Download - THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 51, NUMBER 11 … · 2018. 3. 1. · Zwanzig to square-well fluid. In this case,


    Variational Approach to the Equilibrium Thermodynamic Properties of Simple Liquids. I*

    G.Ali MANSOORi(1) AND Frank B. CANFIELD (2)School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73069

    ABSTRACTA variational technique which is based on two different inequalities for the Helmholtz free energies is used to calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of simple fluids. A system with hard-sphere potential function is used as the reference system. Helmholtz free energy of the original system is calculated by variation around the Helmholtz free energy of the reference system, and the other thermo- dynamic properties are calculated from free energy. By choosing a hard-sphere reference system, it is possible to calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of fluids from very low densities to densities close to solid, and from high temperatures in the gas phase to low temperatures in the liquid phase, in the ranges where experimental and machine-calculated data are available. It is shown that the present variational technique is a better approach to the prediction of the equilibrium thermodynamic properties of liquids and vapor-liquid phase transition than any other approach so far developed. While the variational calculation based on a hard-sphere reference system does not predict the liquid-solid phase transition, it is argued that this might be due to the neglect of the orientation, or ordering in the formulation of the working inequality for fluids.


    The idea of perturbation and variational approaches to the equation of state of fluids based upon a simple system of hard spheres was originally introduced by Zwanzig.1 It was observed that at very high temperatures the equation of state of a gas is effectively due to repulsive potential of the molecules, and at lower temperatures the attractive part comes into effect. Then if we perturb or vary the attractive contribution of the partition function around the repulsive, hard-sphere contribution, we might be able to predict the properties of lower temperature gases and liquids satisfactorily. Even though the idea was sound and the perturbation expansions were rigorous, the calculations were not as successful as expected. Smith and Alder2 showed that it was possible to evaluate theoretically the thermodynamic quantities for a potential slightly different from the hard-sphere potential at all densities. Their calculations lead to an expansion of the thermodynamic quantities in powers of the reciprocal temperature. The convergence of the expansion for the equation of state was such that with the first two perturbation terms they were able to approximate the compressibility, pV/NkT, for a reduced temperature, T*=kT/t, greater than 2.0 to within 0.03 unit up to almost solid densities for Lennard-Jones fluid.

    One disadvantage of the above perturbation method was from the fact that the repulsive part of a real intermolecular potential, though steep, is not infinitely steep as was assumed. This introduces complications in locating the hard-sphere cutoff, a parameter to which numerical results are extremely sensitive. To solve this problem, McQuarrie and Katz3 also expanded the

    * This research was supported by the Directorate of ChemicalSciences, Air Force Office of Scientific research, Grant AFAFOSR-1020-66.

    (1). Present Address: UIC, emails: [email protected]; [email protected] (2).Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] R. W. Zwanaig, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1420 (1954). 2 E. B. Smith and B. J. Alder, J. Chem. Phys. 30, 1190 (1959). 3 D. A. McQuarrie and J. L. Katz, J. Chem. Phys. 44, 2393


    partition function with respect to the steepness of the repulsive part of the potential. Their equation of state reliably produced PVT data up to a reduced density, p*= prr, of 0.95 and reduced temperatures as low as T*=3 for Lennard-Jones fluid. To find whether the failure of the perturbation approach at lower temperatures was due to the perturbation treatment of the attractive part of the potential or due to the treatment of the finite steepness of the repulsive potential, Barker and Henderson4 applied the perturbation equation ofZwanzig to square-well fluid. In this case, the effect of the attractive forces was not complicated by the "softness" of the repulsive part of the potential, which is infinitely steep for square-well model. They were also able to find approximations for the coefficient of T*-2

    in the perturbation expansion. Their results indicated that the useful convergence of the perturbation expansion extends to very low temperatures for the squarewell potential. Later, Barker and Henderson, by using a double series perturbation expansion, extended the good convergence to the perturbation equation of state to lower temperatures for more reaslistic potentials.5-7

    They were able to extend the applicability of the perturbation equation of state to reduced temperatures as low as 0. 7 and reduced densities close to the solid phase. They also applied their perturbation approach to systems of fluids with two- and three-body forces8 •9

    and also to quantum fluids.10

    Kozak and Rice,11 by considering the hard-sphere

    4 J. A. Barker, and D. Henderson, J. Chem. Phys. 47, 2856 (1967).

    6 Reference 4, p. 4714. 6 J. A. Barker and D. Henderson, J. Chem. Educ. 45, 2 (1968). 7 W. R. Smith, D. Henderson, and J. A. Barker, Can. J. Phys.

    46, 1725 (1968).


    J. A. Barker, and D. Henderson, Phys. Rev. Letters 21, 134 (1968).

    9 J. A. Barker, D. Henderson, and W. R. Smith, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Thermodynamic Properties, ASME, p. 30, 1968.

    10 S. Kim, D. Henderson, and J. A. Barker, Can. J. Phys. 47,

    99 (1969). 11 J. J. Kozak and S. A. Rice, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 1226 (1968).



    DOI: 10.1063/1.1671889



    Uo= L ui;°.,>j=l

    Relation (21) is based on the assumption that N;, thenumber of molecules in different spherical shells around ( 15) a central molecule in the reference system, are un-

    Then the basic inequalities (13) and (14) will become,respective! y,

    correlated:ir"-j. (22)


    F�Fo+ L (u;/)oi>j=l

    In a manner similar to Barker and Henderson,4 if we(16) also assume the following relations between the numberof molecules in different shells:and

    N N

    F�Fo+ L (u;/)o-(/j2/2!) ([ I: (u;/-(u;/)) ]2)0 N

    +(/33/3!)([ I: (u;/-(u;/)o)]3)o, (17)•>i=l


    In a fluid, the nth correlation function g (r1, • • •, rn)is defined asg


    (20) becomesF Fo 48'11 f°' 96'11 [ (op)] [ 128'11 1 [ (op)2 (op)2]- < -- + - U1(s)G(s)ds- - [r1 - U2(s)G(s)ds+ - - - - _!.P (a/ap}o -NkT - NkT T* 0 T*2 op O O T*3 /32 op O 2 op o

    X j°' Ua(s)G(s)ds, (39) 0

    where U2(s) and Ua(s) are inverse Laplace transforms of xu*2(x) and xu*3(x), respectively:s22 sI6 srn

    U2(s) = (c-1)24 - -2(c-I)IB _ + (c-1)12 _ (40)22! 16! 10! and

    s34 s'lil s22 si& Ua(s) = (c-1)36 _ -3(c-I)30 _ +3(c-I)24 __ (c-1)1s _ (41) 34! 28! 22! 16! VII. PROPERTIES OF THE REFERENCE


    According to thermodynamics, the following relationexists between the pressure and the Helmholtz freeenergy of a system PV/NkT= Z= p(o/op) (F/NkT)T.N;, (42)

    where Z is the compressibility. By integrating Eq. ( 42)with respect to p, one gets �=JP p-1 ( PV -1) dp- ln(pA3)-1. (43) NkT

    O NkT

    Then by having the compressibility of a system inhand, we can calculate F / NkT for that system. For thehard-sphere reference system in mind, there are severalrelations available for compressibility. As will be shownsubsequently19 the average Percus-Yevick equation,while simple in form, (PV/NkT)o= (l+'IJ+'IJ2-J,,3)/(1-'IJ)3, (44)

    is in good agreement with the machine-calculated datafor the hard-sphere fluid. By inserting ( 44) in ( 43) wehave F0/NkT= ln(l-'11)1'2+[3/(l-'IJ)]

    +[3/4(1-'11)2]-(19/4)- ln(pA3). (45) Also from ( 44) we can show that

    and i (


    (1-'11)4 (46) fr op o = (1+2'1J)2-1.5'1Ja(4-.,,) ,

    -(1/.82) [(op/op )o2+½p(o/op) (op/op)/](1-.,, )7 ( 1.5.,,5-7 .5.,,4+ 207,2+5.,,-1) [(1 +2.,,)2-1.5.,,3 ( 4-.,,) ]3 (47)

    Compressibility coefficient of the hard-sphere reference 19 G. A. Mansoori, J. A. Provine, and F. B. Canfield, "Note on

    the Perturbation Equation of State of Barker and Henderson," J. Chem. Phys. (to be published).

    system, fr1(op/op)0, as introduced by (46), and alsorelation ( 47) are parts of the coefficients of T*-2 andT*-3 in the inequality (39), respectively. VIII. CONSIDERATION OF THE PARAMETER c,


    For a single-component thermodynamic system,according to phase rule, if two of the intensive properties of the system are defined, the other properties willbe defined. Of course, along the phase transition lineone intensive thermodynamic variable of the systemwill be enough to get the other variables. Then, ingeneral, if we choose the two independent variables p,the density and T, the temperature, one could writeF= F(p, T).

    Now if we define the reduced quantities p*= p