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Arguing that organizational memory affects key new product develop-ment processes by influencing the (1) interpretation of incoming informa-tion and (2) the performance of new product action routines, the authorsintroduce four dimensions of organizational memory, including the amountand dispersion of memory. Data from 92 new product development pro-jects indicate that higher organizational memory levels enhance the short-term financial performance of new products, whereas greater memory dis-persion increases both the performance and creativity of new products.They also find, however, that under some conditions of high environmen-tal turbulence, high memory dispersion actually detracts from creativityand has no effect on financial performance. Under conditions of low turbu-lence, high memory dispersion promotes higher levels of creativity andshort-term financial performance. These findings provide some initial evi-dence that knowledge is not an unconditionally positive asset and suggestthat developing and sustaining valuable organizational memory mayrequire attention not only to the appropriate levels of memory but also tomanaging subtle aspects of memory dispersion and deployment. Theseresults imply that if organizations fail to understand the subtle ways inwhich different features of organizational memory influence product devel-opment, they may fail to harvest the full value of organizational learning.

The Impact of Organizational Memory onNew Product Performance and Creativity

The past ten years have seen an explosion of experimentsand insights into new product development approaches.Many of the new viewpoints argue that knowledge assets(Winter 1987) can be leveraged to achieve competitive ad-vantage (Barabba and Zaltman 1991; Day 1994; Garvin1993; Glazer 1991; Prahalad and Hamel 1990; Sinkula1994). Even more important, because it requires the use ofknowledge assets in a dynamic setting, scholars have in-creasingly envisioned product development as a process oforganizational leaming involving the acquisition, dissemi-nation, and utilization of infonnation (Day 1994; Dickson1992; Imai, Nonaka, and Takeuchi 1985; Leonard-Barton1992; Moorman 1995; Nonaka 1991). Understandably, re-searchers exploring the creation of new products have been

•Christine Moorman is Associate Professor of Marketing, and Anne S.Miner is Associate Professor of Management, Graduate School of Busi-ness, University of Wisconsin-Madison. This research has benefited fromNational Science Foundation Grant #SBR-94IO4I9. The authors thank theeditor, and appreciate the helpful comments of Jan Heide; Aric Rindfleisch;Thekla Rura; participants ofthe Wharton Conference on [nnovation in NewProduct Development; seminar participants at Dartmouth College, HarvardUniversity, Indiana University, Ohio State University, University of SouthCarolina, and University of Cincinnati; and three anonymous JMRreviewers.

especially interested in discovery and creation processes, orgenerative leaming (Dougherty 1992; Imai, Nonaka, andTakeuchi 1985). Therefore, considerable work has focusedon ways organizations can acquire better infonnation as ameans to discover new knowledge. We argue that an equal-ly important issue is the role of stored knowledge, or orga-nizational memory, in new product development activities.'As Starbuck (1992, p. 176) suggests, "A knowledge-inten-sive firm may not be information intensive ... knowledge isa stock of expertise, not a flow of information."

The traditional business strategy and marketing strategyliterature has long emphasized the role of organizational ex-perience or familiarity with products and markets. This lit-erature has suggested that firms are likely to be more suc-cessful if they stick to developing products and markets thatreflect their core competencies (Ansoff 1988; Montoya-Weiss and Calatone 1994; Rumelt 1974; Varadarajan 1983).One resulting framework of this view, termed the prod-uct/market matrix, is limited to examining the effect ofmemory level on the financial performance of marketing

'There are, as we discuss throughout this article, models of organiza-tional information processing that include the influence of organizationalmemory (Burgelman 1983; Cohen and Levinthal 1990, 1994; Cyert andMarch 1963; Leonard-Barton 1992).

91Joumai of Marketing ResearchVol. XXXIV (February 1997), 91-106

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strategies. There are, however, other organizational memorydimensions that exist, as well as additional marketing strat-egy outcomes that could be considered. Moreover, the viewof experience offered by the strategy literature is also a maineffects view that does not consider how the impact of orga-nizational experience is influenced by rapidly changing en-vironments. Specifically, it has tended to view experienceand knowledge as unconditionally helpful to organizations(Day 1994; Montoya-Weiss and Calatone 1994; Zirger andMaidique 1990).

Recent work has begun to explore in more detail the var-ious mechanisms through which stored infomiation or mem-ory may affect product development. For example, Ganidand Nayyar (1994) suggest that organizations should devel-op routines for reactivating previously acquired knowledgein new product development. Likewise, Cohen andLevinthal (1990, 1994) find that high levels of previousleaming increase a firm's absorptive capacity, which permitsmore effective use of extramural knowledge. Moreover, Day(1994, p. 38) describes new product development as a "keyfirm capability involving complex bundles of skills and ac-cumulated knowledge."

In addition to postulating how memory may enhance newproduct development outcomes, recent work also highlightsthe possibility that memory actually may detract from newproduct development in some situations. Work by Burgel-man (1983), Leonard-Barton (1992), and Dougherty (1992),for example, suggest that competencies may tum into barri-ers when organizations strive to develop creative new prod-ucts. More generally, research on organizational leamingand technological change highlight the possibility thatstored memory may prove a liability when organizationalenvironments are changing rapidly (Miner 1990; Tushmanand Anderson 1986).

Recent work, then, suggests a complex and even contin-gent role for organizational memory in product develop-ment. We seek to explore and expand the field's understand-ing of memory's role in three ways. First, focusing on twospecific dimensions in our empirical study, we develop amultifaceted conceptualization of organizational memoryand suggest that memory's impact depends on which mem-ory dimension is at work. Second, we propose that memo-ry's impact depends on whether the product outcome isshort-term financial performance or product creativity.Third, drawing on fundamental concepts in theories of orga-nizational leaming, we propose that memory's impact de-pends on the degree of exogenous turbulence faced by thefirm. To explore these issues, we develop eight propositionsabout the specific impact of memory level and memory dis-persion on new product short-term financial performanceand creativity. We test our hypotheses with data from 92 newproduct development projects. Our results point to distinctroles for memory level and dispersion, as well as to impor-tant interactions between turbulence and memory disper-sion. Our arguments and results imply, we believe, that iffirms fail to understand the subtle ways in which differentfeatures of organizational memory influence product devel-opment, they may fail to harvest the full value of organiza-tional learning.


The Organizational View of Memory

Envisioning memory as an organizational phenomenon isconsistent with a growing body of literature that suggestsorganizations process, use, and store information, and thatthese collective activities can be seen as distinct from indi-vidual manager activities (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, 1994;Cyert and March 1963; Daft and Weick 1984; Huber 1991;Kohli and Jaworski 1990; Moorman 1995; Sandelands andStablein 1987; Sinkula 1994; Weick 1979). In this organiza-tional view, organization members' actions may lead toorganizational interactions with the world, which results inoutcomes that are interpreted by people and shared amongmembers, creating organizational memory in the form ofshcU'ed beliefs, values, assumptions, norms, and behaviors(Argyris and Schon 1978; Dutton and Duncan 1987; Hed-berg 1981; Levitt and March 1988; Sinkula 1994).

The notion of collective mental processes has been ap-propriately criticized as encouraging reification and gener-alizations of individual phenomena to group actions. How-ever, organizational memory, as embodied in organizationalartifacts and procedures, seems to clearly distinguish orga-nizational from individual memory. For example, standardoperating procedures can drive behavior even when peoplewithin the system no longer have individual memory of theexperiences that generated the routines (Levitt and March1988). Moreover, in some cases, groups may develop col-lective processes to accomplish tasks, even when individualmembers are not aware ofthe process (Hutchins 1991). Or-ganizational memory, then, is not simply the sum of thememories of organizational members, because it may in-volve the interaction of several people, or even reside out-side the awareness of specific people.

Organizational Memory Forms, Roles, and Characteristics

Forms. We propose that organizational memory may bemanifested in three basic forms (Garud and Rappa 1994;Hedberg 1981; Walsh and Ungson 1991). First, memory isfound in organizational beliefs, knowledge, frames of refer-ence, models, values, and norms (Day and Nedungadi 1994;Deshpande, Farley, and Webster 1993; Deshpande and Web-ster 1989; Lyies and Schwenk 1992; Nelson and Winter1982; Starbuck 1992), as well as organizational myths, leg-ends, and stories (Martin 1982). For example, Epson pro-moted the shared value of aiming for "40% improvement" inits new product development activities (Imai, Nonaka, andTakeuchi 1985).

Second, organizations leam from experience particularways of doing things that become encoded in formal andinformal behavioral routines, procedures, and scripts (Cyertand March 1963). Formal routines may be reflected in stan-dard operating procedures (Winter 1987) or in managerialand technical systems and capabilities (Brown and Eisen-hardt 1995; Leonard-Barton 1992); informal routines mayinvolve scripted interactions (Orr 1990; Seeley Brown1993). New product development routines may, for exam-ple, guide the types of information-shcuing mechanismsused (Eisenhardt and Tabrizi 1995) or specific project stepssuch as prototype production. They may also direct the over-all development process itself, such as when key go-no-godecision points become required steps or when the ISO

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(International Organization for Standardization) 9000 rou-tines for documentation become standard procedures. Imai,Nonaka, and Takeuchi (1985), for example, describe the"rugby approach" used by Honda teams, which involves theentire team running the full length of the new product devel-opment process, in contrast to a "relay approach," whichinvolves functions handing off the product at distinct times.Likewise, Orr (1990) observes informal information sharingroutines among Xerox service representatives who repeat-edly gather around a communal coffee machine to sharetheir field experience.

Third, memory is found in an organization's physical ar-tifacts, which embody, to varying degrees, the results of pri-or leaming (Epple, Argote, and Devadas 1991; Garud andRappa 1994; Leonard-Barton 1992). For example, Epple,Argote, and Devadas (1991) provide evidence from an in-vestigation of a truck plant that knowledge may become em-bodied in tooling, programming, and assembly line layout.Others have suggested that memory is reflected in organiza-tional structure and ecology (Argote 1995; Leonard-Barton1992; Levitt and March 1988; March 1991; Walsh and Ung-son 1991). Furthermore, in new product development, Imai,Nonaka, and Takeuchi (1985, p. 354-58) describe "a specialcomer within the factory where workers could experiment,""holding meetings in a large room with glass walls," and theuse of a system in which "all the team members are locatedin one large room." Features of products and product lines(such as product design, materials, packaging, and logos)are also important physical artifacts associated with organi-zational memory.

Roles. In all three forms, organizational memory is likelyto perform two fundamental roles: interpretation and actionguidance. Organizational memory performs an interpreta-tion role by filtering the way in which information and ex-perience are categorized and sorted (Cohen and Levinthal1990; Daft and Weick 1984; Day 1994; Day and Nedungadi1994; Dutton and Jackson 1987; Jackson and Dutton 1988;Sinkula 1994; Walsh and Ungson 1991). Organizationalmemory also performs an action guidance role by dictatingor influencing individual and group action (Amburgey andMiner 1992; Cyert and March 1963; March and Simon1968; Suchman 1994; Walsh and Ungson 1991). Memory,for example, may contain a protocol for a new product de-velopment stage that guides team members' actions. The ac-tion guidance role represents one of the most powerful fea-tures of organizational memory in much traditional research.Cyert and March (1963), for example, emphasize the powerof standard operating procedures in driving organizationalaction, whereas Nelson and Winter (1982) stress the overar-ching impact of organizational routines.

Characteristics. In addition to memory forms and roles,organizational memory can be viewed as having severaldimensions or characteristics: amount, dispersion, accessi-bility, and content. The level, or amount, of organizationalmemory refers to the amount of stored infonnation an orga-nization has about a particular phenomenon. High levels ofexperience in a product category or the accumulation ofknowledge or skills indicate higher levels of memory. Anabundance of memory has been theorized to influence afirm's demand for new market information (Dickson 1992;Sinkula 1994). Regarding this point, Weiss and Heide(1993) find that the greater the prior experience of organiza-

tional buyers, the less likely they were to engage in infor-mation search activities.

Organizational memory also varies in the degree to whichit is dispersed, or shared, throughout the organization. AsWalsh and Ungson (1991, p. 62) note, "organizational mem-ory is not centrally stored, but distributed across differentretention facilities." Organizational memory by its natureinvolves some degree of dispersion throughout the organiza-tion. However, there may still exist variance in the degree towhich organizational members adopt firm knowledge andskills, which is determined, in part, by how firm activitiesare designed and structured to facilitate diffusion across theorganization (Nonaka and Nicosia 1979; Webster and Wind1972). The presence of distinct organizational subculturessuggests that memory is not necessarily shared by all mem-bers (Cohen and Levinthal 1990; Deshpande and Webster1989; Martin and Siehl 1983; Smircich 1983).^

Organizational memory also varies in accessibility, or theextent to which it can be retrieved for use (Day 1994; Garudand Nayyar 1994; Walsh and Ungson 1991). As Day (1991,p. 8) notes, "Organizations without practical mechanisms to'remember' what worked and why have to repeat their fail-ures and rediscover their success formulas over and overagain. Memory mechanisms are needed to ensure that usefullessons are captured, conserved, and can be readily retrievedwhen needed."

Finally, the content of organizational memory refers to themeaning of collectively stored infomiation (Walsh and Ung-son 1991). Increasing evidence points to memory as consist-ing of two types of knowledge: procedural and declarative(Cohen 1991; EI Sawy, Gomes, and Gonzalez 1986; Sinku-la 1994). Procedural memory refers to process memory ormemory of underlying skills for performing tasks (Nelson1982). An organization may know, for example, how to de-velop prototypes. Declarative memory refers to the memoryof concepts, facts, or events. Memory here might consist ofknowledge about customer preferences, or the technical fea-tures of a firm's product line (Day and Nedungadi 1994).Another type of memory content could be found in the dis-tinct cultural characteristics of an organization. For example,memory content may reflect more clan, market, bureaucra-cy, or adhocracy characteristics (Deshpande, Farley, andWebster 1993). Memory content is therefore likely to be re-vealed, in part, in an organization's culture.^

A Definition of Organizational Memory

Using this review as a basis, we define organizationalmemory as collective beliefs, behavioral routines, or physi-cal artifacts that vary in their content, level, dispersion, andaccessibility. This view of memory is consistent with that of

^Although our approach focuses on the degree of dispersion, dispersioncould be further conceptualized as a multidimensional construct that alsoreflects the structure of that sharing. The structure of information distribu-tion may include, for example, one-way or two-way transmissions and hor-izontal or vertical structures. Hence, we include a variable in our model thatmay partially control for the effects of the structure of information-sharingactivities within the firms we studied.

'Following Deshpande and Webster (1989), culture is reflected in anorganization's values and norms. Therefore, if culture is the source, mem-ory content will have a value or norm component. However, as conceptual-ized, organizational memory is much broader than organizational culture,because, in addition to values and norms, memory includes behavioral rou-tines and physical artifacts that reflect prior leaming.

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Day (1994, p. 44), who defines organizational memory as "arepository for collective insights contained within policies,procedures, routines, and rules that can be retrieved whenneeded;" but is more circumscribed than that of Walsh andUngson (1991), who suggest that organizational memory iscomposed of the structure of its retention facility, the infor-mation contained in it, its effects, and the information acqui-sition and retrieval processes.


Our conceptual framework focuses on how two organiza-tional memory dimensions, level and dispersion, influencethe success of new products. These dimensions wereselected because, as we subsequently suggest, both havebeen described in the literature as having a positive effect onnew product development activities. However, our frame-work suggests that the effect of these memory factorsdepends on what type of new product outcomes is beingexamined and on whether the firm operates within a turbu-lent environment.

In discussing this framework, we first introduce the twofocal new product outcomes investigated here. Second, wepresent the effect of organizational memory level and dis-persion on each new product outcome. Third, we discuss themoderating effects of environmental turbulence on the orga-nizational memory-new product outcome relationships.

Focal New Product Outcomes

The two new product outcomes that we investigate arenew product creativity and new product short-term financialperformance. New product creativity refers to the degree towhich a new product is novel and has generative capacity(i.e., the potential to change thinking and practice)(Andrews and Smith 1996; Wilton and Myers 1986; Zalt-man, Heffring, and LeMasters 1983). New product short-term financial performance is defined as the level of newproduct profitability and sales that occur within the first yearof introduction (Griffin and Page 1993; Montoya-Weiss andCalantone 1994). These outcomes were selected becauseothers have suggested that they are influenced by organiza-tional-level information processes (Day 1991; Dickson1992; Glazer 1991; Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Imai, Nonaka,and Takeuchi 1985; Moorman 1995; Narver and Slater1990; Sinkula 1994). Moreover, there is often a tensionbetween the creativity and the short-term fmancial perfor-mance of new products, because highly creative productsmay have greater potential for short-term performance prob-lems due to the difficulty of changing consumer or retaileracceptance of the product, while offering the possibility ofgreater long-term financial gain given the possibility of theirrevolutionizing a product category (Adams and Lacugna1994; Andrews and Smith 1996; Kleinschmidt and Cooper1991). These tensions are played out in the hypotheses thatare depicted in Figure 1.

The Effects of Organizational Memory on the Performanceand Creativity of New Products

The effect of organizational memory level. A high level oforganizational memory would typically be present when anew product project or action phase represents familiar ter-ritory, a new product represents a modest change in an oldproject, the technological or customer basis for a new prod-



OrganizationalMemory Level H2 I New Product Short-Term

Financial Performance

H5, and Hfta

^ ^ New E'roduct Creativity

H7, and Hg,

pTechnological and Market

I Turbulence in Ihe Environment <

OrganizationalMemory Dispersion



New Product Short-TermFinancial Performance

• ^ New Product Creativity

uct is part ofthe firm's longstanding repertoire, the length ofteam members' service is high, or a particular new productdevelopment phase—such as prototype development—is awell-developed competency.

Previous research has observed that change becomesmore difficult as memory in a particular domain increases.This effect has been referred to as a competency trap (Levittand March 1988; March 1991), a core rigidity (Leonard-Barton 1992), routine rigidity, or functional fixedness (Dick-son 1992) for the organization. In the area of new productdevelopment, observers also have reported from qualitativestudies that higher levels of memory inhibit any actions out-side preexisting action pattems (Ghemawat 1991; McDo-nough 1993). Likewise, both Leonard-Barton (1992) andDougherty (1992) describe instances in which groups withstrong memories are least able or likely to deviate from prioraction patterns during new product development (see alsoMarch 1979).

An important aitemative possibility is that memory actu-ally could enhance creativity. For example, research on re-lated topics suggests that some forms of creativity thrive inthe presence of memory. For example, organizational impro-visation, which involves firms acting extemporaneouslywithout a plan, has been described as involving the recombi-nation of routines to produce novel outcomes (Weick 1993a,b). More generally, research on adaptation has stressed therecombination of prior routines as a crucial source of novelactivities (Holland 1975). Likewise, Cohen and Levinthal(1990) find that organizational memory—as reflected in pri-or research investments—can enhance an organization'sability to assess and import new outside information, whichcould promote creativity. Specifically, Cohen and Levinthal(1994, p. 237) suggest that "fortune favors the preparedfirm" (see also Feldman 1989). Taken together, these ideasand data imply that high organizational memory could actu-ally enhance creativity in new product development.

Empirical research on new product development itself, onbalance, has tended to support the potentially negative im-pact of memory on new product development creativity,however. This leads us to hypothesize:

H|:The greater the level of organizational memory for a newproduct domain, the lower the level of new product creativity.

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The next question concems the impact of organizationalmemory level on the financial performance of new products.Theory and current research imply that high levels of mem-ory, while inhibiting new product creativity, may enhancetheir short-term financial performance by increasing effi-ciencies and the likelihood that previous successes will berepeated (Cyert and March 1963; Duncan and Weiss 1979;Walsh and Ungson 1991). Much new product developmentresearch shows that for many products, strong memoryreduces the chances of poor outcomes by increasing effi-ciency and decreasing the chances of costly errors (Cooperand Kleinschmit 1986). This line of reasoning is consistentwith the finding that higher performing new products typi-cally have higher levels of marketing and technological syn-ergy between the new product and the fimi's existing com-petencies (Montoya-Wiess and Calatone 1994; Varadarajan1983; Zirger and Maidique 1990). Therefore, together withH], this suggests that organizational memory level is likelyto reduce the creativity of new products while increasingtheir short-term financial performance.

H2: The greater the level of organizational memory for a newproduct domain, the greater the new product short-term fi-nancial perfonnance.

The effect of organizational memory dispersion. Theeffect of memory dispersion on new product outcomes isless clear on the basis of a review of the extant literature.Recall that memory dispersion refers to the extent to whichorganizational members share an understanding of organiza-tional beliefs, behavioral routines, and physical artifacts.

One stream of literature suggests that greater dispersionleads to more creative and better financially performing newproducts. For example, Hutt, Reingen, and Ronchetto (1988)find that creative new product initiatives are more likely tobe characterized by a greater number of communicationlinks between organizational functions. Others point to thecritical role of dispersing information across organizationalfunctions, such as marketing and research and development(R&D), in the success of new product innovations (Gupta,Raj, and Wilemon 1986; Moenaert and Souder 1990a, b).This research suggests that the dispersion of memoryenables functions to understand one another, improves theirability to cooperate, facilitates cross-fertilization, and mayreduce the tendency of individual functions to become con-fined by their own thought-worlds (Dougherty 1992; Souder1987). As Imai, Nonaka, and takeuchi (1985, p. 544,emphasis added) note, "Project members are expected tointeract with each other extensively, to share everythingfrom risk, responsibility, information, to decision making,and to acquire breadth of knowledge and skills." How mem-ory gets dispersed is not the subject of the present research(see Griffin and Hauser 1992, 1993, 1994; Hutt, Reingen,and Ronchetto 1988). However, when dispersed, collectivelyheld knowledge appears to improve both the creativity andfinancial performance of new products.

Another stream of research suggests that lack of memorydispersion or heterogeneity within organizations shouldhave a positive effect on innovation and creativity (Burgel-man 1983; March 1991; Quinn 1986). From this perspec-tive, groups with similar values, identical information, oroverlapping competencies should be less capable of produc-ing actions that deviate from their prior activities than wouldmore heterogeneous groups (Gigone and Hastie 1993). In

addition, some researchers have suggested that much orga-nizational innovation comes from recombining routines orideas in new ways or by mixing routines that were previ-ously separate (Nelson 1982; Nonaka 1990). This line ofreasoning implies that high memory dispersion could inhib-it creativity because it would reduce heterogeneity in the or-ganization, which, in tum, restricts the number of routines,ideas, and competencies available for recombining or forgenerating new actions. The early marginalized roles ofproduct champions for Post-It notes or Hitachi lasers em-body this idea (Garud and Nayyar 1994; Peters 1988).

One way to reconcile these conflicting perspectives andfindings is to propose a curvilinear relationship betweenmemory dispersion and new product creativity, in whichmoderate levels of dispersion promote the highest levels ofnew product creativity. Moderate levels are predicted to pro-mote the greatest creativity because organizations have boththe breadth and cross-fertilization that dispersion provideswhile maintaining some heterogeneity among members.Under these circumstances, members share a language andunderstanding of problems and solutions but retain somedistinctive skills and knowledge. This view is supported byconceptual literature on group performance that suggeststhat too much diversity restricts communication but toomuch similarity may restrict the range of observations avail-able for recombination (Katz and Allen 1982), and by Fiol(1994), who suggests that team diversity and unity jointlypromote higher levels of collective leaming. Under this formof the relationship, moderate levels of dispersion have ele-ments of both heterogeneity and homogeneity and thereforemaximize new product creativity.''

H3: There exists a curvilinear relationship between dispersion oforganizational memory for a new product domain and newproduct creativity such that moderate levels of dispersionproduce the highest levels of new product creativity andhigh and low levels of dispersion result in lower levels ofnew product creativity.

Although a curvilinear relationship is expected for theeffect of memory dispersion on new product creativity,memory dispersion is expected to have a positive linear rela-tionship with the short-term financial performance of newproducts, because high levels of dispersion increase theeffectiveness and efficiency of decision making and imple-mentation. In fact, as dispersion levels increase, the team'smental model becomes unified, which results in timely, cost-effective decisions that help realize a firm's new productfinancial goals. Moreover, as was reviewed previously, theliterature on information-sharing mechanisms in cross-func-tional efforts, such as total quality management and qualityfunction deployment, suggests that shared knowledge andvision improve the short-term financial perfonnance ofproduct development activities by enhancing cross-func-tional understanding and cooperation (Day 1994; Griffinand Hauser 1993; Hauser and Clausing 1988; Imai, Nonaka,and Takeuchi 1985), as well as by improving team efficien-

••It would also be reasonable to argue that the form of this curvilinearrelationship should be a U-shaped curve, in which high and low levels ofdispersion promote the highest levels of creativity. Nevertheless, we choseto integrate both of the literatures and in so doing, believe the best repre-sentation of the relationship is an inverted-U. This form suggests that mod-erate dispersion has elements of both heterogeneity and homogeneity, andtherefore maximizes new product creativity.

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cies in making decisions and taking action. This does notmean that the team is making the most creative decisions,which we believe will happen under moderate dispersionlevels (H3). Therefore, the creativity-dampening risks of toomuch dispersion will not have the same impact on short-term financial performance, because cross-functional effi-ciencies are maximized, not compromised, in high disper-sion level groups.

H4: The greater the dispersion of organizational memory for anew product domain, the greater the new product short-termfinancial perfonnance.

The Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence

The turbulence associated with an organization's environ-ment is expected to moderate the effect of organizationalmemory on new product outcomes. One of the most funda-mental tenets in theories of organizational learning holdsthat the value of organizational memory is contingent on thesetting in which the organization operates (Argote and Epple1990; Cyert and March 1963; Levitt and March 1988).Memory, after all, refiects leaming from experience, andthat experience occurs at a specific time in a specific setting.This insight is consistent with contingency theory's argu-ment that bureaucratic structures—which rigidly institution-alize lessons from prior experience—can enhance perfor-mance under stable conditions, whereas more organic struc-tures are needed for turbulent conditions (Lawrence andLorsch 1967; Mintzberg 1979).

Several important mechanisms may produce such envi-ronmental effects. At a minimum, the value and impact ofstored prior leaming may deteriorate with environmentalchange (Aehrol 1991; Glazer 1991). As Weiss and Heide(1993, p. 221) note, "a rapid pace of technological changecreates uncertainty that can be competency destroying"(Tushman and Nelson 1990; see also Anderson and Tush-man 1990; Tushman and Anderson 1986). Even more im-portant, memory may stand in the way of effective action ina turbulent environment, which restricts the organization toinappropriate actions.

We focus on technological turbulence, that is, the degreeof change associated with new product technologies (Glazerand Weiss 1993; Jaworski and Kohli 1993; Weiss and Heide1993), and market turbulence, that is, the rate of change inthe composition of customers and their preferences (Jawors-ki and Kohli 1993, p. 57). Both types of turbulence mayhave a potentially dismptive effect on memory's positive ef-fect on new product short-term financial performance, be-cause turbulence is likely to reduce the value of prior leam-ing, which forces the organization to search for and processmore information about the environment (Lawrence andLorsch 1967; Sinkula 1994; Weiss and Heide 1993). Rapidenvironmental change also may stimulate metaleaming, inwhich the people in organizations leam to identify pattemsof environmental behavior, but organizations in turbulent en-vironments generally find it difficult to cope and survive.Given this view, we expect the positive effect of organiza-tional memory level (H2) and dispersion (H4) on the short-term financial performance of new products to be weakenedunder conditions of high technological or market turbulence:

H5: The greater the technological turbulence associated with theenvironment, the weaker the positive relationship between

organizational memory (a) level and (b) dispersion and newproduct short-term fmancial perfonnance.

Hg: The greater the market turbulence associated with the envi-ronment, the weaker the positive relationship between orga-nizational memory (a) level and (b) dispersion and newproduct short-term financial performance.

Although environmental turbulence may reduce the valueof organizational memory for performance, there is a poten-tially positive effect of environmental turbulence for theeffect of memory levels on the development of creative newproducts. Specifically, if high organizational memory levelsreduce the potential for creative new products (H^), a fast-changing environment may attenuate this possibilitybecause high levels of environmental change may act as trig-gers to "unleam" current new product routines (Cyert andMarch 1963; Hedberg 1981; Starbuck 1976).

Considering the relationship between memory dispersionand new product creativity (H3), we suggest that organiza-tions may be better off with intemal heterogeneity under tur-bulent conditions (Aldrich 1979; Lawrence and Lorsch 1967;March 1991). Under conditions of intemal heterogeneity (lowdispersion), firms can draw on previously marginal ideas orcompetencies that may act as cmcial creative engines in timesof high turbulence (Burgelman 1983; Feldman 1989; Miner1990). For example, a firm producing vacuum tubes that hasa well-dispersed technical memory (about vacuum tube tech-nology) would be worse off when transistors are discovered,than another firm that has a less dispersed memory, but in-cludes a small deviant group of engineers who are interestedin transistor technology. This reasoning implies that underconditions of high turbulence, we might expect high memorydispersion (high homogeneity) to have a negative effect oncreativity. Under conditions of low turbulence, however, highdispersion may have a positive effect on creativity. This posi-tive effect may accme from a new product team's ability to re-combine shared knowledge into creative new products (Borkoand Livingston 1989; Dougherty 1990, 1992; Nelson 1982;Nonaka 1990; Weick 1993a, b). We therefore hypothesize,

H7: The greater the technological turbulence associated with theenvironment, (a) the weaker the negative relationship be-tween organizational memory level and new product creativ-ity and (b) the weaker the positive relationship between or-ganizational memory dispersion and new product creativity.

Hg: The greater the market turbulence associated with the envi-ronment, (a) the weaker the negative relationship betweenorganizational memory level and new product creativity and(b) the weaker the positive relationship between organiza-tional memory dispersion and new product creativity.


Sample and Procedure

The initial sample consisted of 396 firms in the 1992Advertising Age list of top 200 advertisers. After eliminatingfirms for which the questionnaire was inappropriate (i.e., nonew product development occurred), the overall sample wasreduced from 396 to 300. Of the eligible sample, 92 firms(31%) responded. In terms of process, three weeks follow-ing the first mailing, nonrespondents were telephoned,reminded of the questionnaire, and encouraged to completeand retum it. Two weeks following the calls, a second mail-ing was sent to nonrespondents. No systematic differences

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were found between those who responded before and afterthe second mailing (Armstrong and Overton 1977).^

Vice presidents of marketing were used as informants be-cause of their organizational knowledge and access to strate-gic and financial information (Aguilar 1967). Informantfirm tenure levels averaged 18 years, which is comparable toother samples of informants at this level (Larwood et al.1995).* When completing the survey, informants were askedto focus on the most recent product development project thathad been in the market for a minimum of 12 months forwhich their division was responsible. If new products didnot fall under their purview, informants were asked to for-ward the questionnaire to the appropriate vice president intheir division. All questions regarding the organization, then,focused on the division as the unit of analysis.


Appendix A contains all of the measures and theirsources. Memory level was operationalized by measuringthe amount of knowledge, experience, and familiarity anorganization has in a product category. Memory dispersionlevel was measured by the degree of consensus or sharedknowledge among new product participants. The assump-tion underlying this approach is that when organizationalmemory is dispersed, members' beliefs would intersect orconverge on a particular topic. If, for example, informantsnoted that there was little consensus among people workingon the product, a reasonable conclusion would be that teammembers' beliefs were based on different assumptions,experiences, and infonnation. Note that this approach tomeasuring memory dispersion reflects the collective under-pinnings of organizational memory. That is, the defining ele-ment—degree of convergence—is assessed as a property ofthe collective.

Technological and market turbulence were measured withJaworski and Kohli's (1993) operationalizations, which fo-cus on the pace of technological change and customerchanges in the industry (see also Glazer and Weiss 1993;Weiss and Heide 1993). Finally, organizational bureaucrati-zation, which will be entered in the model to control for thestructure of information dispersion, is defined as the degreeto which an organization is managed through formalized re-lationships and centralized authority (John and Martin 1984)and is measured with Deshpande's (1982) scales.

Following the data collection, measures were subjected toa purification process involving undimensionality, reliabili-ty, and discriminant validity assessments (see Anderson1987; Bagozzi and Phillips 1982; Churchill 1979; Gerbingand Anderson 1988). To assess unidimensionality, the mea-sures were divided into three subsets of theoretically related

'The results of these tests are the following (where ER = early respon-ders and LR = late responders): memory level (ER = 5.29, LR = 5.17, t,9|)= .34), memory dispersion (ER = 5.50, LR = 5.37, t(9|) = .69), technologi-cal turbulence level (ER = 3.98, LR = 4.23, t^,,, = -.76), new product per-formance (ER = 4.90, LR = 4.65, t(9|) = .71), and new product creativity(ER = 5.18, LR = 4.65, t(9|, = .71).

^Informant tenure levels were not collected during the initial administra-tion of the questionnaire. However, half of the organizations were subse-quently telephoned and this information was gathered as a safeguard toensure that respondents had enough organizational experience to be capa-ble of assessing organizational memory, though recent evidence has foundan insignificant relationship between firm tenure levels and executives'articulation of their corporate visions (Larwood et al. 1995).

variables: the two organizational memory measures, the twonew product outcomes, and the two environmental modera-tors. Because of the small sample size, this approach waschosen over examining all variables in a six-factor model,which violates the recommendations made by Bentler andCho (1988) to not exceed a five-to-one ratio of sample sizeto parameter estimates. Results stiggest that the three mod-els fit well: the memory variables (x (̂26) = 28.74, p = .323,goodness-of-fit index [GFI] = .938), the two new productoutcomes ix\\9) = 26.60, p = . 114, GFI = .930), and the twoenvironmental moderators {x\34) = 58.16, p = .006, GFI =.900).

Within these three models, discriminant validity was as-sessed by constraining and freeing the phi coefficient. Themodel with the free coefficient was found to be superior tothe fixed coefficient for the two organizational memoryvariables A^^^D = 9.18, the two new product outcomesAx\\)= 11.34, and the two environmental moderators AX^^D= 13.42, suggesting independent constructs. In addition, be-cause the memory measures are new, discriminant validitywas assessed and found between the memory variables andmeasures of individual manager use of information (Desh-pande and Zaltman 1982), organizational use of information(Moorman 1995), and different forms of organizational cul-ture (Deshpande, Farley, and Webster 1993).' Finally, the re-liability of the measures was found to exceed standards foracceptance.* In Table 1, we present psychometric informa-tion and a correlation matrix of all measures.

General Theory Testing Approach

The hypotheses were examined in two regression models,with the two new product outcomes as dependent variables.Following accepted guidelines for examining interactions,for each model, the main effects associated with the twoorganizational memory variables and turbulence wereentered in addition to their interaction effects (the product ofthe memory variables and the moderators). Following theconceptual framework, a quadratic form of the memory dis-persion variable also was entered in the model with newproduct creativity as the dependent variable. The main effectvariables were mean-centered before we constmcted theinteractions and quadratic versions to reduce the potentialeffects of collinearity (Cronbach 1987). Significant interac-tions were investigated with the slope analysis proceduresspecified in Aiken and West (1991) to improve understand-ing of the coefficients. These procedures enable significantrelationships to be understood at different levels of the con-tinuous moderator variables without creating categorical

'Results indicate that the critical value (Ax^(i) = 3.84) was exceeded inall tests: memory level and individual instrumental use of information(Ax^(i) = 32.18); memory dispersion and individual instrumental use ofinformation (Ax^(i) = 26.52); memory level and organizational instrumen-tal use of information (Ax\i) = 5.06); memory dispersion and organiza-tional instrumental use of information (Ax^(i) = 9.79); memory level andclan cultures (Ax^d, = 21.58), market cultures (Ax^(i) = 4.46), adhocracycultures (Ax^d) = 11.82), and bureaucracy cultures (Ax^(i) = 14.58); as wellas memory dispersion and clan cultures (Ax^(i) = 9.65), market cultures(AX (̂i) = 10.16), adhocracy cultures (Ax2(i) = 26.04), and bureaucracy cul-tures (Ax^,,, = 35.05).

^The only exception, memory dispersion, also could be argued to be areflective, rather than a formative, scale. This status would suggest that con-ceptual considerations regarding construct space coverage, and not reliabil-ity assessments, should be the evaluative criteria.

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Mean S.D. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(1) Organizational Memory Level 5.26 1.62 .96(2) Organizational Memory Dispersion 5.46 .82 .33* .62(3) Technological Turbulence 4.06 1.44 -.06 -.01 .84(4) Market Turbulence 4.01 1.17 .09 .13 .17 .70(5) New Product Short-Term Financial Perfonnance 4.82 1.51 .40* .43* -.01 .11 .95(6) New Product Creativity 5.12 1.24 -.02 .27* .19 .16 .13 .78(7) Organizational Bureaucratization 3.21 1.24 .12 -.39* -.03 .08 -.19 -.28* .85

*p < .05.Note: The coefficient alpha for each measure is on the diagonal (and in italics) and the intercorrelations among the measures are on the off-diagonal.

versions. For both models, variance inflation factors wereestimated to examine collinearity and found to be belowharmful levels (Mason and Perreault 1991). In addition tothese predicted effects, organizational bureaucratization alsowas entered as a control variable in the models for the rea-sons described previously. Table 2 presents model estima-tion results.



Results show that, overall, the two models were signifi-cant: new product short-term financial performance (R^ =.310, F(9g3) = 4.135, p = .0001) and new product creativity(R2 = .255, F(,o,82) = 2.816, p = .0001). As was noted pre-viously, in testing the interaction hypotheses, the maineffects associated with the moderator variables (market andtechnological turbulence) must be entered into the regres-sion model (Pedhazur 1982). Therefore, several nonhypoth-esized main effects also are noted. Results indicate thattechnological turbulence has a significant positive main

effect on new product creativity (b = .204, t = 2.286) but noeffect on new product short-term financial performance.Market turbulence has no main effects. Finally, the controlvariable, organizational bureaucratization, has no effect onthe short-term financial performance of new products and amarginal negative effect on their creativity (b = -.200, t =1.837)

The Impact of Organizational Memory Level

The first two hypotheses examine the effect of organiza-tional memory level on new product outcomes. H| predictsthat higher levels of organizational memory reduce newproduct creativity. Results indicate a nonsignificant relation-ship between memory level and new product creativity,which fails to support H], though the relationship is in theexpected direction (b = -.089, t = -1.123). H2 predicts a pos-itive effect for organizational memory level on new productperformance, which the results support (b = .258, t = 2.787).

Considering the effect of technological turbulence, H^^and Hga predict that the greater the technological and market


tndependent Variables

Organizational Memory L.evelOrganizational Memory DispersionMemory Dispersion x Memory DispersionMemory Level x Technological TurbulenceMemory Level x Market TurbulenceMemory Dispersion x Technological TurbulenceMemory Dispersion x Market TurbulenceTechnological Turbulence"Market Turbulence"Organizational Bureaucratization>>

Adjusted R2F-statistic


New Product Short-TermFinancial Performance

Prediction(HJ, + )(H4, + )

(H5,, - )(H^a, - )(H5b. - )(Hgb, - )









New ProductCreativity

Prediction Actual(H|,-) -.089

.418*(H3, nf^) .086(H7a,-) -.013(Hga,-) -.017(H7b, -) -.402*(Hgb,-) -.156





Note; The degrees of freedom for the new product short-term Financial performance model were (9,83), whereas they were (10,82) for the new product cre-ativity model. Standard errors are in parentheses.

*p << .10 ."Following Pedhazur (1982), the main effects associated with both the interactions and the quadratic terms must be entered into models examining inter-

action and quadratic hypotheses.•"Organizational bureaucratization is a control variable reflecting the structure of organizational information sharing activities.'H3 predicts an inverted-U relationship.

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turbulence, respectively, the weaker the positive relationshipbetween organizational memory level and new productshort-term fmancial performance. Results indicate no signif-icant interactions between memory level and either type ofturbulence on financial perfonnance (see Table 2), whichsuggests that memory level positively influences new prod-uct perfonnance in this sample regardless of environmentalturbulence. These results fail to support H^^ and Hg .̂

Likewise, H7a and Hga predict that technological and mar-ket turbulence, respectively, weaken any negative effect ofmemory levels on the development of creative new products.Results indicate no interaction between memory level andturbulence on creativity in these data.

The Impact of Organizational Memory Dispersion

The second set of hypotheses focuses on the effect oforganizational memory dispersion on new product out-comes. H3 predicts that a moderate level of memory disper-sion promotes the highest levels of new product creativity.Results do not support this prediction but instead find a non-significant quadratic dispersion term (b = .086, t = .680) anda positive main effect dispersion term (b = .418, t = 2.266),which suggests there is a positive linear relationshipbetween memory dispersion and creativity. H4 predicts thatgreater dispersion of organizational memory increases newproduct short-term financial performance. Results supportthis prediction (b = .582, t = 2.965).

Results also suggest, however, that the impact of memorydispersion on the shon-term financial performance of newproducts is weakened by market turbulence, which supportsH6b (b = -.351, t = -2.124). Specifically, as market turbu-lence increases, the relationship between memory disper-sion and short-term financial perfonnance decreases. A fol-low-up slope analysis examining this interaction (Aiken andWest 1991) indicates that the relationship between memorydispersion and financial performance is insignificant underconditions of high market turbulence (b = -.012), becomespositive at moderate market turbulence (b = .436), and iseven stronger at low market turbulence (b = .885). In short,memory enhanced short-term financial performance whenthere was little turbulence but had no effect on short-term fi-nancial performance in the presence of high turbulence. Nosupport for a similar effect for technological turbulence wasfound, however, which fails to support H^y,.

Technological turbulence did, however, have a significantnegative interaction with memory dispersion on new productcreativity (b = -.402, t = -2.964). A follow-up slope analy-sis examining this interaction (Aiken and West 1991) indi-cates that the relationship between memory dispersion andnew product creativity is negative under conditions of highturbulence (b = -.385), becomes positive at moderate turbu-lence (b = .298), and is strong and positive at low turbulence(b - .981). These results support H7b. Market turbulencedoes not, however, moderate the impact of memory disper-sion on new product creativity, which fails to support Hg(,(see Table 2).


We provide an initial attempt to fill an important gap inthe new product literature by expanding our vision of orga-nizational memory in the new product context and exploringsome of its effects using systematic quantitative data.

The Nature of Organizational Memory

An important first contribution of this work is the fine-grained description of organizational memory forms, roles,and characteristics. Although many of these issues havebeen discussed in other research (e.g., Walsh and Ungson1991), we systematically integrate these concepts into a def-inition of organizational memory, which results in severalimportant advances. First, we describe three ways in whichmemory may be manifested: as shared beliefs, behavioralroutines, and physical artifacts. Second, two distinct mem-ory roles were identified—both interpretive and action guid-ance roles. Third, four distinct dimensions of organizationalmemory were identified, two of which were examinedempirically in this research. Fourth, this view of memoryextends prior work by Walsh and Ungson (1991). On the onehand, it reaffirms their emphasis on the multidimensionalcharacter of memory, and the subtle processes involved increating and sustaining it. On the other hand, our frameworkdiverges from their emphasis on memory as part of an inter-pretive system. Specifically, our approach gives memorystanding as an organizational feature that can be deliberatelycreated and modified, and whose features can materiallyaffect firm outcomes.

Further research could fruitfully assess the effects of oth-er memory characteristics on new product activities. For ex-ample, further work could examine the competitive implica-tions of different levels of procedural and declarative mem-ory content. The contrasting possibilities can be seen in theclassic example of the early development of the VCR, whenAmpex held crucial tape recording patents (declarativememory) but lacked crucial product development skills(procedural memory) for the mass market. In contrast, Sony,JVC, and others had relatively weak scientific (declarative)memory regarding some key aspects of tape technology(Lurie 1987). However, these firms used powerful electron-ic product development skills (procedural memory) to de-velop commercial VCR products after gaining access toAmpex's knowledge. Because the procedural memory con-tent was less easy to imitate than the declarative memorycontent, U.S. firms were not able to replicate quickly thecontent of the memories of the Japanese firms, which re-sulted in U.S. firms' inability to compete successfully in thisproduct market (Lurie 1987; Teece 1987).

The Link Between Memory and New Product DevelopmentOutcomes

In our empirical study, we explore how two dimensions ofmemory—level and dispersion—affect two different newproduct outcomes: financial performance and product creativ-ity. Two broad findings emerge. First, memory may influencefinancial performance and creativity in different ways. Second,environmental turbulence appears to moderate memory'simpact on performance. In particular, higher memory disper-sion did not enhance financial performance under conditions ofmarket turbulence, whereas it actually harmed creativity underconditions of technological turbulence. These broad findings,along with more specific features of these relationships, pointto important priorities for practitioners seeking to improveproduct development processes by enhancing organizationalmemory, and suggest fruitful areas for further research.

Before considering these issues, however, it is importantto note the aspects of this study that should be kept in mind

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while interpreting these results. For this initial empiricalstudy, we used single informants at high levels of the orga-nization to achieve a broad organizational view. Althoughthe use of multiple informant designs remains the exceptionin most marketing studies, such an approach would providea better test in some respects, though such designs are notwithout their methodological concems. Despite these con-cems, future studies might profit from seeking multiple in-formants to enhance the validity of organizational memorymeasures (Bagozzi and Phillips 1982).

In addition, that our informants assessed new product de-velopment projects after their completion raises the poten-tial of a retrospective justification bias. This would occur ifinformants, knowing the outcome of projects, tended to giveresponses for the independent variables consistent withtheir knowledge of the outcome. Our informants providedtheir assessments of these variables in the context of othermeasures, thus making it less likely they would pay atten-tion to the congruence of their assessments with new prod-uct outcomes. Moreover, survey questions were designed tofocus informant attention on the appropriate time period foreach variable, in part to help avoid this effect. Nonetheless,further work could fruitfully seek to measure memory vari-ables before project outcomes are known to alleviate suchconcems.

Finally, our data show meaningful variance in terms of or-ganizational memory and project outcomes, which reducesconcems about limited scope in our sample. However, as-suming our sample of projects is representative of productdevelopment projects in general, it is likely to contain alarge proportion of projects involving the modification ofexisting products. Therefore, our results may not be gener-alizable to more radical projects. Hence, an important av-enue for further work would be to determine if our resultsare replicated in samples with higher proportions of moreradical projects. These issues notwithstanding, the study'sresults offer interesting implications for both practitionersand marketing theorists, which we next consider.

New Product Outcomes

The effects of memory differ between the two new prod-uct development outcome dimensions studied here. In par-ticular, memory level enhances relatively short-term (oneyear) financial performance, but not creativity. Market tur-bulence moderates the impact of memory dispersion onfinancial performance, whereas technological turbulencemoderates the impact of memory dispersion on creativity,but not on short-term financial performance. This pattemhighlights that memory may have varied effects on differentfeatures of product performance. There are additional indi-cators of success in new product activities, including cus-tomer measures and time-to-market measures (Griffin andPage 1993). By implication, the effect of memory level anddispersion may vary for these other outcome indicators aswell.

One implication of our work for practitioners, then, is tounderscore the importance of sensitivity to organizationalmemory's potentially distinct impact on different new prod-uct outcomes. Many firms are in the process of creating in-creasingly sophisticated organizational memory systems inwhich they make engineering drawings, parts specifications,costs, and other concrete features of prior products available

to in-house designers and even vendors. Some firms alsoseek to institutionalize the new product developmentprocess itself through efforts to achieve ISO 9000 certifica-tion. Other organizations are experimenting with new orga-nizational structures that affect the nature and availability oforganizational memory (Womack, Jones, and Roos 1990).Our results support the importance of identifying whichproduct outcomes the firm seeks to enhance and attemptingto link these activities to memory in order to enhance spe-cific outcomes over time.

The results also support the importance of careful atten-tion to the multiple dimensions of new product outcomes intheoretical research. They are consistent with predictionsthat memory may have different effects on different out-comes, which reduces the likelihood that we will find a sim-ple formula linking memory to new product outcomes. Forexample, research linking memory dimensions with key ad-ditional outcomes, such as timeliness, long-range financialoutcomes, and whether a product becomes a dominant de-sign, may offer potentially important frontiers for suchwork (Foster 1986; Schoonhoven, Eisenhardt, and Lyman1990).

The Effect of Organizational Memory Level

Our research augments previous work concemed with therelationship between new products and a firm's existingcompetencies, which has often viewed knowledge assets ashaving unconditionally positive effects. For practitioners,our results support a great deal of the marketing strategy lit-erature and practice by finding that a reliance on memory(which represents stored information and competencies) innew product development increases new product financialperformance (Ansoff 1988; Montoya-Weiss and Calatone1994; Rumelt 1974; Varadarajan 1983). However, we didnot find active support for the prediction that high memorylevels would detract from product creativity, but we did findthat high memory levels failed to enhance creativity.

Our finding that high memory level enhanced financial re-tum but did not enhance creativity also reinforces practi-tioner concem about the possible dangers of formalizingnew product development processes. Specifically, manyfirms are now formalizing new product development proce-dures, sometimes in pursuit of ISO 9000 certification or sup-plier qualification programs. Yet, to the degree a firm seeksto enhance new product creativity, formal procedures aimedat increasing the level of memory may have little or no val-ue. These firms might want to look to other dimensions oftheir organizational memory (beyond just trying to capturethe most information possible) in seeking to institutionalizetheir best practices.

Tuming to theoretical issues, that high memory levels nei-ther enhances nor detracts from product creativity in ourstudy leads us to speculate that memory level may be lessimportant than how flexibly or infiexibly a firm holds itsknowledge (March 1979). Further research could considermoderating factors in the firm's culture or structure that mayreflect a flexible approach to what has been leamed in thepast or that encourage careful reconsideration of currentroutines and knowledge (Barabba and Zaltman 1991; Olson,Walker, and Ruekert 1995). In addition, the relationship be-tween memory level and creative product outcomes may beinfluenced by stage of the new product development

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process, whether the organization uses a team approach, andthe nature of the product itself. In addition, we believe it willbe important to begin to study more systematically the actu-al processes through which memory level affects outcomes,through, for example, longitudinal study of the creation anddeployment use of specific organizational routines.

The Effect of Organizational Memory Dispersion

Memory dispersion had a positive effect on both thefinancial perfonnance and creativity of new products in thissample. Moreover, the impact of our measure of memorydispersion on new product outcomes was stronger than theimpact of the measure of memory level. This implies that thedegree to which knowledge and skills are shared amongorganizational members may be more important than thesheer amount of organizational memory in some settings.

Recall that we had predicted a positive effect for memorydispersion on product financial performance and a curvilin-ear effect for dispersion on product creativity. Our resultssuppon the former and show only a simpler linear effect fordispersion impact on creativity. The question of whether dis-persion has a linear curvilinear effect merits further study,however We utilize a simple measure of dispersion and donot attempt to characterize the structure of such dispersion.If memory is dispersed in a hierarchical manner (as opposedto a network fashion), its impact may vary. In addition, thelack of a curvilinear effect may arise from the scope limita-tions of our sample. For example, the maximum point in thecurvilinear relationships may shift to some degree depend-ing on whether a product is more incremental or radical.

Environmental Contingencies and the Effect of MemoryDispersion

Following previous theory and research that environmen-tal turbulence has the potential to affect the value of memory,we introduce market and technological turbulence as moder-ator variables into our study. Although these factors did notmoderate the impact of memory level, they did infiuence theway memory dispersion affects product outcomes.

We find that technological turbulence has an important ef-fect on dispersion's impact on product creativity. In the pres-ence of high technological turbulence, high levels of mem-ory dispersion—which involves shared understanding andhomogeneous knowledge—actually detract from creativity.This significant interaction provides a partial explanationfor the conflicting literature on dispersion, suggesting thatboth high and low levels of dispersion foster creativity.Specifically, it implies that organizations may be better offwith intemai heterogeneity under conditions of high turbu-lence, because diverse pockets of knowledge and skills en-able them to increase their probability of exploiting emerg-ing opportunities.

This finding has two important implications for new prod-uct development practice. First, it provides further supportfor the commonly held view that in the presence of turbu-lence, heterogeneity may provide value (Burgelman 1983;Miner 1994; Tushman and Romanelli 1985). In this case,heterogeneity of views among the team members enhancednew product creativity. This finding, then, supports the viewthat early in the S-curve of technological evolution, or dur-ing periods of radical transition, it makes sense to have somelevel of variety on teams to enhance the creative process

(Anderson and Tushman 1990). This variety can be achievedthrough differences among team members in terms of func-tional background, product category experiences, firm-leveltenure, or individual traits and perhaps even can be shapedby the information provided to the team by senior manage-ment (Cox 1993; Katz and Allen 1982; Nemeth 1986).

Second, under conditions of low technological turbu-lence, high dispersion (or homogeneity) actually enhancescreativity. This finding implies that, in some settings, cre-ativity may not require the addition of variation or disagree-ment among panicipants. Specifically, creativity in thesesettings may arise from either creative firm-level goals ordevelopment processes that permit participants to make cre-ative use of their shared knowledge, such as when they re-combine shared ideas into new forms (Nelson 1982; Nona-ka 1990).

These results also imply that practices involving the uti-lization of stored information may need to vary when at-tempting to achieve creative outcomes in different environ-ments. For example, in turbulent environments, creativitymay be achieved by infusing varied knowledge into theproduct development process. Therefore, mechanisms foraccessing specialized and divergent knowledge from inter-nal or extemal sources, as well as processes for ensuring itsusage, represent imponant challenges for organizationsseeking creative new product development. On the otherhand, we speculate that shared memory may result in newproduct creativity by recombining shared knowledge (Hol-land 1975). For example, Dougherty (1990, 1992) finds thatsuccessful new product groups were able to combine theirperspectives, but only when they operated in a highly inter-active and iterative fashion by participating in concrete taskstogether and violating routines.

Environmental turbulence also moderated dispersion'simpact on financial performance. Specifically, when marketturbulence was moderate or low, dispersion enhanced finan-cial performance. However, when market turbulence washigh, dispersion had no effect on financial performance.This result, like the previous one, may imply that buildingvaluable memory systems is harder under conditions of en-vironmental turbulence. Specifically, if market turbulencereduces the value of organizational memory for financialperformance, organizations may need to tum to additionalinformation mechanisms to supplement the value of memo-ry. Formal experimentation, rapid prototyping, and improvi-sation, for example, may represent processes that create newworking knowledge in situations for which long-term orga-nizational memory provides insufficient guidance (Eisen-hardt and Tabrizi 1995; Moorman and Miner 1996; Weick1993a).

Finally, we tum to the theoretical implications of our find-ings on the interaction of dispersion and turbulence. In gen-eral, the results reaffirm that turbulence can reduce the valueof shared knowledge within organizations. However, we notethat technological and market turbulence does not uniformlyaffect outcomes. Technological turbulence does not moderatethe dispersion-financial relationship, for example, nor doesmarket turbulence moderate the dispersion-creativity rela-tionship. These findings suggest it may be time to addresslinks between specific aspects of environmental turbulenceand memory, rather than assume broad environmental fea-tures with uniform impact on organizational memory's value.

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Overall, these results extend thinking that has tended toadvocate either homogeneity or heterogeneity in organiza-tional knowledge. For many decades, for example, it was as-sumed that specialization, which can be seen as fragmentedorganizational memory, was an efficient way to capture anduse knowledge (Scott 1987). Today, popular wisdom has re-versed that assumption, often calling for shared knowledgeand redundancy as a simple answer to produce new productsuccess (e.g.. Griffin and Hauser 1994; Nonaka 1990). Bothour theoretical development and empirical results point to amore complex world. Further research could explore morecarefully the precise mechanisms through which consensusand heterogeneity affect outcomes in different new productdevelopment environments (Guzzo and Salas 1995; Watch-er 1983). More broadly, researchers may want to explorefactors beyond variation among persons, such as the ways in

which new, interactive information systems and new organi-zational designs affect the balance between heterogeneityand homogeneity in product development projects. Furtherresearch should also probe how these dispersion effects areinfluenced by their occunence during certain stages of thenew product development process. For example, it is widelyassumed that heterogeneity is more useful in the early stagesof the process, when new knowledge appears to be morenecessary; however, we lack systematic empirical data sup-porting this view.

Finally, in considering the effect of memory dispersion,further research would benefit from accounting for its spe-cific content. We speculate that if a firm's memory is dis-persed, but contains primarily procedural knowledge abouthow to innovate, it could produce successful products evenunder turbulent conditions. However, we speculate that de-


/. tndependent Variables tit. Dependent Variables

Organizational Memory L^vel New scale(Seven-point scale, where 7 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly disagree)

Prior to the project, compared to firms in our industry, my division had:•a great deal of knowledge about this category,•a great deal of experience in this category,•a great deal of familiarity in this category,•invested a great deal of R&D in this category.

Organizational Memory Dispersion New scale(Seven-point scale, where 7 = high and 1 = low)

Rate the degree of consensus among the people working on the project forthe following new product areas:•product design•brand name•packaging•promotional content•product quality level

//. Moderator Variables

Technological Turbulence Jaworski and Kohli (1993)(Seven-point scale, where 7 = strongly agree and I = strongly disagree)

•The technology in this product area is changing rapidly.•Technological changes provide big opportunities in this product area.•[t is very difficult to forecast where the technology in this product area willbe in the next five years.

•A large number of new product ideas in this area have been made possiblethrough technological breakthroughs.

•Technological developments in this product area are rather minor.*

Market Turbulence Jaworski and Kohli (1993)(Seven-point scale, where 7 = strongly agree and I = strongly disagree)

•In our kind of business, customers' product preferences change quite a bitover time.

•Our customers tend to look for new products all the time.•We are witnessing demand for our products and services from customerswho never bought them before.

•New customers tend to have product-related needs that are different fromthose of our existing customers.

•We cater to much the same customers that we used to in the past.*

Rate the extent to which the product has achieved the following outcomesduring the first 12 months of its life in the marketplace.

New Product Performance Moorman (1995)(Seven-point scale, where 7 = high and 1 = low)

•Sales relative to objective•Profit margin relative to objective•Retum on assets relative to objective•Retum on investment relative to objective

New Product Creativity Moorman (1995)(Seven-point scale, where 7 = high and 1 = low)

•Challenged existing ideas for this category-Did not challenge existingideas for this category*

•Offered new ideas to the category-Did not offer new ideas to the category*•Creative-Not creative*•Spawned ideas for other products-Did . not generate ideas for otherproducts*

tv. Control Variables

Organizational Bureaucratization Adapted from Deshpande (1982)(Seven-point scale, where 7 = strongly agree and 1 = strongly disagree)

•Whenever employees have a problem, they are supposed to go to the sameperson for an answer.

•There is little action taken until a superior approves the decision.•If employees wished to make their own decisions, they would be quicklydiscouraged.

•Going through the proper channels in getting a job done is constantlystressed.

•Employees have to ask their boss before they do almost anything•Any decision employees tiiake has to have their boss' approval.•There is no specific rule manual detailing what employees should do.*•In this organization, everyone has a specific job to do.

V. Discriminating Variables

(These variables were used only in discriminant validity exercises, not inthe model testing.)

Organizational Culture Deshpande, Farley, and Webster (1993)

Organizational Instrumental Use ofMarket Information Moorman (1995)

Individual Manager InstrumentalUse of Market Information Deshpande and Zaltman (1982)

*These items were reverse-coded prior to scale construction.

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Organizational Memory 103

clarative memory would not retain its value in turbulentconditions.


Recent theorizing on product development emphasizes thecrucial impact of information processing on product successand the importance of organizational, in addition to individ-ual, leaming. A key result of leaming is the creation of mem-ory. Surprising, the literature presents a somewhat fragmentedtheoretical panorama for memory's impact on product devel-opment and almost no quantitative research on its directimpact on new product success. We argue that an organiza-tion's memory can best be conceptualized as having severaldistinct and independent dimensions. We examine the effectsof memory level and dispersion on two key product outcomes:new product short-term financial performance and new prod-uct creativity. Although fewer than half of the hypothesizedrelationships were supported, our results do indicate that levelof memory enhances product performance and that memorydispersion affects both performance and creativity. In addi-tion, we find that memory dispersion can sometimes detractfrom creativity and have no infiuence on performance in thepresence of high turbulence, whereas it can enhance creativ-ity and performance when there is low turbulence.

These results imply that marketers must address not onlythe ongoing information-gathering processes for product de-velopment, but look deeply at the question of current orga-nizational memory if they are to harvest the full value of or-ganizational leaming. Specifically, our data indicate that de-veloping and sustaining valuable organizational memorymay require attention not only to the appropriate levels ofmemory, but also to managing subtle aspects of memory dis-persion and deployment.

Appendix B

Organizational Memory Level

Definition:Memory level refers to the amount of stored information or experience anorganization has about a particular phenomenon.

Example:A new product development team has competed in a product category foran extensive period of time.

Measurement:Memory level was measured by asking respondents to evaluate the amountof knowledge, experience, and familiarity the relevant organizational unithad in a product category prior to beginning the project.

Organizational Memory Dispersion

Definition:Memory dispersion refers to the degree to which organizational memory isshared throughout the relevant organizational unit. If memory is widelyshared, memory dispersion is high. If memory is not widely shared, mem-ory dispersion is low.

Example:Members of a new product team have similar knowledge about the market,the product, and the new product development process.

Measurement:Memory dispersion was measured by the degree of consensus or sharedknowledge among new product team participants. Several aspects of thenew product development process were listed and respondents were askedto rate the degree of consensus among the people working on the project.


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