Download - THE FIRELINE NEWSLETTER - Fauquier Line/March 2013.pdf · 2013. 8. 1. · THE FIRELINE NEWSLETTER Page Effective March 2, 2013, these

  • Fauquier County Fi re , Rescue & Emergency Management

    Spring is here! I am glad I didn’t say that last week. There is one word for this month: BUSY. The FY 2014 budget process is in full swing and by the end of the month, the County will have a tentative budget for next year (beginning July). On the tailcoat of the budg-et process, we held an all-day retreat with Fire and Rescue Company Chiefs and officers on Saturday March 9th at the Airlie Center. One of the most important, and unfortunately often unsuccessful, endeavors of planning for depart-ments is to ensure that County leadership is involved in the process from the start. I am grateful that we suc-ceeded in this endeavor.

    Deputy County Admin-istrator Katie Heritage and Board of Supervi-sors Chester Stribling and Chris Granger all participated in the af-ternoon session of our retreat. Two important elements came as a re-sult of this all day meet-ing:

    1. We have a better idea of the budget process and what we need to do to ensure that we con-

    tribute to the process of outlining our needs.

    2. We are ready to

    move forward with our

    planning process. The

    work has just begun;

    prepare to be involved!

    Planning isn’t writing –

    it is doing…


    I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

    Battalion 3 and 1 2

    Emergency Management 3

    Battalion 2, Preparedness 4

    Birthdays, Marshall News 5

    Open Air Burning 6

    Recruit Graduation 7

    Fight Fires. Save Lives. 8


    Great minds planning for the future of our organizations at the

    Airlie Center

    DFREM and VFRA Long Range Planning Retreat

    on March 9th

    March 2013 Issue




    Phone: 540-422-8800

    Find us on Facebook!

    Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue

    and Emergency Management

    Fire Rescue Chief Tom Billington

  • Battalion 3 has been exceptionally busy this month! Recent winter weather has increased our call vol-ume and challenged our crews on incident scenes. We have all had to work together to manage some ex-tremely challenging incidents. Many thanks go out to eve-

    ryone for their hard work and dedication!

    We have also been

    busy continuing to get

    our Technician II can-

    didates through their

    training. Congratula-

    tions to Technician

    Wood! He is the first

    in the Northern

    Battalion to complete

    all of the required


    Happy birthday to Technician

    York, and congratulations to

    newly promoted Lieutenant's

    McEvilly and Bates!

    tion and deserves it. We have had a

    lot of extra staffing lately because of

    the precepting which has been great. With this extra staffing we have been

    able to complete many hours of EMS, fire and drivers training. Along with

    job training, we have also begun to

    complete some PT. With little over a month until trans-

    fers take effect; please take the time

    to say hi and bye to

    everyone. Most of Medic 1 is getting

    transferred out and a new group of guys

    The past month has brought a lot of

    excitement to Battalion 1. First, I

    would like to congratulate the latest graduates to the field. Keep

    up the strong work and welcome to those who were assigned to the

    Medic 1 and Station 10! I would also

    like to congratulate Technician I Davis on the

    completion of her Paramed-

    ic. She has

    worked hard over the last 6

    months to gain this certifica-

    and gals is getting their turn at the

    busiest unit in the county. I am sure that newly promoted Lt. Bates will

    do as good of a job as Lt. Kidwell did over the last few years. Station 10

    will mostly remain the same, with

    the addition of Technician II Chris-mer and Technician I Saunders.

    Thanks to all that are getting trans-

    ferred out; I’ll be seeing you soon.

    Page 2

    I N S I D E B AT T A L I O N 3

    I N S I D E B A T T A L I O N 1

    G O I N G T H E E X T R A M I L E , S E R V I N G A B O V E A N D B E Y O N D

    Did you know? Fauquier County

    Department of Fire,

    Rescue & Emergency

    Management and VFRA

    sends out this monthly

    newsletter (The FIRELINE)

    to all its personnel and

    fellow County workers,

    every month? The

    FIRELINE highlights

    monthly activities,

    response to calls,


    awards, honors,

    happenings and other

    news! This is put together

    by Danica Low,

    Administrative Assistant in

    DFREM. If you would like

    to contribute a brief

    article, announcement, or

    photo to the FIRELINE, we

    welcome your

    submissions! Just email

    them to [email protected]

    by the last day of each


    March 2013


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    Effective March 2, 2013,

    these promotions took effect:

    Tech II Fred McEvilly to Lieutenant

    Tech II Jeff Bates to Lieutenant

    Tech II Mike Gillam to Lieutenant

    The Commonwealth’s 4 p.m. Burning Law goes into effect Feb. 15, 2013 – the start of

    spring fire season in Virginia. This law prohibits burning before 4 p.m. each day (Feb.

    15 – April 30) if the fire is in, or within 300 feet of, woodland, brushland or fields contain-

    ing dry grass or other flammable materials. A violation of this law is a Class 3 misde-

    meanor punishable by up to a $500 fine. In addition to the criminal violation, those who

    allow a fire to escape are liable for the cost of suppressing the fire as well as any dam-

    age caused to others’ property. Burning of leaves, yard waste or trash continues to be

    the major cause of wildfires in Virginia. These "debris" fires can easily escape unless

    proper precaution is taken. Take a look at the poster on the next page to be reminded of

    our safety guidelines when burning debris.

    Page 3

    E M E R G E N C Y P R E PA R E D N E S S : T O R N A D O E S


    I N S I D E S T O R Y H E A D L I N E

    Statewide tornado drill this month. If you weren’t able to participate in this drill, please choose anoth-er time or date to do so – every home, business, (fire station!), organization and school can hold a tornado drill – and the most important thing is to prepare by practicing! Information on how to

    hold a drill is available at

    Put a drill on your calendar today!

    During the past two years, 62 tornadoes hit Virginia, killing 10 people and injuring more than 200. Some 210 homes were destroyed, and more than 1,050 were damaged, and nearly every part of the state has been affected. It’s critically important to know what to do when a tornado warning is issued. Thanks to all who participated in the

    Did You Know?

    In 2011, Most tornadoes occurred during April, but

    were also recorded in March, May,

    August, September, October and November.

    Congratulations to Lt Kidwell and

    his wife on the birth of their baby

    boy, Henry Fynn. BC Arft got the

    chance to stop by the Kidwell

    household and says all are doing


    Congratulations to Mary Hart in

    her promotion to the position of

    Lieutenant. She is now

    overseeing all training processes.

  • The month of March is

    quickly approaching and

    warmer weather is just

    around the corner. The

    Southern Battalion con-

    tinues to be busy and is

    seeing an increase in

    fires. We have seen eve-

    rything from Tractor

    Fires, to Commercial

    Building Fires and so

    much more. We wel-

    comed our new Techni-

    cians to the field this

    month as well; Techni-

    cian Twomey, Techni-

    cian Burnthorn, Techni-

    cian Graham, and Tech-

    nician Willis as they

    begin their precepting

    and Driver release pack-

    ets. Please take a mo-

    ment when you see these

    new Technicians to say


    We end this month on a

    slightly somber note,

    thinking of February anni-

    versaries – in 2012 when

    Firefighter Joshua Weiss-

    man from Alexandria Fire

    and Rescue, and Zachary

    Whitecre from Gore Vol-

    unteer Fire and Rescue,

    lost their lives in the line

    of duty.

    Photos of Battalion 2 in

    action are below.

    (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and

    Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) emphasize the need for

    individuals, families, businesses, organiza-tions and nonprofits to

    prepare emergency plans, and to know

    National Severe Weather

    Preparedness Week is March 3-9, 2013.

    During National Severe Weather

    Preparedness Week, the Federal Emergency

    Management Agency

    what to do before severe weather strikes.

    More information on tornadoes and severe

    thunderstorms is available at and


    Page 4

    I N S I D E B AT T A L I O N 2

    S E V E R E W E A T H E R P R E PA R E D N E S S W E E K

    March 2013

    Tractor Trailer Roll-Over


    “It's hard to beat a

    person who never gives

    up.” - Babe Ruth


    Lynne Clegg 3/3 Stephanie York 3/8

    Jeffrey Bates 3/9 Charles Myers 3/11 George Keefer 3/23

    Ward Ponn 3/31

    I just want to express gratitude. What a great team of career and volunteer members of Fau-quier County's fire and rescue system, emergency manage-ment our law enforcement and dispatch partners, general ser-vices and other county employ-ees that were here with us working together on our spring snow storm. Great job all!


    Thomas M. Billington, MBA

    Fire Rescue Chief

    Accredited Chief Fire Officer Designee

    Recently, volunteers from Marshall Volunteer Rescue Squad and Marshall Volunteer Fire Depart-ment gathered at MVRS for a training on the new-est addition to the department, a Lucas 2 de-vice. Becky Michaelangelo, from Physio Control, came by to teach us how to deploy the device quickly and efficiently. Working together, every-one had the chance

    to practice getting the device in place and per-forming compressions. In the few weeks that the Lucas 2 has been on the ambulance, it has already been used twice during emergency calls. Feel free to stop by Marshall Rescue to take a look at the Lucas 2! If you have any questions or would like the chance to train, contact AC Martin at

    [email protected].

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    Jeffrey Burgess

    Kelly Burnthorn

    Elliott Foster

    Terry Graham

    Clifton Krieg, Jr.

    Jeremiah Leonard

    Brendan Miller

    Charles Myers

    Jessica Saunders

    Thomas Shiflett

    Christopher Twomey

    Robert Willis

    James Wyne

    Stephanie York

    Thank you, Lt. Baker for your

    stellar leadership to our recruits!

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