Download - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

Page 1: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions




St. Bruno Parish is a

community of people

sharing a common faith in �

the teachings of the

Catholic tradi�on. We come

together to worship God and

to spread the Good News that

Jesus gave us. Through �

celebra�ng Chris�an unity,

we provide emo�onal

support and prac�ce the works

of mercy.�

Please visit our website� �

for addi�onal updates.�

Parish Office Hours: �

Monday�Thursday, �

8:30 a.m.�3:00 p.m.�

Phone: 262�965�2332�

Address: �

226 W. O�awa Avenue�

Dousman, WI 53118�

Email: [email protected]

Shared Pastor: Fr. Dan Volkert�

Emergency: 262�965�2313�

E�Mail: [email protected]

Mass Times: �

Saturday: 4:00 p.m.�

Sunday: 10:30 a.m.�

Reconcilia.on: �

1st & 3rd Saturday 3:00�3:30 p.m.�

Page 2: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

Circle of Life

Please pray for our friends and fellow parishioners who have

entered into E������ L�� during the month of June.�

Pastor Dan’s


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Mar�n Snorek�

Sr. Margaret Heil�

Lillian Cartright�

Edward (Skip) Klotz�

Bernie Schultz�

Pa y Ann Drakos�

Noreen Doering�

Kathleen Landry�

Bob Wallis�

Don Haggith�

Emily Kelly�

Phyllis K. Jones�

Elizabeth Wyman�

The Milk Angels

Have you heard about the milk give away?

We have�Milk Angels right here at St. Bruno

Parish. They got the idea when the news

showed farmers dumping milk. There was a

news ar!cle about Sassy Cow Creamery owning a processing

facility where they pasteurize their own milk. �

Our Angels decided to purchase milk to donate to our local

families who may need help feeding their kids. This seemed

like a win�win for suppor!ng the farmer and local families. It

is their way of giving back to our community.��

If you or someone you know are interested in receiving a

gallon of milk that is rBGH free, please email

[email protected]�to reserve one. Pick up is on

Wednesday�June 10, between 12:00 and 2:00 pm.�at the

kitchen door near the playground. If you cannot come

between 12�2, a gallon of milk can be held for you un!l 5 pm

that day, just let the Milk Angels�know�with an email. Our

donor only asks in exchange that we keep praying for all the

people that are trying to stretch their food dollars and those

who work in cri!cal jobs.� �

To reserve your milk,�email the�Milk Angels���

[email protected]�by Mondays at noon.��

Reserva!ons are not necessary, but they do help the Angels

know how much milk to order. The Milk Angels will be

offering this service every other week. Watch the bulle!n for

future dates. We offer thanks to our though"ul donors.��

What is the Trinity Doctrine? �

In a nutshell, there is one God, eternally exis�ng in three

persons: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. The

three persons of the Godhead are coequal and co�eternal

as stated in Gen.1:26, Isaiah 9:6, Ma1hew 3:16�17; 28:19 �

Trinity Doctrine � How Can We Comprehend It?�

The most difficult thing about the Trinity Doctrine is that

there is no way to adequately explain it. The Trinity is a

concept that is impossible for any human being to fully

understand, let alone explain. God is infinitely higher than

we are, therefore we should not expect to be able to fully

understand Him. The Bible teaches that the Father is God

(Exodus 3:14), that Jesus is God (John 8:58), and that the

Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3�4). The Bible also teaches that

there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; James 2:19).

How these two statements of doctrine can both be true is

incomprehensible to the human mind. However, this

doesn't mean that they're both not true. �

Trinity Doctrine � No Illustra�on Is Completely Accurate�

With respect to the Trinity Doctrine, none of the popular

illustra5ons are completely accurate descrip5ons. The

water illustra5on is somewhat the best, but s5ll fails to

adequately describe the Trinity. Liquid, vapor and ice are

forms of water. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not

forms of God, each of them is God. Saint Augus5ne, one of

the greatest thinkers of the early church, described the

Trinity as comparable to the three parts of an individual

human being: mind, spirit, and will. They are three dis5nct

aspects, yet they are inseparable and together cons5tute

one unified human being. So, while these illustra5ons may

give us a picture of the Trinity, the picture is not en5rely

accurate or complete. An infinite God cannot be fully

described by a finite illustra5on. �

About a century later, in 325, the Council of Nicea set out

to officially define the rela5onship of the Son to the Father,

in response to the heresy of Arianism which denied the

divinity of Christ. Led by bishop Athanasius, the council

established the doctrine of the Trinity as orthodoxy and

condemned Arius' teaching that Christ was the first

crea5on of God. Each 5me we celebrate our weekend

Mass, we recite the Nicene Creed a;er the homily, as a

profession of not only our belief and faith but also our

understanding of who our God truly is for us all � A

community of love between three equal yet dis5nct

persons. It is that community of love that we try and

emulate in this world. �

Stay Spiritually Strong, Fr. Dan�


Page 3: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

Adult Formation

How to Teach Kids the about the

Trinity with an Apple

Grab an apple and share these five truths

with your kids:�

An apple has three parts: the seeds, the

flesh, and the skin. When you cut an apple in half, you can

see that each of these three parts are different (at this

point, you can cut the apple open for your kids!).�

1. The skin is like God the Father because He protects us.��

2. The flesh is like God the Son because Jesus Christ took

on human flesh.��

3. The seeds are like God the Holy Spirit because He

through His power, we grow in faith.��

4. Each of the parts of an apple are different, but they are

ALL apple.�

5. So are the persons of God all different (Father, Son and

Holy Spirit), yet they are ALL God.�

Masses for homebound Catholics air

every Sunday at 5:30 a.m. on WITI, Channel 6

and 9 a.m. on WCGV, Channel 24.

God so loved the world

Bleeding Heart blooming in

the garden symbolize

uncondi5onal love and

compassion (

God's love for each of us is

bigger than that.� In the first

reading, God tells Moses:� �

The LORD is merciful, gracious,

slow to anger, rich in kindness

and fidelity.� Translations limit

the richness of the original

language. Empathy,

compassion, a mother's tender

concern, pa5ence,

long�suffering, abundance, con5nuous outpouring of

divine kindness, goodness, steadfast love, constancy,

loyalty, and truth.� Put them all together and it's more like

abounding, incomparable, uncondi&onal love con&nually

poured out by God.�(Source: lector workbook). It's like the

love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for each other � so

big that it OVERFLOWS onto every single one of us

(Happy Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, by the way).

Love cannot get any bigger than this.�

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son...that

the world might be saved.�

Share the love, go forth glorifying the Lord with your life.�

Mary Kral [email protected]

Please Note:

There have been a number of staff & parishioners who have

received text messages or email from someone

staff members and leadership asking for help, money and/or

gi4 cards.��Please do not respond to these texts,�delete them.

Never open any links a6ached.��

Continue to spread the joy…

“Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat

their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and

flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.

Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to

help each other. No ma�er how difficult it is….life is

good when you are happy, but much be�er when

others are happy because of you.” Pope Francis�

Archbishop Jerome Listecki has granted us

permission to begin the reopening of public

Masses beginning May 30, 2020. The staff

looks forward to your return�to Mass ��the

source and summit�of our faith. (dispensa5on

un5l July 5 is ac5ve)�

The Combined Collec.ons: The Church in the United States will

be held next week, June 13�14, 2020, suppor�ng five causes

important to Catholics throughout the country: �

�Black and Indian Mission � Funds projects which help

communi�es here in southeastern Wisconsin and across the

United States. �

�Catholic Campaign for Human Development � Assists

low�income people build be�er lives for themselves and their

families. �

�The Catholic Communica�on Campaign � Provides for local

and na�onal communica�on needs, including the weekly

radio broadcast of the Sunday Mass from the Cathedral of

St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee.�

�Catholic University of America � Educates students in a spirit

of faith. �

�Re�rement Fund for Religious � Ensures adequate re�re-

ment funding for elderly religious throughout the country. �

This collec�on offers a wonderful opportunity to support

hands�on efforts to help people in need. Please give generously…

your gi? does make a difference! �

Donate online at�

Pray for all Frontline workers, �

First Responders, military personnel and their

families. May God keep them safe in his hands.�

Page 4: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

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Yesterday I got to a end Mass and receive

communion along with and safely distanced from my

fellow St. Bruno parishioners for the first �me in 10

weeks. How appropriate to be able to come back on

the feast of Pentecost, the birthday of our Church.

This was certainly the longest I have ever gone

without a ending Mass. During his homily Fr. Dan told us that the

Spirit is very much alive and well in our Church, and through the

power of the Holy Spirit we were able to open our doors and

celebrate Mass safely today. With great an�cipa�on I waited for

Fr. Dan to bring Jesus to me in the Eucharist, and I was overcome

with tears the moment that I was able to partake in this great gi4.

It sure feels wonderful to be back celebra�ng Mass in person!�

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. �

What is the Trinity? �

The�Catechism of the Catholic Church offers these words as an

explana�on of the Holy Trinity.�

"The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the

Chris�an faith and of Chris�an life. God alone can make it known to

us by revealing Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."�

"The Incarna�on of God's Son reveals that God is the eternal Father

and that the Son is consubstan�al with the Father, which means

that, in the Father and with the Father, the Son is one and the same

God." "Inseparable in what they are, the Divine Persons are also

inseparable in what they do. But within the single divine opera�on

each shows forth what is proper to Him in the Trinity, especially in

the divine missions of the Son's Incarna�on and the gi4 of the Holy


�� Catechism of the Catholic Church §§ 261, 262, 263, 267�

That s�ll sounds like a mystery to me! �

Let me offer my simple explana�on of the Trinity. One God,

3 persons, each with a different role. �

God the Father�is our creator and protector�our Father in


God the Son�Jesus�the Human part of God, sent to earth to

teach us how to live, love and save us from our sins.

Jesus is our Redeemer, Teacher and Friend.�

God the Holy Spirit�gives people the gi4s needed to con�nue

work Jesus taught while He was on earth. There are 7

Spiritual gi4s: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel (Right

Judgment), Piety (Reverence), Knowledge, For�tude

(Courage), Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe).�

God has ALWAYS been Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God revealed the

different persons of the Trinity during different �mes in Salva�on

History. The story of Salva�on History is s�ll being wri en today�

through each one of us. How we answer the call of our faith, is up to

each person. It’s important to find out what your spiritual gi4s are

and to use those gi4s to build up the Church. Each of us have

different gi4s, but those gi4s used together build up the body of our

Church. �

We acknowledge the Trinity when we pray these words: In the name

of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The Triune God

is central to our faith, covering all of the bases for humankind! It’s an

important story to share with your family and your friends.�

Blessings, Amy Golden ([email protected])�

School News

St. Bruno Parish and school is a community of deeply

commi�ed members. This shows as parents have

supported their children’s educa�on these past months.

It showed in an amazing way this past weekend when so

many people were part of our Men Who Cook Virtual Auc�on.

As of this wri�ng, we do not have final totals, but it was clear by

watching the ac�vity last weekend that this community loves its

parish and school. We who work on the school end of things are

deeply grateful for your commitment. Thank you.� To Michelle

Vandenhouten and Britney Fowler, we send a huge expression

of gra�tude for sharing your skill, love, energy and �me in

organizing this grand event!�

We have 14 successful 8th grade graduates!� Our

Drive�Through celebra�on on May 29, their last day of

school, was great fun.� A?er the drive�through,

graduates and staff met online for the tradi�onal

Roast and Toast, and the videos were quite the entertainment.� �

For all manner of reasons, more videos have been made this year

than any year in school history, I am posi�ve!���

Our students have completed almost all of their work with a

few loose ends to be �ed up. Students came to school one by

one this past week to clear and clean desks and lockers and to

say 'so long' for the summer. Our school has come through

2019�2020 with our school mission successfully accomplished

and with pride. We have learned our academic lessons, have

con�nued to learn the importance of our faith and, even in

stay�at�home days, prac�ced being the hands and feet of Jesus

to serve and help others.�

We look forward to 2020�2021 as we hope the world moves

closer to health and safety.� We are already planning

adjustments to keep our school environment safe and produc�ve

for all of our children.� Our small class sizes are indeed a

plus!� We ask our parish and school community to join our

Memorare Army con�nue praying for our school to thrive, and it

seems to be working!�� �

As always, you can contact us by email or phone (checking

messages remotely): Mary MacDonald, �

Principal [email protected] or �

Tammy [email protected].���

Child and Family Ministry


Did you know your Parish has a School that offers �

3K and 4K programs?�

We are very excited to have a great Early Educa2on program focusing

on academics in a play�based atmosphere. Our classrooms are led by

licensed teachers. We offer half�day and full�day programs and have a

Community Partnership with the Ke)le Moraine School District. If you

are already using a daycare facility, you will find that our tui2on costs

are very reasonable in comparison.�

In addi2on to our preschool program, we offer a great educa2on for

your child through 8th grade. We believe in tradi2onal values and use

modern learning styles in our classrooms. Our dedicated, cer2fied,

Christ�Centered teachers give instruc2on 5 days a week.�

The enrollment period has already begun.� Take ac2on now and give

us a call, 262�965�2291, to discuss a St. Bruno educa�on for ANY of your

students in 3K�8th grade!�

Page 5: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions



For the Week of June 8�14, 2020�

Monday: �

1 Kings 17:1�6, Ma�hew 5:1�12�

Tuesday: �

1 Kings 17:7�16, Ma�hew 5:13�16�

Wednesday: �

1 Kings 18:20�39, Ma�hew 5:17�19�

Thursday: �

Acts 11:21b�26; 13:1�3, Ma�hew 5:20�26�

Friday: �

1 Kings 19:9a, 11�16, Ma�hew 5:27�32�

Saturday: �

1 Kings 19:19�21, Ma�hew 5:33�37�

Sunday: �

Deuteronomy 8:2�3, 14b�16a, �

1 Corinthians 10:16�17, �

John 6:51�58��

� ���.������� !�"�#.$�% S!"�� B���� P!�"�#�

Monday, June 8�

† Deceased members of Bretl Family�

Wednesday, June 10�

† Deceased members of Foster Family�

Saturday, June 13�

Parishioners of St. Bruno & St. Paul�

Sunday, June 14�

† Ted DeMaire�

Please support our Adver�ser of the Week, �

Seasonal Services Ltd

See their full sized ad in this bulle�n.�




Today we celebrate the Divine

dance, a perfectly choreographed

interplay of the Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit. Together they dance

and move as one though three

unique Persons with dis5nc5ve, yet

harmonious, paFerns and steps.

They provide a mirror into our soul.

Within each one of us, the Divine

dance con5nues, and the music of

God’s love con5nues to inspire,

sustain, and recreate us with every

step and melody. Can you hear the

music that the Triune God is

playing? Where is the dance leading

you? Our minds can never truly

understand or know God. But our

hearts can seek and find Him. From

beginning to end, God is one and, at

the same 5me, Creator, Redeemer,

and Sanc5fier. God’s holy Trinitarian

dance is calling you to holiness. Join

in and dance! ©LPi�

GOOD NEWS !!! During this odd 2me

in the world we want to keep our focus on

the GOOD and stay connected with all of you.

We are seeking photos and/or video of the

GOOD things going on in your life. Big or

small! Please submit to�

[email protected]

MASS INTENTIONS � at almost every

Mass there is a specific inten�on. This is

usually in memory of a loved one who

has died, but it could be for a special

anniversary or another special inten�on.

These inten�ons are published in the

bulle�n every week for the upcoming

week. If you would like to have a Mass

celebrated for a special inten�on ($10

s�pend) call the office, leave a message,

someone will return your call. �



What Is the Purpose of the Pope? �

Ques.on: Why do Catholics have a Pope?�

Answer: To answer the ques�on of why

Catholics have a pope, we have to pull the

lens back and think about the very nature of

the Church herself. According to the Nicene

Creed (which is the statement of beliefs that

we recite each Sunday at Mass), we profess

that the Church is “one, holy, catholic, and

apostolic.” These adjec�ves are called the

marks of the Church, and they help us see

that the Church is bigger than just our

individual parish communi�es or even the

Chris�ans living in a par�cular region or


To help ensure that the community of

disciples would remain united in a

communion of love, Jesus entrusted the

Apostles with special authority to teach,

heal, and forgive sins in his name.�

And from among this group, Jesus chose

Simon Peter to play a special role,

designa�ng him as the “rock” on which the

Church was to be built (see Ma�hew 16:18�

19; John 21:15�17). Peter “the Rock”

became the visible sign of union within and

among the Apostles. In �me, as Peter and

the other Apostles passed away, other men

were chosen to take their place. The

successors of St. Peter � who we honor as

the first Bishop of Rome � and the

successors of the other Apostles (the

bishops) con�nued the work entrusted by

Jesus to that first genera�on of Church


According to long�standing tradi�on, the

successor of Peter was Linus, who was

followed by Cletus, who was followed by

Clement I, etc. This line of succession

con�nues to Pope Francis in our own �me.�

Over the centuries, these Bishops of Rome

� who came to be known as the

“pope” (from papa, which means “father” in

La�n) � s�ll con�nue to act as the “rock” of

the Church and as the visible sign of unity

for all the Catholic Chris�ans. The pope,

more than any other bishop, stands as the

Church’s primary teacher and as pastor of

the Church throughout the world, helping to

ensure that the Church remains what Jesus

intended her to be: one, holy, catholic, and


To learn more, see the “Catechism of the

Catholic Church” (no. 857�862 and 880�882).


Coronavirus Emergency


This fund will support the

ministries serving those in need

and members of our community who

have been nega�vely affected by the

pandemic. Give generously if you are


Page 6: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

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Page 7: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY JUNE 7, 2020 · 2020. 6. 7. · Cremation Services “Providing the services & facilities you have come to expect.” 121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459 Emissions

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Bruno, Dousman, WI A 4C 01-1192

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121 South Cross St. (262) 567-4459

Emissions Test Station! 262-431-4339

www.gbrocksautorepair.com375 E. Ottawa Ave. Dousman, WI 53118

G-Brock’s Auto Repair“Dealership quality at an

affordable price”Greg Brock


Debbie’s Day Care& Preschool


262-965-3050Child Development Degree

Celebrating 36 YearsDebbie Hendrick, Parish Member

Dousman Family Dentistry, S.C.Your Neighborhood Family Dentists

Michael T. Goral, D.D.S. Richard V. Whalen, D.D.S.

James Schaffer, D.D.S261 N. Main St.

New Patients Welcome


Breakfast Lunch DinnerBreakfast Lunch DinnerOpen 7 Days • 6 am till 9 pm

(262) 965-5745 159 Highway 67, Dousman, WI


Construction Home Remodeling262-965-3991

Serving the Lake Country Area since 1984Jim SmukowskiCell: (262) 490-1524 Fax: (262) 965-3535

Email: [email protected]

First Citizens State Bank

Palmyra Office

262-495-2101111 East Main St., Palmyra, WI

Member FDIC Quality, Compassionate Care

Locally Owned Serving Southeast Wisconsin Since 2007 Skilled HomeCare • Hospice Care


Proud partner of We Honor Veterans John Sauer, Parishioner

Bark River Animal Hospital

Andy Runte, DVM 281 N. Main St

Dousman, WI 53118

262-965-4888Contact Jim Braun • [email protected] • (800) 950-9952 x2446

• Sunday Brunch• Friday Fish Fry• Saturday Prime Rib• Local Craft Beers On Tap• Cozy Fire Place• Great Outdoor Space

Hwy 18 just west of 83

2 Locations:320 West Main St.

Palmyra, WI

(262) 495-2127103 West Eagle St.

Eagle, WI(262) 594-2442