Download - The Keys To Creating A Thriving, Profitable, and Prosperous Business As A Soul … ·  · 2010-11-22is reflective of your personal


Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

The Keys To Creating A Thriving, Profitable, and Prosperous Business As A Soul-Driven Entrepreneur

Are you feeling unsettled, uncertain, or unclear about how to create a lucrative business while maintaining spiritual integrity and balance in your life?

Do you want to know the SECRETS to achieving the SOUL SUCCESS you desire and deserve?

Well, here it one secret: Within you lies your greatest asset. Within you lies a direct magnet to wealth. It is your ENERGY. You have the power to design your destiny. Are you ready to tap into it?

In this powerful report, I am going to offer you specific actions steps to activate and engage your personal power and shift your energy

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

into a space that allows for abundance and places you in the receiving mode for generating the success you desire and deserve. How does that sound?

You can absolutely begin to take charge of your life in this moment and acknowledge and celebrate your divinely inspired gifts, talents, and abilities so that your natural brilliance will shine through in all that you do.

Here’s how you can begin…


• Where do your strongest talents lie? Evaluate and target your strengths.

• How can that energy be channeled so that it can support you in expanding your business and generating more success?

• Model those who are already succeeding in the areas you wish to succeed. Model actions and belief systems that reflect excellence.



Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

There is currently an economic shift that is connected to a much larger global paradigm shift. Innovative entrepreneurs like you are entering into the business world from a heart-centered, soul-driven space that is steered and directed by their divinely inspired desires, spiritual gifts and intuitive guidance. They are actively acknowledging their soul’s passion and balancing that with a yearning to change the consciousness of the planet and make a difference in this world. This transformation from ego-driven business pursuits to soul-driven pursuits integrates the desire to create positive change with the worthiness that allows for immense profitability.

It is no longer business as usual. Pressure sales and rivalry based marketing just does not work anymore! Instead, entrepreneurs like you are recognizing that they have the power to choose sound business practices that are founded upon a balance of divine insight and spiritual integrity. As a conscious business professional, YOU can implement your spiritual principles and live your true purpose. A growing number of business owners are actualizing their dreams by living out their soul’s purpose through their work.

The shift that is ushering in this soul-centered entrepreneurial resurgence stems from knowing your true purpose and expressing it through the service you given to others. But, how do you tap into your true purpose and develop the authentic, yet profitable systems that create the best outcome for you AND your clients?


• SHIFT YOUR MINDSET. Be open to SHIFTING INTO A MINDSET OF WORTHINESS. Develop a new relationship with money, and

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

create a new awareness of how outside influences effect the decisions you make. Proactively choose a healthy, positive expectancy for money and wealth.

• BECOME CLEAR about your ideal client. Do not try to be all things to all people. Get laser focused on who you serve. Knowing who your ideal client is assists you in establishing your niche'.

• CLAIM YOUR GOOD FORTUNE by revealing the unique gift you have to offer your clients and get clear about that unique offering. Specialize. Get comfortable and specific with your forte.

• CLARITY. Create a crystal clear vision of the direction you want your business to go. What does your life look like when you step into your true purpose? How does your vision positively affect every facet of your life? How does it feel to experience phenomenal success? Write it down! Speak it aloud. From this clear vision your business plan is formed.

• DISCOVER YOUR ROAD BLOCKS. Take an honest look at what is holding you back from the success you dream of. Remember, you cannot create change unless you do something different. You cannot continue to do the same thing and expect different results. You might be in fear of failure or perhaps you fear success. You must be honest about whatever is holding you back from stepping into your true purpose! Once you face your road blocks, you can start to deal with them.

YOU are among the millions of entrepreneurs who are awakening to this new, conscious model for business success. This new model is about blending purpose and passion with profit. Creating a soul-

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

driven business guided by your intuition begins with acknowledging that you are an extraordinary six sensory being, fully capable of cultivating an authentic life of passionate purpose. Trusting your intuition is truly an art form, an organic process of expressing your soul’s purpose and heart’s wisdom. It’s a soulful way of dancing with the divine and with each intuitive step you take towards trusting your internal guidance, you'll actualize authentic success and reap the rewards of living with inspired purpose and passion. Building a life and business resulting in love, grace, balance and abundance is your birthright.

The reason so many people are feeling stuck and unable to attract the abundance they deserve is because they aren’t recognizing or realizing that what's happening in their business is just a reflection of what's happening in their energy field. Your business is a ripple effect, emanating from a central point (you.) It's an outer reflection of what's happening within your own personal energy field. The good news is that if you are willing to see your business as your personal growth mirror, you can look at the patterns and results of your business to discover where YOU can grow yourself. Your business then becomes an access point for your personal and spiritual evolution, and that is the most powerful source of creation for new business results. It is very likely that the patterns you see in your business are found elsewhere in your life. Fortunately, as an entrepreneur, you get to see your limitations a whole lot quicker than the average person because your business will show them to you! To handle them means taking accountability for the results you’re creating and choosing to use your personal power to create new results!


• Assess the reality of your current business. Is it profitable? Are you experiencing the success you desire? Do you see how this is reflective of your personal energy? Intend to shift beyond those limitations and commit to owning your attitude and

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.


• Take the time to get quiet and listen to the callings of your soul.

• Take positive action when you feel inspired with new business ideas. Ideas are powerless until that are acknowledged and applied.

• When receiving multiple ideas at once, take control of your emotions and shift from feelings of being overwhelmed, to focusing on the idea at a time that will positively serve your business right now.

• Communicate and share your ideas with a mastermind group

or a mentor. Get feedback. Then, tune into your own voice and determine the next step to take.

Soul-Driven Success Flows from the Inside-Out

It is not uncommon to feel stuck and paralyzed by fear. The key is consciously recognizing where you are in each moment and then choosing to shift away from any energy that is draining you. Making that internal shift puts you in the energetic space where inspiration and spiritually channeled confidence can make its way through and flow outward. Consistently choosing to quiet the ego and listen to the soul is a commitment that must be made. The divinely inspired ideas and feelings of worthiness are necessary components for moving forward and allowing your business to generate the monetary success and the authentic soul success you want. It all begins internally. Make the shift internally and then you will begin to see the external impact and rewards.

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.


If you feel as though your current marketing practices are not working and not attracting the ideal clients you want, then it’s time to remember this: MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS IS SYNONOMOUS TO MARKETING YOURSELF.

You can continually research external marketing tools until you are completely worn out! If the tools are not in alignment with your soul’s authentic desires, you will get inconsistent results. You must be in energetic alignment with the ways you are marketing. Otherwise, you won’t attract the type of client you desire and you will remain stuck. Remember this: Inconsistent or disconnected marketing will likely attract disconnected, challenging, or difficult clients who are not in alignment with you or your business. These types of clients only drain your energy, zap your enthusiasm, and challenge your patience. Pay attention to the times when you sense that a potential client is not in alignment with you. It may seem counterproductive to turn away business, but in the long run this type of client will only cost you dearly with regard to your time, your sense of vitality, your resources, and self confidence.


Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

• Create a new framework for generating success that begins with making certain your marketing efforts are in complete alignment with your authentic self.

• Ensure that you will create a consistent, ideal flow of clients and customers by feeling connected to what you’re offering and knowing that it comes from a space of divine inspiration.

• Choose to positively respond instead of impulsively react.

• Remember that there are no failures. There are only results. How you choose to perceive your experiences is entirely up to you.

• Consciously direct your energy and mindset on a daily basis.

• Clearly identify the response you wish to stimulate from potential clients in your marketing efforts and set the intention to create that response.




Cash flow problems stem from purchases and investment decisions that are fear-driven. Clients and colleagues that you allow into your

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

experience, even though they are not in alignment with your energy, will undoubtedly create conflicting energy. When you are living with dull, murky energies such as lack, victim mentality, scarcity, overwhelm or desperation, you cannot attract the success you desire because you are not in alignment with it. You will remain stuck until or unless you choose to shift your focus to positive energies that empower and nurture you. In that space, you will naturally choose to partner with only those individuals who will support and enhance your life and your business.


Fear of Failure, Lack of Confidence, And Constant Disappointment

If you continue along this path, you will eventually burn out and feel resigned to alternatives that will not bring you the personal and professional success and happiness you long for and deserve. Getting “unstuck” requires that you eliminate any focus “struggling” and replace that focus with inner peace and serenity Know that when you consistently bring your focus back to feelings of inner peace and serenity that you will naturally be PROSPEROUS.


• Choose to empower yourself with the belief that everything you wish to accomplish and achieve can be done joyfully and successfully. In fact, act as though it’s already been done.

• Your belief coupled with divine faith and positive action sparks your personal power and initiates the manifestation process.

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

• Take positive daily action with the confidence that you deserve to be six a figure entrepreneur. Feel as though you already have anything and everything you desire. Approach life from this emotional state of being. Shift from uncertainty to positive expectancy.


When you fully commit to acknowledging your inherent spiritual gifts, and take action that will allow you to share those gifts with others, you will naturally cross the bridge that lies between YOU and the limitless WEALTH that is intended for you. When you choose to live from a space of abundance and realize that all the tools to overcome any obstacle are available within you, you will manage your life and business with ease, grace, and divine confidence. Failure is not a reality for you in this space. There are only outcomes and YOU determine your response to every outcome. Living in this space eliminates the stressful roller coaster ride that comes with the uncertainty of knowing whether your next client will be a dream or a nightmare! When you live from the space of abundance, you will magnetize and connect with prospective clients that are an absolute pleasure to work with. They will uplift and invigorate you rather than deplete your storehouse of divine inspiration. You will finally start earning what you’re actually worth and serve more people than ever before. When you choose to

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

remain in this energetic space of abundance, it is guaranteed that you will blast through previous walls of limitation and only encounter open doors of opportunity.

Cari Murphy has been where you are and doesn’t only coach and mentor thousands to soul success; she walks her talk by living the life she speaks of. As a Bestselling Author, International Talk Radio Show Host, and through her Articles, Newsletter, Home Study Products, Audios, Coaching Programs and Private Mentorships, she inspires soul-driven, heart-centered entrepreneurs like yourself to create positive, lasting change in their lives. She guides her clients to manifest the profits and success they desire and deserve and empowers them to take full and complete charge of their lives. Are you ready to activate your full potential for designing your destiny with passion, determination, and confidence? Are you ready to shift your energy so that your business profits will begin to sky rocket in ways you never thought possible? Don’t spend another second waiting, wondering, or feeling stuck. Check out Cari’s coaching services and products and get started on the road to limitless wealth, financial freedom, and authentic soul success!

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

A note from Cari… If you’ve been longing for a new, enlightening soul-driven pathway to Personal Growth, Professional Success, and Spiritual Expansion and feel ready take your success to the next level… or if you’ve been waiting for something unique to move you above and beyond your current lifestyle and level of fulfillment… or if you’ve been asking for a group of soulfully inspired entrepreneurs and individuals to support you…then as your Mentor, here is my suggestion: Take action and contact me today! I want to help you Blend Purpose, Passion, and Profits so that you can Market, Create, and Sustain a Six-Figure+ Business! Wishing you limitless success,

Here's what some VIP Coaching Clients have to say……

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

“I’ve been a PlatinumVIP client of Cari’s in the past. Her coaching program completely transformed my entire life! Cari is a powerful mentor that has the natural ability to inspire deep personal and professional growth in your life by empowering you to reach beyond even your highest dreams for yourself. She offered tangible actions steps and positive feedback for expanding the levels of success in every area of my life. Cari is a natural motivator and her passion shines through in all she does. Working with Cari is a gift that I wish everyone could experience. She delivers concrete steps for creating positive change with more passion and enthusiasm than anyone I know! Best of all, she offers ongoing love and support that is priceless. She is authentic and open. I’ve never known anyone like her! I highly recommend Cari Murphy’s Platinum Soul Success Mentoring Program to anyone who is ready to transform their life and discover the true meaning of authentic wealth and spiritual fulfillment." Rebecca Leeds

"I have yet to meet anyone successful in any area of life that didn't have a coach or mentor right there beside them encouraging them and doing what was necessary to make that person achieve more than they thought they could. Cari is my personal coach and mentor and thanks to her I have made exceptional strides in my business, my clarity of vision, specificity of goals, renewed energy, and a sense of personal accountability for constructing the next phase of my life. My client base has doubled, and I feel more confident and focused than ever. If you have the chance to work with Cari, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second. She is a beacon of love and light. She will empower you in ways you never imagined. I will always be grateful to Cari for shining a light on my soul’s true path.” Kimberly Swanson

“Within a few short months of beginning a VIP coaching relationship with Cari, I was making major progress on my passion for speaking, writing, and teaching people how to enjoy the outrageous health, wealth and abundance of life. Cari taught me to live fearlessly. I owe her a lifetime of gratitude for finally being the one to serve as the divine catalyst that put me on my soul’s true path. I never realized how quickly I could multiply my profits and learn new ways of successfully marketing my business. I was completely clueless and fearful of marketing before I coached with Cari. She introduced me to so many phenomenal tools that allowed me to make more money and feel more confident that ever before. You can make progress on your own, but you can make massive progress with Cari as your mentor!” Danielle Saxena “It is not enough to know in your heart that a change is needed to take yourself to the next level. You must define the change, set goals and take daily action. Coaching with Cari has helped me do exactly that in a focused and efficient manner. She is a joy to work with and she is a master at intuitively pinpointing my gifts and inspiring me to remain focused on the fulfillment of my soul’s truest aspirations. My business is now booming and my personal life is fabulous!

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

I’ve finally learned to create balance in my life. I recommend anything that Cari does whole heartedly.” Francine Freidman Cari’s keen insight and support has helped me to achieve remarkable breakthroughs in both my professional and personal life. A newfound clarity of purpose and life-direction has transformed my relationships with colleagues, my wife, and family. Cari has made a world of difference in the quality and direction of my life. I can’t thank her enough. I eagerly look forward to working with her in the future and encourage anyone else to do the same. Kimberly Guersney “Cari has steered me toward an authentic and spiritual style of leadership which has impacted far beyond my work environment. The transformation within me has reached into my home as well. Problems I have been struggling with for years have been resolved within weeks of working with Cari. She is one of those rare individuals who has tapped into her soul’s mission and is powerfully inspiring those she touches to do the same. Run, don’t walk, to work with Cari. I can’t imagine not having her in my life. My world has shifted in ways I never imagined that it could, and it is largely due to her influence, care and support. Thank you, Cari.” Lee McGeehan “Cari is one of the most engaging individuals I’ve ever encountered. Once I began working with her, I saw immediate changes in my life. Each and every mentoring session has been informative, entertaining, and presented in a thoughtful and powerful manner. She is one of the most gifted and talented people I have ever met. I now feel worthy of creating a 6-figure career and I’m making it happen! Every area of my life has improved and taken on greater meaning and value. What a blessing it has been to have had Cari enter my world. I highly recommend anything she offers. Wish I would have found her sooner! She is a gem." Suzanne Ray "Working with Cari in her coaching programs has absolutely changed my life. Before meeting Cari, I lived in a prison of negative self beliefs and self worth set forth by my past experiences. Now I realize that I created that and have the ability to create again. Cari set forth the information, actions steps and conscious awakening for my ego to finally let those false beliefs go and regain my personal power. I feel a tremendous shift in my energy since working with Cari. She gave me the validation of my true self, which I always knew deep down inside. I needed someone else to help me remember my value, move forward and achieve the greatness I know lies ahead. I’m on my path to limitless wealth and success. Cari is truly an angel in human form.” Deanna Washington “There was no way that I was going to pass up the chance to be a part of Cari’s VIP coaching program. She is one of the few people I have witnessed creating

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

powerful breakthroughs for people in a single instant. Her extensive knowledge coupled with her genuine passion and desire to help others makes her someone that I admire and respect immensely. She will change your life. She changed mine.” Leah Tormino “Thanks to Cari’s coaching programs I've made quantum shifts in my mindset and in seeing that what is possible is so much more than I ever thought before. She will put you on a path of personal power that allows you to achieve what you've only previously dreamed of. Cari inspired me to go far beyond my mental limits and helped me learn now to manifest my deepest desires, both personally and professionally. Her confidence in me gave confidence in myself, enabling me to dream more, question more, live more. Thank you Cari for showing me how to finally experience the authentic success I've wanted for so long!” Janet Baroncini “As a client of Cari’s VIP Coaching for almost a year, I can say that her wisdom, inspiration and teachings are life changing to the point that everyone in my life has noticed a huge change in me. I am much more confident and satisfied with the life I am now consciously creating. As a result of my work with Cari I now understand see opportunities where before I saw walls. I know that success is available to me in every moment. I have doubled my profits in my coaching business and learned to enjoy my life more on a daily basis. Cari taught me to embrace life in a whole new way. My life will never be the same.” Dori Haegler “Cari has a laser-like focus yet there is a simple elegance and a beauty to her style of coaching that creates a very safe and nurturing environment at all times. Her approach is highly intuitive, clear, revolutionary, and dynamic. She captivates you in a way that inspires you to want to learn and explore with an open heart, mind and spirit. Soon enough, you're airborne with a full tank of fuel heading for new destinations! I never would have thought that I could achieve 6 figure success in my business and remain happy in my personal life at the same time. But, it happened! Thank you, Cari, for transforming my life and giving me the confidence to achieve more than I ever thought possible." Melinda Derimar “My time with Cari was beyond successful. Her VIP coaching program was the best investment in my own well being that I’ve ever made. Isn't it amazing how life gives us just what we need when we need it? Cari’s passion for helping individuals achieve their full potential has directly impacted my own in dramatic ways. Thanks to Cari’s leadership, strong contribution, and on-going support, I have been able to explore and succeed at things I never imagined possible for myself prior to working with Cari. My hopes and goals entering the program were not only met, they were exceeded. Thank you for transforming me into the empowered, confident person I always wanted to be. My family is equally as thankful to Cari and the impact she’s had on my life. They now have a Mom and

Copyright 2010 Cari Murphy. All Rights Reserved.

a wife that’s happy, confident, and successful! Words cannot express my gratitude for the difference you’ve made in my life. “ Claire DeAngelo “Cari’s ability to engage and inspire her clients makes working with her a joyful and liberating experience. By the end of my program, I had discovered incredible new levels of success at work, at home and in life. The “ah-ha” moments that are continuously provided throughout your time with Cari will challenge you towards ongoing lifetime learning and growth. But be ready to be challenged and changed – for the better! I cannot imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn’t invested the time, money and effort in Cari’s VIP coaching program. She captures your attention and holds it. Her energy is simply contagious and you feel like you can conquer the world. The best part is that you actually learn the skills to make that happen. I would highly encourage anyone to jump at the opportunity to be coached or mentored by Cari. She will take you to next levels of success – levels you never realized were possible! She is the best!” Stacy Esquibel