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Welcome to The Hypnotic Suggestibility Checklist.

Perhaps the most fascinating part of conversational hypnosis - or hypnosis in general - is the concept of the instant induction.

And instant induction is where you are able to instantly put someone into a hypnotic trance. There is a catch to this though and that is that the person needs to be suggestible.

So what I want to share with you are five suggestibility tests that you can use to identify suggestible people.

Suggestibility Test #1: Hand Clasp Technique

The first one to which I want to introduce you is the one which you can use at the parties. I personally enjoy this one at parties. The unsuspecting person on whom you are doing the test is simply asked to clasp their hands together, as if they were praying. Their fingers would be like the laces on the football.

Then, all you do is tell the person that you want them to pull their hands apart, however, their hands are

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stuck together. Say this, “I want you to try to pull your hands apart, but when you try; you will realize that you can’t because your hands are stuck together.” Now, a lot of people will simply pull their hands apart thinking that it does not work on them. That is fine because it is a suggestibility test. You are testing to see who is suggestible and every now and then you are going to get luck.

The first time it happens, you are not going to believe it. I am telling you right now that you are going to think that they are just faking it and playing along. You must understand that there are a lot of people in this world who really are that suggestible. When you find one of them, you know that all the little covert tricks are not necessary. You will give them a direct suggestion and they will follow it. That, my friends, is a wonderful thing because it makes your job easier. If you want to persuade someone and you have someone who is suggestible, your job just became a lot easier. You do not have to try a lot of covert techniques any longer.

Another suggestibility test which I like for parties is similar to the first one. They have their hands clasped together but they also have their thumbs pressed together. The part of your thumb that would make a print is pressed against your thumbprint part of the

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other. The hands are clasped together, fingers interlaced and thumbs are thumbprint to thumbprint pushing together. You explain to the person that you heard of a new trick that you want to show to them. Once they are in this position, you explain further by saying, “Because of the angle of your thumbs, because they are pressed together so tightly, it is impossible for you to pull them apart. Try as you may, you cannot pull them apart.”

You will see them struggling to pull their thumbs apart. Keep in mind, this is a suggestibility test and some people fail this test, thus pull their thumbs apart. You know that you have to continue to use the covert hypnosis techniques with them, as they are not that suggestible. However, every now and then we will find someone whose thumbs are pressed together. A neat trick that I like to do on top of this, when I have someone suggestible, I would say, “When I snap my fingers, your thumbs will come apart.” I snap my fingers and their thumbs come apart. Not only are they amazed but everyone around them is amazed also.

You had just improved your social proof. People are always judging you, sizing you up, deciding whether you are powerful or not, good or bad, smart or not smart. They look for social proof and what you do in front of people. They look at how other people react to

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you. Trust me, you are at a party and this happens, your social proof level rises considerably. Suddenly, everyone likes you. If you are in a dating situation, you find that life just got a little easier for you. In a sales position, you’ve also increased your status as now, people see you as someone who is powerful and can control other people’s minds and actions. That is part of raising your social proof.

Suggestibility Test #2: Amnesia Technique

Another suggestibility test that you can use is amnesia. You can simply walk up to someone at a party or anywhere else. Parties are great venues because you have an opportunity to socialize with people most of whom you will never see again. If you walk up to somebody and say whatever it is you want to say to introduce your technique, then say, “Hey, are you into hypnosis?” Another example is, “Hey, have you ever heard of a suggestibility test?” Very few people have ever heard anything about any of these techniques and you usually do not have to concern yourself. Most people are up for a good time. They see this as an

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opportunity to interact with someone, which is the reason for being at the party in the first place. They also see it as an opportunity to have some fun.

Amnesia works like this. You tell them that you will give them some instructions and test how well they worked. For the next five minutes, you will forget the number seven. It does not have to be the number seven and it can be any number. I recommend picking a number 1-10. You will not be able to remember the number seven or even to speak about the number seven. This will last for five minutes. Also, you will forget that I told you to forget about the number seven.

Then you will simply say, “Okay, that part is over. Now I’d like you to count one to 10.” Believe it or not, someone who is highly suggestible will say one, two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine and ten. They will then look at you with a straight face because they do not realize what happened. If you ask them to do it again, they will repeat it the exact same way. You may even think that they are kidding as this works for you for the first few times; however, you will notice that they don’t start laughing. They do not understand what is so funny about someone counting from one to ten.

As far as they know, they’ve added all the numbers in there. The only one who does not know what is going

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on is them and everyone else is aware. Now, never use this to pick on anyone. After it is over, explain to them what happened. Also, as to make them feel better, explain to them that very intelligent people are more suggestible. That is a fact which may ensure that they do not feel stupid or inadequate. It is very important that you balance this out with common sense and not causing people to dislike you. Conversational Hypnosis is all about getting people to like you.

Suggestibility Test #3: Anesthesia Technique The next suggestibility test that I’d like to share with you is anesthesia. We just looked at the amnesia causing people to forget about you. Anesthesia means getting someone to not feel pain. You have to be careful with this one as this caries the risk of physically hurting them. When you do the anesthesia, you want to make sure to do something that would not cause any

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physical damage to anyone. Let me explain the process and you will see what I mean.

Anesthesia simply means that you are going to numb a certain part of the person’s body so that they don’t feel any sensations, good or bad on that part of the body. First, you must do your introduction and introduce it as fun. After doing your clever spiel to get the person to go along with your test, you would say, “Here is how it works. I am going to touch your hand on a certain part.” Depending on the rapport that you have with them you can really touch any part of their body. Hopefully you have anchored yourself and done a few other conversational tricks along the way to have a good rapport with them. Throw in some pacing and you have a flow with them. I like to use the hands because the hands are a good default if you’ve got nothing else that comes to mind, no other part of the body that comes to mind or if you are concerned that they may think of you as too forward.

The palms are the most sensitive because of the nerve endings. With the touching of the fingertips, you are getting intimate with this person already as you tell them, “When I put my hand on your hand, it is going to become numb.” Then you simply touch with you hand part of their hand on a certain area. You can touch part of their fingers, the center of their palm or the large

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area at the base of their thumb. You can also touch near the wrist on the palm of their hand. This won’t work with anyone but, as you can see, it’s a great way to get to touch someone. When you are touching someone, you have a lot more rapport automatically.

People feel closer to you when you are touching them because you are physically closer to them.

There is some intimacy going on. I had a friend who red palms. We were doing something together in NBC studies in Burmaic where they feel the Tonight Show. The palmist was a male and although he had his lovely bride with him, he was going around and reading all of the ladies palms. He was a big hit and the ladies were lined up to have their palms read. His wife, a very understanding woman, put up with all of that and he read all of their palms. He definitely established contact with them and you could definitely tell that there was some intimacy going on. If you are a palm reader, you are in touch. That is not my area of teaching but you may want to write a book on that. It is a great way to become very intimate with people quickly and to have them want to touch their hands. That is a free little tip for you.

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After you touch that part of their hand, explain to them that that part will now be numb, as you told them prior, “Wherever I touch, it will be numb.” The next test is to pinch them there and see if they can feel it. Do not get carried away with this. People who are very suggestible can be pinched to the point of bleeding and still not feel anything. Do not push it to the limit or draw their blood – Stick to the little pinch and something that ordinarily would be felt and would not harm them. Be a little easy feeling, otherwise you will lose the rapport and may be asked to leave the party. Hopefully they do not feel it; however, not all people are so suggestible to respond to this or any other suggestibility test. Give it a try. The beauty of a technique like this is that you are establishing intimacy even if they “fail”. You have still won because you have held their hand. That is anesthesia.

The pendulum technique revolves around the pendulum which hangs on a thread. It can be a ball or yarn dangling on a threat of yarn, anything that can swing including the belt. Hopefully, you have reasonably tight pants or else you may succeed in establishing a lot of rapport very quickly or you may be asked to leave the party. You can use your belt as long as it is something that you can hold in the air which can swing back and forth. It does not necessarily have

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to be a ball on a chain. Have them hold it and explain to them that a pendulum can move around in a lot of different ways. It can swing around, clock or counterclockwise. It can swing in any different way. As they hold it in their hand, tell them that you want them to focus on making it swing a certain way which may be any of the possible ways.

This test tends to be very shocking in a good way to the person holding the pendulum. To everyone else it looks like they are faking it and making it move. They are not. Subconscious commands move out of the brain into their arm and hand. They cause usually independent movements. The pendulum is not moving because of magic or an invisible force is making it move. The only force is them and, if you watch them closely, you can see their hands move, yet they are not consciously making it move. Their brain is responding to your commands. If you see the pendulum move the way you told them, you know that they are very suggestible.

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Suggestibility Test #4: The Fall Back Technique Another test for parties with which you must be careful is the fall back technique. This technique is to stand behind the person as they stand upright. Tell them that they are beginning to feel themselves falling backwards. The more you relax your voice, the more they fall backwards. You will be able to feel their body although it is upright and stiff. You tell them, “Your body is upright and stiff and it is falling back, you are leaning back now. That is right, lean back. Lean back.” Everything is monotone, nothing is jumpy and very suggestible people will lean back far enough where they will fall into your arms. You must be prepared to catch them. Beware that some people fall right away which is the reason why I like to tell them that their body is stiff and upright. You do not want them collapsing as if they are passing out.

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As they fall back, their body should be stiff so that you can catch them and give them a hug. You must be careful with whom you do these techniques in the physically intimate category. If you are trying to find out if your boss is suggestible, you may not want to touch your boss’ palm in a suggestive way or have them fall into your arms to hug them. Depending on what your motives are, perhaps you do. You have to realize that there is a time and a place for everything. These techniques are best used in a dating situation. Any other prior mentioned techniques are all fine for anyone. Intimate techniques you may want to save for those with whom you may want to be intimate.

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Suggestibility Test #5: Reverse Hallucination Rather than regular hallucination where you see something that is not there, here you do not see something that actually is there. The way the technique works is telling them that hey will not see the television or something else that is in the room. They are unable to see it and explain to them that they should close their eyes and let go of that object in their mind. Then, have them open their eyes and ask them if they see the object you told them to forget from that room or the area. If they see it, you will know that the test did not work on them.

If one suggestibility test does not work on someone, you may try two or more as the case may be that they

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simply do not respond well to that specific test. You can find out by trying multiple times. Also, you need to undo anything that you do. If you give someone amnesia, anesthesia or reverse hallucination, make sure it is undone. There are to ways to do this. You may chose to tell them that, for the next 20 seconds they won’t be able to see television, or they won’t feel anything. Therefore, you are limiting the effect in time. Second option is telling them that it’s over and they, from now on, will know the number seven and they will see the television. It’s best to do both, if you remember to do so, which you will hopefully do. This way you will not cause any problems.

These are the suggestibility tests. The hands clench technique, amnesia, anesthesia, fall back and reverse hallucination. I think that you have enough tools in your box right now to have some fun and to do some suggestibility tests.

“Are You Ready To Start Hypnotizing People Using

Covert Commands?”

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Now that you know how to tell if someone is suggestible or not, it’s time to start making the actual suggestions.

We do this using covert commands.

Click Here To Learn More Talk soon,

Dr. Steve G. Jones

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