Download - The Feast-february 17, 2013 Issue

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Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become more like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


February 17, 2013

4 FEASTS TODAY!8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. First Feast Session, Plenary Hall9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Second Feast Session, Reception Hall10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Third Feast Session, Plenary Hall3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Fourth Feast Session, Plenary HallHave Fun and Be Blessed

in the Happiest Place on Earth!


HAPPY, HEALTHY, HOLY MONEYChanging Your Relationship With Wealth

Talk 1: HappyTalk 2: HealthyTalk 3: HolyBig Day: Grow Your Self, Grow Your Wealth

MONEY TALKS. Migs Ramirez (left) and Audee Villaraza lead worship, before the talk on Healthy Money. More on page 2.

Is Your


ONE day, 20-year-old Adam Lanza of Connecticut shot down 20 kids and 8 adults—including his own mother.

It was a terrible thing. His action was evil.In another part of the planet, 12 courageous

policemen rescued a 6-year-old girl who was kidnapped while she was attending church in Nairobi.

That was a noble thing. The policemen’s action was good. (Just ask the parents of that little girl!)

But in both cases, guns were used. (The policemen had them.)

So is a gun bad?As difficult as it

is for some people to swallow this truth, a gun is neutral.

I’m going to challenge you to always do good with the money that God has given you. Because it’s not yours anyway. Every single centavo you have is all borrowed from above—temporarily.

So use it for His purpose.My friend, get ready for God to cause a

powerful release in your financial life. Get ready for financial freedom. Get ready to blow away the financial ceiling that’s held you down.

Enjoy the Feast today!May your dreams come true,


In the same way, money is neutral too.Money can be used for selfish purposes.But money can be very holy. (Example: The

tithes you give at the Feast is used to bring many closer to Him.)


FEATURECrazy LoveSee page 7

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Jesus said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.

Last week’s Sunday Mass, Fr. Alex Balatbat shared the good news from Luke 5:1-11 teaches us about faith through Peter’s encounter with Jesus at the Lake of Gennesaret.

Like Peter, we experience failures and disappointments. There are times when we can’t see the fruit of our hard work. But Fr. Alex said we should keep the faith. He said that when we experience emptiness, Jesus will teach us the way and lead us.

Peter told Jesus, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” At times, we also feel that what we have is not enough and we undermine our abilities. Fr. Alex said we tend to give up in life when we overlook or fail to acknowledge the beauty and the gift of God in us. We forget our purpose and even His love for us. Fr. Alex, however, emphasized that we are all great in our own different ways.

The Gospel is a reminder for us to go deeper in our heart. We have the capacity to cast our nets, catch fish, and bear much fruit. We should make a difference in this world. We should not worry because the Lord first believed in us even before we believe in ourselves. As Jesus said to Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”

-- Mary Joy O. AcabadoPhoto by Ramel Robles

Keep the Faith

BRO. BO SANCHEZ started Talk 2: Healthy Money with a revelation : “True prosperity is living a life of profound love for every human being.”

The Bible plainly tells us how to prosper: “Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do.” Prosperity is measured through living the covenant of love.

Bro. Bo said that through obeying God’s Word to love one another, we allow blessings to flow into our life as stated in Joshua 1:8: “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

Comparing our money problems with our health problems, Bro. Bo presented the true reasons of financial sickness:

1. Financial Toxins/ Toxic Debt. These come from the inability to control debt. People experience financial difficulties due to their inclination to borrow money for unnecessary expenses.

Bro. Bo said if there are filthy rich, there are also the filthy poor. These are those who are able to buy luxuries by borrowing money. Their problem is not materialism. They are people with low self worth-- so low that they think they can cover up their weakness with material wealth.

2. Malnutrition. Some people may look financially well because they have

tendered their money in the bank. But in truth, their finances are still in danger. According to Bro. Bo inflation decreases the value of money. So money not well invested will just lose its value.

3. Imbalance. If an unbalanced physical health causes sickness, so does the uneven management of finances.

To counter these three causes, Bro. Bo presented Three Rules of the Truly Rich.

Rule 1: What You Spend Should Be Less Than What You Earn.

Rule 2: What You Save Should Grow More Than What You Lose. Bro. Bo gave some tips on where to invest our hard earned money: 1. Paper Assets; 2. Businesses; and 3. Real Estate. He also recommended the Stock Market or Equity Funds.

Rule 3: What You Earn Should Be Equal To What You Know. Bro. Bo advised us never take unreasonable risks.

Bro. Bo challenged us to strive to be in the giving end. We should be financially healthy to help other people. Prosperity, in truth, is measured through love.

-- Candice Manaog Photo by ELS

I am 60 years old. I deposited my retirement pay in my savings account. Then I met an accident and so I spent all that money to pay for the damages.

My friend said that instead of putting the money in the bank I should have invested

You asked… Bo answers…it in a business or the stock market.

Then, she added, God would not have allowed the accident to happen if I made good use of the money He gave me.

Is she right, Bo? And was I wrong in just saving my money?

-- Ate Alice

Ate, your friend is just being superstitious.Putting your retirement pay in the bank

--at your age-- is good, because you need emergency money for any eventuality.

But still invest a part of your current income into the Stock Market--which will give you the fastest growth.

Got any question about Bo’s talks? Send them to Bo through [email protected].

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Editor’s Note: Have you reflections on the Feast talks? Share! and let the world know God’s Words are true! For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.


How To Make Your Money Sacred Isaiah 1:19If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat.

Proverbs 22:4True humility and fear of the LORD lead to riches, honor, and long life.

Colossians 3:2Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Personal Reflection and Group Sharing:What blessings have you received since you started giving or tithing?

























A FILTHY, starving man seeks refuge in a convent. The Bishop offers him food and shelter. But during the night, the man steals the convent’s silver items.

Policemen catch the man and present him to the Bishop for whatever penalty the Bishop should impose on the thief.

The Bishop tells the police the man did not steal the silver items. The Bishop even gives the man two more silver candle holders, and asks the police to release him.

The policemen leave and the Bishop tells the man: “You must use this precious silver to become an honest man. God has raised you out of darkness. I have bought your soul for God.”*

The Bishop’s generosity changes the life of Jean Valjean, the lead character in Les Miserables, a sung-through play, and recently a film adaptation shown in Metro Manila, based on the novel of the same title by French poet and playwright Victor Hugo.

The story, set in early 19th-century France, starts as Jean Valjean is released on parole, after serving 19 years in prison for having stolen a loaf of bread for his starving sister’s child. Hungry and cold, Valjean finds his way to the Bishop’s convent.

Moved by the Bishop’s kindness, Jean Valjean muses: “Yet why did I allow that man, to touch my soul and teach me love? He treated me like any

other. He gave me his trust; he called me ‘brother’. My life he claims for God above. Can such things be?”

Yes, such things can be. We’ve learned from Bro. Bo Sanchez’s talk, Significance, the third of the Guaranteed series last January, that we live a significant life when we help others achieve their dreams, one step at a time.

The Bishop didn’t condemn Valjean. Instead, he helped him and gave him a chance to become a better person.

We always have the chance to be a blessing and make an impact on someone’s life. But most of all, we have to work on ourselves first before we lead others. We should find mentors who can direct us to the person that we want to be. Someone should pull us up, as we pull others up as well. We’ll do it with love, honesty and sincerity and let’s celebrate each other’s success in finding God through loving our fellowmen.

As Jean Valjean declares: “To love another person is to see the face of God.”

*Quotes in this article are from the Les Miserables songs with original French lyrics by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel, with an English-language libretto by Herbert Kretzmer and music by Claude-Michel Schönberg.

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IF you’ve been a regular attendee at the Feast PICC, you must have seen the beautiful stage designs. You must have been thrilled by the skits illustrating the talks of Bro. Bo Sanchez. And probably, you joined some gimmicks at the lobby on most Sundays of last year.

The stage designs, the skits, the lobby gimmicks-- all these are just few of the works of the Creative and Events Group or better known as CEG. And if their talents amazed you last year, get ready to say “it’s more fun at the Feast” as the group levels up in service in 2013.

On January 20 the CEG held its first general assembly for the year to plan for the Group’s 2013 activities.

Bro. Jhay Jatap, CEG head, along with the other team heads, led the half-day affair attended by over 50 members.

The CEG leaders anointed the new members, praying over them, to prepare them for their exciting service this year.

CEG is transforming into a ministry that provides creative services to other Feast PICC ministries. The Group’s services range from graphic arts, audio-visual presentations, stage designs, lobby gimmicks, event hypes, the works.

This year, this group of passionate, artistic young blood will not only carry out its own activities but will be involved as well in the gimmicks and projects of the other ministries.

CEG opens the door for recruitment of more members in February! If you’re an artist, a director, scriptwriter, stage designer, actor or actress, share your time and talent-- for the Lord.

For details, call +639065078233 or email [email protected].

Flashback!THE Feast PICC Creative and Events Group was super busy in 2012 with a series of activities. The highlights:

• CEG formed four divisions: Administration, Operations, Art Worship, and Performing Arts

• Recruited over 50 members.• Helped in organizing major

activities such as the Ministry Fair and the Feast PICC Anniversary celebration.

• Held the CEG General Assembly with Bro George Gabriel as guest speaker.

• Provided stage designs and props and staged skits to illustrate the various Feast PICC talk series.

• Organized fun lobby gimmicks.• Launched Feastbook. • Designed the room for the

overflow attendees and helped coordinate the events in the overflow room.

READY for 2013, from top: Members of the Creative and Events Group with Bro. Bo Sanchez; Jhay Jatap, head, prays over members; the happy team shake it!

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Onward to 2013!

Wishes and Wants!

THE Feast PICC Creative and Events Group has exciting activities for 2013. Check these out:

1. January – First Quarter General Assembly

2. February – Recruitment of Members with Special Talents

3. March – Outreach: Visit to Anawim Home of Abandoned Elderly

4. April – Ministry Team Building 5. May – Outreach to a Feast

Partner Beneficiary6. June – Stage Acting and Graphic

Arts Workshop7. July – Stage/Production

Design Training8. August – Outreach to a Feast

Partner Beneficiary9. September – Video

Editing Workshop10. October – Retreat11. November – Outreach to a

Feast Partner Beneficiary12. Outreach13. December – Christmas Fellowship

TO be able to make its 2013 Plans a success, the CEG hopes to have the following:

1. Laptop 2. Steel Cabinets and Laterals3. Tools : Carpentry, Power Tools,

Electrical Tools4. Additional two-way radio5. Internet (Pocket Wifi) for the

Web Development Team

Know more about the Feast PICC mInIstrIes! log on to:

Dreams!THE Feast PICC Creative and Events Group is dreaming big dreams for 2013:

1. Level up CEG service to the Lord and to you!

2. Level up spirituality of members.

3. Synergy with other Feast PICC ministries.

4. Post the Feast PICC live at!

5. Make CEG self-sustaining through fund raising activities.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

--Ephesians 2:10

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Thank You, Lord!

For details call: Malour Montecillo 09192524428


You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you may go and bear

fruit-- fruit that will last. And so that whatever you ask for in My Name, the Father

will give you.--John 15:16

LOURDES MARASIGAN heard this verse from a speaker in a prayer workshop. Right at the moment, she felt in her heart that God was calling her to become a Caring Group head.

Lourdes’s CG is composed of three members. They meet every Thursday night, sharing ideas and concerns over dinner. They reflect on Bro. Bo Sanchez’s talk and discuss how the teachings apply to their situation in life.

During the CG’s getting-to-know-you stage, Lourdes prepared personality tests for the members so they would learn more about themselves and about each other.

“Heading the CG is challenging but fun,” Lourdes says.

Sometimes, she says, she is anxious members would not come to the meeting. But when they do, she is overjoyed.

Just as promised in John 15:16, Lourdes now sees the fruit of her ministry: “I’ve learned a lot about myself,” she says. “I’m simply happy I said ‘Yes!’ to the Lord.

And, as also promised in John 15:16, God has given Lourdes what she has asked for. “I’ve received so many blessings,” she attests.

Calling all who haven’t signed up for a CG! Lourdes invites you to join a Caring Group. “I hope you join a Caring Group so you will feel you are not alone and you will experience the joy of having friends in your journey. I pray that God, in His love, will send forth His Spirit and give you strength to do His will.”

I thank You, Lord, for healing my sister who suffered breast cancer and for providing for all her medical needs. Also for my career advancement and my new laptop.

- Shoji MerisThank You, Lord, my nephew qualified

for the UPCAT. Our family is ever eager for him to study in UP.

- TrinI am grateful for all the challenges

and blessings that God is letting me experience for this made me strengthen my relationship with Him. I am thankful for the life He gave me to offer in the service of other people.

- YzaThank You, Lord, for my success

in designing gowns of the bride and her entourage ― the first ever wedding where I applied lessons I learned from my Fashion Design course.

- Janelle IbayI am thankful for everything. For

helping me be successful in my chosen field. For making my family really close and for

keeping them healthy. I am also thankful that the Lord let me meet these amazing people I call friends and I’m also thankful that he led me to the Feast where I met lots and lots of people who inspire me and changed my life. And lastly, I am thankful for every air that I breaths. I am thankful for his greatest gift to me: my life.

- Daniel SantosI thank You Lord for leading me to

the Media Ministry Family. They are my extended family and friends rolled into one. I love them very much.

- CandiceThank You, Lord, for our sales and for the online shop. Thank You, too, because my

mom has mellowed down. - MB

Thank You, Lord, for the reconciliation of our family with relatives whom we have not talked to for a long time. Thank You, too, for the financial blessings.

- ElizabethThank You, Lord, for healing me

spiritually and physically, and for my being able to forgive the people around us.

- Dennis

Thank You, Lord, for the electric guitar and for the support in all aspects of my life.

- Wilfredo ManuelThank You, Lord, for giving me people

who inspire me every day. They may be difficult at times, but I am learning from my experiences with them.

- Flex Thank You, Lord. My whole family

celebrated Christmas together again after 12 years. To God be the glory!

- AdelThank You, Lord, for the recovery of

Kuya from his illness and for the unexpected financial blessing.

- CathyThank You, Lord. I got high scores

in my exams that made up for my low scores in the past. Thank You for my very considerate teachers this semester.

- RickaThank You, Lord, for leading me

to the people, things, and occasions that helped in my healing.

- KarenThank You, Lord, for the good health

of my Papa and for the blessings that You give us.

- JanThank You, Lord, for blessing my

business, for giving me good customers, and for protecting me in my job.

- A. Agustin

Lourdes Marasigan with Alfie de Nava, one of her CGmates.

6 THE FEAST February 17, 2013

Thank You, Lord, for my husband who lovingly squeezes calamansi for my Vitamin C every morning.

- Pamela

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Editor’s Note: Have you a similar story how you have received blessings from God? Share! and let the world know miracles still do happen today to give hope especially to the lost. For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.


Crazy LoveBy JANE B. as told to AILEEN GRACE ALVAREZ

Illustration by JANELLA IBAY

CRAZY. Yeah, that’s what I was. I was young. I fell in love. And had a child out of wedlock.

Disappointed-- no, the word must be shocked -- my parents nevertheless forgave me. After I gave birth-- to a beautiful baby girl-- my parents sent me to Manila to study in a prestigious college. They bought a condo unit for me. They gave me a laptop, clothes everything I needed.

I left my baby to my mom. And there I was, alone in Manila, with a condo unit-- free!

And I was all of 21 years old. Kind of old for a freshman, though. So instead of the freshies in my class, I hang around with the older students.

Among the third year students, I met this guy--sweet, so charming, so full of life. We fell in love-- madly. And before I knew it, I got pregnant-- again.

Yes, call me crazy.I did not know what to do. I was sure my

parents, my mom especially, would curse me to death.

My boyfriend was as clueless as I was. He belongs to a religious family. There was only one word for what we’d done: a scandal.

Then, I must confess, one word came to my mind: abortion.

But I am Catholic. Abortion is not an option for me. My boyfriend agreed. So we chose to have the baby.

But how to tell our parents? Every time I went home during the weekend, I wished my mom won’t notice my condition-- my breast, my tummy getting bigger.

But she did. One day, she said, “I’d like to meet your boyfriend.”

And before I could say another word, she continued, “I know. I’d noticed it. I was just waiting for you to tell me yourself.”

I was scared, to say the least. But I had no choice. I told my boyfriend to come and face my parents.

I trembled, my boyfriend was tense as I introduced him to my family. I hardly heard the initial conversations, except, in the middle of it all, my mom’s angry words to my boyfriend: “From now on, I am throwing my daughter to you. You can have her. I won’t have anything to do with her anymore. She’s such a disobedient child. Such a flirt!”

My mom took back my condo unit, my laptop, even my clothes. Without my

parents’ support, I had to stop schooling.

Suddenly, I had nothing-- just my sorry, wretched self.

My boyfriend had no choice but to confess our situation to his parents. And well, I guess they had no choice but to let me stay in their house.

Throughout my pregnancy, I thought about the future of my children-- my eldest daughter, who I had to leave with my mom, and the baby I was carrying.

I knew that since he’s not yet done with college himself, my boyfriend could not fend for us. I was like, I have to finish college myself, so I could work, so I could raise my kids by myself.

So every night, I prayed, “Lord Jesus, forgive me for my mistake again. But You know how much I really want to finish college. Let me go back to school-- even not an exclusive one. Let me find a job. Okay with me to be a working student. I will bear everything-- for my kids. Please, God, have mercy on me! In Jesus’s name. Amen”

I also started praying the Rosary-- something I had never done before.

My situation seemed hopeless, but I just kept believing God would listen to my prayer.

Until I gave birth to another baby girl. Still, I didn’t hear from my parents.

But one day, I received a text message from my mom: “Pumunta ka dito sa bahay.”

I texted back: “Why?”She replied: “This is for your future.”

I didn’t understand what she meant. I didn’t feel excited, thinking any conversation with my mom would not result to anything close to positive for me.

Nevertheless, I went back home with my boyfriend and our baby.

The moment she saw me, my mom hugged me and cried.

I asked her, “What is it you wanted to tell me?”

And she goes, “Get all the requirements from your school. I’m giving you another chance to finish college. This is your last chance.”

I couldn’t believe my ears! But all I could think of was, yes, God had just answered my prayer. Through my mom, God had just shown me His goodness and mercy!

Today, I am back home, living with my mom and my eldest daughter. I am separated from my partner, but we remain friends. He and our daughter are living with his family.

In a couple of weeks, I will be graduating from college.

I now attend the Feast regularly. I’d read the testimonies in The Feast bulletin, and so I’d been inspired to write my story too.

I lived a crazy life, had a crazy love. But I hope this story of mine will touch many people. I pray they will find hope and trust in God-- that no matter how difficult their situation may be, God can turn every situation around in their favor, if only they will follow His will.

May the Lord Jesus and our Almighty Father be with you always.

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Suddenly, I had nothing-- just my sorry, wretched self.

My boyfriend had no choice but to confess our situation to his parents.

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LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.


CYNTHIA U. SANTIAGOEditor-in-chief

BELLA ESTRELLA Managing Editor


EDMUNDO SANTIAGOchief Photographer

CRIS LEGASPIAssistant chief Photographer








CHICHI BARBAAssistant Head

The FeaST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

The FeaST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].


Got One More Miracle? A mysterious, inexplicable experience—a miracle God has allowed to happen to let you know He loves you? Share! Email your article with your picture to [email protected].


AN article of Bro. Bo Sanchez about giving tithes inspired me to contribute an amount to Kerygma Family, an online group which receives spiritual teachings from Bro. Bo.

At the time, I had just started working for a company, thanks to a friend, one of the employees there, who referred me to her boss. During a break in the office, I surfed the Internet for the website of Kerygma Family. I copied its bank account number and then prepared the amount I would give. Then I went straight to a nearby bank to deposit my contribution to Kerygma Family’s account.

Boy, did I feel good, knowing I had contributed to God’s work. Before my 15-minute break was over, I was back at my desk in the office. Then, I saw this little brown envelop on my desk. I opened it, and lo! there was money in it. I counted the peso bills, and whoa! The total amount was the same amount I deposited in Kerygma Family’s bank account. Exactly.

Not more than 15 minutes had passed and I already received back the money that I gave.

Later, I found out that the money was from my friend who referred me to the company.

See, our company has a referral bonus system. When an employee refers a person to the company and that person is hired, the employee gets a bonus.

Earlier, before my friend referred me to her boss, we made a deal: if I am hired and she receives the bonus, she would give me a portion of the bonus.

Who would have thought I’d receive my portion right after I’d given some amount to God’s work?

In business, the ROI-- you know, the return of investment, usually takes a while. But God’s way is different. He promised he’d give back to you whatever you give to Him. In my case, what I gave came back to me in less than15 minutes.

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