Download - The Geography of India. For thousands of years geography has made South Asia a crossroads. Trade routes brought merchants and missionaries.


The Geography of India

For thousands of years geography has made South Asia a crossroads.

Trade routes brought merchants and missionaries

Two major world religions began in South Asia:



2500-1500 B.C.E Indus Valley Civilization started from immigrants from Iran

They built cities such as Mahenjo-Daro which was highly advanced.

Roots of Hinduism

•1500 B.C.E Aryans invaded from central Asia

•The Aryans drove out the Dravidians

•The Aryans brought with them the idea of a caste system.

Caste system is a rigid class system. A person cannot move between castes or classes.

Hindus believe in reincarnation

Cows are sacred.

Sacred writing of the Hindus are the Vedas

The Caste System

The Brahma Cow



dharma- every person’s moral duty

karma- good is rewarded: bad is punished

reincarnation- every person is reborn until they are released from the cycle of rebirth.

The Ganges River is sacred to the Hindus.

•Highly polluted

•Bath in the river to purify themselves

Buddhism founded about the same time as Hinduism.

Founder Siddhartha Gautama

Leader today is the Dali Lama

Buddhist believe in reincarnation.

People reach the state of Nirvana

Since the mid 1700’s Britain controlled India

Britain took away a thriving textile industry and exported the raw cotton to mills in England

Britain expected the Indians to purchase their ready made textile products.

Many Indian textile workers lost their jobs.

During the late 1800’s Indians developed a strong sense of nationalism.

Many Indians were educated in Europe.

One of those people was Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi.

He led non violent resistance to England.

Indians boycotted British Cloth.

1946 England agreed to give India its independence if they could agree on a government.

The conflict in India was between the Muslims and the Hindus

The only solution was to partition or divide India into Pakistan and India.

The Hindus occupied India and the Muslims occupied Pakistan

Later conflicts developed between East and West Pakistan and the country of Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) was created in 1971

Within the past few years, Pakistan and India have tested nuclear weapons.

They are in conflict of a portion India known as Kashmir.

Bell Work 4/20

• Using your notes, textbook, and class discussion; in a short paragraph (at least 3 sentences) discuss Kashmir.

Taj Mahal

• Located in Agra, India, not far from New Delhi

• Built by a Muslim emperor in the 17th century as a mausoleum for his wife

• Fell into disrepair when Muslim empire collapsed and Hindus took over

• Recently restored to former glory; now a symbol of national pride; major tourist site

New Delhi, India

New Delhi, India

• Capital of India; not far from the Taj Mahal