Download - The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Page 1: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

The Law of Creation

~As above, so it is below~

They say the purpose of creation is for God to increase. God is infinite.

So how can God increase if He's already infinite?

Our teachers tell us that God is infinite only in eternity, but not in creation.

One of the purposes of creation is to duplicate this infinity of God as it is known in eternity, and bring it into the


Since infinity means unfinishable, creation will go on forever because the eternal infinity of God cannot be

duplicated in a final and finished form.

The matter of every star and planet in the universe is created in seven forms.

In modern words these are magnetism, electricity, light, ether, gases, liquids, and solids.

Because the Gods create all plants and animals from their own bodies, they need to have all colors stored in a single

color in their creative germ, which is called the dark dominant germ or gene.

This gene is the source of WHAT MODERN PEOPLE CALL MELANIN.

The dominant Black gene is what in ancient scriptures is called the throne of God.

The body is called the temple of God, and the Black gene is the throne upon which God is 'seated'.

Without the dominant Black gene, there is no throne upon which God can 'sit'.

Therefore simply put, without the Black germ God cannot incarnate in a human body.

He/she would be impotent, unable to create life or to give form and color to the universe.

(When I say create life, I don't mean reproducing babies - I mean creating animals and plants out of 'nothing', as will be

described later)

All the non-Black people on earth were made from Black people. They were made not in the same way

that animals and plants were created - i.e. by giving form and color to new life

- but rather, they were made by REMOVING color from their original Black ancestors..


Page 2: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture

Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man & mankind in their various states of ignorance

Belief is a synonym for ignorance.

Statement of Fact: Blackpeople have always and will always know that God is one and that there is but One God. There is

no God but Allah. There is no God but Yahweh –as he is called in our Hebrew tradition and there is no God but Zarabanda

and there is no God but Oludumare and there is no God but Nkosi as the One God is called by our Zulu Brothers & Sisters.

Fact remains in whatever tongue we choose, what ever language we use, even though some might get confused… There is but One God and God is One.

Introduction: The orishas are representations of certain aspects of The One God, Olodumare or God almighty to whom

Christians might refer to Yahweh, muslims might refer to as Allah –to us there is only One God & God is One. The Orishas

are aspects of ourselves as we are individually aspects of God’s personal choice.They are the personal, global and universal

manifestations of the Seven Substances that make up the Universe. Many practitioners of Islam and of Judaic faiths have

mistakenly identified the Orishas as being multiple Gods instead of realizing that among Blackpeople everywhere there is

only One God and God is One.

Suffice it to say that in every system that comes out of the original, there always remains a kernel of truth at its center. It is

this kernel that is important for the reminding of Black people about our ancient history. Those people who are involved in

ancestral religions like Vodun are already at a decided advantage, and can comprehend the larger truths much more easily.

However, there is always the danger of getting lost in the maze of the psychic worlds if one believes in them and takes them

to be real.

The truth is that they only affect those who are willing participants because their power, even the power of their symbols,

actually emanate out of the mind of the participant, and from nowhere else. Others with stronger minds get it started with

suggestions, but the participant has to pick it up from there and take it all the way for it to be effective. Without willing

participation it has no power. That, in brief, is an explanation of the origin of orisha, vodun, olokumi, obeah, candomble etc.

~BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily~ *build one today, I dare ya!!!


Page 3: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

The Sun as Neon The Brain’s Neuron & A Galaxy As above , So below. As without, So within.

Here is an ancient perspective on physics and astronomy, using modern concepts.

1. What is physics?

It is the knowledge of the laws and principles of atoms and electrons.

2. What is astronomy?

It is the knowledge of the laws governing stars and planets.

3. What is the difference between stars and atoms?

Size is the only difference. The laws and principles are the same. Atoms and electrons are miniature stars and planets, and stars and planets are

giant atoms and electrons. There is no difference except in size.

The movements and revolutions are the same. The orbits are the same. The laws of magnetic attraction and repulsion are the same. Modern

scientists want to keep the laws of atomic structure to themselves by cloaking it in a mystery.

When I look up in the sky, I see the very same atoms they see in their electron microscopes. God put the stars out there for all to see who

cannot afford the million dollar research microscopes, because the stars are what the atoms look like in miniature scale.

Would you like to stand on an electron? The earth is a giant-size electron. Look at the earth you stand on, it is a perfect electron.

What is the nucleus of an atom?

The sun is a giant-sized nucleus. Our solar system is a giant atom.

The sun is a giant nucleus and the earth is a giant electron, as are the other planets. The solar system is measured to be 7,900 million miles

across, as far as the orbit of the planet Pluto. Our earth is measured at only 7,900 miles across. That makes the solar system a million times

bigger than the earth. Our Ancestors, as they built great pyramids and other monuments to study and chronicle the movements of the stars,

knew that there was no difference between astronomy and physics.

Are there 9 or 10 Planets in our solar system?

*IF there are only 9 Planets which element would our solar

system be?

* Which one of Neon’s electron do you think would be Planet


*Interestingly, with the official 8 planets, we are living on

planet Earth an electron of the element OXYGEN!!!

In truth, we don't have an 'inside' and 'outside'. All is

you, and you separate yourself into endless things by

means of unique vibrations that you give to each

thing condensed from your mind, your body being

your primary vibration

Our Galaxy is called The Milky-Way. Is it reasonable

for our solar system to be called Oxygen???

-- -- guess what we breathe to survive? ---- ---

you got it! --- Oxygen!

We live both on and in Oxygen!!! ~Literally!

Why do Blackpeople suffer?

The reason they suffer is because they are not

yet ready to get rid of their sympathy for

white people. They attract their diseases to

themselves just like a dog will get the diseases

of its owner. The dog has unconditional

sympathy with its owner's system of life and

accepts all the vibrations that come from him,

including his illnesses.

*Get rid of ALL sympathy for the non-blacks


Page 4: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

The Seven African Powers *Babaluaye sits in place of The Mighty Ogun in this picture


Elegba (also referred to Eleggua or Elegguá) is the owner of the roads and doors in this world. He is the repository of ashé. The colors red and black or white

and black are his and codify his contradictory nature. In particular, Elegba stands at the crossroads of the human and the divine, as he is child-like messenger

between the two worlds. In this role, it is not surprising that he has a very close relationship with the orisha of divination, Orunmila. Nothing can be done in

either world without his permission. Elegba is always always called first before any other orisha as he opens the door between the worlds and opens our roads

in life. He recognises himself and is recognised by the numbers 3 and 21.


Ogún is the god of iron, war and labor. He is the owner of all technology and because this technology shares in his nature, it is almost always used first for war.

As Elegba opens the roads, it is Ogún that clears the roads with his machete. He is recognised in the numbers 7 and the colors green and black.


Oshún rules over the sweet waters of the world, the brooks, streams and rivers, embodying love, fertility. She also is the one we most often approach to aid us

in money matters. She is the youngest of the female orishas but retains the title of Iyalode or great queen. She heals with her sweet waters and with honey

which she also owns. She is the femme fatale of the orishas and once saved the world by luring Ogún out of the forests using her feminine wiles. And,in her

path or manifestation of Ibú Ikolé she saved the world from draught by flying up to heaven (turning into a vulture in the process). Ikolé means Messenger of

the House (of Olodumare). For this reason all who are to be initiated as priests, no matter what orisha rules their head, must go to the river and give account of

what they are about to do. She recognises herself in the colors yellow and gold and her number is five. Peacocks and vultures are hers and are used them often

to represent her.


Yemayá lives and rules over the seas and lakes. She also rules over maternity in our lives as she is the Mother of All. Her name, a shortened version of Yeyé

Omo Eja means "Mother Whose Children are the Fish" to reflect the fact that her children are uncountable. All life started in the sea, the amneotic fluid inside

the mother's womb is a form of sea where the embryo must transform and evolve through the form of a fish before becoming a human baby. In this way

Yemayá displays herself as truly the mother of all. She, and the root of all the paths or manifestations, Olokun is the source of all riches which she freely gives

to her little sister Oshún. She dresses herself in seven skirts of blue and white and like the seas and profound lakes she is deep and unknowable. In her path of

Okutti she is the queen of witches carrying within her deep and dark secrets.


Oshosi is the third member of the group known as the Guerreros or Warriors, and is received along with Elegba, Ogún and Osun in order to protect the

Guerreros initiate and to open and clear their roads. Oshosi is the hunter and the scout of the orishas and assumes the role of translator for Obatalá with whom

he has a very close relationship. His colors are blue and yellow.


Shango is also known as the god of fire, lightning and thunder. Shango is historically a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third king of the Oyo

Kingdom prior to his posthumous deification. In the Lukumí (Olokun mi = "my dear one") religion of the Caribbean, Shango is considered the center point of

the religion as he represents the Oyo people ofWest Africa, the symbolic ancestors of the adherents of the faith.

All the major initiation ceremonies (as performed in Cuba, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and Venezuela for the last few hundred years) are based on the traditional

Shango ceremony of Ancient Oyo. This ceremony survived the Middle Passage and is considered to be the most complete to have arrived on Western shores.

This variation of the Yoruba initiation ceremony became the basis of all Orisha initiations in the West.


Page 5: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

The Seven African Powers

1. Magnetism ~Obatala

The first substance of the universe is magnetism, and it's created by condensation.

Condensation of what?

Condensation of the Mind.

God condenses part of His Mind, which is in an expanded state, and forms the first substance, magnetism.

When we say the mind of God is nothing, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means the mind is not a thing. It's obvious to everyone that the

mind, or consciousness, is not a tangible thing, yet it is the source of all things.

2. Electricity ~Shango

Magnetism condenses further and forms the second substance, called electricity.

3. Light ~Ochosi

Electricity condenses into light, the third substance of the universe, which further condenses into the fourth substance, called ether or space.

4. Space (Ether) ~Elegba (Master of the Gateways) *Nkuyu has the Key

Electricity condenses into the fourth substance, called ether or space.

Now since space itself is a substance, it means the mind creates space at the same time it occupies that very space.

The last 3 substances, gases, liquids, and solids, condense in three stages out of the ether. Those are the 7 substances of the universe, all coming

out of nothing, or the Mind of God.

5. Gas ~Oshun

Space condenses into Gas

6. Liquid ~Yemaya & Oshun

Gas condenses into liquid.

7. Solid ~Ogun

Liquid condenses into solid

Question: What is Matter?

Them: Matter is anything that takes up space, having volume

and mass.

BlackRoots: Matter is the vibration of consciousness.

Consciousness, or the mind, condenses itself

through seven stages, starting with the highest vibration

that we call magnetism, then electricity, light, and ether,

until it reaches the lowest vibrations that we call gases, liquids,

and solids.

Matter vibrates 'outside' us, and our senses of perception vibrate

'inside' us.

Our perception is an entire 'school' of symphonies, bringing

together many different songs so that we can perceive many objects

at the same time. Our mind is unlimited.

There is no limit to the number of 'songs' we can 'hear' at the same

time. At the end of the universe when we reach total divine unity,

we hear all the songs of the universe simultaneously, meaning we

perceive all things at once by being all vibrations at once, which in


As the First Self, we know the specific speeds of vibration of all

things. That is, we know the true NAME of all things!!!


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The Orishas -Obatala

Theological views

Obatala is always referred to as The Orisa of the white cloth. White, in this sense, forms a perfect background for correctly seeing and

identifying that which is around you.

The moral judgment of Obatala is not based on a sense of Religious purity or Ignorance, but rather on this energies and absolute ability to see

clearly the total spectrum of energies or issues involved. Obatala is often seen as the Wise Old Man. Again, age and wisdom are simply

representative aspects of increased clarity and judgment. Obatala is seen as the King of the Orisa. Again, this is not a power struggle or ego

issue, this is simply a way of pointing out that Clarity of purpose, destiny and behavior will always take precedence when confusion or

disagreement exists.

Obatala is also viewed as the Judge. Obatala is said to have been the Molder of men. What more important aspect in our creation could be the

imparting of Clarity into our being? According to mythical religious stories, Obatala created people with disabilities while drunk on palm wine,

making him the patron deity of such people. People born with congenital defects are called eni orisa: literally, "people of Obatala". He is also

referred to as the orisha of the north.

Red Palm oil is never placed on Obatala as his head must remain clear. The Pure clarity must remain clear and unblemished. That Obatala

represents the Head is consistent. It is from the mind that Clarity will come forth. Each and every tale is simply a way of expressing

Oludumare's creation of this essential energy the energy of Clarity. For the Obatala child the expression and use of this primary energy is

complex. The Obatala child will see a world of black and white. No Gray. To an Obatala child things are either right or wrong there is no

middle ground.

He is always dressed in white, hence the meaning of his name, Obatala (King or ruler of the white cloth). His devotees strive to practice moral

correctness as unblemished as his robe. They never worship Obatala with palm wine, palm oil or salt. They may eat palm oil and salt, but never

taste palm wine. That

Obatalá (Oxalá) is the oldest "Orixa funfun" ("white deity"), referring to spiritual purity and pure light, both physically and symbolically as in

the "light" of consciousness). In the Bahia State (Brazil), Obatala is the subject of a large syncretic religious celebration, the Festa do Bonfim,

which takes place in January in the city of Salvador and includes the washing of the church steps with a special water, made with flowers.


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*The mind of God expands the universe

As above, so it is below. That is the law of creation. Once we have a clear understanding of this law, we can use it to learn about the rest of the

universe; how it was created, when it was created, what is its size and duration. All we need is our minds.

Chemistry using modern concepts only deals with 3 types of matter called gases, liquids, and solids.

There are 4 other types of substances above these 3, which modern chemistry does not include in its study. The total number of substances in

the universe is 7.

So we may say chemistry as it is taught today is only 3/7ths of what true chemistry really is. It deals with only 3 of the 7 substances of the

universe, ignoring the other 4. It will never reach an understanding of the fundamental reasons for the existence of the basic elements and their

combining into an endless variety of compounds. Hence 99% of the concoctions that modern scientists brew in their laboratories will always be

poisonous to the body and the environment.

But more importantly, they ignore the source of all substances, which is the mind. All the basic natural elements are prepared at the beginning

of the universe using the first law of magnetic attraction, the law of attracting like to like.

Two Minds:

Every person has an unconscious mind as well as a conscious mind. The unconscious mind is the eternal part of the person, the original Self

and creator of the universe, one of the b8m Gods.

The conscious mind of the person on the other hand, is what makes the individual's personality, and is always made brand new in every life,

whereas the unconscious mind is the same eternal, unchanging Godly aspect of the person. When a person ascends today, only the unconscious

mind, the God in him/her, unites with the Elders. The individual personality on the other hand goes to a different place in 'heaven', where his or

her life continues in a different state.

When the non-black people die, they are also separated, i.e. the conscious personality is separated from the unconscious mind. Now, the

unconscious minds of all the non-Blacks belong to the God Yahweh - he gave them a collective unconscious from part of his own mind. The Senses:

The first sense that we call thinking was created by the first 24 Elders of the Nation on the first earth. The second sense, feelings (emotions),

was created by the 144 Chiefs. The third sense, the sense of touch, was created by the 144,000 Judges.

Then they all collaborated to create the 4 other senses. All the senses are vibrations, and they work the same way - i.e. by synchronizing their

own vibration with that of the thing to be perceived, whether that thing is a thought, a feeling or a physical object.


Page 8: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Orisha: Obatala ~Spirit of the white cloth

Substance: Magnetism ~ A guiding force

Obatala is the father of all orishas. He is the lord of minds and thoughts. He is the creator of the world and humanity.

He represents all that is good, pure, and compassionate. His color is white and sometimes red. He has hermaphroditic qualities.

Colors: White often accented with red, purple, yellow, green or any other color to represent his current path

White forms a perfect background for correctly seeing and identifying that which is around you.

White is also viewed as a sign of Clarity.

Favorite Number: 8

Sacred Place: hills, mountains or high places

Tools: A horsetail fly-whisk (some roads use a sword or cane)

Temperament: Calm, reasonable, quiet & wise


Obatala eats a bland and restricted diet.

He does not like spicy foods, and salt is taboo for him.

His offerings are always white or light in color.

Obatala enjoys eating rice, eggs, coconut, cocoa butter,

white yams, white crackers etc.

Obatala’s animal sacrifices include she-goat, hens, doves, and guinea hen.

All of his animals for sacrifice must be white in color.


1. I am the Mighty Obatala, The Lord of Magnetism

2. I am a Driving Force - I Push and I Pull

3. I am the Negus Negas - The King of Kings

4. I am the Spirit of the White Cloth

5. I am the Head of the Orishas

6. I am Old & Wise

7. I see all things with absolute Clarity

8. I am the Mighty Obatala –I control thoughts & minds!

~ I am the Mighty Obatala – Bow Before Me! ~

Pataki (sacred story) Obatalá saved humans from destruction. On one occasion, the Orishas were having a party and they forgot to invite

Yemayá. She was so angry that she whipped up the oceans and flooded the world. Humans were terrified and didn't know what to do, so they

ran to Obatalá and asked him to intervene. He ordered Yemayá to retreat, and she did out of respect to him. Obatalá, as the creator of earth,

can be the only one to end it.

We live in a world of resonance fueled by sympathy. As long

as black people have love or sympathy for the white system,

they'll suffer all its emanations, good and bad, and take them

upon themselves by the law of sympathetic resonance.

That's why we need a minimum of 144,000 people today who

are willing to give up all love and sympathy for the light

races, so we can dedicate ourselves fully to our inevitable

destiny, which is to re-take control of the world.

That's the only way we can put to good use what nature has

prepared in the bodies and minds of our youths.


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Two Laws: 1. Like attracts like & 2. Unlike Attracts Unlike

The first law of magnetic attraction attracts the star systems

of the same type to each other. That is, type 1 stars are

attracted to other type 1, type 2 to type 2 and so on.

Toward the end of the universe, the star systems actually

move through space over a period of trillions of years

until they find each other and group together in clusters.

Those with 1 planet form clusters that are described by

modern scientists as having a nucleus and 1 electron, i.e.

the sun and the single planet. When trillions of these star

systems cluster together they form a natural element on

earth called hydrogen.

Question: What is hydrogen?

Them: It's a gas made of atoms with 1 electron circling a


BlackRoots: It's a gas made of star systems of the

previous universe, all of which have 1

planet circling the sun.

Question: What is a gold tooth?

Them: It's a metal made of atoms that have 79 electrons

orbiting the nucleus.

BlackRoots: It's a metal made of star systems from the

previous universe with 79 planets circling their sun.

Star systems are brought together to form hydrogen, gold

and the rest of the natural elements by the first law of

magnetic attraction. It is a DIRECTIONAL FORCE which

brings together all star systems that are alike, causing them

to find each other.

Magnetic fields are produced by moving electric charges and the

intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles associated with a fundamental quantum property, their spin. The Earth produces its own

magnetic field, which is important in navigation. Rotating magnetic fields are utilized in both electric motors and generators.

What about the second law?

The second law of magnetic attraction attracts unlike to unlike.

Question: What is a water molecule?

Them: It's hydrogen + hydrogen + oxygen, or H2O.

BlackRoots: It is made of two star systems, each with 1 planet (called hydrogen) being magnetically attracted to a third system with 8 planets

(called oxygen).

*What naturally occurring element would Our Solar System be if it had only 8 Planets?!?!?

Question: In how many different ways does the first law of magnetic attraction work?

AnswerIn exactly 100 different ways. It attracts all type 1 star systems together, and it attracts all type 2's together and so on until it attracts all

type 100's together. That's exactly 100 different ways. That's why there are exactly 100 basic natural elements on earth.

They are listed in the periodic table of elements that can be found in any chemistry textbook. They start with hydrogen (1 planet), followed by

helium (2 planets), all the way to fermium (100 planets, or as they say, 100 electrons). The rest over 100 are artificial elements either man-

made, or ephemeral natural combinations (i.e. temporary elements that disintegrate almost immediately as soon as they are exposed to the air

and warm temperature).

Question: In how many different ways does the second law work?

Answer: In almost endless ways. That's why we have shoes, coca-cola, aspirin, iron oxide, water, and fake nails, all made from the basic

natural elements combining in one way or another.


Page 10: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Orisha: Shango ~electricity

Substance: Electricity – the movement of electrons

Shangó is the owner of fire, lightening, thunder, and he is one of the Gods of war, but he is also the patron of music, drumming, and dancing.

He represents male beauty and virility, passion and power. He protects against burns and death by fire. Shangó's symbol is the double headed

ax, which represents swift justice. When his ego gets out of control, he's arrogant and domineering.

Ma-Fe-Re-Fun (Translation): I give praise & veneration to the spiritual energy of __________.

Colors: Red & White - His eleke (sacred necklace) is made of alternating red and white beads.

Favorite Number & Holy Days: 6 – the sixth day of the week (Friday) and the 4th

of every month –feast day Dec. 4th

Sacred Place: Volcanoes

Tools: Double Headed Axe & Fire

Temperament: Jovial, lively, volatile, pleasant, hot tempered, irrational, kind

Offerings & Customs:

Changó likes bananas, okra, red palm oil, amalá (CORN MEAL dumplings) & thunder stones

His followers call him by shaking a maraca as they pray to him at his altar

Those who have Changó on their head salute him by lying face down on the floor with arms extended to their sides

History: In human form, Changó was the third living king in Oyo, the Yoruba ancestral homeland.


1. I am the Mighty Shango –Lord of Electricity, Fire, Movement & Rhythm

2. My brother Ogun made my axe! - it is as sharp as can be!

3. I will chop you up and cut you down – I am a Lord of War *Just show me your Enemy!!!

4. Volcanoes belong to me –I am as hot as can be!

5. My colors are red & white –I burn in the day and I burn at night!

6. CORNMEAL dumpling mek mi feel nice –but don’t be afraid fi gimme likkle sugar and whole heap a spice!

~ I am the Mighty Shango…Bow Before Me! ~

Pataki (sacred story):

When Changó goes to war, he prefers Oyá's company because she's just as fierce as he is. The sound of thunder followed by lightening means

that Changó and Oyá are riding together into battle in the heavens above us.

Shangó is the owner of the sacred batá drums and he's the greatest dancer among the Orichás. This wasn't always the case, according to a

patakí that says that Changó was originally the best diviner and Orúnmila (Orula) was the best dancer. But, Changó and Orúnmila agreed to

exchange talents, because Changó cared more about dancing. Changó is still a skilled diviner, but now he does divination using the dilogún

(cowrie shells), not the opuele (divination chain) and tablero (wooden divining board), which belong solely to Orúnmila and his priests, the



Page 11: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &


Question: What is Electricity?

Answer: Electricity is the flow or movement of electrons or the movement of planets

The ancient Egyptian & Holy Ethiopian empire used a certain form of electricity that was generated and distributed by pyramids. It is different

than modern electricity in that the modern type is a low form of electricity that requires transmission wires.

*Note: The pyramids had seven functions1. Power generator and distributor, 2. Preservation, 3. Transportation, 4. Energy balance,

5. Prophesy, 6. Resurrection & 7. Divine unity

Range All the substances of the universe have a range or spectrum of frequencies. You are familiar with the most common spectrum - that of light.

Scientists have named the extremes that they know of this, calling them infrared and ultraviolet. That means if you look at the seven colors of

the rainbow, starting with red then orange then yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, then the light spectrum starts from below red (infrared)

and goes all the way to beyond violet (ultraviolet).

Similarly the other forms of matter also have a range. Solid matter comes in a range of solidity, from soft solids like lead to very hard ones like

diamond. Liquids also have a range, starting with thin liquids like pure alcohol or substances such as benzene, to thick liquids like gels. This is

true for all the seven forms of matter through the gases to the ether, light, electricity, and magnetism.

Modern Electricity Modern generated electricity is a lower-spectrum type, barely above static electricity (the type that makes your clothes cling). The ancients

used a higher form of electricity that did not require wires for transmission. It was transmitted directly in the ether (i.e. in space) the same way

radio waves are transmitted. It was transmitted to the temples, which served, among other things, as receiving stations.

So the temples had antennas used to receive the transmission. These antennas can still be seen today erected in front of some of the temples.

Modern people call them obelisks. There is one near you in Central park, New York that was stolen by Americans from one of the temples, and

many more that were stolen by Europeans, perhaps the most famous one being the one called Cleopatra's needle.

~The Honorable Elijah Muhammad called electricity, 'the most mysterious force' ~


Page 12: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Orisha: Ochosi ~The Divine Hunter & Messenger of Obatala~

Substance: Light *silent and fast*

He is sometimes called the Messenger of Obatala. Ochosi

lives in the woods and is a great hunter and fisherman.

Ochosi is the Lord of Justice, and the patron of those who

have problems with the law.

Ochosi is the hunter and the scout of the orishas and assumes

the role of enforcer of justice for Obatalá with whom he has a

very close relationship. His colors are Royal blue and yellow.

Ochosi is symbolized by a bow and arrow.

He is the Orisha who metes out Justice. All hunting birds like

hawks, eagles, and falcons are his.

Symbols, Numbers, Colors and Attributes of Ochosi

Colors: Royal Blue and Amber --A typical eleke for Ochosi

uses royal blue and transparent honey colored beads.

Favorite Numbers: 3 and 7

Holy Days: Tuesdays, but all warriors are celebrated on

Monday to assist Elleggua, June 6th

Sacred Place: wilderness, forests, jails, courthouses

Tools: Crossbow, arrows, shields, spears, hunting tools &


Temperament: Focused, diligent, stealthy, just, impartial,

calculating & kind

Offerings: Honey & Hunted Animals ~All hunting birds are



1. I am the Mighty Ochosi – My arrow never misses its mark!

2. I am the Mighty Ochosi – I can see in the dark!

3. I am the Mighty Ochosi – I am that infinite brightness *the original spark!

4. I am the Mighty Ochosi – I travel at 186,000 miles per second –I travel at 300,000 kilometers per second

5. I am the Mighty Ochosi – The defender of justice! I give rewards for good and punishment for evil

6. I am the Mighty Ochosi – Ogun made my arrows!

7. I am the Might Ochosi – My favorite colors are yellow & blue!

~I am the MightyOchosi…Bow Before Me!~

Pataki (sacred story)

According to a pataki, Ogún and Ochosi weren't always on friendly terms, but they came to understand

that they needed each other and made a pact to always work together. When the earth was newly

formed, there were so many forests that Ochosi had a hard time getting to his prey when he hunted. His

arrow never missed the mark, but there were no paths or clearings, so he couldn't reach the animal he had

killed, and he had no food. Ogún had a similar problem. He was great at making metal traps, but he

could never catch anything in the traps.

Each one went to complain to Orula/Orunmila about their problem, and Orula suggested they go individually to make ebbó (an offering) in the

forest. They ran into each other while they were going to make ebbó, and they started to talk. Soon, they realized that together they could do

much more than either could do alone. Ochosi could hunt and kill animals for food, and Ogún could use his machete to clear the path. This

way, Ochosi could reach his prey and he could share the food with Ogún. This explains why Ochosi and Ogún are inseparable.


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The eye is attracted to light and not to darkness.

Speed of Light: In a vacuum light travels at exactly 299,792,458 m/s

(approximately 186,282 miles per second or 1.86 x 105).

The Quantum Theory --- Stated that light waves travel as

separate packets of energy

called quanta or photons. --- Merged

the subjects of the Corpuscular, Wave,

and Electromagnetic Theories


*Look up the “Double-Slit


Electromagnetic radiation can display

what has now been termed duality, or

both particle-like and wave-like

behavior. At times light behaves as a

particle, and at other times as a wave

What is Light?

Light is Electromagnetic radiation.

How does it behave?

It behaves as a particle and a wave

Electromagnetic radiation can display

what has now been termed duality, or

both particle-like and wave-like

behavior. At times light behaves as a

particle, and at other times as a wave

Optics: The study of light and the interaction of

light and matter is termed optics.

Refraction: The bending of light rays when

passing between one transparent material and

another. *The fracturing or breaking of light!

Light Pressure: Light exerts physical pressure

on objects in its path. You can feel light!!! Due to

the particle nature of light: photons strike and

transfer their momentum.

Light pressure is equal to the power of the light

beam divided by c, the speed of light.

Electromagnetic radiation can display what has

now been termed duality, or both particle-like

and wave-like behavior. At times light behaves as

a particle, and at other times as a wave

Ancient India (Indus Kush Valley Civilization – Holy Ethiopia)

The Hindu’s of Samkhya (Sa-Ma-Ka-Yah) light is one of the 5 fundamental

"subtle" elements (tanmatra) producing the overt elements.

The Vaisheshika school describes the basic atoms are earth , water, fire, and

air. Light rays are taken to be a stream of high velocity of fire atoms. The

particles of light can exhibit different characteristics depending on the speed and

the arrangements of the fire atoms. The Vishnu Purana refers to sunlight as "the

seven rays of the sun" (R-O-Y-G-B-I-V).


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Orisha: Nkuyu (Elegba/Eshu) Nkuyu (Nkuyo, Mañunga, Lubaniba, Lucero) ~The Ether, The Fabric of Space, The Triple Black~

He is always the first and last spirit invoked in any ceremony, because his permission is needed for any communication between mortals and

the loa (orishas) - he opens and closes the doorway. He is the gatekeeper. ~Nkuyu is the Key!~ often represented carrying a cane or shepherd's

crook and smoking a pipe. Elegba is often associated with the Devil & is considered evil by the most ignorant.

Nkuyu is the deity of the woods and roads, guidance and balance. Nkuyu is the owner of the roads and doors in this world. He is the repository

of ashé (ie. blessings). The colors red and black or white and black are his and codify his contradictory nature. In particular, Elegba stands at

the crossroads of the human and the divine, as he is child-like messenger between the two worlds. He has a very close relationship with the

orisha of divination, Orunmila. Nothing can be done in either world without his permission. Nkuyu is always called first before any other orisha

as he opens the door between the worlds and opens our roads in life.

He recognizes himself & is recognized by the numbers 3 and 21. Èṣù is a spirit of Chaos and Trickery, and plays frequently by leading mortals

to temptation and possible tribulation in the hopes that the experience will lead ultimately to their maturation. In this way he is certainly a

difficult teacher, but in the end is usually found to be a good one. As an example of this, is one of his patakis –red hat, blue hat-

Colors: Red & Black or White & Black

Number: 3 & 21

Holy Days: Mondays

Sacred Place: Crossroads, intersections, the wilderness, cemetaries

Tools: children’s toys, keys, a staff, a smile

Temperament: intentional in speech, elusive in response, master at communication, not always right but never wrong, patient & kind

Offerings: Coconut, cowrie shells, rum, anything red like flowers, fruit, grapes for money, candy, corn, coffee & cigars


1. I am the Mighty Elegba – I am the deepest of Black, the Triple Blackness.

2. I am the the Lord of All directions, North & South, East & West –Elegba must be called before all the rest.

3. I am the Keeper of the Keys, call me Nkuyu – I know the way, call me Esu –Jokes I love to play

4. I am The Mighty Elegba –I am most wonderful, I am not always right but I am NEVER wrong!

5. I am a Lord of War –I am old & young, I have no sink & no source, I know up & I know down, I no left & I no right. I&I ever strong

& never wrong. I&I is All Around –Follow me & I will take you Back to Black! The me-black, the you-black, the triple-black, the

we-black, from way back.

~I am the Mighty Elegba… Bow Before Me!~

Pataki (sacred story)

Èṣù was walking down a road one day, wearing a hat that was red on one side and black on the other. Sometime after he entered a village

which the road went through, the villagers who had seen him began arguing about whether the stranger's hat was black or red. The villagers on

one side of the road had only been capable of seeing the black side, and the villagers on the other side had only been capable of seeing the red

one. They soon came to blows over the disagreement which caused him to turn back and rebuke them, revealing to them how one's perspective

can be as correct as another person's even when they appear to be diametrically opposed to each other. He then left them with a stern warning

about how closed-mindedness can cause one to be made a fool.


Page 15: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

ETHER (SPACE) ~Nkuyu (Elegba)

A Magnetic Sun or A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity

prevents anything, including light from escaping

The fourth substance, ether, is the central supporting substance of the other six. It is the womb of creation called space.

It is black in color, as one can see by looking out into space at night

This absolute blackness called space not only supports the other substances, but it also gives individual color to all objects because the

color black contains all other colors in itself.

Hence when the b8m original Gods made themselves new bodies, they covered them in skin whose color is black, getting it directly

from the ether –also known as the triple black.

Without it, the movement of light is inhibited & the light waves eventually disintegrate, becoming one with the magnetic substance.

A magnetic sun or black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. The theory

of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass will deform spacetime to form a black hole. Around a black hole there is a

mathematically defined surface called an event horizon that marks the point of no return. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that

hits the horizon, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.

Time: The sun is the generator of time. When a new universe is being created, right at the beginning, there is no time. There is no movement,

no planets, no stars, only the first earth exists by itself. So all is still and there is no way to measure time due to this absence of motion. As soon

as the first sun is created by the minds of the creators, it slowly condenses and solidifies, but is without light. After it has condensed through the

four stages of magnetism, electricity, ether, and light, then it shines light on the first earth for the first time. This causes the first earth to start

orbiting around this new sun, and that's how time begins. Therefore the sun is called the giver of life because by creating time, it measures and

allocates the lifespan of every living thing on earth.

First Light:As soon as the ether of the first sun appears, the first earth is suddenly and instantly lit with physical light for the first time. This is

heralded as the creation of the first moment of time for our universe. As soon as the light reaches the earth, magnetism and electricity from the

sun also reach it. These two substances also travel in the ether, the dark womb of space.

The sun's magnetic interaction with the earth cause a differentiation of the earth's magnetic poles, which were previously undifferentiated. They

now obtain opposite polarities. The sun's electrical substance also interacts with that of the earth, and causes the first movement of electrical

currents. This electrical movement is the first signal for the development of growth and movement on earth, and initiates the development of

new, evolutionary-type plants and animals from the perfect totems. The electrical and magnetic movements also cause the

first circulation of currents, both of air and water. The waters of earth are separated for the first time, allowing clouds to form, and rain and

rivers to flow, which had been perfectly still before then.

The electrical movement due to the appearance of the sun also causes many other kinds of movements, growth and separations on earth, but

perhaps the most significant is the first movement of the earth about its own axis. Light is the first 'coarse' substance, but its coarseness is so

fine that it cannot be detected by instruments. It can only be known by its effects. The day is due to the rotation of the earth about its axis,

caused by electrical & magnetic currents. The year is due to the earth's movement through space around the sun, caused by the rotation of the

earth and the friction of sunlight. And thus time begins.


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Orisha: Oshun ~Gases~

Oshún is probably the most popular because of her willingness to help those seeking love, children or money in life. Oshun is very generous to

those who love and respect her.

Color: Yellow, amber

Number & Holy Days: 5, Saturday

Sacred Place: Fresh waters, Rivers, streams, lakes

Tools: Metal brass, peacock feathers, fan, mirrors, honey and anything of beauty.

Temperament: jovial, sweet, kind, generous, easy going, positive minded, optimist, empathetic, understanding, persistent

Offerings: Oshun’s has a taste for perfumes, sweet things, and she prefers refined treats like honey, pastries, cakes, champagne or sparkling

wine. Oshun eats castrated goat, hens, pigeons and guinea hen. On rare occasion she enjoys eating pheasants.


1. I am the Mighty Oshun, I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!

2. My sister’s name is Yemaya, I have the rivers and she has the sea –Fresh water belongs to me

3. I am the Mighty Oshun, I am curvy to the bone

4. I speak to the birds and the birds they speak to me

5. I can never be bound to a shape –Noble gases are mine to control

6. My favorite color is Yellow! I love to look in my Mirror!

7. Feed me with honey and spray me with perfume, Make the Air smell sweet and nice, I like sugar & spice ;)

8. I am the Most Wonderful Oshun, God of Love, In Kemet some call me Marie… All across the world they still say Marry me!

~I am the Mighty Oshun! Bow Before Me!~


Her father is The Mighty Obatala. He raised her since she was a little girl. Obatala would always sing a particular song to his little girl Oshun.

Day and night he would sing her this song and one day Oshun left the house, got lost and never returned –it was the saddest day of Obatala’s


Years passed along and the great Obatala, who was still depressed about losing his daughter, was walking through the woods near the

riverbank. He was walking and he overheard a voice humming a particular melody that brought memories back to him!

Obatala said that there was only one person who knew that song and it was his daughter Oshun. He glimpsed by the river water and saw a

young beautiful woman humming "Sawani Ibo Eleri, Leriche Oka Di Pola" (ceremonial song) and he walked up to her and asked her where did

she hear that song. Oshun told him that she doesn’t know the song only the melody, she had forgotten all the words but when she was young,

her father would sing that song to her everyday and every night.

Obatala with tears rolling down his face smiled so broad and told Oshun that he was The Mighty Obatala, her father, the same orisha that

taught her that song. He sang the words of the song to her; They both cried and hugged. They were never separated again and ever since that

day Obatala lovingly calls her his Little Humming Bird! *in the same way Lord Maniga M. Otep has Lost his daughter, Nkuyu, May she

remember the good days :’) ~Mama yeah-yeah-Dunaah, Mamaah yeah-yeah-dunaah… ~Faluma ding-ding-ding~


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GAS ~Oshun

Question: Why does gas float & iron sink?

Answer: Which clusters of star systems will have a stronger magnetic bond; those with 1 planet or 100 planets?

Yes, Those with 100 planets. There are more planets to form magnetic bonds, so they'll be held together more strongly. Not only that, but

they'll be packed closer together, and thirdly, they'll be much heavier. Therefore iron, gold and the other heavy metals will sink into the new

earth, while hydrogen, oxygen and other gases will float on top, forming water and the atmosphere.

The gases are much lighter and loosely bonded, due to the fewer number of planets, while the metals are much heavier, with stronger bonds due

to the large number of planets in their star systems (atoms). And all this happens because of the first law of magnetic attraction, which attracts

like to like.

What about the second law?

The second law of magnetic attraction attracts unlike to unlike. (e.g. CO2 or H2O)

Do Gases come from the Sun?

As soon as the sun starts spinning about its axis, its etheric substance condenses further and forms gases.

These gases are thrown off the surface of the sun due to its spinning motion, or what is called centrifugal force.

The gases are thrown off in large masses toward the edges of the solar system. They experience a magnetic pull from the sun such that they

only travel so far before they stop and establish an orbital circuit. How far they go depends on their size and the force with which they were

thrown off.

Because the sun was spinning when it threw them off, the gaseous masses continue this rotational movement given them by the sun and orbit

around it. They also spin around their axis for the same reason of electromagnetic current movements between their north and south poles. As

soon as they reach a stable circuit away from the sun, they begin to condense further and form the last two types of substances; liquids and

solids. Now the seven substances of the solar system are complete; magnetism,electricity, light, ether, gases, liquids, and solid substances.

After many billions of years of this violent activity, the sun stabilizes and stops condensing. It stops throwing off gaseous material and the

whole solar system becomes stable. All the planets 'plough' their way through this debris, so to speak. The larger planets collect many smaller

bodies that become their moons, and hold them to themselves by a magnetic attraction. Some smaller planets lose their atmosphere and liquids

to the larger planets, and become dry barren planets. As time moves on, all the space bodies establish their steady circuits. Each one finds its

place in the solar system, and the solar system is complete. About a trillion years have passed. The first solar system, the abode of the first

Gods, becomes stable and complete at that point. Far out in space, in stages lasting for many more trillions of years, other solar systems form in

the same way, including our solar system. The end result of it is that the expanded mind of the b8m Gods, by a

process of condensation, creates a new universe, its many stars and planets being formed, as it were, 'out of nothing'.


Page 18: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Orisha: Yemaya ~Liquid~

Yemaya’s ashe is nurturing, protective and fruitful. Yemaya is just as much a loving mother orisha as she is a fierce warrior that kills anyone

who threatens her children.

Yemayá is one of the most powerful orishas. She is the mother of all living things, rules over motherhood and owns all the waters of the

Earth. She gave birth to the stars, the moon, the sun and most of the orishas. Yemaya makes her residence in life-giving portion of the ocean

(although some of her roads can be found in lagoons or lakes in the forest).Yemaya can be found in all the waters of the world, and because of

this she has many aspects of “caminos” (roads), each reflecting the nature of different bodies of water. She, like her sister Oshun, carries all of

the experiences of womanhood within her caminos.

Contrary to popular belief she is not just a loving mother. Some of Yemaya’s caminos are fierce warriors who fight with sabers or machetes

and bathe in the blood of fallen enemies. Other roads are masterful diviners that have been through marriage, divorce and back again. Some

roads of Yemaya have been rape survivors, while other roads betrayed her sisters out of jealousy and spite.

Colors: blue, white and clear

Number: 7

Sacred Place in Nature: the ocean, lagoons and lakes

Tools: oars, boat steering wheel, anchor, life preserver, machete (for Ibú Ogunte), a scimitar (for Ibú Okoto)

Temperament: Nurturing, loving, direct, frank

Offerings: rich and delicious foods, many of which she shares with Shango, rooster, ram, watermelon and guinea hen.


1. The moon is my strength, the stars are my guide –I am liquid I take the shape of any vessel

2. The fish, whales and dolphins all speak to me –hushhh…. they speak quietly

3. She inhabits the rivers and the springs –I meet her where river meets sea

4. I am the mighty Yemaya, my buried treasures are too many to count

5. I am nurturing and kind, I protect those who travel above and below

6. My favorite colors are blue & white, My sister’s name is Oshun

7. I am the Mighty Yemaya – the oceans and seas belong to me

8. I can be like a calm gentle wave or a crashing tsunami!

~I am the Mighty Yemah! Bow Before Me!~


At the beginning, this earth was only fire and rock. Then Olofi, the Almighty, wanted the world to exist and turned the steam of the flames into

clouds. From the clouds poured a deluge of water that extinguished the fire. In the enormous caverns, between rocks, Olokun formed, the

Ocean - that is terrible and whom everybody fears. But the sea is also good, because it is the source of the life, and the water created veins in

the Earth so that life propagated. That is Yemayá, the Mother of Waters. For that reason also one says that before anything existed, Yemayá

was tending to herself for a long time and then said suddenly: "Ibi bayán odu mi: My belly hurts", and from her burst the rivers, orishas and

everything that encourages life on the Earth.


Page 19: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

LIQUID ~Yemaya & Oshun

~River meets Ocean

Question: What is a water molecule?

Them: It's hydrogen + hydrogen + oxygen, or H2O.

BlackRoots: It is made of two star systems, each with 1 planet (called hydrogen) being magnetically attracted to a third system with 8 planets

(called oxygen).

*What naturally occurring element would Our Solar System be if it had only 8 Planets?!?!?

Range: All the substances of the universe have a range or spectrum of frequencies. You are familiar with the most common spectrum - that of light. Scientists

have named the extremes that they know of this, calling them infrared and ultraviolet. That means if you look at the seven colors of the rainbow, starting with

red then orange then yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, then the light spectrum starts from below red (infrared) and goes all the way to beyond violet


Similarly the other forms of matter also have a range. Solid matter comes in a range of solidity, from soft solids like lead to very hard ones like diamond.

Liquids also have a range, starting with thin liquids like pure alcohol or substances such as benzene, to thick liquids like gels. This is true for all the seven

forms of matter through the gases to the ether, light, electricity, and magnetism.

Conflict Resolution: “Don’t get set into one form be like water; be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes

the cup; you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water,

my friend.” ~Bruce Lee, a student of our Blackbrother Naga Buddha Dharma.

The Law of Opposites: If someone gives you fire or anger, return to them a drink of water with some kind words and soft hands.

The Moon: The moon governs the majority of liquid on our planet. The ocean are affected by the moons gravitational/magnetic pull.

Our Bodies: Our Bodies are approximately 75% water –we are thus impacted by the moon.

Whenever the Moon, Earth and Sun are aligned, the

gravitational pull of the sun adds to that of the moon causing

maximum tides.

Spring tides happen when the sun and moon are on the same

side of the earth (New Moon) or when the sun and moon are

on opposite sides of the earth (Full Moon).

When the Moon is at first quarter or last quarter phase

(meaning that it is located at right angles to the Earth-Sun

line), the Sun and Moon interfere with each other in

producing tidal bulges and tides are generally weaker; these

are called neap tides.


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Orisha: Ogun (Zarabanda) ~Solid

Ogun is the Orisha of iron and metals. He is responsible for

all things mechanical. Many people think of Ogun only in

terms of weapons of war, because he is a fierce warrior. But

Ogun also makes implements for farming and medicine; like the

hoe, and the surgeon's scalpel. As Elegguá opens the roads, it is Ogún

that clears the roads with his machete.

Ogún is a powerful, fierce warrior who defends his people and fights

against injustice. Ogun has the intelligence and creativity to invent tools,

weapons, and technology. He is the father of civilization in many ways,

for it is by his strength that the path from orun (heaven) to ayé (earth)

was cleared so that humanity and the orishas could come to earth. It was

his tools and labor that cleared away the wilderness to build cities,

homes, and roads. He is the cutting edge of the knife and as such is often

misunderstood. The knife can be used to kill someone, or to save

someone in surgery – such is Ogun’s nature

Ogun lives in the wilderness and forested areas of the world. He is often

found hunting with his bestfriends Eleggua and Ochosi. Ogun can be a

loyal and loving father who works tirelessly at his forge making new

inventions, or he can be a blood thirsty warrior that swings machetes and

decapitates his enemies. He can also be a skilled surgeon that removes

cancer from the body and saves lives. We honor Ogun for his protective

nature, and his ability to spark ingenuity in our minds.

The children of Ogún can be violent, impulsive, and unforgiving, but

they are also brave, determined, and never give up hope. They're tireless

workers, and they're astute. They're known for their frankness and sincerity, which make people overlook their flaws. In the human body,

Ogún inhabits the thorax, which represents vitality and strength.

Colors: Green, Black sometimes Purple (sometimes measuring scale pendants are worn as a charm on necklace & bracelets)

Numbers & Holydays: 3 and 7, feast day June 29th

Sacred Place: In the wilderness, forests, the train tracks, areas of mass technology

Days: Tuesday, but all warriors are celebrated on Monday to assist Elleggua, June 29

Tools: Anvil, Hammer, machete, knife, scalpel, chains, measuring tools like scales & rulers, all metal tools and weapons

Offerings: coconut, honey, plantains, rum, cigars, plantains, smoked fish, pomegranates, grapes, watermelons, cigars,bananas, he-goat, rooster,

and pigeons, chickens, guineas, gems & Metals: All metals

Temperament: Hard-working, inventive, brooding, disciplined, determined, prone to holding a grudge


1. I am the Mighty Oggun as solid as a rock, They just can’t touch me now! – I made Shango’s axe and I made Ochosi’s Arrows.

2. Even if they set road blocks, they just can’t touch me now! I am the Lord of War –combined with Ochosi & Elegba, I am unstoppable!

3. Even when they set their cops, they just can’t touch me now! All the metals & minerals belong to me. I am the master of technology.

4. People will say this and that but they just can touch me now! I prefer to hunt with Elegba and Ochosi. My colors are green and purple.

5. Jah is the light into my dark, he cut & clear all my path! I clear the roads of life with my machete. Shango’s fire is my furnace!

~I am the Mighty Ogun! Bow Before Me!~

Pataki: When the orishas came down to the Earth, it was he who was in charge, with his untiring machete, cutting the tree trunks and the

weeds to open the way for them all. He lived in the house of his parents, Obatalá and Yemu, next to his brothers Ochosi and Elegguá. Oggún

was enamored with his mother. He had an unhealthy desire to have a baby with her. Before Obatala could say anything to him, Oggún shouted:

"I am going to curse myself. While the world is the world, the only thing that I am going to do is work for the Ocha." He then went into the

wilderness with only his dogs for company and hid from the sight of men. No orisha other than Ochosi, his brother hunter, could see him. He

worked without rest, but he was very bitter. Besides producing irons products, he was dedicated to using afoche (powder) and then araye

(tragedy) began to dominate the world. It was then that Oshún came into the wilderness, and Ogun, attracted to her song, she provided him with

the honey & sweetness of life.

Oggun continued working, but lost his bitterness and did not return to the use of ofoche, and the world was peaceful. There are some who

say that when he left the mountain, Oshún took him up to Olorun,who moored him with an enormous chain, but this is only a story. What chain

could be so strong as the honey of Ochún?


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Q: In a new universe, if all the stars of the previous universe are used as atoms to form the first earth, how are all the new stars around it

formed? Where does the material come from to form all the new stars?

A: We have talked about the clustering together of the 100 different types of solar systems, attracted like to like by means of the first law of

magnetic attraction. They form the hundred basic natural elements found on earth.

The first of these is hydrogen, formed by all star systems having 1 planet and its sun. The last is fermium, bonded much more strongly, and so

much heavier that when the earth is formed, these clusters of 100-planet systems will sink into the earth, burying themselves deep in the crust

after the earth has cooled over billions of years.

Ogun (The Lord of War & Improvement) dictates that Because of the absence of the Black gene in the non-blacks there is no throne in their

temple (body) upon which God can be seated. Therefore God incarnates only in Black people. Any Black person who feels even the slightest

degree of discomfort when reading the above statement, should know that this is caused by sympathy due to a lack of knowledge. If all Black

people on earth regained the true knowledge of who God is and who the devil is, they would immediately lose all sympathy for the light-

skinned races. This fact is solid, immutable and unchangeable.

Unlike a liquid, a solid object does not flow to take on the shape of its container, nor does it expand to fill the entire volume available to it like

a gas does. The atoms in a solid are tightly bound to each other.

Metals are typically strong, dense, and good conductors of both electricity and heat. The bulk of the elements in the periodic table, those to the

left of a diagonal line drawn from boron to polonium, are metals.

Alloys are the mixture of two or more metal

Minerals are naturally occurring solids formed through various geological processes under high pressures. To be classified as a true mineral, a

substance must have a crystal structure with uniform physical properties throughout. Ceramic solids are composed of inorganic compounds, usually oxides of chemical elements. They are chemically inert, and often are capable

of withstanding chemical erosion that occurs in an acidic or caustic environment. Mechanically speaking, ceramic materials are brittle, hard,

strong in compression and weak in shearing and tension

Polymers/Plastics: One important property of carbon in organic chemistry is that it can form certain compounds, the individual molecules of

which are capable of attaching themselves to one another, thereby forming a chain or a network. The process is called polymerization. Two

main groups of polymers exist: those artificially manufactured are referred to as industrial polymers or synthetic polymers (plastics) and those

naturally occurring as biopolymers.


Page 22: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

* Bonus Patakis


Ochosi (Oshosi) lives in the woods and is a great hunter and fisherman. He's also a warrior, a

magician and a seer with shamanistic powers. Ochosi is the lord of justice, and the patron of

those who have problems with the law. According to a pataki (sacred story), when Ochosi

lived on earth as a human, he was given a special task by Eleguá: he needed to hunt and trap a

rare bird that Orula wanted to give to Olofi as a gift.

Ochosi was an expert hunter and he found the bird without a problem. He took it home and

put it in a cage, and then went to tell Orula that he had the bird. While Olofi was out, his

mother came home and found the bird in the cage. She thought it was meant for their dinner,

so she killed and dressed the bird, and then she went to the market to buy some of the

condiments she needed to cook it.

Ochosi came home and saw the bird was dead, and he was very upset. He didn't know who

had killed it, but he decided that he needed to go get another bird right away, so Orula would

be able to give it to Olofi. Ochosi hunted and trapped a second bird and gave it to Orula and,

together, they went to present the bird to Olofi. Olofi was so happy with the gift that he

wanted to reward Ochosi, so he gave him a crown and made him an Oricha on the spot. He

asked Ochosi if there was anything else he wanted, and the hunter replied, yes, he wanted to

shoot an arrow into the air and have it pierce the heart of the person who killed the other bird.

Olofi, all knowing, understood what Ochosi's words meant, so he asked if Ochosi was sure

that's what he wanted. Yes, said Ochosi, I want justice, and Olofi granted his wish. Ochosi

released an arrow and almost at once he heard his own mother cry out. The arrow had pierced her heart and killed her. Ochosi was terribly sad

when he realized what he had done, but he also knew that justice had been done. Olofi knew then that Ochosi wouldn't hesitate to punish any

wrong doing he came across, and he made it Ochosi's job to hunt for the truth and measure out justice in the world.

Shango Pataki (sacred story):

When Changó goes to war, he prefers Oyá's company because she's just as fierce as he

is. The sound of thunder followed by lightening means that Changó and Oyá are

riding together into battle in the heavens above us.

Changó was the son of Agayú and Yemayá, but she gave him away to Obatalá, who

raised him and made him king on earth.

A variation on this story says that Yemayá was the foster mother of Changó, and

Obatalá (in a female avatar) was his birth mother. Changó is the owner of the sacred

batá drums and he's the greatest dancer among the Orichás. This wasn't always the

case, according to a patakí that says that

Changó was originally the best diviner and Orúnmila (Orula) was the best

dancer. But, Changó and Orúnmila agreed to exchange talents, because Changó cared

more about dancing.

Changó is still a skilled diviner, but now he does divination using the dilogún (cowrie

shells), not the opuele (divination chain) and tablero (wooden divining board), which

belong solely to Orúnmila and his priests, the Babalawos.

Chango’s feast day is December 4th. He is the owner of fire and passion as well.

Chango loves to drink, dance and eat. His sacrificial animals are rams, roosters,

turtles, cornish hens and guinea hens. His favorite food is cornmeal with okra and he

loves red apples and green bananas. He is the orisha that brings justice to mankind. Chango rides day and night looking to bring justice for his

father Obatala and Olofi. The drums beat in his heart. He loves everything perfect and nothing deformed. His children are very outgoing

people. They love to drink and party and they have a passion and fire on their tongues that they conquer all battles when they use their head.

Chango is friends to all the orishas except to his brother Ogun that they are constantly in battle whenever they are in front of each. But never

the less, Chango aides and loves the children of Ogun and vice versa. Chango is a great friend and ally to have in your corner. He keeps a close

eye on his children and he protects them to the fullest from everything.


Page 23: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Bonus The Pyramids

We already saw how the solar system perfectly models the atom. The sun is a giant nucleus and the earth is a giant electron, as are

the other planets. The solar system is measured to be 7,900 million miles across, as far as the orbit of the planet Pluto. Our earth is

measured at only 7,900 miles across.

That makes the solar system a million times bigger than the earth. Let our minds make the obvious connection. If the earth is the same as an

electron, and the solar system is the same as an atom, then we conclude that the proportions must be the same. In other words, the size of the

atom compared to the electron must be the same as the size of the solar system compared to the earth.

Solar system is to earth what atom is to electron Same proportions, same laws, different sizes. If the solar system is a million times bigger than

the earth, then the atom is a million times bigger than the electron. Is this true? According to modern measurements, the electron has been

measured at about 1/4 trillionth of an inch, and the atom at about 1/4 millionth of an inch across.

That gives a proportion of 1 million times, just like it is between the earth and the solar system. This confirms our intuition that the solar

system is a giant atom, and the earth is a giant electron, and the sun is the nucleus.

earth ------- electron

+ sun ------- nucleus

= solar system – atom

The law of creation is:

As above, so it is below.

*Build BlackFamily

Marry the BlackWoman

Defend her with All your might

Love & Cherish her

It is the Greatest of Honors to Lead a Blackwoman’s House

Blackman you must Populate, Educate, Provide & Defend.

You are the Key to our success.

Our future like our past will be Brilliant!

Keep up the good work!

~BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily~


Page 24: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Oshun & Ogun

There is a pataki of Ogun that says that a long time

ago he was working hard in the forest. He arrived

back to his town and notice that the people of the town were actually

not giving him the recognition that he deserved. One day his

longtime friend Elegua came to visit him. Elegua told Ogun that it

seemed like no one paid him any attention in the town and all they

did was use him for his talents. Ogun noticing and listening carefully

to Elegua, stood up and turned off the fire that he used to heat up his

metals. He grabbed his machete and oti (liquor) and walked into the

forest without saying a word. Elegua looked at his friend that just

walked until he disappeared amongst the bushes.

Days upon days, the town grew weary and all life came to a stand

still. Everyone noticed that Ogun’s house was empty and dark and

there was no sign of anyone being there for days. Farmers needed

new tools for their plows, soldiers needed new armory. Even the

orishas who came to Ogun as well were in need of tuning their

essentials. Oya needed her sable sharpened, Ochosi needed new

arrow points, Orisha Oko needed a new plow for his crops. Everyone

wondered where was Ogun.

The orishas called upon Olofi who came to the town and asked them

why are they looking for Ogun. Everyone started to say what they

needed, what they wanted and so on. Olofi then told them, did they

ever stop to thank Ogun for his work. Did they ever pay homage to

the great orisha who works day and night due to his own curse that he put on himself to work day and night. Everyone stayed quiet as the great

Olofi was talking. Olofi said that Ogun has retreated deep into the forest and lets see who can get him to come back. Olofi said he was not

going to interfere, he was going to let the orishas deliberate on how to get Ogun back to civilization.

Each orisha, one by one went deep into the forest in search for Ogun. Elegua went looking for his friend and found him sitting by a rock

sharpening his machete. Ogun saw him and chased Elegua until Elegua came out of the forest gasping for air. Oya went to look for Ogun and

when she found him, he grabbed her and threw across the woods with one swirl of his arm. Oya came back out staggering. Yemaya went,

Ochosi went, Chango went, but none succeeded. All the orishas went but their was one orisha who was requesting to go. Oshun. Everyone

laughed at her idea because she was the youngest and least knowledgeable of the woods and to face Ogun with the rage that he was in, it would

be dangerous. Olofi gave her his blessings and Ochun grabbed 5 yellow cloths, her pouch and marched into the woods.

Oshun saw Ogun from far working on some tools and she started to use her tactics. She went to the river that was nearby and she got

undressed. While all of this Oshun is singing and laughing to herself. Showing the lovely and admirable side of her. Ogun heard the singing

and laughing and wondered where it was coming from. He glimpsed Oshun bathing naked in the river and was blinded by her beauty. Oshun

came out of the river and caressed her body with her main implement, oni (honey). She rubbed it all over while laughing and singing. Without

Ogun’s knowledge, Oshun went behind Ogun and smeared some of her honey on his lips. The great orisha was like a tame beast. He was

dumbfounded and was in a trance. Oshun walked slowly while giving a seductive dance and dropped one of the yellow cloths on the ground.

Ogun still in a trance slowly grabbed the cloth and followed the seductive orisha. Oshun kept her composure and glimpsed at Ogun from the

corner of her eye and noticed that he was coming out of the trance, so she danced up to him and smeared more honey on his lips to reinforce the

trance. Ogun was caught again and continued to follow Oshun picking up another cloth. Oshun continued to do this until she got near to the

town. She dropped the 5th cloth and smeared more honey on Ogun’s lips and walked him straight into town where everyone was waiting in

shock to see that this young orisha was able to bring the great forge man to town. It is the gentle sweetness of life that brought Ogun back and

now we know, Honey is stronger than iron.

When Ogun reached the center of the town, everyone started to cheer in Ogun’s name. Everyone ran to Ogun and told him how they were sorry

for not giving him his homage. All the townsmen brought out the best liquor and foods and they beat the drums in honor of Ogun. Olofi turned

to everyone and stated that this was a lesson needed to be learned. When one does something nice for you, you should always be respectful and

be humble to that person because you never know when you will need them again. Olofi blinked his eye at the lovely Oshun and retreated back

to the heavens. Oshun with her kind ways and gentle hands outperformed all others

From that day on Ogun has always been recognized for his actions and he has always received the homage that he deserves.


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Now our mind has been freed and we can proceed to investigate atoms and electrons by studying our own solar system.

We don't need expensive tools. We just need the knowledge that has been available since ancient times, when our Ancestors spent many nights

studying the sky. They were looking at stars, but at the same time they were looking at the microscopic particles of matter.

Modern astronomers and physicists separate themselves into two camps. In the ancient days, our Ancestors, as they built great pyramids and

other monuments to study and chronicle the movements of the stars, knew that there was no difference between astronomy and physics. By

studying astronomy, they learnt all about physics as well, because physics is the study of astronomy on a microscopic scale.

As above, so it is below. That is the law of creation. Once we have a clear understanding of this law, we can use it to learn about

the rest of the universe; how it was created, when it was created, what is its size and duration. All we need is our minds.

The Pyramid’s Predictions

The Great Pyramid also acts as a prophetic 'book of stone'. It's constructed in such a way that it tells the future story of the age we are in.

Every King or Queen who rules the earth builds a stone pyramid as part of their ordination. In its construction, they 'write' the future of their

25,000-year reign.

They do not write it in Hieroglyphs, but in the sizes and types of stones used, and the way they are placed, as well as the way the chambers are

constructed. A person who is initiated into its mysteries can read the future events of the earth from it.


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The Four Horsemen

Who are the Warriors? When we refer to this group of Orishas,

we are speaking of ELEGGUA, OGUN, OCHOSSI, and OSUN.

They are called collectively the Warriors, because it is there function to defend their

owners and to open the way. Let us examine each of them, one by one, to better

understand their place in the Religion. They are also called The Four Horsemen!

ELEGBA is the owner of all the roads in the world. He is really two Orisha in one,

ECHU and ELEGBA. Echu is the primordial trickster, who has existed since the

world was made. Eleggua is Echu under the influence of Obatala, who guides him in

doing good for humanity.

1. ELEGBA is the first of the Warriors we will discuss. He is often depicted as a

child, but at other times as a very old man. He is an Orisha of great power and can

open your way or close it. He is the first to receive any blood offering when the

Orishas are going to be fed. There is a story relating to the reason for this which we

would like to share. Olofi, the Creator, became very ill and none of the powerful

Orishas could cure him.

Olofi sent for Eleggua, who lived in the woods and worked with herbs, to cure him.

Eleggua came to Olofi's aid and made all the other Orishas leave, while he

administered to the Creator with his herbs. Olofi was cured and in appreciation, He

told Eleggua that in reward for his services, Eleggua would always be the first to eat

when offerings were made to the Orishas. That is why Eleggua is always the first to be

fed. If Eleggua is not propitiated first, he (being the Orisha of communication) can

prevent the other Orishas from receiving their offerings. This Orisha you receive along

with the other warriors, so that he can open your way for material and spiritual

progress. His day is Monday, and that is when offerings are made to him on a regular


2. OGUN is the second of the Warriors. Ogun is the Orisha of iron, of steel, corresponding to the blacksmith gods of ancient times like Vulcan.

He is the Orisha of the sacrificial knife and certain prayers must be said when the Orishas are fed to Ogun, so that Ogun assumes the

responsibility for the letting of blood. He is often associated with trains, because the railroad tracks are made up of iron and steel. He is an

Orisha of extreme force and is very basic to the practice of this religion. He is truly a warrior and fights to defend you against your enemies. He

lives in a cauldron of iron with his tools . His day is Tuesday.

3. OCHOSI is the third warrior we will mention. He is the Orisha of the hunt and corresponds to the hunter gods that live in the forest. He is

represented by a bow and arrow made of steel or iron that lives with Ogun in his cauldron. Ochossi is associated not only with the hunt, but

also with prisons. He is often worked with to resolve problems with the police and court matters. Ochossi is also an Orisha that gives

intelligence and prayers are offered to him so that he will give the ability to resolve problems.

4. OSUN is the fourth warrior, and is represented by a small metal staff with a metal rooster mounted on top. Osun represents your "head". His

function is to warn of danger. He is never allowed to fall over, since that would be a sign of danger coming to you. He is usually placed in a

high place in the home, so that he can better "see" and so that he will not be accidently overturned.

Why do we receive the Warriors? the answer is for our material and spiritual betterment. The warriors open the way and give protection. they

make it possible for one to advance in the religion and receive other initiations. That is why sometimes new entrants are told that they need to

receive Warriors as their first step in the religion, because they need the protection that the warriors can give.

There are 101 "caminos" or ways of preparing Eleggua, each in accordance with the particular Echu that walks with you. That is not to say

that warriors given by Santeros are not valid, just that Oluos or babalawos have a more profond knowledge of the preparation of these


When you receive the warriors, you should always receive the name of your Eleggua, so that you know which "camino" of Echu walks with

you. The warriors are not only given to help you open your way, but also for other reasons. Sometimes those with health problems need to

receive the warriors. Also, they may be necessary to resolve certain problems in the life of a person or to bring about Justice –which The Most

Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us is the reward for good and the punishment for evil.


Page 27: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

34 Questions:

What is physics?

It is the knowledge of the laws and principles of atoms and


2. What is astronomy?

It is the knowledge of the laws governing stars and planets.

3. What is the only difference between stars and atoms?

Size is the only difference. The laws and principles are the same.

4. What is the electron like, on a giant-size scale?

The earth is a giant-size electron.

5. What is the nucleus like, on a giant size scale?

The sun is a giant-sized nucleus.

5b. What is the atom like on a giant scale?

Our solar system is a giant atom.

6. What is the atom made of?

The atom itself is made of atoms.

7. Why will the fundamental particle of matter never be found by

scientific instruments?

It will never be found by instruments because every atom is made

of miniature atoms, themselves made of even smaller atoms, to


BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily

8. What is the size of the solar system?

The solar system is measured to be 7,900 million miles across.

9. What is the size of the earth?

Our earth is measured at only 7,900 miles across.

10.What is the size of the electron?

The electron has been measured at about 1/4 trillionth of an inch.

11.What is the size of the atom?

The atom at about 1/4 millionth of an inch across.

12.What is the law of creation?

The law of creation is: As above, so it is below.

BlackRoots, BlackSupremacy, BlackLove

13. What can be considered as a mini-earth; the electron or the


The electron.

14. What can be considered as a mini-universe; the earth or the

solar system?

The earth.

15. How can we find out the size of the universe?

By knowing the size of the earth.

16. What is the distance separating stars?

The Stars are separated from each other by about 32 trillion miles.

17. How many solar systems can fit in the distance separating


4,000 star systems will fit in the distance separating two stars.

18. How many atoms can fit in the distance separating atoms?


19. Why are the answers to 17 and 18 the same?

The same law applies. As above, so below.

20. By how much are atoms separated?

Any two atoms are separated by 1 thousandth of an inch.

BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily

21. How many atoms make up the earth?

There are 125 billion trillion trillion atoms inside the earth.

22. How many stars make up the universe?

125 billion trillion trillion.

23. Why are the answers to 21 and 22 the same?

The same law applies. As above, so below.

24. How much bigger is the earth than the atom?

The earth is 2,000 trillion times bigger than the atom.

25. How much bigger is the universe than the solar system?

The universe is 2,000 trillion times bigger than the solar system.

26. Why are the answers to 24 and 25 the same?

The same law applies. As above, so below.

27. What is the size of the universe?

The universe is 16 trillion trillion miles across and has 125 billion

trillion trillion stars.


Page 28: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

Obatala Pataki

Obatalá saved humans from destruction. On one occasion, the Orishas were having a party and they forgot to invite Yemayá. She was so

angry that she whipped up the oceans and flooded the world. Humans were terrified and didn't know what to do, so they ran to Obatalá and

asked him to intervene. He ordered Yemayá to retreat, and she did out of respect to him. Obatalá, as the creator of earth, can be the only one

to end it.

Bonus: Orula/Orunmila - Sundays & October 4th

According to the patakís, Orula is the only Orichá who knows the future of everyone on

earth and has the power to influence our destiny, because when Olodumare was creating

the universe, Orula was the only one present to witness it all. Specifically, he knows

when each of us will die, and he makes sure we die at the right time, in line with the

destiny we chose for ourselves in heaven. He knows how we can find happiness, health,

peace of mind, and success, because he was present when we came into the world, and

he knows what future awaits us. He can help us avoid mistakes by keeping us on the

right path. Orula communicates with humans through divination with a Babalawo.

Babalawos don't use dilogún (cowrie shells) like Santeros/as do. They use either

an epuele (divining chain) or ikines (kola nuts), and a wooden divining board covered

in cascarilla (eggshell powder). They may also use a piece of horn from a stag's antler to

mark certain

Orula possesses and personifies wisdom, but he's also a powerful healer. He works with

herbs and roots to cure people. His colors are yellow and green, and his eleke (beaded

necklace) is made of yellow and green beads, alternating. Men and women who've

received the mano de Orula or cofá de Orula wear a simple yellow and green beaded

bracelet on the left wrist to protect them from premature death. Orula knows the

moment when everyone is destined to die, and those who wear the idé(bracelet) of Orula

on the left wrist won't be carried off by mistake by Ikú (death). Orula protects against mental illness and insanity. On October 4, it's important

for all the godchildren of a Babalawo to visit him and offer him some kind of derecho (money or gift) to honor Orula. The traditional gift is two

coconuts and two candles. In the home, Osún is often kept next to Orula as a guardian.

Those who have received cofá or mano de Orula should attend to Orula in a formal way once a month, usually when the moon is new. He

receives red palm oil and honey, and we burn two candles in his honor while we whisper prayers and special requests to him. In some lineages,

Orula's day of the week is Sunday, but in other houses, every day of the week is Orula's.


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~BlackWoman, Mother of My Creation & Queen of My Universe, I Thank You!~


28. Was the universe created by a huge explosion (big bang)?


29. What does the law of cycles say?

The law of creation is the law of cycles,

which says the end point is the same as the

beginning point, and the cycle repeats.

30. Where did the present universe


The present universe originated from the

previous one.

31. Where did the previous universe


The previous universe originated from the

one before.

32. When was the beginning?

There is no beginning and no end. It has

always been, and ever shall be.

33. Where did the earth's atoms come from?

They were actually the star systems of that

previous universe of our ancestors.

34. Who created our universe?

Our ancestors, the original People called the

First Gods


Page 30: The Law of Creation 1...The Seven African Powers of Creation *note that Orula/Orunmila is included in this particular picture Religion: is a system of beliefs used to comfort man &

History ~History is best Qualified to Reward your Research~

--- All Our Books will now contain a section reserved for our Ten Heroes ---

We are the Defenders of the BlackWoman

~ BlackWoman, Mother of Creation & Queen of My Universe, I thank you! ~

~BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily~


The Beautiful & Dutifully Divine, Brother Khalid Muhammad: “You cannot reform devil.”

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The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad & Brother Malcolm X (Malik El Hajj Shabazz)

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad States:

1. “Of all our studies history is the most attractive and best qualified to reward our research.

2. It develops the springs and motives of human actions.

3. It displays the consequences of circumstances which operates most powerfully on the destinies of human


4. The wise man is the one who has made a careful study of the past events of ancient and modern history.

5. The knowledge of the future is judged by the knowledge of the past.”


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~ Dedicated to My Humming Bird ~


You never met your Grandparents and might never remember

the good times we had together; you might even forget that you have

brothers and sisters will always Love you and are asking about you everyday,

you might forget that you have the best big sister in the world my Novi-dearest,

and a father who continues moving mountains to keep you safe.

I hope to see you again someday and no matter what they say

you are Daddy’s favourite.

This was your house and the only home you knew for your first year of life. You lived only one minutes walk from your brothers and sisters.

They were visiting you everyday. We had school, we had games, we dug holes and caught creatures. We had good times.

The last I saw you was March 13, 2013 it is now March 27, 2013 and it feels like an eternity has passed by.

Your mother has moved you to Europe, I hope she decides to allow me to pay for the home until for you, until you get older.

I miss you dearly…don’t forget Che, Osiris & Heru –they are your brothers and remember the students who held you and cared for you Kiduse

& Rohan… Thanks for being with us for this short time and allowing us to experience a wide range of emotions Love, sadness, joy & gladness.

We miss you, Kimi-kimu.

Do you have new teeth, learned any new words, do you still sing?

*Just for you Kimu, I will double my efforts to expand our BlackFamily.

Showing you that BlackFamily can work

It must work ~it is our only solution.

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Nkuyu my Kimi-Kimu

Yes my Children changed my world -and then there is that girl...Nkuyu my Kimikimu ♥

~ word's cannot express a Father's Love for his Daughter and the impact it has on his life ♥

There is normally a difference in worldviews between a man who has been tasked

with raising a daughter and a man who only has a wife & has or is raising sons.

The Love for a man to his daughter is only rivaled by Love of a Son to his Mother.

*The driving force in both instances is called The complimentation of Opposites*


~I was made aware of this dynamic by a female professor who explained to me that

whenever a woman is going for a phd she is always cautious to advise them on how to choose a major professor.

"Make sure he has a DAUGHTER!!!"

she said, as she proceeded to give me her life's observations.

I never quite understood how evil, selfish, sexist and wicked i was until i had a DAUGHTER to care for.

I never knew how relentless, unwavering & attackful I must be in this world

ESPECIALLY to the BROTHERS in my community who are

doing LESS than they can to defend our Blackwomen.

~Just ask yourself could you be doing more.

Polygyny isn't simply for a man to get more coochie

*believe it or not you can buy coochie at the cornerstore*

~it is about allowing my DAUGHTERS access to a quality Father, Protector & Husband to lead her household -

so she doesn't have to get stuck with Tom, Dick and Harry

-men who are WILLING but not CAPABLE

or with men who are CAPABLE but not WILLING...

Give my DAUGHTER a chance to have atleast modicum of dignity

*I feel that there is so much left unsaid and so inadequate at communicating right now

*Blackwoman, Mother of Creation and Queen of my Universe, I thank you! ♥

~BlackLove, BlackRoots & BlackFamily ♥