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Page 1: The full report contains much more than the highlights in ... · • Citizenship. • Entrepreneurship. • Associate business objectives with social and environmental issues. •

Learn more about sustainable development at Bunge in Brazil at:

The Bunge Sustainability Report for Brazil – 2008 Edition may be downloaded online at the website above or ordered by e-mail at: [email protected] FROM THE FIELD TO YOUR TABLE

The full report contains much more than the highlights in this brochure and was developed in accordance with the latest generation of guidelines from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the G3. The new indicators are more complete, relevant to market needs, and facilitate comparisons among companies in the same industry worldwide. The Bunge Sustainability Report for Brazil – 2008 Edition is graded A+ based on its application of the GRI methodology, according to a third-party certification.

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Partnerships for SustainabilityBrazil – 2008

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Our visionTo enhance lives by improving the global agribusiness and food production chain.

Bunge’s Sustainability Policy in Brazil

Our core values•Integrity.•Opennessandtrust.•Teamwork.•Citizenship.•Entrepreneurship.

•Associatebusinessobjectiveswithsocial and environmental issues.

•Gobeyondmerecompliancewithlocal environmental legislation and other requirements applicable to its processes, products, and services.

• Promote ongoing environmental improvement and sustainable development, applying management principles, performance indicators, and environmental risk assessments.

•Investinthedevelopment of partners, who understand the concepts employed and present their vision of the process.

• Maintain an open and ethical posture in all business activities and relations. •Generatevalue,employment,

income, and wealth for the communities and countries in which the company operates.

•Demonstratesocialresponsibility,striving to meet the needs of the communities in which it operates and promoting the responsible use of natural resources.

•Contributetothedevelopment of citizenship through actions which enhance education and knowledge.

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Our sustainability principles

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•netsales:R$ 18,18 billion.•Growthover2006:33%.•Totalexports:R$ 6,7 billion.•Taxespaid:R$ 1 billion.

•Largest exporter in the Brazilian agribusiness industry.

•Largest transporter of goods by road, and the second largest considering all transport modes.

•Leader in grain purchasing and soy and wheat processing.

•Leader in fertilizer production and ingredients for animal nutrition.

•Most valuable brand in the agribusiness industry and 17th among all companies in Brazil.*

•Directjobs:8,909.•facilities:morethan300 units, including plants,

distribution centers, warehouses, and silos.•Agriculturalpartners:around 60,000 farmers.•Geographicdistribution:operationsin16 states

andexportsto30 countries throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America.

Consolidatedleadershipfounded on a 100-year history

A year of outstanding financial performance for Bunge in Brazil

Solid and efficient structure, strengthening the Brazilian economy

* Source: Brand Finance

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working with partner farmers to promote sustainable agriculture

By December 2007, Bunge released the booklet Environmental Responsibility in Agricultural Production, which was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Environment. with an initial distribution of 20,000 copies and also available for download on the Internet, it provides information on best practices, compliance with environmental laws, biome identification, and so on.

Environmental education in the local community

The CDAL – Center for Leisure and Environmental Education – is an award-winning Bunge initiative. ThroughtheworkoftheCDAL,theFigueira Branca Natural Reserve in

Gaspar(SC)wasopenedtothepublic.It comprises an area of 3.75 square kilometers in the Atlantic Forest. Visits to the reserve now form part of the environmental education activities carriedoutbytheCDAL,whichinvolved4,000 people in 2007.


If sustainability is integrating human activities with environment preservation, the Program for Integration Crop – Ranching – Forestry by the brazilianAgriculturalResearchCorpo-ration, or Embrapa, is one of the best examples.Throughapartnership beginning in 2008, Bunge will invest R$ 2.3 million to promote the program over three years. The program seekstomaximizeagriculturalproduc-tivity and lessen the need for agricultural expansionbypromotinglandrotationamong farmers and ranchers.

Awareness of acting with energy

Bunge is conscious of energyconsumption in all processes, from its offices to its plants, and is tapping into renewable sources of thermal energy. The result: in 2007, Bunge produced 20% of the electrical energy used, and renewable sources corresponded for 77% of its consumption in primary energy.

* includes charcoal,biodiesel, wood, woodchipsand rice husks.

** includes coal, raw petroleum, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, natural gas, BFP, GL P and GNL.

Renewable sources*

Non-renewable sources**

Primary Sources of Energy Consumedin2007



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Care for natural reSourCeS

and reSPeCt for the

environment inform our

effortS to eduCate,

raiSe awareneSS and Promote

natural PreServation.

Preserving one of the richest natural treasures in Brazil Launched at the end of 2007, the Aliança BioCerrado (BioCerrado Alliance) is a partnership developed with companies, NGOs, and local communities for the preservation oftheCerrado,orbraziliansavanna,which is one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. The alliance promotes responsible planning in land andsoiluseintheCerrado,balancinghuman development needs – 35% of agricultural national production – with environmental responsibility. The alliance completes other similar actions taken by Bunge, including theCerradoReservesProgram andtheCerradoPlanneduseProject.

One year of the Soy Moratorium: a partnership with material results No soy has been planted in newly deforested areas in the Amazon Biome since2006.Thisistheresultofthevoluntary moratorium on Amazon soy signed by Bunge and other companies involved in the soy trade. The signatories have committed not to trade soy from areas deforested intheAmazonbiomesincejuly2006,for a period of two years. while helping to prevent biome deforestation, the Soy Moratorium also strengthens bonds among industry, civil society, and government as they collaborate to find more sustainable alternatives in the soy trade in Brazil.

In 2007, Bunge invested 23 million reais in projects for environmental management

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New partnerships, new perspectives Bunge: three leaders in oneBunge has operated in Brazil for more than 100 years and is composed of three leading companies. Bunge Fertilizantes manufactures fertilizers and ingredients for animal nutrition. Bunge Alimentos trades soy, wheat, and corn and produces edible oils and wheat

flourpremixesforfoodmanufacturers,bakeries,andfood-service outlets. Fertimport provides necessary supportforbunge’sexportoperations,withfacilities to over millions of tons of goods.

In 2007, a partnership was launched withCornProductsbrasil,asubsidiaryofCornProductsInternational,whichwill broaden Bunge’s portfolio. Through this agreement, Bunge will market cornstarch and manioc meal produced byCornProductstothebread,cookie,and dough industries in Brazil.

Also in 2007, the acquisition of Agroindustrial Santa Juliana (MG) gave Bunge entry into the ethanol and sugar trade market. The plant has acurrentprocessingcapacityof1.6million tons of sugarcane per year. bungeplanstoexpandthiscapacityoverthenextfewyearsto4milliontons a year.

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The Bunge Stakeholders PanelPartnership begins with dialogue To foster open dialogue among customers, employees, suppliers, and NGOs, Bunge organized the Bunge Stakeholders Panel in São Paulo, in December 2007. The group provided important feedback on the last edition of the Sustainability Report that helped enhance the 2008 report and also endorsed many improvements to the management of sustainability at Bunge. The panel will convene regularly to provide ongoing input into Bunge’s activities.

Other stakeholder channels promoting sustainability

•SustainablePlanetInitiativePartnershipwithEditoraAbril,bancoRealandCPfLEnergia promotes reporting on sustainability in magazines, booklets, and website ( and promotes greater environmental awareness. •bungeWorkshopforSustainabilityEngages farmers in a dialogue about how to develop a more sustainable model for agribusiness.

•brazilianfarmerAward2007 marked the award’s fourth year of recognizing farmers who have demonstrated outstanding business and socio-environmental performance.

Transforming through knowledge

Fundação Bunge coordinates corporate social responsibility programs for Bunge in Brazil. with a focus on education and knowledge generation, it contributes to transforming life in the country by working with teachers, students, and volunteers. Below are some foundation highlights for 2007.

•TotalInvestments:R$ 4,85 million.•Totalactions:2,025.•Peopleengaged:50,000 public school students

benefitfromthefoundation’sComunidadeEducativa program.

• web Portal launched

•PublicationofBunge Citizenship booklets.

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bunge’sContributionstotheU.N. Millennium Development Goals

Through our food products aimed at the base of the social pyramid.


Fundação Bunge supports a number of programs for improving basic public education.


Through the nondiscrimination policy, which ensures equal opportunity regardless of gender.PROMOTE GENDER


Through local partnerships, Bunge is making infrastructure investments including modernization of hospitals.


Bunge Fertilizantes is working on the Pregnancy Program which offers psychological and emotional support to employees and their dependents during pregnancy


Bunge has counseling and prevention programs for serious diseases available to employees, their families and members of the community.


By applying the Global Environmental Policy and the Bunge Brazil Sustainability Policy, ensuring respect for the environment in our production processes.


bysupportingexternalcommitments aimed at sustainable development and establishing connections and partnerships with NGOs and other companies in the sectors where we operate.