Download - The independence of judiciary and the necessity of the rule of law for democratization in bangladesh

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    The independence of Judiciary and

    the necessity of the rule of law for

    democratization in Bangladesh

    Md.Azizur Rahman Dulu

    Senior Assistant Judge


    Introduction: Bangladesh being a state of pledging

    in the preamble of the constitution for

    establishing a society free from exploitation has

    the responsibility to work for this and it is of

    course, necessary to find out the lacuna and taking

    the measures so that no exploitation can be done

    either by the persons appointed in the service of

    this Republic or non appointed exploiters.

    By instinct man is gregarious and lives in company

    of his fellow beings. This has led to the emergence

    of society and rules to regulate the conduct of the

    members of the society. The association was not,

    however, for mere companionship, but to achieve

    various subjective matter and purposes. Dealings

    between the individuals in the society invariably

    resulted in disputes. The need to settle disputes

    gave rise to leadership in the society and with the

    problem of protection of life and property came the

    concepts of allegiance and obedience.

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    By a slow and intermittent process of social,

    economic and political evolution the State emerged

    as an indispensable institution rub by an agency

    called the government. Constitutional law is a set

    of legal rules which regulate the structure of the

    organs of government, their5 functions, and their

    relationship with each other and with the citizens.

    Power has to be conceded to the State for the sake

    of ordered society, but every power given to the

    State makes a corresponding inroad into the bundle

    of rights and liberty of individuals. Gone is the

    day of laissez-fair when the individuals hardly

    felt the existence of the government. The vast

    explosion of population, the momentous advancement

    of technology and the resulting perceived welfare

    needs of the complex modern society have mind

    pervasive governmental control inevitable. In such

    a situation the life of individuals is sure to

    become intolerable if the State can exercise

    unfettered or arbitrary power. Hence, the modern

    emphasis is on constitutionalism and constitutional

    government which not only recognize the need for

    governmental power, but also insist on limitations

    on the power of the government. Western

    institutional theorists have concerned themselves

    with the problems of ensuring that the exercise of

    governmental power, which is essential to the

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    realization of the values of their societies,

    should be controlled in order that it should no

    itself be destructive of the values it was intended

    to promote1

    In believing a Greek old proverb the ignorant

    judges are calamitous for the people I would like

    to say simply that the judicial service of

    Bangladesh and the rule of law for democratization

    are inter connected. Without the proper function of

    the judicial service of Bangladesh, the rule of law

    cannot be established. Now the question comes to us

    that whether the judiciary functions properly and

    if not what reforms should be made for proper

    function of the judiciary. Here I have pointed out

    some bad scopes or sectors for which the judges or

    the judicial magistrates of sub-ordinate courts of

    Bangladesh cannot work independently like the

    judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Of

    course the judges of the apex Court are independent

    except the formation of the benches time to time by

    the Chief Justice of Bangladesh. There is no set

    principle or guidelines like Iran for which the

    benches of the apex Court shall be formed and there

    will be no abuse of the discretionary power of the

    Chief Justice of Bangladesh. I am not telling that

    the Chief Justice of Bangladesh has or has not

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    abused his discretionary power in framing the

    benches but focusing the point of law that is,

    article 100 of the Constitution of the Peoples

    Republic of Bangladesh, provides that 'The

    permanent seat of the Supreme Court shall be in the capital,

    but sessions of the High Court Division may be held at such

    other place or places as the Chief Justice may, with the

    approval of the President, from time to time appoint and for

    which there is a scope of abusing the discretionary

    power which is solely depended on the mentality of

    the person holding the said authority. However,

    besides this, I am telling here what the obstacles

    are for the judges of the sub-ordinate courts of

    Bangladesh for establishing the rule of law and

    what reforms at least within the existing legal

    framework should be made for ensuring the rule of

    law and the democratization.

    1.1 Legal framework

    Article 137 of the Constitution deal with the term

    legal framework of Judicial Service of Bangladesh

    as the said article provides the scope of

    establishing one or more public service commission

    for Bangladesh. The Appellate Division of the

    Supreme Court of Bangladesh in its judgment passed

    in Civil Appeal no.79 of 1999 commonly known in the

    Masder Hossains case that-

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    It is declared that the word appointments in

    Article 115 means that it is the president who

    under Article 115 can create and establish a

    judicial service and also a magistracy exercising

    judicial functions, make recruitment rules and all

    pre-appointment rules in that behalf, make rules

    regulating their suspension and dismissal but

    Article 115 does not contain any rule-making

    authority with regard to other terms and conditions

    of service and that Article 133 and Article 136 of

    the Constitution and the Services (Reorganization

    and condition) Act, 1975 have no application to the

    above matters in respect of the Judicial service

    and magistrates exercising judicial functions and

    for this declared law of the apex Court, the

    establishment of judicial service commission of

    Bangladesh was done.

    Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission has been

    established in 2007 by the rule

    , i.e. Bangladesh Judicial

    Service Commission Rule, 2007. According to rule

    3(2) of the Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission

    Rule, 2007, the Commission consists of 11 members

    headed by its Chairman who is to be a Judge of the

    Appellate Division of the Supreme Court nominated

    by the Hon. President in consultation with Chief

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    Justice. Other members of the Commission includes-

    (a) two judges of the High Court Division nominated

    by the President in consultation with the Chief

    Justice (b) a member of the Law Commission

    nominated by the President (c) Attorney General as

    ex-officio member (d) the Secretary of Ministry of

    Establishment as ex-officio member (e) the

    Secretary of Finance as ex-officio member (f) the

    Secretary of the Ministry of Law, Justice and

    Parliamentary Affairs as ex-officio member (f) the

    Dean of the Law Faculty of any one of three leading

    public university i.e. Dhaka or Rajshahi or

    Chittagong University nominated by the President

    (g) the Registrar, Supreme Court as ex-officio

    member and (h) the District Judge, Dhaka as ex-

    officio member. There is also a full fledged

    Secretariat to assist the Commission. A District

    Judge of the service functions on deputation as the

    Secretary of the Commission Secretariat. 2

    1.2 Recruitment procedure and


    The recruitment of process Bangladesh Judicial

    Service Commission is almost same of Bangladesh

    Public Service Commission. It takes a preliminary

    (multiple choice question formats) examination,

    Written examination and then viva voice. According

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    to Rule 5 of ,

    2007 Judicial Service Commission conducts the said

    preliminary examination and the applicants having

    45% marks in said examination will be qualified for

    written examination and viva voice of 1100 marks.

    Among these 1100 marks, 400 marks will be from the

    compulsory general subjects and another 400 marks

    will be from compulsory law subjects and 200 marks

    will be from optional law subjects and 100 marks

    will be from viva voice. According to rule 6 of the

    said Order 2007, the said Commission can conduct

    total 500 marks examination including viva voice.

    On an average, one applicant will have to have 45%

    marks of the written examination and separately he

    will have to have 45% marks in the viva voice and

    if any applicant gets below 25% marks in a subject,

    it will be deemed that he has not got any marks in

    that subject. The successful applicants in written

    examination and viva voice will have to appear for

    health test. Thus the recruitment process is

    conducted by the said Commission.

    Recommendations: Julian Paul Assange, an Australian

    computer programmer, political/internet activist,

    publisher, and journalist and founder of WikiLeaks,

    supports the free dissemination of government

    data.3 My recommendation for better recruitment is

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    to take the technological help in respect of

    recording the recruitment procedure and to show the

    recorded video particularly the viva voice phase so

    that the people can understand at least that the

    recruitment is fair and reasonable. Almost, all the

    time, it is beyond the capacity of the common

    citizens to understand as to the viva voice

    procedure and their markings. I am telling to

    remove the lacuna of not understanding the quality

    assessment procedure. For example, when a Judge

    presides his Court and after both the parties

    delivers his judgment in a disputed matter, both

    parties, their legal practitioners all other

    connected and non connected persons being present

    can observe the entire procedure and the judgment

    based on the findings or reasons but the same is

    not possible in a process of recruiting the persons

    to be appointed in the Civil Service of Bangladesh.

    Thats why, the entire recruiting procedure should

    be recorded and viewed to the citizens of the

    State. It is necessary to mention that, a Judge

    holding a Court openly having the access to all to

    know and observe can understand the weak points and

    strong points as to the disputed matter and even

    the correctness or the incorrectness of the

    findings or reasons given by the said Judge. For

    this open functioning of a Judge, it is very

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    ascertainable whether a Judge gives his judgment

    either correctly or incorrectly and the word

    incorrect includes also the corruption. According

    to Transparency International the following things

    should be done; (1). The mark sheet of the successful

    candidates should be given to the examinees on

    compulsory basis immediately after the result is

    published ;(2). The result sheet of all examinees (both

    successful and unsuccessful) must be published on the

    website. (3). Existing restrictions against challenging

    the result of examinations should be immediately


    Besides these, quota system should be abolished as

    our Constitution or any law has not given the

    definition and the factors of opting backward

    section of the citizens. Article 29(3)(a) of our

    constitution though provides the quota system for

    backward section of the citizens for the purpose

    of securing their adequate representation in the

    service of the Republic but there is no mechanism

    or procedure for determining the necessity and time

    frame of the said quota system. As for example, A

    man in our village had seven sons and two of them

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    are freedom fighters and government servants and

    financially solvent. If their children get the

    benefit of quota system, how can we determine them

    as backward section of the citizens while other

    sons being poor are not getting the said benefit

    and hence Professor M. Abdul Wahhab Dept. of Public

    Administration, University of Chittagong,

    Bangladesh has re uttered correctly that The quota

    policy as enshrined in the constitution is an

    exception for the advancement of backward sections

    in the society. Hence quota in no way can supersede

    the universal principle of merit for ensuring equal

    employment opportunities for all citizens without

    any discrimination. So quota of 40-55 percent as

    practiced in Bangladesh with different executive

    orders/rules is against the spirit of constitution.

    Since after liberation in 1971 till date majority

    posts of the civil services have reserved for the

    people of preferred groups under quota. Moreover,

    quota has always been implemented without

    transparency. It is surprising that that the

    appointments under quota have never made public

    either by The Public Service Commission (PSC) or by

    Ministry of Establishment (MOE) in official

    document or gazette. The Public Service Commission

    (PSC) annual reports do not provide adequate

    information on the appointments under quota.

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    Quota may be necessary for the advancement of

    backward sections in the society, but it

    can never continue for indefinite period as is

    going on in Bangladesh. Due to quota policy

    relatively poor caliber officials get entry into

    the civil service or judicial service and long term

    bad impact of quota system is evident in the civil

    service or judicial service of Bangladesh. So we

    propose to abolish quota in civil service

    recruitment excepting for tribal people (5%) but

    not for Chakmas who on the average are financially

    better off than the general people of Bangladesh;

    and also their literacy is higher around 75 percent

    and literacy in Bangladesh is 63 percent.

    Thus Chakmas in no criterion belong to backward

    section in Bangladesh. The 30 percent quota for the

    wards of freedom fighters though sanctioned by a

    wave of sympathy and gratitude has not a legal leg

    to stand on unless the beneficiaries proved to be

    disadvantageous (Khan and Kazi 2008: i).5

    However, art. 29(3), does not, confer any right on

    any one, nor impose any constitutional duty on the

    State to make the reservation. In the face of

    art.29 (1) &29(2), it merely confers an enabling

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    power. But as it an exception to the guarantee of

    art.29 (1) &29(2) it should not be interpreted or

    given effect to in such a way as to nullify the

    guarantee under art.29 (1) &29(2). The Indian

    Supreme Court held that reservation in excess of

    50% would be unconstitutional.6

    Another question comes generally whether all the

    member citizens of a backward section of the entire

    citizens are backward equally? The answer is of

    course not and hence we are to consider the

    meaning of backward section. Art. 29 is

    comparable with art.16 of the Indian Constitution

    which uses the expression backward class where as

    the expression used in art. 29(3) is backward

    section. The Indian Supreme Court has interpreted

    the expression backward class in several

    decisions. Those decisions may be helpful, but not

    decisive, in interpreting backward section. This

    expression has no reference to race, caste, and

    there may be backward section within a race or

    caste which as a whole may not be backward. 7

    My ultimate recommendation is to abolish all kinds

    of quota and to provide all kinds of facilities to

    all kinds of backward citizens of the backward

    section of the entire citizens so that they can

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    sharpen and enhance their abilities to make

    competition and have success with equitable equity.

    1.3. Transfer procedure and recommendations:

    The transfer procedures of the Judges of the sub-

    ordinate Courts of Bangladesh are not transparent

    and there is no transparent guiding factor of this

    transfer procedure. The statistics of the judicial

    officers who gets transfer in Dhaka and around

    Dhaka will make the question that under what

    qualities or factors they have got their transfers

    therein and thus we need to think and rethink as to

    this matter.


    Without any more discussion, to my mind, the

    lottery system of transfer is the only way to

    remove any kind of unfair or unreasonable transfer.

    However, having some exceptional measures, every

    after, a particular period of time, that may be 3

    years or any reasonable portion of time fixed by

    law, an open lottery should be held which will be

    viewed by all the civil servants or the judicial

    service holders and the citizens of the State and

    according to that lottery, their new stations will

    be determined and if it is taken or done, there

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    will be no request or lobby for the transfer and


    1.4 Promotion procedure and recommendation:

    The promotion of sub-ordinate Courts judges are in

    fact, depended on the Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs).

    There is no examination system for getting the promotion in the sub-

    ordinate judiciary. Presently, the performance of subordinate court

    judges is evaluated by way of Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs). It is

    commonly held that the process has failed to encourage accountability

    and is not considered to be an effective supervision mechanism. ACRs

    encourage tadbir (lobbying) with subordinate judges being over-cautious

    and meek in the hope of receiving glowing reviews from senior judges.

    ACRs are also susceptible to political interference as subordinate court

    judges feel that their ACRs would contain negative remarks if they fail to

    tow a particular political line.8

    In our sub-ordinate judiciary, the rule of Annual Confidential Reports is

    not strictly followed. Particularly rule 420 of Criminal Rules and Orders-

    2009 is not complied and sub-rule 5 of the said rule 420 provides that-

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    Confidential reports should set out distinctly and tersely sufficient

    particulars and it is essential that they should be clear and definite so that

    the High Court Division may form a correct opinion on the merits of the

    officer. In the case of a very bad report, it is necessary that the

    unfavorable traits should be briefly illustrated. No adverse remarks should

    be made which cannot be supported by precise data, which are liable,

    specially in the case of a very bad report of an officer who had hitherto a

    good or average record, to be called for by the High Court Division. But

    it is not seen that the precise data are called for by the High Court

    Division in a case of a Judge who is closely known to me and this is

    surprising that the rule made by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh is not

    complied with by the General Administration Committee of the Supreme

    Court of Bangladesh.


    1. Annual Confidential Report system should be

    abolished and only merit through examination

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    should be the basis of promotion. Before

    taking part in the examination, there must

    have a time frame of working experience.

    2. A Committee composed of well experience based persons concerned shall be formed for every

    tire of sub-ordinate judiciary which will

    review the aforesaid time frame based works

    and give the report to the promotion giving


    3. The committee may do mistake and hence there should have an opportunity that if a civil

    servant or judicial service holder obtains

    good marks in the examination and the

    committee review report is against him, the

    basis of the said review report must be

    checked by another similar committee without

    the identification of the report holder.

    4. All the performance reviewed by the committee must be publicly viewed either by website with

    their consideration.

    1.5 Training and recommendation:

    The Government of Bangladesh has established

    the Judicial Administration Training Institute

    (JATI) in accordance with the Judicial

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    Administration Training Institute Act 1995. Under

    the current training policy, JATI runs a 60-day

    basic course for newly appointed Assistant Judges,

    21-day courses

    (and at times, 3-day short courses) for Senior

    Assistant Judges, Joint District Judges and

    District Judges. However, the quality of training

    is not satisfactory as it lacks dynamism and fails

    to provide the judges with a broader outlook


    Knowledge of contemporary international legal

    issues and necessary social skills.9


    The quality of training provided by JATI should be

    improved. A training need- assessment of the

    subordinate court judges could be undertaken

    immediately, which will identify the areas of laws

    (such as, cyber space, money laundering, ethics,

    arbitration and conciliation) for curriculum

    development and training. JATI should also plan and

    implement a continuous point-based training

    programme for the subordinate court judges.

    Another interesting and innovative mode of

    orientation for the judges of the subordinate

    courts could be a form of 'apprenticeship' for the

    newly recruited by placing them with the judges of

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    the Supreme Court for a designated period of time.

    Similar to the system of 'pupillage' for newly

    qualified lawyers when they spend a period of time

    with senior lawyers and the newly recruited

    subordinate judges could be assigned to different

    High Court judges. They could work as 'Research

    Assistants' of the judges and help them with

    academic research, drafting of legal instruments,

    and writing of judgments. After this initial phase

    of 'apprenticeship', they can then receive further

    training at JATI. If this particular form of

    training is allowed, the new recruits will get to

    learn about the different legal issues and how

    judgments are written and generally increase their

    confidence and competence in matters related to

    law. On the other hand, the judges of the High

    Court Division, who are severely in need of skilled

    human resource, could benefit tremendously from the

    service of the newly recruited judges. This would

    also develop a working relationship between the

    judges of the Supreme and the subordinatecourts.10

    1.6 Accountability

    The accountability of the judges of the sub-

    ordinate Courts depends upon for the first time

    towards the law and conscience as embodied in rule

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    667 of the Criminal Rules and Orders-2009. The

    function of the judges of the sub-ordinate Courts

    are also accounted by their appellate Courts.

    Way of maximum corruption free Bangladesh

    Ethical education

    Ethical education of the civil servants including

    the judicial service holders of the State is very

    much needed in respect of maintaining the standards

    and values of them in serving the needs of the

    people. Most modern Civil Service Ethics laws, and

    Codes of Ethics for civil servants and public

    officials, endorse the following minimum set of


    Serving the Public Interest

    Civil servants and public officials are expected to

    maintain and strengthen the public's trust and

    confidence in government, by demonstrating the

    highest standards of professional competence,

    efficiency and effectiveness, upholding the

    Constitution and the laws, and seeking to advance

    the public good at all times.


    Civil servants and public officials are expected to

    use powers and resources for public good, under

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    government policy. They should be accountable for

    the decisions they make, and prepared to justify

    their actions.


    Civil servants and public officials are expected to

    make decisions and act solely in the public

    interest, without consideration of their private

    interests. Public employment being a public trust,

    the improper use of a public service position for

    private advantage is regarded as a serious breach

    of duty.


    Civil servants and public officials are required to

    administer the laws, and to exercise administrative

    power on behalf of the Government, or the

    Parliament, or other such authority. That power and

    authority should be exercised legitimately,

    impartially and without fear or favour, for its

    proper public purpose as determined by the

    Parliament or their employer.


    Civil servants and public officials should make

    decisions and act in a fair and equitable manner,

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    without bias or prejudice, taking into account only

    the merits of the matter, and respecting the rights

    of affected citizens.


    As agents and employees of the elected Government,

    Civil servants and public officials are required to

    serve the legitimate interests and needs of the

    Government, other civil servants, and all citizens,

    in a timely manner, with care, respect and


    Efficiency and Effectiveness

    Civil servants and public officials are required to

    obtain best value for public assets deployed in or

    through public management, and to avoid waste and

    extravagance in expenditure and the use of public

    assets.11 Besides these, the religious education

    must be enlightened in both civil servants and the

    judicial officers or the judges of the sub-ordinate

    Courts so that they can control themselves from

    doing any kind of corruption.

    Use of technology

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    The technology is the best neutral witness or

    evidence as I understand that a person may be

    perverted at any time but there is no scope of any

    perversion of technology unless it works

    defectively. If the function of the civil servants

    or the judges of the sub-ordinate Courts are

    recorded and viewed to the people, there will be

    the situation for which the society will be maximum

    corruption free society. As for example, there are

    peoples perception as to the corruption of the

    staff of the Court and other persons connected to

    the Court and sometimes even the judge himself.

    This fact has been stated by Mr. Mahmudul Islam,

    Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh

    and former attorney-general in his book The Law of

    Civil Procedure first edition 2006, volume 1, page

    iii that

    For almost every act from instituting a case to

    the delivery of the certified copy of the judgment

    or order one has to grease the palm of the court

    staff. Few of the judges make any effort to control

    the diary as a result of which the bench officer

    extracts substantial amount of money simply to

    place a case in the daily cause list. Once there

    was a row over the matter and there was serious

    altercation between a bench officer and a concerned

    lawyer, but learned Chief Justice without applying

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    his mind to the problem put the blame on the

    lawyer. However, the corruption of the court staff

    and the offices of the civil servants can be

    controlled easily by using technology i.e. by

    recording all the function of them and viewing to

    the people. For example, a court of subordinate

    judiciary has generally two or three rooms. One

    room is for the judge, another one room or other

    two rooms is for the staff of the said court and if

    secret camera is set up and the judge can observe

    all the functions of the court staff, he can easily

    catch the corruption and take necessary steps and

    the entire function including the function of the

    judge should be recorded and viewed to the people.

    There will be a screen on the road side of the

    office of the civil servants and the court from

    which any person of the State can see and observe

    their function easily. There must have a link

    through which the appellate or higher authority of

    the office or court can also observe the entire

    function and if it can be established, there will a

    maximum corruption free society.

    Check and balance

    The theory of separation of powers was given by the

    Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brde et de

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    Montesquieu, generally referred to as simply

    Montesquieu, indicates that there must have the

    check and balance between and among powers. The

    said profounder of this theory stated clearly in

    his famous book the spirit of laws that

    I have not drawn my principles from my prejudices,

    but from the nature of things. The things are

    neutral and hence the use of technology must also

    be neutral and hence by using the technology we can

    get a neutral result which will establish a maximum

    corruption free society.


    In conclusion, it can be reminded that 3rd paragraph

    of the preamble of our constitution provides that

    Further pledging that it shall be a fundamental

    aim of the State to realise through the democratic

    process a socialist society, free from

    exploitation-a society in which the rule of law,

    fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and

    justice, political, economic and social, will be

    secured for all citizens.

    We need to remove all kinds of exploitable scopes

    from the office of the civil servants and the

    judges of the sub-ordinate courts and the apex

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    court of Bangladesh by adopting the technology

    which will work of course, as the best neutral

    evidence so that we can see our society as a

    society at least free from exploitation.


    1. M. J. Vile- Constitutionalism and separation of powers, p.1; see also Mahmudul Islam- Constitutional

    law of Bangladesh, second edition, p.1

    2. 3. 4. 5.; see

    also Khan, Akbar Ali and Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad March

    2008. Quota System for Civil Service Recruitment in

    Bangladesh: An Exploratory Analysis 2008 available

    at http:// www.bpsc, news/25906


    6. Mahmudul Islam- Constitutional law of Bangladesh, second edition, p.171; see also Devadason v. India,

    AIR 1964 SC 179; In Indra Sawhney v. India AIR 1993

    SC 477, it was held that a year should be taken as a

    unit or basis for applying the rule of 50% and not

    the entire cadre strength.

    7. Mahmudul Islam- Constitutional law of Bangladesh, second edition, p.171; see also Indra Sawhney v.

    India AIR 1993 SC 477

    8. 9.


