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THE MIHOSHI INCIDENT By Derek Sherman page 1

From :

[ I really enjoyed this story so I am taking Derek at his word that I can post it here. Also I converted it to an audio book using D-Speech a free program that converts text to audio and will allow you to save it as an MP3. If you can stand the computer voice and want to read something, but don’t have time to read it … put it on a CD or MP3 player and listen to it while you drive. I‘ve actually never read most of the text for this story.]

These MP3 files can be freely downloaded at:

Chapter 01

Chapter 02

Chapter 03

Chapter 04

Chapter 05

Chapter 06

Chapter 07

Chapter 08

Chapter 09

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Disclaimer : Tenchi Muyo! and all the characters thereof are the property of Pioneer/AIC and such. Star Trek : The Next Generation and all characters thereof are property of Paramount. None of the characters in this fanfic are being paid for their appearance here, nor is the author getting any profit from this work of fiction (as if!).

Futher, if you wish to archive this fanfic on a publicly-accessibly site (be it Web, FTP, or whatever), I have no objections to that as long as such does not bring any profit to anyone (if I don't make money off of it, no one will make money off of it). All I ask is that you contact me and let me know where the archive location is so I can check it out.

That said, on with the show...


Chapter 1 - Off We Go....

It was a peaceful scene, one that many people would dream of. A distinguished home nestled on the shore of a calm lake, surrounded by thickly forested hills. A mild breeze rustling the leaves. Birds and insects calling out ceaselessly to whomever was listening. A handful of white, puffy clouds crawling lazily across the sapphire sky.

Yes, a beautiful scene.

Suddenly, a loud explosion shocks the birds to silence. A cloud of dense black smoke erupts from several windows on the house's upper floor. Startled shouts and screams come from inside the house. Another explosion, and even more smoke belches out of the upper windows. Now, distinct voices can be made out.

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A woman's voice, shrill and deafening. "Ryoko! Look at this mess! How could you DO such a thing?!"

Another woman, her voice defiant. "Hey! Don't you go blaming me for this! Washu never told me that this thing would backfire at the highest setting!"

"Don't go trying to shift the blame, Ryoko! You should know better than to take potentially dangerous items from Washu's lab in the first place! Um.... what is that... device... anyway?"

A harsh laugh. "You mean to tell me that you don't know what this is?" A barrage of laughter. "Boy, you are an inexperienced one, aren't you?"

"WHAT?! Why, you.... you.... you have no right to speak to me that way!"

"Actually, I consider it more of a privilege, princess."

A third woman's voice joins the chorus. "Will you two please stop! I mean, what's done is done, and there's no use arguing about it if it's already done, right? Unless, of course, you could un-do it, but you can't, so it's really useless arguing about it. Right?"

The first two women, in unison, "Shut up, Mihoshi!"

Now a man's voice, "What the...? What are you doing to my house now?!"

The defiant woman again, now apologetic. "Tenchi! Why, I.... uh.... I was doing some.... uh.... redecorating!"

"Redecorating?" the man replied, "You blew up the toilet!"

Yet another female voice, this one noticeably younger in tone. "Dinner's ready!"

Another normal day in the Masaki household.


Mihoshi held a pillow in a close, smothering embrace as she giggled hysterically. Despite the commotion earlier that day, she hadn't missed as much of her favorite show as she had feared. In fact, it was getting really interesting. Marthus had apologized profusely and proclaimed his undying love, and had even gone so far as to agree to adopt the two illegitimate hatchlings that he had sired. Janus had taken him back into her house and it looked like they were going to live happily ever after.

Mihoshi dabbed at the tears that filled her eyes. Life was good.

So enraptured was she in her own joy at that moment that Mihoshi didn't feel the hand on her shoulder at first. It wasn't until the fifth "Mihoshi!" that she realized someone was talking to her. She looked up from the pillow. It was Sasami, Ryo-ohki perched on her head. "Oh! Sasami! I didn't see you there. What is it?"

Sasami smiled. "You're watch is ringing."

"Huh?" Mihoshi glanced at the multi-purpose communicator/criminal detector/temporal indicator strapped to her wrist. "Why, you're absolutely right Sasami! Thank you very much."

"Sure." the young princess replied, her smile broadening.

Mihoshi smiled back and pressed the communications button. "Yes?"

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"Mihoshi?" Yukinojo's distraught voice blurted from the communicator. "I've been trying to contact you for over an hour. Where have you been?"

"What? Oh, I was.... ah.... I was... well..."

"Mihoshi," the computer interrupted, "It's time for us to start our weekly patrol of the system."

"Already? But we just patrolled it..." Mihoshi tried to count off the days on her fingers. "Um... one, two, three... um.... last week!"

"Eight days ago, to be exact." the computer clarified. "And we're supposed to patrol the system once a week - which is seven days. We're behind schedule!"

Mihoshi absorbed the logic of that and nodded. "You're so very right, Yukinojo. We'd better get going, then."

"I'll be waiting for your arrival, Mihoshi."

Tossing the pillow aside, Mihoshi jumped to her feet. "I've got to patrol the solar system now." she explained to Sasami.

"Really?" Sasami asked, her eyes sparkling. "Can I go with you?" Ryo-Ohki cocked her head to one side and meowed expectantly. "I mean, can we go with you?"

"Well, I don't know..." Mihoshi began.

"Please? I've always wanted to see what a Galaxy Policeperson does."

Mihoshi paused. "Well, I suppose you could, but don't you have to prepare dinner for everyone? We could be gone for a while."

The Juraian princess shook her head. "No, Ayekah's cooking dinner tonight. She said she wanted to fix something special for Tenchi. To apologize for what Ryoko did, I think."

"Ah." Mihoshi pulled a white puff-ball from her belt, compressed it, and smiled as the fluffy ball turned into a pink cube. "Well, I guess it's alright then. Are you ready?"

"Just a second." Sasami said, running over and poking her head into the kitchen. "Ayekah, Ryo-Ohki and I are going out with Mihoshi! Be back soon!" Ayekah, whose head was buried beneath the sink, gave a muffled reply. Running back over to where Mihoshi was standing, Sasami nodded once. "Ready."

"Mrrow!" Ryo-Ohki agreed.

"Okay, here we go!" Mihoshi gave the cube a twist, and the trio vanished.

Ayekah walked out of the kitchen, bits of carrot and potato peelings dotting her hair and clothing. "Sasami? Going where?" She looked around. "Sasami? Hmph. Now where did she get off too?"

There was a brief roar outside. By the time Ayekah reached the large sliding doors, Mihoshi's ship was but a tiny speck of light climbing into the mid-day sky. Hand over her mouth, all Ayekah could bring herself to say was, "Oh, my."


Contrary to what many science-fiction shows would have one believe, space is basically a vast expanse of absolutely nothing. Mighty planets, blazing stars, glowing galaxies, beautiful to the

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last - but all were separated from one another by unimaginable distances of emptiness. Even ships journeying at superluminal speeds must travel for long periods of time before coming upon anything at all. Long periods of time that often lead to intense boredom.

What's a person to do?

Some species put their spaceship crews in suspended animation for the duration. Others use computer generated virtual reality simulations to keep crews alert. One species went so far as to use collectable card games smuggled off of the off-limits planet known as Earth to keep its starship staffers from going insane during the long journeys. There were as many methods as there were space-faring races. And, contrary to over three dozen GP regulations, if you were a certain Galaxy Policeperson, you watched soap operas.

"Mihoshi? What are they doing?"

Mihoshi's face gained a faint pinkish shade. "Ummm.... they're kissing."

"They are?" Sasami leaned closer to the screen. "I've never seen anyone kiss like that before."

Ryo-Ohki nodded in agreement. "Meow-ow!"

Mihoshi's blush deepened. "Well, you see... they're Octarians, and Octarians don't have.... um, well..... they don't..." Mihoshi buried her face in her hands, her blush intensifying to a crimson glow. "Oh, this is so embarrassing!" She stammered for a few more minutes before finally stating "That's just the way they do it."

Sasami seemed satisfied with the answer, and turned back to watch the show some more.

Glad to have passed that hurdle, Mihoshi leaned back on the couch and sighed... only to shriek as a loud alarm blared out of a nearby speaker. She jumped to her feet, knocking over a table and several chairs in the process.

Yukinojo's voice rang out from the command center. "Mihoshi!"

Mihoshi stumbled into the cockpit, stubbing her toes against an overturned chair. "Ouch! My foot!" She began leaping around, her injured foot in her hands. "Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!"

"Mihoshi? Mihoshi? MIHOSHI?" the computer was almost shouting now, bobbing up and down in agitation.

"What's happening, Mihoshi?" Sasami inquired, stepping carefully around the overturned chair. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm?" Looking up from her foot, Mihoshi noticed that several alarms were ringing. She turned towards the cockpit. "What's going on, Yukinojo?"

"Mihoshi, sensors are picking up an anomalous energy vortex ahead of us." Yukinojo moved closer to the door and peered inside. "Regulation 167 sub-paragraph 4 states that all anomalous energy readings should be investigated."

"Oh, okay." Mihoshi turned to the young princess. "Sasami, strap yourself into a chair and hang on! I've got some Police work to do!"

"All right!" Sasami squealed in delight, running into the cockpit and jumping into a nearby seat. "Finally we get to see some action! Ready, Ryo-Ohki?"

The cabbit's ears perked up. "Mrreow-ow!"

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Dropping herself in the command chair, Mihoshi paused a moment to adjust the blue GP-issue cap that sat on her head. "Okay, Yukinojo... let's go see what's up with that anona... amona... amolama... that energy thingie you mentioned."

"Right away, Mihoshi!"


Chapter 2 - Through the Looking Glass

Deep within the sub-dimension that she called home, the self-proclaimed 'Most Intelligent (not to mention Cutest) Scientist in the Universe' sat securely in the center of an enormous contraption of her own design. While the intrinsic operation of the device was far beyond the comprehension of anyone not familiar with the tenets of dimensional physics, temporal mechanics, and advanced subspace engineering, it's function was easily explainable - the device scanned the dimensions and located any and all unusual phenomenon. It also served as a nifty cross-dimensional communications device.

"...and I'm telling you, Zor," Washu stated matter-of-factly, "that there's no way that you can harness the amount of energy that you think that plant of yours can generate by using such out-dated technology."

"Well, if you're so smart," the purple-haired being on the monitor replied, "Then what technology should I use? This is the best the Republic has to work with."

Washu rubbed her chin, deep in thought. "Tell you what... if you send me all your information and notes regarding these so-called 'Flowers of Life', then I'll be more than happy to design you a system to obtain and utilize the bio-energy from them." She winked at him. "I might even throw in a few other gadgets, too, since you're such a cutie."

Blushing furiously, the alien smiled. "You sure have a way with words, Washu. It's a deal. I'll collect all the data I have and send it via this channel."

"I'll be waiting, Zor." Washu replied. "Over and out."

Closing the channel, Washu leaned back and sighed. Let the humans have their Internet and IRC and E-mail and all that, she'd take a decent inter-dimensional interface with a half-way intelligent fellow scientist any day. Take that Zor fellow... a strange cookie, to be sure, but he sure knew his bio-engineering.

An annoying buzz interrupted her train of thought and Washu snapped her attention to a pop-up display, where a bright orange blob was flashing steadily. "Ah... what have we here?" Fingers flying over the control pad, Washu smiled. "A time-space warp? Haven't seen one of those in a while... and especially not so far inside a planetary system. I wonder what's causing it?"

Delighting in the chance to flex her intellectual muscle, Washu set to work analyzing the warp.


The main screen displayed what appeared to be a giant soap bubble, complete with changing rainbow patterns of light that danced across its surface. It hung motionless in space, blotting out the stars behind it.

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"Ooooh!" Sasami gushed. "It's so beautiful!" She turned her gaze on Mihoshi. "What is it?"

"I don't know." Mihoshi admitted. Then she smiled. "But it's too pretty to be dangerous. Right, Yukinojo?"

"It appears to be some sort of tear in the local space-time continuum." Yokinojo reported. "I don't detect any dangerous radiation emissions. All temporal and subspace readings outside the anomaly are normal."

Trying unsuccessfully trying to stifle a yawn, Mihoshi nodded. "That means it's not dangerous, right?"

"Not directly, no. But regulation 167 sub-section 9 sub-paragraph J states that any space-time anomalies should be reported to Galaxy Police Headquarters immediately."

Mihoshi waved absently. "We have plenty of time to file a report with Headquarters." She smiled at Sasami and Ryo-Ohki. "Let's enjoy the view for a bit longer."

"But Mihoshi!" Yukinojo protested. "Regulations state-"

"Oh, alright!" Mihoshi groaned, climbing to her feet. As she did so, her control cube popped free and fell to the floor. "Oh no!" Mihoshi cried, diving down to retrieve the lost device, bumping several controls in the process. The distinct rumble of the engines powering up filled the cabin.

"Mihoshi!" Yukinojo cried. "What are you doing?"

"What? What do you mean?" she asked, peering over the control panel.

"You activated the main drive! We're diving into the anomaly!"


Washu frowned as data scrolled across her screen. Someone, or something, was actively attempting to block her scans of the warp. Pausing to crack her knuckles, Washu chuckled. "So, you think you can keep the Greatest Mind in the Universe from learning your secrets? Guess again!"

She hadn't even begun her assault when a second alarm went off. Calling up another screen, she saw a Galaxy Police cruiser heading straight for the warp. Having repaired that exact same cruiser countless times, she knew immediately who it belonged to. "What in the world is that bubblehead up to now? She's going to-"

The cruiser touched the event horizon of the warp and there was a sudden flash of brilliant white light. When the light faded, both the warp and Mihoshi's ship were gone.

"Not good." Washu muttered to herself, calling up several more scanning programs. "Definitely not good."


"Captain's Log : Stardate 46594.9. We've successfully repaired the Gojius Deep Space Relay station and are en route to StarBase 221. We'll be passing close to the Neutral Zone, but despite recent Romulan activity along the border I don't expect there to be any problems."

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Sitting comfortably in the command chair, Captain Jean-Luc Picard closed the log and gazed idly at the starfield displayed on the main screen. "Mr. Data, how long until we reach StarBase 221?"

The golden-skinned android turned slightly. "At our present speed of Warp 6; 36 hours, 15 minutes, 41.2 seconds."

"It won't be a fraction of a second too soon, either." Riker commented from his seat next to the Captain. "I'm looking forward to some free time. Repair work tends to bore the life out of me."

"It's all part of the job, Commander." Picard noted. "When you get your own command you'll have more than enough of these types of assignments to keep you busy."

"Not if I have anything to say about it." Riker snorted. He was about to say more, but a beeping tone interrupted him.

"Captain," Lieutenant Worf reported, "Sensors have detected a localized disturbance of the time-space continuum, bearing 196 mark 41. Range, indeterminate."

"Towards the Neutral Zone." Riker noted. "Just our luck."

There was another beeping tone. "The disturbance no longer registers on our sensors." Worf reported.

"I believe you were commenting on the monotony of the job?" Picard commented, rising to his feet. "Commander Data, can you pinpoint the source of that disturbance?"

"Working, sir." Data replied, hands dancing across his control panel. "Sensors indicate that the disturbance originated in the Hrakkin system, 2.51 light years from our current position. There are no indications of any further emanations from the area." He half-turned. "Captain, the Hrakkin system is within the boundaries of the Neutral Zone."

"Understood. Any habitable planets?" Picard enquired.

"No sir." Data turned to face the Captain. "Hrakkin Prime is a red dwarf star with one D class planet. There are no known Romulan outposts or stations."

"Which doesn't rule out the possibility of a secret outpost." Riker commented. "A Romulan experiment of some kind? Perhaps an accident? God knows it's happened before."

"Possibly." Picard agreed, lost in thought. "If so, we should check for survivors. And if it was an experiment, inside the Neutral Zone, then we should check that out as well. Starfleet Intelligence would be most interested if the Romulans were up to something."

Riker allowed a slight smile to cross his features. "Yes, sir."

Picard returned to his seat. "Full Stop. Mister Worf, prepare a Class 4 probe. Send it to the Hrakkin system. Let's see what's going on there."

"Yes, sir." Worf replied.

"And send a message to Starfleet Command." Picard added. "Inform them that we're stopping to investigate some anomalous readings from within the Neutral Zone."

"Full stop, sir." Data reported.

"So much for our shore leave." Riker muttered, not quite unhappily.

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"Mihoshi? Mihoshi, are you functional?"

The wild ride had tossed her back into the recreation room. Limping slightly, she stumbled back into the cockpit. "Wha- What h-happened, Yukinojo?" she stammered.

"We've passed through a rip in the space-time continuum. I can't determine our current position, nor can I access the Galaxy Police Time-net system. In short, I can't determine where - or when - we are."

"You mean we're lost?" Mihoshi whimpered, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Sasami's giggle made Mihoshi start. "Sasami! Sasami, where are you?"

"Over here." the young princess replied from her position near a window. "Come look at the view, Mihoshi! It's beautiful!"

Ryo-Ohki smiled happily. "Mrrow!"

Mihoshi stumbled over to her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"Of course not." Sasami answered her. "I was strapped into the chair like you told me. You really should use your seat belt more often." Her smile broadened slightly. "That was a fun ride. Do you do this sort of thing all the time?"

"N-no, not all the time, no." Mihoshi stared out the window at the red-hued planetoid that was hanging there, and the dim red sun beyond. "Oh, dear." she sobbed. "This isn't the Solar System."

"But isn't it beautiful, Mihoshi?"

"I... I suppose so." Mihoshi admitted, tears cascading down her cheeks.


Chapter 3 - Do We Panic Now?

"Captain," Lt. Worf reported. "The probe has entered the Hrakkin system. All sensors functioning."

"Good." Picard said. "Now let's see what's going on. Data, any sign of Romulan ships or installations?"

"Negative, sir." Data cocked his head slightly to one side. "However, I am detecting minor energy emissions from an object in orbit around Hrakkin Prime's sole planet."

"What sort of emissions?" Riker asked, stepping up beside the Captain.

Data's hands went to work. "Low-energy plasma. The rate of emission is varying sporadically, and is consistent with the uncontrolled loss of previously contained material."

Riker suppressed a smile. "It sprang a leak, whatever 'it' is."

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"Yes, sir." Data replied, turning slightly to favor Riker with a neutral look. "That is what I said." He turned back to the control panel. "There is also a minor neutrino field in evidence around the object."

"Is the probe close enough to give us a visual on the object?" Picard inquired.

"Yes, sir."

"Let's take a look at it. On screen."

Yukinojo bobbed in agitation. "Mihoshi, I have completed the system diagnostics." There was no reply. "Mihoshi? Mihoshi?"

Mihoshi's muffled voice came from under the command console. "So that's where that book went! I always wondered what-"

"Mihoshi, please!"

"Mmm?" Her head popped up. "What is it, Yukinojo?"

"I said that I have completed the system diagnostics." the computer replied. "I have prepared a list of damaged systems."

"Oh, okay." She climbed out from under the console, a dog-eared 'Tolarian Romance' novel clutched protectively to her breast. "What kind of damage?"

Several screens popped up, showing various parts of the ship in green. Angry red highlights dotted the schematics. "As you can see," Yukinojo explained, "we have suffered damage to the primary sensor net, the communications relay, and the weapon systems." He paused as the various screens zoomed in on the damaged areas. "We have also suffered severe damage to the drive systems."

"Can they be repaired?" Mihoshi asked quietly, flipping through the novel.

Yukinojo nodded once. "The sensor, communications, and weapon systems can be easily repaired. However," One screen grew in size and zeroed in on the back half of the ship "The drive system has suffered extensive damage to both the reaction chamber and magnetic bottling systems. Neither can be repaired by the on-board damage control units."

Sasami, who had been listening from the back room, entered the cockpit, her eyes wide. "You mean we're stranded?"

Ryo-Ohki's eyes glistened. "Meow?"

Mihoshi looked up from her book and uttered a small sob. "Stranded?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Yukinojo admitted. "The drive systems require materials not available to us at this time."

"Oh, no! We can't be stranded! We can't!" Mihoshi wailed.

"Meow! MRROW!" Ryo-Ohki leapt from Sasami's head and danced around her feet.

"What about Ryo-Ohki?" Sasami asked, picking the cabbit up and holding her close. "She can turn into a spaceship. Maybe she can get us home."

"While my programming strongly rejects the idea of relying on the assistance of a starship that once acted as a criminal agent, that may be our only choice." Yukinojo acknowledged.

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"We're stranded!" Mihoshi cried again, tears flowing freely.

"There is one other problem." the ship's computer added. "I do not believe we are in our home dimension any longer. The space-time rip we passed through was powerful enough to catapult us into any number of alternate dimensions." A screen appeared, data flowing across it faster than Sasami could read. "Data gathered by the sensors before the main array was damaged definitely indicates that we passed through at least 14 distinct dimensions before coming to a stop here."

"Oh my God! We're stranded in another dimension!!" Mihoshi cried, falling backwards into her seat. "We'll never get back! I'll never see Tenchi again!" She paused, gasping. Suddenly her eyes widened. "I'LL MISS MY SOAPS!!"


"It's not Romulan, then." Riker noted.

Data nodded. "No, sir. The vessel does not match any known Romulan design scheme, past or present, nor does it match any known Romulan aesthetic design preferences. Nor does it match any known design for any race encountered by the Federation up to this time."

Picard half-turned as the turbo-lift doors swished open and Councilor Troi stepped onto the bridge. "Ah, Councilor. We seem to have a quandary on our hands." He turned back to Data. "Any life signs?"

"The probe's sensors indicate three life forms on the vessel. Two are confirmed as humanoid life forms."

"And the third?" Troi asked, joining the group that had gathered around Data's console.

"Inconclusive." Data replied. "The data indicates that the third could be a silicon-based life form. The probe's sensors are too limited to make a positive identification, however."

"Silicon-based?" Picard exclaimed. "This is getting more interesting every minute." He motioned to Riker and Troi, and the three of them returned to their seats. "Opinions?"

"I think we should offer our assistance to that vessel." Troi responded. "They're definitely in distress."

"And enter the Neutral Zone, in violation of treaty?" Riker pointed out. "Doing so would be viewed as a provocation by the Romulans. I'd rather avoid a confrontation with them, if possible."

Picard nodded. "Indeed. But we do have a duty to render assistance to any ship that's in distress."

"It could be a Romulan trap, Captain." Worf commented from his station. "They have been known to lure ships into ambushes using false distress signals in the past.."

"Commander." Data commented, "The probe's sensors indicate that damage to the vessel's systems has rendered their communications inoperative." He turned to look at Riker. "Their primary drive and weapons as well."

"A helpless vessel would be the perfect bait for a trap." Worf said. "It might cause a rescue party to lower their guard."

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"Assuming that it is a trap." Riker pointed out. "If it's not, then those people could be in real trouble."

"Very true." Picard agreed, rubbing his chin. "I'd prefer to think that it was the latter. Mr. Data, set a course for the Hrakkin system. Warp factor 6."

"Captain?" Mr. Worf growled from his position.

"Yellow alert, Mr. Worf." Picard said. "Just in case."

"Course set, sir."



"Mihoshi, calm down!" Sasami pleaded. "There's no use in getting all upset if there's still a chance for us to get home."

Tears cascading down her cheeks, Mihoshi's words came out more like sobs. "But <sob>, Yukinojo said <sniff> that we were trapped <sniff, sob> in another dimension! <sob, sniff>"

"Actually, Mihoshi," Yukinojo pointed out. "All I said was that it was extremely likely that we were not in our home dimension any longer. There is a zero-point-five-two percent chance that we were returned to our home dimension before the effects of the space-time rip faded."

"See?" Sasami said.

Ryo-Ohki cocked her head to one side. "Mrreow?"

Blinking away her tears, Mihoshi sniffed. "Really? Is that true, Yukinojo?"

"I am not programmed to lie, Mihoshi."

A beeping tone sounded in the cockpit, and Mihoshi leapt out of her seat with a scream. "What is it now!?"

"The damage control system has succeeded in repairing the sensor grid, Mihoshi." Yukinojo replied. "I am conducting a sweep of the system in an attempt to determine our location."

"Oh." Mihoshi sighed, turning to Sasami. "You were absolutely right, Sasami. Nothing to worry about. Thank you."


"And thank you too, Ryo-Ohki." Mihoshi giggled, patting the cabbit softly on the head.

"Mihoshi!" Yukinojo called. "An unidentified starship is approaching us!"


Chapter 4 - Take Me to Your Leader

"Wow." Sasami gaped, staring at the image of the approaching starship. "It's so big." Ryo-Ohki mewled noisily. "But you're cuter, Ryo-Ohki." she added, smiling.

"Uh huh." Mihoshi muttered nervously. "It is big. Yukinojo? Do you recognize it?"

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"No, Mihoshi." the computer replied unhappily. "It does not conform to any ship design registered in the Galaxy Police Ships Registry."

"There's writing on it!" Sasami cried, leaning close to the screen. "What's it say?"

"The language is English." Yukinojo reported, a floating screen popping into existence. "NCC-1701D. USS Enterprise."

"English?" Mihoshi asked. "You mean it's an Earth ship? I didn't know that they had starships, other than that shuttle-thingie." She paused a moment. "I guess that wouldn't count as a starship, would it? I mean, it can't reach any other stars, so it couldn't be a starship, or could it?"

"There is not enough information to deduce the ship's origins, Mihoshi. There are many contradictions evident besides the existence of English on a ship not available to current Earth technology. Take this design, for example." The screen zoomed in on a peculiar-looking symbol on the hull. "There is no 'United Federation of Planets' in the Intergalactic Registry of Planetary Governments."

"Aliens!" Sasami blurted. "I've always wanted to meet an alien!"

"They could be dangerous, Sasami!" Mihoshi cautioned. "I mean, they might be pirates, or very warlike, or religious fanatics, or cannibals, or maybe even planet-to-planet salesmen!" She shivered violently. "Oh, those salesmen are the worst!"

Sasami's expression fell. "You think so? Oh..."

Mihoshi began to pace. "What do we do? What do we do?"


"Three life forms are confirmed, Captain." Data reported. "Two humanoid and one small inorganic life form." The android called up more data. "It does not match any inorganic life forms currently known to the Federation."

"Which is how many?" Riker inquired.

"Seven, sir."

"I see." Picard murmured. "Mr. Worf, maintain a constant sensor sweep of the area. I want to know immediately if any Romulan vessels enter the system."

"Aye, sir."

"Mr Data, can we hail them?" Riker asked.

"Negative, sir. Their communication system is inoperative." Data paused. "However, I am detecting several small robotic devices performing repairs to their systems."

Riker stroked his beard. "Data, can you estimate the amount of time required for them to repair their communications?"

"Approximately one hour, Commander."

Riker looked at Picard. "Too long."

"Agreed, Commander." Picard nodded, turning to Troi. "Do you sense anything from the crew of that ship?"

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Troi thought for a moment. "There are three distinct personalities present on that ship. One is quite calm, almost amused, and very curious. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was the mind of a child. The second is on the verge of ... no, beyond the verge of panic. I'm having a hard time picking up distinct emotional impressions from that one. It's more like a jumble of images."

"I doubt that having an accident in space easy for someone to accept." Riker observed.

Troi smiled, adding "The first two are almost human in their emotional make-up. Or something very close to it."

"And the third?" Picard asked.

"Distinctly non-human." Troi admitted. "It's hard to make out anything specific, but I'm getting a distinct impression that it's hungry."

"Hungry?" Picard said incredulously. "Hungry for what?"

"I can't be certain." Troi said after a moment's thought. "But hunger does seem to be a major component of its personality."

Picard nodded. "Well, we can't just sit around and wait for them to complete repairs. I'd hate to have the Romulans find us sitting inside the Neutral Zone, rescue mission or not."

"We could beam over an away team." Riker offered.

"Sir," Worf said, "I highly advise against transporting over to that ship. It could be a Romulan trap."

"Then what do you suggest, Lieutenant?" Riker asked. "Beam them over here?"

Worf nodded. "Yes, sir. That way we can keep a closer eye on them, and the transporter's sensors could detect and neutralize any weapons or explosives that they might be carrying with them."

Picard thought for a moment. "Agreed. Commander, go down to transporter room two and meet them. Have Doctor Crusher meet you there - the crew might have been injured in their accident."

"Yes, sir." Riker acknowledged, rising to his feet. "Mister Worf, have a security detail meet us in transporter room two." He began striding towards the turbolift. "Riker to Doctor Crusher."

"Crusher here."

"Meet me in transporter room two. We're beaming the crew of an unidentified vessel over, and there might be injuries."

"On my way."


"Why don't they DO something!?" Mihoshi bawled, burying her face in her hands. "They just keep sitting there!"

"They're probably trying to figure out why we're not doing anything." Sasami pointed out.

"I agree with Sasami." Yukinojo said. "The lack of hostile action from that vessel after so long points to the distinct possibility that they are not hostile."

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"Then why don't they say something!" Mihoshi cried.

"Mihoshi, our communications system was damaged. It hasn't been repaired yet." Yukinojo replied. "Further, the system was more seriously damaged than first thought. It won't be functional for at least an hour."

"An hour! We have to wait an hour before we can talk to them!? Is that what you're telling me?" Mihoshi looked at Yukinoko's articulated "head" with tear-filled eyes. "What'll we do?"

"Mihoshi?" Sasami asked, but the distraught woman wasn't paying any attention to her. "Mihoshi?"


Sighing softly, Sasami looked down at her feet and was silent for a moment. When she looked back up, her eyes were glistening with tears. "Mihoshi?" she said softly, her voice quavering, "I'm scared."

Mihoshi's eyes flicked over the young princess. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her eyes and glanced at the display, where the Enterprise was hanging motionless. "No need to be afraid, Sasami." she said softly. Then, louder, "I am a member of the Galaxy Police. We're trained to handle any situation with professionalism and calm!" She began to smile. "There's nothing to fear! Nothing at all!"

A slight smile flashed across Sasami's features. "Really?"

"Of course!" Mihoshi exclaimed. "I can deal with this! I can-" She glanced down at her tear-soaked uniform. "I can't meet any aliens looking like this! I've got to change into a fresh uniform right away!" She ran into the recreation room. "Be back in a second!" she called out.

"Whew." Sasami nodded slowly to herself.

Without warning, Ryo-Ohki jumped up onto Sasami's head, hissing angrily. "Ryo-Ohki? What's wrong?"

There was an angry buzzing sound in the cockpit and a strange tickle began building in Sasami's stomach.

"I detecting a beam of energy being directed at this ship!" Yukinojo said.

Sasami ran over to the door leading to Mihoshi's room. "Mihoshi! Mihoshi! Something's happening!"

"What?" came the muffled reply, followed almost immediately by a series of muffled thumps and crashes. "OUCH!"

Before she could react, Sasami was enveloped in a glittering field of light. The tickle in her stomach grew to a pins-and-needles feeling that spread over her entire body. The cockpit glared bluish-white, then the light faded.

Yukinojo was suddenly alone. "Sasami? Mihoshi? Mihoshi?!"


"Lieutenant?" the transporter tech queried. "I'm picking up a weapon in the matter stream. Medium yield, about as powerful as a phaser."

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"Is it armed?" Worf asked as the two security men behind him stiffened.

"No, sir." the tech replied, checking the readouts. "Charged, but not armed."

Worf looked at Riker, who nodded. "Drain the charge from the weapon." Worf said.

"Aye, sir." The tech manipulated the controls. "Ready."

"Bring them aboard." Riker commanded. To Worf and the security people he said, "Don't draw your phasers... let's be friendly about this."

Worf grimaced, but nodded slowly. "Yes, sir."

As the transporter field faded, they got their first look at the unidentified ship's crew.


Mihoshi abruptly realized that she was no longer in her closet. A second later she realized that there was a crowd of strangers staring at her. Or, more correctly, trying to avoid staring at her. "W- w- what's g-going on?" There was a tug on her pant leg.

Sasami whispered "Mihoshi! You're top's not on!"

"What?" Looking down, she realized that Sasami was right. Then she remembered - she had been rooting through a pile of clothes, looking for a clean vest and shirt after taking off her tear-soaked ones... after taking off her... taking off... "AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!"

Sasami jumped off of the transporter pad to get clear of Mihoshi's flailing arms. To Riker she said, "Hello."

>From her position on Sasami's head, Ryo-Ohki blinked. "Meow."

Riker cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Hello. Sorry for bringing you here on such short notice..." He glanced at the transporter pad.

Mihoshi was a blur of motion as she attempted to both cover herself and pull on the shirt she was holding. "Oh my! Oh my! This is sooooo embarrassing! Oh, God, why doesn't this fit? It fit last week! I can't have put on that much weight! Oh, my!"

Averting his eyes, Riker continued, "... but we had no other way to contact you." He straightened. "I'm Commander William Riker, and you're aboard the Federation starship Enterprise."

"Pleased to meet you." Sasami gushed, thrusting out a hand. "My name is Sasami."

Riker took her hand in his and shook it. "Sasami, is it?"

"Mmm-hmmm." She pointed to the cabbit sitting on her head. "This is Ryo-Ohki."

Riker smiled. "Pleased to meet you, too."

Ryo-Ohki smiled back. "Meow!"

"Who's your companion?" Riker asked, motioning to the flailing female form on the transporter pad.

"That's Mihoshi." Sasami answered. "She's a Galaxy Policewoman."

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Doctor Crusher looked up from where she was standing, near the transporter controls, running medical scans with her tricorder. "She's a what?"

Before Sasami could reply, Mihoshi's wild gyrations brought her to the edge of the transporter pad. Her foot slipped over the edge, and she yelped a piercing "YAAIIEE!" as she lost her balance and tumbled off the pad.

"Look out!" Riker yelled, grabbing Sasami and dodging to one side.

Mihoshi tumbled past them, shrieking all the way, and crashed into a startled Worf and his two security men in a blur of arms and legs. The tangled mass of bodies crumbled to the floor in front of the door. From somewhere within the pile, a female voice muttered a single word. "Ouch."

Riker jumped to his feet and ran over to the tangle of bodies. "Worf!"

The two security men climbed to their feet, revealing the Klingon beneath, Mihoshi (still topless) lying face-down on top of him. He spat out a lock of blonde hair and grimaced. "I'm here, Commander."

"Are you alright, Lieutenant?" Doctor Crusher inquired, leaning over him with a tricorder. "That was a rough ride you had."

"I will be, Doctor," Worf barked angrily, "As soon as you get this... this... woman off of me!"

"Miss Mihoshi?" Riker asked, touching her softly on the shoulder.

"Mmmm?" Mihoshi mumbled, raising her head up and looking around the room. "What happened?" Then she glanced down into a the face of an extremely irritated Lieutenant Worf and her face went pale. "Eeep."

"Mihoshi!" Sasami said, pulling on one of Mihoshi's arms. "Mihoshi, get up!"

She looked at Sasami, then back down at Worf. "What? OH! Oh, yes. I- I'm sorry, so very sorry." She climbed unsteadily to her feet.

"Mihoshi." Sasami said simply, holding out Mihoshi's shirt and vest. Looking down, her face went chalk-white. Mihoshi snatched the clothing from Sasami's hands and clamped it to her breast. "Oh, this is so embarrassing."

"Miss... Mihoshi, is it?" Doctor Crusher said softly to Mihoshi. "I'm Beverly Crusher, the ship's doctor. I'd like to take you down to our sick bay and make sure that you're not injured, if you don't mind."

"Okay." Mihoshi agreed, nodding slowly. "Can I get dressed, first?"

"Sure." Doctor Crusher smiled and turned to Sasami. "Would you like to come along, too?"

"Can I?" Sasami asked, eyes wide. "Really?"

"Of course." Doctor Crusher turned to Mihoshi, who had managed to pull her shirt on. "Ready?"

"I guess so." Mihoshi admitted.

Sasami waved at Riker. "Bye bye, Commander Riker."

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After Doctor Crusher had led her charges out of the transporter room, Riker turned to Worf - who was busy plucking strands of blonde hair from his uniform. "Still think that it's a Romulan trap, Lieutenant?" Riker asked, smiling.

Worf looked at him for a moment before answering. "I haven't decided, Commander." He made a face and reached up, pulling a long strand of hair out of his mouth. "Although I find it difficult to believe that the Romulans would resort to such tactics. That woman, for instance. She's so... so...."

"So... what?" Riker prodded.


Riker suppressed a smile. "We'll just have to wait and see what happens, won't we, Lieutenant?"


Chapter 5 - Complications

Picard let his eyes wander across the command officers seated before him. He allowed each of them time to collect their thoughts before speaking. "So what do we know about our guests?"

Geordi spoke first. "Well, Captain, we've thoroughly scanned their ship. There doesn't seem to be any major structural damage, and their on-board systems can repair most of the sub-systems that were damaged."

"Most of them?" Riker asked.

"Yes, sir." Geordi rose and walked over to the wall display. He called up a schematic of the ship's drive systems. "Their engines were badly damaged. Repairing them will be quite a challenge, since the materials used in the construction of their drive system are rather unique."

"Can't we replicate the required materials?" Picard asked.

"We can replicate many of the needed materials, sir." Data answered. "But several key components are composed of high-density alloys unlike anything known to Federation science. Replication of these materials would require source material that we do not have ready access to, and replicating the materials from base matter would require inordinate amounts of energy to be diverted from the warp core to the replicators. Further, for the replicated components to function properly we need to duplicate the quantum energy levels of the originals, which do not match up with the quantum levels of our supplies."

"I thought that the quantum levels of all materials is the same. What would cause such a shift?" Riker enquired. "The reversed neutrino field you detected earlier?"

"The reversed neutrino field was a symptom, not the cause." Data explained. "We believe that the ship has passed through a dimensional warp recently. That would account for the disturbance our sensors picked up earlier, as well as explain the different quantum energy levels."

"So they're not of this dimension?" Worf grumbled. "That would explain many things."

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"Still sore, Lieutenant?" Riker dead-panned. He turned to Councilor Troi. "Deanna, have you sensed anything more from them?"

"I don't sense any deception from them." Deanna replied. "Nothing to indicate that they mean us any harm. If anything, they're as confused about all of this as we are. Miss Mihoshi more so than the other two."

"Captain." Worf interrupted. "Our sensors haven't picked up any sign of Romulan activity yet, but it would be foolish to assume that they didn't detect the same space-time disturbance that we did."

"Indeed." Picard muttered. "Mister LaForge, could we engage a tractor beam and tow that ship out of the Neutral Zone?"

"Possibly, sir." Geordi answered. "The ship is enveloped in a reversed neutrino field, which would weaken the beam considerably. We'll need to adjust the tractor beam frequency to counter the effects of the field.."

"How long?" Picard asked.

"Ten minutes, maybe more."

"Get to work on it immediately." Picard ordered. "Mister Data, assist Mister LaForge with the modifications."

"Yes, sir." Data rose from his seat and followed Geordi out the door.

Picard turned to Riker. "What were your impressions, Commander?"

Riker smiled. "Hard to describe, sir." He looked at Worf. "A ditzy blonde, a young girl, and a small fuzzy animal. Hardly what I would call a professional crew."

"Agreed." Worf hissed through his teeth. "Especially that.... that 'Policewoman.'" He looked at Picard. "If she is a typical example of a law enforcement officer, then I would hate to see what the criminals are like."

Picard nodded slowly. "Perhaps, but it would be premature to judge an entire culture on the actions of one individual." He rose to his feet. "Picard to Doctor Crusher."

"Crusher here, Captain." There was a muffled crash in the background, and an unidentified woman shouted "Oh, my!"

Picard exchanged baffled looks with Riker. "Is everything alright, Doctor?"

"Perfectly, Jean-Luc." came the reply. "We've just had a small accident down here. Nothing we can't take care of." Another crash. "I think."


Beverly sighed and shook her head slowly. "There's no need to apologize, Mihoshi. That med table was old and in need of replacing anyway."

"Are you sure?" Mihoshi asked, staring at the bits of optical conduit and electronic components poking out of the remains of the demolished med table. "I mean, all I did was push that red button, and..."

"I said that it was okay." Beverly said. "Honestly, it is."

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"Well, if you say so..." Mihoshi replied slowly.

Turning away from the mess, Beverly motioned to one of the med techs. "Run a micro-cellular scan on her, please." Almost as an afterthought, she added, "Be sure to check her neural patterns for signs of abnormality, too."

"Yes, ma'am." the male technician replied somewhat nervously.

Beverly turned to where Sasami was sitting on one of the beds, Ryo-Ohki sitting quietly beside her. Beverly smiled and pulled out her tricorder. "Everything all right over here?"

Sasami nodded. "Yes, thank you."

"Mrrow." Ryo-ohki mewled plaintively, blinking large eyes at Beverly.

"She's hungry." Sasami explained.

"Oh?" Beverly tapped the tricorder against her palm, then leaned down to eye level with Ryo-Ohki. "And what are you hungry for?"

"Carrots, of course!" Sasami giggled. "Ryo-Ohki loves carrots."

"Carrots? You mean Earth-type carrots?"

"Of course." Sasami replied. "What other kind of carrots are there?"

"Never mind." To Ryo-Ohki she said, "Let's see if I can get you some carrots." Beverly walked over to the replicator. "Computer, I'd like three Earth-native carrots." There was a brief pause, then the replicator hummed and three perfectly formed carrots appeared in the opening. "Ah, here we are, just li-"

In a blur of motion, Ryo-Ohki leapt up to the replicator, grabbed the carrots, and ran back to her position beside Sasami, where she began munching happily on her catch. Glancing up at Beverly, she mewed happily and took another bite.

"Ah... right. Okay," Beverly flipped the tricorder open, "Let's start with you then, Ryo-Ohki." Before she could start, however, she was interrupted by a piercing shriek from the opposite end of sick bay. "What is it now?" Beverly turned to see the med tech who had been running the scan on Mihoshi dashing across the room.

Mihoshi had leapt to her feet and was spinning in a flailing circle. "Oh no! Where is it! I just had it, where could it have gone?!" Her voice was increasing in pitch with each revolution. "I can't have lost it, I just CAN'T!" She began patting her pockets. "Where is it?"

Sasami jumped up. "Mihoshi! What's wrong?"

Beverly positioned herself for a flying tackle, then thought better of it. "Miss Mihoshi! Please CALM DOWN!" she shouted. "If you'll tell us what's wrong, I'm sure we can help you."

"Wrong? What's wrong? EVERYTHING's wrong!" Mihoshi cried. "First Ryoko blows up the bathroom in the middle of my show, then we get stuck in an alternate dimension, and my chest gets exposed to half the galaxy..."

"There were six people, Mihoshi." Sasami pointed out.

Mihoshi ignored her, continuing to spin around. "... and now I've lost my control cube! I can't believe that it's gone!"

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"Control cube?" Beverly asked. "What does it look like? Perhaps we can find it."

Mihoshi's gyrations came to an abrupt stop. "You think so? Oh, that's so nice of you! How can I ever-" She paused, her eyes crossing. "How can.... I.... how...."

"Mihoshi?" Sasami asked, stepping up beside her. "What is it?"

"I... feel dizzy." Mihoshi muttered, and promptly fell over backwards.

"Is she always like this?" Beverly muttered, opening up her tricorder.

Sasami looked at her and nodded. "Uh-huh."


"You want permission to beam back over to your ship so that you can look for this 'control cube' of yours?" Riker asked.

Mihoshi nodded shyly. "Uh-huh."

Picard looked around the bridge, thinking. "What function does this 'cube' of yours perform, that you need it so badly?"

Mihoshi shifted her weight from foot to foot. "Well, it's a standard control cube... you use it to transport from place to place, to summon important items, to... um...." she scratched her head, "to... well, it makes some excellent coffee, by the way. Did I mention that?"

Picard leaned to the side. "Councilor?"

"I sense no deception from her, Captain." Troi answered quietly. "She is desperate to get this cube of hers back, but there's no malice in her desire for it." Troi concentrated for a moment. "If anything, I think the device is more of a security blanket for her." she added quietly.

Riker, who had been listening carefully, nodded. "It might be worth it to get this cube for her," he glanced at Mihoshi, who was still listing uses for her control cube, "if it will serve to calm her down."

"Good point, Number One." Picard agreed. "Considering the damage done to sick bay, it might be-"

"Captain," Worf interrupted, "We're being hailed."

Riker jumped to his feet. "Romulans?"

"Negative, sir." Worf frowned. "The signal is coming from her ship." He indicated Mihoshi with a curt nod.

" chocolate, although I haven't quite figured out how to get it to add those teeny marshmallows..."

"I thought there wasn't anyone else aboard." Picard turned to face Worf. "Did our scans miss something?"

"Scans still show no life signs aboard that vessel." Data replied.

"It could be an automated system." Riker offered. "Some sort of computer or remote relay?"

"There's one way to find out." Picard rose to his feet and tugged the hem of his shirt. "Mister Worf, on screen."

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The view of Mihoshi's ship winked out and was replaced by the face of Yukinojo. "Mihoshi! I thought I'd never locate you!"

"...and it's great at emptying out the trash containers on the ship," Mihoshi grimaced, "they get so yucky sometimes. It's also good for getting those little dust rabbits out from under the-"

"Mihoshi?" Yukinojo repeated, his face enlarging to fill the screen. "What's the matter?"

Uttering a strangled cry, Mihoshi leapt three feet in the air and performed a half-twist, coming to rest facing the screen. "Wha... Yukinojo! You scared me! Umm... how'd you get over here?" She stepped back from the screen. "And how did you get so big?"

"Mihoshi." Picard stepped up to her. "Who is that?"

"Oh, that's just Yukinojo." She smiled. "My ship's computer. Why?"

"A computer." Riker sighed wearily, leaning against his seat. "I'm glad I was right." He glanced over at Troi, who was trying to stifle a smile. "What?"

"Mihoshi, you disappeared from this ship over an hour ago. The sensors tracked you to that ship." Yukinojo pulled back from the video pick-up. "It has taken me this long to repair the communications system so that I could contact you." He paused. "Are you alright? And where is Princess Sasami?"

Picard raised an eyebrow. "Princess?"

Mihoshi smiled, nodding. "She's down in sick bay with Ryo-Ohki, of course. Ryo-Ohki wanted some more carrots." She scratched her head. "By the way, have you seen my control cube?"

"Yes, Mihoshi." Yukinojo replied. "You left it here when you... departed... so abruptly."

She sighed in relief. "I did? That's great! Well, I mean, it's not great, but it's great that you know where it is. I thought I had lost it forever and I..."

Picard shook his head slowly and returned to his seat. He thumbed a button on his seat. "Transporter room three, stand by to beam Miss Mihoshi directly from the bridge to her ship."

"Standing by, sir."

"Mihoshi?" Picard said, trying to interrupt her. "Miss Mihoshi?"

"...really bad if you ever lose one of them, and..." She realized that she was being spoken to. "Yes? What is it, Captain?"

"We're ready to beam you over to your ship so that you can retrieve your cube."

"You are? Thank you! Thank you very much." She straightened, trying to look professional. "Ready to go."

Picard sighed. "Transporter room three? Energize."

"Perhaps we could leave her over there." Worf wondered aloud after the transported field had faded.

Riker laughed. "Why, Mister Worf, she's our guest. It would be rude not to bring her back."

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"Perhaps, Commander, but it would also be safer." Worf's attention was drawn to a warning tone. "Captain! Romulan warbird decloaking!"

"Red alert!" Picard commanded. "Mister Worf, don't raise the shields. We're here on a rescue mission, and I don't want to provoke the Romulans any more than we already have."

"But Captain!" Worf argued.

"That's an order, Lieutenant." Picard retorted. "On screen." The main viewscreen shimmered, changing to reveal a Romulan warship decloaking directly opposite Mihoshi's ship.

"Captain, their weapons are armed and locking on us!" Worf reported.

"Transporter room three, get Mihoshi back here!" Riker ordered.

"I've lost the lock on her, sir." the transporter tech replied. "I can't re-establish it!"

"Is it the Romulans?" Picard asked.

Data checked his console. "Negative, Captain. The transporter is being blocked by a localized positron field. The field is not being generated by the Romulan ship."

"Then who?" Picard inquired.

Data paused. "The interference is being generated by something on board Mihoshi's vessel."

Riker looked at Picard. "What the hell's going on here?"

Picard keyed the commlink. "Picard to Engineering. Mister LaForge, can you figure out a way to penetrate the field that is blocking the transporter?"

"I think so, Captain." came the reply. "If we direct a broad-spectrum random-frequency tractor beam at the ship, it should destabilize the field enough for us to use the transporter. We'll have to keep the yield low to prevent causing damage to her ship, though."

"How long will it take you to set up?" Picard asked.

"No time at all, Captain. It's part of the modifications we made to fight the Borg. The beam emitters already incorporate all the needed circuitry. I was adjusting the system to enable us to tow her ship - the emitters are already configured."

"Good." Picard said. "Mr Worf, lock onto Mihoshi's ship."

"Aye, sir." Worf activated the controls. "Tractor beam ready."

"Transporter room three, stand by to beam Mihoshi directly to the bridge." Picard rose to his feet. "Mr Worf, engage tractor beam."

"Engaging tractor beam." Worf reported. "Captain, we're being hailed by the Romulan vessel."

"Stall them." Picard ordered. "Transporter room?"

"I've re-established the lock, Captain." the technician answered. "Energizing now."

The familiar cascade of glimmering light appeared in front of the main screen and began to coalesce. Suddenly, the transporter's glow flickered wildly. The transporter tech's voice rang out. "Captain, something's-"

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There was a static-filled POP, and the transporter field winked out. In its place a fist-sized pink cube hung suspended in mid-air for a moment before tumbling to the floor. The transporter tech's voice filled the bridge. "We've lost her, Captain."


Chapter 6 - Which Way Did She Go?

Washu hummed tunelessly to herself as her hands danced over the controls of her (soon to be patented) Interdimensional and Sub-Space Trans-Molecular Scanner. She had discovered that the space-time warp that Mihoshi had passed into earlier had acted as a tunnel through the dimensional matrix, and Washu had narrowed the possible exit points of that tunnel to four. However, the same force that had attempted to block her scans of the warp was at it again, returning false echoes, ghost images, and generally making a pest of itself. There was a definite intelligence behind the blocks, and Washu was beginning to wonder who was foolish enough to try her patience.

"There has to be a better way to locate her." Washu mumbled to herself. She had been scanning each of the four suspected dimensions for any sign of the trans-ferrite alloy used in Galaxy Police vessels, but even without the interference cause by her unseen antagonist, the ISSTMS was being pushed to the limit, and beyond. "If only she had an interdimensional beacon and transceiver unit." Washu sighed. "What am I saying? She wouldn't know how to spell it, much less how to use one."

There was a muffled shout from one corner of the lab, and Washu leaned over, smiling sweetly. "Ryoko, will you quit struggling, please? You're interrupting my train of thought." Another muffled shout, more vicious this time. "Is that any way to talk to your mother? Thank goodness I got that gag on you. Who knows what you might say otherwise..."

She sat quietly for several minutes, idly toying with a track-ball control, listening to Ryoko's ever-more-energetic struggles, watching the ISSTMS's data scroll past on several screens. Suddenly, an idea struck. "Of course! Mihoshi's control cube!"


Riker walked over cautiously and picked up the pink cube. "What the... what happened to her?" He turned as the turbolift doors opened and Lieutenant LaForge stepped onto the bridge. "Geordi, what happened?"

"I'll let you know in a moment, Commander." Geordi turned to the Engineering station. "Computer, transfer Engineering controls to this station." He sat down and began working. "There was a brief surge of energy in the transporter field right before she was supposed to re-materialize. I'm attempting to determine the cause of the energy surge now."

"Captain," Worf said, "the Romulans are hailing us again." He favored Picard with the barest of smiles. "They seem to be quite agitated."

"This is all happening too fast." Picard sighed. "Mister Worf, on screen."

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The glowering face of a female Romulan officer filled the main screen. "Attention Federation vessel. I am Captain Kila of the Romulan Warship Yev'ash. You have entered the Neutral Zone in violation of treaty. We demand that you withdraw immediately."

Picard rose to his feet, straightening the hem of his shirt as he stepped towards the screen. "I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. We entered the Neutral Zone to render assistance to a vessel in distress." He paused. "It is my hope that this encounter can be resolved peacefully, Captain."

"And it will be, Captain," the Romulan stated icily, "if you withdraw to the Federation side of the Neutral Zone immediately."

Picard turned and drew a finger across his throat.

Worf nodded, replying, "Audio off, Captain."

"Opinions?" Picard asked Riker and Troi.

"We got caught with our hands in the cookie jar." Riker replied. "And it's unlikely that they'd look the other way."

Troi nodded. "Captain Kila is highly tense. I'm also sensing a strong hatred directed towards us, Captain. She could react to any perceived provocation with violence."

"So she hates us, hmm?" Riker commented. "And she's likely to start shooting if she senses any provocation? This is getting better and better."

Picard nodded. "Agreed. We're at a distinct disadvantage here. I only hope we can come to a peaceful solution." Looking at Worf, he nodded.

"Audio on."

Picard straightened. "Captain Kila, we appreciate your position. If you will allow us time to complete repairs to-"

"No." Kila growled. "You have entered the Neutral Zone in violation of treaty. You must withdraw immediately, or face the consequences."

Picard's expression soured. "You have entered the Neutral Zone as well, Captain. I would hate to have this minor misunderstanding escalate into a full-scale war between our governments."

"Is that a threat, Captain?" Kila asked warily.

"An observation." Picard replied.

Captain Kila paused for a moment, thinking. Before she could say more, an aide stepped up beside her and hurriedly whispered in her ear. Kila's eyes widened slightly and she nodded. "Captain Picard, I shall.... consider what you have said. Now I have pressing matters to attend to." With that, the screen went blank.

Picard turned. "What was that all about?"

"Something's wrong." Troi answered. "Whatever it was that she was told, it surprised her. It surprised her so badly that she doesn't consider us to be much of a threat right now."

"That would have to be some surprise." Riker commented. Then he frowned, turning the pink cube over in his hands. "You don't think..."

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"I'll ask you one last time." the Romulan officer spat, "What are you doing aboard this vessel?"

"I don't know!" Mihoshi whined, her voice raising in pitch with each word. "I was on my ship, and Yukinojo said that another ship had arrived, so I decided to try and call up a cup of tea because tea always help me relax, and I've been really stressed out today, but my cube wasn't working right, and then the Enterprise said that they were going to beam me back - which is a really strange feeling, I might add. Kind of like sitting in a tub of fizzy soda, not that I've ever actually done something like that, but I bet that that's what it would feel like if I actually-"

"Enough!" the officer shouted, slapping his hands over his ears.

The doors to the interrogation room slid open and Captain Kila stepped in. "Is this the intruder?"

Mihoshi's interrogator snapped to attention. "Yes, Captain. She was found in the aft cargo hold." He shot a withering glance at Mihoshi. "So far she hasn't been very cooperative."

"I see." Turning to Mihoshi, she narrowed her eyes. "My name is Kila, Captain of the Romulan Warbird Yev'ash. What is your name?"

Mihoshi gulped. "Mihoshi."

"Ah.... Mihoshi, is it?" Kila glanced at the other officer. "And what are you doing here?"

"I don't know." she said softly. "Like I told this nice man, I was on my ship, and Yukinojo said that another ship-"

Kila cut her off. "You are a Federation spy!"

"Spy? Of course not... I'm a Galaxy Policeperson."

"Galaxy Policeperson?" Kila spat. "What nonsense is this?"

"Detective first class, if you want to be picky about it." Mihoshi pointed out. "Say, who's your tailor? I just love your outfit."

"Liar! Centurions!" Kila shouted. Two glowering Centurions entered the room. "Take this spy to the brig! Keep her there until she decides to be truthful with us."

"No, no... I really do love your outfit!" Mihoshi explained as she was led away. "Honest!"


Picard turned as the turbolift doors swished open, Beverly stepping briskly onto the bridge. Immediately behind her was Sasami, who was gazing around in wide-eyed amazement. Picard rose to his feet, adjusting the hem of his shirt. "Ah, Doctor. I'm glad you could join us on such short notice." He turned to look at the child accompanying her. "And this must be Princess Sasami."

Beverly nodded, turning to the young princess. "Sasami, this is Captain Picard."

Sasami's eyes widened, and she bowed politely. "This is your ship?" she gaped.

"It is until someone else takes command." Picard answered, smiling. "Where's your furry companion, the one I was told about?"

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"You mean Ryo-Ohki? She's eating."

"Eating?" Picard cast a questioning glance at Beverly.

Smiling, Beverly replied, "She's down in sick bay, giving the replicators a workout. It seems she has a craving for carrots." She paused. "A rather large craving, to be honest. And a stomach that puts tribbles to shame."

Riker smiled. "Hopefully she doesn't reproduce like them."

"Indeed." Picard mused, looking at Sasami. "Sasami, we have a small mystery on our hands, and we're hoping that you can shed some light on the situation." He motioned towards his command chair. "Would you like to sit down?"

Sasami nodded, frowning slightly. "What do you need to know?"

Picard glanced at Riker, who nodded. Riker walked over to Sasami, who had pulled herself up into Picard's chair. "Mihoshi transported over to her ship to retrieve something." He held out the pink cube. "We think this is what she went to get."

Sasami nodded. "That's her control cube. But why do you have it?" She looked around. "And where's Mihoshi?"

"We don't know." Riker admitted. "Something happened during the transport, and she never re-materialized. This is all that returned."

"You mean she's dead?" Sasami asked, her voice quiet.

"No." Deanna interrupted, leaning forward. "But we do believe that this 'control cube' may have had something to do with her disappearance."

"Exactly." Riker added. "Can you tell us how it works? It might help us determine exactly what happened."

Sasami's gaze travelled from Riker, to Deanna, to Picard, and back to Riker. "I'd like to help, but I really don't know how it works."

Riker rubbed his beard thoughtfully. "Can you tell us anything about it?"

"Not really." Sasami replied softly. Then, suddenly, her expression brightened. "Yukinojo! You can ask Yukinojo! He'd know, I'm sure of it!"

"Yukinojo?" Picard said. "You mean her ship's computer?"

"Mmm-hmmm." Sasami nodded happily. "I'm sure he could tell you."

Picard looked at Worf. "Lieutenant, what's the status of the Romulan vessel?"

Worf checked his displays. "No change, Captain."

"Good." Picard nodded. "Hail Mihoshi's vessel."


"Hello? Hello!" Mihoshi's shrill cry rang out from the brig. "I need to use the toilet! Please, let me out of here!" Looking out from behind the force field, Mihoshi chewed her lower lip. "Where did everyone go?" she wondered aloud. "Why haven't they come to let me use the toilet?"

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Her eyes wandered around the cell she found herself in, then focused on a small panel mounted on the far wall. It was covered with symbols she couldn't understand. Walking over to the panel, she leaned forward slightly and pressed on it. She yelped as the panel swung open with a loud CLACK, then broke off of its mountings and fell to the floor.

"Oh dear." she muttered to herself, peering inside the exposed cavity. There were numerous cables and conduits and small colored cubes, as well as four objects that looked like buttons. "I know what this is!" Mihoshi announced happily. "Just like the utility controls back at the Academy!" She frowned, slightly. "But which one opens the door to the bathroom?" She closed her eyes, concentrating. "Oh, I never was good at multiple-choice tests!"

Eyes still closed, Mihoshi began chanting. "Eeeny, meeny, miney, Moe!" She stabbed the third button. Nothing.

"Meeny!" she said, stabbing the first button. Nothing.

"Miney?" The second button. Still nothing.

"Eeeny?" she sobbed, pressing the fourth - and last - button. There was a muffled sizzle, then the force field sealing the cell flashed and went dark. All too aware of the growing pressure in her abdomen, Mihoshi walked out of the cell, into the hallway beyond, and looked around. "Hello? Hello? Is there anyone out here?" There was no answer. "Guess I'm going to have to find the toilet all by myself."

With that, she began walking.


Chapter 7 - Chaos, Mihoshi style

" accessing specifically located storage matrices within sub-space."

Geordi glanced at the main screen, where Yukinojo's visage waited patiently. "It does so by utilizing a rectified positron beam, right?"

"Correct." Yukinojo replied. "Carefully tuned to the resonant frequency of the desired storage location."

"That explains it, then." Geordi said, turning to Captain Picard. "Mihoshi must have tried to access one of those sub-space storage matrices during the transport. Sensors registered a burst of positrons immediately before the matter stream was diverted."

Sasami, standing next Riker, shook her head slowly. "This is making my head hurt."

Riker smiled, laying a comforting hand on Sasami's shoulder. To Geordi, he asked "So what happened to Mihoshi?"

Geordi paused. "We're not sure. The matter stream remained intact, as far as we can tell, so she definitely rematerialized in one piece. We're just not sure where."

Picard nodded slowly. "Mister Worf, have our sensor sweeps of the area detected any trace of her?"

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"No, sir." Worf replied. "But sensors are picking up fluctuations in the Yev'ash's shields and weapon systems."

"What kind of fluctuations?" Picard asked.

Data half-turned. "The readings indicate an imbalance in the Yev'ash's power systems, sir. Their weapons have been rendered inoperable by the imbalance."

"I guess we know why Captain Kila was called away." Riker commented.

"Indeed, Number One." Picard replied. "But what's causing it?"


Captain Kila stormed onto the bridge, glared momentarily at the flickering lights, then turned to her first officer. "What's going on, Marik?" she growled.

"The primary power distribution systems has been damaged, Captain." he replied. "The power surge has damaged several system. Disruptors and torpedo launchers are down."

"And the shields?"

"Still functioning, barely. We're attempting to determine the cause of the damage." He pointed to the main screen, where a schematic diagram of the ship was displayed. "Damage to the distribution system seems to be confined to the primary power junction on deck six."

"Deck six? That's where..." Kila muttered, her eyes narrowing. "Is the Federation spy still in the holding cell?"

"Internal sensors are non-functional, Captain." Marik walked to a nearby intercom. "Holding area two, report on the prisoner."

"Sir!" came the frantic reply. "The prisoner has escaped!"

"WHAT?!" Kila shouted. "How is that possible?"

"Apparently she forced open an access panel, Captain." the guard replied nervously. "She shorted out the force field, and damaged several other systems as well."

"I see." To Marik, she said "Inform security that we have an intruder on board. Do it quietly - let her think her escape has gone unnoticed. She is to be apprehended at all costs. If she resists..." She smirked, "Kill her. See to it yourself."

"Without internal sensors we'll have to conduct a deck-by-deck search, Captain."

"Then you'd better get on with it." Kila growled. "Now."

"Immediately, Captain." Marik responded, heading for the turbo-lift.

Turning her gaze back to the main screen, Kila hissed through clenched teeth. "It seems we have underestimated this Federation saboteur... she's more clever than I thought."


"Why is it that you can never find a toilet when you really need one?" Mihoshi sobbed, standing with legs crossed and tears streaming down her face. "Would it be so hard to put up signs or something?" Glancing around the empty hallway, Mihoshi sighed. "Where did everyone

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go, anyway? How am I supposed to ask directions if there's nobody to ask?" Her eyes fell on a doorway at the end of the hall. Legs still crossed, she shuffled quickly towards it.

The doors swished open, to reveal a turbo-lift. Stepping inside, Mihoshi looked around. "This looks like one of those elevators they have on the Enterprise." She scratched her head. "How did they... ummmm... computer? Hello, computer?"

"State desired destination." a mechanical, sexless monotone voice replied.

"I need to get to a toilet!" she blurted.

"That is not a known deck or section. Please restate request."

Mihoshi blinked. "Toilet! I need a toilet!"

"That is not a known deck or section. Please restate request."

"Restate request? I don't understand. I just want to find a toilet!" She began to sob. "Why don't you understand what a toilet is?"

"That is not a known deck or section. Please restate request."

Mihoshi put her hands to her head and leaned forward. "Oh, I give up." Her head bumped against the wall. "Ouch!"

"Manual input accepted."

Mihoshi blinked as the turbolift began to move. "What? B-but I didn't..." She glanced at the spot where she had bumped into the wall - a panel covered with buttons. "Oh... I guess I did."


"We've completed searches of decks one through seven, Captain."

"No sign of her?" Kila asked.

"None, Captain. We're proceeding to deck eight."

Kila thumbed an intercom. "Engineering! How long before internal sensors are operational again?"

"At least fifteen minutes, maybe more, Captain. The power junction has been badly damaged, and the directive circuitry has been fused. I've got my best people working on it, but we're stretched very thin. I'm attempting to repair the sensors myself, but the damage is more severe than I first thought."

"We need those sensors as soon as possible! Out!" Kila slammed a fist down onto the console. "Where can that damn woman be?"


Stepping through the door, Mihoshi found herself standing in a moderate-sized room, packed full of panels and monitors. Near the far wall, a lone Romulan was studying the inside of an open panel. "Um.... excuse me?" Mihoshi said.

The Romulan looked up, startled. "What the... who are you? What are you doing in here!?"

Mihoshi took a step back. "This isn't the toilet, is it?"

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"The what?" The Romulan raced over to an intercom. "Security alert! We have an intruder in Engineering!"

"There's really no need for that, I mean I can find the toilet all by myself if you just give me directions." Mihoshi sighed. "Boy, all this walking around is wearing me out." She leaned back against a console.

"What are you doing!?" The Romulan Engineer screamed, rushing towards her. "Don't touch th-"

Without warning, the room lurched downward, knocking Mihoshi and the Romulan crewman off of their feet. Instead of falling as she expected, Mihoshi found herself floating several feet above the floor.

"You've shut down the gravity controls!" the Romulan yelped, rocketing past Mihoshi and slamming into the wall.

"Oh, my! I'm so very sorry!" she gushed, moving her arms and legs in an attempt to swim over to him. "I didn't mean to do that. Honestly, it was an accident." Finding herself next to the panel she had sat on initially, Mihoshi smiled. "Here, let me see if I can fix it." She reached out and pressed on the console.

The Romulan's eyes widened. "NO!"


"Captain!" Worf reported. "Something's happened to the Yev'ash!"

"What? On screen." Picard commanded. The image changed to show the Romulan Warbird.

Riker jumped to his feet. "What in the world?" The Yev'ash had rotated so that it seemed to be standing on its nose, spinning in a slow circle. As they watched, the left warp nacelle flashed and went dark. "Data, what's going on?"

Data's hands flew over his console. "The Yev'ash's shields have failed. Their artificial gravity systems have failed, and their drive systems are off-line."

"What the hell's happening?" Riker asked, walking over to stand beside the android.

"Unknown." Data replied.

Picard turned to Worf. "Hail them."

"Aye, Captain." Worf paused, checking his displays. "No response."

"Keep trying." Picard ordered. He turned to look at Beverly and Sasami, who were standing by the turbolift. "Beverly, you had better take Sasami back to sick bay."

Sasami shook her head. "I want to stay right here, until you find Mihoshi."

Beverly knelt down. "Sasami, that's not a good idea, not right now."

"I'm staying." Sasami stated firmly.

"Captain." Data interrupted. "I have located Mihoshi." He looked at Picard. "She is on board the Yev'ash."

"How did she get over there?" Riker asked.

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"We'll deal with that later," Picard commented, "First, let's get her back."


"Engineering!" Captain Kila's voice reverberated through the room. "Report! What's going on down there!"

The Chief Engineer was floating near the ceiling. "Gravity controls damaged, Captain. Attitude controls as well. Further, the warp core is off-line." He glared at Mihoshi. "Our intruder has rendered us impotent, Captain."

"I said I was sorry!" Mihoshi cried, performing a slow cart-wheel around the compartment. "What more do you want?"

"Your head on a stake!" The Engineer spat. "Or perhaps a disruptor, set on full!"

"There's need to be so rude about it." Mihoshi pouted. "It's not my fault."

Kila's voice blared out again, drowning out the Engineer's reply. "How long will it take to repair gravity control?"

"I've yet to determine the extent of the damage, Captain." he replied. "The rest of my crew was out attempting to repair the systems that were already damaged," he shot Mihoshi a withering look, "when this occurred. It will take them several minutes to get back."

Mihoshi, who had come to a rest near the floor, waved. "Excuse me."

"Enough excuses." Kila retorted. "Just get to work."

The Engineer sighed. "Immediately, Captain."

"Excuse me?" Mihoshi repeated, slightly louder. "Please?"

His expression souring, the Engineer growled "What do you want now?"

She blushed. "I... well.... I have to go."

"Look at the damage you've caused!" the Chief Engineer shouted, brandishing a Intercouple Polarizer. "You're not going anywhere until Security gets here!"

"You don't understand." Mihoshi giggled. "I don't need to go, I need to go."

"What are you babbling about?"

"I need to use the toilet." Mihoshi explained, blushing. "All this floating around is.... well... I mean..." She shifted uncomfortably. "I really need to use the toilet."

"You must be kidding me." The Engineer frowned. "What kind of saboteur are you?"

Mihoshi blinked. "Sabo-what?"

"Oh, never mind." He motioned towards a door on the far wall. "It's over there."

"It is? Oh, thank you so very much! I really appreciate this!" She reached out and pulled herself along the wall. Unexpectedly, she began to drift upwards. As she scrambled for a handhold her hands brushed across a button-encrusted panel and she grabbed a large red handle.

The Engineer paled. "What are you... DON'T!"

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Chapter 8 - Back to Square One

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Captain Kila's voice rang out of the PA, echoing painfully throughout the room.

Marik winced, massaging his ears. "She... ah... she ejected the warp core, Captain."

There was a noticeable pause. "And how exactly did she manage to do that?"

Marik glanced at the Chief Engineer. "As far as I can tell, she managed to enter the proper Command Authorization Code and then activated the ejection sequence."

"I see." There was another pause. "Have you captured the saboteur?"

"Yes, Captain." He allowed himself a slight smile. "Yes, we have."

>From inside a small room nearby, a plaintive wail could be heard. "How am I supposed to do this with you guys watching me? I mean... oh, this is so embarrassing... I mean, well, I just can't DO this with you watching me!" She giggled nervously. "It's hard enough trying to do this when I keep floating off of the seat, but with you watching me..." There was a grunted reply in Romulan. "Oh... um... this is so embarrassing... um... could you at least turn around, then? Please?"


"Why would they eject their warp core?" Riker asked incredulously.

"Unknown." Data replied from the Engineering station behind Worf. "Sensors registered nothing amiss with the core prior to its ejection."

Riker frowned. "Yet they ejected it anyway?"

"Yes, Commander." Data paused. "If I may point out, Miss Mihoshi seems to have a predilection for causing inadvertent reactions in both personnel and equipment."

"She's a menace." Worf growled under his breath.

Data paused, then nodded. "The ejection of the Yev'ash's warp core could be a result of her being on board."

Riker glanced back at Beverly and Sasami, then at Troi. "Deanna, are you sensing anything?"

Troi thought for a moment. "It's difficult to make out any individual emotions." she admitted. "I can only say for certain that the crew of Romulan vessel is highly confused, and becoming more so."

"This entire situation is becoming more confused." Picard commented. "Transporter room, have you locked onto Mihoshi?"

"Almost got her, Captain." the tech reported. "The fluctuations in their power grid are playing havoc with the transporter lock. It should take a few more moments."


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A very relieved Mihoshi floated out of the toilet room. "Thank you. Thank you so very much... I feel a lot better now."

"I'm glad." Commander Marik motioned to two guards. "Don't let her out of your sight."

"What are you doing?" Mihoshi blurted, wriggling ineffectively in the grasp of two Romulans. "I wiped the seat! Honest!"

Marik's eyes narrowed. "That's not the reason!" he shouted. "You have come aboard this vessel without permission..."

"It was an accident!" Mihoshi wailed.

"...caused severe damage to our equipment..."

"All I did was open the door!"

"...intentionally diverted personnel away from Engineering..."

"I got lost!"

"...and broke in here to cripple this vessel!"

"I was looking for the toilet!" Mihoshi cried, tears filling her eyes.

"You are a Federation saboteur!" Marik shouted.

"No, I'm a Galaxy Police Officer." Mihoshi pouted. "I told Captain Kila that... you can ask her. She'll vouch for me."

"Gah!" Marik cursed, the force of the outburst propelling him backwards through the room. "I never would have believed that a Federation saboteur could be so aggravating!"

"But I'm not a sabo-whatever! I'm a Galaxy Police Officer!" Mihoshi blinked. "Honest." Her eyes widened slightly. "I feel funny." she mumbled, clutching her stomach.

"I don't care what you feel." Marik stated bluntly. "I..." He blinked as Mihoshi was enveloped by a glittering field of light. "Oh, damn! Execute her!"

Mihoshi sniffed. "There's no need..."


The transporter field faded, Mihoshi standing in front of the main screen. " be so rude about it." She blinked. "Oh, hello everyone."

"Mihoshi!" Sasami exclaimed, running over to her. "You're back!"

"I guess so." Mihoshi replied, looking around. "All this 'beaming' back and forth is confusing me."

Riker walked up, clearing his throat. "Miss Mihoshi, are you alright?" She nodded, and Riker frowned slightly. "Nothing... odd... happened while you were over there?"

Mihoshi thought for a moment. "Ummmm..... well, it did take a long time to find the toilet."

"The what?" Riker blurted. He looked back at Picard, who raised an eyebrow. Riker turned back to Mihoshi. "Never mind."

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Picard straightened the hem on his shirt. "Mihoshi, if you would be so kind as to go with Doctor Crusher down to sick bay, we'd like to ensure that you're unharmed." He glanced over at Beverly, who was trying to hide a look of dismay. "Right, Doctor?"

Beverly sighed. "Right, Captain." To Mihoshi, she said simply, "This way, please."

"Can I come too?" Sasami inquired. "I want to see how Ryo-Ohki is doing."

"Sure you can." Beverly replied, smiling as she motioned to the open turbolift. "Right this way."

Picard turned to Riker. "Number One, why don't you go with them. Let me know if anything turns up."

Riker nodded. "Yes, sir."

"One more thing." Picard added quietly. "Make sure that Mihoshi doesn't start wandering around the ship unescorted."

Riker frowned. "You expecting trouble, Captain?"

"Not at all." Picard said, shaking his head. "But it's a wise man who takes precautions. I'd rather not see the Enterprise's warp core floating aimlessly through space."

Riker suppressed a smile. "Understood, Captain. I'll keep an eye on her."


Sasami uttered a muffled whistle of appreciation as she leaned closer to the transparent cylinder, staring wide-eyed at the rainbow-hued liquid within. "What is it?" she asked quietly.

Beverly looked up from the tricorder she was using to scan Mihoshi. "That's Tiberian plankton."

"It's beautiful." Sasami breathed. "What's it for?"

"We're taking samples of it to Starbase 221 so they can study it for possible medicinal uses." Beverly closed the tricorder. "Well, Mihoshi, it seems that you're in perfect health."

Mihoshi, who was sitting on a med bed, smiled. "That's good to hear." There was a muffled gurgling sound, and Mihoshi's hand flew to her stomach. "Oh, my! Pardon me!" she apologized, face reddening. "I'm a bit hungry."

Riker, standing next to Sasami, smiled. "No need to apologize."

"I'm hungry, too." Sasami added, looking up at Riker. "Can we get something to eat?"

Riker thought for a moment. "I don't see why not. I'll take you down to Ten Forward. There's bound to be something you'll like there."

Sasami looked over to the corner where Ryo-Ohki was happily munching on a carrot. "Ryo-Ohki! We're going to get something to eat." The cabbit mewed happily and jumped up onto her head. Sasami giggled, then turned to Riker. "Ready."

Riker looked over at Mihoshi, who was peering into the reflective surface of a nearby control panel. "Ready, Mihoshi?"

"...oh my, just look at my hair! It's a mess!"

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"Mihoshi?" Riker tried again.

"What?" Mihoshi blurted, quickly straightening. "Oh! Yes, yes, I'm ready."

"Right this way, ladies." Riker said, directing them towards the door.

Beverly watched them go, then sighed and rubbed her face with both hands. "Thank God..."

A male tech walked over to her, data pad in hand. "Doctor?"

"Hmmm?" Beverly looked up. "What is it, Michael?"

"I, uh, I ran a sequence of microcellular scans on that small creature while you were away..."

"Ryo-Ohki, you mean?" Beverly sighed. "And?"

Michael held out the data pad. "Better see for yourself."


The double-doors slid quietly open, and the quartet entered the bustling chaos that was Ten Forward. Riker expertly guided them through the crowd towards an empty table near the forward edge of the room.

"Wow, so many people." Mihoshi commented, cautiously lowering herself into a chair.

Sasami was staring out the large viewport that dominated one wall of the room. "Such a beautiful view!"

Riker smiled. "Glad you like it." He turned as a familiar figure approached. "Ah, Guinan. Just the woman I was looking for."

"Not while I'm on duty, Commander." Guinan smiled. "And who do we have here?"

"This is Mihoshi and Sasami."


"And Ryo-Ohki." Riker added quickly.

Guinan nodded. "Ah, our three guests from the stranded ship. I was wondering if I was going to get a chance to meet them."

Riker turned to Mihoshi and Sasami. "This is Guinan. She's the host of Ten Forward."

"Pleased to meet you." Mihoshi commented. Her stomach growled noisily. "Oh, my! How embarrassing."

Guinan smiled. "Sounds like you've come to the right place. What can I get for you? Commander?"

Riker held up both hands. "Nothing for me, thanks."


Mihoshi pursed her lips. "Gee, I don't know... what do you have?"

"Anything you can dream up, I can whip up." Guinan replied, smiling. "Or, you can let me choose for you. They say I have a knack for picking dishes that people like."

Riker nodded. "Trust her, she does."

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"I'll let you choose for me." Sasami commented happily.

Mihoshi nodded. "So will I."

"Meow?" Ryo-Ohki added.

Guinan's eyebrows rose slightly. "I'll choose something for you, too." With that, she turned and headed back to the bar.

Data's voice sounded from Riker's com-badge, "Data to Commander Riker."

Riker sighed. "What is it, Data?"

"Commander, I have some information regarding the repairs to Mihoshi's vessel. Can you join me in Engineering?"

Riker glanced at his charges. "I'm a little busy right now, Data." He paused. "Why don't you join me in Ten Forward?"

"Acknowledged, Commander."

"Mister Data's coming to join us?" Sasami asked.

"Looks like it." Riker replied. He leaned back in his chair. "So, you come from Earth?"

Mihoshi nodded. "Yes. Well, no. Ummm.... yes and no." She paused. "We didn't used to, but now we do. I mean, well.... um...."

"We're not from Earth, but we live there." Sasami explained. "We all live with Tenchi, at his house."

Mihoshi nodded quickly. "That's what I meant."

Riker nodded slowly. "I see. Sounds interesting. We have a while before Data gets here... why don't you tell me about it?"

"Sure!" Sasami thought for a moment. "Well, we all live at Tenchi's house, like I said. It sits beside a beautiful lake, near his grandfather's shrine..."


"Captain, we are being hailed by the Yev'ash." Worf reported.

Picard sighed, casting a glance at Troi as he did so. "On screen."

The starfield was replaced by the face of Commander Marik. "This is Commander Marik of the Yev'ash. I demand that you return the Federation saboteur known as Mihoshi to us immediately."

Picard rose to his feet, tugging on the hem of his shirt. "I am afraid that Miss Mihoshi is not ours to give. She's not a member of the Federation, and is aboard this vessel as a guest."

Marik's eyes narrowed. "You deny sending her to this vessel in order to conduct a mission of espionage and destruction?"

"As I said, Mihoshi is not a Federation citizen, nor a member of Starfleet."

"I don't believe you." Marik hissed.

Picard hesitated a moment. "Commander, how exactly did Mihoshi get aboard your vessel?"

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Marik frowned. "We don't know."

"Did your sensors register a transporter trace?"

His frown deepened. "No."

"Was there ever a point in time during this encounter that your shields were down?" Picard asked.

"Not until after she was already aboard." Marik sighed heavily. "Captain Picard, if you will give me a moment?"

Picard inclined his head slightly. "Of course, Commander."

He turned to Troi, signaling Worf to cut the audio as he did so. "Councilor?"

"He believes that Mihoshi is not a Federation agent, Captain." Troi replied. "However, he is at a loss to explain what has happened to his ship, and he fears the repercussions that may result. He's attempting to save face."

"Having one's ship crippled by an incompetent would be severely detrimental to one's career." Worf muttered.

Picard nodded. "Indeed. Mister Worf, audio on."

After several more moments, Marik returned to view. "Captain Picard, I must report that Captain Kila has suffered a neurological breakdown as a result of the stress of... recent events." He paused. "I have taken command in her absence."

"I'm sorry to hear about your Captain's condition." Picard replied honestly. "Is there anything we can do to assist you?"

Marik hesitated. "I shall... let you know. But for the moment, I must concentrate my attentions on repairing my ship."

"We can beam over some repair crews, if it will help."

Marik frowned, deep in thought. "I doubt my superiors would agree to such a transfer, Captain. But I shall pass along the offer."

"Fair enough, Commander."


Data and Guinan reached the table at the same time. Guinan spoke first, "Ah, Data. Is there anything I can get you?"

Data shook his head. "No thank you, Guinan."

"Too bad." Guinan mused, setting down a large bowl of steaming liquid in front of Mihoshi. "This is for you. It's Acamerian mudfish soup. Considered to be a great delicacy by many species." Next she sat down a smaller bowl. "And here's your drink."

"Thank you." Mihoshi bowed her head slightly, picking up the smaller bowl and taking a sip. "Sake! How did you know?"

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Guinan smiled sagely. "Like I said, I have a knack." She turned to Sasami. "And this is for you." She placed a plate of white cubes drenched in orange-colored gravy in front of her. "Poached Calamarian kinepsis steaks. With a large glass of Imerthol fruit punch."

Sasami bowed politely. "Thank you very much."

Ryo-Ohki's ears shot up. "Mreow? Meow! Meow!"

Guinan laughed. "I didn't forget you." She sat another plate on the table. "Earth-style carrot cake."

"Meee-yow!" the cabbit cried, hopping down onto the table.

"Enjoy." Guinan said laughingly. "I'll be back to check on you later."

Riker turned to Data, who had seated himself across the table, between Sasami and Mihoshi. "So what was it you needed to tell me, Data?"

"We have nearly completed repairs to Mihoshi's vessel, Commander." Data replied. "However, we are unable to replicate three key pieces of equipment required to complete repairs to the ship's drive."

Riker nodded slowly. "I recall you talking about that earlier. Is there any way to improvise a solution? Even a temporary one?"

"Commander LaForge and I have been attempting to devise a way to do just that, but we have been unsuccessful so far." Data turned to look at Sasami, who was staring at him. "Is there something about me you find curious?"

Sasami blushed slightly. "I've never seen an android before." she admitted. "Sorry."

"There is no need to apologize." Data pointed out. "I am incapable of emotions, and thus you cannot inadvertently 'hurt my feelings'."

"No emotions?" Sasami asked. "Oh... that must be terrible."

Data was about to reply, but Riker interrupted. "Data... was there anything else?"

"Not at this time, Commander." Data replied. "I must point out, Commander, that without a functioning drive system Mihoshi's vessel is effectively useless as a means of transport."

Riker sighed. "Well, we'll have to tow them back to Federation space, to avoid any further incidents with the Romulans, and decide what to do from there."

"We can use Ryo-Ohki." Sasami said, forking a cube of steak into her mouth. "Mmmmm.... this is delicious."

Data and Riker turned to face her. "What did you say?" Riker asked.

"We can use Ryo-Ohki." Sasami repeated. "She can turn into a spaceship."

Ryo-Ohki looked up. "Meow!"

"I find it highly unlikely that Ryo-Ohki could perform such a transformation." Data replied. "There are no known species with such an ability."

"Ryo-Ohki can." Sasami stated matter-of-factly. "She's a Space Pirate. Right, Mihoshi?"

Mihoshi glanced up from the bowl of sake she was draining. "Umm... right."

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Sasami smiled. "See?"

Data looked at Riker, a puzzled expression crossing his features. "Space Pirate?"

"Don't ask me." Riker shrugged, motioning to Ryo-Ohki. "Ask her."

Ryo-Ohki looked up, eyes glimmering. "Reow!"

Data was about to reply when Captain Picard's voice interrupted. "Commander Riker, Commander Data, report to the bridge at once."

Riker frowned. "Riker here. What is it, Captain?"

"Sensors are registering an increase in the levels of tachyon particles in the immediate vicinity, Commander." Picard replied. "You'd better bring our guests along as well. They may be able to provide a clue as to what's going on."

"On our way, Captain." Riker said, rising to his feet. "Data, you go ahead of us. We'll catch up."

"Aye, sir."

Sasami waved. "Bye, bye, Mister Data."

Data paused. "I do not understand why you have said that. We will be seeing each other again in a very short time."

"Data," Riker interrupted, "We'll talk about it later."

"Ah, I see, sir." Data turned and headed for the door.

Riker shook his head and turned back to the table. "Are you two rea... where's Mihoshi?"

Sasami pointed towards the bar. "Over there."

Riker turned to see Mihoshi weaving her way through the crowd. "Um.... excuse me... oh, pardon me! I didn't mean to step on your... whatever that is. Excuse me. Guinan! Miss Guinan! Could I... oh, pardon me.... could I get some more of that sake? To go?"


Chapter 9 - Out of the Frying Pan...

The turbolift doors swished open, Riker stepping out onto the bridge. Right behind him came Mihoshi, Sasami, and Ryo-Ohki.

Picard half-turned. "Ah, Commander. We seem to have a small mystery on our hands. Mister Data, have you completed your scans?"

"Yes, sir." Data replied from where he was seated at the Engineering station behind Worf. "The tachyon surge is not coming from a localized source, Captain. The entire region is being saturated with tachyon particles. I am widening the scanning area in an attempt to determine the extent of the field."

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Picard frowned. "Status of the Yev'ash?"

Worf checked his displays. "No change, Captain."

Riker heaved a relieved sigh. "Thank God for small favors."

"Indeed, Number One." Picard nodded.

"Captain," Data reported, "I believe I have located the focus point of the tachyon field."

"I thought you said that there wasn't a localized source." Riker pointed out.

"I did, Commander." Data replied. "However, the source of the field - which is still unknown - is not the focus of the field, which is the location where the concentration of tachyon particles is substantially higher than that of the surr-"

"Where is the focus, Commander?" Picard interrupted.

Data turned. "The focus seems to be the bridge of the Enterprise."

"What?!" Riker exclaimed. "Are you certain?"

Data nodded. "The data is confirmed, Commander. Tachyon particle concentrations on the bridge are one thousand, two hundred and sixty-three point four nine five percent higher than that of the surrounding areas."

"Does such a high concentration represent a risk to the crew?" Riker asked.

"There have been no explorations into the effects of high tachyon levels upon living beings, Commander."

"Is there still no information on the source, Commander?" Picard asked.

"None, sir."

Troi stood up slowly. "Captain..."

Picard turned. "What is it, Councilor?"

"There's a definite intelligence behind this. I can sense it." Troi's brow furrowed as she concentrated. "It almost seems to be.... gloating."

"Gloating?" Picard rubbed his chin. "Gloating about what?"

"I can't tell." Troi admitted. "But it's definitely pleased about something."

Riker walked over to Picard. "You don't think this could be Q's doing, do you?"

Picard frowned. "It would be like him to pull a stunt like this. But if it is Q, why hasn't he shown himself?"

"Perhaps he wants to watch us squirm some more." Riker sighed. "It would explain the things that have been going on."

Worf turned to face Picard. "Captain, we're being hailed."

"By whom, Lieutenant?" Picard asked.

Worf growled in frustration. "The source of the signal is unknown."

Picard exchanged a confounded look with Riker. "On screen."

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The starfield on the main screen winked out, to be replaced by a static-filled view of a laboratory of some sort. In the middle of the screen, a young girl with a tremendous mane of red hair smiled triumphantly. "Ha ha! I knew this would work!"

Sasami gasped. "Miss Washu! How did you find us?"

Washu smiled. "Why, I found you by tracking down the transponder signal from Mihoshi's control cube, of course." She reached out and thumped whatever device it was that was taking her picture, the static disappearing as she did so. "Ah, that's better."

Riker blinked and turned to Sasami.. "Washu? The same Washu you told me about earlier?"

"Sure." Sasami answered, pointing to the screen. "That's Miss Washu. She lives at Tenchi's house with me and Mihoshi, and my sister and Ryoko."


"And Ryo-Ohki, of course." she added with a giggle.

Data rose to his feet. "Pardon me, ma'am, but what transponder signal are you speaking of? We have detected no signal of any kind being emitted from Mihoshi's cube."

"Well, it wouldn't do to have just anyone be able to pick up the signal now, would it?" Washu chided. "Then any criminal with an ounce of intelligence would know where all the police were. No, you'd either need to have a Galaxy Police signal detector, which I don't, or be the Greatest Scientific Mind in the Universe," she grinned broadly, "which I am." Her grin broadened even more. "And it doesn't hurt that I'm cute, either."

Riker fell back into his chair with a sigh. "I don't think I can take much more of this." he mumbled under his breath.

Picard paused long enough to regain his composure. "I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the Federation starship Enterprise."

Washu blinked, eyes glittering. "My name is Washu. Very pleased to meet you, Captain."

Picard smiled. "Likewise. May I ask your intentions, Washu?"

"Mmmmm.... maybe. But only if you call me," she gave him a mischievous grin, "Little Washu!"

Picard turned at the sound of someone snickering. Troi was hiding a smile behind an upraised hand. Turning back to the main screen, he cleared his throat. "Alright.... 'Little Washu,' would you kindly tell me what your intentions are?"

"Well, I'd like to start by bringing Sasami and Mihoshi back home." Washu replied. "Before there are any... how should I say this... before there are any 'unfortunate incidents.' I think that's the politically correct term for it."

"I'm not sure I understand your meaning." Picard commented cautiously.

Washu sighed. "Okay, let me put it this way... Mihoshi's been there a couple of hours, right?"

"Correct." Picard answered.

"Have there been any, shall we say, 'unusual occurrences' while she was around?"

"Ah." Picard nodded slowly. "I think I see your point."

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"I thought you would." Washu replied. "Mihoshi does have that-"

An irritated female voice erupted from somewhere beyond the view displayed on the screen. "Damn you, Washu! Get me out of this thing!"

Washu sighed. "Pardon me for a moment, Captain." She stepped out of view, but her patronizing voice could still be heard. "Aw.... poor little Ryoko, are these nasty things chafing you?"

"I said get me out of this thing!"

"Aw... that's what I thought. Here, let me tighten them up a bit..."


"I told you that that's no way to talk to your mother, Ryoko. Honestly, I just don't know where you pick up these nasty little habits." Washu stepped back into view. "Sorry about that, Captain. You know how children are. If you don't teach them proper manners when they're young, they'll grow up to be uncontrollable, blowing up toilets and all that."

Picard opened his mouth, closed it, then cleared his throat. "I... ah... I see."

Sasami stepped towards the main screen. "Miss Washu? Are you going to bring us back home?"

"Sure am, Sasami." Washu replied confidently. "Tsunami would never forgive me if I didn't. And your sister would be impossible to live with."

"I take it that you are the one responsible for the increased tachyon levels we have been experiencing?" Picard asked.

Washu nodded. "Yes. I've modified my Interdimensional Trans-Molecular Scanner to open a pathway between our dimension and the one you’re in now. The increased tachyon levels are a result of my using Mihoshi's cube as the anchor on your side of the pathway."

Picard's eyebrows rose. "You can create pathways to other dimensions?"

"Sure can." Washu smirked. "Got some stuff that's really good at growing hair, too, if you're interested."

Picard sighed. "I happen to be very secure in my appearance, thank you."

"It was just a suggestion." Washu replied. "So, Mihoshi, Sasami, you ready to go?"

"I sure am!" Mihoshi blurted. "This'll be great... we'll get back in time for my soap opera, and you can fix my ship for the next patrol, and Sasami can cook us a great breakfast-"

"Wait a minute." Washu interrupted. "What was that you said?"

"What? What did I say?" Mihoshi gasped. "About Sasami cooking breakfast? Well, she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, but she's so good at it..."

"Not that, you dimwit." Washu said quickly. "Before that."

"Oh!" Mihoshi smiled. "You mean about fixing my ship?"

"Yes, that. Why do I need to fix your ship?"

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"Because it was damaged when we got here of course." Mihoshi said. "Why else would you need to fix it?"

"I could list about a couple of dozen reasons off the top of my head." Washu retorted. "Exactly what was damaged?"

Mihoshi pursed her lips. "Ummmm.... the engine."

"It figures." Washu groaned. "What part of the engine?"

"Ummm.... the part that makes the ship go?"

On the screen, Washu fell out of her chair.

Data rose to his feet and approached the screen. "Miss Washu, I believe I can provide more detailed information regarding the damage done to Mihoshi's vessel."

Washu jumped back up. "Ah, that's more like it. Let me have it."

"From our scans we have determined that both the primary reaction chamber and magnetic bottling systems are inoperative." Data reported. "We do not have the required materials available to effect complete repairs. Further, there is a third system connected to the drive computer that suffered damage. We have yet to determine its function."

Washu's image winked out, to be replaced by a schematic of a cylindrical object. "Is this the system you're talking about?"

Data studied the image for a half second, then nodded. "Yes."

Washu's visage returned, her expression dark. "I was afraid of that."

"What's the problem, Washu?" Picard inquired.

"Well," she replied slowly, "That mysterious third system is the hyperwave propagator. Without it, Mihoshi's ship won't even be able to enter the pathway, much less navigate through it. Assuming that the engines worked at all, of course."

Mihoshi blinked. "Ummmm.... that's bad, right?"

Washu nodded gravely. "Yes, very. Without that propagator, there's no way for you to get back."


Chapter 10 - Redhead to the Rescue

"Isn't there any way to create a new hyperdrive propagator to repair Mihoshi's vessel?" Picard asked, casting a sidelong glance at Mihoshi, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

Washu frowned. "Perhaps, if you had access to the proper fabrication equipment. The Galaxy Police shipyards can't come up with anything as complex as I could, but the construction techniques may be more advanced than you are capable of."

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"We'll never get back!" Mihoshi wailed. "I'll never see Tenchi again, or Galaxy Police Headquarters, or any of my... my..." She took a deep breath, "MY SOAPS!!"

Sasami patted her gently on the back. "I'm sure Miss Washu will find a way." she soothed. "She's a genius."

On the screen, Washu smiled. "You're absolutely right, Sasami. I am a genius. And there might be a way, but I'm going to have to get a good idea of the facilities available to us."

Sasami looked up. "How are you going to do that, Miss Washu?"

Geordi glanced over from the Engineering station. "We could download a complete listing of the Enterprise's fabrication and replication systems capabilities to your location."

"Nah... wouldn't do me much good." Washu sighed. "I need to get a up-close and personal look at your systems."

Riker and Picard exchanged looks. "How do you plan to do that?" Picard asked.

Washu's smile broadened. "Why, that's simple, Captain. I'm going to join you!"

"You're what?" Riker blurted.

Mihoshi blinked, wiping a sleeve across her tear-filled eyes. "You're coming here, Miss Washu?"

"Well, if you want to be picky about it, I'm going to use a remote-controlled three-dimensional optical interface to project myself onto your ship." Washu replied. "Rather clever idea, don't you think?"

"A three-dimensional opto-what?" Mihoshi stammered.

"A hologram, Mihoshi." Washu explained. "Do you have your cube?"

"Of course." Mihoshi replied, pulling a white puffball off of her belt and compressing it. She held up the pink cube. "Here it is. Why?"

"I need you to set the cube so that it will act as a receiver for my Interdimensional and Sub-space Trans-Molecular Scanner." Washu paused. "Mihoshi? What's wrong?"

Mihoshi was staring at the cube, her eyes glistening. "You want me to set my cube to do that?" She looked up, blinking. "How do I do that?"

"You set it to receive remote signals." Washu replied. "And to project a holostatic field."

"Oh." Mihoshi answered softly. "Um.... how do I do that?"

Washu rolled her eyes. "I should've guessed." She began furiously typing on a hidden keypad. Her image winked out and was replaced by an image of Mihoshi's cube.

"Hey!" Mihoshi cried. "That looks like a page from my cube's User's Manual!"

"It is a page from the GP-issued User's Manual. I'm surprised you recognize it." Washu retorted. "Now, do exactly what it says... got it?"

Mihoshi nodded. "I think so." The image on screen changed, and Mihoshi twisted the cube accordingly. Another change, another twist. Another change, another twist.

"Ummm... whoops." Mihoshi muttered.

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A pink triangle of fabric appeared in the air above Worf's head, fluttering down to settle gently over his face. He pulled it off angrily. "What is..." The Klingon's eyes narrowed as he recognized what he was holding. "GAH!" he shouted, flinging the panties at Mihoshi.

Her face flushing crimson, Mihoshi buried her face in her hands. "Oh, my! I was wondering where those... I mean... oh, this is so embarrassing!" She knelt down and picked up her wayward underclothes, giggling nervously.

Washu sighed. "Let's try again."


A muted crackle filled the bridge as Washu's form materialized in front of Sasami, who was holding Mihoshi's cube. Looking around, Washu nodded approvingly. "Ah, I knew this would work." She turned to the young Juraian princess. "Thank you for helping, Sasami."

"Sure." Sasami giggled, running over to where Mihoshi was seated - on the far side of the bridge, sorting through a pile of clothing, books, empty candy wrappers, and other assorted items. "Here's your cube, Mihoshi."

Mihoshi looked up. "Thank you Sasami." she replied, taking the cube back. She spotted a blue-green vest and pulled it from the pile. "So that's where I left it!"

Data approached Washu, tricorder in hand. Studying the readouts, he cocked his head. "Interesting... how do you stabilize the optical matrix without a controlling emitter array?"

Washu smiled. "Trade secret, my dear android." She turned to Picard. "Ah, Captain. Can we get started?"

"Of course." Picard answered. "What would you like to see first?"

Washu rubbed her chin. "I need to see the design and operating specifications of your replication systems, as well as those of any fabrication equipment you have on board."

"Captain." Worf interrupted. "I do not believe that we should allow any of these individuals access to the Enterprise's computers. There are matters of security..."

"Granted, Lieutenant." Picard replied. "Place security lock-outs on all sensitive information. Will that suffice?"

Worf paused. "For now, Captain."

Washu laughed softly. "All this concern over me... I'm flattered."

Picard sighed. "The engineering station is over here." he said, motioning towards the back wall of the bridge.

Geordi half-turned. "I've called up the information you requested. Let me know what you need to see, and I'll bring up the appro-"

"No need." Washu interrupted, leaning forward and keying in several commands. Data began scrolling across the displays.

"What the..." Riker muttered. "I thought you were simply a holographic projection?"

"It wouldn't be a very good interface if I couldn't touch things, would it?" Washu replied, not turning from the readouts. "Hmmmm.... interesting. May I sit?"

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"Ah.... go right ahead." Geordi replied, sliding out of the seat.

Washu settled into the seat, fingers dancing gracefully over the keypad. "Ah... energy-matter conversion matrices. Interesting..."

Beverly's voice sounded over the comm system. "Crusher to Picard."

Picard stepped away from the group. "Go ahead, Doctor."

"Could you join me in sick bay, Captain? There's something I think you need to see."

Picard frowned. "I'm rather busy at the moment, Doctor. Our guests-"

"This directly relates to our guests, Captain." she interrupted.

"I see." He turned to Riker. "Commander, you have the bridge. I'll be down in sick bay."


The doors slid open and Picard walked into sick bay. Beverly looked up as he did so. "Ah, Jean-Luc. This way."

Following her into her office, Picard sighed. "What is it you wanted to show me, Beverly?"

"It's in regards to our guests." she replied. "Specifically, Ryo-Ohki."

"Ryo-Ohki? What about her?" Picard asked.

Beverly activated the wall screen. An image of a crystalline matrix appeared. "This is a molecular scan that we ran on Ryo-Ohki. Does it seem odd to you?"

Picard studied the display for several moments before shaking his head. "I'm afraid not, Beverly. Should it?"

"Keep watching." Beverly replied, keying in several commands. The image began to enlarge as the magnification increased, revealing more and more intricate patterns.

"It looks like a Mandelbrot Set." Picard commented.

"That's a close enough analogy." Beverly replied, shaking her head slowly. "I'm not sure how it's possible, but Ryo-Ohki's molecular structure consists of a great deal of inorganic material contained in an unbelievably compressed state."

"How much is a 'great deal'?" Picard asked.

Beverly paused. "These scans indicate an amount on the order of thousands of metric tons. The sensors in sick bay aren't sensitive enough to pinpoint it any further."

"All of that is contained within one small creature?"

"According to these scans, yes. I'm at a loss to explain it, Jean-Luc."

"Perhaps we shouldn't even try." Picard commented. He raised a hand to stop her protest. "Beverly, we're dealing with beings from another dimension. Undoubtedly, there are going to be things about them that we will find difficult to understand."

"I realize that, Captain. But squeezing several thousand tons of matter into a five-kilo animal the size of Data's cat? Think of the potential uses if we could determine how they accomplished that!"

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"I completely agree." Picard replied. "And normally, I'd be the first to want to know. But I also have to consider the safety of this ship, and in that light I would prefer to have our guests off of the Enterprise at the earliest opportunity."

"Why, Captain," Beverly chided, "Where's your sense of hospitality?"

"It's doing very well, thank you. But I'd rather not face the same fate as the Yev'Ash." Picard paused. "There's something distinctly unnatural about our guests, in case you haven't noticed. And the longer they remain on this ship, the more concerned I become that something disastrous is going to happen."


Chapter 11 - Of Plans and Cabbits

"How can you operate with such primitive equipment?" Washu muttered, then leaned back in the seat and stretched her arms over her head. "I feel like I'm in the ancient artifacts wing at the Science Academy Museum." she mused.

"Have you found a way to get us home?" Sasami asked softly.

Washu pursed her lips. "Not yet."

Mihoshi uttered a strangled sob. "Not yet?"

"That's what I said." Washu quickly added, "But that doesn't mean that there isn't a way. It's just taking longer to find than I thought."

"Are you saying that our replicators can't handle the operation?" Geordi asked incredulously.

"It's not that." Washu answered. "Replicating the Propagator itself is a simple enough matter. The problem is that you don't have anything on board that's capable of replacing the Propagator's power unit."

"Do you mean that the Hyperdrive Propagator is not powered by the ship's engine core?" Data asked.

"Right." Washu nodded. "It takes a separate source of high-level quantum radiation to power the Propagator."

"What do they use to power the Propagator under normal conditions?" Riker asked.

Washu blinked. "A separately-contained quantum singularity, of course."

Riker looked at Geordi, who shrugged. "Of course."

"Isn't there another way to power the Propagator?" Geordi enquired.

"Not without re-designing the whole thing." Washu replied. "Which we may have to do anyway. I was hoping to get this all over with quickly, however."

Riker's eyebrows rose. "Why the rush?"

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Washu paused. "Well... Ryoko volunteered to cook breakfast tomorrow morning." She shuddered. "I'd rather not have to go through that."

Sasami nodded slowly. Looking up at Riker, she whispered, "Ryoko uses too much seasoning."

"Last time she tried her hand at cooking, she dissolved the stove." Washu corrected.

Riker smiled. "I understand. I think."

The doors to the turbolift slid open and Captain Picard stepped onto the bridge. "Any progress, Number One?"

Riker shook his head. "Not really. We can repair the device itself, but we can't replace the quantum singularity that powers it."

"A quantum singularity?" Picard muttered. He looked at Washu. "Is that what's required to complete repairs?"

Washu nodded. "Basically, yes."

Picard cracked a slight smile. "It seems that Mihoshi may have presented us with the means of her own rescue."

Mihoshi blinked. "I did? Really?"

"Of course." Picard replied. Turning to Data, he ordered, "Mister Data, if you would be so kind as to locate the Romulan's warp core?"

Data nodded. "Aye, sir." He headed for his station.

Riker smiled. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"I'm afraid you've lost me, Captain." Washu admitted.

"Me too." Mihoshi added.

"The Romulans use a quantum singularity to power their ships." Riker explained. "While Mihoshi was on their ship there was some sort of accident, and their power core was ejected."

Washu laughed. "I see. And," she cast a glance at Mihoshi, "I am not surprised."

"Captain," Data interrupted, "I have located the Romulan power core. It is currently at bearing 279 mark 104. Distance fourteen thousand kilometers."

"Is the singularity intact?" Riker enquired.

"Scanning." Data replied. "The warp core's emergency containment field is still functioning at forty-five percent. Field integrity failing at a rate of three point two percent per minute." "

That gives us about fifteen minutes." Riker noted.

"Fourteen minutes, three point seven five seconds to be exact." Data replied.

Picard turned to Geordi. "How long will it take to repair the Propagator?"

"Given the schematics supplied by Washu," Geordi answered, "It should take about ten minutes. Maybe less."

"Begin at once." Picard replied. "Lieutenant Data, assist Lieutenant LaForge in Engineering."

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"Aye, sir." Data said promptly, moving to join Geordi in the turbolift.

Turning to the ensign sitting at the helm, Picard ordered "Bring us to within two thousand kilometers of the Romulan power core and maintain position."

Riker frowned. "Assuming that a replacement Propagator can be replicated in time, that still leaves Mihoshi's vessel without a functioning drive system."

"Indeed." Picard seconded. "Miss... I mean, 'Little Washu,' is Mihoshi's vessel capable of navigating the interdimensional pathway without a functioning propulsion system?"

"No need to worry about that, Captain." Washu answered. "I've already got that one figured out." She smiled. "We'll need access to an external airlock or similar structure. As long as it has ready access to space."

"How about the transporter room?" Riker asked.

Washu shook her head. "Afraid not. We need direct access. Having one's component molecules turned to energy and then back to matter would interfere with the underlying sub-molecular properties that are required for the transformation enzymes to function properly."

"I see your point." Picard interrupted. "Mister Worf, would you accompany our guests to shuttle bay one?"

"Aye, sir." Worf growled.

"Little Washu?" Picard enquired, "If I might ask, why do you need access to space?"

"Well, we need a ship to tow Yukinojo through the pathway." she answered. "So, we're going to use Ryo-Ohki."

"Ryo-Ohki?" Picard exchanged looks with Riker, who shrugged.

"Yep. We'll stick her outside and have her tow the ship through the pathway." Washu smiled as the turbolift doors opened behind her. "After all, she's the best choice."

The cabbit bobbed a happy affirmative. "Mreow!"

"And once the propagator is repaired, the field will encompass both ships." Washu snapped her fingers. "Just like that."

Picard frowned. "I'm afraid I don't follow."

"She can turn into a spaceship!" Sasami explained.

"Turn into a... spaceship?" Picard repeated slowly.

"Of course." Washu's grin broadened even more as she stepped into the turbolift. "You don't think I created her just to look cute, do you?"

"Aren't you coming with us?" Sasami asked Riker and Picard.

Picard shook his head. "We've got a few things to discuss here first. We'll join you as soon as we can."

"Ah." Sasami smiled.

Picard heaved a weary sigh as the turbolift doors slid shut. "A spaceship." he said simply. "Now things are beginning to make a little more sense."

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"A little more sense, Captain? Is there something I should know?" Riker asked.

Picard nodded. "Doctor Crusher has relayed some rather... intriguing information to me regarding our guests."

"You mean that Ryo-Ohki is a starship in disguise?" Riker commented idly. At Picard's questioning look, he elaborated. "Sasami and Mihoshi told me that while we were in Ten Forward. They both seemed to believe it, but I thought they were joking." He gazed at the turbolift. "I guess they weren't."

"Apparently, Number One." Picard sighed wearily. "Doctor Crusher had some scans run on Ryo-Ohki, and discovered that there are several tons of material compressed inside of her. She found that rather hard to believe, as well. I'm not sure what to think, now."

"One thing is for certain, Captain." Riker pointed out.

"What's that?"

"Starfleet Command will never believe a word of it."


Chapter 12 - Ryo-Ohki's Big Day

The door slid open, admitting Picard and Riker into the shuttle bay, where Worf and his charges were waiting. Sasami was staring at one of the shuttles, "ooh"-ing and "ahh"-ing enthusiastically, while Mihoshi stood solemnly in one corner.

"Everything okay, Lieutenant?" Riker asked as he and Picard approached the group.

"Aye, sir." Worf replied, his tone a notch lighter than normal. "Nothing unusual to report."

"What's wrong with her?" Riker enquired, motioning to Mihoshi.

"Mister Worf took her cube away." Sasami replied, holding up Mihoshi's control cube. "He gave it to me."

Worf met Riker's gaze. "She was attempting to utilize the device, with... predictable results."

Washu chuckled. "She wanted tea, she got fifteen pairs of shoes and a box of tissues."

Riker stifled a smile. "I see."

Beside him, Picard tapped his combadge. "Picard to LaForge."

"Go ahead, Captain." Geordi replied.

"What's your status?"

"We've reprogrammed the replicators in Engineering to the specifications Washu requested and are running the sequence now." He paused. "Everything seems to be working fine, Captain. I estimate about three minutes to completion."

"Very good, Lieutenant." Picard replied. "Inform me the moment you're finished." He turned to Washu. "Little Washu, what needs to be done to install the device on Mihoshi's vessel?"

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"Not much, Captain." Washu replied. "I just need to get in contact with Yukinojo to make sure he's ready, and then your people can transport it into place."

Picard nodded and walked to a nearby station. Issuing several commands, he motioned to Washu. "The connection is ready."

Washu bowed slightly. "Thank you, Captain. Yukinojo?"

The display screen flashed to show Yukinojo's face. "Miss Washu? What are you doing in this dimension?"

"It would take too long to explain." Washu replied. "I've got a replacement hyperdrive propagator for you. They'll be transporting it over to you shortly. Can your self-repair systems handle installing it?"

"Of course. As you well know, I am capable of repairing all but the most serious types of damage. Unfortunately, I am incapable of repairing the main drive system at this time."

"Don't worry," Washu said, "Ryo-Ohki will be towing you through the interdimensional pathway I created."

"I see." Yukinojo replied. "Very well, Miss Washu. I'll be waiting."

Washu turned to Picard. "All set, Captain."

Picard nodded, glancing over his shoulder to where the rest of the group was standing. "Washu, there's a matter of some concern that I must ask you about." he said quietly.

"Change your mind about the hair growth solution, Captain?" Washu asked innocently.

Picard sighed. "No, not that. I was just wondering exactly how Ryo-Ohki is going to tow Mihoshi's vessel."

"Simple, actually. She'll jump out of your ship, turn into her spaceship format, and form part of her structure around Yukinojo. After that, it'll be a snap." Washu smiled. "Can I create some great stuff or what?"

"I still don't..."

"Captain, I could go into great detail about how Ryo-Ohki manages to transform between all of her forms, but - to be honest - you couldn't even begin to understand the processes."

Picard frowned. "I'm sorry, but-"

"No need to apologize, Captain." Washu commented idly. "It's the price you pay for being a twenty-thousand year old genius - no one can grasp the subtle nuances, much less the grand designs."

"Twenty thou..." Picard straightened the hem of his shirt, "Never mind. Shall we re-join the others?"

"Gladly, Captain." Washu answered.

They had barely gotten half-way across the bay when Geordi's voice sounded from Picard's combadge. "LaForge to Captain Picard."

"Go ahead Lieutenant."

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"Captain, the propagator's complete. We're ready to transport it and the singularity to Mihoshi's vessel."

"Do you expect any difficulty in doing so?"

"There should be no problems, Captain." Data answered. "We have the proper coordinates for the transport, and the propagator's internal containment field is functioning within normal parameters."


There was a pause. "Transport complete, Captain. The Propagator is in place. We are awaiting Yukinojo's signal to transport the singularity."

Washu nodded sagely. "It's time. Captain, if you would?"

Picard keying in a command and the shuttle bay echoed with a warning tone as the massive exterior door began sliding upwards. Turning to Washu, Picard nodded. "Is there anything else, Little Washu?"

"Nope," Washu replied absently. "I can take it from here."

She walked over to Ryo-Ohki, who was perched happily on top of Sasami's head. "Show time, Ryo-Ohki."

Ryo-Ohki regarded her with innocent eyes. "Meow?"

"Of course it's safe." Washu replied. "You don't think I would have you do this if it were dangerous, do you?"

The cabbit nodded quickly. "Meow!"

"Everyone's a critic." Washu drawled.

Sasami giggled. "I'm sure it'll be alright, Ryo-Ohki."

Washu smiled. "Of course it will. And besides, you do want to see Tenchi again, don't you?"

"MEOW!" Ryo-Ohki launched herself off of Sasami's head and landed a few feet from the force field sealing the now-open shuttle bay door. She paused, turned to glance back a Washu with wide eyes, then began to quiver violently. Picard backed up in alarm. "Lieutenant Worf, I w-"

"It's alright, Captain." Washu interrupted. "Just watch."

Before Picard could reply, Ryo-Ohki uttered a piercing yowl and raced towards the force field. She leapt high into the air and passed through the field with a hissing crackle. She tumbled away from the shuttle bay, unmoving.

Riker looked at Washu, concern evident on his face. "Miss Washu..."

"It's alright." Washu responded. "She's just making sure there's enough clearance before she - ah! There she goes!"

Riker turned in time to see Ryo-Ohki suddenly expand in size, large spears of dark crystalline material erupting from her body, growing outwards at an astounding rate, until she had transformed into a large multi-pointed crystalline shape that reminded Riker of the Crystalline Entity.

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Ryo-Ohki drifted towards Mihoshi's ship, the lower-most spike expanding outwards as it did so. Contact was made, and Mihoshi's ship was pulled up into the lower spike. Riker whistled softly. "I never would have believed it if I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes."

Picard nodded silently.

"Engineering to Captain Picard." Geordi's voice declared.

"Go ahead."

"Captain, we've received clearance from Yukinojo. We're beaming the singularity into place now."

"Very good." Picard glanced at Washu. "It seems like everything has gone according to plan."

"Of course it has." Washu responded. "It was my plan, after all." She paused. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, Captain."

Picard smiled. "It has been a pleasure."

Sasami ran over. "Bye, Captain."

"Goodbye." Picard replied, but she was already running towards Riker.

Washu turned to Mihoshi. "Time to go, Mihoshi."

Mihoshi looked up, distracted. "It is? Oh... okay. But..."

"But...?" Washu prodded.

Mihoshi glanced at Picard, eyes glimmering in the light. "I... um... I... I need to use the toilet again."

In a hidden pocket of space, well-hidden from the Enterprise's sensors, two beings watched as Ryo-Ohki pulled away from the Enterprise and headed towards the opening of the interdimensional pathway.

"It's about time." the first one - a man - quipped. "I thought that they would never leave. I'm surprised Jean-Luc didn't boot them off long before now."

"It was you that told me about the legendary patience of this Picard character that you're so fond of." his female companion retorted. "After all, he's put up with you for so long."

"No need to get uppity about it." he sniffed. "And I'll have you know that Jean-Luc regards me as a close confidant. A blood-brother, if you will."

"If you say so." she replied, turning to watch as Ryo-Ohki dove into the pathway, which winked out behind her. "And so it ends."

"Why must it end? You can always direct them into some other dimension, as you drew them to this one." He chuckled. "The best thing about these fragile little creatures is that they are remarkably resilient, always bouncing back from whatever dilemmas come their way. The rubber balls of the cosmos, if you will."

"Uh-huh." she replied distractedly.

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"Go ahead and ignore me. I still think you'd find it a lot more interesting to stick them in another predicament and see what happens. Perhaps against those 'Shadow' beings from the First Ones' dimension."

"No. To do so would draw undue attention to my presence." She shivered. "You can't imagine how mad Washu would get if she discovered I was behind this - or how dangerous she can be when she gets riled up."

He shrugged. "So be it. Far be it from me to push you into anything dangerous. Just trying to be helpful and all. Forever your humble assistant."

"Don't get melodramatic on me now, Q."

"Moi? Melodramatic?" He clutched his breast. "You cut me to the quick, my dear. How unlike a Q of your fine upbringing." She said nothing, lost in thought. Curious, he leaned closer. "What are you thinking, Q? Something sneaky and underhanded, if I don't miss my guess."

She regarded him coolly. "You know, maybe I was too quick to dismiss your idea. It has.... merit. With a little work, it might prove entertaining to the both of us."

He smiled. "I knew you'd see it my way."

"I'll need to borrow a few of your 'friends,' however."

"Sounds better already."

"I thought you'd think so." She smiled back at him. "Here's what I've got in mind..."