbing apd Repair jjwork . Felice E. Di Fobio

163 Burnstds Ave, ORANFOKD

ROBERT THEISZC a rp e n te r an d B u ild e r

JOBBING OF ALL KINDS 4' Hollywood Ave . Cranb'fd

Telephone 127-1

t h e M cC a r t e r s c h o o l ." HI -OteetsrS A n « ;

OMANSORD, NSW it ó S iV 'Vsll len» btgln* Bspwn.ber ttfc'. IS“

Klndsrgsrton « id P ilm rv cIsu<S,wlUi ■ “ Included. .Tutorías dur lag «h* C . . ,In High School and Grid« School r-tí1-3 *' « . « p e r hour. U e ^ R T £ K

TsIssksH Ns. 131-W


Choice Fruits and Vegetable*FREE DEUVÏRŒ3 -------

I ll Union Avenue (neiírT The»»«», CRANFORD, N.-j. .

Telephone 163-M : .

M . A a m Q d t

furniture Re^air^AND REFINlSHWO_,5;:. .

M. AAMODf .• , ...20 North-Ava, 1,11

(Foot of Ahlen Síüct»

I firstChristopher Columbus'4was the ssar pltnier on thls contlnect, He

brengnt the cañé bn bis second trtp.

Hughc^^waa the first to conceive the Idea of applying a pen­dulum aa a regulator. to n clock In USO. ~

Fhone Rahway 460-WALL KINDS OF

Poultry Feed,PromptDeUvaqr


C lark T ow n sh ip P . O.' l i b «


Tdepbs0elS7-J _ ....

C L Y D E C. B E L L

t|>|irnv* of |.Htented ids cjnstm.-fed ' by

Aa a result of Prince Blrahltali visit to Europe, publication of ’ pho­tographs of the lmperlht Japanese fam­ily In newspapers and msgsilnsa w ill's South' Avenue W , * * "wmltted. ‘ '

Positive.. bet; comparative, better superlative, better not.

registered architect0RANFob °

Many a m an wbo ea ts p i t w ith a -knife withe« that'be had ao ax: i

' The creaieet mystery of eome hcMjxl-

Automobile PaintingTel. 116 K ”

COOK & B EN N LKf stima Us Glvea.

Is how th$ bofirders stand u UNIOM 8 8 N T


”'~ V ' Vl.7"1

■ -ifJ. >

l - t r v -1


P h o n «

W 2-J W estfieldResidence

I lH E. Broad S u Westfield


T H E GOVERNOR’S A PPEALFounded on t M , Fanrir sml FWH-vn

lit [or* • ttepohtiran Audbrec«*. iR r i K K t N I f 4 . F. »X t i t « » '


I »iii » « »r® th a t U I* n o t H n l a u i r j for a U n w i r n l l r C a n d id a te to i th e 1ü*b «ftbce_ejLl‘RM*vi M i l n S en a to rTu address a Kepuhllcan ralhi-rtn*: bm T am out tor o>in< (Which I «hall «adir treed on Un» ««tenth ut Xovrtnlwr

T I A N O TUNERF s tm a r ty w ith a e o u a m nry ST SIN W AT

Orders Left at Reay's Pharmacy. Will Receive Prompt Attention


A N T O N K A N T N Ë R’v " ‘ .. ttttrnitrly with Altman)


Ordaia for Wrap*, Ooau anil Ntckplact*

310 North Avenue, EastTalaphoaa 50V W

C R A N F O R D , N

IVrhaiw nxr arti entitl« l to know m r tv*«i<n- Par till* uftnaual «oars«. After a» aerimi» trlW Gon at My_llmlti-d intellect' would penult, 1 have felt Tita I a full and accurate Maternent a «ort idAuricular ctttdettlun-of tuy tnnenuott -,-miim-irt» __A tut ra itítiT m lílit le id «ôtue'ol you at lëaïtT tîr i.dvi thoughtful and tin- wavering - t o rliang,- the Vide \« u had Intendivi to ra d on Ute seventh o| November When.! a t t think 1 Intimativi a moment ago,1 «hall tim i every vote t can «rare up.Tv* place me anywhere near the eoa). '

I ront my youth up I ha te quaffed horn th e ru p o f tlntlvtilual freedom and from the tlowme Ih.viI id______

andG overnor's N u llifica tion P la tfo rm

f i l l i M anagers W ith F o rs - bodings of D e te a t


^ B It

AT TOUR SERVICEdirt,-no' dangerim» matclie»,-.'

pint p ro » a M itten o r tu rn th e , nltite ll aitij tllO 1T00III It llltllllhe oteil. th e cottco In h r a t ln t , th e to a - te r It tiinntlni; tir th e v u ee |e er It titeophiK . Tliene a re only n feu of th e w onderfu l H eivlrot K leetrlc lty Is w aiting to perform for you a t s lig h t cost, «t'oiu- inaml .lt th ro u g h us. W iring, n> . pairs and a ll k inds of equ ipm ent.


- ' ' P h o n e 5 9 . « r

2 1 0 S o u t h Avenue, C r a n f o r d , N . J.

G R A S S M A N & K R E MERNEST L MEYER. Incorporated . Eateblisbari ISSO • . ------------

(S u c c e s s o r s t o c o w a r d m o s h e r i :

ü l v l l R u g l n e u r M A’ N u i ' v u y i t r N

jM aaonlc Building, Cran ford,1*08 Broad Street, Elltalmlh,

Six r o o m h o u se ., h a t h ; steam h e a t , a l l i m p r o v e m e n t« , ■ewly d e c o r a t e d , n e a r s t a t i o n . ...... ; .........$ 5 5 0 0 .0 0

• \ • . . • tyN a w h o u a e ; 6 r o o m s , s t e a m h e a t , f i le d h a t h , g la s s e d sun p o r c h , o a k f lo o r s , o p e n f i r e p l a c e , p l o t 5 0 x 1 7 5 *

$ 9 2 0 0 . 0 0

E i g h t r o o m .d w e l l i n g , o p e n f i r e p l a c e s , s u b s t a n t i a l c & $ . t r u c t i o n . e x c e l l e n t l o c a t io n , r i v e r v i e w „ . , $ l 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0Wo w r i t e a l l k i n d s o f i n s u r a n c e a n d m a i n t a i n a s p e ­cial d e p a r t m e n t f o r . t i n s p u r p o s e . C o u r t e o u s a n d e f f i c i e n t s e r v i c e . - _ . ; .

Realty and Insurance DepartmentC R A N FO R D T R U S T CO.

C R A N F O R D , N . J .

TXileramv toward humanity and it* api»-iiti-».''Hut struneidrlnk has niver IjW» my mastri So »»turai.»1 am I w Itii fl'vvyiiin lha t 1 have never ■Alioiinl Hum to have (lomlnlujcVvvr tur ami yet 1 am so impregnated with the M-rutn ot tolerant«That l would not Interfete u lth any |>etvun »Mode of living or dying

Now after such a truthful and «oleumVim clat.loj) i>f )iij_stai)il o litili« * real quest ion Of "Dry versu* Wet. It l«dl!ticult fot mV. vviili ““The lntelllgciui* l possess, to understand how'» ¿Ingle tine <d my audience can cast hlv or tier Pallid. •For ail)one hut myst-lf tm Senator ttevt moliti). Mlieh.As 1 have heretofore remai k n i t shall m-éd votes

I am personally the emlioiUmetil ór abstinence, or f* A t least ti-uitK-rance, a virtue w hich shmiM not tall to . - la tc h the liry». ami 1 am so tolerant that I rejoiee Tir »oo *!•;• huiiia« twin* everelse Ilfs individual Freedom aim-imbibe all “IM>o)o)tul ,He chuuM's. I tlntter myselt I have made myselt Clear on that, point. ‘ . . ,‘ , Now. so tar as Iti) limitivi lntelMeem e has I’emiltUvl ino to qhset i e. 1 have mane nn except lonnll)Flue Governor, and that being, so. w in -b o u M n t IMake an evceptlotially line .Venator from New JerseyAmi theielom .even you Itepuhllcaivs *11111110 help melly your voter to put ine lliete. i to ti -ee It Is hard lor Hie totint away troni the subject id vote* and the necessity .UI le ttin g them. 1 '

III io n is e It Is n o to rio u s t h a t in) d .-epsea ted D m n i t u e , loin nfnl |.e i -o lia i I l l ic i t) , and .tuy ' F -v cess iv o -tah ita lu o of Innl/e. llhlnetMl lin n sls In J e isev t 't tv

(* s« t» r »ràllnghuysan'« XrUHant.aag A(gr«Mlva Camps,gn C a c i .Sad tg

Olva Him Adsantag# an# I» ’ / _____Isaura H a Suaaaeav _

\ '

Kalal iWsl III.''»» M. J B a t , P ari r

Funeral- Directors and EmbalmersCKANTOKO , NtW YOSK O f f ic i ‘w tS IH flD

h T*d*i'h«afl«tri-Morra/ Hill <wi

A nd N ew ark to land mo In my job a t T ren tun Tu ho sure, in) pci sona i ahsiem loU N ii*" may hai>- t ‘a u g h t a lew sim ple H iyv h ill my le a l - te llin g

-F riends w ere W et. o r ut lea s t m ola i. Ami It a lt good lfepuhllc tu in are aa co n i lin ed as l i t i m i m> lam lahle S trad d lin g , 1 shall tec i l ie en o u g h vo tes’ to C arry mo from T ren to n to W aauU igtuu mid m teg a te my U ppuuoiit to ih e con iines of Ills Som erset ta tu i —To h ail th o slm plu Illy.

Now, llie iu Is a tlid h e i pliaáo o t th is siih jeet of .M io n g d r in k wliieli. a l Hist Illusi), ap im ats to lie in a un-asm c lK -structlvo of my iKrsitIun; h u t w h e n 1 d ivulge to you i l l thoury 1 th in k y o u will read ily accept It A nd n o t w ltlihold your v o tw tro iu m e mi th e 'S ev en th o t November. .

. 1 re le í to Hie tac t th a t m any id these luvcis id s trong d rinkA le fa th e r s and husbands, am t t h a t tlie ) should . .N ot Spend th e ir w ages in d eb au ch in g (lie lr I rod les.I 'u ia ly /ln g Un ir m inds, keep ing th e m irum their H om es an d depriv ing lindi fam ille« o f she lte r, .C lo th ing an d food. 1 am to ld th a t th i s Is a « ondi timi W hich th o iiitu le ia n t p iu h lb ltlo lila la a re . ' 'S triv in g to uvi-rcomo 01 a t le a s t U-mh-ii . I In to am Voiuo sh o r t sigh ted , sim ple periplo W h o ola- e C onsiderab le rultance. on th is- th e o ry , lin t 1 S ubm it U ral th a t ahtiquaU -d th e o ry itasii t a leg to S tan d o n w hen c o n tra s te d w ith m y arlvaneeil th in k in g .My th eo ry Is founded on my y v a i l e d a l t i l h u t e ot ■T o le ran ce a itd personal lib e rty tw b le lt covers 1 ,l .lc tb se an d personal Indulgence.)

Nowf. i l ia (a llie r w as c re a te d a n te r io r to th e :Fam ily , an d liu w as born w ith th e a t t r ib u i t e •U r q u a lity , o r o lem ont o t perso n á l lib e rty ■F o r h im to do a s h is will d ic ta i«« , a n d It you ■ .A tte m p t to d ivorce him tren i th a t h aavciibo ruG ilt, a r e n i you d ep riv ing h im o t l h a t dynam icF orce o t w ill and pow er to accom plishT hu w o rld s w ork? F o n d er th is a tew m om en ts and ’f o u will sou howr a t v ariance w ith d iv in e lav* ■ .I s th e a t t i tu d e o t Ilio p ro h ib itio n is ts , in , . . .. .A s wo play fully te rm tln-m, th e Irrys. W h at I* a l i t t leT h in g Hire a ru ined lióm e com pared w ith th e _i l i th ic t lo n ol heaven-born will pow vr-.’ 1 th in k ‘L out lu te lllge iieo (w hich 1 p e m - i ic Is m ust -I te iu a rk ab lu r will com pel you to p ru iup tly .L om preheud Ihe sim plicity tyet Ion e o f tills T ln io iy , and, rcgatd loaa o l th o c h a tte r in g of tir» ’I r r js , c a s t you l votes an bloc lor in« oil th e ¡seventh o f N ovuinbut. i l 'io lo iig i’d elieers, an d A voice. N o t on your Ilio ,T ho sp e ak e r cas t a tbok ril n, in n in t l io . . .d irec tio n of tiro i u lte . 1 • ‘

Now, 1.1 you will purdoii n c1. (h e re Is a n o th e r »C hase to th is m u tter o t boo/, I n i e r lo th « ’ -J'" -l 'o h itlo n ol tlie n rm -u llo r and lh« liu rteu d e r. W hli idstly F u rn itu re um i ap p o in tm en ts th e p ro p rie to r h as ,K stalrllslied an a t t r a c t iv e rë s to r t lo r th e .c o m fo rt ‘III m en. Nor m ust wu forget .111« g en ia l b a r te n d e r who,L ike th e p ro p rie to r , 1* th e head ot u fam ily. - • .Now II thy íá n a lle a l H rys deprive met) of t lie lr ' .l.ih c ily to assem ble w ith in t lm - nu lls , how can the C io p n c to r o r b arlen d o r m ak o a liv ing lo r th e ■1 umlllcH d e p en d en t o n them .' And especia lly li Ilio -\ \ c l stu ff Is seized an d des tio> --l air a c t o l . ■ •t o iiiiscu llon ' p u ie an d sim ple, i 'h e io ag a in you .vie d ep riv in g m an of Iris Inuvcn l.otri Ireudoui ol .. i t tioli. 1 th in k th is sim ple s ta tirm e n t o l

-d u .sllv e-slio u l(i-rcsu lF b i‘-u iany-o t-> «u-iia« tliig -your-r—:--------------- ;-----V o te s fo r m e on F le c tio n Day. t voice, "Jlully Tor .I lio G overnor,' w hich b ru u g h ra 'G u l l« to th e •F lushed th e face ol th e sp e a k e r — .T h o ,in te r ru p te r p roved to lie s lo in ie r . -i ta r ti 'n d c r w ho had w andered .imo tin ; I tu p u b llrau '.Meeting an d 1» fam ilia rly know n n . Alike. 1 ‘ 1

T íre te is one o th e r phase ui ini» m a tte r - , 1T h a t 1 w oil, to b rin g to your to n n e - A tte n tio n , a n d 1 am doue.

1 am tohJ, and p erh ap s yon have Ireaid, 'T h a t th e re Is considerab le ag ita i ion on the tguostrou of hav ing th e law c u a n j^ d so as to m ake la w fu l th o u io n u lae tu ru B ntf^ ìT T yl f u e r an d ligh t V\ lires» an d s to p p in g .th e re . T in i- seem to .b e uiahy

i W ho cotislder r u th iegW M 4i/n..iL.eri«p:tedf M .I .v iric i) a n en te r in g w edge loi .1 Ini in an u fae to ru¡A n d »ale o l s tu ff w ith a h ig h e r - o n te n t Of "klek.‘ .............I l lu t a s a m an of h o n o r and v c n e isy , 1 a d ju re >oo . ■I T o cas t to th e lour w inds any -m l, suspicion . ,I T b a t is fa r th e s t from th e m ind .of any Wet. • .; T tie W ets a re honorab le , law abid ing c itizen s ■- • -I U ne of th em 1. Govi rn o r ol ari im i-o rtan t

i.o m in o n w ea itb urei 1 assuro you l h a t ttre ie j W ould be, as i t w eir, a ( him ’—’ A ail se p a ra tin g I T h e sim ple f le e r hour th e kic k m g'. H um . ,

Vo believe w h a t | »ay alni give ..... y o u r vote-. The_ w edge ’ — —-------- ;—-— - , '---------

Now, p erh ap s f ha.r.e to ir-nrm <1 to o m u rlt of your


JU rfU »r S+w J e w j , —- l b Intuir S, F fr i rrT|fB vT/Wn ìuimikÌ

lh# following »(»(•m int ## Ik#•v# #f U«#

*’l mak* my apt***! to4h# votar# • f th a 'i u i* fo r to al#cti#n t# th# ##nit# 'ot) two c<,;atuit: d«f#(iJtn( th# f#lr n#m# #f N#w J# r« # /t # n i tn iu rin f th# pro ip«rtty # f tU m ** Pi*. .■ ' ' _ ‘

" I tù n d for upholtjtpf th# c#‘n* ■tHutlon In #11 i t i pr#vi#J#(i#; C»ov*rnor KiIveti!« *t#nd# f#r th# nuUifWitlon of eh# Rlfh(##nth AntBndmTut, Mith it« #tt#nd#nt

atT of l#«» «imJ ordor. .M! »land for th# H#pubUi»n pt*-

to^tWo UrMT «hu h U rootorinf to tho notion 11» io«t p ro tp o rlt/; Governor lüvlwarvt» would U#*tr.o/ th# tori IT #tt«l » lu V in o r# p lun j# th# nation In tu tj'<* t )t#o# of do*proaaiorv and utM iuplu/iuonl."


tUr ’iian «lit» know« w h a t gw nl V1‘liu n M n c v'Uftkt \nit*» u not with «avtàlasi««* ttiaxi tin ’ f's wt ¡n m otortaiw wadttutkii)»n»!»in pikHMw tho hwrO-t.)iil.»A».- n u r «tirivi u n o te d too Fuii«. | i ' n t n x v l «riAUtr «Itfll 1 Kilt t Irt of-iinnry pinmhor#

>mir l*nf o Qttdono.f»' u> c\|k*'rt« ah f rr*t eontoût

HESS BROS■ F. ■ .Plunibitig. l (eating, Tirming

’lVlrptMTDo 31 t d1 8 U nion Av#»«a# P R A H T O R O

AnnouncementL e^ tu id « ,: Nfjv* vst, we wUi

O r liv i ; t .n t t ( ig h g t a d e

Tranton, N. J. iH.-mocratlc dlamay w a r ts th* cloitnc d«)s s f ths s ta ts caiuiwlgw. It*ii. - '- f t..111 «t»ry part • f llis s ts is sr* ibst tyev irasr ’M "' « a rk s’ csrn[islco i> s’a ss rs isd sod Ba- gustsvl ths g m t mis* of th* w sn b srs s4 his psriy snd r,«« flllsk fhs w tads s f Ms iminicsl insnsgsrs with Iks (loom ltsl forsb-diiii« of dsfssl.

Ills rdnstsnl Utcl *<uphsthA llsra- (Isa of his t’lni(,*n,f.| f.wN th» right- sanib Arnstidmvot, m * Indulgsaca la lbs grosssx i<*i ,iiislU l*s. sag bis Isprsaia |torin<,»dun of ths .Irtuss )i»ys sf ■‘»Ins, wiiho-u and soSi** hsvs s lls ss isd frmn him (1» synqialby sail ■uppnrl of self re-p,', (liig Irsniocrsl^, »0(1 sspsclally Ihe ootiisa, whs rsgsrd b li C(,nvl»ltl <w»lor» as a glrscl sf freoi " ’ .

N*vr Jsrssy l«-it«.ersls orbs h a ts a »rids In Ihslr-parly r* g srk ’s <so>- pat*» such as rb.v »■ b„f r^Warkfs k ss ■.ad» s i putting Up-ut ang ih slr party

s h ilts light iiefof» | ik s ¡satlralallry ta gtie p r

light iiefora I Ik* b as dsmaghi* (s f

rand fori Hijas! Mwcm tlcpr*«ll*s tiMl foMiii|at! Mila a id » ao rta s f this rslliir*, whs rsaip rlss Iks g rss ts r kulk ,,r ths Now Jsrssy Dsiaocrseyr w»u- hiiowa Is k tv t sbawa (hair <11 •« i-,, i .. » a I sag gltgusl of th s (luvsrnor a '.“ is» woiusn ta d toa*" spot- h ai. Ieri») City hy I s s i ­la* ths ball whll» (It* rluvsrasr » so «Rssklog "

Campaign Dlapiaatss D tm ssrsls (far baa Ih» r«>vrri,or‘t p i ta s f

rsm palgn bssn any intjfs plssslag Is thosa In his parli «lió hsvs s .g sa - ulos' -U h tbs »Isdois of lbs F 'gbla»ii11. AmaugnisiM- For Ihsy r s t l l r t lhat H»i,a|.,r Fralloghay ts a b aa .piar*« 1,1., „1 a lactlcai gls- sd v th la g t In 11. (jiiaatinna w ||b which b* hat n i 'i ilaaaly bawksrdsd Edw ards anaiit a lag lsp lsaksd p ltlfn lis s f i o/.»- ¡in' l’ nallltes- tlnn. In <l»tnsndiMrf lhat ha taaw sr v b a lb a r (lit pri-acid. wblaaprssd dall lUics of law »«<1 <,ri]»r~ whlrk has ■ a d s Na» J a ra -1 III» paradisa of basllaggsrs la If.,- (iov truo r't fuliiP ■aril pf his pi-eii i» to aisks N s» J v s s y -a s »«I a s ’ lbs artsaU * O asaa " • ' . , ’. k s td s frsro th* Inslncsrlly of s •ainpalgn kaaad on auck promlssa,- # a » Jsrasy Irani , r ii» aro porlurbsd h* t)n itrnn ;.f: 'Î7 ï* r 'tr if.uraa l i n t •arty Igrierlag •"Me.inl'- quoallons la kla csuipalgn. Ilia ilrigl# r*f»r«nco 10 I b k phias baa 1.,-ail ■fri’*’ rspsstod pgéa ilss to do all In l.ia powar la g* ■feay Iks prraard 1 a riff te l If slsctsd M th* ftansta' III* Iramacraile ag T laan ragard |b a n. ( » as a tart apa Prror In v i» .- .if th s rsrnsrksbls

I of Ing-ralry In (ha alala lue

Ice CreamIN C R r\M ORU

i* i .! . i^ Ciyi > u u iU v « h i.u M 1» th«* bv .S*‘ur

¿ - il-*> ,'ingM

New York Candykitchen

I i J Mi--* t HUr#(. VY#»ib«i4 N J' 1 ri#f>t>i>n# T3C • '

GAMILLO MASSAGeneral Contractor

t l ia illu g O o u a rs tt W is h

Callara E l s s a s l t d . . X

Ssw sia, BU tw alko, E ta

I* I) IIj i U • TlA N FiyK I*

C u i W a r t im k i & W .

P A IN T E R * AMO D IO O R A fO B i

to T lurnsltls A vaoua '

■adlataly folbiwini on Ih t «psrstb /t ad tk s larlIT set, h«/l a* ano lb tr srl-

s f loalnrerlly ..n th - (jorarnoFs

Prsllnghuyasn Mabas Prlangs .■a loi K ra - .. ', 'o < » u ‘» brllllsaipalfn kaa « » i , :i. ' m arks* cnn I to (ha 11« 1 il! . ut Ida opp-,

Al st#ry ri’-a*:lng la h it a tsts-j « Id a tour H. na'.or I r.-llnghoyasn bas

llu t one word

Alarm Clocks



A nrcgaw'fy at tlvia season, substantially made, depend able. Saturday only st $1.20. ■ V". WEATHER STRIPS for Windows and Doors, c.„

1 Furnace Pipe, Cement, e tc .: .

A. C. Pike Hardware (Co., Inc.8 North Avenue-^- -___ ;__l « H I W t l I M M W

Tim e an d tax ed io u r patlw ict-.In io n cl union. • . - . :

Tiro Usuey of ti l l- cam p u lrn o re ao n iom eiitou* Tire a e t t le tu e u t o f Ureui to p o le n t lo r w eal o r woe

Y ! To tlie C om m on weal tli. so lirre a c T iln * and ln cap a td s f{ I 0 1 a e l t la m e n t before E le c t io n • Da* iw ben 1 a sp e c t 7 l o u r v o le t! U ral 1 w a n t y o u to te le g a ta / My IrreflielWit o p p o n en t to iris g eh lle tn a n fa rm and ■i F u t m e I tb e p re se n t aflleljtn t and In te lle c tu a l

r s ta l i td hy gr*«t Ihrong* of ths Tatar*, At I».,, largr m m toasting* 1« Js ra ty City un o. tokay U b* g» •sa ad sd that ÒoTaninr E dw irds die fP*a' SaCnaal IM iaa and stop trying t# »scsi* a ; Ik s ..p---pl- fTgarillog Iht

• f » a t nr dry


ICE CREAMIi H l i iM M A D E a n d P U R ^

9 U m óri A v en u e C ra n lo rd - .

I c l tp h o n c l l d M

I H f il ) h . J A M N. (Jiircctfior to Jabi&f ..

Houae, Sign and .Fresco Painting

. P itia ta d DsssisUa#Paper Hanging“ s i i d i t s a l s r tn ■


O rsnford , — N s * - J s r s s y


? ! G-yvc-rnor o l y o u r b ta te i In hi« place, ao th a t J } .' May, w ith su c h solid a rgum ent»-*» I hav e ]u s t uaed.? A nd such p la u s ib le th e o r le s o» 1 h a v e ad v an ce d --an d f M ore p o te n t qnea h e re a f te r - a m e U o ra te th e te n d ) lie n f , \ ol th e m s too*, q u en ch th e t ld ra i of t l re W e t/q an d ? j I 'e r fo n n su c h ‘o th e r j u t l and rec ip ro c a l deed s aa my % I C o n s titu e n ts m ay from tim e to tim e su«g*»t >{ \ O t com m and, .

And y 0 0 Jvbum „peAa w ____m m o pray—for your nrtaa. -

■Oerayaor E d » » r,u p l.ifu n n it nnt aseaplsts,- lb - S .naior mid an amil­ane* a t Now l i r n n i k tip O-tnhar sa. “I t should, In-1 Id* tji# 9r* r*nt d r u b . - bs «»Id ItVfsrrlng fu bistg S I th St T r .iit '.n 'O ’ t',bar’ 2* lo (h*••VSTBSr'l sin-lion (Ir'/inU. 10 mskr-

! (ft*- ( ta ts sa "w tl -a»', (li* . Atlanll;, p asea ," ßnnstor Frallnghuysaa asid: i'"M*w Jfsrssy, and psrilcu ltrly Iludaon ; 0<«Bty, Is a pandi*» for »sloonïëap : a .* sad boari.(gars. I t this rondi

gBB Urs fiilflllwtat ut O ovtrnor E-F-f- ! tgatdS' pro nil# a I- dass It raprassnt [: M s laeaysclty as chlsf eiacutlva ta I - aM Ma aa enfsresm sat s f tk s laws s f /, ^ MBRS aag u U s a r ' ~ — f•-■V- ■ . • • *v -

Wm l . Golding, Inc.OPTICIANS

" • -ê'

2 10 Hroad Street

1 lizabeth, N. J

H K X U K csfiM t K o n r an a n u n n m n a w o u a N ~ a m homo ra sa n u u mW.S.CLEVÈLANK-SÏMMUNnir. • « ■ m iW W

JOE JKOWALSKl\C w p e n te r and BuilderRspalriog Promptly Sea* i s a -«SbM fí . .ÍU M í? í« a - j m « 1 W 7 .

B atlifsateryK aaaw -, „



»n / i '

■wm m


L S O T O K K O H C H U B H A N B O X I N O * D R A W S L A R O !

A D D U R C IT u e sd a y n ig h t a t tin - F irs t C hurv ìi

o r r t i r l s t , S c ie n tis t , .Mr. A. H crvey l t a t h u m . C. S R . o f l.on ilon , Kn- « la m i, m e m b e r o t th e H oard « t U*<- tu re o tilp o f t h e M oth ' r d m reti, w as g r e e t« ! by a la rg o u m llt 'n re th a t f a y « c lo sest a t t e n t io n to th e sp e a k e r . ' ' __ ;........ .... ____________-

Mr. U a tlm rs t » t < Introduce*) by Mr. J o h n 1. I ’h r ls ty . in ù few u e ll ' ch o sen .weird«. r i t e i |M*nk‘-r so ld h i p a r t :

" In t l ie y ea r Mix K.I.Jy m ade th e d isco v ery Mitten sin* n am ed ‘C h ris tia n Kchoice It i i in ie a lan it

„ajL llm - re so h -x,f l-wr^'hricrimtlihi'oni*' reco v ery from tlie . fit i ts of a sever»* acc id en t, w hich th e idiy»li*|alis Imd t le d a r e d m u st te r m in a te fa ta lly . Mrs. h .h ly h n tf a lw ay s l.een a deep am i c o n s ta n t s tu d e n t o f ' t h e tv-rhi lu re s , a n d It w as t tu leU u e n a tu ra l th a t , In h e r e x tre in l y, sh e 'should tu rn to t l ie .HUdù.— It wi*» t l ietr-she- provetl. th ro iiR h h e r Inst tint tirieou* reco v e ry to p o l t r e ! l im iti ., tim i th e m e th o d of lien lin i: t a j g i u an d item n a s tra to li l»y. C h r is t J e su s w as th e n a tu r a l fu lfllh iien t **■ d iv in e law. a law Jtist a« o p e ra t iv e - 'nini colise ttu e n lly Jtisi n , av n lla h le In th is ayeA s It n a s nhM-ti*, | , lU inhod yr-Hrs

OOI> ............'Perlinp i the most familiar refer­

ence to God In the HJble la th a t uentlrrfiil statem ent, 1 John 4:8, God is love.' Vet how many people still look ti|M>n God with fear, and still fr r l that any reference to tire H illy must he made with Jiatod hrrutli. Is it logical, 1 would ask vnu, is i t . p ractical to fear hove? How few (tcopie realise that God la /lip irrcatest. the heat friend they have, t|i*. lust guide, ail riser, and irninforter. The iiro|ihet Jeremiah

tVrnle.i'Aut I a God. a t liahd, smith ¡the lord, and mil a God afar off? Cun aliy hide hhnsclf In secret idiur« that I shall not sin* him?

jLLiULt&.'Mm■and • n i i i r saifh tin* l.ord .

'T h e h ijo v rd illsclp le stilted clear- i fv l l ia l i .i .d Is Ixive, and J e re m ia h 'In d ic a te s w ith is iu a l r l ra n ie s s th e o n in i|ip i.s rn rr . o r a ll p re ten ce , of God Is It not logical, then , to s ta te .Hint a e o n re t u n d e rs ta n d in g of God In r ln d rs th e re g o g n ltio rr a

“d r iin in s irn ttn n ot th e .oninlpreseticc o t ilf* in** love*? A n d do rs It n o t In- i*y llis’ily follow llia t such an u n d e r ­s ta n d in g m ust finally r l lm ln a te th e

id lef III liHli'V l . r l Us am plify th is -dtdcim -iit. P ic tu re to yo u rse lf a lo rn llty .w h rrr ju L im e Is h a tin g , no o u r Is fri-U n g ^scsn -u n rh aH ta tily to-

ag o” l 'o r l'Ilice y e a rs iiM.-r m ak ln iT lie r d isco v ery Mrs. K .ldy s tu d ie d th e S c r ip tu re s am i th e S r lp tu re s only, an d p ioveil, hy fienili i> a la rg e -num ­b e r o l ca ses ■ m a n y id th e m pro iim utCed In c u ra b le by th e physli-Inns

th a t sh e had d isc o v e re d th e s d e n ­t in e r u h * w hereb y tlm »Ick liad been h ealed , th e sorrow lu g eom hirli-il. and tlie s in n e r re fo rm e d n in e te e n Imml red y e a rs p rev io u sly In* ( ï i r M Je su s am i h is d isc ip les . T ie- resu lt of her d e v o te d an d e n n s re r n t r d s tu d y o t th e Itlh le w as h e r inihlh-iit lou In Ih7,'j o t ‘.Science and H e a l th w ith Key to th e S c r ip tu re s .' th e C h ris tian Science te x tb o o k , upon, w hleh every C lir ls tla u S c ie n tis t 'd e p e n d s for Ills e iil lg lite iu n e u r. In s tru c tio n , and

. Itilhinuée. . '11 K A U M !

M lroadly sp e a k in g . I l i r i c i« . am i I th in k you w ill a u re e , no dlil>-r<*m'c h o t Meen u lm t m a n k in d n e e d e d 'In Je su s ' tim e , an d w hat m an k in d need* to d ay . T h e te inedy also t ex a c tly th e sam e now ns it M asillen . W as th e r e no t s ic k n e ss and sillier lug in J e su s ' tline '.1'W a s (h e re lint a lso envy , h a tre d , m alice, disim iles t y, d e c e it? W ere Hot .e x a c tly th e sam e ro ifd lll'iu is o r c la im s of evil iip im renf n inone m en In llm se day th a t w e see to d a y ? A nd M eie not all Ih c -e c o n d itio n - healed hy C hrist J e s u s nini III- ill-e lp le» .’ Did not flip .M aster rev ea l I lie only rein oily, an d Is th e re no t ulnuidiiiil p loo l th a t t h e . rem edy wits successfu l? W h y ^ .h im k -u a s , th a t rem edy ever

" druiiiMHl; - Muid o llo -r - -tih -tU u lcd Miden h av e lu lled o t *nr«-e«»? Is It not t im e th ill th e p ae liea l n a tu re o f C ll lls tln n lty , as .lt I. d e iim iis tra led hy C h r is tia n Science . "In* u n iversa lly leeo im lxed? -

"Do n o t th in k , hoMpver, th a t C h ris tia n Kcloneo Is m erely a sys- tim t o f physica l lu-attiig. Inde- scrlhnhlv wont)e r tili u s 1.x H ie ex p e r­ien ce o r nliyslenl h e a lltig ' w lilch II b rings It Is a sm a ll th in g w hen com ­pared to tin* sp ir i tu a l rég én é ra i Ionwlilt'll is h ise p n n ih le ......... Its p h y si­cal h ea lin g .

'T h e u u es tlo n w ii'c li iia lu in lly arises a l th is (m int Is. How Is pliysi val healing; b ro u g h t abo u t hy i.'ltrls tlan S rience t r e a tm e n t , anil w ith o u t d ru g s o r reeom --e to m a te r ia m edien? To limi Un- an sw er lo th is id lest ion M e m u si go loo k alluni Imo th o u sa n d y e a r- \ lieu th é limn lile N aza ren e .dec la red th a t Im had n e t collie to .d es tro y loll In tu itili Hie law m id th e p u p e let's. H e show ed th ill th e (u ltim ili! ol G od's law co n s is ted in tlm h ea lin g of sickness and f lic d e s tru c tio n o l -In. -u rro n , (ear, nml all d l-eo rd , I Inolig li th e c o rre c t-c o n c e p t o f Gml m o l'm a n

"liot u s con sid er U n- o n es tim i for a lim iiiim l. I.I.e liev e you w ill,ag ree th a t th e law o t H od. w hich .'Jesus I li III lD'il. has not ch an g ed . If, th e r e ­fore. It w as not In net «Tilintee w ith

d im law o l Hod n in e te e n h u n d red veins ago th a t >i IIIIIII shou ld In* sick o r hound by sin, an d ilm u n d e r ‘ lau d in g of Ihe law e l Hod at th a t tim e h ealed Hie sick and re fo rm e d ' th e s ln p e r . su rely tlm u m le is tandini; id th a t sm m v ln n will nero m p lis li.s! lid ia r re sn ltsd o ih ty In o rd e r tlm ! we may u n d e rs ta n d tlm law of Hod, we m ust, how ever, ' lli>t lin d erstan d Hod l l cfo ro Me ein» iLinlpr-Jjtuil

m u d his nelglHmr. W ould n o t th e Im upplne«« of th o se Ind iv iduals be assu red In su ch c ircu m stan ces?

.W o u ld 'It. not- m ean for th em th eI é lim in a i Ion of m isery? And If a

H illk len i n tim licr o f Ind iv iduals . ea . d eii.l ,-i^tiiinjirg iu |)G tho 'iight n f iriiiff i r ¡ h i luigi ijn ifr reco g n itio n of th e o u u iip re sen ce of .d iv ine Give, Mould If nu l m ean th e overcom ing of s tr ife , th e em l o f w ar.—w ar o r •’«millet b e tw een Individuals, bib I ween conim m iH les. lint Meen na-. Hon»'.'

" P e rh a p s flu* synonym for God most fre iiu e n tly u sed in Mrs. K ddy 's m l l ln g s . I» 'd iv ine Mimi.' defin ing Hie a ll know lag , a ll seeing,' ev e r m escili ’ God, o r good. Could th e g rea t' F irs t C ause o r c re a to r he u n In le lllg e n t o r less th a n In te llig e n t? Surely n o i. Can In te lligence he liel 1er d efined I limi Itv th e t c n iv1111111." Alni conili ymi coneelve Goti to he Innctlve o r tineoltsrloti-a, or Ics* t Inni' all know ltig o r om nis- '■lenl" W luit h e t to r torni, tin n ì, .to ild lie use il lltnii 'd iv ine Mimi' to lelltie God. fin* o m n lp o ten t. n in n i- in**«*-|iit. iiim ilselent 'goni!? If n o t all, l'iou ld less th è m njnrlty o t uà Ilei e. m -eepl (he u su a i «lellnlllolis o f t.'oil a - Isive, S td rlt, lo he lini)*, nll-IH. iwerfni, and ever present, Voli ho* ileve tlillt (lisi Is onnilpolent: llm t I- M im i-Clirlstlaii Cclence teaches. l'InIslIm i Selene«* laso teaolios tim i God Is Uive. Nplrlt. Tlierefore Ilio leindilng ol C hristian Selenee Is not In eeiilllel wltli wluit ymi Indleve abolii Godi u n tlm eonlrnry, Il Is 'ui-ed upon II, or agrees wltli It. d'Imreliire. Unii llm re Is litlf olje God, un- cause or creatili', we nll agree,

lìin-ei|im iilly , tlier** Is ime <11- i lue Mimi, knnw liig nll, n]|-lnrlu. «lie. am i th è idfeet ot thè great First Cause or c rea to r m ust bo UkeII. fin do es n o t llko Invarlably prò* Ilice llk e ? W e soe. G ioii, t l ia t th ls

im e a n d o n ly cnusé coutil lio t c re a to iinyH itng. o r could n o t h» fx u rcssed or iid le c te d iti n n y tltln ir, n n lik e i t ­eti. T h e re fo ro w e b a v e a p e r fo r i

G od or v ira t-p r: p e rfe c t cause an d pérlei't l'ITect, lu n tilfe s ta tlo u o r

reni lou, iiic ludliig m an .

TALES OF 0. S. TOWNS_ f ■I’XovUlence wa« lUa tirsi c il f tUa

l.n ltfd sS(.H(«*a tu liave n |ito alr sd ito la .

S t.-1.onla AuNpr» a^uara utllaa,HiiO Iiuh i^7 mill** of paun l atratta.

li ts »hU, stauUs on^ruuml om u alveo lo axebanga for avioliti, '

SouttU* la lo liitva a school of crlm lm>lou.\. Hi a flr»i. i\ la >a!4 In Amar* leu. —

l*ow An^claH hus n h lf lif r Ucstb ra tafrom moit*i \ chicle avvlUauta tbso anjr other wfhH'IU \ lt>-. ' .

New Vol li city hus dwell­er* \u iipitrunt'iit* unii U'ueuieut.bouses »ml only I.OTlMU^ ln pilvuio

- Ilri.ilk iopo iN . ,V. eli»Him to be lha hm'liclcr puriulÌM*. Ot Uh 1JV.000 impu

• W_

* = c . .

> ■)NE 460 PHONE 461

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America's 26 Old Discount Token

Gpd. MI* must desire and l*e u ìlllng •fx> learn In* wtlllng to imiy In tlm wvinta ot tlu* Psaluil-I , siiew me thy May«. O loTdL.teneli me tliy pati»-. ls*àd me hi. ttTy'trulli, and teach me.’

'T h e hoallng tbn*ngb Cliristlnn Si-ietu e , Is. jjrouglit libimi tlirmigli

1 splrltiiai ’ understnudine. or thè kno\vliSlge«of tlm m u li Ju s t ns th e j kim uleilge e l thè fm-t tim i fliret*: tlines .tliree are ubi e n u te c ls th è j m lstake of so m e- vliìld a lio say.s ; threé tlm es tlm -e are eleveii, se ttu.* ; kiiowU<*lge ot t h è 't r u l l i abolii man In bis telatim i tu Gei! o lii Imiti tlm : niistaken hellej Hiat tuwi .1* .sc ia - j H it ed filini Ged or c u i sulfer fivni] Mime phvslcal triàStd.' . |TUR. W O U K S M l'ST HK DONK !TÌu* i|Vmstlon lime ai l-e-. Are no i;

»(*, yciu limi I. and imt only all Chris I Itali Sclelitl-t» but all C hrlstlaus tv»; beai thè slek and do tb e otlm r w uik- j tlm l 'Je .-u s and bis d l 'i lples dld" i Tlm aiisw er Is .must em phntleally, ì Yes. I t i l i tmt .le-il- -av . 'I le thill !

~TTéfiévpTh on ine. th è werks flint l! do s hall lm do al-o'." New, tlm day; wjien imoide n e re wllllng to ' ac ! ri'p l Idiudly vvliiuever i vuvs tvdd lltv'lib w hether troni tlm pltlidC 01 | nnywhere else. I- pa-t. Tlils Is sa ld i to W -essen tta lly -a . p ra rtlca l ago; tlierefore pèoph- are . demmullng proof rat Iter than im*re sta tem en t, j e ra r i Ice rn thor tinnì theory. Tilt- Ijiiwhy so irinny. in th è lenir of nils ecy. dlsaiHHilutiueiit. o r slckiiess.; 'f u r t i 'to Ciiristliin Science They Itnow, fs cliaps, «>f f rlenils wlm bave becn rouitorted , o r tm aled ot some serlous physlcal tp -u lde tbnnigb Christian, Sclenre trea tm e n t, ami so bave b(*t’n glven a p ra rf I ra i .u n d e r - ' ità n d in g of God a- a verv preseni lielp a t a ll tlm es and under all vii- cutustaacea. ..................

BIRDS. BEASTS AND FISHESDanlci pl^coiia never tuk« food

w\i\W Uylny. XCiTIl” .

The tumult' lurhel Uy# S.iKO.skWugi;?» unuuully. •

Thu ciwnel htiN I wIlni th* csrry lml»uv\cr of the o t. .

The wf du ustrlv'h. U thiutl to• I lli’ll '

Diiri.ots lmvo luvu UulneJ lu |«lk t»> the sM of ihe photu^m pb. *

Sen cows of tlm tropics thrive equal ly vveli In eult or fresh

T he sturgeon 's • air" Metluer U tba tu indpal sikiurve o M ilug lass supply.

Ih e Je lty lld i e s t« w ru pp lu g UtPSlf Hrvwuitl' IV».- f in d u m l-A b sorb lu g 'It.

. P o U e .vm M adt by A ccident.A i'1'it» i\ c\j.n-ritn i'iiunx' w ith var«

i" li' e .n ilfx in fin a tte io p l t.' rttnl « miMuiv* w hi« ii .w ouM '•itiiui vontitiunl bvjit, tliHAAvrcxl w hile uuopiiclnii* !i.*> uhtNt 11'i‘l.itsiii: iUw'S thcU ;lit il>o H uait„c .;u nt s lid u w i of., lel'S»** n*V * t% Ifi-svol r»: . •

. Country’s Clovsr Crop.The I * pieni ehwer ivsltin of the

VultfK* x'vciiptx's the- mxriiien\p-iit. CM» :nlnn: * we*t ln?o Minnesota litui «M.e»h sp ’ r»»\uii«iely. to thè Olilortxer.uud . t he M:**kid mHl-4>ixt>n-Uoe; ?


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We will issue ¿tvf Green Stamps liberally and gladly. W e will also give you one of Jthe new, little pocket* edition books in which to safe-keep the stamps. This book hold* but a very few stamps, and is therefor« easily filled, and quickly redeemed, There are no long waits between savings when M Green Stamps arepart of the bargain. — ---------— - \ ------------- - ..— -------- --- -• ■ " '[,r ~

„I JEach full, little booioqan be used exactly the same as $ 1 ^ 5 in Cash when buying our Groceries or Meal*.*' ’ Just give us a filled book, select $1,25 worth of our*Goods, and the saving is yours. So are-the goods.,, It's ) a sound business practice for us—A substantial saving for those we serve. Get ¿¡&C Green Stamps always. • Save ALL WAYS. We make it easy, So do <l')f Stamps. . t

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALSSelected Eggs, per dozen..... ..45c

1 lie price does' seem rediculously low but the eggs arc absolutely fresh

Prunes, 40—50’s, large and meaty, per lb,..... . . . . . . .15cPrunes are a healthy solution of the break­

' fast problem'

w v

Maryland Tomatoes, No. 2 cans, per can..,.10c ' . ' . per doz. $1.15

A comparison of prices will convince. anyone that this i s a real bargain .

'. *'? 'i - -1.

J ü/ Ï Æ .

Uneeda Biscuits, per package....... ............ 5cFull Cream Cheese, per lb............ .....32c

Libby's Asparagus TTps, per can......... .......35c45c is the general price for the same

____ quality of Asparagus ’

A catefursurvey of prices elsewhere will con- yince yoii that we sell as low as the high qual­ity of our stock will permit us.



''•ttxamd./Z r* * '

.. ■ ■ -.■.-■woji. m u.. -Tarer st- tati 341J iter. Tal*.-. . - ■

...... juila— <k<a -- *1». doable

" . Ä f S•4M North. athlnitiTour tour

Maxwell». 430 Open



IWert^tS ,*Pro*peet l, piare» stock; "

*|er xvlthui ìeondltlòn.ilth water fltion; 113

ear, usci i ntlss. For

a Grotl, |WeitneId.

. sssort- Jthi And

to; 97JMl• OD .

rahueÌ cml; Pro-

inaPilone ‘ tf

losedaTe A ' loestlou

5 to prompt . vinford -Citi ittord. N. J.

.4 . *f'■*vJwwaasiw— ■ '. SAUC

-jreet pored, netty, «ood Jnutes troni ' 4 qnlek. bujr- ;i!Hl*en pini

, - ,*; • . , i l . ■3 'resldòàtW * .icliuf'Esrlc;* corner.'350 •

*‘j Street, ??ow Iter, Potter 4. Tatuati)»I,

-ì Ùtles-idlnit.

- * n n i f t i y - p j ! -'I Burehieht-

4 B & a iE 'Iranford i|'‘E


- Paid L ttlu rq rt,; Otie of tlie iU>.t le» im e i* U». reoelv#

S fee 111 ■ iti«* t la ." «lieti Iveetini l»Pi> gnuu*» «ere Kei»entll> Riveli frt*i* Df charte «uv Ihttilel AVeU^er, tx»-Wht>Ul- tVm vrd. M«sv. for alfrtu re . Ualpti \Vtihlo Kiuersoil. how*, «Ver, ttiay he wthl to hu\e creuiif4 Vrofesslen.

, O tfisn cra tin g . *In the til vatu of NeHoviimltieâtur U

was o iil\ the f»vt «eve u^rt vrf ltv il HU’t t»¿»11 ôf Ohl V , hm Ht/illV of Ut utm u»e ¿»xitihii *■»*.«-nul in \*<U' uvaHcu that II MH'ins tx** U. in. u**. tlie w rjr, 4te«t t »'1-tix tu tT part of-iron Mul I'äH ”

Telephone dis W

r. ROLFCarpenter and Builder

J O B B I N O o r A L L U M »

/& n z m• furnished room». Xousdkoeplng, tor Afc*tl9 North sve-r■ '? M.w't . *. - .

4*228 North - -imtn ‘pretor-■■j.-?* - . -. -'¿it and wash, ‘i w F. R . ï

- Tirate-fio»®*- fjavenlent-io 'y Union st*-.

* = — r -

1 . J « * »V ic?d?G»?ániA ayéiiûu.

Hof the Cran- fv Orantprd. h- •.Rusted to re­

It not. » ■■ ■ i i V |'dav • o fN ° -

*ion wilt b*•„a new

promptly attended to Ssresu Repaired and New Meda te

OrderK e tim a tta .ru ra te h e d

P.; O. jBo i 111 C R A N IN tá l

o f vltvV -.Ix’hit Ku^l U-

How It Hsppsntd.“ It «to*, the ftrst Uine 1 had .«TUT

driven m. »‘ttr.” feehly e\ph-»lneU ttM victim of. ihe HvvUteri tw (0*lun preity fa<t nml forgot bow to stO^ 1 loukeit ahshtl uiid x.uv., * brUig* rushing to tm*et uie. I tiled to.turtk out to let ihe Ur»<Ue nn<U~that U nil t Who« . iy **

. Submarine Csbt* " t l ic k . “A subiuarlue cable weighs from tvs

'to thre tons, s in niaitufhC'ttiHug it 10 i*er cenr* sUonunct to lasde for 'MUck.'* Thut i v a o»W«s msito to si'mu miles of oceta Tt.luadtr ¿.‘¿00 m tie i : loegr..... T "

— -------A. DOTSONE x p r e s s


Phone «MJ is R. North Ave-Kwliloiii't- Ti-k'phone 5SS-W '

FRED KANTNERU pholsterer and D ecorator .

-----.......... foruietlr with XV. Daumzsrten A Coi. N. Y. . . .Sperry B uilding, U N o rth A venue, E a s t

Telephone 438*W ‘ * 'Ut'huí» torios Curtains and Uraperlee ! Slip Cuvera Shades I MaUre.vios Remade , Reproductions

Cabinet Work Polishing and Refinlsblns Glldlnc Palntln Genera)

in* ■ dRe

Fearsoa.«»L e*p«ec;-»eeti**b riU n r t ~** ,«01 ketrt» tatejrecui-_tSti«*»'Mteearxeu.

il'òisaraV "" ‘

-v ^ í r r * - “■*«Äa«',

- ' - a t ó - S « S '

• . • • _ .. .•

W / / A D i r I I V I eri’nees'.are"pleased customers. . TV V / l \ I \ l l i V J limâtes fumisi

- J O H N7 UNION AVE North

work by experienced mea.-iJttM erenoes ..are ideas««] ‘ "Uniat es furnished. -D O Y U E


-A close shave I1 M EN ÏH0LATUM

comforts and i m k .

;■Phone Cranford 686 . -; TAXI SERVICE! OAT AND NIGHT! 7-Pau»ar«r Cox for Hlra

..C T T l Butler1U Ji. Union Are, - CRANFORD

M f.& j ; G . M rI C 0

--------- ^ “ T e J e i i R i s T i WWhelesal. ■ ' ? .1- ................. .. ............ ...........


\ \S i .*•( AMÙSl>ài*i3%.Ì.X

................ . 1 - ' r' ^ ,


i 461



E a s t


w o mIPod riui.

rt»*w at- loid 341J

••Wfc- Tote.--•4 •.Jw la-aix*..

n>. doable

I f t f s T<28 North

:>|w u QiId( ¡Tour fo u r | bold Tim I deslreM*

. s MadCweU ¡ jooms. 430 i^d. Open

> t u u n J tx»d eondi

■Prospect \pl»yew

stock,'" |e r with nil


l i t h voter - 'i llt lo n ; 113

: H ear, used galle» For

^SrTen Groff, :r.‘ W eit field. ;'lfa assort

P hJ And to i m

#eel*n* ' on , Avinue # m tl; Pro |»uei‘Phonoa "~n'¡losedafo A ¡t loeatlou

'9 to prompt .in ford HCitl- ittord. N. J, $ . «

- -Ìreat pared,’-lefty, cood jj\ut*s troni i quick, buy- .iJItltea pad - j • . . . \ t

^la'.realdötltlal;- *\u:lnT' Parle Leorner.VîW •

U»troet,|!ow l i e r . W tte r

jÿ; [aviator*

- J, V -■—•■|trtlea;*öln*.

. - lo m sttfid s ; 1 " * Burclufeid-

- "f&B.' ^

■1 iGbaiK-.' - p g ra n to rd | '

M BINTI furnished room», 'tousekeeplng. for '»119 North ave-­: "5 •■".-A ' *. - .

4 ‘228 North■ Minin'prefar

'f d a n d vrath. ' . ¡ « a F- 8 » 9

" Stivate-twihp,- V iijavan leD Ì.fc■ft Union ..*k*-.

- j -; ‘ê w ' -

tri'B pIsooj!^ ‘rfév. ‘ Sow jet6- -Jtveaue, K |s t

. 4 " » *»V (TOO11

' I — 't - , 7

'¿of ti»e Crw -’■‘•I Orantprd. b. -i-faqated to re-

no t re i'day of îio-

will be

! “ - S Sp w wbWW* i»ar>aa.a(; i iW e c 'O l r * i peutiM

‘M0ELt «tu betatan'I thMratul-

a? a ò r te ;I Mtwaaùzeuffouua* . ' '

S i n g*rwr


» r yT* r. - -,> rAT.

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j ù s s f e g r u s .

PM* 1W.Y-?

^¿1■ yifeXf

I l l i i l l l lH


«"* % - ' \ * „


Tow n Notes.


“ h m s o ia w ttO o e s» .|

■ A R W O R W R , A JV T * * "* * *(A n p U M M r M b Ä u W f i n .

. w n t u r j M tw u o etrr .tk em ju auu

i i u o p o w t v o <u D n


^ ^ . U tr b i . wpt-

****..“if0 «TXlnwdn mr<<- ■ Tivo a HaUowee’n p u t r teat »Tidaj even In* to «hleh a numbertoTked™U,* M ** bmWr*. were

Will the bor wb<> took .lark blue ■‘» ‘♦»er bjr mistake on Saturday at athletie tfeld. W«*.t Knd 1*ia«- pl«a«e return MUJie to lkd, ZimdrV i i . ,8 i.! ,^ iltL .K lS r v • .

lira itei-sle .\iian fo iller »d l el>-- TTw dtal at the H . t I n ij.t nan Ohurrh m Ros.He tills She »III b<i a^.i.t««l by \v J*a"ld'nr li® M ie’ »Id 1 a Is- MaxMke. Ac^unipatUst

The FInt National Hank of CTatv

P t n u n T PEKK HM I.M r W a d 4 i - C ] i l i ) M i m H a l» f e a <

fhSèd to ht» tawe^byY Ulnfim.Frit* Betoeeke, o t jîtw tierb ave­

nue. 1« away un a hunting trip.Mr» Y I». Snow. o t SyTWrtue. la

*twrvlln* a lew day» a t The River­side.. ..

Mr. M ae»«..!* eon lined to hlat tor uè mi K lutsbeth-nrenue by 111-tn-w

Mr * ,kL VIt' w 'l l i iu t b u a r t . J k u L the end of 1at


J g £ive a Hallow-' »The Casino Club n v ___

i tf f lf tlinee' oh Tuesday n lrh t Tb® rommago sale, given last

- i T w it, cleared over »200 for Trinity K erk*n fund. .

_ The Cranford Dramatlo Club will hold It» tin t, assembly thU M>ason at . the Casino tonight. •

; i Mr. end Mrs. I-ouls Rice of Sylves te r atroet. gave a Hallowe'en party

; for-teacher* on Tuesday evening.Mias Catherine Canda. Of Hamp-

. ton street, gave a llallowii’en party I-fo r her young friends on! Tuesday ^evening.! There was a meeting of the eve

jn tlve board of th e V. f, A. at the home of the president. Miss Lakey, thia afternoon, ■„ _ two eighth grades of the

, aeVetand School held Hallowe'en »Mtivltlea a t the school after hour* oa Mortday afternoon.

The V. L A. la planting a tree In Eaatmah Park this afternoon, in

- bohorp i the memory of Its founder, the Ikte Mr» Fannie K. Bate* jT tia Philafhea Circle will hold It*

‘ m eeting thl* lejuon a t the J»iOf Mra. Louis ‘ Mathey, on afield stteet. jtumorrow after'

Sarah Edmoud gave an *1 party for the faculty of the

^ e n d J c h o o l laat Monday pftev- f t iif te r ¡MbooL The company Dyed a picnic supper cooked In i wood» >

I Autre Chapter. Ne. 87. O. E. R.Ut fapld a . card party on r a d a r

ayenln* Nov, 3. a t Masonic Hall,Union avenue. Admission 35 cents. All welcome.

M r» 'F rank iprole of West End Placet, gave a supper party last Tuesday .evening, after which the entire company repaired to the G ulno dance.

H am pton Hall's latest festivity . wap a- card party given for the gm rta. - T h ere were refreshment» and Mr. L A. Rlffert and Mra Moses Craig wop prlies. -

The Jun ior Communicants leag u e

Sr» .a dance at the Parish House X R ld ay night, with Mr» C. O.

Albury In charge. They raised (20 for organization work.-:Tbem will be an unusually lnter-

eatlng speaker a t the Presbyterian prayer meeting next Wednesday avtnlng, Nov. 8, Mr. Archie Dyer,

t who will talk on Japanese Missions. On Oct.- 29, a t 1 p. m , Bernard

Duple**!» of 350 Chadwick avenue, ran in to Sergt. Maasa's motorcycle, bzbaklng th e light and scraping off

^ths palnt. The affair was settle.) St o f co u rt ~

Democratic Club of Cranford Bp' extends fo Commissioner rand his police force a word of

,_Sa for the courtesy shown to < Democratic candidates on fiat-

.Oct. 28t |L • . .laxt,M onday evening the Clerleus I-b* entertained at Trinity Par- Houaei dinner being syrved by -pariah Circle. There will lie

jw a speaker» among them 'the f, John Oumore, of Bound Brook.inlas the Poverty Party to

jxrln November by the Young nts Biblw-Clasadn the chapel

i Presbyterian Ctiurch. Here's ‘ ehance to wear your ohl ; Evejybody welcome. Watch ’ nt of date.

B lack G at» otherwise the j Carolyn Christy. Kstharln* ill Dorothy Jonea Sally Hayes

r f l v r t e t Van Sana gave a Hsl- a'an party a t the Bluebird Tea

i las t Saturday n ig h t . About .gneats were present.

rPMday, Nov. 10th. a thimble “ be given by Mr» Troslow.

deer and Mr» Davis at H a lt for the benefit of

Bb-'Otian fund of Trinity Church, n tdval program baa been arranged

L-eordfcJ Invitation is extended | | 6 NO: . - ■.1 . iftt and Mr» W. William» of Sji-

r s t r e e t gave a spook party on sy evening, with appropriate it Ions and game» ou esti

i Mr. and Mr» H. UJton, Mr. arid » -W. GcmleT, Sir. and Mr» Saav- “Mr. and Mr» R. Richards a id <a»d Mr» George Miller.

Side Civic Association will ; tonight a t Lincoln School. The

„oaed^new Association House fb e th e prlncipal subject for dls- ttan .. The Welfare COnmtttea

n ex t m eeting of Ltncoln-Sher- l bavo eharga of th e pkogram at

ford w lltM art'tiuS thci.'lW . niU-r ft ' - N - *1 eriuli to . do business ha. tK-vn granted by the tWurolU-r of the t iirtency and the new hank could Iwgln operation* Ik-fore ihH-etntwr I. but the building In which the hank will Ih> loeate.1 1. not vrt ready. : '

l.a*t fiatunlay a Jlrney lnvv. -driven hy Sumner Van Darstel ot Moun lalnside. and a .car driven by llarry Thurgaland of Roselle, came to gether at Hampton »tpc-t and Springfield avenue.. The left »heel of the jlttiey wa* taken off and ThuTgalandV car liurt »* to inuii guards, etc. No otn- hurt ■ No arrest*.. . .

Tlte High School field . at West End'P lace will be the scene of a mighty fine football game on Satur­day of this week, when the Cranford Veterans oppose the (’olpn>d Star» the only colored team playing pro­fessional football in the East. The Colored Stars conn- highly recom­mended and will make th e local team step at a lively gait to come out on top.

The Boy Scouts had a Hallowe'en party_at tile Parish House last Hat itrilay night. They have already be­gun rltle , Tin K ettle Hill, and basket' halt practice Will he started tomorrow night a St.Paul's Parish House, Westfield.The Scout football team are to have a game with the Short llllls team on Saturday morning. So tar the home leant has not lost a game thl* sea­son.

Armistice Day Committee met at the Township Rooms last night, making tentative plans for a pro­gram. ThU will consist of appro­priate exercises at the Memorial on Armistice Day iXov, 111 a t 4:30 In tlio afternoon. The complete pro­gram will bo printed next week.The Committee consists of Edward Everett, H N. Flake. I). J. Arnold.E. A. Cmlksliank. Ktlw..Washburn,Andrew Macl.'onpell, Jiunes 11. Dry- den. J. 1.1. Frazier and Frank Morris

The Cranford Theatre presents an unuaual list of productions for the coming week. On Thursday. James Oliver Curwood's story T h e Olrl from Porcupine."...On Friday, Ray­mond Hitchcock, Louise Faaetid» the Falrtianks Twin» Jantes J. Cor- hett fiid Tlllly II. Van lu T h e Beauty Shop. On Saturday, one of Earl Derr Riggers "John Henry" stories, entitled T o o Much Bust ness." one of the boat light come­dies of the year. On Monday. Mar Ion Davies In Mario Corellis story T h e Young D iana" On Tuesday.

ciiK-ctml t h i s - w e e k : —

Mt* I - H. MtKiro «1 ( latemunr l iso-, gau- a Halloween party on riuwaav night.- . - - !

RvtH-rt Drotwher. J r . of Lincoln a n nu<-.. rvturned last night from

Miss Flattie IVsIuotid uf West Knd I lace, lias Uvo conlint-d to her otilin-liy a —t-t in- cold • •

II on aid J t-ji-rntu- of Central avc- iiui-. 1» on a t-uilni-iyi tr ip for several week* through the,W est, ■

Mi* Ralph |>e Sito. nl ,Vg> Qan- Iral aieiHie, will leant for a trip Smith, to Its* gone a month. '

VIt** Jane Ducll, ot New York, waa, the ittskssnd gt»-»l of Mlaa Sally lla ji-C of Pittsth-lil stres-t,

Heffwot P. ltrock of ilun-hUeld at ,imt'.(i-rt Kimday for"ai w ee fi trip tfirough Michigan aitd Ohio.

Mr*. Clarence Voorhee« left Oak- cy Hall for Windsor. tVmn, where -he will make an IndelVnlte stay.

M1— Carolyn Christy, of Hampton •treet, t-ntertalnisl Ml**- Klsa KrotL of Plalnlh-ltl; over tlie wt-ekend.

Mr* MeQuold, of Hampton Hall, ha* a new grandchild, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. K. lV Hnthb, of West Held . . . -

Mr», S|K'ttcer Warner, ul Si'venth -treel. w»s called to Erie. P»^ last Saturday, hy the serious illness of her-mottief;— :— -------------------- -—

m m u t y u u « v a o» u »n o » a t — ---------------

■WV , ■■ .... Cl-------------------------■¿A *tt*m s ta te ti» vrttktkair Instrument* of wMyfft, wfU k» In tYanford a t Ih» ChrtsUmi an4 Missionary AUiancv n > ip il sasxt •htmUty a t throe o'cVwk h» tb* at- temosm. These students are pro-

‘ ‘ tliwparing ft*- Christian senrlro s t tW tn thl* bawl or some forolgn fl*M of the Alliance ' Rome of them are

^.^iiinaL jm iudgtet» . .« hi.*• _ and play hutrum ontal jehs-thm * The twhile Is Invited toa t t e n d ............ '

hm* J,, ,< slarted the W inter Bible study elasae» Thsbook now UMng taught 1» the eptotla of Jude, This book Is tull o t tnisreat since* .w ith apostasy «f th* past and of the present day. la It Ihbre *ri- given historical Instants* o t apostasy amt tlie Judgment th a t follow ist Then individual apostate* are clearly described, so th a t no one reading this account need gu«*a who 1*. and who 1« not, teaching th* tru th The book endi wtth a state-meTH oT the bellevshi Kerandoldduty and with a eomforttng dox- ologi Ttieee studies are given Thursday nights.

Regular scry Ice*8<mdsy-»:t5 » la , Bible School.

It » m, worship: _7 p in:, prayer: itB nv. preaching.

Tuesday, -* p. nv. Young peopla Wednesday, 10 » m» Wortum*

prayer circle. ....... .....Ttnirsday. * n, nv. Blbl* study, ftor Irving u . Holt, Pastor. Ch»fK-l. 10K W alnut avenu»

T h e Young Ulan» u n iuctuo . ■ special holiday show, Wallace Held tn T h e Dictator" from the pen «1 Richard Harding Davis.■■ - r

The member* of the Young Wo­men's Bible Class of the Presbyter lan Church, turned out In good style Sunday morning. Service was conducted hy the1 Devotional Com­m ittee and Miss Sharpie«» gave a good talk ori Temperance, after which there d a s a gem-rsl discus­sion on this subject. The class plans Ur take In several new mem- •era next Sunday, and visitors and new members will slway* be wel­come. Sunday evening a delegation from the Bible Class, accompanied the Young Men'# Bible Class to Ma­dison Avenue Prewbyterlan Church In Elizabeth, where the Joung Meu conducted the service. Mr. LaRge« talk .was certainly Interesting to every member of the delegation.

Mr. anil Mr» Geo. Rolllnsoli have sold their Home on Holly «>“leave shortly for Callfornl» Satur­day evening a number of their friends gave- them , a farewell sur- nrlso party.-lirlnglng -tt»- refresle inent» decoration» chalrs and «llsh7 es with them, and a delightful >y -fl­ing .was enjoyed by alL Among tlmse who surprised them w oro-M r.and Mr» William Peeke of " T ' 1!.' ' Mr. and Mr» Cha» Peeke of Plain field, Mr. and Mr» Geo. Miller, Mrs Florence Miller-Smith. Mr. and Mrs Sydney Smith. M r» Rose Murray; Ml** Elsie H einrich Ml** 'Lillian Gitker. Mis* Emilio Sanderson, and Jolm Somerville of Cranfonl. Mr- ind Mra Henry ElwciJ and Richard Hertnsdorf of Roselle, and AJ Smith of New York.

- : o o oBolen Latiurma Morton

Solon Lathrope Norton ot 311 >• , 'nlon avenue, died last Saturday. Oct: 28th. a i his borne, from Injuries received In an automobile accident at Broad street and Springfield ave­nue. Westfield ten day* ago: Mr,Norton waa bom In Buffalo. V .Y.. th» sen ot th e late John Norton andMary Stuart Norton, of That city. He was an employee for flftTT*ars of the United S ta te r Treasury De­partment In New York, and was «till actively engaged a t tlte tim e of hla death. He came to Cranford twenty years ago, from New Yarik w ith hi* family. Mrs, Norton died six months ago. - ,

Mr. Norton wraa Mrenty-four year# o ld He waa a .member of F , A A. M-. was held a t 2 pi xa last Tuesday, ax of WaahlngtoQ. D C. The fuoefal was held a t hla la te borne on Union avenue, Tuesday. Interm ent was In the family plot a t Fslrrlew Cem- «*«* ■ ' ' '

WILL CLOSE XfJCOTIOR DAYNext Tuesday (November 7i being

a boUday.’Cranfora store* will cloafe The batcher» will close all day and the grocer* and green grocers half a day.'H otuekaepets will do wall to keep th is Bb mind. : .

Mr and Mrs, Philip, lla ll of Or- chan! street, will sail (or England on tins (»lymplc uii Saturday, to bo absent'¿•cvt?r*rw'W'K*.- n-turnltig tin- fore Christmas.

Mrs Juan Barges and Miss Sher­man. el Nuniiau Place, entertained friends-wt a Hallowe'en party last Tuesday evening.

Mrs. -George Damon, ef Madison avenue, whose shoulder was dislo­cated hy a fall recently. 1* reported to In- convalescent.

Mr* Howard Jensenlus of Central avenue, and her son are spending several weeks with her sister at Ausalde Chasm, N. V.

Mr, and Mrs. Iziwrenee V. Cole­man, ,of Iterkeley Place, have re­turned from a trip to Atlantic City and Washington. 1>. '

Mr. and'.Mrs. MelvIlto.R Miller en­tertained over the week-end, Mr» Jolm A Lynch, wife of the Borough President ot Blchmnd,__MIsa Isalml Breckinridge. aUtcr ofMr. Bar' Hrecklnrdlgc-. of Casino avenue. - !has t lieett M'rh>usl>‘ III In New York. lmt.,|s trow jm teh hetier,

fiouls Iziwrence, of Ctjlon avenue, who was, seriously Injunfd In ait au­tomobile accident two weeks ago. was hrodght home from the Muhlwt- hi-rg llo-pltal on Monday afternoon.

POLICE NEWSCounty Detective, J. A. Galatian

has notlllisl police hcaduuartora that the Italian, Pro»i>er l)LAUo*- sandro. who was arrested on OcL 23. »* a vagarant. anil given twonty days In the County JalL escaped on Oct, 18; from Central [slip fitate Hospital, l e n t Island. Officer Mar­tin encountered the man on North aveniio at 10 p. m., and brought him to iiollce lieadiiuarter*. whoro ho was found to be . wearing prison «hoes. . and iindefclotlie* marked "No 1. C. I. H. 'll." Inquiries were sent out over the County telephone, resulting in-the man’s Identification through Information obfttfeied from tin- Albany Slate Department.

On -Monday la*t. O. Drown, of Cranford, summoned hy CUlflJLHon- nessey for driving over the side­walk. was lined *1.

Frank Sanders and Mlkp Huston to. were summoned hy Sergt, Massa for ill«ord<;rly conduct. The case was dl-missed. '

Ren Williams of 5W8‘ Lenos avo mu-, V Y,. forfeited a deposit of J2U ior-lgnuring—a-suw uona-by HergL

O. A. A.A '.nerting of the (llrl'a Athlatlc

'.^sMclailon was held on Monday, iirtoiier aith, at thj> home of th* president. Ml*« Omstanc* Burnett. The hii-inejw m eeting ronaUted of a brjèf summary of old bualnsas with nu n-iwota Athletic* than took place Refreshment* tollowsd that were enjoyed by all. - ■

Jhe/s /r R E C E D I

«read «tow#*, BUnbath o y t l M i l l i l l l i n

'iJicätre¡ U M llt


NOVEMBER 5, 6, 7 i i

. 1 1




7 -NOVEMBER 8. 9, 10

APOLLO PHARMACYW* are batdquartM* fs r—

Sick Room Supplita. Fever T htm esastsrs

Fssdlag Oups Orasi Tub*«

- W atarBotU esFouotala Byrlagsa •Bad T s m .

' Douche Pea*Urinal*

v Huns'* Ohsrt*Invalid Ouabion* ics BagsCotton and Baadagoa . '

Ton at* »uro ot, getting Just What yew want, so a miaul*’* aotls* la this tin*. 1

Apollo Drug Storeir 1 F . M O B K H , H e r .

Thii ApeUo P u ti Up F m e t1pU «u

D ust”Continuous from 1.30 to I I P. M.

A. C. PIke Hardware Co., Inc.• HMojauarters for



8 North Avenue .

i-asassosoaaosocscoasM ssst

S B i t r a u i , THBATftBj

YVaahlngiort Street. Nowark Smoking Perm itted Tot 099» MuL

Ladles ftlatlne« E* nr Day

Weak Swa. Mat. Nav. I th .TEMPTATIONli OP 19.1T

, ■ PraaentlngDANNY MURPHY and

DON "M. CLARK #Something New In Buriasquo

Wook Sun. Nor. Utb^-"Folly T*wa”

LAWRENCE F. DOYLE Automobil* Repairing

and OvarhaulingT*L ; 1M Ooataaalal A*«

Two family house on Grove Street........,.„$5900.00Two one-family houses on Grove Street.

each............................... ................ $6000.00~‘ On*r family house UB"Walnut Avenue...„.„$7500.00

One family house on Walnut Avenue....... $8500.00Double house on Walnut' Avenue........„„$13,500.00

P o p RentMany houses, good locations, from $60,00 up.

I h s u r a i i o eEvery description, promptly nnd correctly written,

Courteous and efficient service.

Realty and Insurance DepartmentCRANFORD TRUST CO.


Mu—h tn appear for spending.

FIRST M « CHURCH . Rev. R. L. Luorleh, PsatorC .im m u n h m servlet- and baptism ■Sunday morning at H u'clof-k; Hun- <lav Siliool at !»:t5 » m . afisrp. IfmisAi'lr Mon's Bible flana a t the -ain/- hour.- Mr. Fisher, teacher; Kiidorth D-aguo at 7 p. n».: even in^ u-riuun at 8 «'clock,/Tin- series ot ctiurch . training night* have been Ix-gnn. The second

'tin -. m-rii-* was held Wednesday i-jij nlng. preyi-ihil by supper a t the •¿mrih from six to agycn o’clock. foL Ihdcd by • study classes In various phase* of Christian ondeavor. Thl* program will bo continued every VVednewlay evening.

Tie- young men of the Ltncbln Bible Class of the Sunday School held a f Halloween social at the church Tu«day evening, "

'Hie Men* Bowling C lub. will go to West Held. ' “ ‘ '

Venice Shoe Repairing Co.— ■ ,'9 • - and ■ '

Shoe Shining ParlorHATS CLEANED AND


A0 Our- Work is fitpranteod n union ave. h. objubfobd

n o * u uLady Luck Rulw Use«*.

A popolar cupmtlUon •loong race follower! 1* that If (be money ased for betting box been-carried for throe' days lo a w«n*n'» srorirtng It will bring a ijda. . ' ■ .


; :.f, ‘X/X.




AnDomtiBg the Openmg of a Ford AgeoqIN CRANFORD

Wo will carry a complete stock of O eaulne Ford Parts, Supplies an d Equipm ent

H" V PRICES: '■ ' ' ' V , f . 0. » . Detroit) ' . - . . . -

CHASSIS ...$235. . .RUNABOirr^..„.........„„.;..z“ .„.....;„........ 2m

TOURING C A R ..... .... 296: TRUCK CHASSIS .... ............. 380- COUPE ............. ......... ................... ................. „ 530

SEDAN....... Ofa**»awd*a« *0******••*■• .........................‘1............. 896 ‘ '

Tboo* are the lowest yrlss* of F o ri Oars la tb* bUtory of th* Ford Kotoff Oosapoay. ■ . .

- Ozdaia are a a te a g I s fa*» a* ylas* your*^promptly lo tasaxe early dollvoryz

Cranford M o to r1 oar Company_ 3941 NORIK AVE., EAST . , ______


„ \*i : _.'u. *Tt- «

aiUàiLxsL'vS - ’f~ *'*

TheHam Sandwich

V B r I. W R IG H T %

(© hr ilcClur. ft'.wayajM>r Sjndlcatab) ,-M eruU i..I'u tfuer #tr(ilgl(teiieil“ « p

from h i* . crum ped pokltlon over the engine und rubbed tit» greasy hands duwn tbe tun overalls b’e were* “I tell you, Dave,” he »aid, w ith u sigh, ‘ i'm going u|> to th a t house and usk for a drink or tvuter. 1 need a Ilttld som ething a fte r th ree hours' of (his work." r 1 . .

The mau lying la the road under the car snorted. “O' wan, then," he re to rt­ed shortly, “We're not going to cull a garage m an In for tliU little Job If I t lakes all day.”

Xo, th a t’s nil righ t w ith me—but


O li’l ’Y-KOlIlt sln tes òf Ilio Union hn\v noi-opt. ed thè loniis of Ilio Khepinird Tow iior ma- tcrn tly m i, Tlio slntes

i of New York mid l lth o d o Islnnd liève re­' fusoti.' '. (lev. l ’crclval . l i . .. Uuxlcr— of - Moine luta ni so refused, pomi-

,,lnfc\ declslon hy , Ilio . , -w utl, I eglslullire. AndJm w cnmos Mmoutchi uniti*, wlilcli lui* Inslrueted-11» «tttiniey generiti to In­stillilo proreedlnga to te» ! thu eonstltu- tloniillty òT ilio hot •’

. ltepresi'iitntlve U um ee M, Tew ner o f Michigan, otte of thn niitliors of Ilio Inw, defeoded thè Invy In n spei'eh In thè .house, litui pnt thè eliso thlis:

Mr. T ow neri Ttie Ipiestlun lini»T rèlsed Ity Mussneliusetta. la, ivliethor

tliere In eoiiNlltolloiml snoetlon for th è niHlernlty luw. It i» cllilmed hy thè. conicstimta limi Ihe Conti II ut firn o f Ihe United Stilli'« dee« noi grani- piover lo cojjgress lo tnx Ihe ptVqfio "for thè pcptuotloh of-the, welfnru and li.vgleno of iiuiternUy nnd. Infuncy,”

. Il Is true, uà stn ted hy the-MnaaiR chusctts ntiorney generai, thnt thè nathnml governinoli!-Ims ònly llmlted and enum erateli polverìi; tliitt.-.aneli «nulnoirnmt'-pottet-N tire stateti In urti- d e 1 sed im i 8 o f th è Constltutlón ; nnd timi all power» net tinta emuner- jttiidr'pr thóse necessnry fo r cnrrylng Itile offerì thè pioverà tlma grnnted, nro reserved to thè atntea o r thè people. It la thè eiintontten o f ilio propwnent» e f fida loghliitlen tim i It la eleurly nnd fnlly nuthorlred hy tlle fi rat parngrnph H f n r tid e 1 sectlon 8

—o f tlir- UtiiistlieHen;— Sntd'iinrngrùjih la ns feltow s:

..uro overburdened w ith federili' Inter- ferem-e tind -cullimi, pud olir citizen*

l‘S li Ìnd mir nipijrod er olile

•d by Tod- illlelnls from

"The éongresa aliali hnvo power to lay nnd colico! tnxes. dulie*, Importa, nnd cxclsos to pnjr thè dehta nnd pro- vlde for thè rnmmon defenae lind 'gen­eriti w elfnre o f thè United States.". Oongresa hy. thè piismige of thè n rt In qucstlun, nnd th è I'resldcnt by hla approvai, Imve deelared tlmt thè legla- latlon wlll [immote Ilio •’generai wel­fare of Ihe Uniteti State*.“ ' If »o Ilio

- ne t la dlreetly under thè nuthorfty of • spedllcaUy atnrthì and enum erateli pow er granied hy tlie Uonnillu tion to_

'nnd Indùstrie» ¡nre In] orai Inspectin'* uluV ot W ashington _ The decision n f (he Unlti-d biute»

huprpiue court na to thè constitution- nllty of thè. ninlernlty net will, of (’Olirne, he inviliteli with In te res t,. a» the law- la e f niitlon-wlde Import linee.

Moreover, the controversy Is of Im­portance hrenii»c the ex­tent to whirl) th is 'coun try Is being governed hy hiireau». In lids ' connec­tion .the followlug po in t/ uiiiile h.v Mr. Tow ner h h is‘ ad d ress .In support of IJ)o eotiHlUiitlonnllty of the net nro of tuition-wide Interest, Inasmuch it's he proci leu I l.v e iiiiineriiles 'the Hctlv- ,lliea-.of.4lre government which Ini. says uro iiiiiH>iini ft tit IminI If the m aternity act Is imcenNiltnileiml: ’

l.llernlly hundred» of nets Imvn hern passisi hy emigre»» which hnvo .no ' express nor Implied eonstlliilloniil sanction, except tha t tiiey were Justi­fied tinder The general-welfare, clause.

Indeed, tm'wt. In niimher at least, of tile law s curryIn_R_iipproprlntlons-whlch nro .now m ade m ust lindi Justification for th e ir- eim ctm ent In the power granted to congress to appropriate fu» the public welfnre. If appropriations

not Justified In. the“ present

congress. .Governor llnx tcr of Maine, In ' h it

- proclam ation says In p n rt;“P arin g the .World w ar the 'pow er of

the federol government over the sta tes o f the Union w as extended beyond precedent. The tim e now has arrived, however, when our sta te s should lie restored to their .form er M atu»-and- should guard against further - ’en­croachment. The founders of this gov­ernment saw the mer.nee o f federal control, and from W ashington’* time to the p re se t! our g reatest statesm en have .warned ngnlnst It. Already we

'an- hot justified in. the present In Btnhro.’ many o f 'tiro 'p re sen t activ ities of the general government would have to ho discontinued.

In th e T reasury departm ent wo have established th e federal farm loan board, which I» m aking loan» to farm ­ers all ovor th e U nited States, ■■.•.This Is w ithout any constitutional w arran t, under th e attorney, gcncm lV-epInlon.

T he entlri« publichoiilth service of-tho goyeminentNjvould likewise fnll under the litm. Scientific 'Investigation nnd Studies of diseases, the m enial and Ifi. dust rial h .v g lo iie o fi- id ijrc n .n irn lsn n -llntlon, ptthlle health mlmlnlstrhtlon. etc.—all thoso aetlvllle», reqalrlnii' many mllloti» from th e natlonni treas­ury, nro- now cnrrlod on by th e gen­eral goyormnent. - .

Then-then*,IS th e bureau of educa- th in ; th e reclam ation service; the bu­reau of mines, and Indeed, th e whole

D epartm ent o f Im lior: none of 41,esc ha« any constitutional sanction under Ihe contention now urged against th is law. -

In th e D epartm ent o f A griculture tens of m illions a re spen t on such mat-

The Cut Glass Age.T here was ja rough »tone age and a

■month stone ngo nnd h hronzo age. and many yearn afterw ards, a cut gtaaa age. In the cu t glass age, when young ladles had persuaded young men ■with k a s , curly m ustaches to m arry

jfpTir-aaycrar montht

eiH ns farm ummigouteiit aatl farm economics ; on fnrocii»tlng tlut/w eulh- e r ; on the care and ilevclopment a t llvo stock ; on studies o f p lan t Ilf« ; on studies, of In se c ts ;.o n Vrop eatl- , m ates; lind the (listrlhulloii and m ur-J ketlag o f farm protluetH,.

In tho K epiirtm ent o f I.nlmr the ehlldren'» bureuu I* founll. Tho sumo depniim ent has also a wom an’s .bu­reau which form ulates standard* und policies to prom ote tho w elfare of wago-oitriling w om en. T h e ilepnrtment uls'o, nmlntnln* the United State»eniph>,viiieht_seryll'«. ~__ ___ ^

Tho .govoruim'ut ,ul»o support a th a Smlthnohlanx Inailtutton for ' "thel Increase fïTTïJ dlfiiuslou o f know lodge mining men.” . Tljo iUnlfed S tates Na­tional museum uud tliu Natluniil dal- lory o f Art* arc also supported from the national treasu ry .

Then tliere Is tint federal trade com­mission, charged with llm supervision of private c o rp o ra tio n s ;'.ih e United Klales shipping .heard , w h ich la th e largest shipping 'concern In the world engiigtgl I,, the business of oceantransporta tion ; and th u -W a r ’N uance corporation, which.I* now fumlHhlngniiuls from tlio iiiiMonul tn*umiry to finance the export of farm products and la lending looney to farinera.

In making appropriations congress has gone fa r beyond- these Instances. When earthquake* occur, when Hoods rouie, « tien m m pSJ any calam ity of nmgnlt m |e oeettraH t home or abroad, wo make 'contributions from the nu- tl'onnl treasury In th e lr iild. ' We a je pioprln te not only- for ivorUl'a fair* ut homo hut ivo also tuke money from tho national trensury to mnke exlithlt» In Ilriir.ll and elsewhere. \Ve senil »ecd w heat to our own drought- »trleken fnrniers. nnd il3 not hesi­ta te to appropria te Î1U,000,000 for tho relief of Husxhm pensums. It should he remembered thnt ive have tiimle ap- pri'iirlatluna—fur—th e —e e le h ru lle n -la M assachusetts of the landing of th e Pilgrims, ami the people o f that com­monwealth hiivo gladly received moms' from tho n a tio n a l. treasury to help eradicate ' th e chestnut blight from their forests nnd their .park*. T hey have received and used national up- propriatlons'-trt a id th e ir schools andhelp, build th e ir rouds.. ____

It Is dinieult to uudcrstnm i why a ll 'hose' and hundreds of o th er appropri­ations a re allowed to pus* w ith accept­ance-or-tacit approval nnd ¡ill'the pow­ers of ihe commonwealth a re launched to defeat the beneficent (>{>cra!Um of the m aternity act.- Mr. Tow ner also described the Mor­rill net of lSè», under which the s tè le agricultural Colleges w ere estab­lished; th e H atch ac t of 1887, estab­lishing experim ent sta tions; the Smith­Lever ac t of 1014. under which thennnnnl ■' annronrintlon» rmwmm__ ^î t .cSO.IXK) ; th e Smith-Hughes net o f 1017 for, w ith a maximum annual appropriation o f $7,000,000; and th é federal aid rood law of—1010, under which congress has recently appropriated $.’>0,000.000 for the coming yeur.

I'm going to huve a drink of w ater. And say—If 1 taw u hum sandwich right now—wlmt I wouldn't do to It I”

"T or a civil engineer with a nice, new diploma from college und a p retty fratern ity , pln thiit glrt -ev er-y e t suecSediid In getting awuy— well, you

a hke a hungry 'trum p.” And tho In the road turned over on lit»

ble and »treteheil two fingers up into y h v m otor mill said som ething softly

under Ids breath,’ ’ut- th e liotilte on the hill a girl

with soft goblet. Iiulr noil violet eyes stood oil the porch, watching the prog­ress of the mm, rntniug up> ”111» fig­ure- 1« like Merwln’s,” she whispered to herself,. ‘T h it llen y ln —’■ site sighed a little anti «ut down a t the white kitchen table, which was «pread with tw ir large: Iwivcs of hretlil, butter, mus­ta rd and pretty pink hum.

‘‘JIuy—may 1 have u drink o f wa­te r?” usked-M erw iirPnlm er a tuoment later. "Thin heat Is frightful."

T he girl with the violet eyes did not look dp from h er bread cutting. "The pump Is there and the dipper Is hang­ing In th e apple tree directly above. H elp yourself.” l le r voice w as lo lt und her tone cord In I. '

A* soon a» he laid turned to go to th e pum p she looked a fte r him. Afraid of tramp», she was somehow faselnuted by his figure—a figure no sim ilar to

“Aren’t you F a itb V a xta w T 1 ' 1m asked. ■■■■ . ■ '»• ,

She looked a t bint now In surprise . -Y es."

T ip —i■ .“ You're never Jle rw ln P a lm e r r sho

gasped.H e nodded placidly. T m glad yon

remembered. I thought you didn’t, and—”

She laughed nervously. “Well, why .—why didn 't you say so ¿ t the s ta rt? t thought—you— thought'you*' w ere » tram p—In those -clothes—”

H e stored a t h is tan overalls. "Tha ear broke down sa d Dave and I thought we’d tlx It ourselves.”

T here was a s tra in ed silence a s each followed thoughts concerning an e v e nlng w here th e re w as dancing, a bal­cony, certain words—and then th e In­terruption of a crowd of dancers.

1 ’’Y' know—” It was Merwln Palm er who broke the alienee. As be spoke he w as unfastening th e shoulder strap of his overall,' revealing a well-cut su lt hooeath,—‘‘Y’ know, I a lw ays hnda notion. Faith, th a t my fra te rn ity pin would look b e tte r on you than on any one else In the w o rld ; suppose we—” H e w as holding o u t th e pip, which had never before been ‘ou t o f h is hands.

A short made them tu rn urouod. “So th is Is what you call getting a ’drink o f w ater' while I He under th a t ca r nnd sw eat!” I t w as Dave, hot and tired.

’H ere’s a sandw ich and there’s the d ipper fa r down th e ynrd there by the pump. O’wtm and get a drink,” urged M erwln I’nhaer, w ith m ore cordiality thnu lie lind ev er shown before, “O’wun, ive’re busy here

“W ould You C ara fo r a Ham Sandwlch?"

the college mini she lind m et In* tlie city. Ills shoulders drooped a s he pumped, nnd he looked very tired. When he railed .out “T hanks” she was again looking a t her bread. 4

I f ho sta red at her quccrly she did nor .know’ - .I t , ' for -«ho w us not -even glancing his way. ■ ,

' ’Maybe tram ps nre a lazy lot and don’t deserve anything.” she sold liiilf aloud, “htlt I ’ll bet a sandwich would tas te good to him. S ay !” »he culled out. She did not know how to address ■hint, and “say” - seeuihd to be.odequatel

H e turned. :Would you core fo r a ham sand­

wich?” . ■l i e turned nnd hurried toward her. For. q m om enf she was startled . She

hnd hoard dreadful ta les o f tram ps knocking girls senseless and golug through the house-to -take everything of .value; she had heard of ode place nuar the next town where a tram p had se t lire to the house. She alm ost' re­gretted her Impulse.

”1 don’t know that you’re -hungry,” ■«he »aid timidly. He looked so. large now thnt he w as coming up the 'porch steps and In tho screen door,. “B ut—I


F ijian Natives Evidently Look on" Precious Metal a s Something W orth

Only W hat It W eighs. —

O rdinary money I* entlreiy unknown am ongst ihe In hab itan ts of sumo of th e more remote FIJInn Islands In the South Pacific ocean, Its place being ta,ken by plug tobacco-—so inuny sticks being w orth one pig o r one wife, as the case mny be, w rites Col. T. It. St. Johnmon, form erly d istric t commis­sioner fo r FIJI.

One d a y a trad ing schooner pn t In nt Apeimnnn Island hnvlnk on hoard a goat, n heiist never before seen .by the astonished eyes o t th e ' natives.

T o please the “ king” of tho place th e trad er made him n p resent of the ntilnml. which, ns 1» the playful habit of goals, had been accustom ed to chew up anything offered to It. even to ­bacco.

“W lint do you feed It on?” ask the king. ..

''Toli.-irco,'' rcpl led - th e schooner’s | - enptahi, I lit - mlschle(,)oun mood, nnd thereupon handed it a stick , w h ich it prom ptly nte up, . .1-■‘T a k e It mvny!" cried tho horrified k ing; “I »hall he ruined In n w eek!”

Somewhere In FIJI there exist rich gold dep o sits , hut no one know* their whereabouts, for the native*: nre ex­trao rd in arily - re ticen t regarding, this one subject. Colonel St. .Johnson tells of the.fid lm rtng .re innrk iilde Incident:

One difyTirTrjfder’ brought him two specimens o f ipmi'tz richly veined w ith goh!._- They laid been hidden In one of n .num ber4if lings uf. copra (dried coconut) hroiight In by som e natives; thc iihject being, n o t to stnngglc the gold, hut to nild to tltu,H eight of the contents-- of the hag, und so defraud the purchaser, ■

T he colonel him self tested the spool mens, which proved to Jio very rich In­

d e e d In the precious m etal. The trader a t once began to m ake Inquiries its to who had p u t “stones” In their sack of copra, hut the natives Inmklncd n trap , nail not one would own up. de­spite hi* ofifer of “ no aw kw ard ques­tions and u rich, rew ard.’’ And to till* day th e mystery has never been solved.

g g § g | <standard-bred f o w l s b e s t -

e B8 ProductlonHi Greatly l„crej„ 4 oy . Usjnp Improved Cockerelt

on Mongrel Hens. '

Standard-bred bens lay more «-•,th an m o n g re ls .-T h e ability to ¡ .good many eggs Is an Inherlte-l - .g lty. Many standard-brisi Lbreeders have lotlg realized » « / >., Vortance of high egg production ,V j have selected the ir stock for iuipm-,^ inent. One thousand standardhre t pullets a t the Connecticut egg-lay;.,, cont*.-fit produced, o n -an avprag ,— I eggs each! while a t New Jersey •>', record was 181 eggs fo r each pulle; F locks of m ongrels usually produce from about 75 to 004g |(s per lien

T he Kansa s S ta te Agricult u ra l col­lege completed an Interesting Ing experim ent recently. r o :m„.’.n mongrel hens w ere bred to standard-■ bred • m ales from good laying s t . „ i 'The Increase In th e , production ,.f th e offspring ad coutpared to th a t'o f th e ouqthers w-us laietmmenal. Tbc. mongrel hens in one pen pn«hiiv»|104 eggs each In a year. T heir d.-.o;:> lers, from a standard-bred P.irr. I Itock mule produced L it gs. t second generation, produced h ’Ji v -d-» and the third. ”07. .With.,single ,„t.' W hite Leghorn cockerels and in.u gr,d bens, the results w e re -e v e n - tm ire ¡t-t tnctilnr. The egg production was in- qreased frotu 74 to IDS eggs for each hen in Just three y.-nrs.

A Hock of uniform site, type, nnd Color always looks better than a t! , k 3f mongrels, n w n ers take more nMde.

i« - ». *mI t,M‘n ,h c s ,ru KSle fo r ex-¡stenee^ began. T he hqubon dish lo»t -t* . ilttlo h an d le iQd hfcnoi^ a pin tray _ u p s ta irs ; a prom enading cat knocked the li ttle bowl off th e side­board, and the h ired g lrf chipped the uilddle-elied one w ith th e sugar d ish ;

..Mi* wine glasses succumbed to leg fracture«^ and even th«__ dinner glasses disappeared, one by one Ilka V**.**” u tu * tfi***™» th e lakt one end- r L y *. .WWW wad- maimed, aa t u

‘ “ »W iki

genteel» on the bathroom shelf.—From “Flappers and Philosophers,” by F, Scott Fltxgernld. ' ’

, Good-Tim a Coming .for Benny. I \Vc have o ften said of s certain lit­

tle boy In th e neighborhood whose m other Is dead thn t Ids dad was both m other and fa th e r to him. T he father m arried recently , and Sonny, on hear- lag tho oew«, clapped hi» hands and *>ld: T m eo glad fo r B enny; he'll jMT* . i womaui noUwraw ***-” r ’(- L, ■ . „ tW,„

Thmtgl.i a ham saoctwlcli—“: “Why,” he »aid cordially, In n boom­ing voice, “Ud commit m urder right now for a ham sandwich. I was Just telling my pal down th e road th a t a ham suiitUvlrh— ' . '

She paled : he had a pal down the road—she (Ud not dare look n t him.

“May .1 h rfjt m yself’ ’’ }ic asked ns she made no cfTort to hand Mm theplate. ; ■ J, ,

She nodded; her th roat felt dry and hot and she wished thnt some o f the family were horn*. “You—ynu m ight take one nlong to . your—pal—“ she ■aid lo a very little yMce. .

“Fine—” he said, eating the sand­wich with great relish. “Although a fellow who sw ears a s he does doesn’t deserve anything as good as th is. Itseem s to me th a t yon have met me__”h s «aid, and then stopped short.

H er face flam ed; why had she called back w hen h e w as on h i t why o a t

Standard-Bred Barred Rock Cockerel,

In good looking h ln lju im l give il.ein better euro. The hen* re>!'nnd qui' -Iy to good cure und produce gi,-.tter profits. " " »

L'ggs and m arket poultry pr—lu.-ed by a thick, of- stamhird-hre'd t lio iem are uniform In *lze, shape. c»l»r end quality and are consequently »*rlli m ure on the m arket.


-Requests for In form ation . From De­partm ent of A griculture Average

.50 to 75 L etters bony. '

Wind Caused B y 'the Sun _W hen any purt o f the ea rth becomes

heated by the sun’s rays the n lr be-eutues th inner und rises. As It goes up u current- of cooler a i r tnkes Its place, thus causlug the disturbance called wlntL Likewise, damp a ir— which Is lighter than dry ulr o f tho sam e degree of heat—will also rise und cause a . disturbance above and below. I t Is for th is reason th a t there is usually a breeze from the sea by dny and from the lan d by night, the 'land , being heated, fa s te r Ihun the w a te r and the fresh a ir from th e sea coming in to take Its place. At night th e process Is reversed. The- land o"uN foster t lm n th v w a te r - a n d ' th s wind goes out to sea. ‘

Many requests for lnf>>nuafl"n on poultry raising—averaged, l>et '>- n .» ftlld 75 .letter* u tiny since'curly m tl.e yenr—Is fcpnrtcd by the l-ur,.iu of animal industry. United States De­partm ent of Agriculture. In ixl'Titi>m Hie supply of poultry literature distril- Utt'll by the division of I'liI'H.-at '-us has surpassed the records of alF'pre-

|, vlous years. _— -Tho departm ent's literature on p»ul-

t ry ra is ing Is unusually complete, lng from discussions uf-the prior 1 ;>.-d

I breeds ofTitnittry-ro hrangetuent, h»us-. 1,’ Incubation., brooding, uml culling.

T lie departm ent's, pmiltry iuihllcations -Include more than 30 bulletins for gen­eral distribution and many others of technical character on special phases o f poultry, work. - ’ ‘

Cochineal.Cochineal originated in th e Mexican

town o f Oaxaca. -Thence th e Industry Spread to Central America, the Cu­nary Islands and o ther p a rts 'o f the world. The* Indians o f Oaxiieu hadUsed the lirllllaoi-iind penm ulent »car- le t dye to color llielr sarnpes, prob­ably fo r centuries,, w ithou t dlscovsr- Ing th a t they were Indebted to ’ a mi­nu te Insect which feeds on a certain species of cactus. T hey .thought they were baking o r boiling a n a tu ra l prod­uct o f the p lant Itself. However, they were perfectly fam iliar w ith Its vir­tues, as they were w ith many of the native dye’ woodg. ■' H ere ‘a re still to be bought the best Indian b lankets In the republic, o f e ith e r wool o r cotton, dyed with vegetable colors. '

Th» Unklndcst Cut. ."The m anager o f the telephone

company says there Is n o charge'w hen the t« a w rong number.” observed th e wlftv •’ ..

“(Iront snakes T roared her even-; tem pered mates. “How do they ever take In any money, t h e n r —Buffalo Express. . ■ ■ ■


No Cure Known fo r Paralytio of - Mutclea in Necks of Fowls— .

. .. . Decayed.FlcahOnft-Cajise^

Llmbenieck, which la a symptom, .“o th er than n «lisease, I» a paralysis o f the niusrlt*» In the liecks of th*»_ birds which often r$*sults from éatln¿ decayed flesh. It 1» a form of poison­ing 'that also may be caused by Ing a rsena te of lend nnd other pnUon.s ,

-fowod-OH-The-’farRTr— --fcr.mvr. for. the trouble, the chief corxtroi of it bein? prevention. Fpeciul <*aro Bhoald be taken to see th*t all dead chicks anti anlmnls a re . buried <‘r burned to prevent th e spread oí tí¿ e ' trouble. 4 .


Birds Should B* Penned In Small Erv- closure and Not Perm itted tp

- Have Fre» Range.

Fow ls intended fo r m arket sho'iid be penned In small enclosures and a : allow ed to have free range, a s t i - r will run-.olT practically a»_rouch.(!•*«” as th e ration supplies them. It Is also unw ise to feed fowls being fattened fo r m arket green food a t any time. Commercial feeders generally pis cr

.them In g ra tes and keep them there throughout th e fa tten ing proves*. -

r%CV> ... '1('íí*5’ ’j1;’ ’ g- - - ,s .

; - - J ,' > * —

Standard-bred ben* lay more th an m !ingrels_liThe-abll!fy good many egga Is an Inherit-! .1- lty. Many atandard-briMl L breeder* have M g . realize.! «•*' i-> portance of high egg production i have selected th e ir stock for iuit r ..e- tnent. One thousand standard-hr*.) pullets a t the Connecticut egg-lay';,» cob te s t produced, on -an—nvprngv— .(tgjrg ^pah «.Kit». _» . 1 * *record Flock* from

leg®ngnongrel >redritehe he nongrel 04 era took

liens w ere bred to sramlurd- nwles -from good laying s:,„ i . Increase In the ..production , f

offspring us coumari-.l to tha t.o f -m o th e rsw a s -. 7 ' ,.

hens in . one pen priM|.;r eggs each In a year. Their ! c : -

from a standitnl-l.n-.l ll .rr. I male produced 111! e t c-., i !

econd generation, produced K*i -nl the third. 007. .W ith.single ,-,,.,t, 'h lte Leghorn cockerels and in..: - . 1

oils, the results UCtllnr. Tile egg production was ¡n- reased from 74 to 11)8 eggs for e u-h en in Just three yenrs.A Hock of uniform site, type; nnd

olor aiwhys looks better than a t! , k f mongrels. Owners take more t.rl-ie.

Increase Shown . in Income Tax!

I Highest Life PoBcy paid Last Year Was $1,517,820

stand ard -br ed FOWLS. BEST 7*463,177 Individual and Corpor- '

t B8 Production I* G reatly l n c r „ „ 4 by kiting Improved Cockerel,

on Mongrel Men*.

c e n e o f ló.OsHH*! « o d ot er : S.0', -th»t ] J . b led return* ut (rota M i o n i e yv ,

-alion Returns Made in' T920: « is rPaying $2,700,288,329. | !!

-■ '______ ■ Us»t to $2.V>.tUi; 7.U92 from JM iW i to' IItii.tiK ir5 .M 0l from -.f lo.isai jrn.

3 3 IN MILUON-A-YEAR CUSS I ¡ . ’T-dlS from to situato ;

irbur Pai^Tgi**» en Income* In Ex- of » ^ 0 .0 0 0 . Two or Thee*

Lilted From New York andTwo From 'M ichigan.. - ,

¿71 «.sets from $•-•.«« to $.\(tai.- and f I* « ' rr;st rep ined— üëT rd.fso. . ' "Tiiv-

Greatest N ft IncomeNVw Y«*rk fJítni ti»* í rv .ií^ t t

hi*r iif tv îü ttis N th IndnMua'l

New Tor*.—'Tfc* hi* feral»uraura» p«id la tb# U»if''*d £t*le* •bd Cttttad« U « y ra r » * * isrM by FVftUmtud SaM « * - . fcir.fvr of Mtiw*ukv*v chal an* o of Ifc* board vT of tti*

l« u r . Atnrrica. iUYvrding to th* ljUuraOk* T rra* . Th* pay* curat miKiumesJ tv*The inaurane* « •« dUtrtt>ui*dauuMug VI crarartifc.

An InhrrMttnrr tux of tm*ro ■ha-n yi.'jrsKU.fct n s « y*aM ut. tbi*

.$3ü,um.UV ratal* of Mr. >’¿1$.** «itifcrr. .. * •

ÜHAN6ES IN HATSHeadgear Is Wider and Broader

for F a i and Winter.


Me Longer Crwahea Into Shape—Bult« -.,-Xjpew. rrm n T kúk> m *M |i.-.1I. .. . From the Heed. . j

The f-r*t demend of every women fo r the new *«*»•>»’» f«»hU>u le thaI h er h it* »ball t-e tn tine trim —U>»1 •he »ball u.Vrn b r r bred atvordui* to Hi» !*>».» --f t tylc lle t

'•riH'rtiíioíi. Jlluj rvt*»irt¡f<i ufa

- .. ------ - «« **'ClI* each, while a t New Jersey — ‘ was 181 eggs fo r each ¡.uiie;.

of m ongrels usually pr.«lu.-e about 75 to 0 0 < g /s ,,er I,«,.

T he Knnsus S ta te Agricultural col- completed an Interesting hr.*-!- experim ent recently. t'u-m.i..n

-How--would7y o u -H k e-t* h * v .

aiimum of net iiiVLnnv.. f»tii,.vk**yj ; I%.nna>}\tmu mikI liltuuN- N**u York»

to pay taxea on an tncomt of 95*000,000 a year! Four men did in 192a . .

nuil1.^-I7vtfct4 IVorv NThi-mil r\'riH.rí4Íítiíi. i

Th»* r.unih«*r of rvtuni* hl^! hj* n..n- ft'lNn*. r»*hia»*iit alirns. a tul

pr**ktnmlei> iUA.tAMi v'aj-ilal alm*k- ta^ r«*funti» XNX.Uk» tahulat*HÎ, fchuw*,ltiif a fair V o I ur_ «»f_$7X*kUiJXl 74. l>f

r u tih h i |b!* «k’trrtça ir fttir value, the itianuftsn*


U :

mandard-B red B arred R ock C ockerel

good looking M rd^ »rnl gm* i ! - hi ttor varo. The hijns rt‘>ptinti

good cure und jirotluvo r»!lts. ' s : >Otgs und m arket poultry pr.* Su a H o c o f - stundard-hred i lur kt-ni

■: uniform in «Uè, «hupi*. mhir uml ullty und are «‘onsetpteatly .. **rth •re on the m arket.

f . V/artdngtoa.—Complete* ■tatlstlen of» Income for the calendar year.K rjo . I m ade public by the commi‘iuibni-r. of ' Internal revenue, »how that ,7.2f4n»44

Jndlrlduala tiled .Income tax returns, paying * total tax of tl.uTb.l&Uivj. *nd th a t 2U3.233* ri-pi.n- • d n e t Incomes taxed a t Jl.ttJX iU ,- <H3. ' . . . . • '■■■-. ■ ■

A* compared with 1010, the figures ■how a grow th of 1.1C7..84 In the nom ber-of; re tu rn s and an Increase, tn th e total net Income reported amount­in g to S3.870.137.733. but a decrease a f $l(HJi7C,4l8 In tbe .total ta i.

Thirty-three Individual* In the (lull­ed State* paid taxes oh net Incomes In excess of H.OOO.OtXI, nineteen paying on tl.0U0.00O to $1.50U.OUU. Three pa id taxes on Income* In excess .)f SL500.000; four on Incomes from, t - .

— 000,000 to $3.000,001). and four paid tmxea on Incomea tn excess of $5.000,• 000, two of these being listed from N ew York' anc’ two from Michigan.

New York In Lsad.O f the total Income tax New York

p a id 23.09 per c e n t; Pennsylvania. 12.18 per c e n t; Illinois. 8.08 per c e n t; Ohio, 0.70 per cent, tend Mnssqchu-

• aetta, 0JI2 per cent. These live stales together paid 57.0» per ceut of the com­bined personal and corporation tux of th e country. These state«, with seven others, Michigan. Indiana, Iowa, New Jersey , California, Missouri and Mnry- lan d T l2 sta tes In all, paid 95.83 per

‘ cen t of the total tax. f r- The number o f corporation Income. b ta x returns fu r th e calendar y e a r j9 2 6 | w as 343,593. Of these 203,233 report-;

ed net Incoma am ounting to $7,902,- «5*813; Income tax. $030,308,292; w a r ; profit* a n d ; nice** profit* tax,

’" *088,7202151; to ta l tax. $l.«25,234,tM3. For the calendar y e a r 1010 (he uum*

b e r of corporation retu rns w as &2U,* 19ft, of which 209,634 reported net In­come totaling $0,411,418,458 and tax es a re ren a tln s $2.175,.111,57K _

- T here were 100 corporations th a t filed returns fo r 1920 reporting net In*

tu rin e firvup n»j*"rtt appr*»4íiíw«tely o r 40 \ker .

1'he n ex t h ieb est i* flnatu'vs bftnk- , Ink. liwurHiHt*. rto^ »Itti $lN,TlS\<»(Sl,*

-t'rtrTtttnrtinnw-in- 'hnsinrsîT” \«j'Tsr'lH'jvr'Tvsut7_tmn»T*nrta!h«T-att4in tti,-

*v*tutt*K « u i ÎV.4 C. *hi.»»vUii: a nt*i tt>(ut Ituvuie of $lN.44i* tii*», i«n »blch the ftMlerui im w it Si’l.tkXTi.ksv.

Tlir rvfH>rt dIhiwn that out of «p*

U ntici othiT public utIHtU*« r%*i»re***ntlnc $U ,; 44,«i».UAM»ta». or I5 p**r cvnt ; mining and uuarrjln i:. or 0 i»*rrout. The «urtVultural gn>up .trjvorts only IUWMAt0.UA». « r i Kl \*r cent.

Relates Story of Plane Wreck

Captain Macmillan Tells of Thrill­ing Experience Afloat on

Wrecked Seaplane.


Aviator« Engagod in Round.tho.World Flight Retcuod After 50 Hours

by Steam Launch 8«nt in Search of Them,

Londón.—"iNInw u/i, were *»h«irk»; near the* Intuì crocodllr*. Would, wa» ll«>nt neur «‘itoUKh to gruuml iiur in* vertati l<>l* lutuijHT and *Ij*t»uI nome one anlu»r«% or rUk swimming .for'ItT Then our hopes were slmitereAl, f«»r an undercurrent rnught our aubmerg»*d planes and fuMdtige, a nd faster than we could n r« r the land« we were pulled away from 1L; Quickly It faded and our hopes sank,! We were utterly help* less, and a t the mercy of the wind and th e tide.** __ .

The above sentences are taken .from the long and thrilling narra tive which records the terrib le experiences of Capt. Norman Macmillan and Copt. Mallilns while afloat fo r 00 hours on a wrecked seaplane In the Hay of IkrtP g&L They were engaged In a round-

Dorothy Ruth, the “Babe*»” BabyiEN INTEREST IN POULTRYquests for In form ation . From De­partm ent of A griculture Average

.50 to 75 L etters Dany. /

tany requests for lnfoniiafl*,f3 on iltry riilsing—nverijiicd^ n I 75 Je tte ra u <Ia,v sinic'A’uriy m il.e X—Is K’porfëfl by tlie hur* .ui_ of mal industry. United State's I»e- tinent of Agriculture. In iidditiim supply of poultry literature

d by the division of puHrn*ati»uiJ surpassed the records of a lP p re­

i s years. ~ho departm ent's literature on p*'»ul* ra is ing is unusually Ctunplef»*, rang'» from discussious uf_ th»ï priuciiul

ids o f pmittry^ro titangement, h*>us-. incubation,-. {»roYHljif}*, unit culling,- departm ent's- pmiitry puldkatidns

ude more than 30 bulletins for gem distribution and many others of

nical character on special phases «u!try% work. ' *


th(*-world flight o rp inU rd by the. DaHy Newa, . '~v ' .

Brig P««m « Thsm By. ."Suddenly we uutlced an alteration'

in tli* trim of our cruft,** continues the narrative. and round, waplungiMX w ater pouring o«er ua, hang* Ing òn tfKdh and nail, aud soaked by the repeuted wnah th a t broke Com? pUlely ov*»r ua. Kvidently we were it) h . t Idi» whirl.''

is*rtmps the tm»at Impresaive thing ir- thcKtory U Capluin Macmillan's ec ­o t;ni òf tlteir shund«>nim*ot by s us* H\e brig whhh pu tted near them when they were aimoat aiH*nt. “Mall* Una could hear benuilfui Instrumental munir,'* writ«*« MacmUÍan,' (‘and 1 the sound of the pipen plu j Ing Inincntt in Hu- illKtuiice. We did not mention th is to each o ther at the time. We were each airraid of that.__“Suddenly we saw, a sail sway, dow n,south*. W as It coming o p t . Yes*

[7? :

f ,

•lowly.'"A wlndjamwar. Boon lta yard* ap-

iiwarrd. Uradually It came along. iHlamllnx up w . cmild *ee th* hull. It wa* ull we could do lo remain .'Up­right. ,

-W e waved oiir dl.irea* Dig, algnal- Ing the International H. O. H. The brig «»• coming *trMlght (or ux Hit* m int .Im o tt run u*-dowu. Hh* could not (all to *ec u*.

“W a. «he changing her couraeT Surely not, but ah* w ax

“Khe turned "n lf not half a mile nwny, and .tendlly paaMol up within half a mile, with two men looking at, us from the pieip.

"(¡ml 1 what Inhumanity I Surely It i otilil not he, :

"iluUllna, frantically Waving, ,1! unit fell half overboard, curalng a t hie. hurt, cursing the brig and her crew, and writhing.

"Standing- on our rocking float, I « lived ntid halloed and fired pistol >hoia - .

"Hut .lead lly .h e .»wept pant, a n a ­tive brig; Two men on th* poop run forward a* »lie waa ahreaat of ua.

; They-*»*, ua. undoubtedly, and .were pcx.lbly terrified o f glioata and vlilona,

"Hut In mer-y let them never know what we felt like." •— The two av ia to r , were r ew.-ued iiiiih hour» la ter by a »team launch *em out In M-arrli of then), r .

d fv i’MM tuav C )0 at lr*#lW4*«r a m u —hut «h *»idl*h h a ï U »oiuélhlc.ÿ t»H* dam nin g fur wtml.ii, r N

n fa ih h m . er ttte lu th «Ygfjt Ti!UC«L .

■Now ihîL^httiii « f (h * f*v’H,n l ses* s»»o c!;i»ng»xj ly il a» much a»Ib » f n s k'*- - ‘Du»y s r é w ider arui hr»v»d*ce. Thcy t\o Knvfirr cru*h tutu »imi«*, hot urw tuiilt ui>»m ftatu*'» thal »land «w»jf freni th* head and ctvstv ■ Nwtuallly ot Un* rultrvly n*w.

lYtrls cuu>«s th* tu»w» th a t ih* — »lll l* -« tu r« (Hipuhir than

*vcr. . Hut lt U * vrty tnuch ri»ÌM»r- at*»l trlrttr«. It la largcr than lt haa bwcn for »ome.-ilmc-, tt »prenda cui <M) thrv'« midra wllh th* sbamhot that «mly s hat uf Krcuch «frigio rati ah«»w.

As fur ih* frlt hsts, tbey «f* no more numcroùs than thw 'alrsw bai* w*re‘ tu t|n* aumuicr. Thcre are ailk and satin hata atul «iuretyt» hai» and. V*Jv»'i. tinta, bnt hdt hata. th»%€>*«l cxtMuirut» of th » wlntcr «relunch lt» th» mlnovlty. tluwcvcr. thi*y a re . amurter tuia atraaou than they •T*r ha\o u*cn tN»fore, On th» » irre tì, I» ~ th» - piare«—whwre- wwart-^wwm*»-


Pair Separated Sine« Death o l Mother Are Reunited by News*

paper Advertisement


I Bon Lost Track of F iren t Aff«r Lm w ' ing Orp^anAgo lo" Go to wrara—

Spanda Ait Ni» Vacation». ln Saarch, .

Monifrc»! —An a'Urrtmvnìv’n! in hH*ii > and l»'o pii«>i*!£T"ti',?-.

.. H«r* U on« of th« n«w walking dre»»»« ««Mbit«4 «I • r«c«nt f««hion Show h«ld In Chieigo. It I« in gr»y w««l«<i fabric, trlm m td In Japan»»« print, «nd chowa th» long «klrt «ff»ct. e? th« mod»» of 1122, Including walk; 4ng-g««»ont*r-

i c.i’- « uu aTu T ^t( »urx~TT «ml I hi*1 »ittiL’r B fíúlrxj..,. <»M f;Uktnri« i»f o umn t4^«» ttd.'t* t*t> ) r a p » ' aito lm»úgUt a f .i t fu 'r »v.;J in-n' iOfcVtUt'r In th»» n»M»y *>f w tu>:»í W r* «ftâ-r w mutual «cnri’h **f vvvr»..... tV h rn d lm i» n t I » t utwvfitv vigili i**nra agu h* wo» >'?>Ugv>«I I*» put Uta two *«.»$>*. o U«l. at ouvra and Ihvnard, J r„ «¿r»1 **!». i n —at» »»rpUnnag« at Ug^hMivhurg. N V. Th* •dder h‘»y dirti, hut IU*rnar>l. Jr^ (h rltttl and >«riit P» NVw Y-*rk t* Work. K».if fl*î»'vn ÿvHr» when t^vrmlt* It'd N vacHllnii hi« «(H'lit lt> I» vwmH'N nf hi» fallu’r, th f a»MpUidogropi) In Mi p«mmiv»*Iod.

• Trail Lad t* Canada. -A month ago th* »*•<» In a*;vr»-Mng

•fur hl» parent cmuuí arroa» « .frail which Vd t»* M.»nfcr*aL w tw r h*» w^nt

EARRINGS VOGUE IN PARISLong C ry.tal Drap» Particularly Pa,

.»ora*—P .a r l T , A n t l t u r a DMigna, Ony» U aed.__

He. I .—Oreaplng Brim, Bultabl* for New Long L in » *f Dr»»». Na. 1.— Trleorn of V .lv .t W ith Rlbhtn C*-, carg*. Na. 2 ^ -P t l t H at W ith ft b e n . Id g * and Ribbon Puff,

^thlng of coral may h . worn in tha way of earring».

gather, you will finir »he-félt nota Usurping th* center of fini «tage.

They a re blocked Into Itilere.tlng •hapea, uaually with puffer) aud draiMol crown», and they are made with nar­row brim*, aometlipe* wider «t the •Idea, tlml droop over the face» and glv* a mu*hrr«im ofTert tr? the gruefal

m lotir o f the hut. Tlia trimming I» very »pnrrudy done..

’ Olrl’a C«»UIdeai for thè hoardlng *chorj| or col­

lege girl I» a fur roat marie ut gray krlimoer. wlth r ollar, p-H Mi-fu? ami

uff» bound wlth tdack leather.

^ arrin ga a r e derhltHlly In »»«u è. In l ’ari». T h e lon g i r ) , t n l drop» ara p nrttcìilarly favorovL mor» au th * n ring» or lioopa.

Títere I» a c le te r trlck am ong Kr.-nch »itine» nf wearlng otio earrlng- a long uno- dungllng dòm i over thaahpuldrr, and thè ottier ra r wlfhout any decoratlon. - . 1 -

Henri tnaaela «re fnvtirlle earrlng».Of cour»e. -thè hh-a I. to liare m e­

ringà fur »«eh juatumo, and ».ometlmea woiuen bave more than ohe palr for a favorii» frock. The»e haruionl,* In color and de.lgn «ridi bolli Ihn frock» wlth whlcli lliey • *r» io h* uaed.

- I l ie r* la » voglie foe wearlng ear*ring» contalnlng m ila |Hirtrally In mU»< latuty.—of «nyhody ori» wtalia*,7xof cour**. i . - - 1 . ■ .

W llh th* préaent vogua fo f whltcv jad* earrlng* o t Hila lovely alón* ara of course In tilgh f a v o j / .

Old earrlng» of gold and iH viT ara In demani) and ancestral Jawel caaea aa iteli a» aiiil(jua «li«tfa ar» hetug calteli mi for/fnem.

T tiera a re aorn» earrln g» rnad» o f on yx , a*f w ltli |>earU, t h g t ar» trw- inendoùaly effcc tlv» .

»e«k agn after ohlntnlitg ttiréé week»’ vacation III, f a th e r> « -I been all Ih«.,.»idle 'Pöftducilng a airnUar am rth , hut with only a mind picture a t the lad. '

(nie morning word came to the aon'a room thnt à atranger wtahe.1 t- him In 'tlie lohtir of tha hotel regard- tug «li adlertlaeiiielit In (he !■'■* al p a ­par. Varr>lng the yelluwlug pnturw

Cure Known fo r Paralyaia of Mutclea in Neck* of Fowl»—

Decayed F leih One Cau«e.

Friend* and admirer* of B*be Uuth, and Indeed the Whole world of how- ball fan*, were aurpriaed recently to tear)! th»t be waa the father of a alx- teen-mbntha-old girl. Here are Mra. Ruth and the’ llttia one. Dorothy, who weighed only 2Vt pound« at blrthi..: _______________ 1 _____ ___L............

H eart Hiarcad by Olaaa.Loa Angele», O I.-—Jam e* Ttiomna,

fourteen, atudent a t tha Inglewrxel high acliiwjl. In trying tú prevent * door with- a glaaa fennel froth .»lam­ming. throat hla hand through the panel and a «liver of glaaa pierced hla heart., A* If ^lolhlng had happened, he walked down the atrpa of the build­ing. Then he collapaed and death came (julckly.

mbemeck, which la a symptom, er than n disease, 1» n paralysishe niuscles In the neck» of th e_j which often results from eating yed flesh. It Is a form of poison- tha t also may be caused by ea t- trsennte of lend and other poisons , d-on the-farm ,—No cure Is the trouble, the chief control of e in s prevention. Special ear-'Id be taken to see th a t all dead s and anltnnls a re . buried or ed to prevent th e spread of th e " ile. .

SHE IS NOW IN THE BREAD LINEEmperor's Sweetheart Becomes

~ .Victim of Hapsburg Curse.*’

kT raaauraa G iven t o K atharina S ch ra tt % b y F ranela JoM p h H ava Dlaap- - paarad an d 8 h a N ow Bogo

- F ood In Stroeta. -

PARE FOWLS FOR MARKETShould Be Penned In Small Eftr

loaure and Not Perm itted to ■ Have Frye Range. ‘ .

vis intended fo r m arket should inned In small enclosures and n t ed to have free range, a s they u n .olT practically as_rouch. fierh s ration supplies them. It Is also e to feed fowls being fattened larket green food a t any time, le rd a l feeders generally place In grate* and keep them there [hoot th* fa tten ing proceaa.

Vienna.—K atharina Schratt, tho morgmbtlc wlfe of Francis Joseph, •**• em peror of the. Austrian*, the woman, who once ruled a nation through her Influence, over th e—aged’. monarch. I» now a dally m em ber of the bread line in '.Vienna, standing patiently hour af­te r hour, aw aiting the bread aDd. meat ra tion handed out by the governmcaL H er jewel*, given her by her royal

"Tever.“''«?e~g'.ne.'■ H er Tmth-ex-nre-ta- ta tte r* , and »he ta a living reminder o f-th e curse of the IlapsburgsL .

, tVi.en (be em peror died I- »910 ha& > - left $250j0uu to K athenna Schratt to

ca»« f'>r her in h er declining jeara .

death of the young daujfh trr of Arch­duke Albrecht, wljtrte drew* .ranghi

j fire from a cigarette she waa amoklng. ' and that o r the Duche«» d’Aleneon In

■‘■ 'I th e -c h a r ity 'ta ti fire In Hart», «julckly

pleted:th is amali fortune, until at l««t i ^ ¡ ' '" p rd íj r o h 'ro m m U ^ T 1' ¡í<T rph *she waa reduced to poverty. Once the j Z j u T T “ * ,D*___. . * ^ __ ' Mvrcrling, and nln* y**f» later fata

a U Ao*4ri“ D *'"*'■ ‘ r : **»- Elizabeth, w a . .a*a*kln.téd à îand feted wherever she appeared. ,h f «O rnera « 7 " ■ .*wwaif flwaa tn m kaawAe. — • - — - . ! * -

But the¡ ravagea of w ar. and her many gift» toj those leas fo rtunate, wmn de- ¡

he emperor _ clung to Katherlna

F U T CREPE IS NEW FABRICNam*, Baautltul Bilk af Compact Ta*-

tur* and Flna Quality—ottarad In Ail ghadaa, .

W lth ti)« eatahHaliment of a r«ew allbouetta lt la «mly naturai th a t a n e* fabrte ah'juld a lio gain favor, for In thè eXpreaalon <ef a deelded vogu» an adaptahle m m erlal la atwaya u t param ount i Imp'irtani-*, ; TliSt fiat crepe la thè m aterial,/>t tha moinerit. la inor» than hearaay, ànd t u p'jpular- Ity a recognlzed fr-"l. -

Nome, a new fisi crepe, la a l*c*u- tlful «llk, of * «cwnpact testu ra àrul Una quallty. Il h a i tha aoft almo«! nrm croaliable-chararterlatlc th a l dia- llngulahe* m ateriata (fiat a re all pure ,jlk a od that la aucb a «leclded aaaet lo a .fahrlc o f Ita welght. The abate“. carry out the newer, aweeplng lineajute pcrfectlwn rteceaaary In the w a v - _estal«llahed_by—II.» re« voll y—cleat nd

now Urea tn a barren garret,« «let«end .ent upon charity for h er livelihood. . en. to crown hi* aerrowa, came

For 33 year., from the bloom the-tragic •aa.aaalnxOon of tba M r to youth until mld«ile age te n t b e r ^ * «abouldera, Kathertna SchTatt virtually t h , t ° *ruled A ustria through her hold m | ^ <,rM w ,r - Through all h i . (rouble»,F rand» Joseph. F o r her he built a i , " 1little villa right by th e gate* of th e ; . , . . , „ „ „ « ^royal palace, and th e re he spent much ! « T * ” , 0p0n U" T‘ *nd * '■ h** featu re of thl» fabric enhance» In ltaof hi* time, especially after the event.-S ^ r " ro* * of ,b - *"«<» »“« to j very nature (be flowing line* of t"day 'swhich ten-led if« uphold the llap»hu.’g j ®- [ gown*, fi'oroe 1» offered In ail the re ­curve. , , • ! 11 ' i diant »hade* to be featured In formal

The flr*t manlfeatathiB of this raree i A lu k a S ta l l Yield $3,600,000. I gowuv-thla autu.-nfl ohd 1» rterptl«a;»l-caroe with the droih of mad King Lad- ; Seattle, -Wa»li.—Tlie take of sea] j ly bandajtne In oavy blue and black.-w lg-ecrf— flv e a ro u — Frer>-1* J. — at th e-IT lb lS tjf l»!ao«la, A laaka } ■..... .................................................cousin, and of hla brother, Mazlroilla»,.- thta .summer, la worth XXfOUXffi *«■,'

Ing of * .flat «Tejw glre» fioro* th e quality kppeal dealrad lu dresse» of the better »ori. . .

T he vogue for tt.i* fiat «Hk Is ha »cd on many apparent r»i»«/na Tn Wie U«e- vehrproent >'! the circular-and draped allhouett* the grace and folds of tlie design are nuiet appreclatwl In a fale rlc th a t catches the light on Ita many rsrfacce. A fronted aheen that la a

«hot in Mexico. Then there was trie i cording to advice» received here The ca»e of -Johann O ith. hla-nephew, who ¡native» em ployed-by tha go,ernm ent ran away to are aa a .common. aallor j have «lain 30{**) seal» (hi* rommer. ■nd wi* never heard from again. T h a ; a i compared with 28^00 t a n year."’ '


- -----------«rimant Btftttftfy . ______Battons of wood, brIHlaatly hand-

palnted. tend the needed touch of color to some of the new frodu, wrap* «od

Originality fiada «TprtaMou

i. -efe., , T.,r, _ A - r

And with »h» revival of rofal, ànÿ» Ifíln

TIgM FMUng Gl»«v«a. ..In . ronlradlalln^thm to tha wld«»

flowlnf «’ffr-ctr th a r a r à iprrentnow, th* drra»*» «f rrm rrjii|onfmm •hr'»»«íx/«d'*j»i[ Ih» tkahl»Aitine of Ih* rnHonuad» tyj»«of Knftiifnl.. Ttil* handíiox waa not«! In Hofft failortMl <lrvM«<», and Hílala lit f>tt ailk and vah a t iuod<>«. .

. Autumn Color». 'iuew n and rittvy arn «inong Ihn mn«t

favornd rotar» f'»r »Irret * «mluiii«*#. Uvcfning da"«*»»»*» »how fl»« re»d**o«'jr toward ot r*«« and»iiiqihir** »f$d frefur« a l»w < »t nrek. llhf, tmirh dreeing and n» »Irevra.

15 »rr#>«j*irJ*» of »(flr. |h la »nn»nn. a« u*\*t l/#ffnr**. Nnrhlng t«nr »forillnx, nolhln«- tcirj ui»drê»tm*d o f; pnivld«! « i*«r» (hai ita u»* I» *» unw »rr»nlH »nd «« unreairaiaMl in « w»jr • • th« Idra I» unique.

FLOWING VEILS ADDS TO HATTh*y Tand U Bring Otharwla» Plain

H iadgaar Into .Hariywiny WithM odàrn Gowni

- - Vella a re go»«i'T«i»f'Ti<iw, eapeclally when long and flowing, notea a faah- l«m rorrrapondem - In the New fork. Time*. They bring an ««therwlae plain hat Into harmony with all the draping and flufflneaa of the modem gown, and add that touch' of plclureaqueneas

hlch ta *o »»«u-ntJal if tlje hat la to

m odeleThe v«jgue for lace Ima reached the

vif'- to atay, for a «ell these «leya ta of little or no worth If It doea^nob- ehow a lacy pattern aa It stretches over the fa re and dlweepa over the ah««ulder>, Home women prefer to w ear their velie ra ther ahort, with«;.only the suggestion of a lacy fringe over the eye», i i ^ other* to have yard» and more yar«]s to thelre no tha t they 'can wrap the fllmy length»-about their ahouldere and etili ’hare ample end* lo trail cereleeely In «trey breezes. -

- Metal Cloth.Metal Cloth wraps are brilliant In-

dlcatliirsa-.of. a" * U U erlns..year„_ Ihey4-h iead -tlM In New York City I» leftcome In bright gold or. bright silver, .with Iniurtiyua fur collars and gor­geous linings. Often a bit ot Mt*» broidery or brocade la added.



"Mo lob fora Woman," Say* Hr*. Bertha Ward, Handing

: Her Star to a Man.Th« iiatlon'a flr»t comple!« petticoat

. cityJguvcrjunant.l*,,ag.Mt/te, JTsl,.Mra l>«tt'ha Ward, village maralml o f De» Lac*. N, 0., (in* n-*lg'i«d («Tau«« lh« "Jpli was too tongh," i.a *li« explain«! In submitting her rrilgmitlnn to th« remalndcr-oMli« f«*inl lire- city "inoth ara.'’ Mr*. Wart) ha* liuiuU'd orerher pnltshiHÎ «tur to ! tlr-un, (HUS-m la r »«rtlón forernnn harp, who now tw ins« th* lainMoiiiIai,- (»lily n.nd pra- ««rye« order In tha illlnira,

lira Ward'* reason» for rasi suing war« concilia and lo (ha point, •

No. 1 was that har I ««tinnii (lioiiglit th e Job w nt J y h liar lriloim fur thei-onsldfrnllnn; am) aan nd,*tfia Job waa oarer Intended for a woman of «mail •tatora.

‘‘lrftck of physical prow«** want against me,” declare! Mr«. Ward "Drunken peraon« and othcra wouldjuat Inngh at me, and 1 wan altno»! halpleat to do anything."

Meanwhile conujerrnitlnn ralgna • among th» olhtr women—ofltclal« of Da» Lacs. To the nut tide, world they are afraid tint the n «lunation look« ilk« thalr regime 1» a fullure. -They tried to prevail upon Mr«. Ward to

.remain la office until the next village rlacUon, but aim "had had enough," »he told thorn, ■ —_ • .

Mra. iV»rd did not innkn any arraala while” aho\waa In office. Hhe tried to make otia.Hiut tliiMiian who wua'act- Ing tit-a- disorderly-inariner- -Jerked away from bet and ran. Hhe tele phoned to Deputy Sheriff C, I’, Van denoover at Ml not, the county «oat, hut when lie arrived It van found that- the Juatlcc of the pent« did not ImvO a warrant blank,; «o (hit sleepy deputy, rouaed In the ' middle of n night’* alomber, Journeyed buck to Minot and

SCHOOL R V I Clewelaad School

The Senior Cl*»*, after heated die- cuaalon In' a claae meeting, have de­cided on the ir claae rlnga and the order will be aent in aoon. We were so successful at selling H arsher bar« that we wl(l order m ore candy very ahortly.

Tin; Junior subscrlpUon dance will be-held Friday evening. Decent her I, 1H22. a t the Cleveland School. Mush- will ho furnished hy the fa- mnti.« All Malden’« Colored Hynco- phrirr*” Tlckitt» art; flow being «old hy lneinhera of the High School.

I.n«i week the Sophomores hat) rlinrge of tlie a»s«.mbly exercises. On Monday Clara Kantner favored

with » piano eolo and Wednes­day morning waa devoted to exor-

l-r-s In lidnor nf thq anniversary of the hlrtIt of Theodore Kooaevelt. tisther Ifliunan recited a poem. I'oinineinoratlng Roosevelt's great- tie«« and Chester Wood gave a short keteh of rtooaevelt'» life and

work*. 'The school. patter-,--The HjkJtllght,

dULrlhuteiLJl« nrst nr H allowe'en miinlier on Tuesday. It has a very attractive cover deslgti drawn by Muigurct -lone*. There arc several Hallowe'en stories and an excellent ditoriiil appropriate to tho season.

I'he, nmiiher Includes- a lso . classHole* and S th te t te s .^ T h o n e w - odl-trial stalT Is to he congratulated on the general appearance of this, tho Orel Issue Of the school year.

the arrest waa pot effected."Il’» a man's Job, wllhuiii doubt,'

declare» Mra. Ward. "I couldn't be prevailed upou again to accept Such * position." —


Monday, October 30th, grades 8A mill s httd a Hallowe'en party. Tho Hist number tut the program was In- awnrillng of .a prize to ,th e per

-on who tmd the cleverest costume. Ilccause of their originality the prize wits tilvlilcd between “David (itnnon of tho HA and Mildred I)ry- b-n of the Jilt. A second prize waa

an »tiled .to Hcnjninln Smith of the ?A »ml Marlon Clelrn o f- th e 81) whose eoslui'nea were the hardest, rogues* i 'h e refreshments, which uni«* after the first'dancer wore ap-

pi“*, tiiiuly and cake. All th e grade eiicltors were guests. After tile re-

■,'i'i'*limi'iits there wore, more donees which continued until 4:30.

Tin- HA grade won the attendance banner for September having .008%. They w ere also, as wore tho 81) and ic on« liundred per cent. In punc­tuality. ' '

It nth Turner ot i'll Is confined to her home, because of .a broken leg, which was causctl by a fall on the itluyground. W e hopo R uth will rtoon recover. .

Dorothy Kollfsoii of 7A will leave .for Ctillfontlu on-.Monday. Wo are Nony to lose Dorottiy as she Is our «tpr hi arithmetic. In tho Courtls'B te>H In " Fundamental«" sjio rocolv- eil the highest mark In tho soventh mid eighth grades. ,

Lincoln School ’xth grado reel lied a profit

of #25.11 at the play given by tho members; their class las t wook. They are planning a cake and candy sale- tii lie hold i n - tho n e a r future with ft view to raising tho balance needed to ' finance: the New ’ Torlr

.Mrs. Hamilton of Burchfield ave­nue. entertained a number of the l.lncoln teiiehers at luncheon on Thursday fast. \

The Spirit of.H allow een la prov­ident all through the building. The children lii encii of the grades have heun busy making and putting up the decorations In keeping with tho -eu-iin, and as a, result theXclnss roofhs arc very gay a n d a ttra c tiv e looking. ■ J , \

The little to ts of Grade 11) have dressed candy witches and are, going to present each of the kinder­garten children with one.

Ml*s .Ivan I.u Forte is confined to her home lit Elizabeth Through ni­ne*.«. Mr«. Cndkshnnk Is leaching Iter class while she Is absent.

I*ev. Wllllum 1). Gould has been appointed to .the Klatwoods-Bunih- vIII«» charge In the West Virginia Conference. Mrs. Gould will JoIil

tJutlo I'alxno «lories, twenty-six yaaro, who baa const nil-the way from «oothern Bruvll, wdicrb Ida father own« a 14,000-ncre ruacii near flage, la Klo Grande do Hal, to the United States, to ctudy our mcthoil* of broed- lBg^and ralalng Hereford rattle. Uta father hua 8,000 of- the white-faced "beef machine«" In Ids own herd.

8«uor Cortes, >vbo” has lfts>n at­tending tho University of Illinois and the low* {State Agricultural college, Is cow getting practical experience at Cedar Croft Hereford farm, hear Kan- sai City. ' .—„..r " -. _

•Hereford« are the most uumeroua M i .breed in llruzll,"__lut says, "arul they have a great future there.”

SIOUX CUMB 0N THE WAGONIndlan Temperane« Society Formed «t

Fort Tottan Reaervation. ..The Volatead urge has tilt thè Sioux

natlau. At_lea«t. lt has hit Pie old bktv«*, who bave eouie to thè gouctu- ■loo aomethlng must be done to lieep the^younger-otie» «oher. --—:— —;—;—

Therefore, the Sioux Imllaua ata- tleaed on the Fort Totten reaervation U»- North Dakota have organized the Indian Temperance society, whose purpose. It Is to Induce the younger Indiana and those older one« who still think they need "Ore water" to get on tbe Volstead wagon. '

The lin t act of the temperance »o- ietety was to call upon Police Chief Vetsr Tim hoe of Devils Lake and ask his «»operation, a number of younger Worn brtrea, when they drive Into

- &fcvUs Lake, have been in the habit of buying lemon and vanilla extract. Olid other thing« contalulng alcohol.

'Tbe Indlaus requested tlie polldei to net his Influence to prevanr

"WkMae^ynerchanta or others In 1 ****?££**' • rlr*rt or canned heat

they ottered to toeelsloO cera

nil eight

Tim six

n o. r i . k won»: Granford Cotuirll >’«x 62, Junior Order t ’nlte<l Amorfcin Mechanics, is in tbe front row as far as fra ter­nal organizations go. and why should it not lie. witli object* and principle* second to none? The or­der has 323 Councils In Xew Jersey, with a romtilncd metnlvcrshlp of ovi-r MJ/KIO. • ■

Wliy do mi many men Irecorne nrnniber* of m rh an organization? Ih-ranw' th«-y hi lh vo In wlyat It stands for. and wha tit has done for t li tr lttam ' Thfr-wle-c tml le vs-ta‘tuj«t protect)« tin- public school «ystcin'Tif New Jcfsey. and of the United State- It believes tha t the educa- Knglisli language. It believes in elon nf our etilldren should be In the eompiiisnry education, and In earr»'- Ing-out-t hls-object i t had,« blll,pre=. «ented to tit«! Is-glslature of New Jersey known, as the “Free Titxt Book Bill" which became a law. The ptihllr school in Its pride, for In ft Is the future hope ot our Nation. It places our flag over It, thus instill­ing In tlie hearts of th e children their first lesson* In patriotism. Tills, Cranford Council has done for Its schools, and has offered :to pre­sent a flag to- the' new Hherman School when completed, which offer hay been accepted by the Board of Kdueatlon Th«* Order also demands th a t th e IHtde be-kepMn-thP^school as the standard of moral tru th . Tlie organization also looks a fte r the slrk, as well as orphans of deceased members. An organization with such principles should m eet with tiie npprovai of most of the citizens of Cranford. An effort is being mado to increase the membership of Cran­ford Count'll to at least 2<X) by De- tary renuesting tha t pamphlet No. 1 comber 31st. which should bo an ensy m atter. Any person believing In tilt- principles as above outlined, lie inaHe«l t«> them. '

Tlisl evening Is to be known asis asked to drop a ttne Ao Uiaseta-n-

e Night In Cranford Council every inemberrof th e Ortler In Cranford Is cordially Invited, and Is expected to lie present. A very In­teresting program has-i lieen ar­

ranges] and Past S tate Councilor Edward T. Barclay anil State'Vico- Councilor Frederick \Y. losaw, nrc to be the guests of tlie evening.

ST. PAUL’S M. E. CHURCH Eastman Streat '

Rev. D. W. 0. Ramsey, PastorSunday services—Preaching at

10:45 a. nt.:- Sunday School a t 12 noon; Epworth League a t 7:15.p. m. and preaching a t 8 p. ni. .

The Ladles; Aid Society will hold an Important business m eeting to­morrow afternoon a t th e homo of M ra Alice Ely. 8 Claremont Place, a t which tim e full arrangements wilt bo made-for ttie supper and fair to bo held on Nov. 23rd. All ladles of the church are earnestly request e«T to ho present. '■ ■

Tlio loador of the Epworth League lo r next“Sundays evening - U Mrs. John Guker. Subject! ;"Tho Secret of S tlk lng th e Gift A ttractive.

Mid-week j pray or mooting^ event Wedncaday evening In th e chaucl-

Mr. and M ra E. J i . Chalfey of 16 Raleigh avenue, had their hospital­ity put to a severe test when a rnot- momhers and friends of th e Ep- loy crew of Hallowe'on vlsltorg, tho worth League Of St. Paul's descend­ed upon them Friday evening. -

Among ttmse present- were Lord Chaim cev Do Citoglulrop, Lame Louie, King of the H o lm es, Big Chief Red in the Head, the former Emperor of China under the Ping Pong Dynasty. Puss In Roots,, a «roomless bride, Madame Potasky. famous Gypsy KQueen foul vvyyv fatuous Gyiiap-fortune teller. Tho «jiteVrt «tf hearts and Jockll of IMft uifinils were also »n.deck. - Madairli Butterfly, Aunt Jemima, and Xzz; Cohen, Cranford's leading second hanil clothing dealer, lentletl dignity to the ocegslon.

Hallowe'en stunts, games und dan-

YOUirO MEN'S BIBLE CLASSTlie past w««ek lias been a very ac­

tive one for the class, ttie member­ship camitalgn Is in full swing a* evidenced by the great numher~out to class tiunday morning, who dis­cussed” “Personal Liberty anil p ro ­hibition.” ;

Friday a dance was held in thei Cleveland School. It was first In­tended to run a costume party hut owing to the comparatively short time on hand, these plans were changed. The hall was beautifully' dte-oraied- aiut a . well-filled .hall ,«m<. loyetl tho excellent music Imported lor th e occasion.

Friday night the evening service at th«-'. First Presbyterian Churiji m Kllzahoth, was turned over to the Ilihle Clans and a portion of the lim rxizjeserveil for-tiiem amL thelr, frlend«. win) were conveyed thence hv automobiles donated by tho«e who have been watching the prog­ress of the class.. Mr. Lange'* subject for the even­

ing was the “Sign* of tllfc Times.” Ill* i>olnts were more forcefully brought out. hy the use of miniature -Ign—borrrd.s truly nn—fnnovation and well adapted to the subject of the evening. Music was furnished by an orchestra .of 12 «¡specially irained for tho occasion. .Everyone In - th e church (which was over-

¡vrowdcdi—uiU_of— th e—unanimous, opinion tha t the evening was one of th e most ilcllghtful over'spent, and th a t the class had a great fu­ture w ith sncli an energetic leader, who teaches the wortl of God to these young men.

'Dances, a show and the annual minstrel are planned for tills Win­ter shbwing that, the sdclal life of the city Is being combined w ith 'the work tha t will make all- of those who en ter Into It more thoughtful of 'T tie 'Other Fellow." AH inen In town ure cordially Incited to a ttend these meetings a t the church Sun­day. mornings at 0U5. ............. ' ■ -_L.Citlzon-Chronlcle w ant uds bring

résulta satisfactory to everybody.


W A L L P A P E R5c to 25c a Roll

Beautiful Cut-Out Borders to M aldi All PapersO ur prices do u o t tell th e story of QUALITY offered In our nniutut .»tores. O thers are charg ing from 3 to 5 time« a* much for the same TDBNXICAL pap'era. -.

Hundreds of Beautiful Patterns to Choose From ’ Duplex-Oatmeals, Harmonelles, Harmonettes, Fiber*,

Grass Papers, Tapestries, (¡hint?, Chambrays, Two- Toned Floral and Strip Designs^ Washable Papers,


Pressed Crowns and Friezes.We operate »tore» loTWKNTYFOrjt cittea. teU lof b ig b -m d e wall paper »f low Price*. A viMi frill coorioce you that our Offering* *te better ™lac* any barwlns or Mietoffered by other «hop* or desurtattat

. axore*. .



P aper your own homo. In s tru c ­tion sheet free ou retjnest. .



Mason and Contractor

878 BROAD STREETNéüfrC. S . RAof N J. h M eottr

StAliou.aodPATERSON* N. J.205 Muket Street

Bathroom and Kitchen - T I L I N G —

him there as soon aa a teactb'Ç can ring were enjoyed by all: No ser.loua ................................................ . . . pica) Hallowe'en va­

lient, Refreshments dl*inites ennie to an

pvovUled to take hor place Jn the l.lncoln School ,. Bhorman SchoolThe Spirit of Hallowe'en has been

in the nlr during the last few days us evidenced-hy holiday decorations «ml games. On Wednesday parties were held'In grades two: three and fimr? Additional In terest was arous i:d .h i_ tliefu tirtlt:gade.b .ecau*cthe hoys of the class supplied the bat- »hies a« a forfeit -tor losing an arlth- metle test In which tliey^competed with the girls. . ^

Die sixth grade not only supplleil a grab ling blit sold several varieties of eiimly. ...The proceeds from tho ales me to he used for th e ir obser­

vation trip to New York; -On Wednesday, Novotnber 1, Miss

hours -with th a t of Miss CMmni* o'.Vein's first grade class exchanged first grade. D uring the m onths'of November and Docember the-hours «if these classes will be as follows:

Miss Q 'N etll-8:30-12:30.Ml«« Oiwan—12:30-4:30.

W M n u a o o s in g P ianta .A jn v>]i.'i-l> armvii Itniise ' p.lnnf will

lm\r -!luli’.'ly ileYctonetl reels- and lh« .follale U'lm.meil cm nudi te Insure .«gulu-! s |>ri‘uninirv ib'aib ef lhe plant.



teme■ ■ ¡r ■■»¡•“xA ■ •If tt‘« for aal«, rant or oxchaago, too no Bnv MPo -havo ofeolto lota any «ootlon. I t « btty, bAUd.manag»..aa d -Saane«—on—*aartorna. - - ­Q. H. RILST, Dottar Btüldlng

Phono ÇraaioW SAM i h n p O t n D. J -BURRE, Mct

were of- tlie amicable in juries and rlety. . ,


.... unti/ Thouoht.Ol», Jfhl;.in>*fih (ftiiTi ii\i iUsî (o brut*

i—• t «•» aw« ■ . * o vf a-

Have Perfect FloorsCitai, Ssiitik Suitanr, BeaotSfalu g illr ly . w o rn . u n a lE h lly lloors. T h * - A * H l c » t a l v m l H * Flowr S a r ta c la a M arh l** n il! c liU n nut

. Ihh ( r o u n d - lp d irt, ta k e air M iin*. t« m o r* o ld varn lah o r p i|ltit, a m oath . u p th * w orq apota am i

- 'm ak * th * o ld . floor a s good aa n»lr. Oak,, m a p le , h a rd pin,-.

c le a a e d a n d 'm a d e a s sm ooth «« Blaas. T h ey ca n b e reflntahed su m * a* w h en flrat p a t d o w n .-

Old Finn Mil* Like Nnr Rnr Fliers Uadi PeiftclN w v lr la id f.oora are p a ilb r

and Quickly brooyht to t d u n •mooth «urf*c* by the **Amer|- oan U alvcn u l** m eth od . T h is mcthod aavM th* bulidtr of ct«u-

- tr a ) co n tra c to r o f b ack *br*aklo2 U b c r . t t t d ' i w * th « •work m u ch , q u tek o f. b e tte r a n d a,t le s s co s t .

“Americikn U n iv e r s a l- m «th* . Off ffntohes h a y fioor b o a m U u U y . und e k t ir e ly . w ith o u t th e u su a l m uss. A Vacuum ta n dt>po*Ua aU d irt in a b ag . leavlusr th e job • le u n a a y ou g o a lo n e . -

X m ua ean la tn th e m eth od -----_____________________________

H. L KNAPP ....Floor Surfacing Contractor"'

SS- South Avana*. Cra&ford, X. J.TeL 762-J W astflcld -,