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The Key to the Maze of

Happiness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva-Lena Johansson


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The Key to the Maze of

Happiness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva-Lena Johansson Siljans Måsar Publishing House


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!!!!!!!!!!!Cover picture & illustrations: Anna Gus !Cover design & layout: Linnea Frank Photography !Translation: Kerstin Gunntorp !Siljans Måsar Publishing House !Earlier works by the author: The Timeless Age, 2010 e-The Timeless Age, 2011 The Key to the Maze of Happiness, 2013 e-The Key to the Maze of Happiness, 2014 !Copyright ©: All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing form the publish-er, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This ebook contains an invincible watermark to protect it from forwarding. !ISBN 978-91-86799-56-4 !!Sweden 2013


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Preface !!The Key to the Maze of Happiness is the second book by the author Eva-Lena Johansson and just like her first book, The Timeless Age, it deals with the spiritual development of man. The book contains dif-ferent stories and begins with an ancient past where man was at a very high spiritual level and one with everything else in the creation. At the time of the destruction of Atlantis man gradually lost this total entity and the feeling of separation entered into the consciousness of mankind. !In the stories that embrace the time after this fall exceptional groups reach this high level of consciousness. In the end mankind ends up in a blind alley where an artificial intelligence is on the point of taking over, in order to transform humans into living robots. The end of the book leads us to understand that a new time, a new era, exists beyond this one, where the mere power of thinking influences the world of man. Only people with pure and good thoughts can and wish to live in such an environment. The beautiful pictures in the book help us visualize the message that the book wishes to convey about an alter-native view on human development. !!!!!!!!!!


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Table of Contents !!The Golden Age during the Prehistoric Times of the Earth 7 Encounter between Two Worlds 13 The Destruction of Atlantis 16 The Flood 23 The Descendants of Atlantis 25 From a Nightmarish World to the Golden Age of Atlantis 33 When Happiness Came to the Village 41 Happiness and the Stars 45 The Reunion beyond Time and Space 50 The Big Computer 59 The New Creation 69 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Golden Age during the Prehistoric Times of the Earth !!Once upon a time very long ago there was a reality that could be seen in the haze of the humid air that embraced everything that existed during this time. The air was easy to breathe and protected people from being dazzled by too much sun. The aging process didn’t exist. Man was living in an age where she was not restricted by the thought. The thought was free and it sailed away across the open plains without fear of dangerous animals or people. Occasionally we will perhaps come across such a world in our dreams and therefore we believe that it only exists in the dream world. Once this world was real and it was experienced by many people who are living now. You could even say that it still exists in a parallel reality and there-fore it can be reached. !When our consciousness is raised we can reach beyond time and space and visit the places that were once so dear to us, and that we deep inside long to reach again. Who wouldn’t want to live without agony and anxiety? We all carry agony and anxiety within us and this has to do with our restricted way of seeing and experiencing the world. During this age so very long ago people, animals and plants were living in harmony with each other. This lasted for eons but when evil came into the world this ended. Evil meant a restriction of the consciousness. Then the world was full of animals living in har-mony with one another. The animals were not ruled by fear and were not driven by desire and lust to consume each other. Humans were living like flowers on the ground. They were beautiful loving crea-tures living in concord. There was no hunger that drove them to rav-age the land or eat animals. Water and air were the only things they needed to stay alive. Time didn’t exist. They didn’t think of any yes-terday or any future. They lived in the present. They didn’t need to


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learn a lot of things in order to conform to a society and its social frames of reference, which is something that people have had to do later. They already knew everything.


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Knowledge was something that existed within them. It didn’t require strenuous learning with the help of books and other people’s knowl-edge. They discussed with other people and everybody knew that other people were entitled to their own truth, everything that every-body needed to know. They lived in a golden age on the earth and they created like gods. They grew old, the wise men and women and they lived in a loving, harmonious existence with full respect for oth-er people and creatures. They created for themselves what they need-ed, what they believed was beautiful but nothing that they didn’t need. Possessions were not divided and used to rank people. It’s very hard for us to understand how such a world could function since we constantly act out of fear and limitations. We believe that life will be worthless, dull and meaningless if we don’t have to fight, if we can’t look forward to any rewards or admiration from other people. To un-derstand such a world is not possible without reaching the high level of consciousness that everybody had at that time. !She was riding on her unicorn through the forest. It was a beautiful spring evening. The landscape was bathed in a silvery light from the moon that was lighting up the surroundings. The path was winding its way through the forest and it was illuminated by the moon that followed their journey. A quiet peace reigned across the surroundings and there were no other people to be seen. They were alone on the journey. The purpose of their trip lay a day’s journey ahead and there was no hurry. At a little rippling creek she got off and they drank from the clear fresh water. The water slaked their thirst and satisfied them. They didn’t need anything else. Their bodies were nourished solely through the water they drank. Even if a fruit could taste good it wasn’t vital in order to survive. !Since they were both tired after the ride they decided to stay the night and she draped a shawl around her for protection against the chill of


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the night. There was nothing to fear. The wild animals were not dan-gerous. There was nothing that was dangerous in this maiden world. Evil had not yet made its entry and people didn’t need to defend themselves against anybody else. In her high state of consciousness she was connected with everything that exists and could reach its in-nermost core. She never needed to feel isolated and lonely and there-fore she lacked nothing. All the dimensions were open. There was no reason to shut the gates and seal the world. Everything was wide open and would remain so for ages to come. There was no death or anything to be afraid of. This was the true paradise. It was a physical world created for everybody’s pleasure. !The moon was shining and she tuned in on the frequency of the ce-lestial body and could reach its innermost essence and merge with the consciousness of the moon. That way she could experience the enor-mousness of the space and feel the beams of the sun. After a while she returned to her body and dozed off and slept until the first sun-beams woke her. She washed herself in the clear creek and then she rode on. !She merged with the spirit of the unicorn and she felt how they be-came one unity during the resumed ride across the wide plain. To-wards the evening she reached a city. It was a city built by a joint creative force. From our point of view it was an impossible city. Slender, beautiful buildings had been thought out by the people liv-ing in the city. Together they had given vent to their creative power and the city had grown like mushrooms after the rain. Nothing was impossible in this fabulous world and everybody could touch each other’s heart since they were all one. They were one being and the individual consciousness of many at the same time. They all had what they needed since they had a divine creative power. They were also in connection with celestial bodies and creatures out there in


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space. With their dimensionless existence they were connected with other creatures such as fairies and gnomes. There were nymphs in the forests and they could talk to the spirits of the trees. It was a rich and beautiful world. Their perception wasn’t limited to the five senses. They were the perfect people who had not yet become restricted and shrunk in their consciousness. !When she arrived in the city she was immediately welcomed and shown to a house where she would stay. She was expected and they had followed her journey in their special way. All the abilities were within them. It didn’t require a film team if you wanted to follow somebody. If an individual wanted to be left alone screens were used. It was as easy as turning off a TV-set. Everywhere in the city there were beautiful gardens with flowers of all colors and fountains with rippling water for everybody’s pleasure. !Beauty in all its guises was important to the people living in this era. All plants, all life and even stones and minerals were cherished as part of God’s creation. All life was sacred, everything that existed was sacred. Man served everything in the creation and everything in the creation gave them what they wanted. This was a magnificent time in the history of mankind. !All the dimensions were interlaced and no dimensions were locked because of fear. The people had the possibility to create everything that they wanted. They changed the molecules with the help of their will and used their imagination to create the most wonderful things. The material took shape in their hands and became artistic creations, beautiful things and utility objects of all kinds. Man didn’t need to work by the sweat of her brow in order to survive. She could live and shine like the flowers on the ground. A human being is like a flower. Then, isn’t her chakra system like flowers which open their petals.


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The only difference was that the people could move and transport themselves between different places at pleasure. !Her consciousness could be transferred from the physical body and merge with other existences and feel like these, like a plant, a mineral or a bird. If she wanted to she could change her physical appearance. It she met with an accident she could apply the geometrical figures of the universe to her own body and make herself whole and well again. This holy geometry was built into her DNA system and she was aware of its existence and knew intuitively how to make use of this knowledge. Therefore the body was not worn out and didn’t age. It was possible to change it according to the wish and intention of its user. This inheritance can also be found in modern humans but the knowledge is gone, the key is lost and nobody has found it yet. When the DNA has been restored to its full potential the key will be there and then the world will change forever. At that time this knowledge was available to everybody. During later periods it remained with some but was later forgotten. A vague memory remains with a few, a knowledge that this is possible. Such a memory isn’t always easy to carry since the key that can be put in the lock doesn’t exist. The frus-tration of this makes itself felt and the disappointment of not being able to reach that knowledge becomes unbearable. !!!!!!!!!!


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Encounter between Two Worlds !!Where did the strange voice come from? I turned around and saw something flitting past in a hurry, a shadow. !- I want to get out of this place, I said. !The shadows dancing on the walls of the cave were spooky. It felt chilly and cold and I was shivering in my thin suit. I could feel a draft in the faint light from the darkest corner of the cave. Suddenly a weak rumbling noise was heard. It echoed and from the darkness we heard a muffled sound from a creature we didn’t see. Panic-stricken we stared at the place in the dark where the sound was coming from. We stood paralyzed with horror and didn’t dare to move. We stepped back a few meters and the impulse to turn around and run away was irresistibly strong. Yet we remained. We had to ascertain where the sound came from. It was our task and that was why we were here. Even if this could result in our death we had to explore what was hidden in the darkness of the cave. We moved forward again and slowly began to walk towards the place where the sound came from. Slowly we approached the deepest part of the cave. When we had reached it we saw something lying on the ground. It was a belt, noth-ing else. It was a very expensive belt sprinkled with jewels and dif-ferent symbols that were completely unknown to us. Then, all of a sudden we heard the sound again. Now it sounded like a sob and suddenly we heard a voice quite close to us that said: !- Let me out of here, I want to go home! !What then was this? We felt our back-hair rising. There was obvious-ly nobody here and yet we heard the sound quite near us. Somebody


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was trapped here in the darkness and perhaps the belt belonged to that person. In any case, this person existed in another time, in anoth-er reality. !The voice was close and yet far away. Whoever had been calling had spoken a foreign language but thanks to an inherent ability to com-prehend we had understood anyway. We heard the voice again and after that other voices. We understood that she had been saved, by whom we couldn’t know. They were out of reach for us. The gate was locked and we couldn’t reach them. We turned around and walked out of the cave.


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Just as were leaving some shadowy creatures became visible and suddenly I saw one of them. It was a girl. She stretched out her hand towards me. She pointed at the belt in my hand. Then I saw two more girls next to her. They were both wearing a belt identical to the one I had in my hand. She had been in our time, in our reality but lost her belt. !Suddenly I felt that I had been given access to a link between her and me. Through the belt I could reach her world, her reality. I under-stood that this world was far, far away in time. I knew a lot about time and was living in an age with a high level of consciousness. This was an important link, a gift which could be of enormous use in my research into other ages and states of consciousness. Carefully I folded the belt. Perhaps it belonged to the daughter of a royal family. It looked that way. I set off for home together with my friends. The incident was so shocking that we didn’t say one word to each other during the entire walk. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Destruction of Atlantis !!I found myself on a sea shore far back in time. The water was lapping against the stones at the shore. The sun was shining through a haze and everything felt very comfortable. It wasn’t too warm, nor was it too cold. I was all alone. There was not a soul to be seen. A cool breeze refreshed my face. I sat down on a big stone by the sea shore and dipped my bare feet in the water. Birds were heard further away and far way in the distance I saw a craft flying across the sky. It crossed the vault of heaven quite soundlessly and approached the spot where I was sitting. I looked up and saw it fly high above my head. It was an everyday sight and there was nothing strange about that. !For a long time I sat motionless in the sun, enjoying the warmth and the silence. I was thinking about all the good things that life has to offer. The world was a good and beautiful place to live in and there was much to be glad about. At last I got up from the stone and wan-dered in the sunset along the sea shore until I reached the familiar path that led up to the city. Cheerful voices were heard as I ap-proached the city and when I walked through the gate children ran past me playing. It was nice to see the children. There were not that many children. It wasn’t very often that a new child was born into the world. It wasn’t often that somebody died either. When someone thought that he or she had lived long enough they decided to go on into a new reality and new experiences. There was nothing dramatic about that. !In order to get to my house I had to walk along a narrow alley. I went in through the gate and past the little fountain with its splashing wa-ter. When the night fell I sat in the garden and watched the starry sky.


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It felt close and familiar. I had met creatures from there many times, both here on earth or on another planet. There were many good crea-tures out there and they were the ones I had met. !However, there was another kind that didn’t want what was best for man but they had been kept away and hadn’t managed to wheedle their way in. Attempts had been made. I knew of it but most people were not aware of this. What would happen if they succeeded wasn’t much fun brooding about so I pushed those thoughts aside. After studying the starry sky for a while and thinking about all the fantastic visits I had made out there I felt how tired I was and decided to sleep. I fell into a deep sleep at once and didn’t wake up until the sun was high up in the sky. !When the morning duties were finished I went out into the street and hurried up a steep slope that led to a temple. This temple was very old and served both religion and science although this wasn’t how it was looked upon. No separation was made as these two were inter-twined. I hurried inside through the gate and continued to my study. It wasn’t big but this wasn’t necessary anyway. The main thing was that it was bright and had windows. One side of the room was only one big window. There were many similar rooms and they were lo-cated in a circle. In the middle there was a big paved room with a roof that could be opened and shut. Here was the equipment where you could study the vault of heaven and even make contact with those who were out there. !The earth had a frequent and vivid contact with the creatures living on other planets. With the advanced technique at hand there were no problems in reaching out and traveling in space. The people of At-lantis had the most advanced technology you could imagine and everybody was living in a loving concord with a higher conscious-


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ness. They had done so since ancient times when the dimensions had been even more open and the doors had opened to realms that were now difficult of access. For those initiated they were still possible to reach. Gradually, a vague premonition that something negative was about to force itself upon their world had been preoccupying my thoughts. !I was racking my brain trying to figure out where the threat came from but so far it was merely a vague hunch, a disturbing element, and I pushed the thoughts aside. The highest priesthood was worried and I had found that out by pure chance. This wasn’t very hard to figure out since everybody was fairly closely connected with one an-other. When I looked at my screens with different information there was something that wasn’t right. There was material that should be there but that had been deleted. My blood turned to ice. What was going on? I hurried out of my study and there I met one of the priests with the highest grade of initiation. He signaled to me to be quiet and to follow him to the most sacred room of the temple. There were some people there that I knew and worked with outside the innermost circle of the priesthood. When everybody had been assembled one of them began to speak. !- My friends, many of your collaborators have been influenced by

foreign patterns of thinking and become manipulated to serve themselves and the foreign masters instead of the wholeness of Atlantis. Different attempts have been made to change the crystal energy. The danger is over for this time but when the next attack will come and from whom we don’t know. As we and you know there are signs that these interferences can be dangerous for At-lantis unless we manage to keep the negative energies away. We will now increase your clarity of vision as an attempt to keep these


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forces away. However, it will require courage and caution on your behalf. Ultimately it is about the survival of Atlantis.

This was the beginning of the end for the beautiful and rich continent of Atlantis. It would be long before the end came but then the people there had undergone so many horrors and such atrocities that nothing could be saved. The people’s egos had taken over. The power and the corruption were complete. The whole thing finally looked like sheer madness with genetic manipulation where people and animals were


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experimented with. Every day was a new day in a world without hope for anything better. The fear and fright that the people felt kept getting stronger with time. No one knew when somebody would be fetched and abducted and never come back. There were rumors of terrible experiments in the underground laboratories. There was no place of refuge to escape to. !They were not looked upon as complete humans, these slaves who had come to Atlantis some generations ago. Before that there were no slaves in Atlantis. It was the wicked priesthood who had introduced slavery when the infiltration from the evil gods from outer space was a fact. The priesthood serving the light worked day and night to keep the world in check and regain full control but it was a difficult task especially as no one knew which side the priests and priestesses had chosen. What would happen? !The priestess of the light was filled with wrath when she saw how the people of the priesthood had allowed their egos to be run by these forces. The thought of the power and its glory began to fill the mind of man up to a point where the foreign energies could take over and then there was no turning back. They began to forget and sink in fre-quency. They noticed this with horror but then it was too late and this brought about a pattern of fear in their behavior. Those of the light who didn’t fall couldn’t help them. Those who fell began to forget the earlier connection with their eternal soul and were transformed from having been conscious creatures into unconscious ones. These people had the keys to important areas in the society, among other things the energy supply. The most vulnerable point of all was the big crystal that was run by the power of thinking of an enlightened popu-lation who had always had everyone’s best interest at heart. This didn’t function as before any longer. Then they tampered with the energy of the crystal and all of a sudden the disaster was a fact. In an


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attempt to extract energy out of the crystal certain energies were turned on too much and the crystal, the heart of Atlantis, exploded. This triggered a chain reaction and an earth quake was produced that ended with the disappearance of Atlantis into the ocean. !The knowledge of this civilization remained for a long time. Many had migrated from the continent or rather from the islands that At-lantis eventually consisted of. Atlantis sank in turns. With the last disaster everything sank in one night alone. It was the deed of men that had triggered the disaster and a shock wave spread across the surface of the planet. The rain was pouring down and it was affecting other remote places. The inhabitants of Atlantis who had left before the disaster took their knowledge with them and a technique that widely surpassed what existed in other places. High cultures where now springing up like mushrooms after the rain. Today we can see the sudden growth of these high cultures and be astonished at them. This is an unexplainable mystery as we don’t seriously expect to find civilizations higher than those we historically know of. The proofs of something similar are not visible. They lie hidden at the bottom of the ocean under tons of sand and clay. Still, the legend of Atlantis won’t go away since Atlantis lives on in the memory banks of the human bodies, those human beings who once populated Atlantis. Numerous are those who once lived there and they all have memories from that time hidden in their cells. That way the legend of Atlantis has been kept alive. Sometimes a memory has detached itself and found its way up to the conscious mind. !From the wreckage of the sunken continent of Atlantis that in the end consisted of large islands new civilizations were built up in other places and many of the inhabitants of Atlantis had managed to escape before the disaster. The disaster was expected by many and those people took the science with them, away from Atlantis. By people


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elsewhere the people of Atlantis were regarded as some kind of gods because of the great knowledge that they possessed. But time passed by and after many generations there were only legends left and fur-ther ahead in time only fragmentary remnants remained of the legend of Atlantis. The lives of men are now short and their life span may include several generations. During the era of Atlantis and even for a long time afterwards men grew very old and they had a higher con-sciousness. !Today’s people cannot compare themselves to these people. We do not have access to their higher consciousness but things will be dif-ferent. We fell but we will remember again and understand our true, real history and the truth about ourselves. !The people living today are immensely restricted, much more so than the people living then. We live in the illusion that there is only one reality, that there is nothing beyond this reality. Many people believe in one life only and that this life which is merely biology without spirit is extinguished and ceases to exist at the end of life. Despite the fact that science now begins to speak of several dimensions this hasn’t been appreciated by people with a materialistic view of life. When other realities and states of consciousness begin to crave our attention through inexplicable events, when the walls of this reality begin to crack, then we will undoubtedly have to revalue our concep-tion of the world. This is already beginning to occur and when it happens on a large scale and our closed room begins to open up, then everything will change very quickly. It will be a change for the better. People will regain their full potential and the world will become a better place to live in. !!!


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The Flood !!It was a cold and chilly night in the high mountain range. For the people up there the cold was difficult. After living out there on an endless ocean in a giant boat it was very strange for them to once again feel firm ground under their feet. Were they the only ones left in the world after the flood? Nobody knew. There had been water everywhere as far as the eye could reach and the birds had been sit-ting high up in the poles. They had been living on dry food and wa-ter. It felt different to breathe now when it had finally stopped rain-ing. The air which had always been humid before was much dryer now and that change felt very palpable.


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Their intuition told them that this was a change that would bring about completely different vital conditions than those previously ex-perienced. For each day that went by the water subsided somewhat and after months they discovered that they had landed on a high mountain. They began to follow the water as it kept sinking. Together with all the animals that had been on the boat they were many who now followed the withdrawal of the water in this world of water. Sometimes they thought about the old world and all the people and animals that no longer existed but gradually everything faded away like in a dream. When they had reached the foot of the mountain and realized that the water covered a valley they decided to stay and set-tle down. The boat had been populated by people with high levels of knowledge and they were equipped to build up a good life in this changed place. They knew that the catastrophe had been triggered on a continent that had been in another dimension. They knew that the abuse and the decay on this continent had caused disturbances that had led to floods on other continents of the earth despite the fact that the dimensions had been different. The disturbance in Atlantis had spread like a shock wave to the other continents. After all, they had all been part of the same planetary system. !!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Descendants of Atlantis !!What did the old sack contain? Something inexplicable was in it. The two children, the boy and the girl who had been walking for so long to find a new home stood there dumbfounded, looking at the strange sack that was barely moving and from which a weak light was tran-spiring, illuminating the area around it. Most of all they wanted to go away but something detained them and they remained on the path. The darkness fell and the forest turned black as it got dark. The sack, however, was shining even brighter the darker it became around them. The children were tired. They had been walking for a long time and hadn’t seen people for several days. They had been chased away from the village they were living in when their mother had been burnt at the stake.


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The mother was good at healing people and animals with her hands and she had made potions from healing herbs that people had got well from. But then foreign men had come to the village and told the villagers that she was a witch who was in connection with the devil and they burnt her alive at the stake. Who would cure them now, the children thought as they were wandering on the path beside them-selves with grief. Several times they had been close to falling victims to wild animals but they had got away as if by some miracle. At last, when they had come across the strange sack with the even stranger transpiring light they had been so exhausted from hunger and fatigue that they only wished to sleep and maybe never wake up again. The light came from the inside of the sack. They didn’t know what to do and perhaps this was the work of the devil that the priesthood was constantly talking about. !The boy turned to his sister and said that this couldn’t be the work of the devil any more than their mother could have been a witch. Their mother had been the most good-hearted of all people and had helped all of them. They couldn’t understand that the villagers hadn’t de-fended their mother. In the village there was certainly no shortage of big strong male characters who could easily have removed the men who had taken their mother from them. They understood that they themselves would have been killed unless the men had thought that they could die away from the village, die of starvation and be taken by the beasts of prey. They suddenly saw the strange sack lift from the ground and slowly move away. Suddenly it stopped and swayed in the air as if it were waiting for the children. When the children then moved towards it the sack moved just as much. This way it made the children follow and although it was now dark they were protected by the light from the sack and could see where they put their feet. In the dark they could see eyes that were gleaming but no one came close to them. They kept wandering for a while and soon


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they came out of the forest and there, a bit further ahead, a fire was burning. The sack swayed up to the fire around which some people were sitting. The children were now so tired and hungry that they no longer had the strength to be afraid. They fell down by the side of a woman who looked like their mother. !- Mother, they whispered. !She merely shook her head and whispered: !- I am her sister. We have been waiting for you to come. !She gave them a bit to drink and eat. After having eaten a little they fell flat on the ground, fast asleep. One of the men by the fire picked up the girl and carried her away and somebody else carried the boy away. When they woke up the first thing they saw was the woman who looked so very much like their mother and who had said that she was her sister. She looked at them sadly and they were overcome with sorrow and pain when they thought about their mother who had meant everything to them. The children explained that people had said that the mother had been a witch. Tears came into the eyes of the woman when she saw the despair of the children and she felt her own sorrow like a burning wound in her chest. The sister had left her fam-ily for the man, the children’s father, but he had later tragically per-ished in a hunt arranged by the villagers and left his wife on her own with two small children. She was a lonely bird in the village. They didn’t know where she came from but had gratefully accepted her help. Without her many of the villagers would not have survived or recovered from injuries and diseases. She was so different and they, being superstitious, felt a bit afraid of her. !


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The man who had come home with her was the son of the chief in the village and no one had dared question his choice. Gradually they had overcome their fear of the unknown that she represented. When the priesthood had arrived and instigated their fear it was easy for the priests to sentence her to death. The superstition of the villagers caused her death. The society from which she had come was a very different society. It was much more developed and the people were also at a much higher level. !She could have returned there but she felt that the people needed her. That they would abandon her in such a cruel way, leaving her to die was something she would never have dreamt of. She possessed other qualities that she never mentioned and one of these qualities was that she had telepathic contact with those closest to her. That was why they knew what had happened and were prepared for the children to emerge. To their relief they had turned up and with their greater pow-ers they had in every way helped the children as best they could on their journey from the village. !The society that the children now became involved in was something quite different from what they were used to. The people seemed to be of another kind. The work they carried out didn’t seem as hard. They made plants grow with the help of their thought. The animals were used to keep them company and they never ate them. Sometimes the children could see that they transported themselves quickly a bit above the ground and it was as if they had an invisible fence around their village. No wild animals forced their way through there and no people who came there were ill-disposed. Once they had seen some savage men riding on horses with spears in their hands. They under-stood that they were dangerous because such men had sometimes come to their old village and they had attacked villagers and even killed them. When they came riding towards them the children were


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terribly scared but before they got there they turned aside. It was as though the riders didn’t see the villagers. When the children grew older they understood that the riders actually hadn’t seen the village. Nobody who wasn’t a good person could comprehend their village. !The memory of their old life faded away with time. On the other hand the memory of their mother who had tragically been burnt at the stake remained inside them and would never go away. Every time they looked at their aunt they could see something of the mother in her smile or in some gesture. One day she told the children that she would get married. The man who lived outside their village would come there and live with them. They had never seen him before so they were very surprised. !- Where does he come from? they asked but they only got a secre-

tive smile for an answer. !Now the children were slightly worried since they had lived for so long with their aunt whom they had begun to regard as their new mother. She saw their anxiety and comforted them by saying that nothing had changed in their relation. !- You will always be my children, she said. - Why are there no other children here, they wondered. !She hesitated a bit before she answered. !- Of course you have seen that no other people or almost no other

people outside our village come here. !That they had seen. !


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- Life in this village doesn’t quite follow the same laws as life out-side. We don’t grow old and age the same way as people do out there. Your mother left our village because she loved your father and he wasn’t allowed to be here since he hadn’t been educated for it. It takes a long time, several lives to become one of the people here. She chose to follow him aware that she would age and die the way you do outside. Therefore, you see, it’s very seldom that children are born. It isn’t needed any more. People live in the same body for an indefinite length of time. When we have been married, she said later, I will give birth to a child. It’s your mother who will be reborn to us. She will be a child but she will remember that she has been your mother. Your father has been allowed to be born into our society because of his goodness and love for your mother but he has been born in another village of the same kind. When they grow up they will meet. You two were born outside but do in fact belong here. You have existed earlier when you were very old and wise but then you decided to incarnate into a new life on earth as small children with your mother, in order to return here when the time was ripe. We are descendants of Atlantis which was a high culture that existed on a continent now vanished. It sank into the sea thousands of years ago. But the knowledge that the people then possessed was brought here by our elders. Nevertheless, our life here is so much simpler and doesn’t have such an advanced technology as the one in Atlantis. But parts of the knowledge of the people of Atlantis have been handed down to posterity, perhaps the most important ones, to live a life in peace and happiness without hatred and diseases, to live a life without slavery and pain. Our inner wisdom and knowledge makes life easier for us than for the people outside. We have contact with the inner source and the elders here have now decided that it is time for you to become ini-tiated into the mysteries, to reach the essence of your being and recall what you once knew. Once upon a time you possessed the


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greatest knowledge of all time and even earlier, during the golden era of Atlantis, you belonged to the priesthood of Atlantis. Now you must sleep because tomorrow I will wake you early and take you to the temple where your instruction begins. !

She kissed them goodnight and left them. The curtain flapped when she quietly walked out of the room with light-footed steps. As they were very tired it wasn’t long before they had fallen asleep. !That’s how their childhood ended. From now on many years of tu-ition and practices within the walls of the temple followed. The chil-dren liked spending time in the temple and they visited their aunt and her husband when they had the time. One day a little girl was born. They hadn’t seen little children since they had left their place of birth and it was a fantastic moment when they got to see the little baby. They had forgotten how small newborn babies could be. !The baby opened its eyes and looked at them but it wasn’t the look of an ordinary child. These were eyes they recognized. The child smiled at them as if it recognized them and they whispered “mother” in as-tonishment. They had recognized their mother by the eyes of the child. They couldn’t gaze their fill at the child and were allowed to hold it in their arms. !They understood that the mother had returned to them and that she had kept all her memories from their old life together. They under-stood and felt inside them that the child wouldn’t forget its old life. They had now learnt so much in the temple and understood that peo-ple existed on different levels of development. The people that they now belonged to hadn’t forgotten where they came from, they hadn’t forgotten their origin and the old civilization of Atlantis that had reached such heights. They were the remnants of a nation with


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knowledge that was sky-high above that of the world around them and would remain like that for a long time to come. But one day the knowledge would be forgotten. They would become like all the oth-ers until the end of the era when an even newer age would commence where everybody, even those outside, would begin to remember and recall who they were and be able to make contact with all the light creatures that would be there to help them. One by one they will wake up and see and hear what was earlier concealed. Then we will have the golden era of Atlantis back. They stroked the little child on the head and they both whispered: !- Thank you for not forgetting and for returning to us. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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From a Nightmarish World to the Golden Age of Atlantis !!- My child, now you must listen to what I have to say. !The mother bent over her where she was lying on the ground. She gave a plaintive sound and tried to get up. She had obviously fainted when she fell off the horse. She moved again cautiously and felt if anything was broken but nothing was broken. She was only in pain and had some bruises. She heard a neighing sound and turned around. Then she saw the horse that she had fallen off. Good of him not to run away, she thought. But then she looked once more. That was a peculiar horse with a horn on its forehead. She closed her eyes. This wasn’t her horse and it was no horse at all. It was a unicorn. Unicorns don’t exist, she thought, and closed her eyes again. Now she heard the other voice again. Somebody was leaning over her again, looking at her. !- My child, this voice said again. I am your mother from another

world in another dimension. The unicorn is mine. You must get out of here because it isn’t safe for you here. !

She started to remember. They had been on the run. She had been the last rider and had fallen behind. Both her horse and the others in the company had disappeared. Carefully she got up and she thought that she heard shrill noises far away. She felt enormous fear when she un-derstood that those who had been persecuting them weren’t far away. She had escaped and now they were going to take her back and prob-ably kill her after doing terrible things to her. Horror-struck she looked in the direction of the noise. !!


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- Quickly, the strange voice said, sit up on the unicorn! !Even if this almost scared her even more she sat up on the unicorn and the woman who had said that she was her mother sat down in front of her. Unicorns don’t exist. They are animals in fairytales, she thought a bit dazed. At that moment she caught a glimpse of the frightful men between the trees and they now caught sight of her and recognized her. !


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- There she is, they shouted, now you won’t get away! !Just then the strange woman leaned forward and whispered in the ear of the unicorn: !- Hold on to me tightly because now we are off! she shouted. !The men stopped and remained seated on their horses without mov-ing a muscle. It was as if they hadn’t seen the unicorn and the woman. They only saw me and a horse, the girl thought. Suddenly the men had disappeared and they found themselves in another wood, a strange unknown wood and a mysterious world. The girl looked around filled with wonder. How is it that we ended up here, she thought. Everything had happened so fast from the moment that she had woken up in the wood. She pinched her arm. I am not dreaming, am I, she thought, but the fear out there in the wood when she had seen the men approaching had been so strong that she could still feel the sickness caused by this encounter. She shook off the unpleasant memory and concentrated on the present. !She was sitting behind the strange woman who had said she was her mother and in addition she was sitting on a unicorn. Unicorns are mythical creatures. They exist in fairytales, not in reality, she rea-soned with herself. Mothers are also much older than their children. This woman was no doubt older than she was but she didn’t look old enough to be her mother. Why had she said so? The girl didn’t recall ever having had a mother. Nobody had ever answered her questions about the mother. Everybody had asked her to be quiet or say nothing at all. She felt the warmth from the foreign woman’s body and it felt nice and warm. She felt almost happy that someone had said to her that she was her mother. !


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“Mother” she whispered silently and smiled a little to herself. How could this young woman be her mother? They rode on through the wood with the hoofs clattering against the ground. No other sound was heard. The unicorn seemed to find its way despite the fact that it was now rather dark. Soon the woman slowed down and prompted the unicorn to stop. She had a soft singing voice. The strange part was that she understood what the woman was saying, because all of a sudden she realized that this woman spoke a different foreign lan-guage. When she had been helped down on the ground the woman took out bread and some water to drink. This she gave to the girl and said that she had to eat a little. She hadn’t felt any hunger before but realized that she was famished and she ate voraciously of the bread that tasted nicer than anything she had ever eaten. !- Thank you, she whispered to the woman who stood silently watch-

ing her. !- Are you not going to eat yourself? she asked. !She then understood that she had eaten up all the bread. There was nothing left for the foreign woman. She became quite desperate and almost began to cry. !- Don’t cry, the woman whispered. I don’t need to eat. I only do it

sometimes because it tastes good. Energy I get from the air. I am neither hungry nor thirsty. I don’t need to eat, she said again. !

They sat down by a creek in silence. After a while the woman asked the girl if she had the strength to continue. She sounded a bit worried and was relieved when the girl said yes. Herself, the girl felt butter-flies in her stomach. Was there any reason to be scared here as well? she thought. They continued in silence and soon they left the dark


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wood and came out into a beautiful bright meadow. The woman turned around and looked at her. Now we are almost there. She slowed down, moderating her speed, and rode much more quietly. !- We have left the border country, she said. We had to pass through

there before we could enter into my realm. !They carried on and finally they reached a city that was swarming with people and colorful birds. There were other animals there as well. Everybody looked happy and cheerful. Nobody was as badly dressed as the girl. She felt poor and dirty where she was sitting bare-foot with an awkward skirt and a wide blouse that had seen its best days. She had been given the clothes at her last stay and they were definitely too big for her. She had moved from different people so many times that she didn’t really know where she came from. The only thing she knew was that she had once been rescued from being torn to pieces by a wild animal. Someone had found her and taken her home. Herself, she had no memories of this. !She was sitting there on the unicorn behind the mother, thinking. Where were they really, she thought. As if her mother had heard what she was thinking she answered her. !- We are in a parallel world, a parallel reality. From your point of

view, you could say that we are in a distant past. We are in Atlantis during the golden age. In order to get here we had to transport our-selves through time and space. The journey certainly wasn’t with-out dangers and when we recently discovered where to find you and in which delicate position you were we had to act fast. We have been looking for you for ages and we finally managed to track you down. As a little child you were kidnapped by some men


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from the dark forces as punishment because I and others had tried to prevent their entry into our world. We succeeded in this. !

That attack was overcome and it will be a very long time before they try again. But they managed to kidnap my little daughter and take her out of Atlantis and the time we are living in here. We have been searching for years but we never found anything. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. We thought that they had taken you to their whereabouts, in a dimension with low and frightening energies. They almost certainly tried to do so at first but realized that these en-ergies would no doubt kill you and they didn’t want that. Of course you could be useful to them again in the power struggle against our world. Therefore they dumped you in a reality that lies in an alterna-tive future. There we found you in captivity with barbarian people. There are different ways to reach another reality but this rescue mis-sion was set up to resemble the conditions that you were in. There-fore it was a rescue mission with the help of a unicorn that looks very much like a horse. However, the risk wasn’t over. In the border coun-try those who had kidnapped you could emerge and take you back. We arranged the border country to make it look like your ordinary reality. Actually it was a corridor between two parallel worlds and it looked different. We disguised it so that you wouldn’t be frightened and also so that they wouldn’t catch sight of us and destroy us. But it went well. We got through and you are back where you belong. Now you must come and meet all those who have been looking for you during all these years. !A day or two passed before the girl had become acclimatized and could feel at home in this reality. There were different factors that made it harder than anyone could have imagined. She had always been living with all her senses at full stretch, afraid of a number of different things that could have happened. The people had been harsh


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since they had been living in a harsh and merciless world. The fact that people no more shouted at her or hit her for the slightest little offense was something that she would have to get used to. !The people where she came from were always afraid of intruders so everybody had been constantly afraid and created an unsafe world for their children to grow up in. !Another difference was the air. The humidity in this new world was different. It was much more humid and it was much easier to breathe. Everything was exuding peace and quiet and it made her confused. She also understood that people didn’t age and grow old. This dis-covery surprised her a lot and filled her with wonder. Indeed, all she had to do was look at her own mother who looked like a young girl, her mother who showed her so much love and was overjoyed being there with her. Slowly she began to get used to the new life and the old life faded away like in a bad dream. Sometimes she could dream about the old time and wake up bathed in sweat and with palpitations. When this had happened several times the mother said that they should go to the temple where she would receive crystal healing in order for the nightmares to disappear. She felt slightly worried about the meaning of this but her mother calmed her saying that she had absolutely nothing to fear. She would become liberated from this pain and would not have to be afraid to go to sleep. !The mother kept her promise. After the crystal therapy the dream world of nightmares and bad dreams disappeared. This time didn’t fade away but the anguish of the memories ceased and she could look back without fear on this experience in an alien time and a world that, although it was somewhat confusing, could be interpreted as a future world. She therefore preferred to think of it as a parallel reality


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behind the wood where they had been riding on the unicorn, a hap-pening that seemed immensely remote. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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When Happiness Came to the Village !!One day Happiness came to the little village by the foot of the moun-tain. It was a most ordinary day, not strange at all, a day like all other days. The people in the little village lived quite ordinary lives where no one was superior to anybody else. There was sorrow and there was joy but perhaps after all mostly sorrow. They were poor. When an animal died there was the risk of starvation and sometimes people died of diseases or accidents. It was an altogether ordinary village with hard-working people who had learnt to fear and love their god but perhaps, all things considered, they feared him more, feared that he would disfavor them with his wrath and punish them for some pet-ty sin they had committed. It didn’t have to be a big sin at all for them to fear his disgrace. No, after all the thought of a loving creator was immensely remote to them. In order to appease this god of theirs they sacrificed something. It could be flowers or sometimes a small animal. They had heard that even people had been sacrificed in the big temple city over there in the east but they were not certain and they didn’t have much contact with the people living there. !No, the people living nearby in villages looking like their own lived in the same way as they did and sacrificed flowers to one or a couple of gods. For as long as they could remember this had been done. They were simple people and most of them could neither read nor write. In their village there was only one person who could interpret writing and he told stories of ancient times, far back in time. It didn’t happen often but when it did everybody sat filled with devotion and listened. He was getting on in years and had selected a child who would be taught what he knew. It was a careful choice and he had waited until he understood that the right child had been born in the village, a child who was predestined to learn the mysteries. It proved


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to be a little girl this time. This way the knowledge was passed on from generation to generation and they always knew when the right child had been born and when the time had come to pass the knowl-edge on. !The day that the old man had announced who would be the one to become initiated into the mysteries Happiness arrived at the village. Happiness was a beautiful woman on horseback. It was a rare hap-pening. She rode up to the people who had gathered in the little mar-ket square. They had never seen anything so beautiful. She dis-mounted from her horse, went up to the child and took it in her arms. Happiness turned to the crowd and began to speak. !- This child possesses great gifts that will benefit all of you. She

remembers knowledge from a civilization far back in time and has abilities now forgotten by everybody. She will be taught here in the village for many years to come and during this time other memories of a forgotten world will come alive. What she tells you must be hidden in your hearts and when your turn comes you must tell your children. As long as she is with you there will be no lack of anything and she will teach you how to make life easier to live with different improvements. Take this child to your heart and pro-tect it and fortune will smile on you. ! !!!!!!!!


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What she had said happened. The child grew up and became a bless-ing to all the villagers. She taught them about herbs and berries, what you should eat to stay in good health. She also taught them that they carried the divine power within themselves. They didn’t need to sac-rifice to a judging god. No, a power of love was permeating all life and when they tuned in to it their consciousness was raised so that they were joined in a unified field of love that raised their vibrations and changed their concept of reality. !They now understood that a different life was possible to live, a life filled with trust and love. They treated the earth lovingly and got am-ple harvests in return. They treated their animals in the same way and


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they got all their help and love. They became a blessed people who during a period received the gifts that enlightened people enjoy. They raised their level of vibration and could increase their level of devel-opment. To the external world outside however, it remained a riddle what had become of them. No one could understand where they had gone. The village looked empty and desolate to the eyes of an out-sider but they themselves went on living at a higher level of con-sciousness since they had learnt to master time and matter. This is what the rest of us will also be doing now in our time. Yes, that time has come for all people, not for just a few. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Happiness and the Stars !!Happiness had finally come to the land that had been living in the shadows. She carried her golden sword in her hand and walked ahead on the dark streets cautiously. No lights were seen in the windows. It was black and menacing. No one could know, of course, that Happi-ness had come to bring them joy and light. They had been living in the darkness for so long that they didn’t even know the meaning of happiness and light. She raised her shining sword and continued ahead with steady steps. Everywhere she went little golden stars fell down on the ground and began to shine in the dark. Everywhere be-wildered people looked out of the windows and saw her walking past and away. Dumbfounded they looked at all the stars that lay scattered on the ground. One by one people went outside. At last one of them dared to pick up a star and attach it to his chest. The shining star twinkled and changed the man from a grey, scared creature into a shining, beautiful person who began to beam with joy and wonder. When the others saw this they did the same thing. !Soon all the people had taken one star each and attached it to their chest. All the stars on the ground were now gone except one that was twinkling strongly and seemed to be saying: “Why isn’t anybody picking me?” Everybody began to wonder whose the star was. At last a little child appeared. Everybody stared at the child. There were few children in the village and yet no one knew where this child came from. The child, a boy, picked up the star but instead of putting it on his chest he put it on his forehead. Finally a noise was heard and a rider on horseback came thundering in along the street where they were standing. He lifted the child up on the horse, placed it before him and rode off. There was complete silence. !


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Everybody stayed behind confused, not knowing what to do. The star warmed their chest and filled them with happiness. They began to shake off the paralysis they had felt before, the lack if initiative that had tied them down with gravity and anxious thoughts. They hadn’t felt joy for ages, nor had they seen the end to the darkness. It started to brighten up and the sun began to shine. Now they looked fright-ened again. None of them could remember ever having seen the sun. As a matter of fact, they had seen and been in the dark for as long as they could remember. They now began to discover that there was an-


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other reality than the one they had comprehended before. Beyond the city the sun was now lighting up high mountains and a waterfall was pouring down a precipice. When they looked in that direction they saw Happiness standing with her sword next to the rider and the boy. The star on the forehead had a clear light although the sun was shin-ing. Happiness pointed with her sword and they saw the lush green-ery, the blue sky and the foam on the water. In the other direction they saw large meadows with flowers and herbs. The boy now called out to them: !- You will never have to live in the darkness again. You are free and

can enjoy your world. !The odd thing was that they all heard him although he was so far away. They turned to their houses that weren’t grey any more but lit up in different colors from all the flowers creeping up the walls. They cautiously shook themselves. What had happened? Had they been sleeping before and forgotten that this was what the world looked like? Somehow they had lost their memory and believed that the world was a wicked and cruel place surrounded by monsters. They put the stars on their foreheads and suddenly they remembered every-thing that had happened. They had fallen and lost their memory and hadn’t seen anything any more. They began to remember how life had appeared long ago. This, of course, was how it should be. How could they have forgotten what the world, the real world looked like? They took each other’s hands and began to sing a song that they sud-denly remembered. It was a creative song. With the song they could create what they wanted. !Life was no longer grey and painful, it was easy and gay. There was now only joy and there were lots of different songs for different pur-poses. Life was song and joy as it had once been long ago. It was so


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long ago that everybody had forgotten but now, when the memory had come back, life became easy to live again. !The sun hadn’t been shining so brightly for a long time. A boy in the little city who had seen how everything had been changed could now understand why life had seemed so meaningless and joyless. The joy that he had seen so many express was a façade, a temporary moment of joy and exhilaration. It was an artificial appearance. He now un-derstood the expression the loneliness of the soul. !Each individual body and soul had been lonely. All the people had been isolated little islands. No one had seriously reached anybody else. However much people may have loved one another they had at some level felt totally isolated. All individuals had experienced the world in their way. They had all lacked a greater perspective, a greater presence. This state in which they had been living for thou-sands of years was over. To them this new state was a new experience but it was remarkable how soon everybody got used to it. This was probably because all the memories had come back simultaneously, ancient memories when life was experienced in the same way as it was now. The paralyzing fear that had ruled life so ruthlessly was gone. Everybody had access to a joint field of universal love where the soul was in concord with all the other living souls. They were all connected with each other as one being but they still kept their indi-viduality and their individual thoughts and hopes. !The cosmic energy of love was permeating the world and made the earth a better place to live in. Nobody was superior to anybody else. Everybody had the same right to a dignified life without worries, without any threat and fear. !


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The little boy was a bit of a philosopher who meditated a lot upon all the changes that this state of consciousness had resulted in. Other people didn’t brood that much. They adapted themselves to the new order just as they had adapted themselves before all of this had hap-pened. However, everybody thought that life had become wonderful. Life was now a constant source of joy. Everywhere they heard happy voices and somebody who was singing. They remembered how life had been eons ago and they created a new reality with the help of the tools that they remembered having used. The power of the thought was the central part. Through the use of the thought they were able to create and the fantasy knew no boundaries. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The Reunion beyond Time and Space !!- What can we do now? !I turned around towards the man standing behind me. I felt totally at a loss. It felt as if we had reached the end of the road and that there was no place to go. !- Let’s sit down for a while and maybe we will find a solution, my

companion said. All we can do is sit and wait until a solution to the problem turns up. !

Conveniently enough there were two stones to sit on by the side of the road next to a bigger flat stone. In fact, it looked like a table and two chairs. Maybe we would be sitting here for a long time. This was indeed the end of the road. It stopped right in front of a big mountain wall and there was nothing else to make you believe that there was a way past it. It was very strange but then the whole situation was strange. How we had ended up here was wrapped in obscurity. The only thing we remembered was that all of a sudden we found our-selves on this road and that an unknown threat was overshadowing everything else. It didn’t help matters that we couldn’t get any fur-ther. We were trapped. Behind us something or somebody was ap-proaching and before us the road was blocked by a big rock that we couldn’t get past. Upwards it was steep, so steep that no human being would be able to climb up and get out of harm’s way either. We were trapped like rats and as we were sitting there darkness began to fall. The twilight came quickly and we began to feel cold in spite of being fairly well wrapped up in our clothes. Small dots of light became vis-ible down in the valley below. We hadn’t previously noticed that there could be other people nearby. I tried to move a little but sud-


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denly I noticed that it was difficult to break loose. With a real effort I managed to break free and when my friend saw this he did the same thing. However, it was at the last minute. Now we felt even more frightened than before. Where were we and what kind of place was this where even stones could fence us in? !- What kind of witchcraft is this, we both said and took each other’s

hands. !Sit down we didn’t dare to do any longer, instead we placed our-selves once more on the narrow road. We were silent and waited, for what we didn’t know. !When we had been standing there for what seemed like an eternity a human-like creature emerged as if out of nowhere and flew around our heads. !- What are you waiting for? You must continue otherwise you will

be caught by the demons that are approaching. They will kill you and tear you apart. !

Terrified we stared at the little fairy. But she probably saw that the road was blocked, we thought. !Suddenly they emerged, the horrible creatures, further away on the road where we had come from. They were disgusting, completely unlikely creatures as if from a nightmare. !- Quickly, the fairy said, raised her wand and conjured forth a gate

in the wall. !- Quickly, she said again, hurry inside!


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We did as she said and then shut the gate behind us. Terrified we could hear the creatures on the other side. It was pitch dark but grad-ually a small path became visible that was lit up by little sparkles as if to show us the way. !Silently we wandered along the narrow path and tried to discern what the sparkles were. They were like little friar’s lanterns, and some very small creatures were holding the lanterns, lighting up our way.


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The fairy was nowhere to be seen. She had disappeared or made her-self invisible to us. There was no time to think. As soon as we slowed down a little someone mumbled: “Faster, faster”. In the end we were so tired that we were stumbling ahead. !At last, however, we came out of the mountain and before us a big lake was extending. It was night but not impenetrably black, more like twilight. At the beach further away a camp fire was burning and we went closer, cheered on by the tiny followers with their small lanterns. They were still showing us the way. After a long walk we approached the fire and now we were so tired that we barely had the strength to lift our feet. The odd thing with the camp fire was that even if it had seemed so close it was in fact so far away. It felt as if we had been walking for several ages. Suddenly it struck us that per-haps this was the case. We had almost forgotten the nasty diabolical-looking creatures and yet it wasn’t very long ago that we had gone into the mountain with the help of the fairy. !When we arrived at the fire we discovered that there were both men and women sitting around it dressed in dark or white gowns that were reaching down to their feet. They pointed at two places and asked us to sit down. When we had taken our seats a man in a dark gown be-gan to speak. !- I am Jacob, he said. What my name is isn’t really important. You

have long ago agreed to make this journey. That’s why you didn’t know where you were when you first arrived. You had forgotten that so much time had passed. We are the elders and we are going to tell you our story in order for you to understand what you must do. Our world is much older than people understand. People who are like us have existed for an infinite amount of time. High cul-tures have existed on earth long before what is known in your age.


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You once lived in several of these high cultures, the latest one in Atlantis that disappeared long before your historic age which is only approximately 5000 years old. !

Atlantis was a beautiful fabulous place with a very high technology and it was run by wise men and women. What I am now referring to is the golden age of Atlantis. After that the decay commenced, giving rise to evil forces and manipulation. Atlantis became in the end a hell on earth with the most abominable experiments where new mixtures between animals and men took place. There was no respect for life and the creation. People were blinded with power over other people, animals and plants. This way of thinking now also exists in your world, in your age on this earth. We are the old ones, the wise ones from that age and we were never incarnated into the new world, the world in which you are living today. You were both one of us and we bow our heads with reverence for the plunge you have taken. You had the courage and the trust to be incarnated into the new world that arose, again and again in hundreds of lives. Many of these have been very difficult and created scars in your souls. In your cellular memo-ry these difficult memories are stored together with the happy ones. But the difficult ones unfortunately cause trouble to your bodies since the cells remember what they have experienced and therefore create problems in new incarnations. You knew that all this would happen since we both could see through time and you are now stand-ing here outside your usual time because we once decided that we should meet here again. You managed to get here even if there were problems on the way. !For a long time we stood there in silence. We needed to consider and try to understand what he had said. Somehow this reunion had be-come possible. The journey we had made was wrapped in obscurity. It was as if we had died and ended up in a new life but taken the body


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with us intact. As we stood there thinking of what Jacob had said we began to remember. Fragments from these remote worlds emerged and we began to remember. It felt as if our consciousness was broad-ened and we experienced how our brains began to handle data in a completely different way. We were connected to a higher level of consciousness and we began to remember the lives we had lived to-gether with the people standing before us. !They were no strangers, no, on the contrary, they were people who had been very close to us and with whom we had been working to-gether. We remembered our decision to begin to incarnate into this new, strange and limited world where there was so much anxiety with all the fear of other people, the fear of becoming ill, not to men-tion the fear of death that was so frightening and where no one quite knew what lay ahead. Each life had its anxiety and it was visible now in my present body. Yes, that‘s how it was. I only wanted to let go of all this pain and be reborn into the worlds I had once lived in with a considerably higher state of consciousness. !Suddenly Jacob began to speak. He was the one speaking but we un-derstood that also the others spoke through him. !- Your world is on the verge of something new. Your captivity in a

lower state of consciousness is finished. You must now go back to inform the others and tell them what awaits them. !

We opened our mouths to protest but he raised his hand to silence us before a word had passed our lips. !- You needn’t be afraid. The state of consciousness you have now

reached will not abandon you. You will never be lonely again. You are the first ones to reach this new state and it will automatically


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spread to those that you meet. You will receive information through your new inner circles and you will know how to act. You will spread the message and tell everybody what you have experi-enced not only here but also at an earlier stage. You will also tell them of your actions during the last time of Atlantis. Its history must not be repeated. It won’t be repeated anyway, that has been decided upon. Atlantis was shattered but your world won’t be. When people wake up and raise their state of consciousness the world will slowly change into what it once was long ago, a won-derful and beautiful place to live in. Death will not be a wall, an end that everybody fears. The people will be like the gods with the same creative forces and they will use these wisely. They will then have changed their lives and the planet will become a Garden of Eden. Trust this. Now that you remember you will be in contact with us even when you have returned. !

He was silent and raised his hand to bid farewell. The others did the same thing and then they disappeared in a haze. !When we came to our senses again we were lying on the beach by the sea. It was the same beach that we had been on before the journey had begun. I bent over the man by my side and stroked his cheek. !- We are at home again, I said. !He looked at me, rose on his elbows and contemplated the sea and the empty beach in silence. The sun was about to disappear and it was a warm and pleasant evening. It was like this everything had been before all the singular things had happened to us. It was as if no time had passed. We just looked at each other in astonishment. Had nothing at all happened then? Could we have been dreaming? When we then spoke about it and realized that we had experienced exactly


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the same thing we understood that this couldn’t be the case. We couldn’t be in the same dream simultaneously, could we? I looked at my dress and saw that it was torn and remembered being trapped in a boulder when we struggled our way forth in the mountain. My friend put his hand to his hair. There was moss in his hair and he remem-bered the moment when he had hit his head as we were fleeing to-wards the open gate to escape from the monsters. We sent a thankful thought to the fairy that had helped us getting through the mountain. But where did she go? She simply disappeared. !- I am here, somebody said behind us. !We turned around quickly and there she was, miraculously beautiful with her wings stretched out. It was a pretty little fairy and we hardly dared to move for fear that she would disappear again. She smiled at us and broke the silence. !- Now you will be surprised, she said, but I exist in this world too

and have always been here even if you haven’t been able to see me before. But now your eyes have been opened and you have been given new abilities. This means that everything isn’t quite the same. This you will gradually notice. !

She smiled again and disappeared. !- Come back, we called, but nothing was heard and we didn’t see

her any longer. !It would be quite a while before she made contact with us again. Then we had started to get used to being less restricted. We saw and heard more than earlier, just like Jacob and his friends had said that we would. Pictures in our mind from the remote ages he had spoken


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of gradually became more alive to us and it began to feel as if we were living several lives at the same time. It wasn’t unpleasant or weird but it did feel unusual, at least at the beginning. !Our physical bodies were not our whole consciousness. We were also in other places in other physical bodies. Our experiences and knowl-edge were not only what we had accumulated in this life. No, we suddenly knew things and now we could also do things that were previously unknown to us. Suddenly we realized that we now knew and were capable of more than one human being will ever have time to learn during a short life on earth. Our gratitude was tremendous. We had received a gift that wasn’t comparable to anything else. In addition, we discovered that people around us also began to get an insight into this way of life. !Images suddenly flashing in our mind were described by many peo-ple that we met and spoke with. !When we went one step further into experiencing the world and the reality other people followed. It was like a staircase, a ladder that everybody began to climb. How fast it went depended on how much you wanted to and had the energy to spare and the ability to change. New gates were constantly opened to everybody, sometimes almost surreptitiously and sometimes with a big bang. We were enchanted and all the outer reality slowly but safely began to change when the people changed. It was a positive and joyful evolution. !!!!!!


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The Big Computer !!My companion and I were sitting on a bench looking out across a pond. Not a whiff of wind was felt, the stillness was total. After a hot day it was indescribably comfortable to rest on the bench. On the op-posite side there was a beautiful building. Grown-ups were heard calling some children who were running and playing outside. I was silent, thinking about all the rare things that had happened during the day and the days prior to that. It was a long journey we had made. We had found our way under a scorching sun with hardly any cool-ness. We had urgently been forced to find our way in order to avoid being seen by too many. The fear of getting caught had made us en-dure the heat. In order to get here we had been compelled to cross immense plains from a far- away country. The country that we came from was now out of reach to us and we had to make it on our own. We had an address to a man in this city. We had memorized it like everything that we were going to say to him. To send letters or in any other way disclose what we were going to say was too dangerous. No one could know now where we came from and what we were going to do here. We had been taught the language by a woman who came from this country and we had practiced to sound in such a way that no one would suspect that we didn’t belong here. Preferably and above all we should avoid talking. !We quickly got up from the bench and went in amongst the trees as we felt some people approaching. We didn’t want to be seen by any-body. We hid behind some big trees and were not visible when some uniformed men walked past. There was a threatening silence after their presence and we shivered a little as we realized that they could have begun to question us. Perhaps they had seen us from the other side of the pond by the beautiful house and called upon these uni-


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formed men. It would not be so easy to remain undiscovered so we had to look as indigenous as possible. Quickly we continued along the path. !We knew where we were going and how to get there. Everything had been practiced in advance in order for us to reach the correct address as smoothly as possible. We even had to trust that we could feel when people were approaching. Soon we would come to a place where the road was divided and obviously it couldn’t be too dark because then we wouldn’t be able to see where we were. Of course we didn’t dare to use any lamps. This could be seen. Soon we were at the crossroads but no one was in sight. We breathed a sigh of relief. Here was the most dangerous place as you were not allowed to be here without a cause. Under no circumstances were we allowed to say that we were going to the man expecting us. We hurried on and soon we discov-ered little lights here and there leading us ahead. Nobody was in sight. We had chosen the right time because great festivities were tak-ing place in the city. But where did the lights come from? We turned around but there was no light behind us. It was only lit up before us as much as we needed to walk forward bit by bit and then the light went out. !Higher powers were protecting us on this mission and this made us feel secure even if we had to be on our guard. If we were to succeed in reaching our goal, then what we had to report would change the reality for all those living in this city and this country. We were not just travelers from another country, we were also travelers in time and our task was to change the reality for the better. We managed to reach our destination without being discovered and we were let in at once since we were expected. There inside we could relax because no one would ever suspect the man we had been sent to. He had man-aged to become one of the most trusted men in this city. The strain


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had been enormous and we found it very hard to stay awake now that we no longer had to be on our guard. After having eaten we were therefore shown to our rooms. There we fell into a deep sleep and we didn’t wake up until the following day, late in the afternoon. We had been very well received and you could tell from our host that he was now eagerly waiting to hear our story. !We then began to talk about all the dangers we had met with on the road and all the encounters we had had. When everything seemed more dangerous than ever somebody unknown had always appeared to help us. It had been such simple things as being shown another road than the one we had planned. This small change had then meant that we had been able to avoid men, soldiers who without any doubt would have caused our ruin. The road we had taken was a dangerous road where the wrong encounters would have resulted in a certain death. Well, a higher power had protected us and we could deliver the news that our new friend needed in order to begin to change this part of the world that was held in an iron grip by its governing masters. They were the men of evil who ruled here and they had their spies everywhere. We had brought light into the darkest dark and the gate would now be unlocked by the man who had sacrificed his free life to give this world a chance. Like us, he came from another realm and we came with the key that would finally unlock the door. It wasn’t about ordinary realms or countries. It was about barriers between dif-ferent dimensions and realities. We had not only traveled in the room. We had traveled in different time corridors to get here. !It was a very odd place. The day, never quite bright, was in a constant half-shadow. Time here was different and it wasn’t in simultaneous-ness with the place we had left. For a change to occur we had to hand over number codes that had to be in the right order to unlock the time lock. This world was locked and wasn’t seen from the outside unless


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you know the secret of reaching it. A big apparatus that looked like a computer had locked the world where we were and was enslaving the people living here. For each new generation people became more and more like robots. Any feelings associated with people were gradually pushed aside as time went by. The frequencies emitted from this enormously complicated computer permeated the psyche of the peo-ple, enslaving them more and more. We were here at the last minute. !The people were now very close to losing their humanity. They were altogether connected to this big computer and followed its directions like slaves. All emotions were reduced to a corner of their psyche and they had no will of their own any longer. Those who had tried to es-cape had been traced and caught. There was no freedom left. Our friend had tricked the computer since he was protected by the civi-lization he came from. But it was a risky business and one mistake alone could prove fatal. Now the last decisive step remained to de-stroy the computer, to cut off the emissions to all the people who were now acting like soulless robots. The three of us were now forced to collaborate in order to be successful. We had managed to trace the original code from the outside. Progress that had been made regarding the time of transfer had enabled us to understand how the computer had been programmed and then become an independent self-developing machine. !Different precautionary measures were taken in order for us to carry out what we needed to do. Our new friend was a well-known person in the city and he was recognized everywhere. It was important that we were not seen together with him and we had to memorize every-thing in the vicinity of the computer that was controlling the popula-tion and enslaving it. A handful of people were outside the influence of the computer and some were partly controlled. How our friend had managed to avoid the control was a mystery but that’s how it seemed


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to be. On one occasion he led us to understand that the innermost cir-cle believed that he was controlled but that he had in fact only just escaped this. !The truth of the matter was that the computer didn’t know of his exis-tence. For all these years he had had to pretend that he was partly controlled and had been so successful in this that the innermost core of those uncontrolled never suspected anything else. !His success was due to the fact that he had lived the life of a hermit and never talked more than necessary. This had required adamant discipline. These people beyond the control of the computer were intoxicated with their power over those who had now become en-slaved but what they didn’t know was that the big computer was so advanced that it had started a control system by itself for its personal use and with its artificial intelligence it had worked out that there were people beyond its control. !It had started a search program with the intention of tracking these people down and with the help of those partly controlled also put these under its control as a first step towards getting complete control over everybody. Eventually the computer would be able to program the population of the entire world. By chance our friend had managed to figure this out since he had found a way to observe courses of events in the big computer without its notice. He had also understood that soon its power would have to be broken and there wasn’t much time left. We had been practicing for several months to get inside and interrupt the work of the big computer and crush it. Nothing could go wrong. Everything had to be perfectly timed. !It was night when we set off. We had two hours to get inside and car-ry out the task. We had to walk in such a way that we were invisible


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to the human robots working inside and also to the computer’s own search system. It had taken a long time to find out how to proceed and what measures had to be taken to get inside and reach the inner-most core of the big computer. Before finalizing this we had to neu-tralize the three people in the immediate vicinity of the area that we had to short-circuit, in order to conclude the project successfully. We had to short-circuit the innermost and most important core of the computer so that no reserve programs could emerge and replace what had been destroyed. If this were to happen we would be completely defeated. !Nothing unforeseen happened. This was one of the advantages with people acting like robots. They didn’t do anything on impulse any more. They didn’t change anything in their habits. We had managed to get past all the obstacles and we had been practicing this for so long that we felt like robots ourselves. We managed to get past one block after another and get right up to the computer but just as we were going to short-circuit it the computer discovered us and sus-pected that we had no business being there. However, during the short second that we were discovered we got there first and short-cir-cuited the computer. We hurried away from there as fast as we could and managed to get out before the doors closed automatically. The people inside who were startled and confused didn’t get out but get-ting them out would have to be dealt with later. We hurried on through the empty streets and heard cries and shouts from different directions. People began to fill the streets and we saw that they were different but utterly confused. In fact, it looked as if they had woken up from a deep sleep. !As a result of the big computer crash the ordinary net work didn’t function either. However, the people had regained their freedom and began to look for those responsible for their sudden loss of it. These


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people were caught napping and didn’t know anything because they were not aware of the computer crash. As a result they had to be held responsible before a furious population who soon realized what had happened and what had been done to them. For safety’s sake the computer was blown up in the air so that the whole thing wouldn’t start all over again. By that time however, we were far, far away from there and the only thing that was known was that three people had short-circuited the computer. This had been seen by the people who had been in the computer room. The fact that we had succeeded did, looking back, seem completely unbelievable but somehow we had been helped. A higher power had intervened in the course of events to help us. Of this we were convinced, all three of us. The development of events that was about to enslave humanity couldn’t be allowed to happen. That was the reason for our success. !Who then were those two who jointly went through time and space in order to set right what had become so wrong and why had they been given this mission at the risk of their lives? Thoughtlessness and stu-pidity had been allowed to rule and a group of people intoxicated with their feeling of power had believed that they could control sev-eral millions of people. They had allowed a computer to take over so much of the decisions that the annihilation of the whole human race had been close. There was really nothing to be done at that stage. It had gone so far that when the uncontrolled people woke up they would already have been tracked down and caught in the grip of the machine. !The machine had a plan ready for use, a plan where the people would be stripped of all humanity and run like puppets without a will of their own. You might call it a world consisting of an enslaved human-ity submitted to a machine that had now become so advanced that it was developing itself. People were not a necessary item any more.


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It was this scenario that was observed at a completely different point in the timeline and these two were called to follow the brave man who much earlier had sett off into this reality of the future. The two men arriving from the outside had been allowed to land in a totally different place that was obviously extremely threatened and with only a small remnant of a nation left. These people would never have been in a position to escape the computer once it had extracted all their knowledge and power for its own purposes. The computer had become a universal, artificial intelligence threatening all human life. It functioned and would have become like a vicious god from the people’s point of view. Thanks to the three time travelers this sce-nario had not been completed and the people had been saved.


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How had all this ghastliness been allowed to happen? Why had the people in their eagerness to rule the world let it go so far? These were questions that were impossible to answer because people didn’t let themselves be ruled by their innermost being but by their manipula-tive ego and they didn’t mind doing the most horrible things to favor themselves, without any thought of the consequences. There is noth-ing with such short-term range as the human ego. Only the thought of what is best for your own personality, the power over others is what counts. !Everywhere in our world kingdoms and states are run by people dri-ven by their ego basically in the interest of what is best for them. What happens to all the others doesn’t matter. If anybody or a whole country is to be helped you need something that will glorify your ego in exchange so that you can beat your breast and say “look how clever we are, see how goodhearted we are”. No one can then ques-tion our good will. But the very worst part is that those run by their ego and that includes all those who run the world, they are only thinking in short terms. They never think of the consequences further ahead. This is why what happened to the computer about to take over the world isn’t very strange. No one thought of the danger of letting artificial life take over what people should be in charge of. !When people identify themselves with artificial life and the imagin-able intelligence and common sense of such life, then man loses con-tact with her innermost being, her essence and connection with the creator and forgets that she is a divine creature that is one with every-thing else. Such a development, such a horrendous scenario could never happen as long as man remembers her true origin. This is the pure and simple truth. Any human being who isn’t separated from her creator doesn’t let her ego guide her so that a world goes to rack and ruin. She would never allow other people to be enslaved and tortured.


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Every life is worth equally much regardless of ethnical origin or faith. There are people who don’t even spare their children. !These people must be truly pitied since they have lost their soul, their true human origin and have turned into frigid robots standing alone and empty in a loving universe with a loving creator. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The New Creation !!The longing for the hidden knowledge was nagging in my chest. I was waiting for it to open up like a flower. It wasn’t possible to ex-plain this strong longing for the knowledge of the true nature of things. The mysteries were out of reach, locked up and sealed. It wasn’t possible to get hold of knowledge that hadn’t been acquired in this life. That is what I thought but one day something odd happened as I contemplated the drawer with the double locks. A beam of light found its way through the cracks in the wood that the drawer was made of. I am opening myself now, it seemed to be saying. I am opening myself and the treasure is yours. All that you have been waiting for, longing for, is here ready for you to become part of. !A long moment passed when I was waiting for something to happen but nothing happened. I stood there not knowing what to do. The drawer was waiting for me to react to something, perform something but this was beyond my remembrance. What was expected of me was something I didn’t remember. I knew that I ought to know but I didn’t remember what was demanded of me. I couldn’t recall what I needed to say in order for the secrets of the drawer to reveal them-selves to me. It was so sad that I sank down into the ground and started to cry. The secret was there before my very eyes and I couldn’t open the lid although I knew that I had once been able to but I didn’t remember. I had forgotten. I cried and felt helpless like a lit-tle child who was dependent on adults to manage. !Then something rare suddenly appeared before my inner vision. A flower with big petals opened up inside me and I saw the dark red leaves unfolding from a flower bud into a flower in full blossom.


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Now I felt the flower move in my chest and inside the flower I saw the golden key. !It was lying between the petals and it was shining and seemed to be made of the purest gold. Suddenly it lifted and swayed and when I opened my eyes it was swaying before me in the air and it was real. I took it in my hand and clearly felt its weight. !- Put it into the lock, somebody whispered.

!As if in a dream I put the key into the lock and turned it. There was a faint squeaking noise when I carefully lifted the lid. A strong light spread quickly where I was standing. It was as strong as the light of the sun and at first it dazzled me. When I had got used to the new light I saw the old environment disappear in a haze and a new world opened itself before my eyes. A big beautiful tree was lit up by the strong beams and filled my whole field of vision. The tree was huge and it was stretching into the sky. The beautiful leaves were beaming


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like silver and there were glittering drops of dew on them. The trunk stretched upward, straight and dark. In the tree on one of the branch-es a lonely bird was singing. It was a very beautiful bird but I felt very confused because the bird and the tree were not alive. It was a mechanical bird, beautiful but without life. It was the same thing with the tree. It lacked life. It felt empty in my breast. This was no real world filled with life that I saw. What did this mean? It looked so real, as if somebody had cre-ated this piece of art without life. This is indeed no place to live in, I thought. Here there is probably nothing except a beautiful shell. Then suddenly a brittle faint sound was heard. A tuning fork seemed to have struck a tone and now the sound spread and reached the tree and the bird before me but also everything beyond, that which I hadn’t yet observed. The tone sounded and penetrated all that I saw, all that I could perceive and a long-drawn-out sigh was heard. I looked at the tree and the bird. Something invisible now penetrated the tree and the bird and changed them. Suddenly the bird began to sing in a different way. The beautiful but mechanical sound was changed into a differ-ent tone, that of a live bird. The silvery leaves of the tree that had been clinking like glass changed and instead they were rustling softly the way leaves usually do on live trees. Then I heard the voice. !- God has blown his spirit into the tree and the bird and given them

life. You have seen the wonder of the creation, I heard the voice say. !

I sat down and contemplated a new world, a new reality. This world seemed infinite, a new living universe where everything existed. !The light was shining with such a strong glare that it dazzled me. I had to put my hands in front of my eyes so that it wouldn’t hurt.


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Slowly I got used to the light and gradually everything seemed to be-come normal. All the anxiety I had felt was gone. An inner peace spread within me and I listened to the new sounds I was hearing. Both inside me and outside I heard it. I was in harmony with the cre-ation. I felt how it was to fly like the birds under the sky and I felt the water caressing the bodies the same way the fish felt swimming in the big ocean. The roaring of the wind and the soughing of the soft wind, everything was there for me to perceive as part of my new real-ity. What would happen next? !I waited and a silence was spreading. There was something out there that wanted to appear, to show itself in this new world. A feeling of unreality came over me. It seemed as if the world was holding its breath. The silence was total. Earlier I had been able to perceive cer-tain sounds but now nothing was heard. I held my breath, waiting. After a long time that felt like an eternity something quickly flew across the sky. It was so fast that it seemed to be imagination. A shadow had crossed the sky. A song was heard. Somebody began to sing a song that sounded like a voice from something remote, forgot-ten, ancient. What did all this mean? I shivered where I stood wait-ing. !It was a wait that lasted for a long time. It was full of anxiety and an-guish. I felt a fear that was so enormous that I thought I would die. It was everything that I had experienced in all lives of anguish and bru-tality. It was the accumulated cry of the human race with all the hor-rors that had occurred that I comprehended where I was standing. Nothing was destroyed, gone. Everything that I had ever experienced was compressed in my breast like a small lump of horror. I could hear the thunder of the rain, the cry of anguish coming from the peo-ple. Horrors that had existed as long as man had been living in a du-alistic reality were there, all the horrors of the people merged into


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one point. As I could now feel everything, be part of all there is and has been I was able to experience this horror and fear during one long-drawn-out moment. Release me, release us from these horrors it seemed to be crying in the compressed darkness that was spreading. The shadow that I had seen in the sky as a fast flash spread and choked everything. My fear and anguish were now threatening to overpower me and make me lose my mind and senses. Then I heard the voice. !- Forgive them, forgive all of them for the evil deeds that they have

done to everybody. Forgive them and you will let the new reality live in harmony, and the old one can be dissolved and disappear. The world will go on living in a new shape with people without fear of each other, everybody reconciled in harmony. !

I looked around. The wind and the thunder were gone and everything was waiting in anticipation. If I didn’t forgive this world wouldn’t come true. The leaves of the tree would once again turn into glass leaves and the bird would sing its lifeless mechanical song. The old world would continue and eventually be annihilated in its hatred and the exaggerated egos of the people would make all life impossible. Then I whispered: !- Forgive them since they didn’t understand, forgive them for their

thoughtlessness. Let the new world arise and the old one disap-pear. !

The evil I had felt disappeared and all I could feel was great joy and relief. A new world, a new era had begun from what was left of the old one. The bird Phoenix had risen out of the ashes and was spread-ing its wings over a new earth, a new untouched world created out of man’s mind from the place where I had contact with the source of the


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creation. God and man are one. This was the Gate of Eden that had been opened and there was no turning back for those who entered into the new world. In it people didn’t function as before any longer because their egos had lost their hold and they were immortal in uni-ty with all there was. !Released from the past I could enter into my new universe. A new world with new possibilities was waiting. Everything was the same, yet completely different. The old fear of guilt and anguish was gone. The mind was free and the curiosity was great as to what was lying ahead in this new reality. Yet, I was still alone. !I walked along a path that led into a big forest. The trees stood close together but gave me enough space. I felt that I was part of this for-est. I hadn’t yet got used to being in unity with everything I saw and felt at the same time as I was a separate individual exactly as before. I was both one and many and somehow I had to keep this new way of thinking apart. This was a dramatically different experience. !So far I hadn’t seen any people but that didn’t make me frightened or worried. They were there and I would soon meet somebody. I knew it. I walked for quite a long time and finally I came out of the forest. There a long sandy beach was extending. I loved the sea. It was a warm day and I dipped my toes in the clear water. It felt cool and nice. I listened. It sounded as if somebody was singing. I listened again. Of course, it was the sea singing a song of its own. It sounded like a song about freedom and love. I sensed that what I experienced was the freedom of my own released mind. The song was directed to me and I felt deep gratitude. I sat down and dug down my hands and feet into the warm sand and let the sun shine on my face. At long last I heard a voice. !


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- Aren’t you going to continue your walk? !I listened again. Was it imagination? No, now I heard it again. The sun beams were dancing in front of me. They were warm but didn’t burn. Now I heard the whisper again. Once again I tried to under-stand where the voice came from. - It’s me, I am here, you know. !There was no one where I was but I continued to contemplate the glimmering sun. Then I suddenly understood. It was the voice of the sun. In the new reality everything was alive. The sun beams began to dance a little dance on the sea surface to make me happy. I asked where I should go. !- Walk along the sea, the voice said, and you will find someone you

very much want to meet. !I got up and started to walk and all the time I could feel the cool wa-ter against my feet. It was a refreshing walk. I walked for a long time, for how long I didn’t know since time was an elusive subject, hard to grasp. Time was no longer something I could control. It lacked mean-ing. I walked and the sun showed me the way with its dancing beams. After what felt like an eternity somebody from the other direction came towards me. There was something very familiar about the fig-ure. Now I saw that it was a man, a man who always emerged in my dreams but whom I had never seen before, at least not for a very long time. !I ran up to meet him but stopped short before him, so abruptly that I almost fell down. I suddenly felt oddly shy, as shy as I was when I was young so very long ago. I looked at him from the side cautiously. Of course I knew him. He was no stranger. How long it was since I


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had last seen him I couldn’t recall. The concept of time was some-thing very difficult and, after all, it lacked importance. I abandoned the thought about time, and instead I lived life in the present to the fullest. He was the one who complemented me. He was my other half and I walked straight into his arms. We were after all two individuals who had been one in the beginning before the big separation of male and female. The two of us were one and now we had found our way back to each other. It had been unavoidable. It was something that was bound to happen in this new world that still felt so oddly strange. !All the parts that were once separated were now going to be joined together. There were no doubt different ways to do this but for us it happened by the sea on a sandy beach with the sea waves lapping against the shore. He took my hand without a word and we wandered on towards other beaches looking for other creatures of our kind. So far we were alone but that didn’t worry us. We knew that there were plenty of other people. We just hadn’t met them yet. The sun went down and it got dark. The stars lit up the sky and the warm wind felt comfortable. It was as warm or cold as we wanted it to be. We creat-ed our new reality all the time. !Is there a realm somewhere where no one has to suffer any more, I asked myself during my walk through the night in search of other people who, like us, had left the duality and entered into the state of unity. We walked for a long time, looking at the well-known stars that were lighting up the dark vault of heaven. Eventually we ap-proached a small city that was situated on a big plain. The white houses of the place seemed to be welcoming us but when we had reached the city we didn’t see any people. Everything seemed quiet and dead. !


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We sat down beside a pond located in a very small square. We sat there for a long time and felt how odd and unreal the whole thing was, no people, nothing at all. Finally we lay down on a patch of grass and fell asleep, tired after the long walk. After a long, deep sleep we woke up at last and ate of some fruits hanging from a little tree. We ate under silence and a peculiar thought struck us. Are we despite everything alone in this new untouched world? After all, we had seen neither people nor animals. We took each other’s hands and sat like that silently for a long, long time, without saying a word. It was so quiet that we could have cut the silence with a knife. !Suddenly and simultaneously we both thought that we had better move or we would become petrified. We got up quickly, walked through the empty city and out of it. !We continued to walk on a small path leading up to a mountain and when we had reached the top we looked out across the plain. Far away we saw the sea where we had come from. Where then were all the people, we thought. After all, we couldn’t be alone. We sat up there and stayed the entire day, incapable of deciding what to do. We sat down in the shade of a tree and when the darkness fell we con-templated the city that we had left. The white houses and the dark shadows from them were visible. Suddenly I discovered a weak light in one of the windows, a small faint flame that was flickering. !- Did you see? I whispered. !He shook his head. No, he hadn’t seen anything. !- There, there! I called out. !


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He looked distrustfully at the weak light that was shining so faintly in the darkness. !- Maybe there is somebody there after all, I said. Should we walk

back? !- No, let’s wait until to-morrow. !We found it hard to sleep. We were thinking of the empty city and the strange light. The moon was now lighting up the landscape and once again I heard a voice that seemed to be coming from within. !- There is somebody in the city, but be careful, the voice said. !I looked up and saw the moon blinking at me. !- Did you hear? I said to my friend next to me. !- Yes! he said, everything isn’t perfect in paradise. Everything

hasn’t come together in harmony yet. !The sun woke us up with its beams. The beams of light were jumping to and fro and a voice urged us to go back into the empty city, if it now was so empty. After picking some berries and tasting some fruits growing on a tree we set off. Food was no longer a vital necessity. We went down the mountain on the same path as we had come and we quickly reached the city. It was as empty as the day before. Noth-ing was heard, everything seemed empty. Suddenly we saw some-thing moving far away by one of the houses and instinctively we leaned against a wall and stopped there to listen but nothing was heard. Then, when we had been standing there for an eternity we felt something unpleasant invading our thoughts. Yes, that’s how it felt, a


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most unpleasant feeling that grew to the certainty that something very nasty was nearby, something that didn’t belong here but that had wheedled its way into this new undestroyed world. Then something flashed and a bang was heard. A hole became visible in the wall op-posite us and we heard shuffling steps that were approaching. A fig-ure with firearm was coming towards us and we desperately turned to each other. !- What should we do? we whispered. !Then we heard the voice. I recognized the voice of the sun. !- Go through the door next to you and walk up the stairs. !We had no time to lose so we did what the sun said. As we peeped out of the window we saw a strange, barbarous figure with a visor before its face that was gazing in all directions on the lookout for something. The figure appeared to have lost its orientation. The sun beams were dancing incessantly before its face, blinding it with its strong light. The figure hit out in the air with its claw-like hands, hissing. We heard it say: !- Where are the people? I can feel the smell of them. !We shivered with fear. What kind of disgusting figure is this, we thought. !It started to walk towards the door and soon everything would be lost. What should we do? we desperately asked ourselves. The door was opened and the figure entered. It walked across the floor towards the staircase and we heard the steps approaching. When it saw us it seemed to be smiling a scornful, ugly smile. It was a monster from


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one of my worst nightmares, slimy and nasty. It continued to walk towards us, stretching out its claw-like hand after us where we were standing petrified with fear. It can’t be real. Such creatures don’t ex-ist. But nothing else happened except that the creature stood there trying to get hold of us. What will it do? Is it going to kill us? It now stretched out its hand to get a grip of me. Then I shouted: !- Go away, you don’t exist. You are nothing but a bad dream. !To my surprise the creature began to dissolve and disappear. When it was gone we looked at each other and started to laugh and cry at the same time. What was this thing? Who had created it, here in this place? Did it have anything to do with the fact that there were no people here? The whole thing was very strange. On trembling legs we went down the staircase and out into the sun. The sun whispered: !- It’s gone. There is nothing dangerous here any longer. !I went up to the pond with wobbly steps and poured cold water into my cupped hands and began to drink. Then I took water and rinsed off my face. The strain I had been under had been too much. !The man by my side took me in his arms and I began to cry incon-solably. The day passed and we decided to stay. Then, when the evening came we decided to remain outdoors. If we heard anything we would flee the city. !Nothing happened. We were able to sleep calmly the whole night. I woke up once during the night and looked up towards the starry sky. Up there the stars looked like twinkling sparkles. They were blinking with delight when they saw that I was awake watching them. What a peculiar world I had ended up in. Nothing was the same. Everything


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was different. I could hear the sun speaking to me, I could hear the warnings of the moon and now I could see the stars dancing on the vault of heaven. A world such as this one cannot be for real, can it? It must be a strange experience, a dream. That is probably what it is, I thought. I am dreaming this some place else. Suddenly I felt that I no longer had the strength to stay awake and I fell asleep and slept deeply and dreamlessly until the beams of the sun woke us in the morning. !- There you are, the sun said, there is nothing dangerous left. Now

you must hurry up and find the others. They are waiting for you to come. !

The sun seemed a bit irritated and impatient. We didn’t dare to do anything but obey and so we set off. Any craving for food we didn’t have. The fruits and berries that we saw we ate but that was mainly because they tasted good and not because we were hungry. We didn’t seem to need any nourishment through food. Suddenly we under-stood. We took our nourishment directly from the air. Our cells didn’t need to process food. All we had to do was breathe. Once we had un-derstood this we no longer gave it any thought. It was just so obvi-ous, so plain and so simple. It was as though it had always been like that. !We began to melt into this world and we also understood that the monster we had met in the city was a product of our own subcon-scious mind. It had manifested itself out of our fear of the unknown. We decided to feel total trust in everything that happened to us and we continued to find our way in this new world on our search for people and even animals. Perhaps it was our own fear and insecurity that made the others invisible to us. This was a new thought that


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struck us. Nothing appeared before us until we felt that we were completely prepared to meet other creatures. !Days turned into nights and vice versa. We were living with light-hearted spirits but totally alone. It was a beautiful world but empty. There was no life apart from the sumptuous vegetation. We didn’t need anything else. Nor was there anything to fight for. The usual life with its fight for survival was gone and it began to feel a bit boring. We began to long for a change. This would also come somewhat un-expectedly. We always slept outdoors and the weather was always perfect but one night we heard thunder that was increasing in strength and flashes of lightning that were rolling across the canopy of heav-en. We sought comfort in a cave that we had previously discovered and we went inside to seek protection. The sky had become totally grey and the rain was pouring down. Never had we seen a similar cloud-burst. The sky had opened itself and the rain was gushing down, forming big streams of water. There was something prehistoric about the raining. !After several days the rain suddenly stopped and the sun began to shine as usual. The sun blinked at us and began its dance with the sunbeams playing hide and seek over the water surface. The water soon sank away and we looked out across the empty sea. But was it so empty? What was that moving far away out in the distance? !Soon we saw what it was. A dragon ship in full sail was approaching and in the boat there were plenty of men who were singing in order to keep pace when they were rowing. It was a peculiar and strange sight and we cautiously peeped out behind a rock at the men rowing the ship. Soon they were at the beach and they went ashore carrying bundles. All of a sudden one of the bundles started to cry but the man carrying the bundle just threw it down on the beach and left it lying


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there. The other rowers did the same thing with their bundles. Then they poured something into the beakers that they had on the ship and began to drink. It was obviously something strong that they drank because they were bawling at the top of their voices. After a good while of bawling and drinking they lay down on the beach and fell asleep. The snoring was heard rolling like thunder across the beach. !- We must go down and examine what they have in the bundles, I

said. !We ran down to the beach and up to a bundle lying there wrapped up and tied with ropes. We loosened the ropes and unwrapped what was inside. What appeared was a woman, a beautiful young woman and we took out the handkerchiefs that had been put into her mouth so that she wouldn’t be able to cry. She looked fairly exhausted. We be-gan to understand that we probably needed to hurry up with the other bundles as well and started to release all of them. Soon those who had been set free helped to release the remaining bundles. There were not only women but children as well, both boys and girls and even two men. They were all run down. We fetched water for them to drink and soon they came round. !- Where do you come from? we asked. !They were the first people we had seen for a long time. !- These men came and pillaged our village and killed most of us,

one said. Then they took us prisoners. We sailed to the north and were probably going to their country. !

- They look like Vikings, don’t they? I said aloud. !!83

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- They are Vikings, one of the women said. They pillage our towns and villages and take gold and some people home with them to their country. !

I turned to the man who was my companion and we both said: !- Vikings don’t exist now. They existed a thousand years ago. !The woman we were talking to looked at us and didn’t quite under-stand what we meant. Suddenly she realized that there was something odd about the whole situation. !- Where are we? she said. !We shook our heads. We didn’t quite know that to say. The newly arrived sat down around us. We tried to explain to them how we our-selves had come into this world and that people somehow got here in different ways. !- Do you wish to remain here? we asked. !They nodded. There was nothing that tempted them to return to what they had left. !- What are we going to do when they wake up? one of them asked

with a frightened look. !We had a good think before we answered. We were both thinking of the beast that had been in the city and that had disappeared when we had refused to be afraid of it. Maybe this would work now as well. They were strangers, those who had abducted the people sitting here. !


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- Go into the cave over there! we said. Hide there and we will stay out here. !

Then we sat down quietly, waiting for the men to sober up after sleeping it off. !- Don’t be afraid, the sun said. They will leave this place. !- Don’t be afraid, the moon said when the night fell. They don’t

want to stay. They are afraid of you. Why they don’t understand but you will instill fear into them. !

At daybreak the men woke up one by one. They looked at each other and they looked at the ground after the people they had put there. When the men saw that they were gone they became furious and ap-proached us in a menacing way. To them we were two strangers who were just sitting there speechless and whom they hadn’t seen before. Horror-filled we saw how they kept getting closer. Suddenly we re-membered the beast that we had been confronted with earlier and that had just disappeared so unexplainably. !Straight-backed we placed ourselves in front of the wild Vikings. We felt bright and light and as we looked at each other we saw how a light was shining around our bodies. The light grew stronger and stronger and now the Vikings had also become aware of the change we had undergone. But since they had an evil mind and never hesi-tated to kill anybody this sight became intolerable. They were taken aback for fear of this unknown vision and since they had always had violence in their thoughts they didn’t expect anything but violence in return. As if acting on given command they ran down to their ship shouting and left in a hurry. Their prisoners remained on the shore


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with us and together we followed them with our eyes. Suddenly they vanished and were gone. !- They have reached the land of the Vikings in the north, one of

those rescued said. !- Yes. They were not ready to stay here in the new world, a little girl

said. !- Now we begin to understand, we both said simultaneously. People

come here from all the ages in history when they are ready, not just at the final stage of history. !

There we were standing on the beach as if we were expecting some-thing. Suddenly a young woman came up to us. The young woman looked at me, a woman from the future and stretched out her hand. She said: !- The two of us are one. We are one and the same but carry different

bodies from different ages. What possibility is there to be joined together into one? !

We took each other’s hands and merged together in a flash of light-ning. We were now wiser and more beautiful than either of us would be alone. That was what we had chosen to do, nothing we had to do. !The time that followed offered many surprises and recognitions. But nobody who lived a life full of fear and bloodthirstiness could come here, nor would they want to. No human being who hadn’t developed her sense of compassion and empathy got through the gate. In fact, they were horrified when they saw the light. But a soul is eternal and in another age and another life it would feel compassion for other


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creatures and this made it possible to reach the new age, the new cre-ation in the new universe. !
