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Best Social Media Management

Page 2: The importance of social media for web traffic

No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you grow your brand and pad your wallet.

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1. Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic.

Creating a new page on your site is like taking a really great selfie. You want the world to see it and bask in its brilliance, but you don’t want to beg for attention (or worse, pay for it). That’s why for selfies and landing pages, well-placed social media posts can make all the difference.

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2- If you’re doing it right, social media will lead to real relationship building.

Sometimes, becoming besties starts with a simple retweet.

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3. Using social media for business boosts your site’s SEO.

A killer content strategy for SEO is the most important part of earning top spots in search engine rankings, but driving traffic to your optimized pages will cause them to climb much faster in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

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4. Users are receptive to your messages.

People view Twitter and Facebook as social networks, not marketing machines.

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5. Social media can help you get noticed at events, and even generate earned media coverage.

Whether your business is sponsoring a charity fundraiser or attending a major trade show, there’s no better way to leverage your presence than with the help of social media.

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6. Social media ads allow targeting and retargeting.

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7. A strong social media presence builds brand loyalty.

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8. You can respond to problems immediately.

If there’s a problem with your product or service, you want to know about it right away. With the feedback you get in the process of social media marketing, you’ll be the first to know when there are issues – and you can take steps to resolve them right away.

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9. The social media marketing arena is a (fairly) level playing

The people and brands who thrive and go viral in are those with the most clever, attention grabbing tactics (and the most ridiculous gifs) and the most useful, link worthy content.

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10. Your competition is getting social, so you should too.

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