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The Most Beloved and The Most Hated Speech to Allah Sept 2015


The Most Beloved and the Most Hated Speech to Allah Sunday, September 20 2015

Lecture by Sister Eman al Obaid

Allah swt says Chapter (59) sūrat l-ḥashr (The Gathering)

59:21 If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah. And these examples We present to the people that perhaps they will give thought. Who is the one having feelings of being humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah?

The mountains have feelings – the mountains are an object, stones, but the mountains have feelings.

Fear of Allah – this is an action of the heart. The feeling of the ‘Fear of Allah’ effects the mountains.

What will happen to the mountains because of their feelings – their feeling the ‘Fear of Allah’?

humbled – the heart is humbled

breaking asunder – the cracks on the outside

Look at the effect of the Qur’an if it came upon a mountain. It will change the heart making it to have khusoo. The khushoo will not come except if you have ‘Fear of Allah’. If you really feel Allah, and feel the feeling of ‘Fearing Allah’. What will Allah swt look at? Allah swt will look at your heart, and depending on your heart Allah swt will give to you. It all depends on your heart – how you feel about Allah swt.

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The Most Beloved and The Most Hated Speech to Allah Sept 2015


Hoping from Allah – Allah will give you

Fearing Allah – Allah swt will give you

Love of Allah – Allah swt will give you more It is all about the feelings you feel towards Allah swt, which is gayb (unseen) but you need to feel – and the effects will come. KHUSHOO We want to have khushoo – at least in the prayer.

Then you have Khushoo when you do tawaf

You have khushoo when you are fasting

You do khushoo when you are in the study circle

You do khushoo when you are reading the Qur’an You go from level to level until you have khushoo all the time – when you know this Allah swt. You need to appreciate the Qur’an by what Allah swt tells us. Sometimes we hear news which shakes us but there is no bigger news to shake us than the Qur’an - all news in the Qur’an is about the past, the present, the future. The news in the Qur’an is the best for reforming.

59:10 And [there is a share for] those who came after them, saying, "Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful." In the above ayah they mean what they say. The most beloved kalaam and the most hateful kalaam to Allah swt is all about the heart – the kalaam with the heart.

they say – but they mean it, that is why Allah swt mentions it. We all need reforming – how? Forgiveness – me and everyone else needs forgiveness – even the people before us. Allah sees what is in our hearts.

any rancor – will make us not to be united which will make us weak.

How can I go to Allah swt if I am weak? If we are scattered we will be weak – even if we are praying alone, fasting alone, reading the Qur’an alone. We will be reformed more with the people. For example if a doctor only studied, he didn’t perform any operations, would you consider him to be a doctor? How can you trust this doctor who has not practiced? When you learn then in the dunya Allah swt repeats what you learn but in a physical form. We need learning otherwise we will not understand.

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REFORMING We increase in knowledge but Allah swt will put us in situations to apply it – Allah swt will give you opportunities. Depends on what comes in your mind, what Allah swt puts in your heart, what you learn. This is the big reforming – what you have in the Qur’an and what

you have in your life in the dunya. Allah swt will repeat it. We make du’a asking Allah swt to reform us without problems, without going into difficulties. You can have reforming with difficulties. Some people learn their lesson after so many years because they went through so many difficulties. You will find this in life. Through so many decrees they will learn. Munafiqin and Kafireen Their hearts are different from their tongues. The beloved and hated speech is not about what people hear from you – it is about the heart – what is in your heart and what is on your tongue should both be the same.

mumineen - heart and tongue is the same

munafiqin – heart is different and their talk is different Both are believers but they deal with the believers and with disbelievers the same. We think hypocrites will only be hypocrites with the believers. But even amongst themselves they will be hypocritical because they are munafaq – munafaq with everybody. They fear the believers more than they fear Allah. They rely on the means. They have no tawakkul. They depend on their own powers. They fear someone they shouldn’t due to a lack of fiqh and they rely on the means. This is the Quraysh – they tasted the bad consequence of what they did. This munafiq is like shaitan – because the shaitan will give promises which are fake promises. Shaitan will be behind the person because his name is ‘kufr’ – to disbelieve which is to be outside the belief of Allah and to be ungrateful. Ingratitude is from the shaitan. Major kufr means someone is kafir, minor kufr is ingratitude – not appreciating the blessing.

59:16 [The hypocrites are] like the example of Satan when he says to man, "Disbelieve." But when he disbelieves, he says, "Indeed, I am disassociated from you. Indeed, I fear Allah , Lord of the worlds."

If I don’t have knowledge how can I

understand the actions of Allah?

If I don’t have knowledge how can I

understand this is from shaitan or


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Shaitan will say ‘I free myself from you’. I called you and you listened to me’. Don’t push someone to sin as they will free themselves from you ‘bari’. For

example children will disturb you and you will talk bad. On the Day of Judgment someone will say to you ‘you did it’. You are responsible for your actions, not the actions of other people. We are responsible for our own actions.

Indeed, I fear Allah , Lord of the worlds." It is not what we hear, but what makes you to say this, what belief you have, what actions you have. All the statements should have:

aqeedah – roots, what made you say any word, what do you believe in

action – from what I say I should have action Allah swt knows.

59:17 So the outcome for both of them is that they will be in the Fire, abiding eternally therein. And that is the recompense of the wrong-doers. The munafiq is zalim – he doesn’t mean what he says The kafir is zalim – they deceive the people and are all liars Surat Al Hashr talks of the actions of the heart and the actions of the limbs. Allah swt is aware of what you have in your heart and deals with you according to what you have in your heart. Surat Al Hashr is about the actions of Allah swt. The Muhajireen, the Ansar, the believers – Allah swt knows their heart, Allah swt elevated them, you have the Qur’an being recited upon them. Abu Bakr Sadiq, the best of the Sahabah, he didn’t precede the people because of his salat, because of his fasting or sadaqa (deeds) – but he is the best because of his heart. Sidiq because of the heart. When the heart is good the actions will be good even if a little – this is like sweet fruit. Sometimes the heart is bad and the fruit is bitter. And sometimes you find one single fruit is more tasty than all the others. This is how important is the heart.

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This lecture is based on one hadith. But don’t think ‘only this’. In the first 10 days of this month of dhul al Hijjah the deeds are more beloved to Allah swt. What is the most beloved Word? What is the most hateful word to Allah swt?

The beloved Kalam

You can make this a dhikr. You need to say it with belief. If you know Allah swt loves something you need to do it all the time. If you love Allah swt and Allah loves this, you will do it constantly. But with Allah swt it is not important what you say, what is important to Allah swt is the heart. It will not beloved to Allah swt if it is not in your heart. There is a description of people in Surat al Baqarah Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow)

Allah swt loves if you

SAY it

Allah swt loves if you


Allah swt loves if you will


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2:204 And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents.

please’s you – people like the words of the munafiq. The munafiq will also speak about the religion amazing the people with their kalam – you feel they will go to paradise. But when he turns from this gathering he will spread mischief.

2:205 And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals. And Allah does not like corruption. This ayah is connected to this hadith. For example two women in the masjid are talking – they have no Qur’an with them but they are talking about hadith and memorizing the Qur’an. An old lady came towards them saying they are talking bad kalam. Do they justify themselves for her sake. You don’t need to justify. This is a test. You are not doing anything bad but someone will criticize or judge you. If you are talking good but inside your feelings are bad is it considered kalaam tayyab or kalaam kabir? Kabir. You are saying good words with your tongue but do not feel it in your heart, and do not act upon it, then it is kalaam kabir because what is important to Allah swt is the heart. AlhamduliLlah is the heaviest word but if you don’t mean it, it is worse. In the time of the Prophet SAWS very few people memorized the Qur’an. Now, so many people memorize the Qur’an but they don’t know what is in the Qur’an. The Qur’an is questioning them. The religion is not like wearing beautiful clothes which everyone will admire. The religion is in the heart, especially in the jamaat. Sometimes kalaam is very good, but not when I don’t mean it. It is also not about the quantity. Who are you memorizing for? There are angels worshipping day and night so Allah swt does not want quantity – but human beings love quantity – Allah swt wants quality. The kalaam on the tongue itself should be good and in your heart it should be good.

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Subhana kalla humma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta'ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk All glory be to thee O Allah! and praise be to thee , Blessed is thy name and exalted Thy Majesty

and there is none worthy of worship besides thee. The first 10 days of Dhul al Hijjah are about the dhikr. Don’t say anything on your tongue and your heart is empty. Allah swt will not accept a du’a if your heart is not there. If you say only one du’a ‘Ihdinas siratal mustaqeem’ (Guide us on the straight path) and really mean it Allah swt will guide you and guide everyone around you. Allah is so Forbearing, Al Latif – with all our faults still Allah swt is guiding us. If you don’t mean it the guidance will be delayed. What is required of me? To understand what we are saying – the meaning should be present in my heart when I am saying it.

For each word we will see

Most Beloved Words

• Maybe one thing which you say with the heart will take you to Paradise.

•When you say the beloved words of Allah swt with feelings it should reflect in your actions.


•If you say one word with feelings Allah swt will love you.

•It will solve all your problems – everyone will love you. Allah swt will love you

•Allah swt will take care of all your affairs.


•It is not with your power, how much you do – your ikhtibar is how much your heart is connected Allah swt all the time

•the connection with Allah swt is with the taqwa – not with the limbs.

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The ikhtikar

The amal (action)

All glory be to thee O Allah!

‘Subhana kalla humma’ – to negate all the imperfections and faults from Allah swt. We need to put in our heart that nothing in Allah’s actions is imperfect. Nothing in Allah swt actions is not beautiful – all Allah swt actions are beautiful. SubhanaAllah shows your trust in Allah. You are trusting Allah swt more than you trust yourself. Even if you

saw it, you trust your eyes, you heard it with your own ears, you witnessed it, but you negate it – I don’t trust myself - I say Allah is ‘Subhanaka’. Everything is beautiful, nothing is bad. If I see bad I say ‘Subhanaka’. Shaitan will come and make you think bad about Allah swt

especially about the decree

Shaitan will put bad thoughts in your mind – so you feel bad, you feel tired, you will feel bad about people, you will feel bad about yourself, you feel you are having a bad day etc. shaitan will bring the bad thinking into your heart which you will replay in your mind like a movie trailer continuously, a very sad movie making you miserable.

One thing will happen and shaitan will highlight it.

Shaitan is very good in connecting things and it will make sense. With SubhanaAllah it will not make sense to you – i.e. Al Khidr killing the boy – our mind is imperfect so nothing makes sense. Shaitan makes everything very logical, beautiful and well connected together. Happiness Maybe you are feeling happy about something and shaitan will bring something to spoil your happiness.

You need to deal with everything with Subhana kalla humma. With Allah swt nothing is negative, everything is positive. Everything is so perfect, nothing is bad. What is the weapon? Don’t be angry, don’t be frustrated if you really believe. Bad character and bad behavior with people is a result of not really believing in Subhanaka. If you believe in ‘subhanaka’ it will be in your actions.


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It is not just a word you say. Subhanakalla hum should be firm in your heart. The ‘Names of Allah’ teach you ‘SubhanaAllah’. Allah swt is disposing of all your affairs. Allah swt is Hakeem so nothing is random in this life, there is wisdom behind everything. Allah swt is Alim, Qadir, Kareem. You make du’a but your du’a was not answered so you say ‘subhanaka’ to remove all the bad thinking about Allah swt. Shaitan will say ‘you make so much du’a, you are so kind, you are so good, so why did this happen to me’ - shaitan will tell you about yourself because you want empathy / pity. We like to hear this – people are mean, so and so is so bad, so rude. We don’t like it if someone says ‘take a look at yourself’. There are people helping shaitan. For example a woman has 3 very young children all close in age and someone shows pity by saying “poor you, you probably don’t get much sleep”. This is thinking bad about Allah swt and is not very helpful to the woman but helpful to shaitan.

Shaitan uses women because they are so emotional. Shaitan will use the people – someone may have a blessing but shaitan can make them ungrateful.

In this life we are around so much ‘decree’ so shaitan wants you to think bad – which is thinking bad about Allah swt. We are Allah swt creation and we are living the decree of Allah swt. Allah swt made this decree for us because this is best for us. You make du’a and Allah swt does not give to you, Allah swt is Al Hakim, He will give to you in a time which is good. This is Allah swt being kind to you – this is a mercy.

The Decree

We need to believe and we need to make the people believe in Subhanaka – we do it for

ourselves and we do it for other people.

For yourself – I believe in ‘Subhana kalla humma’ to negate all the imperfections from Allah swt.

Don’t bring people down. Don’t say to someone I also went through this same

difficulty / sickness and what happened to me will happen to you. Allah swt made the decree for each and everyone one of us according to our nature. But we make the decree when we

put people down – we are planning




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If we say this du’a after wudu, after salat, after reading the Qur’an after attending a study circle, after talking, it will be written in a tablet which will never break until the Day of Judgement

And praise be to thee O Allah The main concern in your heart is Allah swt. Therefore I want to say the things Allah swt loves. I don’t want to say something or do something which Allah swt will hate; Muhabat Allah is an attribute of Allah swt so we need to believe Allah swt loves. And we also need to believe Allah swt hates. So there are some words Allah swt hates and there are

some words Allah swt loves. If you want your words to be the most beloved there should be something in the heart. But Allah swt may hate good words because of the intention – the heart is bad, you have some other motive. Wa bihamdika With ‘Sunhana kalla humma’ you push any negativity from your mind and your heart is empty. You need ‘wa bihamdika’ – you negate all imperfections from Allah swt and you attribute perfection to Allah swt. For example you are asked ‘how is your health?’ You say ‘not bad’. What does it mean ‘not bad’? Not great. You push away all negativity, think good and praise Allah swt. When you negate all imperfections from Allah swt then you will praise Him. Allah swt deserves the praise for any sickness you may have. Allah swt deserves all the praises. ‘Subhana kall humma wa bihamdika’ is for the unseen. If you say this 100 times Allah swt will forgive you for your sins. How does shaitan make us not to believe in ‘wa bihamdika’? Shaitan will say something happened because of ‘your goodness’ so you attribute the praise to yourself. i.e. I am sincere, hardworking, I made so much du’a etc. When you do anything in life for the dunya or akhirah don’t praise yourself. We all have disabilities – we only need Allah swt. We cannot boost ourselves up or be independent from Allah swt – we need to rely on Allah swt. Before the Day of Judgment when the dajjal will come the Prophet saws said to stay at home. We are not independent – we need Allah swt so that is why Allah swt deserves the praise. When will Al-HamduliLlah be weak in our hearts? It will be weak when you believe entirely in yourself. For example we praise the camel for being able to go without water for 17 days. But Allah swt gave the camel this ability. We are the same.

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Wa bihamdika – Allah swt deserves all the praise because Allah swt is Al Quiyum taking care of you. It is not up to us if we do or don’t want to be taken care of because Allah swt is Al Quiyum. We cannot even drink water or we cannot sleep without Allah swt. All our organs are submitting to Allah swt, our entire body is submitting to Allah swt but our heart, we need to activate our heart. We think we are walking, running, talking etc. but we are not. So many of us are so proud thinking we are independent. When you pray, who makes you to pray? Allah swt, so don’t give the credit to yourself. When you are saying dhikr, memorizing, doing good deeds, giving charity, don’t give credit to yourself or anybody else except Allah swt. Everybody thinks they know better. For example older people think they are better than younger people and vice versa. Don’t give credit to yourself. Allah swt gives you your hearing, your seeing, your ability etc. I’m imperfect, I am poor, Allah swt is perfect. When you know what is’ hamdika’ it will affect your actions – when you say it and really believe in it you will be adorned with the most beautiful adornments – TAWWAKUL. What makes you to depend on & rely on Allah swt? When you know you cannot do it. You feel you cannot do it. Then your tawakkul will be strong. For example salat – we think it is easy because we are born Muslim. But something is missing - tawwakul. Don’t worship Allah swt as if it is ‘just a piece of cake’. The more you believe in yourself and give credit to yourself, and trust yourself there is no tawwakul. Hamdika – means Allah swt is doing everything, Allah swt deserves the praise for all His actions. When you believe in ‘hamdika’ – all the praise belongs to Allah swt then your ibadhat will be adorned with tawwakkul and your heart is depending on Allah swt.

Story; one teacher was teaching and Allah swt was dealing with her with ‘Haleem’. Once she had a new class and felt that this is not a problem as she has been teaching for many years. But during the class she just could not speak. She did istighfar for Allah swt to forgive her for her evil deeds until Allah swt allowed her to talk again. Are you believing in Hamidka – All the praise belongs to Allah swt? Tawwakul – don’t rely on the means including ourselves – don’t be confident about anybody else except Allah swt – i.e. regarding your beauty, intelligence, another person, your children.

Don’t give credit to YOURSELF Don’t give credit to ANYBODY

Our biggest test is the means and ourselves. We have so much confidence.

The test is not how much you do but how much you

rely on Allah. How you believe and act upon the



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We connect this with the story in Surat al Baqarah. Someone died and nobody knew who killed this man. The means Allah swt chose to show who the criminal was not what one would expect. They had to slaughter the cow and cut it into pieces. Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow) 2:72 And (remember) when you killed a man and fell into dispute among yourselves as to the crime. But Allah brought forth that which you were hiding. 2:73 So We said: "Strike him (the dead man) with a piece of it (the cow)." Thus Allah brings the dead to life and shows you His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) so that you may understand. 2: 74 Then, after that, your hearts were hardened and became as stones or even worse in hardness. And indeed, there are stones out of which rivers gush forth, and indeed, there are of them (stones) which split asunder so that water flows from them, and indeed, there are of them (stones) which fall down for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. We need to deal with all the means as if ‘dead’ – there is no value for it. You use the means but your heart is not in it. When we depend on the means i.e. I have sabr, it means we do not believe in ‘hamdika’. The means may give you the result, the means maybe not what you expected to get to the result, so you need to treat the means like this dead piece of flesh – no benefit in it. The belief is gayb. Everything you have is a means which has no value. Don’t depend on the means , use the means but your heart is not in it. Hamdika – all praises to Allah swt, no credit for anybody else. Negate all the imperfections from Allah swt. When we depend on the means i.e. I am patient, we don’t really believe in ‘wa bi hamidka’. The more we are far away from Allah swt, the more we don’t attribute to Allah and the means will be more powerful until the means control us. We should have control of the means. The more we are far away from Allah the means will be stronger – you will believe in the means more. The means maybe effective but will trap the heart. When the means work it doesn’t mean the means are good. For example ‘I trust the doctor’ can corrupt the heart – rely on Allah swt. When you know Allah swt you will not be deceived by the means. When you want to do something and you try different ways and nothing happens, then one day one thing will work for you – this is a test, in your heart you are afraid to trust this means. When you believe in ‘wa bi hamdika’ Allah swt will give to you but you must rely on Him, don’t rely on the means because they are dead. If a word is great there is some struggle in it, some belief I have in my heart.

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Blessed is they name What am I asking Allah for? The blessings. Barakah means quality. Sometimes you have so much time on your hands but you don’t do anything. Some people have so little time and do so much – this is barakah in your time.

You may have one item of clothing you wear again and again – and one thing you will never wear, so there is no barakah in it. The concept of barakah these days is being replaced with another word – ‘markat’ (brand) i.e. something designer, or a trademark. Maybe something you spent little money on everyone will praise or something you spent a lot of money on nobody will notice. Barakah is being replaced in peoples mind with the ‘brand’. It is actually Allah swt who puts the barakah. ‘wa tabarakasmuka’ – the blessing is from Allah swt. Hadith Ayesha said that when the Prophet SAWS passed away he left a container with a handful of barley. Everyday she didn’t open it – she just took out some barley to bake with and it never finished for many years. One day she wanted to see how much barley was left and when she opened it all the barley was finished. When you count the barakah goes. When you count your money it will be less – this means there is no barakah. Sometimes you give and give without counting and you will never be short. ‘wa tabarakasmuka’ is believing in Allah swt. In surat al Baqarah Allah sent them food but they didn’t want it, they wanted something from the ground. Chapter (2) sūrat l-baqarah (The Cow)

2:61 And (remember) when you said, "O Musa (Moses)! We cannot endure one kind of food. So invoke your Lord for us to bring forth for us of what the earth grows, its herbs, its cucumbers, its Fum (wheat or garlic), its lentils and its onions."

‘wa tabarakasmuka’ – needs faith, needs a heart that knows Allah swt , needs knowledge of Allah swt. When you learn about Allah swt then you detach from the means. Barakah is infinite – it is not about 1 plus 1 equals 2. The more materialistic we are the barakah will disappear from everything. Allah swt wants to be exclusive – only He gives the barakah. Sometimes we need barakah – for example we depend on the quantity of our sleep, but sometimes you are fresh only after 4 hours of sleep. Barakah in the food is from Allah swt – you eat healthy but your health is not good. Before people used to have many children and not focus so much on education – today there is so much focus on education but children are not saliheen. It’s all about barakah – you

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don’t depend on the means. Someone may have 10 children but they have no one to take care of them in old age – however someone with no children has someone taking care of them in old age. All the Names of Allah are blessed – Allah swt will bless your time, Allah swt will bless your hearing so you hear only the good; Allah swt will bless your tongue so you will speak all the good. Allah swt will bless everything and every detail. ‘wa tabarakasmuka’. If you see sin there is no barakah in your sight, if you hear bad then there is no barakah in your hearing. When you magnify Allah ‘wa tabarakasmuka’ Allah will give you the blessing. We trust only the du’a but when you praise Allah swt, Allah swt will give you more, give you more peace to make you happy. Allah swt will bless your time, your wealth, your knowledge. Barakah in the knowledge is the application of the knowledge, not the quantity of knowledge you have. In life you cannot leave yourself even for one second – you cannot leave yourself like you cannot leave a small child afraid that shaitan will come. Shaitan will make you think you are a chosen one, make you think you are good. When Allah swt brings the barakah there are no problems. When you have problems it means there is a lack of barakah. The barakah is from Allah swt so we need to ask Allah swt for the barakah. Hadith: Once the Prophet SAWS was in the market and people were complaining about the high prices and wanted to tell their leader. The Prophet SAWS stopped them and said “Even if the price is raised, it is Allah swt who has set the price, so don’t complain”. People have problems because they complain. We as the receiver of the decree, Allah swt is putting the price as Allah swt is the provider. There is a hiqmah which we don’t know. Maybe the one with the higher price needs your money for something – we don’t know. Allah swt has decreed this person will have your money and how much of your money they will have. The change in you will not come from one lecture or some new information. The belief will not come from reading a new hadith or a new surah. The change in yourself comes from repetition. Repetition gives you more strength – a surah will ‘click’ with repetition, this will then give you yaqeen. Then Allah swt will give you the barakah.

and exalted thy majesty Judduka means the might. Who is the one I should magnify? Only Allah swt. We need to feel it. What did the Jinn say in surat al Jinn when they heard the Qur’an from the Prophet SAWS?

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The Most Beloved and The Most Hated Speech to Allah Sept 2015


Chapter (72) sūrat l-jin (The Jinn)

72:13 And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. And whoever believes in his Lord will not fear deprivation or burden. Exalted be Allah swt. They understood that Allah swt is so great. Exalted be Allah swt because He is the greatest. ‘wa ta'ala jadduka’ is the kalaam but should also have I’tiqad. I’tiqad (belief) of ‘wa ta'ala jadduka’ Allah is Azeem. Allah swt is your priority. Physically you are praying, maybe not to feel guilty but you are only cheating yourself, and while praying we are thinking of something else. You finish the obligation but the tasleem Ar Rabb is absent. For example someone’s decides to build their own house and this is their focus day and night. If told to care more about their house in paradise they will say but they need a house in dunya. The house in Jannah is forever. We need the house in dunya but our concern should be our house in the akhirah. Instead if you make du’a ‘may Allah swt grant you a house in Paradise’ you are magnifying Allah’s reward. If there is no tasleem Allah, if there is no tasleem for His Qur’an, there is no tasleem for His rules and regulation – but I make so much effort for the rules of the people but not for the rules of Allah SWT i.e. not to slander, we are not magnifying Allah swt. Why don’t we magnify Allah as much as we should? Because Allah swt is unseen. If you give your children a reward for learning a page of the Qur’an you are decreasing the magnification of Allah swt. We don’t magnify Allah because of the reward. We just look like we are following the rules but not because we magnify Allah swt. It is not about wanting to do or not wanting to do – it is about magnifying Allah swt. What is the opposite of magnifying Allah swt? Not magnifying Allah – you will have no fear. If you know there is a meeting with Allah swt and that it could happen at any time, your heart will jump with fear if told you will die tomorrow. People will say why did you do something in front of so and so but in our heart we know Allah huwa Al Baseer, As Sameer all the time. In life we need to struggle, we are not perfect, we ask Allah swt to help us, we cannot do it by ourselves. When we have tasleem we will magnify His commands. ‘wa ta'ala jadduka’ – Allah is Exalted, no one is above Allah swt. Allah swt is the most important in your heart, we have to have so much hope from Allah swt and not feel sad because of our faults and

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The Most Beloved and The Most Hated Speech to Allah Sept 2015


mistakes. Ibadhat should be with love, hope and fear. If there is no fear there is no magnification. You have so much hope but there is no fear. The signs of no tasleem

- no priority in my heart - People make fun of the religion - mock - You don’t give the religion it’s value

People mock the religion because there is no respect. Sometimes we deal with the religion as if it is not important i.e. someone’s child is not so intelligent so the parents give them a religious education instead of encouraging them to go to university. Or missing school is a problem, but missing fajr prayer is not a problem, you paid for the school so you take it seriously but praying is free of charge so you don’t take it so seriously. The matter of the dunya will reform your life, the matter of the akhirah will reform your dunya and akhirah. You can catch up on any matter of the dunya, but with any matter of the akhirah you cannot catch up. It’s time is gone. In religion there are priorities

1. Allah swt – to know Allah swt and His actions What is the use of reciting and memorizing the Qur’an but I don’t know who is Allah swt, I don’t know my aqeedah. The shaitan can trick us by making us prioritize other things. First I need faith before I go to the Qur’an. We need to make tasleem Allah swt – this is our action. We shout at the children for not doing their homework but when they don’t pray that is not a problem. How will I magnify Allah? Make the dunya insignificant in your eyes. Allah swt deserves the magnification. This is in the heart.

and there none worthy of worship beside Thee.

I will not fill my heart with anyone except Allah swt

I will not hope from anyone except Allah swt

I will not praise anyone except Allah swt La ilaha illAllah

Push everything else out – your heart will not turn to the reward of anyone else, your heart will not turn to the punishment of anything, you heart will just focus – this is La illaha illAllah. There is an ayah in Surat al Hadid telling you about La ilaha illAllah.

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The Most Beloved and The Most Hated Speech to Allah Sept 2015


Chapter (57) sūrat l-ḥadīd (The Iron)

57:3 He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing. This is La ilaha illAllah. When you know that no one is before Allah swt, when you know that no one is after Allah swt, nobody is above Allah swt and nobody is below Allah swt.

comes before the mean, before you knock on the doors any anybody, before you grab and take anything.

Allah swt gives the consequences of the means.

Allah swt is so hidden – more than yourself

Take out from your heart anybody whom you

seek their pleasure except Allah swt.

Remove from your heart anything that can be

attached to your heart except Allah swt.

People will say my dignity, my honor is important but when you say La illaha illAllah you should not want to please anyone except Allah swt. You are not waiting for someone else’s pleasure.

Subhana kalla humma •You free Allah swt from all imperfections

wa bihamdika •you attribute all the good to Allah swt

wa tabarakakasmuka •the blessings are all from Allah swt

wa ta'ala jadduka •Allah swt is exalted in my heart so He is my priority in my heart so

wa la ilaha ghairuk •I don't attach and I don't turn to anybody's pleasure except Allah swt