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  • 8/14/2019 The Internet as a Tool to Restore Social Capital


    The Internet as a Tool to Restore Social Capital


    Tyrone Schiff

    Undergraduate Non-Fiction

  • 8/14/2019 The Internet as a Tool to Restore Social Capital


    Imagine if a tiny metal can were sent hurtling into space fifty years ago, and as a

    result your countrys economy would be altered forever, society would function

    differently, and the political system would be forever changed. Anyone who is familiar

    with an instrument known as the Internet should be aware of its immense clout and power

    over a variety of elements that make up todays world. The metal can was none other than

    the first satellite launched into space, Sputnik 1. In order to regain the technological lead

    in the arms race, Dwight Eisenhower, the president at the time, launched a project that

    eventually led to the Internet, which debuted in October, 1969. Since then, the network

    has gone through a number of evolutions that have brought it to its current state. The

    Internet is a resource used by a tremendous amount of people around the world, and

    substantial data reveals that increases in social capital is related to mankinds usage of the

    Internet (Taube, 235). It is evident that the Internet is a resource that has the power to

    restore the social capital that has been lost in recent decades.

    The Decline of Social Capital

    In order to better understand the concepts that are going to be dealt with in this

    paper, the discussion of the Internets positive role on social capital will begin with some

    definitions of both social capital and the Internet. The concept of social capital is still a

    rather new one. In fact, the concept of social capital only arose in the 1980s, as a number

    of social scientists considered the role of interpersonal relations in human and social

    development (Warschauer, 316). The most significant aspect of social capital that makes

    it differ from human capital, which involves individual skills or knowledge, or physical

    capital, like financial assets, is the fact that social capital is the capacity of individuals to


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    accrue benefits by the dint of their personal relationships and memberships in particular

    social networks and structures (Warschauer, 316). Furthermore, there is a definite link

    between the individual and his or her own community and environment. Social capital

    occurs in a variety of different forms too. For instance, if a friend provides information

    about a possible job [] if a parent offers high educational expectations, opportunities,

    and support to a child [] if a government bureaucrat can be trusted to do what he says,

    these are all different types of social capital (Warschauer, 316). As indicated by these

    examples, social capital needs some sort of connection between two or more individuals.

    However, when social capital is strengthened between individuals, it also affects the

    larger community (Warschauer, 316). A community can be affected by social capital due

    to the intrinsic connection between social capital and civic engagement. Social capital

    helps promote civic engagement, because it provides insight, perspective, and resources

    to tackle issues of concern (Warschauer, 317). The term, social capital was actually

    coined by Robert Putnam, who is a professor of public policy at Harvard (Robert

    Putnams Profile at Harvard University).

    Robert Putnam has made the observation that Americas stock of social capital has

    been on the decline for the last half century (Putnam, 666). Putnam describes social

    capital as features of social life networks [and] norms that enable participants to act

    more effectively to pursue shared objectives (664-5). Putnam feels as though todays

    society has become deficient of social capital. In contending that social capital is

    declining, he cites the dip in membership records among national organizations,

    individuals use of personal time, and lack of attendance for rallies and speeches

    (Putnam, 666). Most notably, however, Putnam attributes much of the erosion in social


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    capital to television, the electronic revolution, and other technological changes (667).

    Putnams main points in regards to technology and its corrosive effect on social capital is

    that it displaces time that can be used doing other things, reduces trust, and weakens civic

    engagement (678).

    Putnam explains that while most forms of social and media participation are

    positively correlated, people who watch TV are less likely to attend leisure activities

    outside of the home (678). His argument here revolves around the fact that people have

    less time in their day to go out of their homes and attend social gatherings and engage in

    informal conversation (679). These are critical aspects of social capital that Putnam

    believes have been dwindling in the past couple decades. Putnam further attributes the

    reduction in trust in society to the advancement in technology. Putnam declares that

    heavy users of television are unusually skeptical about the benevolence of other people

    overestimating crime rates, for example (679). Putnam believes that this newly formed

    schema of human nature is extremely pessimistic (679). This pessimism therefore leads to

    a diminishing level of social capital because of the resultant lack of trust. Finally, he

    suggests that there is a correlation between newspaper readership and high social capital

    as opposed to the low social capital associated with television watching (678). Putnam

    has found that those who read the newspaper more than watching television are generally

    in 76% more civic organizations (Putnam, 678). Putnam is trying to express that people

    who do not engage in activities relating to technology possess far more social capital due

    to their involvement in organizations. Ultimately, he argues that each hour spent viewing

    television is associated with less social trust and less group membership, which clarify

    how harmful technology can be to social capital (Putnam, 678).


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    Though television is specifically indicted by Putnam, the Internet can most

    definitely be considered an element of technological change. However, the Internet,

    rather than having a damaging effect on social capital, has worked to restore the social

    capital that has been depleting in recent decades. The Internet contributes to an ongoing

    relationship that is harbored between individuals and communities. It will be established

    that while social capital may have been falling in recent decades, the Internet, and the

    resources for the promotion of social capital inherent to it, is working to restore this lost

    social capital. In order to give a more thorough understanding of the Internet, a brief

    history is given here.

    The History and Evolution of the Internet

    The Internet also has a long and interesting history. The Internet originated in the

    United States Department of Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA

    was primarily developed to help computer researchers working in the Department of

    Defense in the 1960s, communicate with one another over great distances quickly and

    efficiently (Abbate). Its original name was ARPANET (Abbate). The Internet, as the

    public knows it today, really came into being in 1989. During the 1990s, the growth of

    the Internet was tremendous, and this explosive growth continues today in the 21st

    century (Abbate). Although the Internet, in its infancy at least, was manufactured,

    designed, and used primarily for military purposes, the unforeseen growth of the Internet

    into the commercialization center and community setting that it is today was without any

    precedent (Abbate). The Internet still has a lot of growing to do, but its role in todays

    society is immeasurable, providing an array of ways to both supplement and promote

    social capital. As already noted, there are a number of ways to promote social capital, and


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    the Internet adds to and makes contributing to the restoration of social capital easier.

    Saving Our Time and Keeping Us Connected

    In the year 2000, The National Geographic Society published a survey that had

    circulated in their magazine, The National Geographic (Wellman, 441). It was in

    search of what Americans were doing with the time they spent on the Internet. According

    to the study, The most common activity is social, exchanging e-mails at a mean rate of

    270 days per year. Other social activities include engaging in chats, playing multi-user

    games [] People also use the Internet for less social activities, such as web surfing;

    looking for news, digital libraries, and magazines (Wellman et al, 441). Clearly, there is

    a lot to do on the Internet and only a limited amount of time to do all of these things. One

    of the arguments used to refute the idea that the Internet increases social capital is that the

    Internet competes for the other activities that can be done in a 24 hour period (Wellman et

    al, 439).

    Professor Barry Wellman, a sociology professor at the University of Toronto and

    Chair-Emeritus of both the Community and Information Technologies section and the

    Community and Urban Sociology section of the American Sociological Association,

    asserts that the data on this stolen time is negligible at best (Wellman et al, 439). The

    Internet, rather, has been shown through statistical analysis to supplement network

    capital by extending existing levels of face-to-face and telephone contact, which are the

    most desirable forms of social interaction (Wellman et al, 450). Furthermore, the Internet

    is a very efficient tool that leads to saved time that can be spent socializing with the

    family, friends, or attending a meeting (Wellman et al, 450). Loss of time is not a valid

    argument to make when criticizing the Internet, because the Internet makes up all of the


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    time one usually spends away from the Internet due to its great efficiency. People also

    tend to do things online that they would typically do in a regular day offline. For

    example, people might read newspapers or search for information regardless of whether

    they do this online or offline (Wellman et al, 450). Therefore, people still engage in

    regular activities whether they are on the Internet or not. If people continue to engage in

    activities that they do otherwise, then the notion of the Internet wasting ones time is

    dismissed. A more pertinent question is the following: does the Internet improve ones

    abilities to maintain and connect with other people, and in particular, people with whom

    these individuals may not ordinarily interact with?

    A significant study was performed in 2001 in response to this question in Toronto

    by Keith Hamptom, an Associate Professor in the Annenberg School for Communication

    at the University of Pennsylvania (Keith Hamptom). The community that Hamptom used

    has become known as Netville in sociological fields (Warschauer, 318). This community

    was being inundated with new residents entering from all over Canada and the United

    States (Warschauer, 318). All of the residents were given the option of having broadband

    Internet access. Only 60% of the participants in this experiment were given Internet

    access at all initially (Warschauer, 318). The study made significant findings on how

    people interact with those located far distances from themselves:

    The study found that those with Internet access maintained and developed

    more extensive social networks of contact and support both within

    Netville and outside. Outside the community, the wired residents tended to

    maintain or increase their contacts and support from people who lived less

    than 50km away, between 50 and 500 km away, or more than 500 km


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    away; whereas the unwired residents faced decreased contact or support at

    all three distances (presumably because they had just moved to a new

    neighborhood and thus removed from old contacts, and were also busy

    settling in to their new homes). (Warschauer, 318)

    The evidence shows that the Internet helps and promotes contact with people who are in

    close proximity, as well as those far away. The final sentence of this passage further

    elaborates on the fact that people who use the Internet save themselves time, because

    those who were not using the Internet were too busy with other things regarding their


    This evidence solidifies the notion that the Internet helps communication through

    usage of the Internet, but what about other forms of communication like the telephone or

    the coveted face-to-face communication? One of the perks of being able to use the

    Internet in this experiment was being included in an e-mail group know as Net-1

    (Warschauer, 318). It has been shown that because of communication on this list and the

    social ties that arose from exchanges online and later offline, wired residents had

    substantially more contact of every sort within the community than did non wired

    residents (Warschauer, 318). These exchanges took the form of being recognized by

    name, the amount of people actually spoken to, the number of people called on the phone,

    and the number of people visited at home. Furthermore, those residents who were wired

    had a tremendous amount of contact with the participants of the experiment who werent

    wired, due to the fact that the wired residents took responsibility for sharing and passing

    on information from the Net-1 list to their non-wired neighbors (Warschauer, 318). This

    is a positive indicator of social capital, because it depicts a society of people that work to


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    strengthen their community outside of the realm of the Internet. The Internet is evidenced

    here to be a resource that communicates and connects, not only through the Internet itself,

    but through opening doors to other methods of communication that are highly sought

    after from a social capital perspective.

    The Internet did not Invent Trust

    Eric Uslaner, a professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the

    University of Maryland in College Park, asserts that trust is a significant component of

    social capital in his paper, Social Capital and the Net(Uslaner, 62). Assuredly, trust is

    definitely part of what comprises social capital, but the Internet does not necessarily

    enhance or hinder trust, because it is merely the device used to connect individuals and

    communities, as opposed to the individuals and communities themselves. In order to

    understand trust a little better, a long term analysis of the state of trust in the United

    States will be a sufficient place to start.

    A disheartening trend has been occurring in the United States, In 1960, 58% of

    Americans believed most people can be trusted [] (Uslaner, 60). By the 1990s,

    barely more than 33% of Americans trusted one another (Uslaner, 60). Trust has been on

    the decline even without the Internet, and this is recognized by Robert Putnam. His

    original argument was that watching a lot of television keeps Americans inside their

    homes and away from the civic organizations and social connections that generate trust

    (Uslaner, 62). Putnams new culprit is the Internet because of the large leap it has made in

    the world of technology.

    However, it is important to notice that trust and the Internet are not completely

    unrelated. Going online certainly does take a certain amount of trust, especially when


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    considering ones privacy and when making purchases with a credit card. However, the

    same is true about our everyday lives outside of the world of the Internet. People who are

    trusting wont lock their doors at night or purchase guns, because they feel safe in their

    homes. Trust is a component of personality, and neither the Internet nor television

    remakes peoples personalities (Uslaner, 63). Trust is something that is taught to

    individuals by their parents and is influenced by their own particular upbringing. The fact

    of the matter is that the Internet is filled with pornography, but it didnt invent it, and

    nobody is forced to visit these sites. And, yes, there are plenty of opportunities on the

    Web to give to charities, find volunteering opportunities, and join support groups

    (Uslaner, 64) The Internet prevails in its ability to bring together people who already

    have something in common family ties, friendship, working in the same office, political

    views, or needing the same kind of medical information or psychological support

    (Uslaner, 63). These factors are the core of what makes the Internet a huge champion of

    social capital.

    The Internets role assisting Community Organizations

    A critical step in trying to increase social capital is getting people involved in

    networks, communities, and organizations. These types of mediums exist due to either

    personal interest or proximity to others. With statistical significance, studies have shown

    that when there is an increase in Internet use, the Internet [] increases organizational

    involvement (Wellman et al, 444). This particular study was measured in the frequency

    of emails that were sent daily (Wellman et al, 444). In a comparison done between face-

    to-face interactions, phone calls, letters written, and e-mails sent, the greatest factor in the

    number of total communications an individual had with another was based on their rate of


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    sending e-mails (Wellman et al, 445). Another significant correlation between increased

    participation in organizations due to the Internet was found, and it was an individuals

    level of education. This is a somewhat disconcerting correlation due to the fact that it

    implies that only an educated few are receiving the full benefits of the Internet. Yet, there

    is a lot of good that comes from this association as well. More education will ultimately

    allow the individual to encounter more issues that need resolving. If the Internet improves

    social capital, and it has shown thus far that it does, these educated individuals will be

    more civically engaged as a result of their Internet use. While this may not be the most

    ideal situation initially, this scenario at least gives the opportunity for more civic issues

    on a local, national, and international level to be tackled. The social capital of the

    educated will be used to further the uneducated. There are many illustrations of this.

    Organizations that use technology, specifically the Internet, help communities through

    varying projects.

    A project run in India by an NGO called Prayas attempted to help children who

    have been abandoned and left on the street. In the past this group had implemented

    housing programs, health clinics, [and] counseling services (Warschauer, 320). Prayas

    intended to use the Internet to train the children vocationally, rather than merely placing

    computers in the slum (Warschauer, 320). By giving the children the ability to use the

    Internet, they helped these once abandoned children try to help themselves. The Internet

    helps promote social capital for both parties involved in this example. The Internet is the

    resource that Prayas used to educate the Indian children, and the Internet was used by the

    children to educate themselves. Prayas was able to set up a far better computer training

    program that was organized and had specific purpose (Warschauer, 321). Eventually, the


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    education that is attained from the Internet will be used by those learning, and they can

    now contribute and spread social capital of their own.

    On the other side of the spectrum, there are also organizations that learn how to

    use the Internet to their advantage in order to provide the best available resources to those

    in need. A group called the Community Digital Initiative, which is based out of Riverside,

    California, helps low-income Latinos in the area by providing them with a center that

    offers violence-prevention groups, a dispute-mediation group, a volunteer center, court-

    referral programs, housing programs, transportation-access programs, crisis-intervention

    programs, community health projects, and legal-aid organizations (Warschauer, 320).

    With such a wide array of programs offered it would be quite easy for this center to lose

    track of everything and fall apart. However, the Internet has made it easier than ever to

    organize and function effectively. Managers, administrators, and members of these

    groups participate in workshops to learn how to use computers and the Internet to

    function more effectively (Warschauer, 320). They learn anything from how to set up a

    mailing list to keeping track of organizational finances. The Internet allows for this

    massive collaboration to occur. The Community Digital Initiatives efforts are also

    multiplied due to the significant amount of connectedness they are able to achieve with

    these groups who come to the community center through usage of the Internet. Clearly

    the power of the Internets ability to increase social capital is visible here. The Internet is

    able to take a plethora of organizations and bring them together under one roof, where

    they can be used more effectively and efficiently.

    A final example of how organizations use the Internet to foster social capital can

    be seen in the Bresee Foundation, which carries out community events in Central Los


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    Angeles (Warschauer, 321). This particular part of the city is infested with crime,

    homicide, gang-related shootings, auto-theft, domestic violence, and drugs

    (Warschauer, 321). It is also home to the Rampart police scandal, in which Los Angeles

    Police apparently planted evidence and faked altercations to send people to prison

    unlawfully (Warschauer, 321). Evidently, the community is in dire need of help and some

    social capital. The Bresee Foundation has a number of resources for its community, and

    one of its more recent additions was a computer center called Cyberhood (Warschauer,

    321). The Bresee Foundation believes that in order to build their community back up,

    they must foster their leaders from within. The way this foundation achieves this goal is

    through employing a number of the individuals who come into their Cyberhood center;

    some 25% of the employees at Bresee are formerly clients of the center (Warschauer,

    321). In Cyberhood, teenagers employed from within the community who show natural

    ability with the Internet and computers in general are hired to help others in the

    community. Cyberhood and the Bresee Foundation are cornerstones of how the Internet

    can be used to bolster social capital. The Internet encourages personal insight, and within

    this organization that insight is encouraged and shared with others. This is but one of the

    many examples of the Internet working alongside the community trying to help those less

    fortunate help themselves. The Internet provides its users with the tools to teach

    themselves and others. All of these examples of the Internet improving social capital

    work on improving the individual. The Internet, however, also further allows individuals

    to contribute to their own community, maximizing social capital. There are other areas in

    which the Internet advances the well being of social capital, and that is through the

    medium of political involvement.


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    Political Participation

    At first the Internet painted a dismal picture of political involvement. In 1998, a

    so-called nationally representative sample was used to study the effects of the Internet

    and voter participation (Tolbert, 177). The study showed that with the exception of

    giving campaign donations, the political behavior of those with access to the Internet and

    online political information did not differ from those who did not use the Internet []

    (Tolbert, 177). Unfortunately, this evidence came from a single midterm election, and

    since 1998, there has been far more data suggesting that the Internet has improved

    citizens political participation, which is a component of civic engagement that enhances

    social capital. The most critical thing when it comes to political participation is

    essentially getting constituents out to vote. Bringing citizens out to vote is considered one

    of the most significant rights given to all Americans (Feigenbaum, 2006). A study that

    supports the Internets ability to increase participation was published in the 1999 DDB

    Life Style Study, which found that the Internets ability to exchange information had a

    positive correlation to civic engagement, and contentment (Tolbert, 177). To further

    illustrate the Internets ability to bring political information to the masses, consider the

    statistics that were gathered by the American National Election Studies (NES) from 1996

    to 2000. A study administered by the NES planned to detail whether or not people had

    Internet access, and whether or not they had used the Internet to obtain any sort of

    political information after the election had taken place (Tolbert, 178). In 1996, 27% of

    respondents had Internet access, but only 7% of them used this to obtain political

    information (Tolbert, 178). However, consider the great expanse the Internet took in just

    four years. In 2000, 63% of respondents had Internet access, and 29% of them used it to


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    obtain political information (Tolbert, 178). This is a critical statistic for three reasons.

    First, the amount of people who were involving themselves with the political process

    through acquiring information grew dramatically. Second, there was a far better ratio of

    people using the Internet to partake in politics than in 1996. Third, the Internet was

    clearly spreading. People were becoming more aware of political events, because the

    Internet allowed them to obtain the information they needed quickly and easily. Political

    involvement is one of the chief methods to become civically engaged. With civic

    engagement comes an undeniable rise in social capital. The Internet clearly demonstrates

    here how it educates more people about political issues, and therefore promotes an

    engaged citizenry.

    Not only do citizens who use the Internet educate themselves further about

    politics, but individuals who use the Internet for political news are more likely to

    participate in politics (Tolbert, 182). In this particular instance, the word political

    participation was defined as the respondent [voting], talk to others about candidates or

    parties, display buttons or signs, work for a party or candidate, attend rallies, [] and

    give money to interest groups (Tolbert, 182). This is an impressive list of actions that

    contribute to social capital, which rose dramatically in 1998 and 2000 as a result of

    Internet use. Furthermore, there seems to be a sort of reciprocal role that the Internet

    plays with the individual as far as political participation goes. As it has been noted

    already, use of the Internet for political purposes promotes political participation offline.

    Similarly, the more people engage in political activities offline, the more they engage in

    political discussions online (Wellman et al, 447). Clearly, the Internet provides a wealth

    of information to the individual, and perhaps further mobilizes that individual to


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    participate in elections. The Internet promotes and expands an individuals ability to

    contribute within the political spectrum. Aside from obtaining information via web

    surfing, people acquire information regarding politics via e-mail and chat-rooms

    (Tolbert, 177).

    Online Communities and Their Applications in the Real World

    While e-mail and chat-rooms continues to be excellent ways to communicate, the

    Internet has done its fair share of evolving and now the world known as the

    blogosphere dominates the way people can interact and share news with one another. A

    blog is the condensed form of the word web-log, which started out technically as an

    online journal of sorts. Since then it has grown into huge conglomerates such as, which has millions upon millions of blogs that are updated 24 hours a day,

    seven days a week, and that discuss every topic imaginable. From aardvarks to zygotes,

    bloggers write about it all. Upon searching the word politics on the

    homepage, a massive 2,750,640 blogs are found, and this number is continually growing

    (, 2006). Blogs have had incredible impact on social capital based on their

    ability to reach people quickly and efficiently. Perhaps one of the most significant events

    played by blogs in politics occurred when bloggers united to decry the words of Trent

    Lott at Strom Thurmonds 100th birthday party (The Nation, 2002). Strom Thurmond is

    somewhat controversial due to the stance he took on segregation. Lotts comments that

    day were out of line to say the least: I want to say this about my state. When Strom

    Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the

    country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these

    years either (The Nation, 2002). Ultimately, this ended in absolute catastrophe for Lott.


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    He ended up resigning as the Senate Republican leader shortly after these comments

    surfaced. However, what made this story stand above the rest was the fact that it was due

    to the bloggers that it actually got noticed. Trent Lotts words went practically unnoticed

    by C-Span, a large media corporation that actually aired Thurmonds birthday as it was

    happening. Moreover, these comments by Lott were completely dismissed by major

    publications like the Wall Street Journaland The New York Times as anything serious.

    How then is it possible that a story that bypassed the major media in the United States

    ended up causing a senate majority leader to resign from his post? The answer lies within

    the power of the Internet and of blogs specifically.

    Many individuals were in utter disbelief about the comments that Lott said and

    decided to write about their feelings on various blogs such asInstapunditand John

    Marshalls Talking Points Memo (Blogs Make the Headlines, 2002). Instantly, bloggers

    from around the country united together to write about their disapproval of Lott. Keep in

    mind that Trent Lott had made a fair share of racist and pro-confederate remarks in the

    past. In 1978, he led a campaign to reinstate the citizenship of Jefferson Davis (The

    Nation, 2002). In 1980, Lott uttered an eerily similar quote to the one he said in 2002

    when he said, You know, if we had elected that man [Strom Thurmond] 30 years ago, we

    wouldn't be in the mess we are today (The Nation, 2002). The difference this time

    around was that citizens could easily communicate through blogging with one another.

    The story spread wildly around the Internet and around the country. Bloggers caused a

    technological uproar, and this time the media did react to Lotts statements. Talk about a

    quick turnaround. Lott made his comments on December 5th, 2002 and resigned on

    December 20th, 2002. In this case, the Internet allowed bloggers to organize quickly,


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    communicate their similar sentiments, and get real action taken. Moreover, once the

    Internet began to flex its might and raise its voice, the large print media had to respond to

    the upheaval it was causing all over the net. This example is a testament to the social

    capital that can be gained from the usage of the Internet. People banded together in this

    situation through an online community that opposed what Lott had to say and made a real

    difference through their blogging contributions. However, the sense of community on the

    Internet is often criticized:

    If high use of the Internet supplements face-to-face and telephone contact

    and if it affords greater involvement in organizations and politics, then

    both these phenomena should foster more community commitment. Yet

    this is not the case. There is no association between Internet use, social

    contact, organizational and political involvement, and feelings of

    community (or alienation) in everyday life. (Wellman et al, 448).

    The quotation makes a lot of very empowering statements about the Internet. It advocates

    that the Internet contributes to both social contact and involvement in given organizations

    which are clear indications of social capital. However, it is unfortunate that the quote

    doesnt realize how strong ones commitment to their online community can be. The

    Internet is a new arena in which communities need to be assessed in a new way. Just

    because the community does not resemble one that Americans and the world have been

    likened to for the past half century does not mean that there is any less commitment to an

    individuals online community. The Internet harbors new types of communities that are

    different, but still just as potent.

    The basis for online communities can be found at the Uniform Resource Locator


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    (URL) of Facebooks about section provides the following description

    of their service, Facebook is a social utility that helps people better understand the world

    around them. Facebook develops technologies that facilitate the spread of information

    through social networks allowing people to share information online the same way they

    do in the real world ( Facebook outlines three primary goals in this

    section. They advocate that it is a social community. Further, Facebook understands that

    it is constantly evolving with new technology that it develops, and finally that it strives to

    meet a level of interaction comparable to that of a real world setting. This is most

    definitely a tough list of assertions to be made by an online community. Lets see how

    they stand up.

    Facebook provides their users with the ability to put up a picture of themselves,

    write a small profile of some interests, send messages to other users, join groups, write on

    another members wall, and poke other users. These features are simple, but they work

    successfully. Initially, there were only 650 people from Harvard University who were

    using this network, now the site has grown to more than 12 million users (Hundreds

    Register for New Facebook Website, 2004). If anything else, the sheer size of this

    community creates a commitment to it. Walking around any college campus USA, one

    will hear students talk about Facebook, and if someone happens to not be on Facebook,

    they pretty much dont exist. Facebook allows a young, tech-savvy demographic of adults

    to communicate with one another via this network. Keeping up to date with people all

    over the country is easier than ever with Facebooks News Feed.

    The News Feed is a relatively new addition to the features found on Facebook. It

    stirred up a tremendous amount of controversy due to the fact that it displayed all the


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    actions of the people you are connected to via friendships. Facebook understood that

    there needed to be some sort of privacy that people were entitled to in this community, so

    in order to see anothers profile one must become friends with them first. What

    developed from this News Feed was perhaps one of the biggest protests that Generation-

    Y has ever participated in. A Facebook group was opened up called, Students against

    Facebook News Feed (Official Petition to Facebook) in which students were meant to

    join in order to show their disapproval of the addition of the News Feed (

    If the users of Facebook and students on Facebook didnt have any sense of community

    commitment there would not have been nearly as much hullabaloo about this issue as

    there ended up being. Close to 800,000 people joined the group, showing their

    commitment to this online community. A story was published in the Washington Postthat

    brought the protest into plain view. This also demonstrates further how actions on the

    Internet have a great deal of influence on the world outside of the Internet. Within days,

    as a result of this petition being signed by a substantial amount of people, the owner of, Mark Zuckerberg, developed privacy settings for users as a compromise

    and expressed his own opinion of what had occurred:

    This may sound silly, but I want to thank all of you who have written in

    and created groups and protested. Even though I wish I hadnt made so

    many of you angry, I am glad we got to hear you. And I am also glad that

    News Feed highlighted all these groups so people could find them and

    share their opinions with each other as well. (

    Zuckerberg, along with the 12 million users who are on Facebook, view this online

    website as a community of individuals that can come together, enjoy the features of the


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    site, and band together to fight against issues that involve them. A great way that

    Facebook creates a sense of community is through its groups. Whether you join groups

    such as Oppose Divestment from Israel, Support Peaceful Investment in the Region,

    which are very politically charged, or more fun groups like the, International Liger

    Defense Fund, Facebook allows the user to find like minded individuals who want to

    educate one another on a given topic of interest ( This sort of inviting

    community breeds commitment. The Facebook community allows individuals to connect

    and work with one another and find those out there with similar passions. When people

    are able to connect with one another, find an issue they are collectively passionate about,

    and then act on that issue, that is community; that is how social capital is built.

    The Internet Serving the Needs of Humans

    It has been a central ingredient to this paper to express that the Internet is the

    glue that holds communities and other social networks together through means of

    promoting and furthering social capital (Preece, 37). It is important to recognize its role

    as glue. The Internet cannot function without people adding to it, however, it is highly

    effective as a device to create order and streamline efforts. In the immediate aftermath of

    the September 11th terrorist attacks, a sense of community was established quickly.

    People banded together and helped each other grieve over the tremendous tragedy that

    just occurred. While some reached for a telephone to call loved ones or watched TV to

    see the horrible images, close to 30 million Americans sought out the Internet, either

    through email, instant messaging, or blogging, to support and exchange information

    through online communities (Preece, 37). People came together from far distances,

    disparities in age, and a variety of cultures to form a community of concerned citizens,


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    helping people more readily attain information and make connections through the

    Internet, but there are limits to even this. In the future, having to hook-up to use the

    Internet needs to become obsolete. America and countries around the world need to put

    significant effort into making their own countries wireless. When this occurs, the Internet

    can be attainable from any point anywhere in a given country. This will make it far easier

    to tap into the resources of the Internet and interact with people. These are barriers

    directly related to attaining access to the Internet, but there are ways to improve upon the

    experience of surfing the Internet as well.

    The Internet is an environment in which rapid exchange of ideas is possible

    (Preece, 38). For instance, when a person goes online they can write an email, send an

    instant message, blog, or enter a chat room. When a person is offline, they can use a

    telephone to communicate, see someone in person, or use newer technologies like video-

    conferencing. In order to gain the fullest benefits of the Internet, it would be wise to

    integrate the uses of the Internet into our offline communicative activities. Facebook, for

    example, has actually done a fantastic job with offline communications as it has settings

    that the user can select that will send updates to a mobile phone. Essentially, this makes

    all connections that people want to make with one another instantaneous. Connections are

    therefore made very efficiently, and people can respond to needs that arise quickly.

    Although it has been evidenced that the Internet neither increases nor decreases

    trust in the individual, a potential increase in trust will directly increase, restore, and help

    social capital, because this lead[s] participants to expect positive future interactions

    (Preece, 38). People ought to enjoy their Internet experience, so there is certainly no

    drawback to improving trust. One way that trust can be dealt with through the Internet is


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    clubs and participate in those we do belong to at lower rates (140). This means that

    society may become complacent with the many ills that are currently inflicting the world.

    People will be less willing to actively change their environment. Furthermore, without a

    good basis of social capital, voting and exercising ones suffrage is no longer appreciated

    as much (Sobel, 140).

    Voting tendencies have a great deal of correlation to an individuals commitment

    to their community. When people dont vote it indicates an apathetic approach to

    decisions and policies that may be made about their community. If people dont vote,

    they are expressing their indifference. An indifferent society is not going to be able to

    tackle issues and solve them collectively. The cure to this decay in social capital lies in

    the power of the Internet. It is unmatched in its abilities to connect people across large

    distances, age barriers, and cultural differences. The Internet has the ability to harness the

    interests of its users and localize and connect them very quickly and efficiently. The

    Internet is an educating tool that provides people with the outlets to get involved. Social

    capital may have been on the decline, but the Internet is the means to its restoration.

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