

A full-length play for young audiences by

Claudia Haas

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The Hanging of the Greens © 2011 Claudia Haas All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-62088-417-1. Caution: This play is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, Canada, the British Commonwealth and all other countries of the copyright union and is subject to royalty for all performances including but not limited to professional, amateur, charity and classroom whether admission is charged or presented free of charge. Reservation of Rights: This play is the property of the author and all rights for its use are strictly reserved and must be licensed by his representative, YouthPLAYS. This prohibition of unauthorized professional and amateur stage presentations extends also to motion pictures, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, television, video and the rights of adaptation or translation into non-English languages. Performance Licensing and Royalty Payments: Amateur and stock performance rights are administered exclusively by YouthPLAYS. No amateur, stock or educational theatre groups or individuals may perform this play without securing authorization and royalty arrangements in advance from YouthPLAYS. Required royalty fees for performing this play are available online at Royalty fees are subject to change without notice. Required royalties must be paid each time this play is performed and may not be transferred to any other performance entity. All licensing requests and inquiries should be addressed to YouthPLAYS. Author Credit: All groups or individuals receiving permission to produce this play must give the author(s) credit in any and all advertisements and publicity relating to the production of this play. The author’s billing must appear directly below the title on a separate line with no other accompanying written matter. The name of the author(s) must be at least 50% as large as the title of the play. No person or entity may receive larger or more prominent credit than that which is given to the author(s) and the name of the author(s) may not be abbreviated or otherwise altered from the form in which it appears in this Play. Publisher Attribution: All programs, advertisements, flyers or other printed material must include the following notice: Produced by special arrangement with YouthPLAYS ( Prohibition of Unauthorized Copying: Any unauthorized copying of this book or excerpts from this book, whether by photocopying, scanning, video recording or any other means, is strictly prohibited by law. This book may only be copied by licensed productions with the purchase of a photocopy license, or with explicit permission from YouthPLAYS. Trade Marks, Public Figures & Musical Works: This play may contain references to brand names or public figures. All references are intended only as parody or other legal means of expression. This play may also contain suggestions for the performance of a musical work (either in part or in whole). YouthPLAYS has not obtained performing rights of these works unless explicitly noted. The direction of such works is only a playwright’s suggestion, and the play producer should obtain such permissions on their own. The website for the U.S. copyright office is


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THE FAMILY (ages are only a suggestion; you may vary, but keep the birth order of the family):

BRIANT, male, adult, a father with a heart as big as the outdoors and a gift of blarney.

ALEENA, female, adult, a mother of seven busy children who has learned to be pragmatic.

KEERA, female, 17, a dreamer.

CLARINA, female, 16, a bit pretentious and self-involved.

KEEGAN, male, 15, young macho male.

TIERNEY, male/female, 14, a very middle child in a big family.

GINESSA, female, 13, a little worker bee.

REGAN, male/female, 8-11, very active twin of Morgan.

MORGAN, female, 8-11, very quiet twin of Regan—must be able to sing "The Holly and the Ivy" a cappella. NEIGHBORING FAMILY

NOEL/NOELLE, male/female, adult, extremely well-meaning neighbor.

RION, male, 16-18, Awkward young man with crush on Keera.

RHIANNA, female, 14-16, bossy, know-it-all teenager.

CAREY, male/female, 13, bit of a whiner.

AINSLEY, male/female, 8-12, sees magic everywhere.

FIONA, female, 8-11, scared of woods, loves being inside—in a home.


PINELLA, female, adult, the witch of the forest who looks to kidnap children for slaves; Pinella is not a Halloween witch by any means—she can be beautiful, imposing, short and scrappy but she must be wicked—with vinegar coursing through her veins.

GITTA, female, 8-10, Pinella's youngest slave; tired and woebegone.

FARREL, male, 8-10, Gitta's young brother; also tired and woebegone. SPIRITS IN THE WINTER WOODS

ZEPHYR, male/female, wind spirit (air; breathless, old).

DRYAD, male/female, tree spirit (earth; tall and gnarled and gangly).

MERROW, male/female, water spirit (water; gushing).

ASHENE, male/female, fire spirit (can smolder or be explosive).


A small home in the "Forest of Shallott" in northern England during Queen Victoria's time.


Third week in December.


6 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


(Winter MUSIC or WIND SOUNDS may be heard. As the sound dies down, we hear whispery voices from around the theatre. They are the voices of spirits—MERROW [Spirit of the Water], DRYAD [Spirit of the Earth], ASHENE [Spirit of the Fire] and ZEPHYR [Spirit of the Air]. They warn that Pinella is near. All is in darkness. Lights slowly come up as the Spirits speak.)

ZEPHYR: Pinella...

DRYAD: ...Pinella...

MERROW: ...Pinella draws near...

ASHENE: Counting needles...

ZEPHYR: Seeking children...

DRYAD: It's Pinella we fear.

MERROW: Combing woods...

ASHENE: Snatching wee ones...

DRYAD: Grabbing those held so dear...

MERROW: Beware!

ZEPHYR: Take care!

ASHENE: Pinella is here!

(In the theater aisles or at the front of the stage, we find PINELLA—The Witch of the Sleeping Woods. In feathery black or winter white, she wears a crown of holly berries, for red is the color of enchantment. A gnarled branch with tinges of red serves as her wand. Pinella sniffs the air and stops and looks around.)

PINELLA: Children! I smell the scent of children. The time is ripe to find wee ones. Children to work—for me. I need new


The Hanging of the Greens 7

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

children to do my bidding. Time is running out but I shall prevail. I shall succeed. Wait and see. I am here. The vines I have nursed for one hundred years are but inches from the Tree-that-Knows-All-Things. My enchanted vine has grown shoots that can reach. Shoots I can climb. Shoots that will bring me to the all-powerful tree. Shoots that will crown me "Mistress of the Universe." But the shoots are weakening and I need children. Children to stake them; children to hold them. Children that I can control.

(Pinella looks around.)

Where are my worthless slaves? Gitta? FARREL! MAKE HASTE! Or you two shall swim in the soup pot tonight!

(Two tiny, woebegone children, GITTA and FARREL, appear carrying a large pile of wood or supplies—a soup pot, a bag of food...)

GITTA: No, Pinella, no! It's—just—these are so heavy and I am still little.

PINELLA: You have been with me one year, Gitta. I have no use for slaves who cannot do my bidding. They come to a bad end. Wait and see.

FARREL: Pinella, will we never return home?

PINELLA: You are mine for "eternity and a day." Now move those miserable legs of yours! My bones are chilled and I need to rest by the fire that you will build.

GITTA: Yes, Pinella.

(Pinella exits as Gitta follows.)

Oh stars in the heavens. I know we should have hung the greens as Mother told us to—I am sorry. But will we pay forever? Is this our life? PINELLA: (Off:) GITTA! FARREL!


8 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

FARREL: Let's try to escape!

GITTA: She'll hunt us down and turn us into icicles! We must follow her! (To Pinella:) Coming!

(Gitta runs off as the lights fade.)


The Hanging of the Greens 9

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


(We see a modest home in the woods. There could be a fire burning. There is an open room with a seating area, a wood-oven and an entrance to a back room [bedroom]. The door is off to the side and there are one or two shuttered windows. A modest breakfast of bread and butter is on the table. A bowl of small pine cones may also be spied. It is 7 a.m. It is still dark and the wind is howling. KEEGAN enters. He is walking and dressing at the same time, perhaps hopping as he puts on shoes. He tears a piece of bread from the kitchen table and sits by the fire. As he laces up his shoes he hears KEERA singing offstage. Keera could be singing a folk song, a carol or an original piece of music. ["Here We Come a Wassailing" or "Deck the Halls."] Keegan drops the bread on the floor, leaves one shoe wherever and plants himself against the wall to scare Keera. Keera enters and Keegan jumps out at her.)

KEEGAN: Got you!

(Keera screams as Keegan goes back to the fire, delighted with himself. Keera takes a pinecone from the table and throws it at Keegan and misses.)

KEERA: Take that—you—wretched excuse for a brother!

(He may throw one back at her.) KEEGAN: (Running away:) You can't get me! ALEENA: (Off:) Whoever is in the kitchen will feel my anger!

KEEGAN: It's Keera's fault!

KEERA: IS NOT! GINESSA: (Entering and very, very serious:) You're going to get us all punished if you don't behave!

KEEGAN: Yes, "Mama."

GINESSA: Oh—hush up, you big lout!


10 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

KEEGAN: Make me! GINESSA: (Seeing the pinecones:) And leave my pinecones alone! It took me the better part of an hour to find them!

(Keegan picks up the bowl.)

PUT THAT DOWN! ALEENA: (Off:) I'd be hushing up if I were you!

(MORGAN comes running in, chased by REGAN. Chairs are overturned. Some sort of mess is left in their wake.)

MORGAN: Stop it, Regan! I don't want to play!

REGAN: I know you hid my other shoe and I'm going to chase you until you give it to me!

MORGAN: I didn't! Keegan probably did it. He's always doing stuff like that.

KEEGAN: I proclaim my innocence! ALEENA: (Off:) I HOPE YOU'RE DOING YOUR CHORES!


(Regan jumps on Morgan.)


(And they run off. We hear ALEENA scolding them offstage.)

TIERNEY: Can't you all be quiet? Mom's trying to get dressed and she's yelling at me and I didn't do anything.

(Meanwhile Keegan has pinned himself against the wall waiting for his next victim—which will be CLARINA. But Clarina knows better. As she steps forward she is ready to grab him.)

CLARINA: You pull that stunt one more time and I'll wash your face in the snow. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?


The Hanging of the Greens 11

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

(Clarina drops Keegan and he falls down, taking a chair down with him, as Aleena enters. She is holding on to Morgan and Regan. Regan is struggling.)

ALEENA: What is going on here?

(All the children point to the others as the culprits behind the morning mayhem.)

Listen! LISTEN!

(The WIND HOWLS. Aleena puts on her scariest voice.)

Do you hear that? That's Pinella! She's on the prowl. She's looking for wayward children. She rides on the wind. Do you hear how close she is? She knows this house is filled with young bairns. She knows she can find her next slave here!

KEEGAN: That's just a story!

ALEENA: Are you very sure? Shall we put it to the test? I will open the door and we shall see what happens.

(WIND is heard. All become quickly quiet.)

Ah! I think I hear her. Should I let her in?

GINESSA: No, Mama, NO!

ALEENA: Then listen to me. You have one minute to put this room to rights. Everything goes back in its proper place or I shall invite Pinella in and ask her to take the whole lot of you!

(There is silence.)

Silence. I like that. Yes. That's very agreeable.

(Aleena exits. The children look at each other and slowly start to pick things up very, very quietly. The WIND HOWLS again and the children stop suddenly and listen.)

MORGAN: Pinella!


12 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

(The WIND continues to howl and there is a crash against the door. The children jump and gasp. Suddenly, the door swings open and BRIANT enters with a pail of milk.)

BRIANT: Heavens, what a wind! It knocked me into my own house!

(The children stare.)

Am I in my home or did I come into some stranger's home? Where are my children?

(And the children run to their father with good morning greetings.)

TIERNEY: We thought you were Pinella!

BRIANT: So, you're thinking your father is a witch!

KEEGAN: Mama was trying to scare us.

BRIANT: Did it work?


BRIANT: By the looks of things, it seems you may be deserving of a little scare. Take the milk, Clarina. And for the rest of you, clean this all up while I greet your mother. And then we'll have some breakfast before the chores.

(They groan and start to clean up as Aleena enters.)

It looks like you had a rich, full morning!

ALEENA: And you look very, very cold! Let me get the jam out and we can eat.

(They move to the side.)

BRIANT: There's not much, is there?

ALEENA: We'll get by till spring.

BRIANT: But the holiday—


The Hanging of the Greens 13

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

ALEENA: We are together and healthy and that's celebration enough for me. Get yourself warmed up.

BRIANT: If I hadn't injured my back there'd be more.

ALEENA: What's important is you are healing. And there is enough. The land provides. Now, get rid of the chill! You are shaking! Probably doing too much as usual.

(Briant moves to the fire as Aleena calls to her children.)

When the room is back to the way it is supposed to be—come get some bread. I am opening the currant jelly!

CLARINA: Finally! I don't know why you always wait until December to open it.

ALEENA: To make it special.

(The children gather and find places to sit—at the table, by the fire, anywhere.)

BRIANT: Eat it all up!

KEEGAN: There's not too much to eat.

GINESSA: Keegan!

KEEGAN: I'm sorry. I didn't mean—

ALEENA: Bite your tongue. There are some in this world who are looking at no food.

BRIANT: It's been a lean year, hasn't it? Things will get better. I'm fit as a fiddle and ready to work.

CLARINA: But there won't be any presents this year.

ALEENA: There are always presents for those who deserve them.

TIERNEY: But not from the stores.

ALEENA: No. From the heart.


14 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

(There is a moment of silence as the children look at one another.)

REGAN: Why don't you tell us about Pinella, Papa? Mama's always threatening to throw us to Pinella!

MORGAN: Is she real or did you two make her up to scare us?

BRIANT: Oh, she is real—that's for certain. She hasn't been in this part of the woods for sometime. But I recall—growing up—now I don't want to frighten you—

KEEGAN: Nothing can scare me!

CLARINA: Except me!

BRIANT: I recall—when I was a boy we had some neighbors. They had two children and they were assigned the task of putting the greens up for the holidays.

GINESSA: We still have to do that!

ALEENA: Yes, we do. We will do that today. You will gather the branches.

MORGAN: Go on, Papa.

BRIANT: Well, these children did not do as they were told. The eldest boy complained, "Why do I have to hang pine boughs over all the windows and the doors? That's women's work!"

(The girls gasp and are indignant.)

But the daughter said, "If you don't do your part, you're nothing but a coward. Afraid to protect the home!"

KEERA: And it's so pretty when it's done!

TIERNEY: —But hard. All that time holding your arms above your head!

GINESSA: But we need to do it, don't we Papa? Otherwise Pinella can enter and take us away!


The Hanging of the Greens 15

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

BRIANT: The green garlands are the only thing that can keep Pinella out of the house during the winter. She can open doors with her enchanted wind.

TIERNEY: We know that. Please go back to the story, Papa. And everyone else, do not interrupt! BRIANT: (A one man show acting this out:) I remember—winter had arrived and with it came a soft, silencing snowfall. And the snow was perfect for building a snowman! It was still morning and the outside beckoned. The daughter Ysolde was busy rolling a huge snowball for the base while the son Lucan was designing the face. "What do you think, Ysolde?" cried Lucan. "Should we use these great rocks for the eyes?" "Don't be a fool! Those eyes will never fit in his head! Now stop dilly-dallying and help me roll the base!" Hours passed and in the course of the afternoon, they built an entire snowman family! There was the Mama—

(Briant gets Keera up and poses her.)

And the Papa—

(Briant poses Keegan.)

Now don't move! And there were two little twin snow children!

(Morgan and Regan get up and pose.)

And then what do you think happened?

TIERNEY: The witch came and kidnapped them!

BRIANT: No... Lucan hid a small snowball inside his sleeve and he sneaked up on Ysolde—

(Briant creeps up to one of his children or Aleena.)

And threw the snowball down her back! She screamed!

(A child may emit a little scream.)


16 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

And then they had the longest snowball fight in the history of these woods! Then, what do you think happened?

TIERNEY: The witch came and kidnapped them!

BRIANT: Noooo, they went inside to heat up some chocolate for lunch and promptly fell asleep. Snowball fights can be very tiring! And as they slept, the sun set and the winter wind howled and then what do you think happened?

TIERNEY: Really, Papa—we have no idea. BRIANT: (Grabbing Regan:) The witch came and kidnapped them!

(The younger children gasp.)

Nobody knows for certain, but when the parents returned home from working all day, there were no children there to greet them. Pinella had paid a visit!

GINESSA: Why didn't the children scream and run away? That's what I would do.

BRIANT: She engages the spirits in the woods to assist her. No one is safe. No one escapes.

MORGAN: I don't want to see a spirit!

REGAN: I do!

ALEENA: Briant! You may scare the children into doing their work. You may not scare them just for the sake of scaring them!

BRIANT: But they must know about the spirits—they are everywhere.

MORGAN: Where?

BRIANT: Why—right here in this kitchen. We have—

(Briant puts a soup pot over Keegan.)


The Hanging of the Greens 17

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

—The Spirit of the Soup Pot.

KEEGAN: —Wait a minute—

MORGAN: What does he do?

BRIANT: Why...he...makes sure the soup pot is always full and children never go hungry...

MORGAN: So he is friendly!

KEEGAN: Am not!

BRIANT: Indeed he is.

MORGAN: What other spirits are here?

BRIANT: There is...the Spirit of the Spoons—

CLARINA: The Spirit of the Spoons???? Really, Papa—you have lost your senses!

KEERA: What can a Spoon Spirit do for you?

ALEENA: You've dug yourself a very fine hole, haven't you?

BRIANT: Why—they make—music!

(Briant does a little percussion; there could be an impromptu dance and all settle down.)

And it is well known that Pinella detests music. She forbids all sounds of beauty. But the greatest spirit of all lies here still.

KEEGAN: Now you're going to say that we have the Spirit of the Plates with us!

BRIANT: We may indeed have that. But I was thinking of the hearth.

CLARINA: There's a spirit in the fire? That sounds—dangerous!


18 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

BRIANT: The hearth is the center of the home. As is your mother. The love in her heart for all of you is the center of the family.

CLARINA: Aren't you getting a wee bit sentimental, Papa?

(All agree.)

ALEENA: Indeed he is! But 'tis the season of sentiment.

TIERNEY: I don't think a Soup Spirit or a Spoon Spirit could ward off Pinella.

MORGAN: Were your two little neighbors ever found?

BRIANT: The parents searched but it was no use. Their children were lost forever!

KEERA: I still don't understand why she has to count all the pine needles in the greens.

ALEENA: In every dark enchantment there is protection from evil. One must always look for the protection. Pinella must count every pine needle in every bough hung before she can enter a home or her enchantment will disappear.

REGAN: And that's impossible to do, isn't that right Papa?

BRIANT: Indeed it is. She always loses count and has to start all over. That is why you must all be very industrious today and get the greens up so you will be safe.

MORGAN: We will, Papa. We promise.

(WIND is heard. All are silent for a moment. FOOTSTEPS are heard.)

GINESSA: Pinella is coming—she's here! SHE'S HERE!

(There is some squealing and the door flies open—some may scream and run and hide. NOEL enters.)

NOEL: Greetings everyone!


The Hanging of the Greens 19

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

ALEENA: Noel! You scared the living daylights out of us! Whatever brings you down here?

NOEL: May I come in? I warn you—I have the entire brood. We're just going off to town. To do a little bit of holiday shopping.

CLARINA: You are so lucky! Being able to buy things in a store!

(RION hovers around Keera as RHIANNA converses with Clarina; CAREY joins Tierney. Regan may try to join one of the circles but gets chased away. Morgan stays very quiet with GINESSA, FIONA and AINSLEY. Keegan tries to stay with the adults.)

NOEL: I brought a few things. I hope you don't mind. I thought you and your children might wish to do a bit of holiday baking together. I'm afraid I do not have the knack.

(Noel hands over a sack of flour, perhaps some sugar, or tea or coffee. It should be a wee bit excessive.)

ALEENA: You brought all of this for "a bit" of holiday baking?

NOEL: Yes. I don't know—amounts.

ALEENA: This is too much! Are we baking for the entire country?

NOEL: I—have no head for measurements and such—please—just take it.

BRIANT: We will pay you back—

NOEL: When you're ready.

ALEENA: This is so kind—

NOEL: It's nothing. I actually came with some news. The town council is determined to increase trade this year.

ALEENA: Yes. We heard that. It will be good for everyone.


20 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

NOEL: They've started building the bridge over the river.

BRIANT: In the winter? How is that possible?

NOEL: They're wanting it to be in place by spring to increase trade. There's work to be had. I am going to apply. I am also in need of work.

BRIANT: Does the book continue to sell?

NOEL: Not as well as I hoped. And I am afraid I am inept on the farm. If it wasn't for the children's help—there would be no home. They do the chores—while I sit—and scribble.

ALEENA: They are mighty fine scribblings, Noel.

NOEL: Apparently not fine enough.

ALEENA: What are you writing about now?

NOEL: The Legend of the Hanging of the Greens. We just got ours up. But I am stuck mid-way. I do not have a clear picture of Pinella. Or how she uses her enchantment.

ALEENA: Talk to my husband then. We've been listening to Pinella stories all morning, haven't we?

BRIANT: We can talk on our way to town.

ALEENA: Briant—

BRIANT: There's work to be had—

ALEENA: No. Not yet. You're not strong enough–

BRIANT: Don't start! I've been sitting out for months! I am as good as new!

ALEENA: But the doctor—

BRIANT: —left it up to me to decide and I have decided!

NOEL: I didn't mean to start a row—

BRIANT: I would like to start providing for my family again.


The Hanging of the Greens 21

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

NOEL: As would I. I cannot work the land as well as you. And my writings do not cover our expenses. The homestead will be put up for sale in a few weeks.

ALEENA: Oh Noel. I am so sorry to hear that.

NOEL: I, too, will follow the work. Even if it means moving to town.

ALEENA: You cannot abandon your writing—

NOEL: It will wait. And now, I shall gather my brood and be off. We still have a few shillings for shopping and I shall make sure their last holiday in the woods is a magical one.

(Briant takes Aleena aside.)

BRIANT: Surely you see I must go. There could be presents for the holiday.

ALEENA: The children understand!

BRIANT: But do you? Do you know the great need a man has to properly care for his family?

(They confer as we move to other conversations.)

RION: We're...thinking of moving. After the holiday.

KEERA: Won't you miss Shallott Woods?

RION: Working the land is hard on my Father. He lives in his world of words. But of course—I will miss...things.

KEERA: Really...what exactly will you miss?

RION: You know...don't you?

KEERA: Ah, you'll be missing the great pines before you ever give a thought to us!

CLARINA: Dirty old woods! I wish we could move into town. There are parties and dances and we can never get there! You are so lucky, Rion!


22 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

RHIANNA: You must come and stay with us, Clarina! You are still my closest friend!

CLARINA: Say the word and I'll move in with you.

RION: I don't think I want another sister!

(And we change to the little kids. Regan and Fiona are chasing Carey, who hides behind Noel. Regan crashes into them. Briant takes Regan away.)

BRIANT: Is this how you treat a guest in your home?

REGAN: A guest? He's family!

CAREY: I'd rather be a guest!

FIONA: I want to be family. Then Regan would be my sister and you wouldn't be my brother!

NOEL: I think that's my cue to whisk my children away. BRIANT: (To Ainsley:) They're just being children. But Ainsley—you are very quiet today.

AINSLEY: I'm listening.

BRIANT: How you can be hearing anything in this home is beyond my knowledge!

AINSLEY: It's the wind. It is speaking to the trees.

NOEL: That one is full of flights and fancy! We'd better be off. The days are short.

BRIANT: I am coming with you.

ALEENA: Noel, leave your children with me. With all this flour and sugar, I will be needing help baking the thousands of holiday breads!

RHIANNA: Oh, do let us stay, Papa!

(Others may chime in with "please.")


The Hanging of the Greens 23

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

NOEL: I thought you wanted to purchase new hair ribbons?

RHIANNA: I probably have enough.

RHION: We must proclaim a new national holiday! Rhianna finally has enough hair ribbons!

RHIANNA: Besides, I want to help with the baking.

CAREY: You really want to help with the tasting!

ALEENA: Let them stay here. It will be grand to have them do some of the baking.

AINSLEY: Please, Papa. We don't have much time left to play in the woods.

(Briant looks at Aleena, who is intently watching.)

BRIANT: We'll take Keegan and Rion. Who knows? There may also be work for them!

KEEGAN: I'm ready to earn my keep!

ALEENA: What did I hear? Keegan offering to work? The season is already working its magic!

TIERNEY: And the rest of us can stay here and make merry!

ALEENA: After the chores!

NOEL: If Aleena truly wants all of you around her—then you may stay. Although for the life of me, I can't understand what she sees in my unruly family!

CAREY: Papa! We are your beloved children!

NOEL: Who know you too well!

(Aleena moves away.)

ALEENA: Better start moving! The day will quickly pass! Go! The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll be home. If you all find work—so much the better. Now—all you bairns and


24 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

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poppets—let's get everything cleaned up. With this welcome addition of flour and sugar, we will be busy indeed!

(Amid hustle and bustle, Briant and Keegan grab jackets and prepare to leave with Noel and Rion.)

BRIANT: I'll be expecting some mighty fine baked goods tomorrow.

ALEENA: And you'll get them.

(Noel, Keegan, Rion and Briant exit as Aleena watches. Keera approaches her mother.)

KEERA: Mama? Are you all right?

ALEENA: It's the dark days, Keera. They always frighten me.

(The Family remain very still on stage as the lights switch to Pinella, Gitta and Farrel. Gitta and Farrel sit curled up with cold and fatigue.)

PINELLA: Children...I crave children. Look at those worthless two! It is time. Time for them to go the Never-Ending Grove. They shall work with the other children and strengthen my vine that reaches out of the earth! The vine that twists and winds its way to the Tree-That-Knows-All-Things. When I can reach that tree, I will have power. Over all. Not just the winter woods. But I must work fast. The vine is at its life's end and will topple soon. I am too close to let that happen. I just need a few more children to attend it. Children I can snatch while the natural world sleeps. Listen! No signs of life. No junipers, no spruce, no pines. Just sleeping trees that I can fill with my enchantment. Frozen water that I can make gush with a tip of my wand. Air—that moves when I bid it. And fire that burns at my whim! Watch!

(Pinella tips her wand and WIND SOUNDS are heard.)


The Hanging of the Greens 25

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

I shall conjure the sleeping spirits with my magic. I shall call upon them to aid me in my tasks. I shall remove the watchful eye of parents. All the children in the woods will be mine! All is in motion. I watch. I wait. You'll see.

(The lights change and the Family comes alive.)

CLARINA: Move those dirty pinecones off the table, Ginessa! We can't bake with them here. I don't see why you have them in the house! They're filled with the wings of insects!

GINESSA: Be careful with them! They're precious.

ALEENA: But what will you do with them?

GINESSA: They're for the greens. I thought we'd decorate the greens with them. It would be pretty.

ALEENA: And so it shall. Let's keep them safe...on the the doorway...shall we? Let's get our chores out of the way and then we shall bake. Such delectables we will have!

REGAN: Molasses cookies!

MORGAN: Gingerbreads!

FIONA: Cinnamon sugar!

KEERA: And sugarplums? We can finally make some sugarplums!

ALEENA: After the chores! Rhianna, you may help Keera and Clarina. Carey you will help Tierney!

TIERNEY: Oh! I was hoping you forgot about me! Aren't you going to do anything?

ALEENA: No. I thought I would lay about all day, drink my chocolate and order you around.

TIERNEY: You sound like you wish to enslave us as Pinella does!


26 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

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ALEENA: Maybe Pinella would have better luck with all of you! Now, I shall gather the greens. I wish the pine trees were a wee bit closer to our home but I shall make do! Now—go to it! All of you!

(The children scatter, going to work. They may whistle or sing a song. The lights change back to Pinella.)

PINELLA: Sweet, isn't it? Very sweet. May they enjoy the morning, for their fortune is about to change.

(Gitta stirs and watches wide-eyed. Pinella raises her wand and intones:)

Sleeping Forest bring to me—Dryad who dreams in a slumbering tree!

(Dryad appears.) DRYAD: (Impossibly sweet and shy and young:) I have come as commanded.

PINELLA: Of course you have. You have no choice. "Call forth Merrow, now encased in ice!"

(Merrow may come "gushing" down an aisle. Merrow is—emotional:)

MERROW: I'm coming! I'm coming! Don't pull a nasty spell on me! I am here, your Enchantedness! PINELLA: (Aside:) Water spirits! They do gush so! "Fly in Zephyr on a breeze that does entice!"

(There is a pause.)

Bring me Zephyr or the woods will be sacrificed!

DRYAD: You cannot destroy the woods because of one errant spirit!

PINELLA: Oh—but I can. And I shall.


The Hanging of the Greens 27

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

(Pinella raises her wand and Zephyr enters.)

ZEPHYR: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Show some respect, please! You can't expect a spirit to drop everything and run to your side!

PINELLA: But I do expect that. You are the Spirit of the Air—you can float through these woods.

ZEPHYR: Well, I don't float as well as I used to. I'm almost a thousand years old. First, I blew into a branch, then I blew into a cave—where the bears were sleeping. They can be mighty cranky when woken up–

MERROW: Zephyr!

ZEPHYR: Then I blew into a murky bog—frozen of course—but what a landing—




ZEPHYR: Was I talking? Who heard me talking?

PINELLA: Now conjure Ashene and the enchantment will suffice!

(There is a sudden SOUND and a change of lights and Ashene is spied—elsewhere.)

ASHENE: I never do land where I am supposed to. Really, Pinella you must study your spells.

PINELLA: It is you who sputter and spark and cannot control your comings and goings.

ASHENE: I am created by fire. Fire is greedy. It reaches and twists and cannot stay in one place.

PINELLA: You are here to complete my enchantment.


28 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

DRYAD: What is your will?

MERROW: Anything. Ask and it shall be answered! Command and it shall be done!

ZEPHYR: Merrow—I think you should stop talking now. The lady looks serious.

MERROW: Really?

PINELLA: Most definitely. I am here for the children.

ZEPHYR: I don't have any. Do you have any children, Merrow? No—you came to the wrong place.

PINELLA: SILENCE! You four will help me in my task.

DRYAD: What need do you have of all these children, Pinella? You haunt forest upon forest—surely you've gathered enough wee ones by now.

PINELLA: I have...plans for them. Plans that will make me ruler of the universe!

GITTA: We are to tend her Never-Ending Garden.

PINELLA: Where you will be sent tomorrow, you pathetic wretch!

FARREL: Can't anyone help us? You are spirits! Can't you save us?

PINELLA: You are mine.

ASHENE: I'm sorry. When the forest sleeps, we must follow whoever controls the enchantment. Even if it is controlled by someone as vexatious as Pinella.

PINELLA: Silence! And listen! 'Tis time. I will invoke a great wind today! No greens will be gathered by the mother. No work will be done outside. All will remain trapped—in their homes—in fear. And tomorrow, with your help, I shall pick up the pieces. Wait and see. Wait and see.


The Hanging of the Greens 29

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.

(Pinella takes her wand—she may blow on it or wave it or twirl with it.)

Great North Wind, Hearken and obey me! Gust and swirl; Bringing crushing energy!

(A great HOWLING WIND sound is heard. Pinella is pleased, and Gitta struggles to stay in one place. The lights go on in the cabin. The children are inside and huddling away from doors and windows.)

The wind will do my bidding. Wait and see. Wait and see.

KEERA: Mama! Where is Mama?

TIERNEY: She went out for the greens.

REGAN: We must get her!

RHIANNA: Are you daft? It's dangerous out there!

(There is a loud THUMP at the door.)

MORGAN: What was that?

FIONA: Pinella!

CAREY: She's coming...

KEERA: And the greens aren't up!

(Aleena hurries inside.)


(The children gather around Aleena.)

ALEENA: Thank goodness you are inside and safe.

AINSLEY: Where are the greens?

ALEENA: It was too windy to gather them. We shall have to wait a little longer.


30 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

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(As the children huddle together we are brought back to Pinella.)

PINELLA: Yes. Wait. That is my plan. Nobody will be hanging garlands tonight! Sleep tight young ones. Wait till tomorrow. Wait. And see.



The Hanging of the Greens 31

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

Absolutely no printing, copying or performance permitted.


(It is the next morning. The children have had a sleepover on the floor. There are coverlets all over. The wind has died down. Aleena enters.)

ALEENA: Well, I declare! This must be the laziest bunch of bairns to be hatched in these woods.

TIERNEY: Is it morning?

ALEENA: For quite some time now. Up! All of you.

REGAN: I hardly slept with the wind howling.

ALEENA: Good. Then you'll be too tired to twirl about the cabin wreaking havoc! Let's clean up the coverlets and get you tidy.

KEERA: Why can't we just have a lay-about? Nothing to do but daydream.

ALEENA: You'll be daydreaming your way out of this family. Do your washing up! I've fresh water in the basin in the back room. The day and the chores await!

FIONA: And breakfast? Cinnamon sugar muffins?

ALEENA: Indeed, there are muffins and breads to be had from your baking after your morning chores.

(After Amid groans, the children gather their blankets around them and exit to the back of the cabin. Morgan stays behind.)

And what would you be wanting?

MORGAN: The line'll be long for the washing up. I thought I'd wait here.

ALEENA: Come on, then. Cut some bread for me.

(Morgan does so.)

MORGAN: Mama? Are we going to get the greens up today?


32 Claudia Haas  

© Claudia Haas This is a perusal copy only.

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ALEENA: Definitely.

MORGAN: And then Pinella won't come?

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