Download - The Great Depression

Page 1: The Great Depression

Hardship and Suffering

The Great Depression

Page 2: The Great Depression

Shantytowns: little “towns” consisting of shacks

Depression in the Cities

Page 3: The Great Depression

Soup Kitchens: offering free or low-cost food

Bread Lines: lines of people waiting to receive food provided by charitable organizations or public agencies

Depression in the Cities

Page 4: The Great Depression

Dust Bowl: The Great Plains suffered from a major drought, which combined with over-farming, created major dust storms that covered the entire region.

Depression in Rural Areas

Page 5: The Great Depression

High unemployment rate

As many as 300,000 men became transients, or hobos, that travelled the country looking for work

Effects on Men

Page 6: The Great Depression

Women had to work outside the home, but were paid less than men

Many women were too ashamed to reveal their suffering.

Effects on Women

Page 7: The Great Depression

Serious health problems due to lack of money and poor diets

Schools shut down due to slashed budgetsTeenagers left home and hopped trains,

called “wild boys”

Effects on Children