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Page 1: The fat hormones and how to control them

The fat hormones and how to control them

Page 2: The fat hormones and how to control them

• insulin is the fat storage hormone that is produced by the pancreas; it allows our cells to absorb glucose (sugar) from the blood. Once enough glucose is absorbed for energy, the rest is stored as fat for future use. Insulin also prevents hyperglycemia (when your blood sugar level is too high) and hypoglycemia (when your blood sugar level is too low).

Page 3: The fat hormones and how to control them

• Moderate levels of insulin are good for us, unfortunately high levels are very dangerous because Insulin is pro-inflammatory and can wreak havoc throughout the body. Scientists know that within any species, those that produce the least amount of insulin over a lifetime generally live the longest and remain the healthiest (except type 1 diabetics, who might die without supplemental insulin injections)

Page 4: The fat hormones and how to control them

• Another “fat” hormone is called leptin, it is responsible for sending signals to the brain that we have enough energy and we don’t need to eat any more. In short, leptin regulates our metabolism and appetite

Page 5: The fat hormones and how to control them

• Doctors believe that insulin blocks leptin from signaling the brain. Our high carb intake causes us to have high levels of insulin and eventually causes us to become insulin resistant. High levels of insulin also signals to the fat cells to hold on to the fat, rather than use fat for energy. Simply put

• High insulin-> no lepton signals->brain wanting to eat more

Page 6: The fat hormones and how to control them

• Regular exercise and low carb eating helps to create insulin sensitivity. The exercise helps to empty your liver and muscle cells of glycogen and thus your body becomes good at burning calories. While the low carb intake helps keep your insulin levels down

Page 7: The fat hormones and how to control them

• Regular exercise and low carb eating helps to create insulin sensitivity. The exercise helps to empty your liver and muscle cells of glycogen and thus your body becomes good at burning calories. While the low carb intake helps keep your insulin levels down

Page 8: The fat hormones and how to control them
Page 9: The fat hormones and how to control them

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