Download - The Iliad

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The Life of the Author

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The Blind Poet of Classical GreeceHe is generally considered to have come before HesiodHe is said to have two daughters and no sons

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Full Title: The IliadAuthor: HomerType of Work: PoemGenre: EpicLanguage: Ancient Greek

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Time and place written: Unknown, but probably mainland Greece, around 750 b.c.

Date of first publication: Unknown

Publisher: UnknownNarrator: The poet

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Point of view: The narrator speaks in the third person. An omniscient narrator, he frequently gives insight into the thoughts and feelings of even minor characters, gods and mortals alike.

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Tone: Awe-inspired, ironic, lamenting, pityingTense: Past

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Setting (time): Bronze Age (around the twelfth or thirteenth century b.c.); The Iliad begins nine years after the start of the Trojan War

Setting (Place): TroyProtagonist: Achilleus

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The Iliad: Cast of CharactersPrincipal Gods and Goddesses

APHRODITE: goddess of love and daughter of Zeus.PHOIBOS APOLLO: the archer god, cause of

plagues, god of prophecy and a divine singer; the son of Zeus and Leto; a partisan of the Trojans.

ARES: god of war, son of Zeus, and lover of Aphrodite.

ARTEMIS: sister of Apollo, goddess of the hunt.PALLAS ATHENE: Zeus’ daughter, a warrior goddess,

goddess of wisdom, patroness of the women’s craft of weaving, a powerful ally of the Greeks and protectress of Odysseus.

HADES: god of the underworld, the realm assigned to him when the sky, sea and underworld were divided among the three sons of Kronos.

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HEPHAISTOS: the divine smith and god of fire, son of Zeus and Hera.

HERA: jealous wife – and sister – of Zeus.HERMES: son of Zeus who guides souls to the

Underworld.KRONOS: father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades and

Hera; he was overthrown by Zeus.POSEIDON: son of Kronos, brother of Zeus and

lord of the sea.THETIS: a sea goddess, wife of the warrior,

Peleus, and divine mother of Achilleus.ZEUS: the son of Kronos and most powerful of

the gods; brother of Poseidon, Hades and the goddess, Hera, his wife; as lord of the sky, the thunderbolt is his most potent weapon.

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MORTALSGREEKS(called Argives, Danaans and

Achaians by Homer)ACHILLEUS: leader of the Myrmidons and

central character of the Iliad; son of the goddess, Thetis, and the warrior, Peleus.

AGAMEMNON: son of Atreus, king of Mykenai, brother of Menelaos and most powerful Greek king.

AIAS (Telamonian Aias): duels with Hektor(bk. 7), forms part of the embassy to Achilleus (bk. 9), defends the ships (bk. 15), and leads the effort to recover Patroklos’ body (bk. 17).

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AIAS OILEUS: the lesser of the two men named Aias, leader of the Lokrians, warriors famed as archers.

DIOMEDES: son of Tydeus, great warrior whose exploits form the subject of book five.

HELEN: daughter of Zeus and Leda, step-daughter of Tyndareus; wife of Menelaos who eloped with Paris.

KALCHAS: the seer of prophet of the Greeks.MENELAOS: son of Atreus, brother of

Agamemnon, lord of Lakedaimon (Sparta), husband of Helen.

NESTOR: aged king of Pylos and a wise counsellor who often uses from the past to advise and instruct the Greek warriors.

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ODYSSEUS: son of Laertes, lord of Ithaka, famed of wisdom and trickery.

PATROKLOS: son of Menoitios and companion of Achilleus.

PHOINIX: aged tutor of Achilleus and one of the members of the embassy to Achilleus in book nine.

Trojans and their alliesAINEIAS: leader of the Dardanians, a Trojan clan,

and son of Anchises and the goddess, Aphrodite.ANDROMACHE: wife of Hektor.BRISEIS: woman captured by the Greeks in a raid

and given to Achilleus as a slave.

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CHRYSEIS: daughter of Chryses, a priest of Apollo.

GLAUKOS: an ally of the Trojans and Sarpedon’s second-in-command.

HEKABE: queen of Troy, wife of Priam and mother of Hektor.

HEKTOR: son of Priam and Hekabe and leading warrior of the Trojans.

PARIS (Alexandros): a son of Priam.PRIAM: aged king of Troy, married to Hekabe,

father of fifty sons.SARPEDON: son of Zeus by a moral woman,

Laodameia; lord of the Lykians and the most important ally of the Trojans.

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Major Conflict: Agamemnon’s demand for Achilles’ war prize, the maiden Briseis, wounds Achilles’ pride; Achilles’ consequent refusal to fight causes the Achaeans to suffer greatly in their battle against the Trojans.

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Rising Action: Hector’s assault on the Achaean ships; the return of Patroclus to combat; the death of Patroclus

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Climax: Achilles’ return to combat turns the tide against the Trojans once and for all and ensures the fated fall of Troy to which the poet has alluded throughout the poem.

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Falling Action: The retreat of the Trojan army; Achilles’ revenge on Hector; the Achaeans’ desecration of Hectors corpse

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Themes: The glory of war; military values over family life; the impermanence of human life and its creations

Motifs: Armor; burial; fire

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Symbols: The Achaean ships; the shield of Achilles

Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is prominent in The Iliad.

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