Download - The Game – Evolution Vocab 1 Evidence Darwin & Others Types of Selection Speciation Vocab 2 100 200 300 400 500.


Physics Jeopardy 1st Semester Review

Vocab 1100a change in the traits of a population because they adaptedevolution

Evidence100The youngest, newest fossils would be found in what layer:the top layer

Darwin & Others100Darwin did the majority of his observations on what islands?Galapagos Islands

Types of Selection100When graphed, a normal distribution pattern can be described as a _____ curvebell

Speciation100What is the minimum amount of time it takes for a new species to form?50 generations

Vocab 2100When genes move from one population to another, keeping the populations more genetically similargene flow

Vocab 1200All of the individuals of the same species in an areapopulation

Evidence200The study of the world and land forms is geography. What term describes the study and distribution of living things or organisms around the world?biogeography

Darwin & Others200Who believed that giraffe neck length was an acquired characteristic instead of an inherited characteristic?Lamarck

Types of Selection200This type of selection favors one of the extremes, the whole population shifts one way (ex. humans becoming taller)directional selection

Speciation200Name the two parts of the speciation theory. (What two things can cause new species to arise?)mutation and isolation

Vocab 2200Different versions of the same type of gene (ex. B and b, long beaks vs short, freckles vs no freckles)allele

Vocab 1300Extinctions that happen continuously, but at a low overall ratebackground extinction

Darwin & Others300What is the name of the book Charles Darwin wrote and what is the book about?Origin of Species; natural selection

Types of Selection300The type of selection in which BOTH extremes are favored (ex. bright blue AND dull brown bird coloration)disruptive selection

Speciation300 Which cells have altered DNA to bring a mutation to the next generationsex cells (sperm or egg cells)

Vocab 2300When there are episodes of speciation (forming of new species), followed by long periods of no change punctuated equilibrium

Vocab 1400when two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other (ex. acacia tree and acacia ant) coevolution

Evidence400This terms describes organs or structures that no longer serve a function for an organism. (snake legs, appendix, ostrich wings)vestigial structures

Darwin & Others400Which of the main 4 principles of natural selection is talking about how a species population has been changed over time through the selection of certain adaptationsdescent with modification

Types of Selection400This type of selection is when the average phenotype is favored, and the extremes are eliminated (ex. medium sized galls for flies)stabilizing selection

Speciation400When a river separates 2 species of lizards so they are not able to mate, it is called _________ _________. geographic isolation

Vocab 2400Something in the environment that cause a certain trait to be selected or selected against? (climate, food, competition, parasites, predators, disasters)selection pressure

Vocab 1500when closely related species evolve in different habitats to become increasingly different (ex. kit fox and red fox)divergent evolution

Evidence500These structures have a similar function to fit the same environment, but are not identical in structure (ex: bat wings and insect wings) analogous structures

Darwin & Others500A measure of all the genetic differences that are found in a certain populationvariation

Types of Selection500Selection between genders; the female chooses a male based on bright color, dance, or showing offintersexual

Speciation500When 2 species of birds do not mate because their breeding seasons are at different times (like the Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout)temporal isolation

Vocab 2500When 2 different species evolve the same types of adaptations for a similar environment; they become more similar (like a shark tail and dolphin tail, which are analogous structures)convergent evolution