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Page 1: The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Anatomy of the Energy Body © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 1. © Jean Slatter

The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 1

Page 2: The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Anatomy of the Energy Body © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 1. © Jean Slatter

Anything you do to one part of the bodyaffects all other parts of the body.

We know that something that begins as an emotional pain can, over time, manifest as a

physical disease and vice versa.

Anatomy of the Energy Body

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“Holistic Healing” means addressing all levelsof healing the human body.

Most of us have acquired a mechanistic perspective of the body.

For centuries, we viewed the bodyas a solid, physical object thatoperates much like a machine.

Anatomy of the Energy Body

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Quantum physics, however,proves that the body is actually

more energy than matter.

Anatomy of the Energy Body

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1. Chakras

2. Meridians

3. Subtle Bodies

of the Aura …

Anatomy of the Energy Body

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


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The human body contains hundreds of locations where there is focused and concentrated energy.

There are, however, seven major energy centers, commonly referred to as “chakras.”


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Chakra is a Sanskrit word,which means “wheel.”

The chakras are similar to wheels,in that they are spinning vortexes of energy.

They are centers of force, located within our etheric body, through which we receive, transmit

and process life energies.


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Each chakra in the body is recognized as a focal point of life-force relating to physical, emotional,

mental and spiritual energies.

The chakras are the networkthrough which body, mind and spirit

interact as one holistic system.


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The seven major chakras correspond to specific aspects of our consciousness and have their own

individual characteristics and functions.

Each has a corresponding relationship to one of the various glands of the body’s endocrine system,

as well as to one of the seven colors of the rainbow spectrum.


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The main purpose in working with and understanding the chakras is to create integration

and wholeness within ourselves.

In this way, we bring the various aspects of our consciousness, from the physical to the spiritual,

into a harmonious relationship.


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Ultimately, we begin to recognizethat the different aspects of ourselves

(physical, material, sexual, spiritual, etc.)all work together, and that each aspect is as much

a part of the whole as the others.

We must be able to acknowledge, accept and integrate all levels of our being.


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To help us in the process of our unfoldment it is most important to understand that the chakras are

“doorways” for our consciousness.

They are doorways through which emotional, mental and spiritual force

flow into physical expression.


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They are openings through which our attitudes and belief systems enter into and create our

body/mind structure.

The energy created from our emotions and mental attitudes runs through the chakras and is

distributed to our cells, tissues and organs.


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Realizing this brings us tremendous insight into how we ourselves affect our bodies, minds, and

circumstances for better or worse.

To understand the chakrasand their relationship to our consciousness,

is to better understand ourselves.


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Understanding ourselves will enable usto make our choices and decisions

from a place of awareness and balance,rather than being blindly influenced by

forces we do not understand.

The ancient adage still echoes …

“Know thyself”


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Root or Base ChakraLOCATION: Base of the spine (coccyx)

COLOR: Red (secondary color is black)


FUNCTIONS: Gives vitality to the physical body. Life-force, survival, self-preservation, instincts. (Money comes under this Chakra)

GLANDS/ORGANS: Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones. © Jean Slatter

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Matters relating to the material world, success. The physical body, mastery of the body. Grounding, individuality, stability, security,

stillness, health, courage, patience. © Jean Slatter

Root or Base Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-centered, insecurity, violence,greed, anger. Overly concerned with one's physical

survival.Tension in the spine, constipation. © Jean Slatter

Root or Base Chakra

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LOCATION: Lower abdomen to navel area

COLOR: Orange


FUNCTIONS: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality.

GLANDS/ORGANS: Ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder. © Jean Slatter

Navel Chakra or Sacral Chakra, also called Spleen Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Giving and receiving, emotions, desire,

pleasure, sexual/passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas.

Health, family, tolerance, surrender. Working harmoniously and creatively with

others. © Jean Slatter

Navel Chakra or Sacral Chakra, also called Spleen Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Over-indulgence in food or sex. Sexual difficulties. Confusion, purposelessness. Jealousy, envy, desire to possess. Impotence, uterine and/or bladder. © Jean Slatter

Navel Chakra or Sacral Chakra, also called Spleen Chakra

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LOCATION: Above the navel, below the chest

COLOR: Yellow


FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system.

Digestive processes, metabolism, emotions.

GLANDS/ORGANS: Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles. © Jean Slatter

Solar Plexus Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Will, personal power, authority, energy,

mastery of desire, self control. Radiance, warmth, awakening,

transformation, humor, laughter, immortality. © Jean Slatter

Solar Plexus Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Taking in more than one can assimilateand utilize. Too much emphasis on power and/or

recognition. Anger, fear, hate. Digestive problems. © Jean Slatter

Solar Plexus Chakra

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LOCATION: Center of the chest

COLOR: Green (secondary color is pink)


FUNCTIONS: Anchors the life-force from the Higher Self. Energizes the blood and physical body with the

life-force. Blood circulation.

GLANDS/ORGANS: Heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs. © Jean Slatter

Heart Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Divine/unconditional love. Forgiveness, compassion, understanding,

balance, group consciousness, oneness with life. Acceptance, peace, openness, harmony,

contentment. © Jean Slatter

Heart Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Repression of love, emotional instability,out of balance. Heart problems, circulation problems. © Jean Slatter

Heart Chakra

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LOCATION: Throat area

COLOR: Sky blue

ELEMENT: Akasha/ether

FUNCTIONS: Speech, sound, vibration, communication.

GLANDS/ORGANS: Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth. © Jean Slatter

Throat Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Power of the spoken word. True communication.Creative expression in speech, writing,and the arts.Integration, peace, truth, knowledge,

wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability,gentleness, kindness. © Jean Slatter

Throat Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Communication and/or speech problems.Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lackof discernment. Depression, thyroid problems. © Jean Slatter

Throat Chakra

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LOCATION: Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows

COLOR: Indigo (dark blue)


FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system. Vision.

GLANDS/ORGANS: Pituitary gland (some sources say pineal gland), left eye, nose, ears. © Jean Slatter

Brow or Third Eye Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination. Clairvoyance, concentration, peace of mind.Wisdom, devotion, perception beyond duality. © Jean Slatter

Brow or Third Eye Chakra

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NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of concentration, fear, cynicism, tension. Headaches, eye problems, bad dreams.Overly detached from the world. © Jean Slatter

Brow or Third Eye Chakra

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Page 42: The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Anatomy of the Energy Body © Jean Slatter Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 1.

LOCATION: Top of the head

COLOR: Violet

ELEMENT: Thought/will

FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum).

GLANDS/ORGANS: Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye. © Jean Slatter

Crown Chakra

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QUALITIES/LESSONS: Unification of the Higher Self with the

human personality. Oneness with the Infinite. Spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine

wisdom and understanding. Idealism, selfless service. Perception beyond space and time. Continuity of consciousness. © Jean Slatter

Crown Chakra

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Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve, senility. © Jean Slatter

Crown Chakra

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

Our entire body/mind system is a connecting link to all levels of universal consciousness.

Each one of us is interconnected and are a holographic part of "All That Is."

As we open ourselves into greater expression of love, wisdom and power, we give this gift to all of creation.

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

As one person becomes whole, humanityon a collective level, is that much closer to wholeness.

We must remember this and take hold of our personal responsibility to ourselves and to an awakening humanity.

Love is the source of all healing –

Love One Another

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

The most powerful way to open, activate, energize and balance all of our chakras and keep our bodies and minds in a healthy condition is to love ourselves and others unconditionally.

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

Love is the vitalizing, nourishing, sustaining electricity of life.

When we love ourselves and are able tooffer this love to others, we keep our body/mind systems charged and vitalized with this "electricity."

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To love ourselves and others unconditionally may sound like a difficult thing to achieve,but in actuality, it can be as simple asbelieving it is possible! Once we experience that unconditional lovethat can be a real possibility, we awaken the desire within ourselves to move into thisstate of being, we can begin to manifest this reality in our lives immediately!

How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

How to do a Chakra Meditation:

Use your imagination!It is one of the most valuable toolsyou possess for creating any realityyou choose.

Reality is what you dream it to be.

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

How to do a Chakra Meditation:Relax in a comfortable position. As you breathe, imagine and feel yourself to be inhaling and exhaling through agiven chakra point.This will charge that chakra and the surrounding organs with vital life-force. Do this for each of the seven chakras.

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

Take a look at the chakras using a body map/chart.

Dowse on the balance chart if the chakra istoo closed, too open, or just right.

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Demonstration balancing the chakrasthrough meditation and intention

Anatomy of the Energy Body

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 2

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

Take each of the chakras that areout of balance.

Imagine inhaling and exhaling into thosechakras that are out of balance.

Bring life force energy into themActivate themBalance them

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

Close your eyes.

Go into a meditative state.

Imagine inhaling and exhaling into those chakras.

Keep doing this until you feel they are balanced.

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How Can We Keep Our Chakras Balanced?

If a chakra is still not balanced after the meditation, go in and ask your chakra,

“What do you need in order to bebrought back into balance?”

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The understanding of meridiansbegan in ancient China, India and otherEastern cultures over 5000 years ago,

and later migrated to Japan.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 3

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Through observation of the cycles of nature(day to night, spring to winter, birth to death),the ancients recognized the natural forces of

energy which regulate all life.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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Energy could be discernedin the various systems of the human body:

1. Circulatory, which includes lymphatic and vascular

2. Neuro-muscular

3. Respiratory

4. Digestive

5. Urinary and reproductive systems

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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The Chinese call this force chi.

In Japan it is termed ki, while in the Yogic practices of India it is referred to as prana.

These terms all refer to the same life force,which exists in our environment.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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Chi is the cosmic breath of life.

It is what creates and nourishes the human spirit, what gives us energy,

and what keeps our engines running.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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The movement of chi can be seenin the landscape and in the elements,

as well as in the human body.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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Many things can affect chi within the human body:

Inherited physical traits

Amounts and quality of food and rest

Stress as well as trauma and injuries

In extreme imbalances, mental, emotional or physical problems may occur.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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By understanding how chi flows,you will have a greater appreciation of the

interconnectedness of the energy field.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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The foundation of the Oriental healing artsfocuses on balancing the energy flow within all

aspects of our being.

The ancient Chinese also discovered that the forces of life energy consist of the interplay

between two polar opposites, creating a vibratory movement and energy flow.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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These polar forces of energy, referred to flow of yin and yang, follow natural laws that are the

fundamental principles of oriental healing arts.

Yin and Yang are complementaryand interdependent aspects of

a single unifying force.

The Principles ofEnergy and Balance

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The Yin force is passive, cold, receptive,feminine and internal.

The Yang force is active, hot, productive, masculine and external.

Each is relative to the other and both contain a small amount of the other within the whole.

Yin and Yang

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Yin and Yang

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These opposite forces interactin order to create balance.

This is seen in the yin/yang or tai chi symbol, illustrating the light within the dark and the dark

within the light.

Yin and Yang

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Yin and YangSUN Active Forces

1. Warming2. Focused3. Outer

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Yin and Yang

SUN Active Forces 1. Warming2. Focused3. Outer

MOON Receptive Forces4. Cooling5. Open6. Inner

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Through breathing, meditation, and visualization we can create an exceptionally vital flow of chi

that can be channelled through the body for strength and health.

By using the breath as a focus,chi can be drawn through the top of the head

and in through the feet.

Breathing & Hara Meditation

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Breathing this energy into the Hara(the spot approximately two fingers’ width below the navel)

we can harmonizeour bodies and minds with Spirit.

Hara Breathing and relaxed meditationincrease the flow of healing energy.

Breathing & Hara Meditation

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Sit with your spine straight in a comfortable chair or on a pillow in a comfortable

cross-legged position for at least five to ten minutes with your eyes closed.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Let your shoulders relax downward.

Focus on breathing long, slow, deep breaths through your nose, if possible.

As you breathe deeply, visualize your body as a vessel of concentrated energy.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Focus on bringing energy into your feetfrom the Earth.

Feel the gravitational force of the earth grounding and supporting your body.

As you breathe deeply, bring energy up through the bottom of your feet into your body.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Now place your concentration in between your eyebrows, your Third Eye point.

Breathe deeply as you concentrate on this vital center.

Tell your mind to simply relax, letting go of any mental stress, and visualize a vortex of energy or light pouring

into the top of your head as you breathe deeply.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Breathe in the life force, and let the energy circulate with each exhalation.

Spend a minute or two with this powerful breathing meditation to charge yourself full

of vital energy.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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End the meditation by focusing on theyin and yang qualities within you.

First, explore the parts of you that are receptive, nurturing, loving, supportive and

open to experience.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Take a nice deep breath, feeling how you trust your inward focus and intuition.

Spend enough time to really feelthis gentle part of you.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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Now explore or feel the active,focused part of you.

Take a few deep breaths into your assertive, outwardly directed part of yourself.

As you continue to breath deeply, feel or visualize these two forces working together.

A Visualization for Enhancing Your Healing Energy

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 4

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To move this chi energy of yin and yangthrough the body, there are 12 organ meridians

flowing in the body.

They are arranged in pairs that consist of one yin and one yang meridian.

The Meridians

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The paired organ meridiansusually share functions.

For example, the Large Intestineand the Lungs are both eliminative organs;

the Large Intestine eliminates digestive waste and the Lungs release carbon dioxide

and other gaseous wastes.

The Meridians

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Each meridian continues to operate if the associated organ is removed.

This is also true in situationswhere a limb has been removed.

The Meridians

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The Body Clock

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In the body clock,one partner follows the other.

Each pair is associated withone of the Five Elements.

The Meridians

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The Body Clock

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The Body Clock

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The Liver as an example:

Often times people will wake up at 1:00 – 3:00 in the morning, and they’ve got a lot on their mind;

they’re trying to come to a decision about something. That’s when the

Liver Meridian is active.

The Meridians

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Each of the 12 meridians is combinedinto one of the Five Elements.

Understanding the Five Elements will give you greater insight into the personality of your clients

and help to highlight theirstrengths and weaknesses as well as

determine the best approach.

Five Elements

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Wood: Spring - vegetation gives life to fire.

Fire: Summer - produces ash, builds earth.

Earth: Harvest - creates metal, bones of earth.

Metal: Late fall - metal changed back to liquid.

Water: Winter - water gives life to vegetation.

Five Elements

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Wood – Fire – Earth – Metal – Water

As with all things, it is a question of balance.

Excess or deficiency or just right.

Use your Balance Chart.

Five Elements

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It is yang / masculine in character.

The predominant attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility.

It is also associated with qualitiesof generosity and idealism.

One quality of the Wood Element is leadership.

Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 5

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It is the leader within us, that can take chargeand determine a plan of action.

Wood energy is implementing energy.(woods make good bosses)

The wood is one that seeks alwaysto grow and expand.

Wood heralds the beginning of life – Springtime.

Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

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Wood type people are often aggressive, assertive or direct, and can have a strong temper

and a lot of drive.

They are usually outgoing and socially conscious and can be insensitive.

The Wood element is associated with negative feelings of anger, and positive feelings

of patience and altruism.

Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

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The Wood type is a combination of the Liverand the Gall Bladder meridians.

The wood type people need a certain amount of pressure behind them in order to keep

themselves going.

Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

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Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

Liver Qualities:Tend to be overly serious, difficulty relaxing,

overpowering desire to win or achieve a goal, anger, irrational, frustration, aggression, assertive, extrovert,

overexertion, lack of respect for authority, workaholic, or ‘aholic,

inability to decide.

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

Five Elements

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Wood Element ArchetypeThe Pioneer and Strategist / Directing

Gall Bladder Qualities:

Resentment, galled, stubborn, repressed, depressed, hopelessness, feelings of being stuck, blocked creative


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Fire is yang / masculine in character.

It’s direction is upward and its energy is expansive.

The Chinese thought Fire was associated with the qualities of dynamism, strength and persistence;

however, it is also connected to restlessness.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 6

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The fire element provides warmth,enthusiasm and creativity.

However, an excess of it can bring aggression, impatience and impulsive behavior.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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In the same way that fire provides heat and warmth, an excess can also burn.

Fire is the element responsible for thepassionate resonance when you are following

your life’s calling.

It is the joy and laughterassociated with playfulness.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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Fire type people are charming, fun,mischievous, easily excitable, and change

emotional states rapidly.

They love change, bright colors andenvironments that stimulate.

The negative emotion is hate,while its positive emotion is joy.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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The Fire Element has 4 meridiansassociated with it:

1. Heart2. Pericardium

3. Small Intestine4. Triple Warmer

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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Heart Qualities:

Overexcited, explosive energy, abnormal or inappropriate laughing, lack of emotion,

rapid mannerisms and speech, mood swings, intolerance, arrogance.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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Small Intestine Qualities:

Lost, vulnerable, abandoned, deserted,fear of rejection, absentmindedness,

insecurity, attachment to people or things, inability to concentrate.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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Pericardium and Triple Warmer Qualities:

Relationships, paranoia, muddled thinking, up and down, can’t figure it out, instability, non-thinking,

non-emotive, depleted, suppressed,sluggish memory, vivid, dreaming, selfishness,

greed at the expense of others.

Fire Element ArchetypeThe Wizard and Socializer / Marketing

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Earth is a balance of both yin and yang,the feminine and masculine together.

It’s motion is inward and centering and its energy is stabilizing and conserving.

It is associated with the turn of each of the seasons and with damp.

T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 7

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The Chinese thought Earth was associated with the qualities of patience, thoughtfulness, practicality, hard work and stability.

The Earth Element is also nurturing and seeks to draw all things together with itself, in order to bring harmony, rootedness and


T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

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Other attributes of the Earth Element include ambition, stubbornness, responsibility and

long-term planning.

On the shadow side, the Earth Element can represent selfishness and self-centeredness.

Earth type people are usually warm,kind and receptive.

T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

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They can be overprotective and tend tomerge with their environment, having

difficulties with boundaries.

The negative emotion of the Earth Element is worry and its positive emotion is empathy.

Earth energy is comprised of the stomach and the spleen / pancreas meridians.

T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

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Stomach Qualities:Disgust, self-importance, obsession,

ego, despair, nervousness, impatience,feeling of being treated unjustly, obsessive worrying, clinging relationships,

emptiness, loneliness and nervousness.

T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

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Spleen / Pancreas Qualities:Low self-esteem, lack of control,

overly sympathetic, deprived of thesweet things in life, brooding feelings of inadequacy and lack of energy.

T is

Earth Element ArchetypeThe Mediator & Peacemaker / Human Resources

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Metal is yin / feminine in character, its motion is inwards and its energy is contracting.

Metal represents the minerals,crystals and gems of the world.

The metal aspect is the diamond foundwithin each one of us.

It is similar to the Air Element found inwestern paradigms.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 8

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The Metal Element is the breath of life.

When you are connected to that experience,you know your own self-worth.

The meridians associated with the Metal Element are the lungs and the large intestine.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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The Metal Element is the breath of life.

You respect others and yourself.

You are willing to give and receive acknowledgement for themagnificent being that you are.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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The qualities associated with metal are unyieldingness, rigidity, persistence,

strength and determination.

Metal type people like minimalism.

They are organized, clean and contained.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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They can be controlling, ambitious, forceful and set in their ways as metal is very strong.

They are self-reliant and prefer to handle their problems alone.

The negative emotion associated with metal is grief, while the positive emotion is courage.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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Lung Meridian:Grief, sadness, yearning, difficulty with conflicts and disorder,

anguish, resistance to accepting love, emotional distancing from others,

feeling unappreciated.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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Large Intestine:Dogmatic, stuck in the past, domineering personality, intolerant, obsessiveness, compelled to neatness, self-righteous, defensive,

fear of rejection, financial worries, anxiety, can’t let go and hypersensitive.

T is

Metal Element ArchetypeThe Alchemist and Judge / Organizing

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Water is yin / feminine in character,its energy is downward and its motion is

stillness and conserving.

In Chinese Taoist thought, water is representative of intelligence and wisdom, flexibility,

softness and pliancy.

T is

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 9

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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However, an over-abundance of the element is said to cause difficulty in choosing something

and sticking to it.

In the same way, water can be fluid and weak, it can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land.

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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When your water element is in balance, you can use your resources of energy, time, contacts, and money wisely, neither hoarding nor

squandering that which gives you life.

Water is also the element of stillness and rest, taking time to rest and rejuvenate yourself.

It is in the Water Element that all great innovations and ideas are birthed.

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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Water type people appear a bit reserved, yet are often very creative, sometimes even eccentric.

They can appear cool and stoic, yet have the capacities to be still and deeply reflect.

The negative emotion associated with water is fear, while the positive emotion is calmness.

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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Water type people appear a bit reserved, yet are often very creative, sometimes even eccentric.

They can appear cool and stoic, yet have the capacities to be still and deeply reflect.

The negative emotion associated with water is fear, while the positive emotion is calmness.

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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The two meridians associatedwith the Water Element are the

kidney and the bladder.

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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Kidney:Fear, dread, bad memory, paralyzed will, insecurity,

hostility, obsessive, feelings of shame, apathy, paranoia, hypochondriac, procrastination, laziness, and phobias.

(dark circles under your eyes is kidney)

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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Bladder:Miffed, peeved, stifled, pissed, timid, inefficient, wishy-

washy, need for approval, feels out of control, feels ineffective, weary and tired.

(your reservoir replenishes while you sleep)

T is

Water Element ArchetypeThe Philosopher and Thinker / Innovation

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

Five Elements

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 10

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Dowsing for balanceof 5 Elements

with discussion

T is

Practice - 5 Elements

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 11

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body


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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

Five Elements

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

The Subtle Bodies

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Everything we know about life we determine by using our five limited senses.

Through these limited senses, it appears as if our body is physical, and yet, we manifest in many

ways aside from the physical body we can touch, see, taste, hear and smell.

We have “subtle bodies” that include the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and etheric.

The Subtle Bodies

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The Subtle Bodies

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Think of subtle bodies like octaves in music.

The piano only has a certain number of notes but they sound different depending on the octave

they’re played in.

The lowest octave is the physical body because it has the slowest vibration.

The physical body is dense because it is a very low vibration – it’s the lowest octave.

The Subtle Bodies

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1. Physical

2. Etheric

3. Emotional

4. Mental

5. Spiritual

The Subtle BodiesThe Octaves of the Subtle Bodies:

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In order for healing to be optimally effective and efficient, we must first know the octave, energy

vibration, or subtle body, most in need of healing.

Then we need to know what remedy is most efficient for that subtle body.

The Subtle Bodies

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1. Physical - nutritional, herbs, supplements

2. Etheric - homeopathy

3. Emotional - flower essences

4. Mental - color, light

5. Spiritual - sound, tuning(in the beginning was the word)

The Octaves of the Subtle BodiesThe Subtle Bodies

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Abracadabra means“I create as I speak”

The Octaves of the Subtle BodiesThe Subtle Bodies

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If your HGPS takes you to the Physical, you can use your dowsing charts to determine which

nutrient, herb or nutritional support would most benefit your client.

With your pendulum you can access unlimited information - you’ll be guided to the right remedy that will make all the difference.

Physical - Nutritional, Herbs, SupplementsThe Subtle Bodies

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Homeopathy is based on the idea,

“like cures like”

Homeopathy works by taking the virus or whatever is causing problems and making a

dilution of it.

Etheric - HomeopathyThe Subtle Bodies

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

The Subtle Bodies


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1. Physical - nutritional, herbs, supplements

2. Etheric - homeopathy

3. Emotional - flower essences

4. Mental -

5. Spiritual -

The Octaves of the Subtle BodiesThe Subtle Bodies

Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 12

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Excellent resource of descriptions of different

flower essences that have to do with emotions.

call to order:

Flower Essence Society1-800-548-0075

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Flower Essences are specific vibrational frequencies of flowers in sunlight.

Flower Essences are used in the treatment of emotional, mental and psychic issues that prevent

us from experiencing our full potential.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Flowers represent the most beautiful, colorful and expressive aspects of nature.

We automatically smile when we lookat them as they instantly lift our spirits and

connect us to our joy.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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They have the ability to reconnect us to happiness, much like beautiful music, the gentle touch of another, or being in the presence of animals.

The energetic frequency of the flower can touch our soul and immediately neutralize the negative energy matrix that we may have created with our

thought patterns and misperceptions.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Flower Essences simply return our energy field to its original state of perfection.

Specific flowers affect different componentsof our energy field.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Dr. Edward Bach developed the originalflower essences in the 1920’s.

He recognized the soul / spiritual dimensions of health long before the idea became popular.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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He knew the medicines being used were harmful to the subtle aspects of the human being.

Dr. Bach spent his life looking for remediesthat were safe, gentle and effective

with no adverse effects.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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He wanted remedies to address the inner soul needs of the person.

He stated, “There is no true healing unlessthere is a change in outlook,

peace of mind and inner happiness.”

He developed a new way of capturing the essence of the flower that also incorporated the

environment of the plant.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Today there has been much advancementin the process of collection as well as the

variety of the flowers used.

Flower Essences are accepted all over the world in the complementary healthcare field.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Flower Essences specifically supportthe body’s emotional system.

One emotional imbalance can throw the entire body into distress, much like one section of the

orchestra playing the wrong notes will disrupt the entire symphony and ruin the music.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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Flower Essences targetand bring into balance

the aspect that’s creatingthe disharmony.

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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These are the Flower EssencesI frequently recommend:

Angelica - guidance and protectionAspen - “Boogeyman” Fears

Blackberry - decisive action and willCentaury - for women mostly, weak willed

Cerato - trusting your intuitionChestnut Bud - learning from life’s experiences

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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These are the Flower EssencesI frequently recommend:

Clematis - awake and focused presenceCorn - grounded presence

* Honeysuckle - inappropriate relationship with the pastHornbeam - “somebody’s got a case of

the Mondays” all week longPenstemon - inner fortitude and perseverance

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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These are the Flower EssencesI frequently recommend:

Pine - self-acceptance and self-forgivenessTansy - self-directed and goal-oriented

Wild Oat - helps you to know what your life’s work isWillow - acceptance, forgiveness and taking responsibility

Yarrow - protection remedies

Emotional - Flower EssencesThe Subtle Bodies

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

The Subtle Bodies


Mod 4 Wk 14 Vid 13

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Ask your client if they are getting enough sunlight. (dowse on the Balance Scale)

If they’re not getting enough sunlight,make sure to tell them to go out in the sun

without any sunglasses.

Mental - color, light, aromatherapyThe Subtle Bodies

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You can similarly use colored glassesfor light therapy.

You can also use “color puncture.”

Mental - color, light, aromatherapyThe Subtle Bodies

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

The Subtle Bodies


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Singing, chanting and toning all healthe spiritual subtle body.

Tuning forks also bring the spiritual subtle body back into balance.

The most powerful form of sound healingis the spoken word.

Spiritual - sound, tuningThe Subtle Bodies

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We heal through our spoken words.

The words themselves carry intention.

The words themselves carry healing.

Spiritual - sound, tuningThe Subtle Bodies

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Awareness is Everything

Stories Being ToldVisualizing a Landscape (Reframing & Anchoring)

(HG) Questionnaire to gain insight for any concernMirror Reflection

Insight from Parts of the Body (or objects)

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The Imbalance is in:

Knowing How to Create

Anatomy of the Energy Body

ChakrasMeridians (Five Elements)

Subtle Bodies