Download - The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Page 1: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.
Page 2: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100-1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc….

• Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe as a whole to question everything about the society they had made for themselves- changed the way they saw the world.

• Bad weather (Little Ice Age 1315-1322) meant bad harvests and famine. Famine made people more susceptible to disease

Page 3: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• October 1347 trade ships return to Italy from the Black Sea- with some extra cargo: Bubonic Plague (originated in Asia 1331)

• Spread across Europe like wildfire- anywhere from ¼ to ½ of the population died (varies by area, sanitation issues- or lack therefore- NO help)

• Seemed a biblical judgment, God’s punishment for a sinful world. No effective treatment, no rhyme or reason (from their standpoint) to who got it

• Widespread hysteria- people fled, cities/towns deserted. Witch hunts and pogroms looking for someone to blame

• First wave ends around 1353, reappears intermittently in following decades, 1666 (London), last Marseilles 1721

Page 4: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.
Page 5: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• Devastating to witness, those who survived the age were never the same. Ripped apart social fabric- causing people to question Church and nobility

• In the end, plague makes Europe stronger, it was overpopulated in 1347- this took care of that- redistribution of land, more resources available, better standard of living.

• Also led to greater education (new colleges) and new experimental procedures, clearly the way things had been done not working….

Page 6: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• 1337-1453 Last “medieval” war of knights and chivalry

• 1328 the Capetian dynasty of France was dying out. Queen Isabella of England (and daughter of king of France), said her son Edward III was heir. Good claim, English crown already held Aquitaine.

• French nobility create a law saying heir cannot come through female line- and chose Philip of Valois as new king.

• Edward invades 1337, but this is also a French civil war (part of why it lasts so long) French kings have been centralizing power, nobles don’t like that (some back Edward- like the powerful Burgundians)

Page 7: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• England starts strong. At battle of Crecy 1346 the English longbow men are heroes. Eng. also first to use cannon to break castle sieges. 1357 at Poitiers the King of France is captured and held for ransom. By battle of Agincourt 1415 British victory seems assured.

Page 8: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Joan of Arc born 1412 in Doremy France. “Voices” told her to go to the Dauphin (Charles VII) and make him king, then expel the English from France. So she does. She is a turning point, convinces the French that God wants them to win, that they CAN win. Joan captured by Eng. in 1430 and burned as a heretic in 1431.

Page 9: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

• War promoted Nationalism, but was also a bottomless pit of $$ and manpower. France turned the tide, but it still took 20 years to push the English out.

• England spent a TON of $$- and ended up losing not only their claim to throne, but all their lands in France (stimulated parliament at home)

• France wins, but is devastated even in victory- the country is laid waste. Made king of France more powerful (felt need to control nobles)

Page 10: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Roman Catholic Church was the dominant spiritual force of the middle ages- the only path to heaven. Also had enormous social control and prestige- unquestionable.

The Church will lose both its supremacy and it infallibility by the end of the Middle Ages

Page 11: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

From 1309-1376 the pope lived in Avignon France rather than Rome

Damaged the pope’s prestige- seen as a “puppet” of the French king and Avignon papal court was known for luxury and extravagance (not so holy)

Also caused all sorts of problems in Italy- pope was leader of big chunk (papal states) and he’s not there

Page 12: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

1377 papal conclave, Italian cardinals elect Urban VI, (says he will stay in Italy) But French cardinals choose Clement VII (cousin of Fr. King)

So who is “really” pope? Italy, HRE, and England support Urban. France, Spain and Scotland support Clement.

Split continued until 1417- and cost the church a lot of respect- how can they be “infallible” if they can’t even choose their own leader?

Page 13: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

After Schism people begin calling for reform of the church, saying that pope’s power comes from Christian community (not God) and his role is to serve them (not rule with divine right)

Deposed various popes, installed others (which only added to confusion of the period)

Overall, shows people aren’t just going to accept anymore- precursor to reformation

Page 14: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Europe is on the edge of great change. They have risen from the ashes of catastrophe (destruction of classical world) and about about to begin their climb to world domination.

Page 15: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Most important rite of passage for ordinary people. Marriages of peasants not generally

arranged, but had to be approved by both families.

Men married in their mid 20s, girls in mid/late teens. Not uncommon (or upsetting) to be pregnant when married. No divorce

Problems in late middle ages pushed age of marriage back- which meant people had fewer kids

Page 16: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

The center of rural peasant life (and 75% of Europe is rural at this point) People work the land, either for a lord, church, or common lands, work was generally collective.

Violent entertainment popular: Jousts (for nobles, but peasants watch) archery contests, wrestling, bearbaiting etc… Alcohol (weak beer) commonly drunk- healthier than water

Towns and cities run differently, with guilds to control labor

Page 17: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Nobles seen as “fur collar criminals” exploiting $$ from peasants to maintain their lifestyle. Resentment frequently led to revolt. 1358

“Jacquerie” (in name of “Jacques bonhomme”) sparked by new taxes paid to raise ransom for Fr. King. 1381 Eng. Peasant’s revolt bout taxes to continue fighting in 100 years war. Revolts frequently demanded $$ wages and an end to manor obligations.

Revolts tended to be put down savagely. But by 1550 serfdom and feudal obligations had died out in western Europe- so it sort of worked

Page 18: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

The people of Europe are all Caucasian, so “Race” came to describe culture/customs, not biology. Chief marks of an ethnic group were language, customs, laws- all seen as your blood heritage. (and various groups discriminate)

During the late middle ages crisis causes a lot of demographic change- populations move from one place to another looking for better circumstances, which can cause issues

Page 19: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

High Medieval culture had belonged to Nobility and Clergy. Gothic cathedrals had been result of outpouring of faith in high middle ages War glorified with Castles and Armor

Now as things begin to change, ordinary people become more important, and will begin to have larger impact of social and cultural issues

Page 20: The “High” Middle Ages was from 1100- 1330(ish) the time of the Crusade etc…. Beginning around 1300 Europe is hit with a series of problems, causing Europe.

Latin had been “universal” language of late classical age, but during dark ages languages had localized, becoming specific to an area.

Vernacular is “everyday” language used for informal communication.

During late middle ages, growing nationalism led people to begin using “their” language for writing as well.

Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, Christine di Pisan, and Villon all vernacular authors