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The Fisher Kings Viracocha

Viracocha – Quetzalcoatl – Enki – Vishnu -OannesAt the dawn of the present time cycle just after the great flood of Noah, recalled in the Bible and elsewhere, a mysterious group of god men appeared at various locations around the planet to initiate the survivors of the cataclysm in the rudiments of civilization. Legends from Peru to Sumeria, ancient Egypt to India, recount the arrival of god-like beings appearing after the great flood. Osiris and The Egyptian Thoth, India’s Vishnu, Enki and Oannes of Sumerian and Babylonia, Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha in the Americas, are remembered in ancient worldwide legends as a group of beings collectively referred to as the Fisher Kings — fisher’s of men.

ViracochaThe massive carved Viracocha effigy crowns the archway of the ancient temple at Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) known as the “Gateway of the Sun,” flanked by forty-eight winged effigies, thirty-two with human faces and sixteen with

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condor’s heads, the monument is hewn for a single block of stone.

In the Andean creation story, Viracocha first appears at Lake Titicaca, bringing culture to the ancient peoples of South America. Fair-skinned and bearded, he travels the countryside teaching art, astronomy, agriculture, geometry, and various systems to improve the lives of the people. According to the 16th century Spanish chronicler, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, recorded in his Historia de los Incas a tale about Manco Capac the first Inca, he writes, “The Great Flood being passed and the land dry, Viracocha determines to people it a second time and to make it more perfect, so he created luminaries to give it light, and with this objective in mind, he went with his servants to a great lake called Titicaca. Here Viracocha ordered that the sun, moon, and stars should come forth and be set in the heavens to give light to the world, and it was so. This done, Viracocha made a sacred idol in that place as a place for worship, and as a sign of what he had there created. Leaving the island, he passed by the lake to the main land, taking with him the two servants who survived.

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He went on to a place now called Tiahuanacu (Tiwanaku) in the province of Collasuyu and in this place he sculptured and designed on a great piece of stone, the likenesses of all the nations he intended to create. This done, he ordered his two servants to charge their memories with the names of all tribes that he had depicted, and of the valleys and provinces where they were to come forth, which were those of the whole land. He ordered that each one should go by a different road, naming the tribes, and ordering them all to go forth and people the country. His servants, obeying the

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command, set out on their journey and work. All agree that Viracocha was the creator of these people, and it is recalled that he was a man of medium height, white skinned, and dressed in a white robe like an alb secured round the waist, and that he carried a staff and a book in his hands.

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When he was ready to leave the land of Peru, he made a speech to those he had created, apprising them of the things that would happen. He told them that people would come who would say that they were Viracocha, their creator, and that they were not to believe them, but that in the time to come he would send his messengers, who would protect and teach them. Having said this, he went to the sea with his two servants who went traveling over the water, as if it was land, without sinking, for they appeared like foam over the water, and the people therefore gave them the name of Viracocha, which is the same meaning as the foam of the sea.”Another story recalls Viracocha (as Manco Capac), emerging from a cave at Lake Titicaca after the re-appearance of the sun…“Manco Capac and his brothers arrived at the mountain which is two leagues approximately from the town of Cusco, and climbing to the top, they saw in it the rainbow, which the natives call “guanacuari”, interpreting it as a favorable omen, Manco Capac declares, “consider this a sign that the world will not again be destroyed by water.” The rainbow was depicted on the high altar of the Sun Temple in Cusco and remains the insignia of the Inca civilization to this day. The Inca’s are

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known as the Rainbow One’s, those who’ve successfully initiated their lightbody.Even though many civilizations pre-date the Inca, it is to be remembered that the Conquering Spanish called all the ancient peoples of the Andes, Inca. The Incan civilization ruled vast areas of South America at that time of the Conquest, their territory being larger in landmass then the Great Roman Empire at it zenith. The legends of Viracocha predate the Incan Empire by hundreds, if not thousands of years, and fall under the category of worldwide creation myths.The Monoliths Stelae

The Bennett MonolithThe largest Stelae at Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco), Bolivia, near the shores of Lake Titicaca (above), is 24 feet high (20 ton), known as the Bennett monolith, or ‘Pachamama’ monolith, it stood for several years in front of La Paz stadium when it was taken from the original site at Tiwanaku in 1932. The monolith wasceremoniously returned in March 2002. The lower half of its body which is covered with fish-heads, reminds one of the Mesopotamian deity, Oannes, the half-man, half-fish,

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amphibious being who conveyed special knowledge to ancient mankind. Oannes is often associated with the Andean creator god, Viracocha.

Oannes of the SeaHe of the Vast Intellect

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The story in which Enki tells the Sumerian Noah “Uta-Napishtim” to build an ark, is similar to the Bible’s version of the great flood. Berossus describes Enki/Oannes as “Lord of the Sacred Eye” and “God of Wisdom”. He is said to have emerged four times, at long intervals, from the subterranean ocean to teach men the arts of civilization. When he appears it is in human form wearing a fish-tailed cloak. After educating mankind he returns to the waters, as darkness falls.“At Babylon there was a great resort of people of various nations who inhabited Chaldaea and lived in a lawless manner like the beasts of the field. In the first year there appeared from that part of the Erythraean sea which borders Babylonia, an animal destitute of reason by the name of Oannes, whose whole body was that of a fish. That under the fish’s head he had another head, with feet also below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish’s tail. His voice too and language, was articulate and human. A representation of him is preserved even to this day.Oannes was accustomed to pass the day among men, but took no food at that season. He gave them an insight into letters and sciences, and arts of every kind. He taught them to construct cities, to found temples, to

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compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge. He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth, and showed them how to collect the fruits. In short he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften manners, and humanize their lives. From that time forward nothing material has been added in the way of improvement to his instructions. When the sun had set this Being retired again to the sea, and passed the night in the deep, for he was amphibious. After this there appeared, other’s like Oannes.THE FIRST INCARNATION OR MATSYA AVATAR OF VISHNU

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“The fish has often been associated with the World Saviors. Vishnu, the Hindu Redeemer, who takes upon himself ten forms for the redemption of the universe, was expelled from the mouth of a fish in his first incarnation. Isis, while nursing the infant Horus,

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is often shown with a fish on her headdress. Oannes, the Chaldean Savior (borrowed from the Brahmins), is depicted with the head and body of a fish, from which his human form protrudes at various points. Jesus was often symbolized by a fish. He told His disciples that they should became “fishers of men.” The sign of the fish was also the first monogram of the Christians. The mysterious Greek name of Jesus, ?????, means “a fish.” The fish was accepted as a symbol of the Christ by a number of early canonized church fathers. St. Augustine likened the Christ to a fish that had been broiled, and it was also pointed out that the flesh of that Fish was the food of righteous and holy men.” – Picart’s Religious Ceremonials.

Bennet Monolith (Viracocha), Tiwanaku, Lake Titicaca (above) As

shown in Markawasi: Peru’s Inexplicable Stone Forest.