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Page 1: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners

organized in getting us all to bring

relevant nibbles, and generally for

getting so many good events up and

running this year,

I know everyone appreciates it!

A Merry Christmas to all, and

Happy New Year for



Friday 18th December saw the

PFRAC annual Xmas Karaoke Party

at Langsett Barn.

A great night out, and excellent end

to a brilliant social calendar for

2009, we enjoyed good food, some

very lively dancing and good music!

A few brave /tipsy members took to

the microphone to provide us with

vocal treats ..

It was fab to see so

many people there,

plenty of regular social-

ites, but also a good

gathering of new peo-

ple too!

Huge thanks

to Sue Higham and all the

social team for being so

Christmas Party 2009!


T H I S I S S U E :

Christmas Party

Club Champs 2009



New Faces

Julie Buckley–


International &


Your Club Needs

You as A Coach!






Barnsley Boundary

Xmas Pud Recipe



‗Cut the Cramp‘

3 Peaks Cyclo-



23k Sports Injury

Fast Abs



Pendle Fell Race

Trunce & Pics.



Club Development

Boggle Choc Cake


Get in Touch







The Hill A U T U M N / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 I S S U E 6 7


Editors Note:

Welcome to my first edition of ‗The Hill‘– having been possessed by spirit of generosity

and a general dislike of silent pauses during the AGM in October, I volunteered myself

to take over from the magnificent works of Dave and Jane Foster in editing the mag.

Thanks to everyone who‘s contributed to this edition, particularly those who have let

me snap them at the club recently– and if I haven‘t got you this time round, then don‘t

worry your time will come in the next! Enjoy– Ailsa Park.

Page 2: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners



Congratulations to Martin Booth our 2009 Club Champs Overall Win-

ner– competing in every race and first home in five of the ten races!

Well Done!

For those interested next year– the club championship consists of 10

races, made up of Road, Cross Country and Fell races throughout the year.

This year they were: Huddersfield 10k 22/2/09, Silkstone Shuffle 28/3/09, SYRRL Wosbor-

ough 5mile 22/4/09, Mount Famine 16/5/09, Oughtibridge Chase 17/609, Hope Wakes

1/7/09, Thurlstone Chase 11/7/09, Dennis Stitt 28/8/09, Lantern Pike 19/9/09, Kirkburton

Woodland Challenge 11/10/09, Barnsley 10k 15/11/09 and Traveller Six 20/12/09.

Also a big thanks to our organisers Geoff Dimelow and Anne Beresford for another good

series this year!


1. Martin Booth V40 Mens Champion

2. Julie Buckley LV50 Lady’s Champion

3. Nick Morris 1st Senior

4. Alex Simn 2nd V40 5. Bob Innes 1st V50

6. Stuart Woodhead 2nd V50

9. Steve Milwood 1st V60

10. Ray Brown 2nd V60

11. Susan Charlesworth 1st LV40

12. Jane Cockerton 2nd LV40

13. Sue Higham 2nd LV50

14. Barbara Haigh 1st LV60 CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS

1. Lee Storey Mens Champion

2. Martin Booth 1st V40

3. Gary Dean 2nd Senior

5. Ian Charlesworth 2nd V40

6. Julie Buckley Lady’s Champion

7. Stuart Woodhead 1st V50

8. Bob Innes 2nd V50

12. Katy Davis 1st Senior Lady

14. Sue Charlesworth 1st LV40

15. Keith Gordon 1st V60

16. Ray Brown 2nd V60

18. Jane Cockerton 2nd LV40

19. Sue Higham 1st LV50

20. Julie Moxon 2nd Senior Lady


1. Martin Booth Men’s Champion

2. Richard Mackie 1st Senior

3. Stuart Woodhead 1st V50

4. Bob Innes 2nd V50

7. Anne Beresford Lady’s Champion 8. Barbara Haigh 1st LV60

9. Jane Cockerton 2nd LV40

10. Ray Brown 1st V60

11. Sue Higham 1st LV50

Champion Martin Booth at Travellers Six

Presentation Night to be held in March 2010 possibly at The Venue again in

Stocksbridge– to be announced at club nights in the New Year.

Page 3: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


New Faces for Penistone Footpath Runners!



1. Any running ambitions for 2010?

I‘ve made it into the Virgin London Mara-

thon as part of Slimming World‘s charity

team ‗Smiles‘ for 2010!

2. Favourite run to date 2009?

Mickledon Straddle route with Ellen and

Janet as a preliminary to the Sheffield Half

Marathon this year.

3. Favourite drink?

Kir Royale– champagne and Creme de

Cassis mmm!


1. Any running ambitions for 2010?

To run a half marathon- ( editors note: I

know she’s entered Cardiff Half on 17/10/10!)

2. Favourite run to date 2009?

Bit of a love/hate thing going on with the

winter handicap but also enjoyed the

Woodland Challenge!

3. Favourite drink?

Pink champagne, or water!


1. Any running ambitions for 2010? To run

a half marathon– hopefully the Great North


2. Favourite run to date 2009? Just some of

the runs I do with the girls—the winter

handicap route is nice, at a gentle pace– e

specially down Royd Moor!!

3. Favourite drink?

Dr. Stewarts Tranquillity Tea– brilliant.


1. Any running ambitions for 2010?

To keep up with Ailsa on a 20 mile run in

her training for the marathon!

2. Favourite run to date 2009? Sheffield Half

Marathon was really good.

3. Favourite drink?

Pernod, cider and black, all in one glass!

OK– so some of these faces have been coming a while to the club– but does anyone know

who they are?! I know it‘s all ladies this time– but there‘s plenty of pages to fill next time,

so don‘t any of you guys think you‘ve got away with it!!

Page 4: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


Julie Buckley- ―Great Britain & Ireland Masters Cross

Country International‖ Saturday 14th November.

On Saturday 14th November, at Birmingham‘s Perry Park, Julie Buckley

represented England in the Masters Cross Country International.

Despite a wet and muddy course after rain the previous day Julie came

in a triumphant 2nd Lady V 50 for England and 3rd Lady V 50 in overall

so was really pleased.

There were only 7 seconds between the 1st Lady V50 Carmel Parnell

(Ireland) at 25:39, and Julie at 25:46 in 3rd!! The second place went to

Ann Luke (England) in 25:44. Julie says ―It was a good course– mainly flat

which suited me and I was thrilled to pick up a medal!

Well done Julie!!

Julie with Ann Luke at the



Ordinary General Meeting–

Wednesday 13th January 2010.

Your Club– Your Opinions Count In the humble opinion of yours truly editing– its about time that more people got in-

volved in the decisions that matter regarding our club– what races go into the champion-

ship, when and what the social events will be, how much club fees will be set at, facility

improvement, and much more.

The club has over 200 junior and senior members, but many don‘t appreciate the hard

work it takes year in year out to keep the club going, to organise races, administrate

memberships, and develop the club in both size and facility.

So why not come to the next OGM and take a bit of time to add your area of expertise,

the odd comment or nod of appreciation, or just come along for a pint and a catch up off

the windy hills of Penistone for a change!

See you there, we hope!

Page 5: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


An enjoyable run or walk near the edge of the Peak District national park is the Penistone

Boundary, which circles the picturesque market town of Penistone.

At 16 miles it‘s not for the faint-hearted but still more manageable than the 73 mile

Barnsley Boundary walk.

Being a circular route it can be started at any point and is dissected at two points by the

Transpennine trail so numerous shorter runs can be devised if required. The traditional

start and finish point of the walk is at Cubley hall, which is an excellent pub with a good

selection of bar meals and real ales, along with an excellent view from the beer garden at

the rear.

The boundary encompasses moorland, woodland, farmland and associated wildlife, so a

camera and a pair of binoculars is never a bad thing if walking. At one point there is an

excellent view of the

fabulous 29 arch Penistone viaduct with the Royd Moor windmills on the hill behind it.

There is a fair amount of country road on certain sections as it goes round the back of

Hoylandswaine and a few sections can be quite muddy so you will need both your traffic

awareness skills and also some balancing through the muddy bits too!

Like most walks in the area, the signposting is excellent, though as always a map and com-

pass should be taken. A link below will take you to the pdf on Penistone‘s website.




ANNIVERSARY. On September 12th 2009 Penistone

Footpath Runners & Athletics Club

staged the 25th Anniversary Show Race

at the Annual Penistone Agricultural


256 Runners took to the roads on the

new route for the race, from all over

the county.

Race winner this year was D.Thompson

from Barnsley AC — with first

Penistone home Lee Storey in a storm-

ing 36:56!

(editors note– I was still panting along

Hartcliff Hill Road at this point!)

First lady home was Julie Buckley in

40:43, and there were a total of 56

PFRAC members running which was a

really great turn out for the club race–

more next year we hope.

Helped along by the fabulous sunshine,

and the brilliant marshalls and cheering

crowds at the end, the race was a bril-

liant success and is always a highlight of

the summer racing calendar

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By Martyn Cartwright

At the last Club Meeting, I was asked if I would prepare a short article on Coaching, what is involved and how you can become quali-fied as a Coach. One of the aims of PFR & AC is to provide Athletics for people in and around the Penistone and Stocksbridge areas. This may be for social running, just to keep fit or so they can compete in races.

A successful Club usually has a successful Junior Section who compete in local and national leagues. Not all Juniors carry on into the Senior ranks but they do create a great deal of interest within the Club and can bring their parents, who can themselves then become involve in helping within the Club or as competing Members. It is therefore important that the Club has an organised structure to provide coaching in as many different disciplines and age groups as possible. Members and parents need to be attracted into coaching in order to achieve this structure.

To go into coaching, you do not have to have been in athletics for a long time. All you need is the commitment to want to help your fellow Club Members and be prepared to commit time to this process. Learning about coaching will also benefit yourself, as you will find out, by adapting your training, how to get the best out of your own ability and so improve your race times. Anyone who wants to go into Coaching must attend Courses organised by England Athletics. You will start at Level 1, working under more experienced coaches and as you learn about the basics of coaching, you can move onto Level 2 and 3. Becoming qualified also means you are covered by England Athletics Insurance Scheme whilst you are involved in coaching and have a current Licence. There

are Courses organised locally and if you are interested, then you can ask me for details or look on England Athletics web site by click-ing here. Currently, PFR & AC has only two active Senior Coaches for a Membership of over 160 Members. This is totally unsatisfactory and if the Club and its Members want to progress, then it is essential that more are re-cruited. At the moment, as I am injured, there is normally only one Level 2 Coach, Mark Law, supervising the speed sessions on a Tuesday night involving runners of all abilities.

Ideally, training should be split into three or four smaller groups so that athletes of equal abilities can be grouped together and push each other, rather than be strung out in a long line as at present. What the Club needs, at both senior and junior levels, is for another 5 or 6 Members to attend the Coaching Courses and be available most weeks so that a proper programme can be developed, enabling Members to know what sessions are being planned, so they can fit their own training into these sessions.

Men and women can be in the same group if they are of similar abilities and the coach can train alongside that group. Ideally, a coach should be assigned to one group on a long term basis. What is required from any Member who wants to go into Coaching is a fairly long term commitment to be able to turn up regularly on a Tuesday night and, after attending the Coaching Course, be able to plan out a training programme for a group of your own ability. It is preferable, but not essential, that you do attend a Course so that you are covered by Insurance. Initially, you will working along-side and helping the Senior Coaches to plan and implement training sessions until you have obtain sufficient experience and confidence

to be able to plan the sessions yourselves. You will find that it is rewarding seeing how particular athletes in your group, including yourself, progress, as the training continues. PFR & AC will pay the Course fees so it will cost you nothing other than your own time to attend. Details of the different Coaching Levels are shown below. Level 1 is the basic Course introducing you into Coaching and this is all you really need to Coach Seniors for the type of running most of us do. Level 2 and 3 are more specialised if you want to progress further up the Coaching ladder.

England Athletics Coach Education structure and course content are shown below. Level 1 Length: One day (usually 9am – 5pm) Cost: £60 Minimum age: 16 years

This Course is an introduction to coaching skills with a major emphasis on the ‗how to coach‘ skills rather than the ‗what to coach‘


Page 7: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


skills. Despite this there is a large practical element with the coaching theory element of the course being taught and then put in to practice alongside technical sprint, endurance, jumping and throwing activities. Coaches will receive a coaching manual with complete notes from the course and following completion of a CRB check through UK Athletics the coach will receive a coach pass and license (usually within eight weeks). At Level 1 a coach is qualified and insured to coach under the supervision of an athletics coach qualified to Level 2 or above.

Level 2 Length: Two days core modules, one day event module/assessment Cost: £140 (core modules plus one event module of choice, subsequent event modules or assessments cost £30) Minimum age: 18 years

Coaches are usually expected to have been qualified at Level 1 and gaining practical coaching experience for at least six months before attending a Level 2 course. The core element of the course is taken by coaches of all disciplines and covers topics including: Learning styles, questioning and feedback, use of demonstrations, how to effectively observe and analyse coaches, planning a session, anatomy and physiology, strength training, development of power teaching technique.

Following on from the core weekend coaches are required to go through a period of supported practice, during which they will work with a more experienced coach to put in to practice knowledge and skills acquired at the core workshop. Coaches are re-quired to complete five session planner and evaluation sheets to document this. The final part of the award is an event specific day, which is taken 6-8 weeks after the core modules. Coaches decide which event group (i.e. sprints, endurance, jumps, throws) they would like to specialise in and will learn about the specific techniques involved with the events and how to coach them. Following this coaches are assessed while they deliver a short coaching session which they

have prepared previously. Coaches will receive a pre-course study pack, a coach‘s manual with further information to support all areas of the core workshop and technical templates. Upon successful completion of the log book and assessment coaches are upgraded to Level 2, where they are insured to lead sessions in the event module in which they were assessed. A new pass and license will be issued within approxi-mately eight weeks to reflect this.

Level 3 The Level 3 award is suitable for coaches who are working with athletes on a regular basis and looking to improve their coaching and planning skills, whilst developing a greater understanding of what contributes to athletic performance both in general and with reference to a specific event or groups of events. On the Level 3 pathway there are two options available, performance or development. Coaches aiming to qualify as a Level 3 per-

formance coach should be working with an athlete of at least county standard. For coaches working with young athletes (U13 or below) the development pathway is more appropriate. The course is modular and coaches are required to complete the following elements: Phase 1 – Long Term Athlete Development, Performance and Development Coaching and Personal and Coaching Skills (2 days, £100) Phase 2 – Performance Factors (2 days, £100)

Phase 3 – Mentored Practice Phase 4 – Technical Event Modules (2 days, £100) In addition to this coaches are required to complete optional modules specific to their own needs and interests (further information relating to these is illustrated on the coach education pathway) and complete a reflective logbook along with assessment tasks as they progress through the course. There are specific tasks within the logbook that are aimed at either the performance or develop-ment coach

Completion of level 3 is by practical and written assessment (written being the logbook) and coaches should expect to take a mini-mum of 12 months to complete. Phases are generally planned at set times of year to make it easier for coaches to plan their devel-opment, which are as follows: Phase 1 – Autumn Phase 2 – Spring Phase 3 – Autumn


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―Thinking of my fellow runners who weren‘t selected to take part in the Percy Pud


Especially for you I have chosen a seasonal consolation prize– a recipe for a tradi-


Christmas Pudding that you can make for yourselves at your leisure.

Obviously I won‘t be making one: I already have mine!!‖

Traditional Christmas Pudding.

Makes two puddings, each serving 6-8.

Prep 1hr

Cook 7 hrs: 5hr initial, 2hr before serving.


* 225g raisins * 225g currants * 225g sultanas * 200g cut mixed peel * 225g shredded suet

* 500g dark muscovado unrefined sugar * 225g fresh breadcrumbs from day-old bread * 75g plain flour *

* 1 level tsp freshly grated nutmeg or ground cinnamon * ½ level tsp ground cloves * ¼ tsp salt *

* 50g blanched almonds * 1 carrot * 1 bramley cooking apple * 2 lemons * 3 large, organic eggs

* 150ml brandy, whisky or rum * Large knob of soft butter

* (You will also need; 2x 1.2litre pudding basins, greaseproof paper, foil and kitchen string.


Tip the raisins, currants, sultanas and mixed peel into a very large mixing bowl. Add the suet, sugar and breadcrumbs.

Sift the flour, nutmeg and cloves into the bowl. Add the salt and chopped almonds; I prefer to do this by hand but use the pulse button if

you do it by machine.

Trim, scrape and grate the carrot into the bowl. Quarter the apple, cut out the core and remove the peel. Grate over the carrot. Grate the

lemons over the top on the smallest hole of the grater and squeexre the juice through a sieve into the bowl.

Whisk the eggs with a fork until smooth with half the brandy. Add to the bowl.

Stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Lavishly butter two 1.2 litre pudding basins. Fill the basins and cover with a disc of greaseproof paper.

Pleat a large piece of foil and place loosely over the top. Tie securely, going round twice with string under the rim of the basin, then loop a

handle across the top , allowing room for the pudding to rise.

Repeat with the second pudding.

Stand the puddings on a trivet in a large saucepan with a well-fitting lid. Add sufficient boiling water to reach two thirds of the way up the

basin, fit the lid and boil for 5 hours. Check every hour or so and top up with more boiling water.

Leave the puddings to go cold. Remove the foil and the paper disc. Spoon on the remaining brandy. Re-cover with a fresh disc of

greaseproof paper; wrap the entire pudding in greaseproof and then in foil.

Store in a cool dark place for at least a month (editors note– this might be a teeny bit late for christmas......maybe for 2010?!) to mature. Remove the foil and greaseproof paper, then re-cover with

a greaseproof disc and foil as before. Steam for a further 2 hours. To serve, place a hot plat over the

uncovered pudding, quickly invert and decorate with a sprig of holly.

To flame with brandy, heat about 3tbsp of brandy in a ladle or small pan, pour over the pudding and

ignite at the table.

Taken from The Times newspaper– Thursday November 19th 2009 edition.

A message from Paul Parkin- ―Chef to the Stars‖.

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Don't let muscle spasms ruin your next run

Painful, paralysing and PB-unfriendly, cramps can strike at any time. "There's no

one definitive cause," says Dr Steve Ingham, head of physiology at the English

Institute of Sport. Research in the Muscle & Nerve Journal shows that genetics

might be one factor, yet there are several other possible reasons for cramping


Cramping your style: Fatigue

"All muscular contractions are controlled by electrical impulses in the brain,

communicated via nerves," explains Dr Ingham. One theory says that very long

runs overload and fatigue the nervous system. "Muscles get over-stimulated, so

cramps are common after marathons," says physiotherapist Alex Floyd, of

BUPA's Sports Medicine Centre of Excellence.

Cut it out: Build long runs gradually, never extending mileage by more than 10 per cent

weekly. Massages relax fatigued muscles: opt for deep-tissue work after a race.

Cramping your style: The wrong warm-up

"The membranes of muscle cells rupture under stress," says Ingham. These tears stimulate

the growth of new, stronger muscle fibres. Yet too much stress, too soon, leads to an un-

controllable situation in which cell contents - including vital electrolytes - leak out, upping

the likelihood of cramps.

Cut it out: Prime your system with a warm-up of dynamic, or moving, stretches, like leg

swings to loosen up muscles and increase blood flow. Jog for a few minutes, followed by

short bursts of running at target pace for that session.

Cramping your style: Sweet treats

"When you eat sugar or refined carbs, rising blood sugar puts muscles into a state of high-

fuelled activity," says Floyd. Do this just before bedtime, and you might find yourself waking

in agony with cramped legs. You still need sugar to fuel speedwork and long runs, but on

rest days try to avoid sugar after midday, and eat more complex wholegrain products to avoid blood-sugar spikes.

Cut it out: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise reports that you can quell blood-sugar

levels by up to 20 per cent by exercising before, rather than after, meals, possibly because

exercise primes the body to process fuel more efficiently.

Cramping your style: Climate Change

"Muscles seem more inclined to cramp in very cold or hot weather - or in transition be-

tween different temperatures," says Floyd. You can minimise the effects of cold weather

with compression kit, which dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow and helps keep

muscles warm.

Cut it out: On cold days, do dynamic stretches before leaving the house, so you are semi-

warmed up before stepping outdoors.

Cramping your style: Salt Imbalance

Hydration is a delicate balance: too little water and muscles will cramp; too much dilutes

levels of the electrolytes your muscles need to process signals from the nerves, resulting in

yet more cramps. This is where sugary isotonic drinks come in - they are specially formu-

lated to keep electrolyte levels up during intense or long runs.

Cut it out: Physiotherapist Eric Clarke. "Plain water is fine for short runs, but in hot

weather or on longer runs, you sweat more, and need electrolytes." Stick to cool - not

cold - water to avoid stomach cramps. By Ruth Emmett Runners World Magazine.

Page 10: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


―Having never ridden in a

cross race before goodness

knows why I 'volunteered'

to take part. I confess that I

do a little bit of road cycling

with Norton Wheelers (a

And they’re off, that’s me in


pre-dominantly cyclo cross

club) and had just spent two

weeks with some of them in

the French Alps, riding up

and down the more arduous

climbs regularly featured in

the Tour de France. For my training I decided to

start with a jaunt up Mickle-

den Edge to Cut Gate via

North America and ended

up mostly with the bike on

my shoulder, ‗running‘. If

you‘ve competed in Mickle-

don Straggle or Grin and

Bear it you‘ll know how

rocky and muddy it can be

up there. My first training

trip left me more battered

and bruised than after the

race itself! As the big day

dawned I still didn't know

why I was taking part! It

wasn't the distance or climbs

that troubled me; it was that

my bike handling skills

are almost none existent, as

anyone who saw me on the

day will testify. Despite try-

ing to get the hang of hop-

ping on and off the bike with

encouragement from hubby

(who credits being 4th in the

3-Peaks circa mid ‗80s) I was

still hopeless.

The race starts with a neu-

tral section on the road

from Helwith Bridge to Hor-

ton-in-Ribblesdale. I quite

enjoyed riding in a pack of

approx 450, it felt like being

part of something big. And

then the race began. We

turned off towards the

lower slopes of Inglebor-

ough and I soon found my-

self in single file behind a

very long trail of colour-

ful clothing & bikes. The

climb up was OK, although I

still managed to take my first tumble of the day. The sec-

ond tumble came

shortly after, only this time

I didn't fall off the bike, but

over Rawnsley's Leap – a

newly erected stile named

after the originator and cur-

rent organ-

iser. How embarrassing!

The ride down the other

side was terrible, I wanted

to shut my eyes, but didn't

for obvious reasons! I'm

sure my brakes failed. I

couldn't stop and almost

crashed into my chief sup-

port crew, Russ, who casu-

ally said "just get off"; easier

said than done. He's really

good at one liners when I'm

having a 'mare.

The road sections were a

breeze, it was great to actu-

ally pedal again. By the time

I hit the second climb,

Whernside, I was suffering

with shoe trouble. Cycling

shoes, especially almost

brand new ones, tend to rub

a bit on the heel when at-

tempting to run. If only I

could ride more of the

rough stuff I'd get some res-

pite. I ran down most of

the hill and did OK, passing

several who had fallen by the

wayside with punc-

tures. Russ was waiting at

the bottom with Hannah,

one of the junior members

and the only one foolish

enough to wait for me in the

cold. Boy was I glad to see

them. I was desperate for a drink, having missed Russ on

the way up, would you be-

lieve I was too quick for him

to catch on the road sec-


The final hill Pen-Y-Ghent, is

out and back. Russ got to

the bottom before me this

time, but I'd taken on so

much drink at the last stop I

didn't need anything

(typical). By this stage I was

so far behind I‘d missed see-

ing the leaders, including our

Yorkshire 3-Peaks Cyclo Cross Race (approx 40 miles, &

4,500 ft of ascent) – Sun 27th Sept 2009 – Anne Beresford

Page 11: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


first man home, Darrell, but

cheered teammates as we passed on the

lane. The club‘s other lady rider, Lynn,

passed me as I happened to be on the bike

peddling, which was a rare sight as I spent

most of the time running (again). Happily I

felt comfortable with the bike on my shoul-

der and found that I was running back down

quicker than some could ride (remember, I

was at the back of the field, the front riders

would have left dust in my eye). I did ride a

bit of Pen-Y-Ghent Lane, more than I

thought I would but came a cropper near

the bottom when I had more brake traumas

and decided to throw myself into some net-

tles to avoid a more serious accident. I

loved the 3K ride to the finish and was re-

lieved not to fall off on the shingle path in

the pub car park at the end.

Would I do it again? Well let's just say

Russ & I are already discussing support and










A little promotion, but also a gladly received offer!

I‘ve recently been experiencing the wonders of Jeff Cole‘s physiotherapy clinic, 23K which I

found via the PFRAC website- (although I was also recommended by word of mouth –and

not by a runner either).

Jeff has a wealth of knowledge ready to impart to anyone needing treatment or sports mas-

sage, and has offered to write an article for The Hill (future editions) on any subject that

anyone would like to suggest.....within reason.....

For example; different (and/or new) treatments available to different injuries;

RICE method and when it‘s best to use or not;

best stretches for ...(fill in the blank);

how and when you can help yourself with....;

which muscles do what;

when pain sometimes doesn’t gain (that‘s directed at whoever squirted ‗no pain no gain‘ in

water on the road on the second trunce—i have my suspicions)!!

So if you would like to suggest an article, or some piece of advice you‘d particularly like to

see in the next issue, let me know!!

Also, a personal recommendation for Jeff‘s clinic, superb treatment and also great aftercare–

plus PFRAC members get a discount! Have a look at the website—for those looking at this

in pdf, just click here to go direct to Jeff‘s website.

(If you‘re not in pdf but have access to the internet, it‘s

23K Sports Injury Clinic

Page 12: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


Forget crunches. If you want to get faster, fitter and stronger, you need to

train your core like a runner

In the past you'd have been hard-pressed to find elite runners paying attention to their abs. To-day, it's practically mandatory.

"It's so important. The stronger the core, the more likely you are to hold your form and less likely to get injured," explains marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe. You simply can't

run your best without a strong core: the muscles in your abdominals, lower back and glutes.

They provide the stability, power and endurance that runners need for powering up hills, sprint-ing to the finish and maintaining form mile after mile.

"When your core is strong, everything else will follow," says running coach Greg McMillan has worked with scores of elite and recreational runners. "It's the foundation for all of your move-

ment, no matter what level of running you're doing." Evidence that core strength training improves your running has been revealed in a study, pub-

lished in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, where 28 recreational and competitive

runners were put to the test. After initial evaluation of ground reaction forces, lower-extremity stability scores and 5,000m

running performance, half participated in a six-week core strength training programme while the other half did not. All runners went through a repeat of the evaluations after the six weeks. The

core strength training group increased their running times more over the course of the study than the other group, providing evidence that core strength training can make you a faster run-


Experts have mapped out precisely how the movements of running draw on the strength and stability of the glutes, obliques and abdominal muscles that lie deep beneath the six-pack. They've

learned how essential it is for runners to engage these muscles to finish fast, reduce pain and hang tough on long runs. Best of all, they've tailored workouts to help them do that.

Quality core work isn't easy. But it doesn't require much of your time, says running coach Nick Anderson. "You don't need to put in more than 15 minutes a few times a week." It's an invest-

ment that will pay dividends on the road.


Your core is like a power plant. If it's not working efficiently, you'll waste energy, says Tim Hil-den, a physical therapist, athletic trainer, and exercise physiologist, specialising in running me-

chanics. "You'll see too much unwanted movement, which decreases performance or sets you up for injury." Here are three areas that can become injured as a result of a weak core:

Lower-back As your legs pound the pavement, your vertebrae absorb much of the force. That shock wors-

ens if your core is weak, which will produce lower-back pain. Build those muscles with moves

like the superman (see below). Hamstrings

When your core isn't stable, your hamstrings often have to work extra hard, says running coach and physiotherapist Paula Coates. The added work can leave them shorter, tighter, and more

vulnerable to injury. To strengthen them, as well as your glutes, try exercises like bridges, lunges and squats.


Without a stable core, you can't control the movement of your torso as well, and you risk put-

ting excess force on your joints each time your foot lands. This can lead to pain under the knee

(known as 'runner's knee'), patellar tendinitis (a sharp pain in the bottom of the knee), and iliotibial-band tendinitis. The plank and side plank (exercises below) strengthen the transversus

abdominis, which help steady the core.

By Alyssa Shaffer -Runners World Magazine.

Fast Abs

Page 13: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners

By Brent Lindsay. Having cancelled a few days running in the Lakes due to the terrible weather forecast

I entered the ―Tour of Pendle‖ as a last minute decision. Rated AL 16.8m/4830‘ looks a bit of

a challenge, but if you don‘t try you‘ll never

know! As we approached there was no sign of

the hill top. Lost in low cloud, it remained that way all day. Registration in the Village Hall at

Barley was the usual organised chaos that is part of all races. A couple of route changes

pinned to the wall being studied carefully by

those who would compete for positions. For the also ran‘s it was useful to know but in real-

ity I would be following lots of others at these points so no major issue. So I thought!

Starts with a long plod up the lane then sharp pull up into the fog past the trig point

and on to CP1 which was not as easy to find in

the low cloud as I expected. Read the informa-tion better next time. Now a long pull along to

CP2. A steady pace with a long time to go but I got too relaxed and not concentrating on the

route. 6 of us suddenly realised we are about to drop down too early. Checking the map we

have drifted in the fog so I got the compass

out and got back on track. Not too far off but an early reminder to not rely on other runners

and make my own decisions. The cloud is just sitting on top despite the strong wind. For the

low check points we drop out to get a view of the area and spot the checkpoints lower

down. CP2, then eat before CP3 and uphill again over to CP4. Up and over is a feature of

this zigzag around a single hill to give the

4000+ feet of climb. Full marks to the checkpoint teams.

Running it was a comfortable temperature. Stood in the wind and later rain must have

been less than fun but they were all cheerful. The man at CP7 refused to identify who de-

cided to put it in such a position with a steep

downhill approach followed by the inevitable

and steeper ascent. The second half of this race is definitely

the testing part, so don‘t put too much into the first few checkpoints and eat on the sec-

ond half. CP5, 7 and 9 are low checkpoints followed by steep ascents. For the CP10 to

CP11 section you need to know not to follow

the path round too far after the second pass of the trig point. I caught up with a guy not sure

where to go at this point. I had been provided with all the bearings before the race and knew

to stick to 198o and not the path. A trod soon became apparent and it was easy running down

to CP11 with a local who set a good pace

across easy ground with plenty of spring in it. Then that lane back to the finish at the village

hall, a bit of a slog at the end of a race. There were 2 other Penistone runners, Nicky

Spinks and Ian Charlesworth, waiting in the warm Village Hall along with Ian Winterburn

from Dark Peak who I had travelled up with. They had finished an hour before me, but as I

keep telling them. They aren‘t getting full value

finishing so quickly!! A good event, I‘d do it again and rec-

ommend it. Not too far to get to on the day. Perhaps next time I‘ll see the top of the hill,

but there again, it is run in November. More information at http://www.clayton-le-moors-

Pendle Fell Race Saturday 21-11-2009


102 Nicky Spinks 3:15:18

126 Ian Charlesworth 3:21:04

270 Brent Lindsay 4:18:59

299 Paul Griffiths 5:21:03

Pendle Fell Race—Penistone Results

Trig point at top of Pendle Hill.

Page 14: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


The Trunce– a series of short off road

races... The summer may be long ago in our minds and legs, but there‘s still pictures to prove it was

around! Thanks to Mark Pearce for a brilliant Trunce website and all our organisers for

making the trunce once again a delightful summer series.

Thanks to Chris Pollard for contributing these, for those who don‘t know

who Chris is....this is a pic of him!!

I believe this was the wet trunce........

The man mainly responsible for starting the Trunce, and who was involved with the organisation from its foundation

until 1991, was Oxspring resident Gordon Davies, who himself was a useful runner before injury finished his career.

Back in 1968, Gordon and five other workers from Samuel Fox Steel Work’s North Office Block decided that they

needed something extra to supplement their football training. They came up with the idea of a regular run which, in

the days before the running boom took off, was quite a novel idea. So, on 28th February 1968, the 6 assembled at

the Waggon and Horses and ran over part of the today’s Trunce course to Greenmoor, finishing at the Rock, a run

which they christened "The Marathon". Not overawed by the experience, they agreed to try it again in two weeks

time when again six runners took part. By the time the third race was arranged on the 3rd April, they were well into

the running scene and decided to run to Greenmoor and then return back to Oxspring, for which seven runners

turned up. The starting point for this race was the Travellers Public House, locally known as the "Fours". The fourth

race saw the beginning of the race in the format which it is known today, when a new course was devised which

started and finished on Oxspring Football field at the rear of the Waggon and Horses. Eleven turned up for this race

and the honour of winning the first "Trunce" fell to well known Penistonian and former Penistone Footpath Runners

Excerpt taken from “Reminiscnces of the Trunce” by Martyn Cartright. Find full article


Page 15: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


Sex!!! Drugs!!! Gratuitous Violence!!!

OK have I got your attention now? All three have, of course been totally absent from the

business of the Development Committee since the last edition of The Hill – unless I‘ve been

remarkably unobservant. This does serve to highlight the fact that the work of the DC can seem

pretty boring stuff, and a lot of time seems to pass with rather less progress being made than

members think we ought to be achieving……

…. And as I write this, we are in one of those lulls. After Christmas things should move on. So, where are we at? Well:

In our negotiations with Penistone Church Football Club, we met with the club back in October

and said that we wanted a clearer link, so that we can apply for grants in our own right for any

developments on PCFC premises. At the time, we thought we needed a lease, but having met

with one of the External Services Managers from Voluntary Action Barnsley – who also sup-

ported us in a meeting with PCFC, it appears that what we actually need is a legal agreement with

a rather longer time run. So, at the beginning of November we put some proposals to PCFC as

to what we would like in such an agreement. They took them away and came back to with at

what they feel is should form the substance of the agreement in the second week of December.

It is clear from their response that there is still some negotiating to do and this will take place


In the course of discussions with PCFC, we talked about areas for female showers, and a direct

outcome of this was that we were offered the use of the next-door changing rooms on a Tues-

day & Thursday night. This is now happening.

The general sway of female opinion in the club seems to be that the showers attached to these

changing rooms would be a better facility to upgrade for female showering.

The Committee is actively keeping in contact with voluntary support agencies in the Barnsley

area, and trying to make sense of who can help with what. Believe you me, this is not always ob-


And that‘s about it. …and like I said, no sex, drugs or gratuitous violence ….yet.

Pete McLeod Development Committee Chair

PFRAC Development Group.

Edale Skyline with runner in the distance by Chris Pollard.

Page 16: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


‗Wraggy‘s Boggle Hole Chocolate Cake‘ Cake ingredients

250g Self raising Flour

Generous pinch of bicarb of soda

3 heaped tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder

300 g caster sugar

2 eggs beaten

1 tsp of vanilla extract

250g Butter

175 ml Cola

250 ml Milk

1. Preheat oven to Gas 4 /180 deg and grease

a 24 cm loose bottom tin

2. Sift dry ingredients into a bowl with sugar

3. Stir in eggs and vanilla extract

4. melt butter gently in a saucepan

5. Add cola to butter, make sure it doesn‘t boil, add in the milk also.

6. Now mix Cola Butter Milk mixture into dry ingredients, mix thoroughly.

Pour mixture into tin and bake for approx 40 mins, test with skewer.

Above is sufficient for normal size cake, but for the Mega Boggle version, double the ingredi-

ents and make 2 cakes.

Now either cut the above cake in half, or add the following filling as a filler between the 2


Filling 200g icing sugar

100g melted Butter

2 tbsp cola

2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder.


Now cover the entire cake with the following:

150 ml double cream

150 g dark chocolate min 60% cocoa solids

exact measures not too critical here.

Add about 100 ml cream and 100 g chocolate for the mega Boggle version.

First heat the cream to boiling point. Remove from heat and add the broken up chocolate.

Now leave the mixture to cool until it has the right consistency to coat the cake. This usually

takes 5-10 mins of cooling. Test mixture to see if it coats the back of a spoon first.

Once the cake is coated place in the fridge to set. Can be served cold or warm by placing in a

micro wave for 10 – 20 secs. Can be served with fresh cream or ice cream.

Editors Note: Yum yum yum, thanks to Ian Wragg for this recipe, apparently G.Dimelow was particu-

larly partial to a chunk of this choctastic cake– on the clubs trip to Boggle Hole back in September,

which Ian points out is a mere 12 weeks ago! One to make for the Hartcliff Hill Race next year


Page 17: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


Joe Percy 10K 15th June

1 Andrew Pearson 31-50

15 Steve Roebuck 36-42

21 Mike Egner v50 37-41 26 Gary Dean 38-21

34 Rob Lees 39-21

73 Stuart Woodhead v50 42-51

84 Pete Stanley v50 43-36

137 Dave Foster v55 47-12

142 Steve Millwood v60 48-07

145 Keith Gordon v60 48-31

148 Danny Batty v65 48-55

166 Ray Brown v65 50-26

169 Phil Dimelow 51-06

180 Martyn Cartwright v60 51-54

Oughtibridge Chase 17th June

1 Nick Swift 21-16

4 Lee Storey 23-33

5 Martin Booth v45 23-49

7 Gary Dean 24-04

9 Richard Mackie 24-27

11 Julie Buckley v50 25-44

12 Ian Charlesworth v45 25-49

16 Stuart Woodhead v50 27-06

18 Bob Innes v55 27-53 21 Nick Whittingham v55 28-25

23 Ian Wragg v45 28-47

24 Nicky Spinks v40 29-00

25 Dave Foster v55 29-07

26 Michael Raynor 29-15

27 Katy Davis 29-49

28 Steve Millwood v60 29-56

29 Craig Birchall 30-14

30 Geoff Dimelow v55 30-56

32 Sue Charlesworth v45 31-05

34 Jane Cockerton v45 31-19

35 Sarah Halstead v40 32-00 36 Ray Brown v65 32-09

37 Julie Moxon 32-30

39 Dean Alcroft 33-18

41 Sue Higham v55 34-14

44 Sarah Mann v40 36-23

45 Ellen Brookes 41-25

46 Jane Foster v55 44-35

Grindleford Fell Race 18th June

1 Stuart Bond 32-18

87 Nick Morris 41-48

183Paul Griffiths v45 47-35

241Barbara Haigh v60 51-28

248 Tracy kemp 51-51

Bob Graham Round

Simon Rippon completes Round in 22

hours 44 min. Mark Pearce has to pull

out during attempt.

Silkstone Shuffle 19th June

1 Shaun Dimelow 25-00

5 Lee Storey 28-19 8 Gary Dean 28-47

9 Martin Booth v45 28-50

13 Richard Mackie 29-32

15 Rob Lees 29-47

26 Julie Buckley v50 31-45

27 Alex Simon v40 31-46

33 Alan Whittaker v40 32-16

34 Stuart Woodhead v50 33-23

36 Steve Frith v55 33-50

37 Bob Innes v55 33-54

48 Dave Foster v55 35-11 54 Ian Wragg v45 36-07

58 Keith Gordon v60 36-40

62 Danny Batty v60 37-31

64 Colin Porteous v50 38-00

68 Craig Birchall 38-26

70 Ray Brown v65 39-17

83 Martyn Cartwright v60 40-21

87 Sue Higham v60 41-13

100 Caroline Dean 56-09

Junior Shuffle

1 Amy Kent 14-22 6 Matthew Tate 15-37

12 Lucy Clough 20-38

Hunshelf Amble 21st June

1 Lloyd Taggert 46-22

13 Nick Morris 59-13

24 Bob Innes v55 63-51

25 Stuart Woodhead v50 64-26

31 Dave Foster v55 68-59

35 Keith Gordon v60 71-07 37 Ray Brown v65 71-57

39 Barbara Haigh v60 72-12

40 Tracy Kemp 72-21

42 Sue Charlesworth v45 73-37

43 Sarah Halstead v40 73-46

Trunce 22nd June

1 Callum Gilhooley 24-43

15 Richard Mackie 28-44

21 Phil Hinchliffe 29-12

39 Alex Simon v40 30-55

50 Nick Morris 31-42

54 Simon Rippon v40 32-05

66 Adie Baker 33-26

69 Martyn Goodwin v45 33-33

82 Steve Frith v55 34-24 83 Andy Green v40 34-31

92 Dave Foster v55 35-19

93 Geoff Dimelow v55 35-22

95 Stuart Woodhead v50 35-24

97 Paul Griffiths v45 35-34

132 Craig Birchall 38-41

135 Keith Gordon v60 38-58

142 Colin Porteous v45 39-50

144 Jane Cockerton v45 40-00

180 Sarah Mann v40 48-42

Junior Trunce 1 Matthew O’Connor 15-01

11 Kai Sunman 18-23

12 Joe Law 18-55

Dam Flask Relays 24th June


10 Julie Buckley 22-26

Anne Beresford 27-18

Jane Cockerton 28-31

24 Lorraine Tazzyman 33-19

Ellen Brookes 34-51

Kim Porteous 36-30

Men 21 Gary Dean 21-06

Martin Booth 21-15

Rob Lees 21-45

Steve Frith 28-35

30 Stuart Woodhead 23-46

Bob Innes 24-25

Dave Foster 30-19

Steve Millwood 28-28

32 Geoff Dimelow 26-21 Colin Porteous 28-04

Keith Gordon 28-20

Nick Whittingham 26-04

33 Brent Lindsay 26-48

Andy Plummer 27-41

Jane Foster 38-04

Geoff Dimelow 28-02


Page 18: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


Blackamoor Chase 25th June

1 Rob Little 42-48

22 Steve Storey v50 48-36

26 Lee Storey 48-59 76 Pete Stanley v50 55-32

158 Barbara Haigh v60 66-20

Reindeer Romp 25th June

14 Gary Dean 18-58

18 Ian Charlesworth v45 19-35

30 Stuart Woodhead v50 21-02

45 Nicky Spinks v40 22-26

46 Geoff Dimelow v55 22-59

47 Nick Whittingham v55 23-27

51 Sue Charlesworth v45 24-04 65 Sue Higham v55 26-28

66 Paul Parkin v65 26-30

Summer Handicap 26th June

1 Chris Deacon 29-57

2 Geoff Dimelow v55 29-42

3 Rob Chitoriski v55 30-17

4 Stan Halstead 29-57

5 Nick Morris 27-16

6 Stuart Woodhead v55 28-33 7 Julie Moxon 32-50

8 Brent Lindsay v45 31-16

9 Bob Innes v55 29-06

10 Trish Mellor v50 32-55

11 Anne Beresford v40 32-10

12 Ray Brown v65 34-12

13 Keith Gordon v60 32-05

14 Kim Porteous v45 41-26

15 Dean Allcroft 34-00

16 Valentina Wright v40 35-05

17 Andy Plummer v50 32-40

18 Bernice Nixon v50 32-40 19 Colin Porteous v45 33-28

20 Sue Higham v55 35-13

21 Ellen Brookes 41-32

22 Lorraine Tazzyman v50 41-32

23 Jane Cockerton v45 34-12

24 Barbara Haigh v60 35-47

25 Julie Buckley v50 35-47

26 Gill Wolff v65 38-35

27 Sarah Phelan 33-54

28 Caryl Skene v45 39-19

29 Sarah Mann v40 38-38 30 Steve Burgess 35-56

31 Tracy kemp 36-55

32 Nicky Spinks v40 33-27

33 David Horsfall V70 48-37

Hepworth Dryad 28th June

7 Martin Booth v45 34-10

16 Julie Buckley v50 36-31

Spencers Dash 1st July

1 Luke Field 21-18

2 Lee Storey 22-02

9 Rob Lees 23-28 17 Julie Buckley v50 24-26

40 Ian Wragg v45 28-04

48 Julie Moxon 30-24

51 Leah James 31-05

52 David Lockwood 31-05

57 Phil Buckley v50 33-33

58 Peter Davison 35-07

Hope Fell Race 1st July

1 Lloyd Taggert 41-18

25 Martin Booth v45 50-59 31 Richard Mackie 52-32

52 Ian Charlesworth v45 54-36

96 Wayne Parkinson v45 58-48

100 Pete Stanley v50 58-55

106 Nick Morris 59-19

126 Bob Innes v55 61-10

131 Stuart Woodhead v50 61-48

134 Geoff Dimelow v55 62-14

146 Dave Foster v55 62-52

170 Anne Beresford v40 65-09

173 Nick Whittingham v55 65-36 176 Keith Gordon v60 66-12

180 Ray Brown v65 66-29

182 Katy Davis 66-54

200 Barbara Haigh v60 69-26

201 Jane Cockerton v45 69-45

205 Tracy Kemp 70-01

210 Sue Charlesworth v45 70-41

241 Paul Parkin v65 82-05

243 Sue Higham v55 82-31

Birdsedge Chase 5th July

1 Luke Field 35-37

4 Gary Dean 38-17

5 Martin Booth v45 38-27

9 Jim Bell v45 40-57

45 Ray Brown v65 50-30

Saunders Mountain Marathon 5/6

July Kirkfell Class

16 Simon Rippon 10-25-47

Ian Charlesworth

57 Brent Lindsay 12-50-56

Keith Wakeley

Harter Class

58 Sue Charlesworth 10-42-54

Sarah Halstead

61 Stuart Woodhead 10-49-00

Geoff Dimelow

Hathersage Fell 6th July

1 Stuart Bond 30-15

97 Wayne Parkinson v45 41-49

117 Peter Davison 43-34

134 Paul Griffiths v45 44-59

Thurlstone Chase 11th July

1 Shaun Dimelow 22-54

6 Martin Booth v45 26-33

8 Richard Mackie 26-54

10 Gary Dean 27-14

11 Steve Roebuck 27-17 14 Ian Charlesworth v45 27-43

19 Julie Buckley v50 29-13

21 Wayne Parkinson v45 29-39

23 Stauart Woodhead v50 29-58

25 Alex Simon v40 30-18

26 Ellie Bishop 30-21

27 Bob Innes v55 30-22

28 Andy Green v40 30-26

29 Pete Stanley v50 30-27

33 Jofhn Rowe v40 31-04

34 Alan Knox v55 31-08 36 Kelvin Bowskill v50 31-13

39 Mark Bishop v40 31-34

42 Dave Foster v55 31-41

44 Geoff Dimelow v55 32-05

46 Peter Davison 32-14

47 Katy Davis 32-19

48 Steve Millwood v60 32-36

50 Craig Birchall 32-47

51 Nick Whittingham v55 32-49

52 Andy Plummer v50 32-51

53 Rob Chitoriski v55 32-57

54 Paul Griffiths v45 33-19 55 Keith Gordon v60 33-32

57 Sue Charlesworth v45 33-46

59 Anne Beresford v40 34-06

60 Bernice Nixon v50 34-14

61 Sarah Halstead v40 34-21

63 Sarah Phelan 34-39

64 Colin Porteous v50 34-50

65 Julie Moxon 35-01

67 Brent Lindsay v45 35-13

69 Tracy Kemp 35-20

70 Ray Brown v65 35-39 73 Jane Cockerton v45 36-45

74 Sue Higham v55 37-18

77 Paul Parkin v65 38-56

80 Kim Porteous v50 45-18

81 Caroline Dean 48-04

82 David Horsfall v70 56-26

Broomhead Chase 12th July

1 Richard Wren 28-12

12 Richard Mackie 31-59 24 Ian Charlesworth v45 33-18

Page 19: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


31 Pete Stanley v50 34-23

32 Gary Dean 34-42

34 John Rowe v40 34-56

38 Kelvin Bowskill v50 35-32

39 wayne Parkinson v45 36-11 42 Andy Green 36-31

43 Stuart Woodhead v50 36-38

44 Alan Knox v55 36-40

46 Geoff Dimelow v55 37-10

48 Peter Davison 37-29

53 Dave Foster v55 38-17

55 Bob Innes v55 38-52

57 Andy Plummer v50 39-07

58 Brent Lindsay v45 39-11

60 Paul Griffiths v45 39-41

61 Ray Brown v65 39-48

62 Anne Beresford v40 39-59 65 Keith Gordon v60 40-19

66 Barbara Haigh v60 40-30

67 Craig Birchall 40-34

68 Bernice Nixon v50 41-02

69 Sarah Phelan 41-16

74 Sue Charlesworth v45 41-52

76 Julie Moxon 42-32

78 Jane Cockerton v45 42-55

83 Paul Millward v45 44-21

87 Sarah Mann v40 51-48

88 Paul Parkin v65 52-57 89 Kim Porteous v50 55-17

90 Colin Porteous v50 55-17

Trunce 13th July

1 Callum Gilhooley 25-05

8 Phil Hinchliffe 27-14

12 Ricky Sunman 27-30

24 Shaun Walker v40 29-01

42 Gary Dean 30-16

51 Richard Mackie 31-33

58 Pete Stanley v50 31-59 66 Adie Baker 32-30

70 Alex Simon v40 32-47

71 Wayne Parkinson v45 32-48

81 Stuart Woodhead v50 34-19

82 Ian Wragg v45 34-26

85 Alan Knox v55 34-44

93 Dave Foster v55 35-24

94 Andy Green 35-29

96 Geoff Dimelow v55 35-36

98 Peter Davison 35-49

111 Steve Frith v55 35-34 115 Craig Birchall 37-12

128 Bob Innes v55 38-01

134 Anne Beresford v40 38-25

138 Brent Lindsay v45 38-39

141 Colin Porteous v50 38-57

143 Keith Gordon v60 39-06

148 Bernice Nixon v50 39-35

154 Sue Charlesworth v45 40-14

156 Ray Brown v65 40-30

157 Jane Cockerton v45 40-36

159 Chris Phelan 40-43

175 Sue Higham v55 43-18

210 Anne Blain v45 50-59

213 Kim Porteous v50 53-20

Doncaster 5K 15th July

Vets Race

6 Tony Wright v40 17-14 CR

82 Rob Chitoriski v55 21-37

151 Valentina Wright v40 26-32

Holme Moss Fell Race 19th July

1 Jon Morgan 2-49-55

27 Ian Charlesworth v45 3-35-46

40 Andy Green v40 3-53-47

62 Geoff Dimelow v55 4-24-19

Stoney Middleton Fell Race 23rd July

1 Stuart Bond 31-41

17 Damian Kilpin 37-16

72 Stuart Woodhead v50 42-56

74 Adie Baker v40 43-17

89 Geoff Dimelow v55 44-55

111 Peter Davison 47-14

116 Dean Furniss v40 47-47

118 Brent Lindsay v45 47-59 124 Craig Birchall 48-50

Hogsbreath Race 26th July

1 Kev Saville 25-05

6 Ian Charlesworth v45 26-14

9 Simon Rippon v45 26-38

14 Nicky Spinks v40 27-15

16 Mark Pearce v40 27-22

18 John Rowe v40 27-38

20 Martyn Goodwin v45 28-00

21 Dave Foster v55 28-16 22 Andy Plummer v50 28-27

24 Brent Lindsay v45 29-11

25 Anne Beresford v40 29-45

27 Nick Whittingham v55 30-09

29 Bob Innes v55 30-53

32 Ian Wragg v45 31-22

33 Ray Brown v65 31-27

35 Geoff Dimelow v55 31-46

36 Sue Charlesworth v45 31-51

37 Barbara Haigh v60 31-59

40 Jane Cockerton v45 33-15 44 Stuart Woodhead v50 35-15

48 Sarah Mann v40 36-09

49 Rosie Burgess 36-25

50 Paul Parkin v65 36-45

51 Steve Burgess 37-45

52 Zak Cable 38-17

55 Jane Foster v55 46-47

56 Jill Davis v50 46-47

58 Debs Cable v45 49-49

59 Josh Cable 50-02

60 Nick Cable v40 50-08

Reindeer Romp 30th July

11 Lee Storey 18-32

15 Steve Storey v50 19-12

20 Ian Charlesworth v45 19-39 36 Stuart Woodhead v50 21-15

44 Nicky Spinks v40 22-03

53 Peter Davison 22-40

54 Ian Wragg v45 22-43

58 Geoff Dimelow v55 22-55

60 Dean Furniss v40 23-10

67 Sue Charlesworth v45 23-56

72 ray Brown v65 24-49

80 Dave Jeffery v60 25-21

100 Paul Parkin v65 28-31

Trunce 3rd August

1 Rob Little 24-32

9 Tony Wright v40 27-25

12 Damian Kilpin 27-51

21 Jim Bell v45 28-45

22 Shaun Walker v40 29-03

24 Phil Hinchliffe 29-17

49 Andy Green v40 32-27

59 Stuart Woodhead v50 33-23

77 Peter Davison 35-18

78 Dean Furniss v40 35-22 84 Ian Wragg v45 35-56

86 Geoff Dimelow v55 36-02

92 Nick Whittingham v55 36-25

93 Paul Griffiths v45 36-26

99 Steve Frith v55 36-55

103 Craig Birchall 37-19

116 Keith Gordon v60 38-34

126 Dave Jeffery v60 40-58

128 Leah James 41-25

129 David Lockwood 41-26

136 Sue Higham v55 44-03

144 Sarah Mann v40 46-52 160 Simon Town 54-19

Bradwell Fell Race 4th August

1 Stuart Bond 25-50

49 Nick Morris 32-38

133 David Horsfall v70 59-07

Spencers Dash 5th August

1 Shaun Dimelow 19-56 3 Lee Storey 22-17

4 Rob Lees 22-55

6 Martin Booth v45 23002

13 Steve Storey v50 23-34

14 Jim Bell v45 23-36

19 Julie Buckley v50 24-04

25 Damian Kilpin 25-11

27 Alex Simon v40 25-15

30 Stuart Woodhead v50 25-41

32 Steve Frith v55 26-01

42 Ian Wragg v45 27-22

Page 20: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners


47 Alan Whittaker v40 28-04

52 Peter Davison 28-20

54 Keith Gordon v60 28-29

61 Julie Moxon 29-24

64 Phill Buckley v50 30-21 67 Dave Jeffery v60 30-55

69 Leah James 31-53

70 David Lockwood 31-53

Cracken Edge Fell Race 6th August

23 Lee Storey 50-27

53 Ian Charlesworth v45 54-57

Nicky Spinks v40 58-00

101 Pete Stanley v50 60-01

124 Stuart Woodhead v50 62-33

153 Nick Whittingham v55 66-21 155 Paul Griffiths v45 66-26

165 Dean Furniss v40 67-32

176 Peter Davison 69-02

180 Brent Lindsay v45 69-57

183 Ray Brown v65 70-21

184 Keith Gordon v60 70-56

189 Barbara Haigh v60 71-49

195 Bernice Nixon v50 72-52

Askern 10 Mile 9th August

1 Andrew Pearson 51-20

68 Steve Frith v55 67-24 CR

118 Stuart Woodhead v50 73-58

181 Matt Burton 80-24

231 Tracy Kemp 87-29

242 Julie Moxon 88-24

264 Leah James 91-24

265 David Lockwood 91-25

York Millenium 5K 11th August

Julie Buckley v50 18-49

Phil Buckley v50 23-08

Stickleback Horseshoe Fell 15th Aug

33 Andy Plummer v50 1-43-07

Trunce 17th August

1 Callum Gilhouley 24-37

25 Damian Kilpin 28-28

31 Richard Mackie 28-59 33 Jim Bell v45 29-12

36 Mark Law v40 29-37

49 Nick Morris 31-12

51 Adie Baker v40 31-34

55 Wayne Parkinson v45 31-50

69 Stuart Woodhead v50 32-47

78 Alan Knox v55 33-49

85 Peter Davison 34-07

97 Nick Whittingham v55 34-53

102 Ian Wragg v45 35-17

105 Dave Foster v55 35-28 123 Colin Porteous v50 37-02

124 Sarah Phelan 37-05

138 Keith Gordon v60 37-57

145 Dave Jeffery v60 38-54

165 Anna Phillips 41-40

181 Ann Blain v50 47-32 182 Kim Porteous v50 47-38

Junior Trunce

1 Tom Hutton 15-42 10 Kai Sunman 18-12

12 Joe Law 18-28

16 Chris Law 19-17

23 Rhiana Bamford 21-09

26 Chris Morris 21-50

28 Alex Hayes 23-08

33 Emily Phelan 25-46

Denis Stitt Fell 20th August

1 Matthew Roberts 30-02 12 Steve Roebuck 33-54

16 Richard Mackie 35-04

21 Martin Booth v45 36-18

24 Steve Frith v55 37-18

30 Andy Green v40 38-23

34 Nick Morris 39-22

36 Stuart Woodhead v50 39-35

37 Pete Stanley v50 39-37

44 Bob Innes v55 41-15

46 Dave Foster v55 41-21

51 Geoff Dimelow v55 41-59

57 Nick Whittingham v55 42-34 65 Ray Brown v65 43-17

68 Jane Cockerton v45 44-41

71 Barbara Haigh v60 45-10

72 Bernice Nixon v50 45-12

73 Craig Birchall 45-19

76 Ian Wragg v45 46-25

78 Colin Porteous v50 46-52

86 Sue Higham v55 49-32

87 Dean Alcroft 50-00

Sedburgh Fell Race 24th August

48 Nicky Spinks v40 3-00-47

Reindeer Romp Relays 27th August

Men and vet ladies take team awards.

Leg 1

Rob Lees 11-32

Steve Storey v50 11-56

Steve Frith v55 13-22

Peter Davison 14-04 Dave Foster v55 14-42

Sue Charlesworth v45 15-37

Leg 2

Lee Storey 11-33

Ian Charlesworth v45 12-23

Nicky Spinks v40 13-46

Craig Birchall 14-31

Geoff Dimelow v55 14-33

Paul Parkin v65 17-17

Leg 3 Steve Roebuck 11-21

Damian Kilpin 12-15

Stuart Woodhead v50 12-29

Dean Furniss v40 14-09

Colin Porteous v50 14-40

Sue Higham v55 16-37

Chesterfield 10 Mile 31st August

69 Stuart Woodhead v50 72-42

150 Geoff Dimelow v55 81-32

169 Craig Birchall 82-31

Spencers Dash 2nd September

3 Lee Storey 22-09

4 Rob Lees 22-35

6 Steve Roebuck 22-46

13 Julie Buckley v50 24-08

15 Steve Frith v55 24-25

19 Alex Simon v40 25-42

20 Jim Bell v45 26-06

21 Stuart Woodhead v50 26-11 25 David Lees 26-52

26 Matt Burton 26-55

32 Ian Wragg v45 27-37

35 Peter Davison 28-29

37 Geoff Dimelow v55 28-36

46 Julie Moxon 29-58

50 Sarah Phelan 30-34

51 Phil Dimelow 30-43

Longshaw Fell Race 5th September

32 Adie Baker v40 51-55 51 Stuart Woodhead v50 57-24

73 Gary Dean 61-03

Major Stone Half Marathon 6th Sep-


Geoff Dimelow v55 1-45-05

Sandal Castle 10K 6th September

123 Peter Davison 46-56

Exterminator 6th September

1 Matt Crane 2-12-05

11 Jim Bell v45 2-24-19

13 Steve Storey v50 2-25-01

39 Ian Charlesworth v45 2-43-50

136 Barbara Haigh v60 3-22-31

141 Ray Brown v65 3-25-08

145 Bob Innes v55 3-27-07 146 Jane Cockerton v45 3-27-16

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T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - O N E

Trunce 7th September

1 Nick Swift 24-47

25 Alex Simon v40 29-22

36 Lee Storey 30-20 38 Steve Storey v50 30-44

41 Adie Baker v40 31-03

44 Joe Mann 30-56

47 Nick Morris 31-04

57 Wayne Parkinson v45 32-01

59 Stuart Woodhead v50 32-20

67 Alan Knox v55 33-00

83 Gary Dean 34-33

85 Dave Foster v55 34-50

95 Ian Wragg v45 35-14

101 Geoff Dimelow v55 35-46

104 Phil Hinchliffe 35-59 113 Martyn Goodwin v45 37-07

126 Anne Beresford v40 37-49

130 Keith Gordon v60 37-58

139 Nick Cable v40 39-11

148 Nick Whittingham v55 39-57

150 Peter Davison 40-12

156 Lisa Hinchliffe 41-27

163 Sue Higham v60 42-26

171 Jim Bell v45 43-26

179 Sarah Mann v40 44-52

190 Nicola Skegg 47-28 197 Ellen Brookes 50-06

198 Simon Town 51-37

199 Joe Mann 51-40

Junior Trunce 1 Tom Hutton 15-24

13 Kai Sunman 18-45

15 Joe Law 19-00

16 Chris Law 19-17 pb

28 Chris Morris 21-06

42 Joe Wood 51-40

44 Alex Hayes 23-45

45 Emily Phelan 25-16 pb

Show Race 12th September

1 Dave Thompson 34-39

5 Lee Storey 36-56

9 Martin Booth v45 38-58

12 Gary Dean 39-14

14 Steve Storey v50 39-21

19 Julie Buckley v50 40-03

22 Richard Mackie 40-51

23 Alex Simon v40 41-09

27 Lee Morfitt v40 41-37

33 Joe Mann 42-32

36 Wayne Parkinson v45 42-49 43 Steve Sanders 43-20

47 Stuart Woodhead v50 43-49

50 Alan Knox v55 43-58

56 Dave Lees 44-26

58 Bob Innes v55 44-40

65 John Rowe v40 45-42

77 Geoff Dimelow v55 46-54

83 Nick Whittingham v55 47-15

88 Keith Gordon v60 47-57

101 Pete Davison 48-26

105 Keith Wakeley 48-37 107 Craig Birchall 48-49

108 Dave Foster v55 48-52

110 Steve Millwood v60 48-59

117 Julie Moxon 49-26

123 Ray Brown v65 49-48

127 Sarah Halstead v40 50-07

130 Hayden Platts v45 50-16

133 Dean Alcroft v40 50-31

134 Tracy Kemp 50-32

140 Jane Cockerton v45 50-43

141 Bernice Nixon v55 50-46

154 Trish Mellor v50 52-09 156 Ian Wragg v45 52-22

164 Barbara Haigh v60 52-55

171 Jackie Armitage v40 53-41

176 Paul Millward v45 54-41

179 Tony Turner v50 54-44

190 Janet Proctor v40 55-33

191 Paul Parkin v65 55-42

192 Jo Sjelbourne 55-44

193 Lisa Hinchliffe 56-00

201 Sarah Mann v40 56-57

213 Emily Grobler 57-55 219 Ailsa Park 59-00

225 Sarah Jones-Morris 60-33

228 Lynn Hoyland v40 60-59

229 Julie Robinson v40 61-04

236 Anne Blaine v50 63-25

239 Nicola Skegg v45 65-47

245 Gillian Tyler v45 68-04

248 Jane Foster v55 71-10

251 David Horsfall v65 73-48

Notts Half Marathon 13th September

Sarah Phelan 1-50-57

Matt Burton 1-56-32

David Lockwood 1-56-32

Leah James 1-58-30

Lake District Mountain Trial 13th


29K Race

82 Ian Charlesworth 8-20-05

14K Race

21 Simon Rippon 3-42-54

22K Race

6 Nicky Spinks 5-04-19

Silkstone Shuffle 19th September

1 Nick Swift 25-39

3 Lee Storey 27-07

7 Shaun Walker v40 28-11 8 Gary Dean 28-11

18 Julie Buckley v50 30-18

49 Phil Buckley v50 36-30

57 Ray Brown v65 38-00

67 Martyn Cartwright v60 39-09

70 Lisa Hinchliffe 39-52

91 Caroline Dean 52-54

Mini Shuffle 1 Kai Sunman 13-10

9 Holly Hayes 15-43

16 Elizabeth Deacon 20-07

18 Catherine Deacon 21-11

22 Amy Hinchliffe 22-40

Lantern Pike 19th September

1 Simon Coldrick 33-20

25 Martin Booth v45 39-32

34 Richard Mackie 40-18

45 Ian Charlesworth v45 41-45

74 Wayne Parkinson v45 44-02

75 Stuart Woodhead v50 44-16

110 Bob Innes v55 47-05

111 Nick Whittingham v55 47-10

118 Dave Foster v55 48-02

131 Anne Beresford v40 49-35

156 Ray Brown v65 51-37 158 Barbara Haigh v60 51-37

159 Jane Cockerton v45 52-00

174 Sue Charlesworth v45 53-48

182 Sarah Halstead v40 54-35

197 Sue Higham v60 55-40

Great North Run 20th September

152 Steve Storey v50 1-22-31

234 Rob Lees 1-25-00

697 Dave Mann 1-31-23 2289 Nick Morris 1-40-18

2780 Geoff Dimelow v55 1-42-01

6412 Danny Batty v65 1-51-25

14088 Nicola Warhurst v40 2-40-40

27303 Helen Shirley 2-29-04

30177 Lesley Storey v50 2-36-48

Langdale Half Marathon 20th Septem-


145 Craig Birchall 1-51-05 271 Pete Davison 2-08-18

Stanage Struggle 20th September

115 Adie Baker v40 53-24

190 Kelvin Bowskill v55 59-02

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T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - T W O

Senior Winter Handicap 22nd Sep-


1 Ellen Brookes 48-16

2 Steve Frith v55 29-39 3 Mark Law v40 29-10

4 Dave Lees 32-07

5 Steve Roebuck 26-40

6 Jane Foster v55 50-45

7 Chris Deacon 34-19

8 Mark Pearce v40 32-17

9 Nick Morris 31-49

10 Peter Davison 35-40

11 Julie Moxon 36-12

12 Lee Storey 27-28

13 Joe Mann 31-17

14 Barbara Haigh v60 38-52 15 Simon Town 47-21

16 Steve Sanders 32-08

17 Paul Parkin v65 40-58

18 Javkie Armitage v40 40-31

19 Janet Proctor v40 41-02

20 Julie Buckley v50 30-18

21 Richard Mackie 30-33

22 Sarah Jones-Morris 44-35

23 Anne Blain v50 46-53

24 Geoff Dimelow v55 34-57

25 Stuart Woodhead v50 32-47 26 Kelvin Bowskill v55 33-49

27 Jane Cockerton v45 37-50

28 Nell Law v40 41-28

29 Tony Wright v40 28-58

30 Bernice Nixon v55 37-59

31 Tracy Kemp 37-59

32 Shaun Walker v40 29-45

33 Sarah Mann v40 42-40

34 John Howsham v45 35-25

35 Dean Alcroft 38-35

36 Jim Bell v45 30-38

37 Sarah Phelan 37-35 38 Jill Tyler v45 50-04

39 Rob Lees 30-22

40 Melissa Stansfield 37-56

41 Steve Millwood v60 38-06

42 Phil Buckley v50 37-26

43 Jackie Hetherington 39-35

44 Martyn Cartwright v60 38-07

45 Pete Stanley v50 36-50

46 Brent Lindsay v45 39-42

47 Craig Birchall 42-45

48 Steve Storey v50 38-15

Oxspring Trail Race 26th September

1 Pete Mirlees 28-35

3 Martin Booth v45 29-34

9 Julie Buckley v50 31-39

11 Steve Sanders 32-16

24 Martyn Cartwright v60 38-14

30 Lisa Hinchliffe 41-14

Grin and Bear It 3rd October

1 Andy Beanland 2-14-51

4 Jim Bell v45 2-33-46

6 Simon Rippon v40 2-37-54 14 Steve Frith v55 2-50-50

19 John Rowe v40 2-51-23

24 Mark Pearce v40 2-53-14

33 Alex Simon v40 3-09-57

36 Alan Knox v55 3-10-14

37 Stuart Woodhead v50 3-10-19

42 Peter Davison 3-26-35

48 Barbara Haigh v60 3-27-24

50 Matt Burton 3-28-50

58=Sarah Halstead v40 3-31-26

58=Tracy Kemp 3-21-26

58=Sarah Phelan 3-51-26

Woodland Challenge 11th October

4 Lee Storey 38-39

13 Martin Booth v45 40-46

19 Richard Mackie 41-55

22 Ian Charlesworth v45 42-27

23 Nick Morris 42-30

24 Julie Buckley v50 42-33

37 Stuart Woodhead v50 44-26

57 Bob Innes v55 47-08 64 Geoff Dimelow v55 47-50

72 Matt Burton 48-28

85 Nick Whittingham v55 49-03

97 Dave Foster v55 50-05

104 Ian Wragg v45 50-44

105 Keith Gordon v60 50-47

107 Phil Buckley v50 51-05

109 Sue Charlesworth v45 51-12

111 Ray Brown v65 51-27

112 Craig Birchall 51-30

116 Anne Beresford v40 51-42

119 Sarah Phelan 52-02 125 Colin Porteous v50 52=37

127 Leah James 52-41

132 Jane Cockerton v45 52-57

134 David Lockwood 53-02

139 Barbara Haigh v60 53-24

147 Julie Moxon 54-27

148 Chris Phelan v40 54-30

153 Sue Higham v60 55-21

155 Jackie Hetherington 55-30

172 Steve Millwood v60 57-16

208 Sarah Jones-Morris 57-16 235 Kim Porteous v50 68-27

Leicester Half Marathon 11th October

37 Gary Dean 1-22-48

Winter Handicap 13th October

1 Chris Deacon v45 33-01

2 John Howsham` v45 34-12

3 Diane Bent v50 48-32

4 Dave Lees 30-49

5 Ellen Brookes 48-11

6 Andrew Shiel 33-58

7 Kelvin Bowskill v55 32-33 8 Joe Mann 30-09

9 Sue Higham v60 39-28

10 Nick Morris 31-00

11 Steve Sanders 31-26

12 Trish Mellor v50 37-43

13 Keith Wakeley 34-59

14 Shaun Walker v40 28-46

15 Ian Winterburn 28-16

16 Anne Blain v50 45-48

17 Ade Baker v40 32-21

18 Steve Frith v55 30-07

19 Stuart Woodhead v50 32-26 20 Steve Roebuck 26-46

21 Sarah Jones-Morris 44-02

22 Julie Buckley v50 29-48

23 Melissa Stansfield 37-59

24 Ailsa Park 43-18

25 Gill Tyler v45 49-57

26 Dave Foster v55 35-19

27 Alan Knox v55 33-22

28 Steve Millwood v60 37-41

29 Ian Wragg v45 35-17

30 Jackie Armitage v40 40-24 31 Bernice Nixon v50 38-27

32 Lee Storey 27-58

33 Martin Booth v45 29-36

34 Barbara Haigh v60 39-39

35 Dean Furniss v40 36-42

36 Pete Stanley v50 35-25

37 Sarah Halstead v40 37-57

38 Julie Moxon 37-14

39 Jane Cockerton v45 38-35

40 Dean Alcroft 39-12

41 Geoff Dimelow v55 36-21

42 Sarah Phelan 38-39 43 Jane Foster v55 53-15

44 Phil Buckley v50 37-49

45 Brent Lindsay v45 37-37

46 Colin Porteous v50 37-48

47 Caryl Skene v45 46-28

48 Gill Wolff v65 46-29

49 Alex Simon v40 34-18

50 Mark Harrison v40 46-51

Bridlington Half Marathon 18th Octo-


65 Steve Frith v55 1-27-59 CR

115 Alex Simon v40 1-33-00

British Fell Relay 18th October


leg 1 Steve Roebuck 44-35

leg 2 Ricki Sunman } 1-14-45

leg 2 Shaun Walker }

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T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - T H R E E

leg 3 Mark Pearce } 1-43-06

leg 3 Ian Charlesworth }

leg 4 Simon Rippon 49-02

117 leg 1 Stuart Woodhead 57-00

leg 2 Keith Gordon } 1-40-30

leg 2 Ray Brown }

leg 3 Nick Whittingham} 2-10-01

leg 3 Geoff Dimelow }

leg 4 Dave Foster 1-16-05


leg 1 Bernice Nixon 1-02-51

leg 2 Sarah Phelan } 1-51-35

leg 2 Sarah Halstead }

leg 3 John Rowe } 2-06-57 leg 3 Brent Lindsay }

leg 4 Anne Beresford 1-08-21

Bradford 10 Mile 18th October

83 Kelvin Bowskill v55 1-11-35

OMM 24/25th October

Long Score

45 Ian Charlesworth 530pt Geoff Dimelow

80 Nick Whittingham 460 pt

John Rowe

C Class

54 Brent Lindsay 8-57-54

Keith Wakeley

193 Sarah Halstead 11-31-38

Sue Charlesworth

SYCCL Kimberworth 25th October

Senior Men

9 Steve Roebuck 27-17

38 Gabe Lowrie 27-17

46 Martin Booth v45 29-50

49 Gary Dean 30-06

62 Dom Brook 31-13

64 Mark Law v40 31-34

108 Bob Innes v55 34-06

122 Dave Foster v55 36-15 124 Keith Gordon v60 36-34

129 Phil Buckley v50 37-13

Senior Women

4 Julie Buckley v50 18-23

35 Jane Cockerton v45 23-26

36 Barbara Haigh v60 23-30

45 Denise Pozorski v45 29-20

Men v65

5 David Horsfall 33-18

u/13 Boys

6 Kai Sunman 12-06 13 Chris Law 13-04

16 Joe Law 13-44

u/11 Girls

4 Ellie Sunman 6-05

16 Holly Hayes 6-43

25 Lucy Clough 7-29

27 Emily Phelan 7-46

32 Ania Pozorski 9-09

Worksop ½ Marathon 25th October

1 Joel Jameson 1-13-23

38 Rob Lees 1-23-36

170 Nick Morris 1-33-09

189 Stuart Woodhead v50 1-34-14

565 Katherine Smythe 1-45-52

669 Ian Wragg v45 1-48-51

759 Sarah Phelan 1-51-14

780 Gary Birchall 1-51-40

860 Sue Higham v60 1-53-40

909 Jackie Armitage 1-55-02

944 Colin Porteous v50 1-55-54 1007 Jackie Hetherington 1-57-38

1136 Paul Parkin v65 2-01-58

1154 Chris Phelan v40 2-02-34

1179 Emily Grobler 2-03-32

1185 Melissa Stansfield 2-03-45

1376 Gina Grobler v50 2-11-38

1547 Dean Alcroft 2-25-01

Holmfirth 15 25th October

35 Steve Frith v55 1-43-14 CR

67 Alex Simon v40 1-52-36 76 Matt Burton 1-55-22

128 David Lockwood v40 2-08-57

129 Leah James 2-08-57

160 Caryl Skene v45 2-27-08

164 Gill Wolff v65 2-34-17 CR

Winter Handicap 3rd November

1 Diane Bent v50 45-49

2 Alex Simon v40 31-09

3 Emma Wolff 37-27 4 Steve Storey v50 30-17

5 Rob Lees 29-00

6 John Howsham v45 33-12

7 Caryl Skene v45 45-22

8 Alan Knox v55 32-39

9 Gill Wolff v65 45-25

10 Steve Roebuck 26-34

11 Sarah Jones-Morris 42-59

12 Craig Birchall 36-47

13 Lee Storey 27-33

14 Dave Foster v55 35-51

15 Jackie Hetherington 38-45

16 Janet Proctor v40 39-46

17 Pete Stanley v50 34-48

18 Martyn Booth v45 29-34 19 Julie Buckley v50 29-51

20 Nick Whittingham v55 35-22

21 Mark Pearce v40 32-24

22 Mark Law v40 29-25

23 Ian Wragg v45 34-57

24 Jackie Armitage v40 39-50

25 Adrian Baker v45 32-12

26 Jill Tyler v45 48-52

27 Denise Pozorski v45 48-10

28 Maxine Deacon v40 43-57

29 Chris Deacon v45 33-28

30 Jane Cockerton v45 38-31 31 Dean Furniss v40 37-15

32 Colin Porteous v50 37-18

33 Bernice Nixon v55 38-43

34 Steve Frith v55 31-00

35 Nick Morris 32-14

36 Brent Lindsay v45 37-48

37 Sue Higham v60 40-12

38 Julie Moxon 38-54

39 Melissa Stansfield 39-27

40 Ray Brown v65 39-36

41 Nell Law v40 43-12 42 Simon Roberts v40 34-14

43 Rob Chitoriski v55 36-39

44 Sarah Mann v40 46-16

45 Joe Mann 34-45

46 Paul Parkin v65 45-13

47 Colin Loyns v40 43-24

DNF Kelvin Bowskill

SYCC Longley Park 8th November


1 Alex Smith 35-15 16 Steve Roebuck 38-07

20 Gabe Lowrie 38-43

50 Martin Booth v45 42-05

60 Mark Law v40 43-04

64 Gary Dean 43-34

71 Dom Brook 44-59

111 Bob Innes v55 49-00

119 Dave Foster v55 49-56

124 Ian Wragg v45 50-56

129 Craig Birchall 51-52

Men v65

5 David Horsfall 47-39


1 Sarah McCormack 24-32

23 Sue Charlesworth v45 31-12

41 Sue Higham v60 34-35

53 Denise Pozorski v45 40-03

Page 24: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners

T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - F O U R

u/11 Girls

10 Holly Hayes 6-10

26 Lucy Clough 6-58

34 Emily Phelan 7-41

36 Anai Pozorski 8-34

u/13 Boys

13 Chris Law 16-14

15 Joe Law 16-46

British & Irish XC International 14

Nov Julie Buckley finishes 3rd Lady v50 in

her International debut at Perry Hill,

Birmingham, finishing 25th overall in 25


Meltham Cop 15th November

16 Damian Kilpin 42-40

38 Alan Knox v55 49-22

40 Steve Frith v55 49-54

53 Pete Stanley v50 51-48

Barnsley 10K 15th November

1 Mark Buckingham 31-37

17 Lee Storey 36-13

43 Martin Booth v45 38-26

76 Lee Morfitt v40 39-55 84 Alex Simon v40 40-19

86 Steve Frith v55 40-22 CR

137 Nick Morris 42-00

157 Richard Mackie 42-28

197 Bob Innes v55 43-44

216 John Howsham v45 44-09

219 Pete Stanley v50 44-21

224 Stuart Woodhead v50 44-45

301 Ian Wragg v45 46-28

315 Dave Foster v55 46-46

322 Kath Goldthorpe 46-54

325 Emma Wolff 46-57 326 Keith Gordon v60 46-57

364 Craig Birchall 47-55

392 Steve Millwood v60 48-41

412 Ray Brown v65 48-50

440 Jane Cockerton v45 50-04

485 Tony Turner v50 51-13

490 Sue Higham v60 51-06

524 Emily Grobler 52-11

553 Jackie Hetherington 53-20

554 Colin Loyns v40 53-21

556 Paul Parkin v65 53-26 622 Ailsa Park 55-17

645 Caryl Skene v50 55-56

602 Gill Wolff v65 57-25

723 Gina Grobler v50 58-576

763 Denise Pozorski v45 60-42

838 Helen Shirley 65-08

839 Jane Foster v55 65-36

852 David Horsfall v70 78-01

Tour of Pendle 21st November

126 Ian Charlesworth v40 3-21-04

270 Brent Lindsay v45 4-18-59

299 Paul Griffiths v45 5-21-03

SYCC Doncaster 22nd November


1 Abdirisak Ahmed 38-23

21 Steve Roebuck 43-16

46 Martin Booth v45 46-31

58 Gary Dean 47-27

60 Mark Law v40 47-33 105 Stuart Woodhead v50 53-42

111 Bob Innes v55 54-32

118 Dave Foster v55 56-36

122 Craig Birchall 57-36

124 Phil Buckley v50 59-12


1 Natalie Grant 27-07

9 Julie Buckley v50 29-59

28 Sue Charlesworth v45 35-11

37 Jane Cockerton v45 37-19 40 Sue Higham v60 38-32

52 Denise Pozorski v45 43-36

Men v65

4 Ray Brown 36-41

6 David Horsfall 55-59

u/11 Girls

4 Ellie Sunman 8-10

12 Holly Hayes 8-33

20 Lucy Clough 9-23

33 Emily Phelan 10-47 35 Ania Pozorski 11-21

u/13 Boys

5 Kai Sunman 18-11

14 Chris Law 20-41

15 Joe Law 21-38

Winter handicap 24th November

1. Simon Town 44-54

2. Colin Lyons 39-59 3. Ailsa Park 41-21

4. Nick Cable 36-14

5. Emma Wolff 35.47

6. Craig Birchall 35-39

8. Denise Pozorski 47-31

9. Pete Stanley 34-44

10. Rob Lees 28-50

11. Alan Knox 32-41

12. Jane Cockerton 38-17

13. Dean Furniss 36-51

14. Brent Lindsay37-53

15. Nick Morris 31-58

16.Janet Proctor 40-00

17. Adrian Baker 32-01

18. Steven Roebuck 26-47 19. Caryl Skene 45-39

20. Nick Whittingham 35-40

21. Mark Law 29-41

22. Martyn Booth 29-57

23. Ray Brown 39-43

24. Mark Pearce 32-44

25. Chris Deacon 33-30

26. Joe Mann 30-46

27. Steve Sanders 32-17

28. Stuart Woodhead 33-19

29. Colin Porteous 38-00

30. Shaun Walker 29-50 31. Bernice Nixon 38-53

32. Barbara Haigh 39-55

33. Alex Simon 31-56

34. Steve Frith 31-00

35. Sarah Phelan 39-02

36. Anne Blaine 46-52

37. Chris Pollard 39-13

38. Julie Moxon 38-17

39. Sarah Halstead 39-18

40. Sue Higham 41-06

41. John Howsham 34-38 42. Jackie Hetherington 40-40

43. Steve Millwood 39-27

44. Dave Foster 36:43

45. Paul Parkin 43-59

46. Nell Law 44-06

47. Dean Allcroft 41-46

48. Ellen Brookes 51-50

49. Trish Mellor 41-56

Silkstone Shuffle 28th November

1 Nick Swift 25-20 3 Steve Roebuck 27-35

7 Lee Storey 28-31

11 Shaun Walker v40 29-33

15 Gary Dean 29-59

18 Martin Booth v45 30-33

22 Richard Mackie 31-25

23 Alex Simon v40 31-28

27 Jim Bell v45 31-50

28 Alan Knox v55 31-53

46 Pete Stanley v50 33-48

53 Stuart Woodhead v50 34-23 62 Bob Innes v55 35-17

66 David Lockwood 36-08

70 Emma Wolff 36-48

75 Bernice Nixon v50 37-18

80 Jane Cockerton v45 38-26

93 Lisa Hinchliffe 39-39

95 Barbara Haigh v60 39-55

96 Ray Brown v65 40-00

107 Sue Higham v60 42-01

122 Cas Dean 58-16

Page 25: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners

T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - F I V E

Percy Pud 10K 6th December

167 Nick Morris 41-17

362 Kath Goldthorpe 45-41 626 Michael Raynor 50-45

706 Emily Grobler 52-02

833 Paul Parkin v65 54-10

989 Caryl Skene v50 56-51

1045 Gina Grobler v50 57-44

1058 Gill Wolff v65 57-55

1096 Debra Cable v45 58-40

1429 David Lockwood 69-48

Tankys Trog 6th December

38 Ian Charlesworth v40 3-59-00 72 John Rowe v40 4-19-00

78 Mark Pearce v40 4-21-00

86 Nick Cable v40 4-33-00

102 Nick Whittingham v55 4-43-00

120 Brent Lindsay v45 4-57-00

121 Bernice Nixon v55 4-57-00

122 Alan Knox v55 4-58-00

123 Andy Plummer v50 4-58-00

129 Barbara Haigh v60 5-05-00

137 Anne Beresford v40 5-09-00

141 Geoff Dimelow v55 5-14-00 144 Jane Cockerton v45 5-16-00

145 Bob Innes v55 5-21-00

163 Ray Brown v65 5-41-00

168 Matt Burton 5-50-00

SYCCC Penistone 13th December


1 Darren Middleton 33-13

45 Andy Shelbourne v40 39-25

53 Martin Booth v45 40-10

61 Mark Law v40 40-58

63 Gary Dean 41-23 79 Dom Brook 43-25

86 Pete Stanley v50 43-56

104 Bob Innes v55 46-08

115 Stuart Woodhead v50 47-48

116 Dave Foster v55 48-15

119 Craig Birchall 49-46


1 Julia Russell 21-23

35 Sue Charlesworth v45 29-15

43 Sue Higham v60 32-09 55 Denise Pozorski v45 36-06

u/11 Boys

8 Harry Shelbourne 6-44

u/11 Girls

6 Ellie Sunman 6-41

14 Holly Hayes 6-59

19 Lucy Clough 7-18

30 Emily Phelan 8-10

37 Ania Pozorski 9-10

u/13 Boys

10 Kai Sunman 14-10

14 Chris Law 14-56 15 Joe Law 15-00

Calderdale Way Relay 13th December

89 Ian Charlesworth } 1-31-17

Simon Rippon }

Anne Beresford } 1-30-19

Jane Cockerton }

Barbara Haigh } 54-17

Colin Porteous }

Ray Brown } 1-49-43

Brent Lindsay }

Sarah Halstead } 1-26-17

Nick Whittingham }

Geoff Dimelow } 1-33-23

John Rowe }

Traveller 6 20th December

Men and women take team awards and

women sweep the board in age category


5 Steve Roebuck 37-03

9 Gary Dean 39-28

10 Shaun Walker v40 39-59

12 Martin Booth v45 40-19

14 Mark Law v45 40-59

16 Ian Charlesworth v45 41-29

19 Julie Buckley v50 41-54 22 Jim Bell v45 42-22

26 Steve Sanders 43-29

33 Alan Knox v55 44-28

39 Pete Stanley v50 45-37

42 Alex Simon v40 45-56

45 Nick Whittingham v55 46-47

53 Peter Davison 47-55

60 Geoff Dimelow v55 48-35

62 Craig Birchall 48-40

67 Kath Goldthorpe 49-32

68 Emma Wolff 49-44 70 Phil Buckley v50 49-49

72 Bob Innes v55 49-55

79 Andy Plummer v50 50-39

81 Steve Millwood v60 51-09

82 Sue Charlesworth v45 51-19

85 Sarah Phelan 51-26

87 Jane Cockerton v45 51-35

95 Colin Porteous v50 52-22

99 Barbara Haigh v60 53-00

102 Leah James 53-18

103 David Lockwood 53-19

106 Brent Lindsay v45 53-46

107 Ray Brown v65 53-51

116 Stuart Woodhead v50 55-14

123 Sue Higham v60 56-25 128 Sarah Mann v40 57-44

129 Nell Law 57-48

137 Paul Parkin v65 58-58




762557 or [email protected].

Page 26: The Hill Autumn 2009 for Penistone Footpath Runners

T H E H I L L P A G E T W E N T Y - S I X

And so we draw to a close...........but not for too long!! I‘m hoping to do another edi-

tion in either four or six months time, material dependant.

I‘m hoping you‘ve enjoyed my first foray into editing the mag, please feel free

to comment, criticise and generally badger me to get it how you want it, I‘ve

got plenty of time in the future to make alterations and happy to take sugges-

tions on board!! After all, it‘s the clubs magazine so you can tell me what to

put in and I will!!

So– if you‘d like to change something, donate an article, request an article

(from Jeff Cole) have done a personal best that you want to tell us all about,

a great run that you‘ve enjoyed, some new running experience, or any run-

ning experience in fact -get scribbling and get in touch with me.

You can drop me a line at:

[email protected]

Post me things to:

5 Pengeston Road, Penistone, Sheffield, S36 6GW

Or just hand things to me at the club.


Thanks to Sarah Jones Morris for

these lovely snaps of the Xmas

