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Page 1: The Human Skeleton in Forensic Anthropology and Medicine

John A. Burns School of MedicineOutreach College Professional Programs

Course Description: This one-week intensive workshop covers most aspects in the analysis of human skeletal remains as they relate to forensic anthropology and forensic medicine. Students will receive classroom and laboratory training at the Department of Anatomy, University of Hawai‘i John A. Burns School of Medicine, utilizing a broad array of learning materials including contemporary skeletons. This is a non-credit educational activity; certificates will be provided to each student upon successful completion of the course.

The Human Skeleton inForensic Anthropology and Medicine

The University of Hawai‘i is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

Topics: The award-winning workshop is divided into two components: human osteology and forensic anthropology (4 days), and field recovery of human remains in a forensic setting (1 day). Working individually and in small teams, students will analyze a known-identity human skeleton and compile a biological profile consisting of the individual’s age at death, sex, ancestry, stature, bone disease, and trauma.

Topics covered include:

• Handling, preserving, and curating remains; identifying and siding human bones

• Methods for estimating age at death, sex, ancestry/race, stature, and personal identity

• Bone disease and healing; skeletal trauma

• Non-metric traits and anatomical variants of the human skeleton

• Archaeological methods for recovering buried and surface scattered remains

• Plastination and preservation of human remains

• 3D photogrammetry and Augmented Virtual Reality of human bones

• Introduction to functional and musculoskeletal anatomy

• Osteometrics

Who Should Attend:The workshop is open to US citizens and international visitors with appropriate visas. Enrollment is typically limited to 40 students (minimum of 30). Diverse participants include high school students (must be at least 16 years of age and of junior or senior standing) and practicing professionals in fields/professions, including:

• Forensic science

• Allied health services and sciences

• Anthropology

• Anatomists

• Physicians

• Law enforcement

• Museum studies/staff

• Higher education

See back for more information.

Page 2: The Human Skeleton in Forensic Anthropology and Medicine

When and Where:Monday - Friday, July 22-26, 2019Department of Anatomy John A. Burns School of Medicine Kaka‘ako Campus, Honolulu, Hawai‘i

Cost:Early registration is $525 (by 6/30/19) Standard registration is $575

Course fees do not include airfare, meals, or accommodations; campus housing available on a first come, first served basis. Please call (808) 956-9249 for more information.

Apply Now:Application Deadline: June 28, 2019

To apply, please submit the following:

• Letter of intent stating why you are interested in taking this workshop, what you hope to gain from it, and how you might apply this training in the future

• Updated curriculum vitae or resume

• Please email application materials to Dr. Robert Mann at: [email protected]

Instructors:Dr. Robert Mann (Course Director & Forensic Anthropologist)Dr. Bill Belcher (Forensic Anthropologist)Dr. Jennifer Byrnes (Forensic Anthropologist)Mr. Steven Labrash (Anatomical Specimen Specialist)Dr. Scott Lozanoff (Anatomist)


or call (808) 956-9249.

The Human Skeleton in Forensic Anthropology and Medicine, cont’d.