Download - The Impact of High School Dropouts Across America

  • 1. Right now
    It is important know how dropouts affect all of us.

2. `
Right now there are teachers that think it is
for some of their
students not to attend school
because they dont have to worry
about them.
3. Right now a high school dropout earns
compared to a high school
graduate that would potentially
earn $26,933.
4. Right now a high school dropout will
$9,634 less than
high school graduate in a year.
5. That turns out to be a difference of
over their lifetime.
6. Right now
7,000 students drop out every day.
that turns out to be 5 students a minute
7. Right now a high school will not make
AYP because of their graduation rate.
8. Right nowif there was a 5% increase in
the number of males graduating,
would be an decrease of
in crime related costs.
$4.9 Billion
9. Right now the total amount of additional income that could be earned if every freshman from the 2003-2004 year graduated would total $7.5 Billion.
10. Right now dropouts from the
Class of 2008 will result in
lost wages of $319 Billionover
their lifetimes.
11. Right now there is a student who is
in class because of factors
affecting them outside school.
12. Right now a minimum of $58,000 is needed annually for every juvenile that is incarcerated.
13. Right now there are students that are
not challenged in class.
14. Right now the four key indicators
used to predict dropouts are:
Low achievement
Poor attendance
Low socio-economic status
Over-aged for grade
15. Right now over a million and two hundred thousand students that enter the 9th grade fail to graduate with their peers.
Over half of these come from
minority groups (African American &
Hispanic are 2/3 of the nations dropouts).
16. Right now there is no single risk factor
that can be used to accurately
predict dropouts.
17. Think you have a lot to do right now?
Consider the student that has to be the
adult when they get home to their younger
18. So what are you going to do about it -
Right now?