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Page 1: The Gamer Gazette #9 ()
Page 2: The Gamer Gazette #9 ()

In This Issue!

Tazer News:

Game Expo Scotland: For those of

you who have been following the

Saturday Vlog on the "TazerCG"

channel, you will be well aware that

we have been trying to attain some

Press Passes for Game Expo Scotland,

but as yet we are still unaware if we

will be receiving any. We are due to

find out by the end of July, so by the

time the magazine goes out we

should know either way. If we do

manage to get some press passes,

our next step will be to try and raise

some money to get up to Scotland as

if our Kickstarter project doesn't get

enough backing then we will have to

try and raise the money ourselves.

Look out for more updates on this

throughout the month.

New Mid-Week Videos for the

"TazerCG" Channel: For a while now

we have had a gap in our schedule

that we have wanted to fill. The

"TazerCommunityGaming" channel is

busy all week with videos scheduled

5 out 7 days every week and

sometimes extras. So we have

decided to put it to the community,

we have several ideas that we would

like your feedback on. To find out

more please use the link below to be

taken to the corresponding video:



Giveaway: Don't forget to check this

month's Quad-Core Mini Magazine

for your chance to win a 5 game

bundle. For more details visit the

"Prizes" page of our website:

Page 3: The Gamer Gazette #9 ()

Unturned is brand new free to play

'Minecraft-clone' game that was

released early in July.

The idea of the game is to

has has huge pixel-

constructed worlds...any of this

sounding familiar?

Yes it is



as my







except for

one very

obvious can't build


So what is the point of a Minecraft-

Clone that you can’t build in? Well, the

concept for this game is closer to that of

DayZ than it is Minecraft. The objective

is to survive and thrive.

You’re born into the world butt-naked

and with very few supplies. You have to

explore the world and venture into

abandoned towns filled with zombies.

And here lies my first issue with this

game. All the zombies seem to gather in

the towns, and nowhere else. You

occasionally find them in other places

but not often.

This makes it really hard to actually start

off at the


because the

zombies are

really badly


They are

faster than

you are


makes them


hard to

outrun, and they don't give up after a

certain amount of time meaning you just

have to keep running and running.

I did find a good way of getting away

from them, but even that has its

problems. If you jump into water the

zombies don't follow, which is awesome

however in some places you will try and

swim to another shore away from the

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zombies, and then they will glitch back

to your position.

On one occasion I swam to a shore so

far away I could not see the zombies

anymore and as soon as my feet

touched the shore (where there were

NO zombies) I was immediately

bombarded and mauled by the very

zombies that I had left behind on the

other shore.

This game does have a multiplayer

system too, which would be a really

awesome feature as it could be a lot of

fun and a

lot easier

to survive

if you had

a group to



this game



from the


terrible and outdated system of using IP

Addresses to play with your friends that

the real Minecraft does. I loathe this

system and wish it would f**k off. Sorry

to be so blunt, but having played

Minecraft on the Xbox and knowing how

fun and easy it is to play with your

friends, it annoys me that on PC they

cannot implement a similar system. All I

want to do is play with my friends so

why make it so difficult for the average


This game isn't all bad though, it has a

lot of potential, especially seeing as it is

free to play. There is a gold system you

can unlock with a one-off $5 fee, which I

think is quite reasonable considering it is

a one-off and not a subscription. I think

that unlocks a few extra features, and

some stuff, but I didn't have enough

time to look into it unfortunately.

The settings for the game are very

detailed, and once bumped up to the

highest settings, parts of the game

actually look better the Minecraft itself.

The water for example, although once

under it looks very unfinished and

glitchy, when you look at it from the

shore it actually looks really nice. As

shown in the

last picture

in this article.



itself is huge

with a lot to

explore, not

that I got


chance to as

I usually died pretty quick, as I have

mentioned it's pretty hard when you

start out.

The best way I've found is to try and get

your hands on a car...yes a car! This

game has drivable cars in a Minecraft-

style's awesome! Just make

sure you get one that has fuel as you

will not be safe if you just hide in a car,

the zombies can smash into it. But if you

manage to get a car with fuel and get

the zombies to follow you, you can then

swing around and take them all out in

one long line with the car itself, clearing

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out the whole town sometimes leaving

you to loot the whole town unhindered.

I do like this game quite a lot, it's a great

little free game to mess about on, it just

has a few issues which really need

adjusting and then it could be awesome.

So make sure you communicate these

issues and anymore that you find

yourself with the developers so that they

can fix it, because it wouldn't take much

to fix them.

I hope you enjoyed this review of

"Unturned", don't forget to come back

next month for many more reviews, and

if your reading us on,

please support us by clicking that

"Follow" button.

- Nathan Scullard

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Dead Island Game Review

By Kim Gustafsson

Welcome to the Island of the dead.

Dead Island is a zombie game (as if it

could be anything else in this month’s

issue) that plays out in the sun paradise

Banoi located of the coast of Papua

New Guinea, a fictional Island isolated

from the world around it.


As you wake up as one of the four

characters you listen to a stranger over

the radio (always the case with zombie

games is it not?) that helps to guide you

safely from

the hotel

you are in.

Where you

wake up


I was


through all

the fighting


and death

that turned 90% of the humans to

zombies? As he is drunk, I get the

heavy sleeping, but that’s just MY

character, what are the others excuse?

It’s a bit strange that’s all I'm saying. I

played as Logan Carter a former football

star of some sort. And he seems to have

some ego issues. The reason I picked

him though is cause of his bonus with

thrown weapons, I figure I want to keep

the zombies as far away as possible.

But more about this later, I'm getting

ahead of myself.

As you cut, throw and cause blunt force

trauma to everything that stumbles in

the world, you find a few people that are

still alive and needs help getting off the

Island. It turns out you are immune to

the infection and all their hope is now

laying on you. In the hopes of finding

help you move through the Island's

beaches and bungalows to find supplies





In time

you need

to leave



and go

into the

city, as

you go further you will find out a thing or

two about the virus.

Now you know that I don’t like revealing

the entire story in a game and like to

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leave some of it to the players

themselves (that’s you in case you had

forgotten) that’s the whole point of the

game, you want the experience right?

But I have to say, I was not taken by the

story in this game. All I can think while

playing this game is "Been there done

that" and that saying goes through the

entire campaign. There are some parts

that are good, but the majority of it is


new. And

this is a


for the


itself. In

its own

right it’s a


game, the


is not

bad, but so many games have gone

down the same road before it (like every

resident evil game ever made) so even

if the story is good, you still feel like you

have played it before. Let me say this

again though just to be sure, the story is

not bad, just not new. There is an

infection/virus and there is someone

who released it. It’s just same-old same-

old if you get my meaning.

On the other hand the side missions are

more interesting in my book. They don’t

have much impact on the story, but they

do add to the feeling of the game. In

games like Resident Evil you have a set

objective; here you can take it a bit more

as it comes. Doing some side missions

are a great way to get more experience

but also to get a better feel for the Island

and what the people on it have gone

through in order to survive, or for that

matter what happened to them as they

died. Additionally, it allows you to kill

even more zombies, your xp is

increasing and you have a great time,

what's not to like? Besides, you might

need those extra skill points for the late

game where it gets notably harder. Not

only because of some new enemy

types, but




do have a


system as

well and



with your

own in


areas. It's just good to have some extra

power when you need it.


In the game you can play as one out of

four people but the only one I have

tested by the time of writing is Logan so

I cant say much about the others. Logan

however is a bit of an ego, and no its not

that he HAS an ego, he IS one.

Although he doesn’t have a problem

with helping people along the way he

keeps making stupid comments about

everything. Not when interacting with

npc's then its just the ocasional "ok" or "I

see what I can do". But when you are

alone killing zombies he cracks

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comments like "whats wrong with you"

well probably the same god damn thing

that's wrong with the last 2000 zombies

that tryed to kill you! Needless to say it

gets a bit tedius after a while. He himself

is not bad, and I like the voice. It just

gets a bit too repetative. As for the other

playable ones, a rapper named Sam B,

Xian Mei, Chinese spy and hotel

receptionist and an ex police officer

Purna, I have to say I know very little as

far as their personalities and voice

acting go, but I do however know a bit

more about the npc's in the game. Even

if many are not bad, none of them will

be getting any awards from me as far as

voice acting goes. They are a bit plain

and not really memorable. Some stand

out, but off the top of my head I cannot

recall the name of anyone of them. Sure

names like White, Yerema and Jin (the

latter mostly cause of the name

reminding me of Jin Kazama from the

Tekken series) are remembered only

because of there part in the main story.

And White

got his

own DLC

as well,

that helps



his name.

But they

aren’t the

type of

people or

characters that you will spend a lot of

time on after you quit your gaming

session. They simply don’t get all the

way there in terms of rememorability

(yes that’s a word) and as some one

that plays for the people in the games,

for me this is a great loss. And it doesn’t

stop with just a few of them, it’s mostly

all of the NPC's in the game.


The game utilizes a free roam type of

game play with first person perspective.

There are also a few levelling up skill

tables that become available. The game

describes that it is a customizing game,

but it’s really not. Sure the skills do

something in the way of how you want

to play the game, shooting or cutting for

example, but this is mostly done by

character choice and not

customisaztion. As all of the playable

characters have preset favourable

abilities. Whether you want it to or not

you will have to go for the stuff that your

character is used to, or you will miss out

on your special abilities. To use an

example, as I played with Logan I get a

bonus to



this is good

in theory

but those

types of


aren’t that

effective in

the game. I

spent points

in a skill thet gives me extra rage (more

on that later) for every kill I do with a

thrown weapon. Unfortunatly nothing

ever dies from a thrown weapon unless

you beat the living snot out of it first,

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back away and throw something in its

face before it starts to regenerate. Its

not very viable, not to mention the fact

that you just threw away your wepon on

an enemy that did not die….great right?

But still I put points down into it cause its

what my character is supposed to do.

This gets better in the late game but it

still hurts to throw away your weapon in

the hopes of a kill.

You can


some of


weapons as

well, but

you will


blueprints in

order to do

so. And the

parts that

can be a bit

more troublesome to find. Most parts

are found as you explore, but what to

keep and what not to keep is a bit of an

issue in some cases. Add to it that your

arsenal of weapons will break down

under usage and needs repairs. By the

point you find a blueprint, the weapons

you needed have most likley broken and

been thrown away at some point making

"customizing" weapons very difficult and

in many cases virtually impossible. You

need an inventory that can swallow the

entire world in order to make something

good the first time you play as you have

no way of knowing what is important

and where the appropriate blueprints


As far as the game running itself is a bit

of a let down as well. It feels like the

game is always one or two seconds

behind in response to what you want to

do (I play with a controller and this might

have something to do with it, but so far I

see the same result with mouse and

keyboard) making you wait for a

response when you usualy don’t have

time to do so. The game also has some

kind of "auto-aim" system that applies to

your close



and its not

working at

all. Aiming



head will

not mean

you hit it, it

can simply

take a hit

on the shoulder because "it was closer"

or whatever makes the game decide

whats being aimed on, god knows what

it is but its not what I go for when I aim

at something.

Maybe this is made to create hits where

the player would miss but I feel its just a

bunch of crap. Only way of getting a

clean head hit is to kick them down and

then aim for the head. And when

throwing you don’t seam to have any

say either about where you aim, it just

takes aim at the zombies belly….WHAT

THE FUCK! Everyone who has ever

played a zombie game knows to aim for

the head unless the enemy type tells

you differently. So why the fuck in hell is

it auto aiming in there gut? That’s not

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gonna do anything, IT’S A ZOMBIE! Its

just a stupid system that makes

throwing a pain in the ass, whomever

made this system is a moron . I don’t

mind a crosshair or something to tell you

where you are aiming, but to auto aim at

there guts? That’s just stupid.

The game looks good but it does not run

as smoothly as I would have liked. Its

always a bit laggy no matter how I do

the graphics its like it doesn’t want to

run completely smooth. It does not

crash but it does not give your character

a fluid motion. Imagine someone making

one of those post-it card movies. Where

you draw a pic of every pice of paper

and then shuffle through them at speed.

Well this game runs like that except

some one is always that split second

behind in turning the paper, making it

feel shaky and half made. It does not

give you a nice feel in the gameplay.

Final words

This game does not have the best story,

but I still play it because it gives me

somehting that many other zombie

games fail to deliver. I feel very satisfaid

in the way I can kill zombies in this

game. Be it shooting, beating, cutting or

throwing (if you’re an idiot like me) it

feels like you are doing it. The impacts

of the weapons are nice and I just love

to throw stuff just to hear the sound of it

hitting some enemy. The same goes for

the blunt force trauma inflicted by a wide

assortment of weapons in the game. I

don’t play this game for the story, I just

don’t, I play it to kill zombies and have

fun while doing it. Killing zombies is

what this game does well and you

should play it for that reason alone.

As far as I’m concerned it’s a fun game,

not saying it’s great, but a fun game to

play all the same. That said now you

have to excuse me casue this game is

multiplayer as well and I need to find a

friend, and tothether we will break skulls

and cause blunt force trauma on tourists

as if it was going out of style.

Happy gaming people, I see you in


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Nether Game Review

By Nathan Scullard

Although not really a "Zombie" game,

this game is what I would call a genuine

alternative to DayZ, which IS a zombie

game. Not quite the same concept, but

very similar. And if you are at all like me,

you get a bit fed up with the endless

stream of glitches that DayZ itself has to



truth be told

that isn't

really a fair



unless I am

very much


DayZ is still

in its early

access phase, whereas Nether is least everywhere I look on steam

it tells me it isn't.

So one or two glitches in DayZ are

forgivable, but not in Nether. I have had

serious problems with this game

crashing a lot and the most famous

glitch that every Nether owner can

contest to is the freezing on the server

screen, meaning you can't even get into

the game.

I have to be fair though and say that it

appears they have fixed this particular

glitch and since they have, I have not

had any problems with it crashing either,

but I thought that they were still worth a

mention as the game was released with

these issues and went unresolved for

quite some


The game

itself is like

most of the



this year,

it’s a


game. Are

you getting

sick of this genre yet? Me too! And the

thing that annoys me about the genre

the most is that it doesn't seem to be

able to provide you with the ability to

create a "Private" lobby, which is a huge

problem because the biggest threat to

any player in games such as these is

not the monsters or zombies

themselves, but actually the other

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players. The as****es who think it's

funny to pray on low level players. You

see them a mile off, they're the ones

who have paid real-life money for cool

or funny clothes or personalised

weapons. And to be honest, this alone is

what totally ruins the genre for me.

I get that they are trying to make it into a

real life survival situation where you

can't really trust anyone, because you

are all trying to survive, but at least give

us the "option" to play like that or just

with friends. They could make it even

simpler by giving you the option of PVP

or PVE


but I have

never seen


Moving on

from that



the game

itself has a

lot of

potential. The environment for starters is


With the ability to explore cities,

settlements, safe zones, underground

tunnels, abandoned outposts and many

many more areas, which remind me of

exploring the wilderness in a fallout

game more than anything else. It even

has courier missions and A.I. traders to

trade with for the goods you can find

scattered around the map.

But of course this is all useless because

before you get chance to deliver a

package or gather enough stuff to buy

anything of value you get killed by

another player and have to start again.

Either that or you buy something good

and THEN get killed and have the thing

stolen from you and you have to start


But if it wasn't for the other players,

Nether could actually be a very

enjoyable game. The maps are vast and

engaging, the monsters are genuinely

scary, and can seriously be a challenge

if you decide to attack them at the wrong

moment. What I mean by that is

sometimes you will come across a


on its

own, and


it's easy

prey you

will attack



to realise

that it’s

one of


monsters that roar and call hundreds

more to it, or that the monster was in the

middle of a nest so as soon as you

attack it you get bombarded with


To be totally honest I don't really get

why this game has such a low Meta

Score on Steam, with only 56/100. Most

of the glitches have been fixed, the

game is engaging with stuff to do and

things to see. The mechanics are very

good they don’t feel sluggish, hard to

handle or control. In fact, the only thing I

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can think of that lets it down...yes I keep

coming back to the damn people.

I actually really like this game despite

my previous statement about this game

genre. It is however a game better

played with friends, just not the kind of

friends who are going to stab you in the

back and nick your stuff.

It's a shame there doesn't seem to be

any kind of running story or back story

that you have to uncover, but a lot of

games in this genre don't have that. You

are just dropped somewhere and

expected to survive.

I don't think anyone at all has quite

grasped at the potential of this genre yet

and just seem content with making

lobbies where people mess about, I

would like to see some kind of end

game and targets to achieve in this

genre and I believe that it could be a

really good concept. But for now

everyone I know who has played a

game of this type has played it, said,

"It’s kind of neat" then gone back to

playing other games. And I am the

same, so I'm off to play The Walking


I hope you enjoyed this review, and if

you did, be sure to check out our


Until next time...See Ya!

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Magic Tips

By Kim Gustafsson

Welcome to the magic section of this

magazine. Even though this is a zombie

issue I have to be the different kid here

since I already covered the zombie deck

in Magic 2014, but it’s the next best

thing, if not better...Demons!

It's time to talk about the Lords of

Darkness deck. This is a DLC deck that

focuses on bringing out strong creatures

with a bunch of different abilities while

using spells to keep your enemy down

while your army grows in power. But

trying to keep in line with the theme I'm

not going to talk so much about the

spells in this deck, and focus more on its

creatures. So sit down and give a prayer

to the dark gods that your soul will not

be corrupted as you read this few but

powerful demonic names…

First out is


Demon, this dark

winged demon has

flying (surprise right)

and for the cost of

five mana you gain

a pretty powerful 5/6

creature. This is

really good but it can turn out to be a

double-edged blade. This demon has a

special ability on it that accesses the

controlling player’s graveyard. If there

are less than six creature cards in it, you

will HAVE to sacrifice a creature. And if

Shadowborn Demon is your only

creature, it's going to the grave pile in

the beginning of your next turn. So keep

in mind when you summon this creature

as you could end up losing it right away.

Bloodgift Demon is

next up, a pretty

straight forward 5/4

for the cost of five

mana. But just as any

other demon it has

some special abilities.

This one can force

any player (including

yourself) to draw a card. But target

player will also loose 1 life. This is good

in the sense you can draw cards for the

cost of one life, but using it on your

opponent can be risky as you risk

helping them with the cards they need

instead of causing them any real

damage. It also has flying.

Having trouble fighting those white

angels in your opponent’s deck? Well

then Halo Hunter is the demon for you

then. For another five mana (there's a

pattern here I'm sure) you get a 6/3

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demon. Not the best

stats, but when it

enters the battlefield

you get to destroy

target angel creature

on the board. That’s

not too bad, and to

make it just a bit

better it also has

Intimidate, meaning that only other black

creatures can block it. It's not a bad

trade for five mana.

Renegade Demon is

a straight forward

creature for five mana

cost. It has a steady

5/3 and no abilities

what so ever. But it's

one of my favourites

simply because of its

quotes. Many

creatures and spells have these, and

sometimes I think it’s the best thing with

the game, so I thought I should share

this one with you all. "Have you ever

cornered a wounded vampire? That’s a

walk in the cathedral park in

comparison." It makes me smile every


Reaper from the

Abyss is a 6/6 with

flying, not only is this

good in itself but it

also has a special rule

called Morbid, this

allows it to destroy

any non-demonic

creature on the

battlefield as long as another creature

died this turn. Just make sure you have

all demons on deck while using this as if

your opponent doesn’t have any

creatures, this can hit your own lines.

Harvester of souls is

another one of my

favourites, not only for

the demon itself but

for its abilities and it

kind of looks like a

demon werewolf, can't

go wrong whit that.

Now it’s a six cost card that gives you a

5/5 with Deathtouch meaning that any

creature that comes in contact with it will

die, no matter how much health it has.

Not only that, but if any non-token

creature dies you get to draw a free

card, that’s always a good thing.

Lord of the Pit is not a

cross over to a bad

porno, but rather its

one of the strongest

demons in the deck.

Rocking in at a nice

7/7 for seven in mana.

It's expensive but

carries with it some nice abilities. It

comes with Flying and Trample as well,

so even if a weaker creature blocks it

some damage will still spill over to the

defending player. However it does have

a drawback. At the beginning of your

upkeep you will have to sacrifice a

creature or YOU will lose 7 life. And you

can't nominate Lord of the Pit himself

as a creature to be sacrificed. It's

another card to be used carefully in

order to not have it cause damage to

you instead.

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Lord of the Void is an

amazing card. It’s a

7/7 card for a seven

cost in mana. Having

Flying it will most likely

do damage, and when

it does something

really cool happens.

The player that took the damage exiles

the top 7 cards of his or her library, then

you get to pick a creature from among

those cards that will enter the battlefield

under your control, its bloody brilliant.

Not only do you do damage, you take

away from their library and on top of that

you get a free creature.

This is an Expensive

one Reiver Demon is

a bane for all non

black decks. It comes

in at an eight mana

cost whit only a 6/6

with flying to show for

it. But it is worth every

point in mana spent on it. When it enters

play, it destroys all non-artefact non-

black creatures on the board. They can't

be regenerated. It’s a board clear that

saves all your own black demons and

sweeps away all others. It's not a bad

trade for eight in mana.

To round this off this is

Demon of Death's

Gate. A monster that

comes in at a nice 9/9

for nine in mana. As

with all demons it has

flying but it also has

trample. In addition if

you just so happen to have three

weaker creatures on the field that you

don’t mind to give up, you can have

them scarified along with six of your

life's instead of paying its mana cost.

Good if you want it out early on in the

game. Even if your opponent has a flyer

that early, it’s unlikely it can block this

demon without dying, and it's still going

to do damage to your opponent.

There are more demons in the deck and

a bunch of useful spells as well, some to

buff or debuff creatures. Others to bring

them back from their grave to fight for

you once again. It’s a good deck but it

will need some planning if you want to

use it best. As many of its smaller

creatures will damage you or your

partner should you play double headed

giant with someone not using a black

deck. Keep that in mind that you might

have to think about the cards you put

out. Other then this it’s a fun deck to

play with more than one way of clearing

the board should you be forced to do

such a thing.

Lastly I will say that even though I'm

happy to have done this Magic series

this will be the last one of them for now.

Not only is Magic 2015 out (if you’re a

fan of 2014 you should definitely try the

next instalment in the series) but my

attention and time is needed elsewhere.

If everything willing I might come back to

it in the future to make the last couple of

decks or maybe even one on Magic

2015. But for now it's time to let this

section rest (although considering this

issues special on zombie it might still be


Happy gaming people and I hope to see

you in Magic 2015.

Page 17: The Gamer Gazette #9 ()

Ilya Muromets



1C Company August 1, 2014 (Early Access)



Shooter , Online Dead Shark Triplepunch

August 1, 2014

Risen 3: Titan Lords


RPG Not Available

August 2014

Sacred 3


RPG Deep Silver

August 22, 2014

Shadowgate -- The Classic Adventure Re-



Adventure Reverb Publishing

August 21, 2014

Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron



Action , RPG Bandai Namco Games

August 26, 2014

Metro: Redux


Shooter Not Available

August 26, 2014



Shooter RedBedlam Ltd.

August 2014

Ultra Street Fighter IV


Fighting Capcom

August 2014

Wasteland 2


RPG Deep Silver

August 2014