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Page 1: The Glory Story: Home

THIS IS THE SCRIPT FOR THE NEW TESTAMENTThis script has been written in such a way, so as to teach the spine of the Bible story.

We have purposely kept the story line simple, the teacher can add any facts that he/she desires. Could you please consider this in your translation and keep to the simple story line. w w w.TheGloryStory.c o m

One of the wonderful aspects of this product is if the teacher has Bible knowledge, they can expound the story, but the teacher doesn’t need any Bible knowledge. If this is the case, then the teacher is being taught, as he/she teaches.

This product comes highly recommended for use in conjunction with an Alpha

JESUS THE BIRTH & MIRACLESPICTURE 01At the village of Nazareth in Israel, there lived a young girl called Mary who was a virgin. Mary was engaged to be married to a carpenter named Joseph. PICTURE 02One day an angel appeared, “Mary, you will give birth to God’s Son and His name shall be Jesus, the Saviour.” PICTURE 03Mary’s relative Elizabeth was also pregnant. Her child would become known as John the Baptist. PICTURE 04Joseph and Mary left Nazareth.PICTURE 05They walked 60 miles to register for the Roman census.PICTURE 06Eventually they arrived in Bethlehem.PICTURE 07But they couldn’t find any accommodation.PICTURE 08All that was offered to Joseph was a stable.PICTURE 09So it came to pass, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born in a stable. PICTURE 10Nearby shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks.PICTURE 11Suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds and announced.PICTURE 12“This day in the city of David a Saviour, the Christ, is born.”PICTURE 13Then a great crowd from heaven appeared praising God.PICTURE 14Later the shepherds ran to Bethlehem to see this miracle.PICTURE 15They found Mary and Joseph with the baby in the stable.PICTURE 16Also wise men from the east followed a star to see the new King.PICTURE 17When the wise men arrived at Jerusalem, they were directed to king Herod’s palace.PICTURE 18When Herod heard of a newly born Baby King, he was troubled.PICTURE 19


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The priests told Herod that the King would be born in Bethlehem.PICTURE 20So the wise men followed the star, until it stopped over where the young Child was. PICTURE 21They worshipped the Child with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.PICTURE 22The wise men took a different route home after being warned in a dream.PICTURE 23Joseph and Mary took the baby to Jerusalem.PICTURE 24The baby was taken to the temple to be named, and sacrifices were offered, as was the custom.PICTURE 25God had told a man called Simeon, that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Simeon said, “Lord, my eyes have seen your salvation.”PICTURE 26When Jesus was only twelve years old, He astonished the learned, religious teachers at the temple, with His understanding of the scriptures.PICTURE 27 After Jesus was baptised by His cousin John the Baptist. PICTURE 28He recruited 12 disciples, then at 30 years of age he did His first miracle at a family wedding.PICTURE 29His mother came to Jesus saying, “They have no wine left!”PICTURE 30Mary told the servants, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” Then Jesus said;PICTURE 31 “Fill each one of these pots with water and take some to the master.”PICTURE 32The water had become wine. Amazed the master asked;PICTURE 33 “Why have you saved the best until last.”PICTURE 34 Another time four men believed that Jesus would heal their crippled friend.PICTURE 35The house was full of people so they lowered their friend through the roof. PICTURE 36Jesus said to the cripple, “Son be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven.” PICTURE 37The religious leaders thought to themselves, ‘Who can forgive sins but God alone.’ Jesus asked:-PICTURE 38 “Which is hardest, for me to say your sins are forgiven, or to heal the cripple.” Then Jesus turned to the man saying;PICTURE 39 “Stand up, pick up your bed, and go home.”PICTURE 40The crippled man got up and walked. The people were amazed and glorified God.PICTURE 41 Another time a leper fell to his knees and worshipped Jesus saying, “Lord, if you are willing heal me.”PICTURE 42Jesus touched the man and said, “I am willing. Be healed.”PICTURE 43Immediately the leprosy vanished! Jesus said to the man;PICTURE 44


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“Tell no one about this, but show yourself to the priest and offer a sacrifice.”PICTURE 45So the man went off rejoicing. PICTURE 46But instead of keeping quiet, the man told everyone.PICTURE 47 Another time there was an important royal official whose son was very ill.PICTURE 48When the man found Jesus he said, “Will you please come and heal my son, or he will die?” Jesus responded;PICTURE 49 “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” The official pleaded;PICTURE 50“Sir, please come before my son dies.” Jesus answered;PICTURE 51 “Go home your son lives.” PICTURE 52On his way home, the man was met by his servants who said, “Your son has been healed!”PICTURE 53 One evening Jesus said to His disciples, “Let’s sail to the other side of the lake.” PICTURE 54As they left other small ships followed.PICTURE 55Suddenly, a mighty storm arose. Jesus was sleeping so they woke Him;PICTURE 56 “Master! Master! We’re going to drown!”PICTURE 57Jesus stood up and spoke to the wind and sea.PICTURE 58 “Peace, be still.” And immediately there was a great calm.PICTURE 59 Wherever Jesus went great crowds always followed Him. One day on a mountain Jesus asked;PICTURE 60“Where can we buy enough bread, for all of these people to eat?” One of the disciples replied;PICTURE 61 “A years salary couldn’t feed this crowd.” Then another said;PICTURE 62 “This lad has five loaves and two fish?” Jesus responded;PICTURE 63 “Get the people to sit down.” PICTURE 64Then Jesus gave thanks to His Father. After every person had eaten Jesus said;PICTURE 65 “Gather up all that is left over, so that nothing is wasted.”PICTURE 66And there were twelve baskets full of bread and fish.PICTURE 67Because the people wanted to make Jesus their king, He went alone to pray.PICTURE 68 One day as Jesus and His disciples came out of the city, blind Bartimaeus was begging, Bartimaeus shouted;PICTURE 69“Jesus have mercy on me, Jesus have mercy on me.”


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PICTURE 70 “Bring that man to me.” Said Jesus;PICTURE 71 “What can I do for you?” Bartimaeus answered;PICTURE 72 “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” Jesus replied;PICTURE 73 “Go your way. Your faith has made you whole.” And immediately Bartimaeus could see.PICTURE 74 One day Jesus told his students, “Lazarus is dead and I am glad that I wasn’t there to heal him, so that you may believe.” One of Lazarus’s sisters said;PICTURE 75 “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus replied;PICTURE 76 “Your brother will live I am the resurrection and the life.” Lazarus’s other sister cried;PICTURE 77 “Lord, if you would have been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus also wept.PICTURE 78Some of the people argued, “If He can make the blind see, couldn’t He save His friend from dying?” Jesus said;PICTURE 79 “Take away the stone and you will see the glory of God.” Then Jesus cried out, “Lazarus come forth!”PICTURE 80And Lazarus rose from the grave. PICTURE 81So it was that the people saw the glory of God.PICTURE 82 One day Jesus came to a fig tree to eat, but He found only leaves on the tree. So Jesus said;PICTURE 83 “From this time on, let no fruit grow on this tree!” Amazed, the students said to Jesus;PICTURE 84 “Look how quickly the fig tree has withered!” Jesus replied;PICTURE 85 “If only you will believe and not doubt, whatever you ask in prayer believing, you will receive.”

JESUS THE FINAL DAYS IN JERUSALEMPICTURE 01Jesus told His disciples, “When we get to Jerusalem, the Son of God will be crucified and after three days, He will rise from the dead!” PICTURE 02As they neared Jerusalem, the people waved branches shouting, “Hosanna! Save us Lord! Save us!” PICTURE 03 The Priests were cheating the common people of money, so Jesus gave them a good whipping.PICTURE 04Every evening they would leave Jerusalem, sometimes Jesus would stay with his friend Lazarus.PICTURE 05The following day they would all return to the temple.PICTURE 06The religious people shouted at Jesus, “By what authority do you do these things?” Jesus responded;PICTURE 07 “Was John the Baptist from man or from God?” They whispered;PICTURE 08 “If we say it was God, Jesus will ask why we ignored John. If we say it wasn’t God, the people will turn against us.” So they replied,


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PICTURE 09 “We can’t answer you”. Jesus responded, “Neither will I answer you.”PICTURE 10In the temple a widow placed her last two coins in the offering, Jesus said, “This woman has given more than the rich, for they have plenty left.”PICTURE 11Overlooking Jerusalem Jesus told His followers that the magnificent temple would be destroyed.PICTURE 12That evening at supper, a woman arrived with some expensive perfume and anointed Jesus. Judas said;PICTURE 13 “What a waste! The perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor!” PICTURE 14For a sum of money, Judas plotted with the religious leaders to assassinate Jesus.PICTURE 15The Passover celebration arrived, so Jesus and His disciples journeyed to the upper room for the feast.PICTURE 16 Jesus broke the bread saying, “My body will be broken like this for you.” PICTURE 17Then He passed round the wine, “My blood is to be poured out for you. Do this in remembrance of me”PICTURE 18To their surprise, he then began washing their feet.PICTURE 19“The greatest among you, is the servant of all” Then Jesus said;PICTURE 20 “The one who dips bread in the dish with me, he will betray me.” PICTURE 21The Lord spoke to Judas, “Do it quickly!” And Judas went out into the night.PICTURE 22Then they went to the garden of Gethsamene, Peter said;PICTURE 23“Lord, I will never leave you.” Jesus replied; PICTURE 24“Peter before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times.” Then Jesus left.PICTURE 25And went to pray by himself.PICTURE 26Suddenly, they were surrounded by Roman soldiers, “Who is Jesus?” “I am” said the Lord, Judas said;PICTURE 27 “Greetings teacher.” Jesus replied, “Are you betraying the Son of God with a Kiss.” PICTURE 28Jesus was placed in a mock trial before the religious leaders. “Do you claim to be God’s Son?” “Yes,” replied the Lord. The High Priest screamed;PICTURE 29 “He deserves to be put to death!”PICTURE 30In the courtyard, just as Peter denied the Lord for the third time, he heard the cockcrow.PICTURE 31The soldiers blindfolded Jesus, “If you are God’s Son, then tell us who hit you?”PICTURE 32When the religious leaders bought Jesus to Pilate, Pilate found him not guilty of any crime.PICTURE 33Then the delegation took Jesus to King Herod. Herod laughed;PICTURE 34


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“You call yourself a king?” So they dressed Him in one of the king’s robes. But Herod also found Him not guilty, and sent Him back to Pilate. The religious leaders shouted;PICTURE 35“ Kill Him! Kill Him!” To appease them Pilate said;PICTURE 36 “I will have Him flogged, and then release Him.” PICTURE 37Then they placed a crown of thorns on His head.PICTURE 38Before they flogged Him, they dressed Him in a king’s robe, spat at Him, and bowed saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” The religious leaders shouted;PICTURE 39 “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Pilate called for a bowl of water;PICTURE 40 “I wash my hands, I am innocent of this man’s blood!” PICTURE 41Jesus was handed over to the crowd and was made to carry a cross to the place of execution.PICTURE 42When they reached the hill, they stripped Him of His clothes and totally naked, they nailed His hands and feet to the cross.PICTURE 43Jesus was lifted up with a criminal on either side. Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them.PICTURE 44Pilate ordered a sign to be put on the cross saying, 'JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS' One of the criminals shouted;PICTURE 45“If you’re the Son of God, why don’t you save yourself, and us.” The other terrorist responded;PICTURE 46 “We deserve to be here, but this man is innocent.” Then he turned to Jesus and said;PICTURE 47 “Lord, remember me when you come in your kingdom.” Jesus replied, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”PICTURE 48The Roman soldiers played dice, for the Lord's clothing and some religious leader’s mocked saying;PICTURE 49 “If you're the Son of God, save yourself!”PICTURE 50One of the soldiers gave Jesus a drink from a sponge on a stick. At three o’clock, Jesus cried out;PICTURE 51 “It is finished! Father into your hands I commit my spirit.” PICTURE 52Then He bowed His head and died. PICTURE 53Just then there was a great earthquake. PICTURE 54And there was a great panic among the religious leaders. The Roman centurion said;PICTURE 55“Surely this man is the Son of God.” When the soldiers found Jesus to be dead;PICTURE 56They stabbed Him.PICTURE 57Nicodemus asked Pilate, for permission to put the body in his own tomb.PICTURE 58


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They wrapped the body of the Lord in burial clothes. It was then sealed in the tomb and guards were appointed.PICTURE 59Three days later there was an earthquake, then when an angel appeared.PICTURE 60The guards fell to the ground like dead men.PICTURE 61Three women believers were making their way to the tomb, the angel said to them;PICTURE 62 “Do you remember Jesus told you, He would rise again after three days and nights.”PICTURE 63When the women told the disciples, they refused to believe.PICTURE 64So Peter and John ran to the tomb.PICTURE 65But they found it empty just as the women had said. PICTURE 66Later the Lord appeared to one of the women outside the tomb.PICTURE 67The same day the Lord walked with two of His followers and explained from the scriptures how the Messiah must suffer.PICTURE 68As the disciples ate supper, Jesus appeared saying, “Why do you doubt? Peace I bring to you.” PICTURE 69“It is I Jesus, look at the nail prints in my hands and feet.” But many still did not believe. PICTURE 70Sometime later, the men had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. A man on the shore shouted;PICTURE 71 “Cast your net on the other side and you will catch some fish.”PICTURE 72They did and they caught so many fish they couldn’t land the net. One of the men said;PICTURE 73 “It must be the Lord.”PICTURE 74So Peter jumped out of the boat and made his way to the shore.PICTURE 75The others dragged the catch of fish onto the beach. The Lord said to them;PICTURE 76 “Come, dine with me.” Some time later Jesus said to His followers;PICTURE 77 “Go into all the world, and preach the good news to every person. Whoever believes and is baptised, will be saved. PICTURE 78Jesus was taken up to heaven in a cloud of power and glory. PICTURE 79Then Peter and the followers started to meet in an upstairs room in Jerusalem.PICTURE 80One day a rushing wind with flames of fire came from heaven, and, as they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they began to speak in new languages. PICTURE 81Peter boldly preached “God promised that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, in the last days.” PICTURE 82That same day around three thousand people were saved and baptised. These events took place in the year 33.


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THE LIFE OF PAUL PART 1PICTURE 01The first Roman Emperor was Augustus who reigned until 14. A.D. PICTURE 02The second Roman Emperor was Tiberius, the son-in-law of Augustus. PICTURE 03Tiberius reigned from 14 A.D. to 37 A.D.PICTURE 04THE YEAR IS 36 the Jewish man Saul, was known throughout the religious world, as a Pharisee of Pharisees. PICTURE 05He had studied under Gamaliel, one of the most brilliant professors of Judaism. PICTURE 06Saul was about twenty four years of age. He was a religious fanatic, dedicated to Judaism, the temple and the Law of MosesPICTURE 07After hearing Stephen preach that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah.PICTURE 08The religious leaders ordered his execution.PICTURE 09The witnesses laid their coats at the feet of Saul, before stoning Stephen to death.PICTURE 10IN THE YEAR OF 37 Caligula, became the third Roman Emperor.PICTURE 11In the same year with a letter from the High Priest, Saul and his gang set off to arrest believers.PICTURE 12As they travelled Saul was blinded by a light from heaven.PICTURE 13“I am Jesus Christ the one whom you persecute.” PICTURE 14Saul now blind, was led by hand into the city. PICTURE 15Jesus had told a believer, to pray for Saul’s sight.PICTURE 16Saul was healed with the prayer and he changed his name from Saul to Paul. PICTURE 17The people were amazed, as Saul the Pharisee of Pharisee’s, preached that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah. PICTURE 18IN THE YEAR OF 38 the unbelieving Jews plotted to murder Paul, so the believers helped him escape.PICTURE 19When Paul arrived in Jerusalem, the believers rejected him, until they heard his testimony.PICTURE 20Paul preached the risen Messiah, until some more unbelieving Jews, planned to kill him.PICTURE 21So Paul left Jerusalem and went north to his home town.PICTURE 22IN THE YEAR 41 Caligula was murdered and Claudius became the fourth Roman Emperor. PICTURE 23A believer named Barny-the-Encourager found Paul and together they taught in Antioch. The believers were mockingly called C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n-s. PICTURE 24


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IN THE YEAR 45 Paul went on his FIRST missionary journey, starting from his home church in Antioch.PICTURE 25Paul and Barny sailed to Cyprus, to tell the people about the risen Christ.PICTURE 26In one of the towns, the Governor wanted to hear the Gospel, but a local witch kept interfering, Paul said;PICTURE 27 “You son of the devil, you shall be blinded for a season.” And it happened exactly as Paul said and the governor believed.PICTURE 28Sometime later, Paul and Barny sailed to Galatia.PICTURE 29As they travelled, they preached in Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe.PICTURE 30In Antioch the unbelieving Jews stirred up trouble for Paul and Barny.PICTURE 31IT WAS NOW THE YEAR 46 and they stayed for some time in Iconium teaching the believers. PICTURE 32But again the unbelieving Jews caused trouble.PICTURE 33So they travelled on to Lystra to preach and teach.PICTURE 34In Lystra, they met a lame man. After preaching Paul said, “Stand up.” And immediately the man walked.PICTURE 35The people were amazed, they called Paul Mercury, and Barny Jupiter and they worshipped them.PICTURE 36“We are only men like yourselves; the living God wants you to serve Him.” Pleaded Paul.PICTURE 37Some of the unbelieving Jews arrived and started a riot.PICTURE 38Paul was stoned, dragged out of the city and left for dead.PICTURE 39When the believers prayed for Paul, he got up and went back into the city.PICTURE 40The next day Paul and Barny left Lystra and went to preach in Derbe.PICTURE 41After preaching in Derbe, they left to make the return journey, whilst encouraging the believers in all of the towns that they passed through.PICTURE 42AFTER TWO YEARS IN 47 Paul ended his first mission trip.PICTURE 43And they sailed back to their home Church at Antioch in Syria.PICTURE 44They told the believers about the many converts, but some unbelieving Jews argued, “People must obey the law of Moses to be saved.”PICTURE 45So Paul and Barny, travelled to Jerusalem to settle the matter with the disciples. PICTURE 46As they made the journey south, they visited local Churches on the way and encouraged the believers.PICTURE 47In Jerusalem after much debate Peter said, “We believe that God will save everyone by faith in Christ.”


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PICTURE 48It was decided to write Paul and Barny a letter, saying that both Jews and non Jews, could be saved by believing only in the risen Christ.PICTURE 49IT WAS IN THE YEAR 48 that Paul and Barny returned to their church with the letter, when Paul saw how the believers were encouraged.PICTURE 50He was inspired to write his first letter to the believers at Galatia.PICTURE 51Paul then left for his SECOND MISSIONARY trip, to encourage the believers in GalatiaPICTURE 52He took a believer called Silas, and Timothy who lived in Galatia, also started preaching with Paul. PICTURE 53As they read the Jerusalem letter, the Galatian believers were encouraged and their numbers grew daily. PICTURE 54IN THE YEAR OF 49 Claudius expelled the believing and non believing Jews from Rome.PICTURE 55Paul had a dream where he saw a man saying ‘Come to Greece to help us’. PICTURE 56After a few days in Greece, Paul was preaching in Philippi.PICTURE 57When a whole family were saved. Paul stayed at the house of a woman called Lydia.PICTURE 58Paul was followed every day by a woman who would continually call out, “These are servants of the Most High God,” PICTURE 59Finally one day, Paul turned to her and commanded the evil spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ, come out.” PICTURE 60Paul and Silas were arrested for this and the magistrates ordered that they should both be flogged.PICTURE 61At midnight as they were both praising God in their prison cell, there was a great earthquake and their chains fell off.PICTURE 62The jailer fell to his knees, “What must I do to be saved?” “Believe in the risen Christ, and you will be saved.” answered Paul.PICTURE 63The following day they were released and went to stay with Lydia.PICTURE 64After they left Philippi, they stayed in Thessalonica for three weeks.PICTURE 65Until the unbelieving Jews started a riot.PICTURE 66So as soon as it was dark, they escaped. PICTURE 67And made their way to Berea.PICTURE 68But as they preached in Berea, the unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica arrived and caused more trouble.PICTURE 69So Paul left for Athens on his own.PICTURE 70When Paul arrived in Athens.


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PICTURE 71The philosophers, wanted to hear more about the strange god that Paul preached.PICTURE 72Paul preached about the resurrection of Christ. Some of the philosophers made fun of him, while other men believed.PICTURE 73IN THE YEAR 50 Paul left Athens and travelled to Corinth, PICTURE 74Where he became a tent maker.PICTURE 75When Timothy arrived in Corinth, he told Paul that the Thessalonians would love to see him. PICTURE 76So Paul wrote the THESSALONIANS A LETTER, encouraging them with Christ’s coming. PICTURE 77Every Saturday Paul debated with the Jews and Greeks in the Synagogue.PICTURE 78In the following year of 51 Paul received news from Thessalonica, that the believers were idle due to some wrong teaching PICTURE 79So Paul wrote a SECOND letter, which was delivered to the THESSALONIAN believers.PICTURE 80After eighteen months preaching and teaching in Corinth, Paul started a journey back to his home church, PICTURE 81His friends accompanied him, as far as Ephesus. PICTURE 82Paul sailed from Ephesus to Caesarea and then travelled north to his home church in Antioch. PICTURE 83This was now the end of Paul’s SECOND MISSIONARY TRIP .

THE LIFE OF PAUL PART 2PICTURE 01 IN THE YEAR 52 Paul said farewell to the believers in Antioch and set off on his THIRD MISSIONARY TRIP PICTURE 02 MAPPaul encouraged the believers in Derbe, Lystra, Iconium and Antioch. In the YEAR 53 Paul arrived in Ephesus.PICTURE 03Paul baptised the believers in Ephesus and when he laid hands on them, they spoke in new languages and prophesied.PICTURE 04For three months Paul preached in the synagogue.PICTURE 05Then he rented a school hall where he preached for two years.PICTURE 06It was during this period, that Bible scholars believe that Paul sailed from Ephesus to Corinth at least once.PICTURE 07God did special miracles through the hands of Paul.PICTURE 08Handkerchiefs were taken from him to those that were sick and God healed them. PICTURE 09


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Many people, who believed the message of Paul, brought their books of magic and burned them.PICTURE 10IT WAS IN THE YEAR 54 that Claudius was poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina.PICTURE 11The fifth Roman Emperor was Nero Domitius. PICTURE 12Nero’s mother was Agrippina the wife of Claudius, so Claudius was Nero’s step father.PICTURE 13IN THE YEAR 55 while in Ephesus Paul wrote a letter to the BELIEVERS AT CORINTH PICTURE 14 Paul gave the letter to Timothy and Erastus to deliver.PICTURE 15The preaching of Paul in Ephesus had affected the profits of the silversmiths PICTURE 16The people had stopped buying idols of the goddess Diana.PICTURE 17So the businessmen kidnapped some believers and there was a riot in the city.PICTURE 18So Paul travelled to Troas and began preaching there. PICTURE 19After Paul left Troas he wrote his SECOND LETTER TO THE CORINTHIAN BELIEVERS from either Philipi Thesalonica or Berea. PICTURE 20We know this because in the first chapter he tells them about the riot in Ephesus.PICTURE 21And in the second chapter he tells them about his preaching in Troas. PICTURE 22Paul eventually arrived in Corinth PICTURE 23Where he preached for three months. PICTURE 24In THE YEAR OF 56 at Corinth Paul wrote his letter to the believers in Rome PICTURE 25Phebe who was probably expelled from Rome by Claudius seven years earlier, delivered the letter.PICTURE 26The non believing Jews in Corinth conspired against Paul.PICTURE 27So Paul decided to take the long route to Jerusalem, travelling through Berea, Thessallonica, Phillipi and on to Troas.PICTURE 28One night while Paul was preaching in Troas, a man went to sleep, fell out of the window and died.PICTURE 29Paul embraced him and said to the people, “Don’t trouble yourselves, he is alive.” PICTURE 30As Paul travelled to Jerusalem, he met with the leaders of the Ephesian church. PICTURE 31Whilst praying they all wept before they took Paul to the Jerusalem ship.PICTURE 32In Jerusalem PICTURE 33Paul was attacked by the non believing Jews; “Get him he teaches against our religion.”PICTURE 34


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As they were about to kill Paul, the Roman commander intervened.PICTURE 35Paul was given permission to speak and as he gave his testimony the Jews started rioting again.PICTURE 36When the Captain discovered that Paul was a Roman citizen, he didn’t know what to do.PICTURE 37Paul was allowed to speak to the Jewish leaders, but they were divided. So Paul was re-arrested for his own safety.PICTURE 38The next day Paul’s nephew told the captain that forty of the Jews had planned to assassinate his uncle.PICTURE 39That night an escort of over four hundred soldiers, escorted Paul north to Caesarea.PICTURE 40Felix the governor and his wife sent for Paul, and as Paul shared his faith and the judgement to come, Felix trembled. PICTURE 41Two years passed, and IN THE YEAR OF 59 a new Governor called Festus was appointed.PICTURE 42The Jews asked for Paul to be tried in Jerusalem, because they had a plan to assassinate him on route.PICTURE 43But Paul was given permission to have his trial in RomePICTURE 44Whilst under arrest, Paul shared his testimony with the rich and famous.PICTURE 45Eventually Paul and his escort of soldiers set sail for Rome.PICTURE 46During a terrible storm Paul told his shipmates, “God has told me that everyone will be saved.”PICTURE 47The next day the ship ran aground on Malta and everyone was saved.PICTURE 48While making a fire Paul was bitten by a deadly snake. PICTURE 49When Paul didn’t drop dead, the people thought he was a god. PICTURE 50Three months later IN THE YEAR 60, they left Malta PICTURE 51And sailed to Rome.PICTURE 52Some of the Christians travelled from Rome to meet him.PICTURE 53Paul was placed under house arrest and many people came to hear about the Jewish Messiah.PICTURE 54Paul lived in the house fo r two years and many Jews from the synagogue came to hear him preach.PICTURE 55Paul wrote four letters from Rome. Firstly the letter to the believers at EPHESUS, secondly the letter to the believers at PHILIPPI, thirdly the letter to the COLOSIAN believers. PICTURE 56Colossi was one hundred miles from Ephesus, the church was probably started during Paul’s three years with the Ephesians. PICTURE 57A runaway slave was delivering the Colossian letter. The last of Paul’s prison letters was to PHILEMON.


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PICTURE 58Paul personally knew Philemon, who was the master of the runaway slave. PICTURE 59IN THE YEAR OF 62 after five years in prison, Paul was released. PICTURE 60Paul wrote a letter to Timothy who was a leader in the Ephesian church. He told Timothy that he was again preaching;PICTURE 61In Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea.PICTURE 62Paul also sailed to Crete with Titus who was with him in Corinth. PICTURE 63He had to leave Crete in a hurry, so Paul wrote TITUS a letter which today we have in the Bible.PICTURE 64Paul was re-arrested and expecting to be executed.PICTURE 65It was here that Paul wrote his last and most moving letter, known as 2nd TIMOTHY.PICTURE 66The great fire of Rome started on the 19th of July IN THE YEAR 64 and Christians were accused of arson.

PICTURE 67Traditionally this is when Paul was arrested and executed by Nero, sometime between the fire.PICTURE 68And when Nero was forced to commit suicide on June 9th IN THE YEAR 68.PICTURE 69In the YEAR OF 66 the Jewish people started to revolt against Rome. PICTURE 70This was the start of the Jewish wars which would last for seven years.PICTURE 71Immediately after Nero’s suicide in 68, there was a violent power struggle, and in just one year there were four Emperors Nero Galba, Otho and Vitellius. However, they all suffered violent deaths. PICTURE 72DURING THE YEAR 69 the Roman general Vespasian, surrounded the city walls of Jerusalem, but cut short the attack and left for Rome to become the new emperor. PICTURE 73Heeding the words of Jesus “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by an army get out.” The believers left.PICTURE 74Vespasian sent his son Titus, to Jerusalem to finish the siege. PICTURE 75IN MAY OF THE YEAR 70 in the middle of the seven year tribulation, Jerusalem was set alight and became a lake of fire. PICTURE 76The temple was destroyed and not one stone was left standing, just as Jesus said would happen.PICTURE 77The great seven year tribulation against the Jewish people ended IN THE YEAR 73 when around 15,000 Roman troops overcame the mountain fortress at Masada in southern Israel.PICTURE 78With sacrifices finished, the abomination of desolation ended, the end times of the Old Covenant were complete.


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Editors note: We have not included the book of Revelation for the following reason, the purpose of The Glory Story is to help people understand the whole of the Bible story and whilst the book of Revelation is part of that story, it is not a book that lends itself to be told in the form of a story, due to much of the symbolic imagery and the apocalyptic language used.. We thank you for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.

Below are the dates we have used in the filmThe dates in BOLD are exact historic dates others are estimated within the storyline.

To make the book of Acts come alive in your Bible. Get a pencil and write in the following dates.

Chapter 1 verse 2 is year 33 Chapter 8 verse 1 is year 36. Chapter 9 verse 26 is year 37. Chapter 11 verse 1 is year 37. Chapter 11 verse 28 is year 41 Chapter 12 verse 2 is year 41 sChapter 12 verse 23 is year 44 Chapter 13 verse 4 is year 45. Chapter 14 verse 3 is year 46. Chapter 14 verse 28 is year 47. Chapter 15 verse 30 is year 48. Chapter 16 verse 8 is year 49. Chapter 18 verse 1 is year 50. Chapter 18 verse 2 is year 49 Chapter 18 verse 12 is year 51 Chapter 18 verse 23 is year 52. Chapter 19 verse 1 is year 53. Chapter 19 verse 9 is year 54. Chapter 19 verse 22 is year 55. Chapter 20 verse 1 is year 56. Chapter 21 verse 33 is year 57. Chapter 24 verse 27 is year 59 Chapter 28 verse 16 is year 60. Chapter 28 verse 30 is year 62.

If you further want to make the book of Acts come alive, write in the margin where Paul wrote his letters.

In chapter 15 between verse 31 & 35 write Galatians.In chapter 18 verse five write 1st Thessalonians.In chapter 18 verses 11-17 write 2nd Thessalonians.In chapter 19 verse twenty-two write 1st Corinthians.In chapter 20 between verses one and two write 2nd Corinthians.In chapter 20 verse three write Romans.In chapter 28 verse thirty write Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.

1st Timothy and Titus were written after Acts when Paul was released from prison. After Paul was rearrested and imprisoned, Paul wrote his last letter that we know as 2nd Timothy.

We are now at the end of Paul’s life, after the great fire of Rome in 64 A.D. Church tradition tells us that Paul was executed during the reign of the mad Emperor Nero, probably in 66 or 67 A.D.

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