Download - The Impact of Early Muslim Thoughts on the Renaissance Movement in the West


The Impact of Early Muslim Thoughts on the Renaissance Movement in the West


Dr. Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

([email protected]) Dr. Maulan Akbar Shah@ U Tun Aung

Department of Inter-Disciplinary Studies Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences

International Islamic University Malaysia

([email protected])

Presented to:

Academic Centre for Education, Culture & Research

Tehran, Iran

March, 2017

© ACECR & maarji

This presentation intends to explain that there was a time in the history of the

Muslims known as the ‘Golden Age of Islam’. During that period of time (750-

1258), Muslims built their great civilization by merging science and spirituality.

They were prepared to learn all that are positive and non-contradictory to their

Muslim faith from others; particularly from the Greeks, Persians and Indians. At

the peak of their civilization, Europeans came to learn at the Islamic centers for

leaning and scientific investigation. In modern times, the West not only failed

to acknowledge the contribution of the early Muslim scholars to the

Renaissance movement, but also its obsession and passion for science took the

masses away from God and spirituality. Looking into the present condition of

the world, this presentation calls for an ideal situation that can solve violence,

backwardness and moral decadence. It calls upon the West and the Muslim

world to share with one another what they have. The West needs spirituality

and the Muslim world needs science and technology. It is believed that through

such an exchange and sharing between the two, a better world free of

violence, hatred and moral decadence can be created.


-The Days of Ignorance (Ayyamul Jahiliyyah)

-Alexander the Great did not want to conquer Arabia

-Superpowers like Rome & Persia not interested to rule Arabia

- A transformational change happened with the coming of the Prophet of Islam

- It was a birth from darkness into light

- The Qur’an and Sunnah took the Arabs from their degrading lifestyle into one filled with enlightenment, dynamism and spirituality

The Golden Age of Islam (750-1258)

Muslims enriched their civilization by borrowing ideas from earlier civilizations, mainly Greek, Persian and Indian

Approach used: Adopt, Adapt and Assimilate

Muslims took all that are useful and valuable to enrich their own civilization

Baghdad, Cordoba, Damascus & Cairo became centers of learning & research

Baitul Hikmah had a big collection of books and manuscripts

Islamic Caliphs encouraged scholars to do research

At the zenith of the their civilization, Muslim scholars became great authorities in the areas of medicine, philosophy, mathematics, algebra, chemistry, astronomy, botany, etc.

Great personalities like Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Rush and others appeared on the intellectual stage of the Muslims

Muslims had a mastery over science, technology, critical and creative thinking

They inspired the Renaissance scholars of the West to be scientific and innovative

The Renaissance movement got the spark/impetus from the Muslim Golden Era

Motivation from the Qur’an & Hadith

Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is

those who are endued with understanding that receives admonition. (Qur’an 39:9)

The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of martyr (Hadith)

Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave (Hadith)

Acquire knowledge: it enables its possessor to distinguish right from

wrong (Hadith)

It is better to teach knowledge one hour in night than to pray the whole night (Hadith)

Motivation from the Qur’an

Verses of the Qur’an

250 verses relate to laws/legal or ahkam

750 verses call the believers to study nature (Mohammad Ilyas,2005)

Special Qualities of the Early Muslims Scholars

• They were great genius with a scientific mind

• They went with the Qur’anic spirit of Zikr (spirituality) and Fikr (Scientific Investigation)

• A total dedication in seeking knowledge

• Research work was a form of Ibadah (worship)

• Sincere effort to explore the hidden secrets in nature

• They wanted to contribute to the growth of human civilization

• Put themselves at the service of God & humanity

Efforts during the Golden Age of Islam


Transmission of old knowledge to new places

Improvements to the old knowledge and


Original contributions (Mohammad Ilyas, 2005,p.3)

Gaining mastery over Revealed, Natural &

Human Sciences

Many of the scholars were polymath;

specialized in many disciplines of knowledge

Sir Thomas Arnold and Alfred Guillaume,

The Legacy of Islam

“The spread of Islamic knowledge to Europe

sparked, or at least helped to spark, the

Renaissance and scientific revolution of the 17th

century. It is highly probable that, but for the

Arabs, modern European civilization would

never have arisen at all”

Professor William Shea

“Islam’s contribution to international culture is

obvious; we have to reinforce the influence of

Islam in our institutions in Europe, the U.K. and

the U.S.”

Professor Ziauddin Sardar

• “…there would have been no West without Islam. The West as it exists today is the product of Islamic sciences, civilization, culture and learning”

Gustave Le Bon in La Civilisation des Arabes

“Science, so neglected by others, is most dearly

appreciated by Muslims. Besides, to them

belongs the pertinent remark: men are those

who learn or know, the rest is rabble and good

for nothing”

Impact of Muslims Thought in the Renaissance Movement

• Al-Khwarizmi's ideas on mathematics and algebra were translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona & Roberts Chester. This Muslim scholar corrected Ptolemy’s view and came up with the first world map

• Al-Razi- physician, philosopher and alchemist, first to differentiate between smallpox and chickenpox

• Al-Biruni- 600 years before Galileo, discussed about the theory of the earth rotating about its own axis

• Al-Zahrawi- known as the ‘Father of Surgery’. His Encyclopedia of Surgery was used as a standard reference over 500 years in many universities in the West

• Ibn Sina- was a physician, philosopher, mathematician & astronomer. His Qanun fi al-Tibb & Kitab al-Shifa were translated into Latin & made reference books in the western academies

• Al-Ghazali’s ideas on morality found acceptance in St. Thomas Aquinas, when this saintly personality spoke on moral philosophy


• Ibn Rushd- through his philosophical writings introduced and explained the rational philosophy of Aristotle to the West. His ideas found more relevant to the West that to the Muslim world. As such, his ideas were more appreciated in the West than in the Muslim world.

• The Protestant Reformation movement was inspired by the work of Ibn Rushd

• These are few among many works of the Muslim scholars that contributed to the Renaissance movement in the West

Honest Appreciation is Missing

• Not many Western scholars acknowledge the great contributions of early Muslim scholars to the advancement of science in the West

• The West has to acknowledge that many of its advancement in the natural and social sciences were based on ideas taken from Muslim scholars like Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Biruni, Al-Zahrawi, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sina, Ibn Haitam, Al-Ghazali & others

The Spirit of the Renaissance

• It was a birth from the ‘Dark Ages’ into a period of ‘Enlightenment’ in the West • It was against the church rule, dominance and papacy • Science and scientists became the newfound “gods” of the West • As if it was a rebellion against religion • Gave people the freedom to express their ideas • People started to believe in secularism, empiricism, positivism, existentialism, etc. at the expense of leaving behind religion

Islamic Golden Era & Renaissance

• During the Golden Age of Islam, rise in science & technology brought people closer to God & life revolved around a ‘God-Centered’ philosophy

• During and after Renaissance, rise in science & human knowledge took the masses in the West away from God

• Starting from the Renaissance people started to over-glorify the potentials of the human mind

• As a result of this scenario, many ideas and ideologies ruled Europe

The Shifting of Paradigms in the West

• Secularism

• Modernism

• Post-Modernism

• Existentialism

• Utilitarianism

• Atheism

• Socialism

• Communism, etc.

Controversial Figures

• Friedrich Nietzsche’s slogan ‘God is Dead’

• Charles Darwin- ‘On The Origin of Species’

• Sigmund Freud- controversial ideas on sexuality- ‘psychosexual develop’, Oedipus complex,etc

• Hitler

• Mussolini, and many more

As a Result of the Missing God

• As a result of the missing God in the human lives in the West, people left all grounded-values preached by religion

• What was previously taboo, is now an accepted life style

• Perverted sexuality found its acceptance in the modern western society

• Human lust, passion, freedom, etc. took center stage in the lives of the people, and at the same time God gone missing in their lives

• European nations fought two great wars and as a result of that 60 million lives were lost & massive damage to infrastructure.


God is like the central piece of the jigsaw-

puzzle of life. Without Him life becomes less

romantic and meaningless

(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak)


The Present Scenarios

• The West has become more scientific and spirituality

is missing. It needs to embrace spirituality to solve all

its moral decadence

• Muslim nations due to political turmoil, sectarian

violence, tribalism, etc. are more divided than ever

before in the past

• Peace, unity and cooperation among Muslim

countries are the prerequisite for the return of the

glory of the past

• The spirit of learning and research of the past should

be brought back to the Muslim world

• Muslim countries should bring back the spirit of

‘Zikr and Fikr’

The Ideal Scenario

Since we have problems in the West and the Muslim world, the best way to improve the conditions will be:

• All uncalled violence in the Muslim world should stop. Politics in the Muslims countries should be rather engaging than confrontational. The Muslim Ummah can offer spirituality to the West to solve its social decadence.

• Promote the true message of Islam as mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah

• The West should stop meddling in the internal affairs of the Muslim countries


• The West can share their expertise in science and technology with the underdeveloped countries of the world; many Muslims countries fall under this category

• By embracing spirituality and philosophy of life from the Muslim world and the East, the West can be enlightened

• It is hoped that by exchanging science and spirituality between the Muslim world and West, a balance can be created. With this balance a better world can be created.

What makes the rainbow beautiful and interesting are the different shades of

colours. What makes humanity interesting is the

variation of our race, colour, language, culture, etc. So, why fight and kill

one another

(Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak) IIUM



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