Download - The M essenger - Welcome to Salem UCCThe M essenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ June 2017 Volume 63, Issue 6 We are God’s children called to seek,

Page 1: The M essenger - Welcome to Salem UCCThe M essenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ June 2017 Volume 63, Issue 6 We are God’s children called to seek,

The Messenger

~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

June 2017

Volume 63, Issue 6

We are God’s children called to seek, share, teach, and continue to experience the Word of God.

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s

trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34

Like many of you, Carol and I have been working on “de-cluttering” our home. It seems

that no matter how many garage sales or trash pick-ups – there is always more. As I

was reflecting on this, I thought about our lives and how easy it is for them to become

cluttered. Included in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus discourages us from worrying.

Despite Jesus’ words, we worry.

It is a normal thing for us to do. However, we have choices in how to deal with worries.

After sharing all the things that I had to do and worrying about them, a good friend said

to me, “Put out the hottest fires first.” I knew what she meant - that is, to prioritize

what needed to be done. However, it is difficult to work on one thing knowing there is

another just around the corner.

Part of the Sermon is in the text cited above. In Matthew 6: 25-34, Jesus talks about not

worrying. I especially like “Today’s trouble is enough for today”. I have always been

astounded by those who are “laid back” and seemingly nothing bothers him or her. I

admittedly have wondered if they care about anything at all. Then I had an epiphany. It

occurred to me that we all have a choice in how to handle situations. We can worry or

we can prioritize. We can wring our hands or we can “let go”.

Letting go would mean that we relinquish whatever control we may think we have. More

often than not, we delude ourselves into thinking we have control over a situation. Not

to be redundant, but what we do have control of is how we react to those situations.

When I was younger I found a relaxation technique. I would start with my feet and

relax all the muscles in my feet. Then I would do the same to my legs. By the time I

got to my arms, I was very relaxed. I use this quite often. It is my way of “de-

cluttering” and I use it to deal with worry. After having achieved relaxation, I am able

to pray. They key to prayer is to be still and know that God is God (Psalm 46:10). One

way to look at it is when you have company, there are preparations: vacuum the floor,

straighten out the picture on the wall, fluff up the pillows on the couch, etc. Preparing

to pray is much the same – de-cluttering mind and soul and in anticipation of God’s


I pray that you can find ways to “de-clutter” your life.


Pastor Jerry


Monday Morning Reflections With Pastor Jerry

Come join us at Maedge’s on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to have a cup of coffee, discuss the sermon, read scripture together, and talk about whatever is on your mind.


Page 2: The M essenger - Welcome to Salem UCCThe M essenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ June 2017 Volume 63, Issue 6 We are God’s children called to seek,

“No Comparison” (Suggested Readings: Isaiah Chapter 40; Numbers 23:19; John 19:23)

It was inspiring to hear from Brenda Crisp on the mission of Kindercottage on

Mission Sunday. It is not possible for us to know the whole impact for good that has

come out of the children and families touched by this mission. I thanked her for the

blessing she is to us all and commented on one thing she said in the message. Brenda

said, "God takes care of me even when I do stupid things." Consider the parable Jesus

tells of a sheep that gets lost: ninety-nine sheep manage to stay with the shepherd; the

one did something stupid and got lost. Humanly speaking, this is easy to figure out.

Ninety-nine percent is excellent in anyone's book. To the Lord, it is also easy to figure

out and contrasts completely with human intellect. Who would NOT leave the ninety-

nine and go after the lost one? What is more, who would NOT stop the whole show

when He finds the lost sheep, and throw a huge party inviting everyone to celebrate the

return. How unlike human wisdom! The main way we have to describe something is by

comparing to something else that we already understand. Likewise, we may be tempted

to think of God in some relationship to ourselves; no matter how lofty we lift God, no

matter how much higher than ourselves we see God, there is simply no comparison! We

have seams, so to speak…moments of weakness, times we are tired, hungry, impatient,

and certainly imperfect, to name a few. God is seamless! As you read John 19:23, we

find a detailed description of garment Jesus wore next to His body. It is as seamless as

the Lord who wore it. I have seams! I get confused, lost, make mistakes, get tired, run

short of resources, and much more. It is more than easy to underestimate God; in fact,

it is impossible to rightly assess the grandeur of God! How completely we can trust in

our Lord, who is so high and holy and seamless as to be incomparable with anything or

anyone we have ever known or experienced.

May we be awed daily by the wonder of God,

Pastor John *******************************************************************************************************************


When we are children, our loved ones read us fairy tales and superhero stories - tales of

princes and princesses who fall in love and live happily ever after. At least for me, that is

the only part I remember…the end where the superhero saves the day or the princess

kisses her prince in her beautiful ballgown. However, as I have grown older, I realized

those stories were not just happy endings to give us sweet dreams at night, but stories

to show us how we can overcome obstacles, become better people, and find out who our

real friends are. As I read the fairy tales now, I realize they are about the journey the

characters experience - the people they meet, the obstacles they face, the things they

learn about themselves. As we go through the time of year when people are graduating,

I see students who are driven by the “want” of getting done with school. Seniors think

about graduating and finishing so they can move on with their lives. However, life is not

about the ending, whether it is a fairytale or not. It’s about the journey. Cliche I know.

But how many of us adults can honestly say we would not want to go back to high

school or college at least once to change something or experience something one more

time, or see someone that we may not have seen in a long time? So, as our seniors

leave high school and they embark on the next chapter of their lives, I encourage them

to remember their journey. Cherish the memories and the people they met along the

way, because life is about the journey that teaches us who we are, not just about the

superhero saving the day or living happily ever after with Prince Charming.

June Schedule: June 4: Middle School Mission Trip Parent Meeting after Church

Exhale 4-5:30 June 11: Exhale 4-5:30 June 18: Exhale 4-5:30 June 23 - 25: Middle School trip to Merom June 25: NO EXHALE

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Church Council Meeting - May 11, 2017 Notes taken by Jerri Reichmann and Nancy Heidbrink

Present: Steve Stille, Richelle Ernst, Jerri Reichmann, Nancy Heidbrink, Derik Payne, Judy Zimmermann, Christopher Uhe, Jill Verson, Patrick Stille

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by: President Steve Stille.

Devotion - Pastor Jerry shared a devotional story.

Last Meeting Follow-up - Jill needs to be added to last month minutes; she was present.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes - Patrick made motion to approve previous minutes, seconded by Jill.

Additions to Agenda: none

Treasurer’s Report/Approval: Question on where YTD budget numbers come from. Jill will get more clarification from Lisa and report back next meeting. Lisa needs to move $150 Easter Ad to miscellaneous Evangelism report. Judy made motion to approve, seconded by Jerri, motion carried.

Outstanding Bills/Approval to Pay: Nancy made motion to approve and pay outstanding bills, seconded by Richelle, motion carried.

Committee Reports:

BOCE - No VBS Sunday this year. They are estimating supplies for 60 kids.

Mission/Stewardship - Pastor Jerry said Salem will take part with Highland EvUCC program Hunger for Kids for three weeks in June. The program will have free lunch Monday through Friday at the Park. We will be looking for volunteers to pick the food up in Grantfork and transport to Alhambra Park.

Evangelism/Worship - they are looking into using survey monkey. More detail to come.

Property - Derik reported the Parsonage needs a new roof. They are getting bids that may include bid for a metal roof as well. Chair sales went well. We still have approximately 60 chairs left.

PPPRC - no meeting

Vision - see report, no additions

President’s Report - Communion for June 4: Ronna, Nancy will prepare; Jill, Jerri, Judy, Richelle, Christopher, Derik serve.

Counting Schedule - June: Kris, Ronna, Derik, Steve

Pastor’s Report

Carol’s health Insurance. She was turned down but has 60 days to resubmit the forms (they feel she was turned down because she left out allergy issues).

Sabbatical - Pastor Jerry will be off Monday 05/15 and return 06/16 with next Sabbatical middle of August.

Pastor John’s compensation during Pastor Jerry’s Sabbatical - Richelle made a motion to discuss additional pay for John. After discussion, it was decided to pay John additional $1000 for his extra hours with the option to pay more if needed.

New Business - Jerri suggested purchasing umbrella stand/bags for rainy days. Patrick made motion to buy three umbrella stands/bags; one for each entrance (sanctuary, passageway, office/Sunday School), Judy seconded. The funds will come from Property Committee.

Communications - Thank you letter received from Paige and Laurie with $30 donation.

Next Meeting - Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment - Richelle moved to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:45 p.m.

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Salem UCC Treasurer's Report

Month ending April 30, 2017

Current Activity YTD Activity

Beginning General Fund Balance 11,629.61


Offering-Loose 10,337.57


Offering-Envelopes 9,790.00


Facility Use Donations 0.00


Miscellaneous Receipts (978.00) * 649.50

Interest Income-General Fund 1.95


Benevolence Received 1,684.58 4,839.16

Total General Fund Income 20,836.10


Salaries 8,248.41 36,333.11

Employee Benefits 2,897.62 11,550.65

Maintenance/Property Services 573.63


Insurance 322.00


Utilities 1,993.21


Supplies-General 497.97 2,949.83

Professional Expense 16.90 1,650.19

Miscellaneous 0.00


Worship 80.60 355.89

Christian Education 79.65 360.96

Evangelism 0.00 67.52

Stewardship 428.79


Pastoral Care (5.00) 256.00

Total General Fund Expenses 15,133.78


Ending General Fund Balance $ 17,331.93

$ 17,331.93

Beginning Memorial Fund Balance 24,325.91 22,938.55

Memorials received 4,605.00


Miscellaneous Receipts 500.00


Memorial Fund Expense:

HD Camera (3,852.99) (3,852.99)

Parish Hall: Door, Chairs


Parlor Blinds



Ending Memorial Fund Balance $ 25,460.18

$ 25,460.18

Building Fund Balance 42,645.47


Building Fund Offering 795.00


Building Fund Expense:

Passageway door -


Ending Building Fund Balance $ 43,440.47

$ 43,440.47

Sabbatical Fund Balance 14,896.12


Contribution from Men's Fellowship


Ending Sabbatical Fund Balance $ 14,896.12

$ 14,896.12

Endowment Fund Beginning Balance 61,882.46


Memorials-Endowment Fund 100.00 100.00

Ending Endowment Fund Balance $ 61,982.46

$ 61,982.46

Beginning Investment Fund Balance 191,260.19


Change in Market Value 552.15


Ending Investment Fund Balance $ 191,812.34

$ 191,812.34

Beginning Mission Matching Fund Balance 115,019.73


Change in Market Value 118.57


Donations for future trip(s) 1,064.03 1,064.03 Mission Fund Disbursements:

Mission to Go donation to Youth Mission Trip (520.00)


Ending Mission Matching Fund Balance $ 115,682.33

$ 115,682.33

Beginning Reserve Fund Balance 25,973.18


Interest Income-Reserve Fund 14.06


Ending Reserve Fund Balance $ 25,987.24

$ 25,987.24

Beginning Other Restricted Fund Balance 1,554.11


Donations for HD Camera transferred to Memorial Fund 0.00


Donations for Hitz Butterfly Garden 960.00


$ 2,514.11

$ 2,514.11

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Minutes from the March 24 meeting were distributed for review. A quote from Swing City Music for projector and screen was distributed. Other area churches with projectors and screens will be asked where they were purchased. Raising the sound board was discussed in a prior meeting. Using a higher chair will be tried before making any changes. Moving the altar and wall behind it 3-4 feet forward was visualized using cardboard. Raising the choir area to the altar area level was discussed. Replacing the concrete in front of the sanctuary entrance was discussed. Raising the concrete to be level with the sanctuary floor and putting a ramp next to the steps off the east side of the platform is being considered. Next meeting is scheduled for June 7 at 6:30 p.m. ******************************************************************************************************************

Highland Area Christian Service Ministry

invites students aged 8 to 14 to enroll in

our new four-session cooking workshops,

Yes, I CAN cook!! Sessions will be

instructed by HACSM personnel, many of

whom are retired Highland CUSD 5

employees. The result? Students will

prepare a meal that they will enjoy at the

conclusion of the workshop! Parents are

invited to attend too!

Workshops are scheduled to accommodate working parents’ schedules:

Wednesday, June 14: 10:00 a.m. to noon

Wednesday, June 28: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 12: 10:00 a.m. to noon

Wednesday, July 19: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Develop independence! Learn how to prepare simple meals and snacks!

Hands-on cooking!

Enjoy what YOU prepare!

Sign up for ONE, TWO, THREE or all FOUR workshops.

Equipment is available!

Attendance prices awarded!

To sign up: Call HACSM’s office at 654-9295 or email at [email protected]


Illinois South Conference Delegate Request Please contact the church office or Pastor Jerry if you are interested in serving as one of the

Delegates to the Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ from Salem UCC. The 53rd

Annual Meeting of Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ will be held on October

21, 2017 at Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville.


Thank You Notes…

Did You Know?

Does anyone remember Luetta Bizer's favorite salad dressing recipe?

The recipe is an easy one - it's called 1-2-3-Dressing - one part oil, two parts vinegar and

three parts sugar. Works great on lettuce, salads, or cole slaw. Thanks, Luetta.

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Congratulations Graduates!!!

High School Graduates:

Jordan Nicole Braundmeier is the daughter of Paul & Richelle Braundmeier and sister to Rebecca, Kara, and Lia Braundmeier. Jordan will graduate from Highland High School on May 21. She plans to attend Paul Mitchell for Cosmetology in St. Louis in June, and she is looking forward to joining her Aunt Shannon at her salon Jus Teazin’ in Highland.

Amanda Grace Korsmeyer is the daughter of Dean & Sherri Korsmeyer. Amanda will graduate from Highland High School on May 21. She plans to attend University of Missouri in Columbia in the fall and major in Business.

College Graduates:

Madison Marie Frank is the daughter of Jerry and Ann Frank and sister of Megan Sauer. She graduated from SIUE on May 5, 2017 Cum Laude with her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Economics. While at SIUE Madison was a 4 year member of the Dance Team (serving as captain her senior year), 3 year member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha community service organization (serving as president her senior year) and also a member of the Sports Club Executive Council (serving as president of the SIUE Cheer and Dance Club her senior year). Madison will be starting her career on June 22 as a Partner Sales Representative for Abstrakt Marketing Group in St. Louis, MO.

Aaron Walter Uhe is the son of Leon & Patty Uhe, and the younger brother of Emily and Christopher Uhe. Aaron graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale on May 13, 2017, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Studies Magna Cum Laude. He has earned induction in the Alpha Rho Chi – Professional Fraternity, the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), Freedom by Design, the Golden Key International Honor Society – SIU, the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF), and the Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture and Allied Arts. Following graduation, he will continue his education and pursue a Master’s Degree in Architecture at SIU to continue the process of becoming a licensed Architect.

Medical School Graduate:

Megan Elizabeth Sauer is the wife of Nicholas Sauer, daughter of Jerry and Ann Frank, and sister of Madison Frank. She graduated from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences on May 20, 2017 with her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Megan is specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology and will begin her residency at St. Louis University on July 1. She plans on practicing in the St. Louis area when she finishes her residency in four years.


To Our Scholarship Recipients!!!

Jordan Braundmeier and Amanda Korsmeyer

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Favorite Hymns

Last month we asked you to share some of your favorite hymns. We have already received many favorites and we will be using one every Sunday during the summer and fall until we have sung all of them.

June 4 I Love to Tell the Story…..

submitted by Nancy Heidbrink. This is Nancy's favorite hymn because she remembers singing it when

she was young with her Grandma Sander. She loved it and sang it loud.

submitted by Ken Gehrig. This is Ken’s favorite hymn because it tells of God’s love, set to music.

June 11 How Great Thou Art…..

submitted by Dawn Reagan. This is Dawn's favorite hymn because it reminds her of the beauty of

God's Earth.

June 18 Pass it On…..

submitted by Patrick Stille. This hymn is Patrick's favorite because it reminds him that it only takes one

Christian act to spread the love of Christ.

submitted by Emily Uhe. This hymn is Emily’s favorite because it reminds her of Youth Fellowship and

it was always sung on Youth Sunday.

Thank you to all who shared their favorite hymns with us this month and we will be singing more next month!


What Is Your Favorite Hymn?

We invite you to share your favorite hymn. If you would like to share your favorite, please fill out one of the

“Hymn Cards” found in the Narthex and on the table outside the church office. Upon completing the “Hymn

Card”, simply place it in the “Hymn Box” locate in the passageway. All summer we will be singing those favorite

hymns. Your reason for selecting the hymn will be announced in church, printed in the bulletin and in the

Messenger. Keep On Singing!


Volunteers Needed For Special Music This


We are looking for people to help out with special

music over the summer. Please see Dawn

Reinhardt if you are willing to help provide special

music this summer.


Opportunities Available!!!

Salem UCC needs your help! We are in need of greeters, liturgists, nursery attendants, and ushers for the September 2017 – August 2018 Schedule. Please sign up on the table outside the church office if you can help with one, two, or more of these ministries.

Fellowship Hour

Fellowship Hour begins on June 4 – September 3.

Please consider hosting Fellowship Hour this

summer. It’s as easy as picking up donuts, milk

and juice from Maedge’s before church; serving the

donuts and drink during the fellowship hour; and

cleaning up when finished. Sign-up sheets are in

the Narthex.


Correction It was inadvertently reported in last month’s announcements that the new chairs for the Parish Hall were from the Men’s Fellowship. Please note that the chairs were from donations from the Memorial Committee.

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June 12 – 15, 2017

6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Nightly)

Join us in ROME. You’ll explore the caves of the Underground Church, meet the Apostle Paul, create cool

Bible-times projects, experience thrilling real-life dramas, play high-energy games, sample tasty snacks, and

hear unforgettable music. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them

in play clothes and safe shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life.

Registration forms are available on the table outside the church office.


L.U.N.C.H. Bunch Program (Loving United Neighbors Crushing Hunger)

In collaboration with local churches, Salem UCC will be participating in a program to address hunger in our communities. The L.U.N.C.H. Bunch program is directed toward children who normally receive lunch at school but now do not have access. The program in our area will begin on Monday, June 5 (Monday through Friday). We are looking for volunteers to pick up lunches at Grantfork UCC and then go to Alhambra Park for distribution. At most it would take an hour to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the church office to be put on the schedule.


Strengthen the Church Special Offering

How does our church vision the future of Christianity? Many UCC congregations are asking a range of

questions on this subject, from “Who are we, and who is God calling us to be?” or “How do we think beyond

our walls to impact the community around us for the better?” to “Where are the younger Christians?”

Strengthen the Church offering is used to envision and invest in the many voices of what church can be ---to

invest in the future of Christianity! With your gifts to this offering, we are able to fund new ministries that

experiment with church beyond the walls of our buildings. We are able to resource and inspire churches

seeking to do a bold new thing for the sake of the Gospel. With your help, we can live into the United Church

of Christ’s vision for a just world for all. Investing in the future of Christianity and the church is investing in the

vision of what God is calling us to do, together. Strengthen the Church special offering will be collected on

Sunday, June 4.


Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild

Next Meeting of the Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild:

The next Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Guild meeting will be on Thursday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m.

June Golden Agers Are:

Joan Frank on June 8 & Lorman Reckmann on June 17 & Wayne Stille on June 17

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Worship Ministry Schedule

Please Note:

There will be no acolytes or nursery attendants scheduled for the summer (June – August).

Worship Schedule


Scripture Readings Sermon Title Worship Leader

June 4 – 9 a.m. Worship with Communion

Acts 2: 1-21 John 7: 37-39

Rivers of Living Water Pastor John Mindrup

June 11 – 9 a.m. Worship

Psalm 8 Matthew 28: 16-20

High Expectations Pastor John Mindrup

June 18 – 9 a.m. Worship

Genesis 18:1-15, 21: 1-7

Matthew 9: 35-38, 10: 1-23

Called and Sent Rev. Jerry Amiri

June 25 – 9 a.m. Praise Worship

Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-17 Matthew 10: 24-39

Family Dysfunction Rev. Jerry Amiri

Communion Schedule for Hitz Home

June 4 – 9 a.m.

Cindy Henschen


June Birthdays

June 1 Gayle Cruthis

Kirby Knackstedt John Sanders

June 2 Joe Dauderman

Sandy Blom Blake Ernst

June 3 Randy Horner

June 4

Ember Brosin

June 5 Gladys Herzog Camille Rakers

Wade Bruhn

June 6 Kent Knackstedt

June 7

Danielle Porter

June 8 Joan Frank

June 9

Kyle Reiman Griffin Ash

June 11

Connie Duft

June 12 Christopher Horton

June 13

Jackson Wright

June 14 Kevin Gibbons

Dennie Mortensen Carolyn Hackethal

June 15

Shane Schmidt Lucas Reding

June 16

Brenna Bassett

June 17 Wayne Stille

Lorman Reckmann Mike Driscoll Chad Burton

Kristin Geschwend Robert Ellis

June 18 Shannon Hogg

Austin Reckmann

June 19 Dave Riechmann

June 20

Kim Shimkus Richelle Braundmeier

June 21

JoAnn Demkey Hayden Payne

June 22

Lee Schmidt Kristin Payne

Jessica Rinderer

June 23 Sasha Hosto Alexis Porter

June 26

Carol Amiri Marcus Price

Sheldon Quade

June 27 Dean Korsmeyer

Tyler Mindrup

June 28 Dennis Conrad

June 30

Brandon Lackey Scott McKinley Josh Capstick


Date Greeter(s) Liturgist Ushers

June 4 (9am)

Verna Gilley Patty Uhe Gale Bolen, Anita K. Cain, Dennis Conrad, Larry McGee, Ken Suhre

June 11 (9am)

Jim Annable Dagmar Annable Brian & Connie Duncan, Emily/Katelyn Duncan, Gene & Terri Templeman

June 18 (9am)

Debbie Passig Anita K. Cain Kelsey Dauderman, Amy Henschen, Krista Miller, Chad & Tara Schuster

June 25 (9am)

Lewis & Lorene Knackstedt

Laura Muench Zach & Erika Schlechte, Susi Miller, Carol Reckman, Joe Dauderman

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Thank You Notes…

We want to thank everyone for your support in our Hitz Home Butterfly Garden mission project. The monetary donations are going to be put to good use in enhancing the garden. We look forward to seeing the residents smile as they enjoy the new landscaping. Thanks again for all your support! The 7th Grade Confirmation Class

Thank you to Pastor Jerry and John for their visit and prayers while I was in the hospital. Thanks for all the prayers and for those who came to see me. Blessings for all, Freddie Riepshoff

Our family is very thankful for the prayers, phone calls, cards, flowers, memorials, food, and love that have been expressed in the passing of Trever Hosto. Your kindness has helped us through this difficult time in our lives. Gene & Ethel Hosto and family

Thank you so much for allowing me to speak with you on May 7! Thank you also for your generosity and sharing your gifts with our children and families at Uni-Pres Kindercottage. God Bless You All! Brenda Crisp

Thank you for recognizing me as one of the Highland High School graduates with the Class of 2017. The scholarship I received will help pay for my tuition and fees as I start my college journey next fall at the University of Missouri. Also, thanks to all who helped with the reception honoring the graduates. Thanks again. Amanda Korsmeyer

Highland Area Christian Service Ministry would like to thank Salem UCC for the $40 donation from the Easter Egg Hunt. The food pantry provided 752 services of food to 526 people from 244 eligible households in our service area in April.

On behalf of my mother, Lucille Korsmeyer, I want to thank all of you who sent birthday cards honoring her on her 90th birthday. She kept telling us it was a perfect party and that says it all! Thanks again for helping mom celebrate this milestone. You were all a part of the party. Leanne Satterthwaite

June Anniversaries

06/01/1963 Laverne & Marilyn Korsmeyer

06/01/1985 Joe & Deanna Dauderman

06/01/1991 Steve & Jayne Roper

06/01/2002 Marcus & Sarah Doubet

06/02/1979 Michael & JoBeth Winet

06/02/2001 Karl & Rita Smith

06/05/1965 Clarence & Gladys Herzog

06/07/1986 Bruce & Dawn Schmidt

06/08/1991 Randy & Tina Koch

06/10/2000 Jim & Dagmar Annable

06/11/2011 Brian & Karolyn Cooperider

06/14/1997 Bill & Donita Prott

06/17/1999 Ron & Connie Duft

06/17/2000 Chad & Richelle Ernst

06/19/1965 William & Carol Reckman

06/19/1993 Joe & Lisa Reinhardt

06/25/2016 Nick & Megan Saver

06/28/2014 Michael & Carolyn Hackethal

06/29/1952 Ken & Ginger Gehrig

Prayer List

Cancer Concerns: Doug Bizer/Jack Frandsen

Wayne Gentry / Pat Hinton / Richelle Ernst

Health Concerns: Connie Abert (Niece-in-Law of Fern Scheller) / Verna Abert

Quintin Byrne (Cousin of Lisa Reinhardt) Diana Donohoo Ginny Gehrig / Lester Gentry

Larry Kaufman / Marie Mindrup Melvin Roberts / Wayne Stille

Alhambra Care Center: Velma Henkhaus

Eden Village: Hilbert & Verna Klenke

Faith Countryside Homes/Apartments: Dorothy Knabel

Highland Home: Anita Suhre

Hitz Memorial Home: Orlean Hosto / Electa Leitch / Vernon Otto

Our Servicemen & Servicewomen: Lt. Col. Derek Bright / Thomas Eyman

Airman Dustin Garner / 2Lt. Sarah Guithues Jason Schlechte / Sgt. Kenny Randle

Jared Thiems / Kyle Thornton 2Lt. Robert Guithues

Births in Our Church Family…

Collin Ryan Bolyard was born on May 19, 2017 to Joe & Sarah Bolyard

He weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces & was 19.5 inches long Proud big sister is Caroline Bolyard

Malachi Robert Dauderman

was born on May 19, 2017 to Michael Dauderman & Denise Davidson

He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces & was 20 inches long Proud grandparents are Joe & Deanna Dauderman

You’re Invited….

The family of Lorman Reckmann would like to

invite you to an Open House to help celebrate

Lorman’s 90th birthday on Sunday, June 25, 2017

from 2-6 at Alhambra Park Dance Hall. Lunch will

be served. Please come help us celebrate!

Page 11: The M essenger - Welcome to Salem UCCThe M essenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ June 2017 Volume 63, Issue 6 We are God’s children called to seek,

June Calendar

Thursday June 1 7:00pm BOCE Meeting

Sunday June 4 9:00am Worship with Communion

Fellowship Hour following Worship

Middle School Mission Trip Parent Mtg after Worship

Praise Team Practice after Worship

4:00-5:30pm Exhale

Monday June 5 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s

6:30pm Property Committee Meeting

Tuesday June 6 6:30pm Evangelism/Worship Committee Meeting

Wednesday June 7 6:30pm Vision Committee Meeting

Thursday June 8 7:00pm Church Council Meeting

7:00pm Cub Scouts

Sunday June 11 9:00am Worship

Fellowship Hour following Worship

Praise Team Practice after Worship

4:00-5:30pm Exhale

Monday June 12 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s

6:00-8:30pm Vacation Bible School

Tuesday June 13 6:00-8:30pm Vacation Bible School

Wednesday June 14 6:00-8:30pm Vacation Bible School

Thursday June 15 9:00am July Messenger Articles Due

6:00-8:30pm Vacation Bible School

7:00pm Guild & Brotherhood Meeting

Sunday June 18 9:00am Worship

Fellowship Hour following Worship

Praise Team Practice after Worship

11:15am Historical Committee Meeting

4:00-5:30pm Exhale

Monday June 19 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s

Tuesday June 20 1:00pm Senior Citizens

Thursday June 22 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Meeting

7:00pm Cub Scouts

Friday June 23-25 Middle School Mission Trip to Merom, Indiana

Saturday June 24 7:00pm River Bend Astronomy Club Meeting

Sunday June 25 9:00am Praise Worship

Fellowship Hour following Worship

No Exhale

Monday June 26 10:00am Monday Morning Reflections at Maedge’s


President Steve Stille

Vice-President Richelle Ernst

Secretary Ronna Renken

Treasurer Jill Verson

Financial Secretary Chris Uhe

Nancy Heidbrink

Kris Lynn

Ron Mindrup

Derik Payne

Jerri Riechmann

Patrick Stille

Judy Zimmerman

Pastor Parish Personnel Committee:

Dagmar Annable Sherri Korsmeyer Krista Mansholt

Jerri Riechmann Ken Suhre Lisa Uhe

Livestream Have you ever had one of those days that for whatever reason you cannot make it to church? Fear not! Salem Church uses Livestream to broadcast our worship services. Here are four easy steps to watch the worship service online:

1. Go to 2. Click on “Watch.” 3. In the search box (top left), type “Salem UCC.”

4. Click on the black and white picture of the church, and you will either see the live broadcast of the worship service or you can look for archived services

Page 12: The M essenger - Welcome to Salem UCCThe M essenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~ June 2017 Volume 63, Issue 6 We are God’s children called to seek,

Salem United Church of Christ 1117 West North Street Alhambra, Illinois 62001 Phone: 618-488-3215 Fax: 618-488-3212


Rev. Jerry Amiri, Senior Pastor Pastor John Mindrup, Assistant Pastor Kerri Reilson, Office Coordinator Becca Braundmeier, Youth Director Dawn Reinhardt, Music Director Patti Reckmann, Custodian

The Messenger ~ A Communication Ministry of Salem United Church of Christ ~

Church’s Email: [email protected] Pastor’s Email: [email protected]

Web Address:





Pastor Jerry’s Office Hours:

Tuesday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

(Available for Walk-Ins and Appointments)

Salem UCC Office Hours:

Tuesday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.


April Year-to-Date


Offering – $ 20,127 $ 71,860

Expenses – $ 15,134 $ 70,020

Difference – $ 4,993 $ 1,840

Other Income – (i.e. facilities rental, etc.)

$ (976) $ 4,286

Net Change – $ 4,017 $ 6,126


OCWM – $ 385 $ 1,179

Other Benevolence – $ 1,300 $ 3,660

Total – $ 1,685 $ 4,839

Would You Like

Home Communion or a Visit

From Pastor Jerry?

If you would like or know of someone who would like home communion or a visit from Pastor Jerry

in your home for conversation and prayer, please contact him to schedule a time.

Church – 618-488-3215 / Cell – 636-328-3332

Email – [email protected]