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The Low down of ePortfolios at UniSA

10 September 2010Dr Margaret Faulkner


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ePortfolios at UniSA

Specific examples

Concluding thoughts


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ePortfolios: What is your perspective? 3

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University of South Australia

36,000 students, 2,400 staff Multiple campuses

Business Education, Arts & Social Sciences; Health Sciences Information Technology; Engineering and the Environment. 4

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University of South Australia

• South Australia

Source: This map is a Van der Grinten projection available to buy at 5

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Multiple Perspectives

• Commitment from each group is required for wide scale & sustainable implementation

• Location within social practice is important (Boud 2010)


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Graduate Qualities: A graduate..

1. operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice

2. is prepared for lifelong learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice

3. is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems

4. can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional

5. is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a professional and citizen

6. communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community

7. demonstrates international perspectives as a professional and as a citizen. 7

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Broader Perspective

ePortfolios enable integration

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Midwifery ePortfolio Project

• Internal system linked with Midwifery Professional Competencies

• Replaced existing paper based portfolio for students to document, store, develop and reflect and gain feedback

• Piloted in 2007 with first year students undertaking their second clinical placement. – Option for paper or electronic portfolio 9

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Midwifery: Lessons Learnt

• Access and training for external facilitators

• Mandate for all

• Validation function

• Lacked an area for personal reflections outside of assessment requirements– first birth memories etc


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3 Purposes of ePortfolio

ShowcaseCompleted for social or

self-determined purposes e.g. to showcase to family,

friends, potential employers

Personal Reflection

This is the personal and private space belonging to the student where

experiences and achievements are


Assessment Having work assessed

& viewed by others does not affect the privacy of the work

Diagram from UniSA Law e-Portfolio Project 11

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Designing Activities

1.Negotiation exercises

2.Link skills development with reflective assessment

3.Video-record student moots for self reflection

4.Design scenario based learning exercises

5.Design an online workbook

6.Professional Webfolio


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PebblePad 2009 Projects

• Undergraduate Projects:– Law– Engineering– Occupational Therapy– Global Experience– Education– Midwifery

• Postgraduate Projects:– Masters Natural and Built Environments


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1st Year Engineering

• Orientation activity plus 3 courses

Course name

e-portfolio tasks Weighting

Sustainable Engineering Practice (SEP)

Self awareness exercises; reflections on the course, industry interactions and individual contributions to group project (total ~2000 words)


Computer Techniques (CT)

Presentation of engineering drawings & 3D models, reflections, and self assessment of graduate qualities


Engineering Design and Innovation (EDI)

Ongoing work diary to keep on track with group project (~500 words); reflections on individual contributions to the project and learning throughout the course


View student experience from 200914

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2009 Key findings

• Eportfolios seen as assessment task rather than a tool for developing & recording graduate qualities

• Students sceptical about employer acceptance

• More supporting material required to assist students learn how to use Pebblepad

• seamless integration with existing systems highly desirable

• Greater learning time devoted to development of reflective skills


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2010 projects

• Despite the mixed response all but one project continued in 2010

• Changes made to how Law students were introduced to ePortfolios

• Engineering 1st year courses made changes and expanded its use into other years 16

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2010 Results

• Mandating ePortfolios still required

• Improvements in staff and student perceptions for courses repeated in 2010

• Reaping benefits from CoPs

• Disappointing results 1st Year Law course– Troublesome nature of ePortfolios (Joyes et al 2010)


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Professional Relevance

They are useful tool of documenting one's journey from student to professional

ePortfolios are very useful for the engineers in their own fields. It helps me to create my resume and understand about the career episode reports and present my research studies

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Not everyone agrees

I really don't see how writing a blog will make me an engineer. Since I'm already working in the field, I can see just how little real engineers use such software. I'd rather just get into the work rather than reflecting on how a solidworks drawing made me feel.

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Communities of Practice

• CoP members successful in UniSA grant: Law, Engineering, Nursing & LTU

• Sharing experiences with other institutions and international forums

• Still a long journey ahead to realise full potential of ePortfolios

• - stimulate,motivate, educate

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Acknowledgments and Contacts

Thanks to UniSA staff and students for sharing their experiences:

• Law Program: Contact Professor Vicki Waye– Lori Kambitsis, Sue Milne

Waye, Vicki and Faulkner, Margaret, forthcoming, 'Embedding e-Portfolios in a Law Program: Lessons From An Australian Law School, Journal of Legal Education

• Engineering Program: Contact Associate Professor Mahfuz Aziz, – Associate Professor John Fielke or Liz Smith

Smith E.J. “Online Assessment is not always quick and easy” forthcoming, EE2010, Aston University, 6-8 July 2010, Fielke, J., and Quinn D. “Supporting self-assessment using e-portfolios” AAEE, Adelaide, Australia, 6-9 December 2009 Smith E.J., Mills J.E. “E-portfolios and first year students – do we assume too much?", AAEE, Adelaide, Australia, 6-9 December 2009

• Natural and Built Environments: Contact Dr Ian Clark,– Dr Delene Weber, David Bruce, Dr Don Cameron

• Occupational Health & Safety: Contact Sue Gilbert-Hunt– Angela Berndt and Shelley Wright

• Medical Radiation 2010: Contact Eileen Giles or Denise Ogilvie• Midwifery Program: Contact Beth Grinter or Dr Kate Andre (Nursing & Midwifery)

– Professor Jan Pincombe for initial project into ePortfolios using in-house tool

Pincombe J, McKellar J. (2009) ePortfolio in midwifery education: The way of the future Submitted to ACM National Conference Midwives and Women-A Brilliant Blend held in Adelaide 22-25 September 2009

• Education Program: Contact Briony Carter, Assoc Professor Michele Simons and Careers Team: Tony McAvaney

• Global Experience: Contact Dr Tracey Bretag

• Learning & Teaching Unit, thanks for supporting staff: Academic Development: Contact Associate Professor Gavin Sanderson, Dr Christian Voigt, Dr Diana Quinn, Dr David Birbeck, Dr Dale Wache & Dr Stuart Dinmore Online Adviser Support: Hayley Timms – Contact Team Leader Wayne Pedder 21

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Australian ePortfolio Project (AeP). Details of the project, including the two reports and the symposia resources, are available on the AeP website at

What is an ePortfolio guides

Australian Flexible Learning Framework,

Barrett, H & Richter, J, Reflection4learning website

Boud, D. (2010). Relocating reflection in the context of practice. Beyond Reflective Practice: New Approaches to Professional Lifelong Learning H. Bradbury, N. Frost, S. Kilminster and M. Zukas. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Grant, S, (2009) Electronic portfolios: personal information, personal development and personal values. Chandos Publishing.

JISC, Effective Practice with e-Portfolios Report, 2008

Joyes, G., L. Gray, E. Hartnell-Young. (2010). "Effective practice with e-portfolios: How can the UK experience inform implementation?" Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 26(1): 15-27.

Technology in the Classroom in not a new idea Youtube – ‘Choosing a classroom film’ , 1963 McGraw Hill Book company full version at

1.17 version used from

Pictures courtesy of the University of South Australia or supplied by Microsoft Clip Art

Map Van der Grinten projection available to buy at