Download - The importance of SEO in Internet Marketing


The Importance of SEO in Internet Marketing


Szymon Pietkiewicz


1.Learning how Google works

2. Understanding the importance of key-phrase research

3. Learning specific SEO writing best practices

About Us

Copywriting & Storytelling

Copywriting is the process of writing promotional materials.

Storytelling is a way of transmitting a message in an entertaining and memorable manner. Stories allows to capture listeners’ attention, but they also make it more likely that they will remember what we are telling them.


Web Analytics & Conversion Optimisation

Our data insights allow our Clientsto cut through mere statistics, turning numbers into actualbusiness value.

Through our analytical and conversion optimisation expertisewe will hone your campaigns and website to meet your business goals.

#Google Analytics#A/B testing#Optimizely

SEO Audits and Consulting

SEO deals with improving yourwebsite's visibility in unpaidsearch results.

At our company we like to optimise not only your website, but also your digital team. OurSEO audits and consulting will helpyou dominate organic searchresults.



Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine's (Google, Yahoo, Bing) unpaid results.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

How Google Works

Googlebot is Google’s web crawling

robot, which finds and retrieves pages

on the web and hands them off to the

Google indexer.

Googlebot gives the indexer the full text

of the pages it finds. These pages are

stored in Google’s index database.

Google considers over a hundred

factors in computing a PageRank and

determining which documents are most

relevant to a query

Google algorithm

The formula Google uses to rank the resulting Web pages from a user's

query. Along with the PageRank system that was Google's major contribution

to evaluating Web site importance due to popularity, Google uses numerous

other criteria that change periodically to deliver more relevant results as well

as to prevent people from gaming the system.

Google algorithm

Search engines want to do their jobs as best as possible by referring

users to websites and content that is the most relevant to what the user is

looking for.

Content: Is determined by the theme that is being given, the text on the

page, and the titles and descriptions that are given.

Performance: How fast is your site and does it work properly?

Authority (backlinks): Does your site have good enough content to link

to or do other authoritative sites use your website as a reference?

User Experience: How does the site look? Is it easy to navigate around?

Does it look safe? Does it have a high bounce rate?

What Search Engines Are Looking For

What Search Engines Are NOT Looking For

Keyword Stuffing: Overuse of keywords on your pages.

Purchased Links: Buying links will get you nowhere when it comes to SEO,

so be warned.

Poor User Experience: Make it easy for the user to get around. Too many

ads and making it too difficult for people to find content they’re looking for will

only increase your bounce rate.

Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO refers to a set of practices that are used to increases a

site or page's rank in search engines through means that violate the

search engines' terms of service.

Black Hat SEO

Content Automation

Hidden Text or Links

Keyword Stuffing

Spam in comments


Link Manipulation (including buying links)

Article Spinning

Link Farms, Link Wheels or Link Networks

Duplicate content

Black Hat SEO

How to find out what search terms people are using when

researching your product or service?

Google’s keyword planner tool

Google’s keyword planner tool

Google’s keyword planner tool

rengøring 4400

rengøringsfirma 1300

damp rengoring

rengøringshjælp 1900

privat rengøring 880

rengøring privat 480

hovedrengøring 320

erhvervsrengøring 260

damperengoring 140

rengøringshjælp søges 260

rengøringsfirmaer 210

hjemmeservice 320

rengøringsdame 210

Google’s keyword planner tool

How to Judge the Value of a Keyword

How much is a keyword worth to your website? If you own

an online shoe store, do you make more sales from visitors

searching for "brown shoes" or "black boots"?

Understanding the Long Tail of Keyword Demand

The long tail contains hundreds of millions of unique searches that might be

conducted a few times in any given day, but, when taken together, comprise

the majority of the world's search volume.

Keyword Difficulty

If big brands take the top 10 results and you're just starting out on the web,

the uphill battle for rankings can take years of effort. This is why it's

essential to understand keyword difficulty.

Google’s keyword planner tool

First Page of Google and How I Get My Clients There


SEO copywriting is a specialized form of online writing that:

1.Contains keyphrases — words your target reader types into a search box

to find the information she wants.

2.Helps online content rank higher in search results.

3.Drives qualified traffic.


Step by step:

1.You research keywords …

2.Then select a particular keyword and …

3.Use that keyword to write content …

4.Which other people then read and share on Twitter, Facebook, their own blogs,

and other social media platforms


• The title of your content (H1 headline)

• The first sentence of your first paragraph

• At least one heading within the content

• The page’s URL

•The alternate text field of any images you’ve included

• Ensure that your content is at least 300 words in length

• No duplicate content



Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears

on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the

context of search engine optimization keyword density can be used as a

factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword

or keyword phrase.


Don’t pick single word Choose Word Phrases it will give you more search engine

impressions in different word formations

Use synonyms of the words you have chosen

(No. of Keywords/ Total number of words) * 100

5.5% Ideal Keyword density Percentage


Effective SEO services for Scandinavia

Experienced search engine optimization company

SEO is the process of getting traffic from the free search results on search engines. In other words it is the activity

of ensuring that website can be found in search engines (like Google, Bing) for words and phrases relevant to what

the site is offering.

Why do you need SEO?

Because you want to attract visitors who are browsing Google products or services that you offer. Better SEO

means more traffic to your website.

How does Google work?

Search engine uses crawlers (Google bots) that gather information about all the content they can find on the

Internet.The crawlers bring all this data to the search engine to build an index. That index is than fed through an

algorithm that tries to match all that data with queries (relevance of your site when someone enters a keyword or

phrase into Google).

Search engine optimization – two basic area:


Title TAG

Title tags are the second most important on-page factor for SEO, after content.

What is a Title Tag?

Title tags are part of the meta tags that appear at the top of your HTML inside the < head> area.

Think of title tags like the title of the chapter of a book. It tells people and search engines what your

page is about.

Title TAG

Title TAG

Length: Title tags should be a maximum of 70 characters long, including spaces.

Keyword Placement: Your most important words (keywords) need to be first in your title

tag, with your least important words being last in the title tag (most to least).

Keyword Separation: Use pipes | to separate important (keyword) phrases (no

commas, underscores, dashes or any other punctuation unless the keyword is written

that way).

Wording: Keep your important phrases short and simple.

Company Name: If your company name is not part of the important (keyword) phrases,

put it at the end of the title tag

DON’T DUPLICATE Title Tags: They must be written differently for every page.

Make It Relevant: Title tags must be written to be descriptive of the content on the page.


Meta-descriptions play a big role in search results. In case you're unfamiliar with the term, a

meta description is the snippet of information below the link of a search result. Its purpose is

to describe the contents of the page to the searcher. The end goal is to convince and

persuade the searcher to click through to your website. Any words that match the search

term are bolded in the description.


<title>Example Title</title>



<meta name="description" content="This is an example of a meta

description. This will often show up in search results.">


Code Sample

1. How will you improve my search engine rankings?

2. Do you adhere to search engines' webmaster guidelines?

3. Can you guarantee my website will achieve a number-one ranking on

Google, Bing and Yahoo?

4. Will you share with me all changes you make to my site?

5. How do you measure the success of your SEO campaigns?

6. What happens when we part ways?

7. What are your fees and payment terms?

7 Questions to Ask When Hiring an SEO Consultant

First Page of Google and How I Get My Clients There

Tak for opmærksomheden!

Szymon Pietkiewicz

Phone: +45 52 78 85 12

E-mail: [email protected]


Please feel free to contact me if you need

any further information.

Szymon Pietkiewicz

Phone: +48 609 314 739

E-mail: [email protected]
