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Page 2: The french in north america

American Colonies 5- Canada and Iroquoia

The Indians of northeastern North America divided into two groups, Algonquian and Iroquoian.

Iroquoian practiced a mixed economy, meaning they used hunting and gathering to supply their large and permanent villages.

In 1610, the French chose to ally with the Algonquian people, they seemed wise for the five nation Iroquoian, by the advantage of their more southern setting, they were inferior hunters and indifference traders.

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American Colonies 5- Canada and Iroquoia


In 1580, newfound land and the gulf of St Lawrence, there was around 400 vessels and a sum of 12,000 men.

The Indians’ pursed trading on their own in the beginning. They lived by having an animist conception, which was that all objects, material as well as living, are possessed of some spiritual power. The Algonquian people referred to this as Manitou.

Northeastern India conducted the trade through their chiefs and the traditional way, meaning like a ritual exchange of gifts to symbolize friendship and trust.

Europeans thought of trade as purely money-making and distinct from diplomacy, they initially reacted toward the Indian idea that trade sealed an alliance between equals.

The fur trade companies felt ambivalent about establishing permanent posts within their trading territory, attracting more colonists who seek profit.

Europeans made Indians their enemies, like Montagnais, Algonquin, and Huron, expected the French who helped them fight the five nation Iroquoian. The French embraced the northern alliance and made southern enemies.

Weapons and warfare were introduced and recognized within this area of time.

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American Colonies 5- Canada and Iroquoia


Unlucky for the French, the five nation York wars were particularly tough for enemies dwelling in the larger heartened top villages.

To remove grief, restore power, and build their own status, the Iroquois warriors conducted grieving wars in which they hunted for prisoners from their enemies, leaving the fate of them in elderly women's’ hands.

During the 17th century, the five nations needed an even more prisoners to manage the increaing death rates brought by dieases and war with metal weapons and guns.

The Dutch could supply better quality goods at lower prices, other than the French.

In 1614 the Dutch established a year round trading post on the upper Hudson near present day Albany.

During the 1620’s the easternmost Iroquoian nation, the Mohawk improved their access to trade by shifting the Algonquian’s by speaking Mohican.

Ironically, the French came to rely upon Iroquoian resentment as a barrier that kept their northern Allies from traveling south to trade with the Dutch.

Page 5: The french in north america

American Colonies 5- Canada and Iroquoia


The French colonizers true inspiration from the Spanish success was to build a Francis Gan mission systems to join control in Florida and New Mexico.

Lacking a biological concept in race, the 17th century Europeans didn’t believe that all people with white skin were characteristically superior to all the other colors.

In 1615 the French launched their first effort to persuade the Indians of Canada to become Christian.

The Jesuits grew to influence the Huron. The Huron were drawn to magical powers of the Jesuits other than the actual Christian message.

In the middle of the 17th century, Iroquois warfare dramatically escalated to nearly entire ethnic quantities.

The Iroquois attack on the Huron was mainly a pathetic war and secondly a beaver war.

Iroquois eliminated the Huron villages to prevent the other thousands of captives from running home.

This didn’t end the French’s interested with trade.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Toward the end of the 17th century, the French founded a new colony named Louisiana, located in the lower part of the Mississippi Valley.

Through generosity and restraint, the French can influence, but kidnap their command to their Indian Allies.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Immigrants Until 1663, Canada belonged to the fur

trading company ran by New France. The company saw little purpose in transporting to people in a colony dedicated to fur trade.

The French learned in the end that they needed more colonists to defend Quebec, from their English rivals.

Crown officials thought they were losing democratic race to colonize North America.

Most emigrants were poor, single young men.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Opportunity Most of the French and Canada improved

their status and standard of living. Dutch and French law treated wives as

equal economic partners with their husbands in contrast to English common law.

Women covered nunneries, schools, hospitals, asylum’s, and kept them largely independent of control by men who govern church and state.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Authority French Colonies reflected a more

militaristic form of authority. The power of the crown fell of total

control. To govern New France, the crowd

appointed for a rival officials, a military governor general, a civil administrator, catholic bishop, giving them an overlap of partnership between church and state.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Upper Country After 1700, the hard labor, rapid reproduction,

and peace with Iroquois brought great security, prosperity, and development of the valley.

The Indians and the French gradually developed an effective alliance based upon mutual accommodations on the middle ground.

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American Colonies 16- French America

Louisiana Different than Canada’s French in the mid

17th century, the Louisiana French sustained no significant missionary efforts.

The French concluded that trade in Ganz better secure native support to end missionaries.