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Page 1: The F-Box Protein Dia2 Overcomes Replication …...To resume replication, recombination proteins are recruited to sites of col-lapsed forks, thus permitting homologous recombina- tion

Copyright � 2006 by the Genetics Society of AmericaDOI: 10.1534/genetics.106.057836

The F-Box Protein Dia2 Overcomes Replication Impedance to PromoteGenome Stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Deborah Blake,*,† Brian Luke,‡,1 Pamela Kanellis,*,† Paul Jorgensen,†,2 Theo Goh,†,3

Sonya Penfold,†,4 Bobby-Joe Breitkreutz,† Daniel Durocher,*,†

Matthias Peter‡ and Mike Tyers*,†,5

*Department of Medical Genetics and Microbiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8, Canada, †Samuel LunenfeldResearch Institute, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5, Canada and ‡Institute of Biochemistry, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Manuscript received March 5, 2006Accepted for publication May 23, 2006


The maintenance of DNA replication fork stability under conditions of DNA damage and at naturalreplication pause sites is essential for genome stability. Here, we describe a novel role for the F-box proteinDia2 in promoting genome stability in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Like most other F-boxproteins, Dia2 forms a Skp1-Cdc53/Cullin-F-box (SCF) E3 ubiquitin–ligase complex. Systematic analysis ofgenetic interactions between dia2D and �4400 viable gene deletion mutants revealed synthetic lethal/synthetic sick interactions with a broad spectrum of DNA replication, recombination, checkpoint, andchromatin-remodeling pathways. dia2D strains exhibit constitutive activation of the checkpoint kinaseRad53 and elevated counts of endogenous DNA repair foci and are unable to overcome MMS-inducedreplicative stress. Notably, dia2D strains display a high rate of gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs)that involve the rDNA locus and an increase in extrachromosomal rDNA circle (ERC) formation,consistent with an observed enrichment of Dia2 in the nucleolus. These results suggest that Dia2 isessential for stable passage of replication forks through regions of damaged DNA and natural fragileregions, particularly the replication fork barrier (RFB) of rDNA repeat loci. We propose that the SCFDia2

ubiquitin ligase serves to modify or degrade protein substrates that would otherwise impede thereplication fork in problematic regions of the genome.

FAITHFUL DNA replication requires the stabiliza-tion of replication forks at natural pause sites and

at sites of DNA damage (Branzei and Foiani 2005).Collapse of replication forks results in the formation ofDNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that can then lead toillegitimate recombination and genome rearrange-ments, both of which are thought to be underlyingcauses of many human cancers (Lengauer et al. 1998).Physical impediments to replication fork progressioninclude tightly bound non-nucleosomal protein–DNAcomplexes, DNA secondary structures, and regions ofDNA damage, whereas inadequate dNTP pools causeforks to slow and eventually stall in a non-locus-specificmanner (Branzei and Foiani 2005). Accumulated DNAdamage or stalled replication forks elicit a checkpoint

response that results in a delay of the cell cycle, in-duction of damage responsive genes, and the repair orbypass of the DNA lesion (Melo and Toczyski 2002;Branzei and Foiani 2005). The DNA damage check-point is activated upon detection of DNA lesions in G1

and G2 phase, and in S-phase the latter sometimes isreferred to as the intra-S checkpoint. A second responsein S-phase, referred to as the replication checkpoint, isthe response to delayed DNA synthesis as caused bylowered dNTP pools upon inhibition of ribonucleotidereductase by hydroxyurea (HU). It is likely that thereplication and intra-S checkpoint pathways are in-tegrated such that the key signal is stalled or slowedreplication forks, due to either dNTP shortage or col-lision with DNA damage. The only essential function ofthe S-phase checkpoint is to stabilize the fork whencells undergo replicative stress (Terceroet al. 2003) andthereby prevent the accumulation of recombinogenicstructures (Lopes et al. 2001).

In both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes, region-specific barriers to replication fork progression pauseand maintain replication forks in problematic regionsof the genome (Rothstein et al. 2000). In buddingyeast, replication pause sites have been characterized atrDNA repeats, centromeres, tRNA genes, inactive origins,

1Present address: Swiss Institute for Cancer Research, ISREC, Casepostale CH-1066 Epalinges, Lausanne, Switzerland.

2Present address: Department of Systems Biology, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, MA 02115.

3Present address: Ontario Cancer Institute and Campbell Family Institutefor Breast Cancer Research, Toronto, ON M5G 2C1, Canada.

4Present address: TM Bioscience, Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8, Canada.5Corresponding author: Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount

Sinai Hospital, Room 1080, 600 University Ave., Toronto, ON M5G 1X5,Canada. E-mail: [email protected]

Genetics 174: 1709–1727 (December 2006)

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silent mating-type loci, telomeres, and other delimitedregions along the length of chromosome (Chr) III(Brewer and Fangman 1988; Greenfeder and Newlon

1992; Cha and Kleckner 2002; Ivessa et al. 2002).These sites are likely formed by stable protein com-plexes, which either may be incidental or may helpcoordinate various cellular processes with DNA replica-tion. In particular, a high rate of transcription impairsreplication fork progression and causes transcription-associated recombination, a phenomenon that occursboth at natural loci, such as the rDNA repeats and tRNAgenes, and at artificially induced high-level transcrip-tion zones (Deshpande and Newlon 1996; Ivessa et al.2003; Prado and Aguilera 2005). The best character-ized pause site is the replication fork barrier (RFB) thatresides in the rDNA repeats (Brewer and Fangman

1988). The RFB establishes a polar block to replication;i.e., DNA polymerase pauses only in the direction that isconvergent to transcription and is thus thought tocoordinate the high rate of rDNA transcription withreplication of the rDNA locus (Kobayashi et al. 1998;Takeuchi et al. 2003). RFB activity depends on Fob1,which binds a discrete sequence in the nontranscribedspacer of the rDNA repeat and is necessary for elevatedrates of recombination at the rDNA locus, includingextraribosomal rDNA circle (ERC) formation (Kobayashi

2003). Programmed pause sites appear to be a ubiqui-tous feature of the replication process; for example,polar replication barriers have been identified in bac-teria (Pai et al. 1996).

When a block to replication cannot be overcome, theS-phase checkpoint machinery promotes replicationfork stabilization and subsequent restart (Branzei andFoiani 2005). If this mechanism fails, ensuing forkcollapse results in dissociation of the replisome and thegeneration of replication intermediates, includingDSBs (Cha and Kleckner 2002; Sogo et al. 2002;Cotta-Ramusino et al. 2005). To resume replication,recombination proteins are recruited to sites of col-lapsed forks, thus permitting homologous recombina-tion pathways to aid in the bypass of the DNA lesion(Lambert et al. 2005). While recombination in thiscircumstance promotes cell viability, it comes at theexpense of an increase in intra- and interchromosomalrecombination that leads to site-specific gross chromo-somal rearrangements (GCRs) (Lambert et al. 2005).Recombination-mediated replication restart is thus ameans of last resort to rescue a collapsed fork and forthis reason is actively suppressed. Several parallel path-ways inhibit or resolve recombination events at thereplication fork, including the Sgs1 and Srs2 DNAhelicases (Branzei and Foiani 2005; Chang et al.2005; Liberi et al. 2005; Mullen et al. 2005). Thereplication machinery can also circumscribe regions ofdamaged DNA, either by fork reversal and templateswitching to the sister-chromatid strand or throughrecruitment of specialized translesion synthesis DNA

polymerases, as controlled by modified forms of theprocessivity factor PCNA/Pol30 (Branzei and Foiani

2005).The ubiquitin–proteasome system targets many reg-

ulatory proteins for rapid intracellular proteolysis(Hershko 1983). Ubiquitin is conjugated to target pro-teins by a stepwise cascade of E1, E2, and E3 enzymes,which activate and transfer ubiquitin as a thioester link-age for ultimate transfer to a lysine residue on the sub-strate. Reiteration of the catalytic cycle synthesizes aubiquitin polymer that targets the substrate to the 26Sproteasome, where it is rapidly unfolded and degraded.A diverse array of E3 enzymes, often also referred toas ubiquitin ligases, specifically recognize one or morecognate substrates. Ubiquitin ligases fall into generalclasses: the HECT domain class, which forms a catalyticthioester with ubiquitin for transfer to the bound sub-strate, and the RING domain class, which binds andjuxtaposes both the E2 and the substrate (Pickart 2001).The archetypal and best characterized of RING domainubiquitin ligases is the Skp1-Cdc53/Cullin-F-box (SCF)family. SCF complexes are composed of the linker pro-tein Skp1, the cullin scaffold protein Cdc53, and theRING domain protein Rbx1/Roc1/Hrt1 and any oneof a number of variable substrate recognition subunitscalled F-box proteins (Bai et al. 1996; Patton et al.1998). F-box proteins contain a Skp1-binding site calledthe F-box and a substrate interaction domain, such asa WD40 repeat domain or a leucine rich repeat (LRR)domain, which often recognize substrates in a phos-phorylation-dependent manner (Willems et al. 2004).Budding yeast contains 21 recognizable F-box proteins,but as yet only a few of these have well-characterizedfunctions.

We describe a novel role for the F-box protein Dia2 inmaintaining genome stability. DIA2 was initially identi-fied in a screen for mutants that exhibit increasedinvasive growth, although dia2D strains are only weaklyinvasive (Palecek et al. 2000). It has been suggested thatDia2 mediates the degradation of Tec1, a transcriptionfactor implicated in invasive growth (Bao et al. 2004),and of ectopically expressed human cyclin E (Koepp

et al. 2001); however, it is likely that the actual F-boxprotein for both of these substrates is Cdc4 (Koepp et al.2001; Chou et al. 2004).The function of Dia2 thusremains equivocal. Here, we report that the dia2D

mutation exhibits synthetic lethal/sick interactions witha host of replication and repair mutations, as well assensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. Concordant withthese genetic interactions, dia2D strains are defective inS-phase progression, have a high rate of endogenousDNA damage, and constitutively activate the DNAdamage checkpoint. Moreover, the rates of chromo-some loss, GCRs, and ERC formation are highly elevatedin the dia2D mutant. These dia2D phenotypes suggestthat Dia2 normally enables the replication machinery tocope with both extrinsically damaged DNA templates

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and intrinsic replication barriers and that, in the ab-sence of Dia2, accumulation of endogenous damageresults from the collapse of replication forks. SCFDia2

likely mediates degradation or modification of one ormore substrates that would otherwise interfere withreplication fork stability in problematic regions of thegenome.


Strains and growth conditions: Strains used in this studywere constructed by standard methods and are described inTable 1. Except where specified, cultures were grown in richXY medium (2% peptone, 1% yeast extract, 0.01% adenine,0.02% tryptophan) containing 2% glucose. Cell size wasdetermined essentially as described (Jorgensen et al. 2004)using a Coulter Channelizer Z2 (Beckman-Coulter). Cellswere synchronized in G1 phase in the presence of 5 mg/mla-factor for 2 hr at 30�. An RNR1-expressing plasmid (pMT2581)was used to ensure viability of mrc1D rad9D double mutantsderived from genetic crosses.

FACS analysis: Approximately 1 3 107 cells were collectedfrom log-phase cultures and processed as described (Jorgensen

et al. 2004). DNA was stained with Sytox Green (MolecularProbes, Eugene, OR) and profiles were analyzed using aBecton Dickinson (San Jose, CA) FACS Calibur machine andthe CellQuest Pro and ModFit LT software (BD Biosciences).

DNA damage and genotoxic stress assays: Saturated cul-tures were adjusted to OD600 ¼ 0.8 and serially diluted in10-fold steps and 4-ml volumes spotted onto untreated mediumor medium containing or exposed to 0.02% (v/v) methylmethanesulfonate (MMS), 200 mm HU, 5 mg/ml camptothe-cin, 0.1 mg/ml 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide (4-NQO), 200 J/m2

UV or 100 Gy X rays. Plates were incubated at 30� for 2 days.Conditions used to test for the intra-S checkpoint were asdescribed (Paulovich and Hartwell 1995). Plasmids ex-pressing full-length DIA2 (pMT2484) or DIA2DF-box (pMT2742)from the endogenous DIA2 promoter were used in MMSsensitivity complementation tests.

Protein detection: Co-immunoprecipitation experimentswith FLAG- and MYC-tagged constructs were as describedpreviously (Ho et al. 2002). For immunoblots, proteins wereseparated on a 10% or 12% SDS–PAGE, transferred to PVDFmembranes, and probed with 9E10 monoclonal antibody(1:10,000), anti-FLAG M2 monoclonal antibody (1:2000,Sigma, St. Louis), or anti-Skp1 polyclonal (1:5000), as in-dicated. Detection was with HRP-conjugated secondary anti-bodies at 1:10,000 dilution (Amersham, Buckinghamshire,UK) followed by Supersignal West Pico chemiluminescent


Strains used in this study

Strain Genotype Source

YMT235 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 K. NasmythYMT1448 MATa ura3D0 leu2D0 his3D1 met15D0 Rosetta InpharmaticsYMT1738 MATa/a ura3-1/ura3-1 leu2-3,112/leu2-3,112 his3-11 15/his3-11 15 trp1-1/

trp1-1 ade2-1/ade2-1 can1-100/can1-100 dia2DTHIS3/his3-11 15This study

YMT1817 MATa CFIII-HIS3-SUP11 dia2DTURA3 This studyYMT1819 MATa CFIII-HIS3-SUP11 This studyYMT1838,YMT235 MATa dia2DTHIS3 This studyYMT1874 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 rad9DTURA3 A. AmonYMT1901 MATa ura3D0 leu2D0 his3D1 lys2D0 MFA1pr-HIS3 can1D0 Tong et al. (2001)YMT1940, YMT1901 MATa dia2DTURA3 This studyYMT2078 MATa ura3D0 leu2D0 his3D1 met15D0 dia2D TKANR This studyYMT2084 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100

mec1DTTRP sml1DTHIS3R. Rothstein

YMT2085 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 rad53DTHIS3 sml1-1 R. RothsteinYMT2545 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 RDN1TADE2 RAD51 H. KleinYMT3337 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 Rad52YFP R. RothsteinYMT3398 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100

rad9DTHIS3 rad24DTURA3N. Lowndes

YMT3401 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 chk1DTTRPrad53DTHIS3 sml1-1

J. Rouse

YMT3415 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 Rad52YFP, dia2DTTRP1 This studyYMT3417 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1 100 mrc1DTNAT D. DurocherYMT3420, RDKY3615 MATa ura3-52 leu2D1 trp1D63 his3D200 lys2-bgl hom3-10

ade2D1 ade8 hxt13DTURA3Chen and

Kolodner (1999)YMT3810 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 RDN1TADE2


This study

YMT3812, RDKY3615 MATa dia2DTKANR This studyYMT3835 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 Dia2GFP (pMT3988) This studyYMT3854 MATa ura3-1 leu2-3,112 his3-11 15 trp1-1 ade2-1 can1-100 rad9TURA3

mrc1TNAT (pMT2581)This study


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substrate (Pierce, Rockford, IL) and analysis on a Fluor-SMultiimager (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). To detect Rad53 iso-forms, log-phase cultures were arrested in G1 phase with a-factor, washed, and released into fresh media. Total proteinextracts were resolved by 7.5% SDS–PAGE, transferred ontonitrocellulose, and probed with a primary rabbit anti-Rad53antibody (1:750) and secondary donkey anti-rabbit HRP-conjugated antibody (1:10,000, Amersham). For in situ auto-phosphorylation (ISA) assays, log-phase cultures were eithertreated or not treated with 200 mm HU for 1 hr, and thenprocessed as described (Pellicioli et al. 1999).

Synthetic genetic array screen: A dia2DTURA3 MATa strain(yMT1940) was mated to a collection of 4422 individualxxxTkanR MATa haploid deletion mutants (Giaever et al.2002) by manual replica pinning as described (Tong et al.2001). Three independent screens were carried out intriplicate. All genetic interactions identified in at least two ofthe three screens were subsequently confirmed by tetradanalysis. Synthetic lethal interactions were defined as doublemutants that failed to grow either in the original tetrad orupon restreaking onto fresh medium; synthetic sick interac-tions were defined as double mutants that grew notably moreslowly than either single gene deletion strain. Two-dimen-sional hierarchical clustering of dia2D synthetic geneticinteractions was performed against a data set of 284 syntheticgenetic array (SGA) and diploid synthetic lethal analysis bymicroarray (dSLAM) screens (Tong et al. 2004; Pan et al. 2006;Reguly et al. 2006) using an average linkage clusteringalgorithm (Eisen et al. 1998) and MapleTree ( Graphical representations of genetic inter-actions were rendered with the Osprey visualization suite(Breitkreutz et al. 2003). All data are available from theBioGRID interaction database at et al. 2006).

Microarray analysis: Genomewide expression profiles weredetermined for dia2D (yMT2078) and isogenic wild-type(yMT1448) strains grown to early log phase (OD 0.2–0.4) at30�. Polyadenylated RNA was fluorescently labeled with Cy3- orCy5-conjugated dCTP (Amersham) and dia2D and wild-typesamples were competitively hybridized against full genome6200 feature ORF arrays (UHN Microarray Centre, Toronto).All hybridizations were replicated with fluor reversal. Arrayswere scanned with a Scanarray 4000 (GSI Lumonics) andimages were processed by eliminating corrupted spots, nor-malizing spot intensity to total Cy5 and Cy3 signal, eliminat-ing spots with low intensity, and averaging duplicate spots(Jorgensen et al. 2004).

Genome instability assays: Chromosome loss rate of a CFIII-SUP11-HIS reporter fragment was measured as described(Hieter et al. 1985). After growth to saturation overnight inSD–trp–his 2% glucose medium to maintain the artificial chro-mosome, cells were diluted into SD–trp 2% glucose media,grown for 6 hr at 30� to early log phase (2–4 3 106 cells/ml),sonicated briefly, and plated onto SD–trp–ade 2% glucoseagar media supplemented with a limited amount of adenine(10 mg/liter). Chromosome loss rate per generation was cal-culated as the number of half-sectored colonies divided bythe number of colonies. GCR rates were determined with astrain in which HXT13 (�7.5 kb telomeric to CAN1 on Chr V)is replaced by URA3 (Chen and Kolodner 1999). Control(yMT3420) and dia2D (yMT3812) revertants that arose fromloss of the region encompassing CAN1 and URA3 were scoredon canavanine and 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA)-containingmedium. Rates were calculated by fluctuation analysis usingthe method of the median as described (Kanellis et al. 2003)and represent the average of two independent experimentsusing sets of five independent cultures. Mitotic recombinationrates were determined by loss of an ADE2 marker integrated

into the rDNA locus on Chr XII as described (Christman et al.1988). Recombination rate per generation was calculated bydividing the number of half-sectored colonies by the totalnumber of colonies.

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and hybridization: Stan-dard pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) procedures wereused according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Bio-Rad).Agarose plugs containing 3 3 108 cells/ml were loaded onto a1% agarose gel in 0.5 3 Tris–borate EDTA (TBE) buffer andelectrophoresed at 6 V at an angle of 120� for 24 hr at 14� withan initial switch time of 60 sec and a final switch time of 120 sec.Gels were stained and photographed and then transferredto nylon membranes and probed with g-32P-ATP-labeled 35SrDNA or MCM3 fragments. To assess formation of ERCs, plugswere prepared as above and DNA was resolved on a conven-tional 1% agarose gel. Gels were transferred to nylon mem-branes and probed with a g-32P-ATP-labeled 35S rDNA fragment.

Live cell imaging and fluorescent microscopy: DIC andfluorescence microscopy were performed with an EclipseE600FN microscope (Nikon) and Orca CCD camera (Hama-matsu, Bridgewater, NJ). Metamorph Software (UniversalImaging, West Chester, PA) was used to capture and processimages as described (Jorgensen et al. 2004). Yellow fluores-cent protein (YFP) exposure times were in the range of 150–200 msec and serial sections through live cells were set to 21z-planes at 0.4-mm spacing.


Absence of Dia2 causes an S/G2/M cell cycle delay:Unlike most F-box proteins that contain a single C-ter-minal protein interaction domain, Dia2 is unusual inthat it contains an N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat(TPR) domain and a C-terminal LRR domain (Willems

et al. 2004). As not all F-box proteins form SCF com-plexes (Willems et al. 2004), we assessed whether Dia2assembled into an SCF complex in vivo (Figure 1A). Aninteraction was detected between Dia2 and the SCF coresubunits Cdc53 and Skp1, in accord with the previouslyreported in vitro reconstitution of SCFDia2 (Koepp et al.2001; Kus et al. 2004). Strains that lacked DIA2 grew ata rate 30% slower than that of wild-type cells and ex-hibited a heterogeneous colony size (Figure 1B). Thesmall-size colonies were not due to petite formationcaused by loss of mitochondrial DNA because all colon-ies were able to grow anerobically on glycerol medium(data not shown). Intriguingly, dia2D strains developedan increasingly severe growth defect upon prolongedpropagation (data not shown). Asynchronous popula-tions of dia2D strains had a modal cell size that was twicethat of wild-type strains (Figure 1C). The slow growthrate and increased cell size suggested a defect in cellcycle progression, and FACS analysis of DNA contentconsistently revealed an accumulation of cells in bothS- and G2/M-phase (Figure 1D). The absence of Dia2thus resulted in an S/G2/M cell cycle delay, which inother contexts often results from S-phase defects thatactivate the G2/M cell cycle checkpoint.

Genetic interactions of DIA2 with DNA replication,repair, and checkpoint pathways: To delineate Dia2function, we employed SGA technology to construct a

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collection of double mutants between dia2D and anordered array of 4422 viable single gene deletion strains(Tong et al. 2001). Double-mutant combinations thatresult in inviability (synthetic lethality) or in reducedfitness (synthetic sickness) identify genes that eitherconverge on an essential biological process or exhibit adamage-response relationship (Hartman et al. 2001).The SGA screen identified 55 deletion mutants thatexhibited overt synthetic genetic interactions withdia2D, all of which were confirmed by tetrad analysis.Of the 55 double-mutant interactions, 19 were syntheticlethal (Figure 2). Many of the interactions occurred withgenes implicated in DNA replication (e.g., RRM3, PIF1,RAD27, RNR4), recombination (e.g., RAD52, MRE11,XRS2), chromosome segregation (e.g., BFA1, MAD1,CIK1, KAR3), and the DNA damage checkpoint(PPH3). Significantly, DIA2 also exhibited strong inter-actions with a spectrum of genes that promote replica-tion fork restart, namely SGS1 and TOP3, SLX1 andSLX4, SLX5 and SLX8, and MUS81 and MMS4; each ofthese gene pairs encode protein complexes that playdifferent roles in fork restart (Fabre et al. 2002; Fricke

and Brill 2003; Zhang et al. 2006). In addition, DIA2

displayed synthetic interactions with genes required foroxidative stress metabolism (e.g., SOD1, LYS7), tran-scription (e.g., CTK1, SWI4), and chromatin structure(e.g., SWR1, HST4). Recently, a cohort of dSLAM screensfocused on DNA replication and chromosome segrega-tion pathways recovered 112 synthetic lethal/syntheticsick interactions with a dia2D query strain, and anadditional 9 dia2D interactions with other query strains(Pan et al. 2006). Of the 55 confirmed hits in our dia2D

screen, only 23 overlapped with the Pan et al. (2006)data set, indicating that neither experimental approachexhaustively identified dia2D genetic interactions. Themyriad interactions recovered by each systematic dia2D

screen suggested that Dia2 function is required to copewith a host of defects in normal replication, repair, andrecombination processes, as caused either directly orindirectly by various mutations.

Genes that perform related functions tend to clustertogether in genomewide synthetic lethal interactionprofiles (Tonget al. 2004). We therefore performed two-dimensional hierarchical clustering of the dia2D geneticinteraction profile in the context of a large combineddata set of 10,334 synthetic lethal interactions (Figure

Figure 1.—The F-box protein Dia2 forms an SCF complex and is required for normal cell cycle progression. (A) Physical in-teractions between Dia2Flag and core components of the SCF complex. Cells were transformed with an empty vector or plasmidsencoding Cdc4FLAG or Dia2FLAG expressed from the GAL1 promoter, in conjunction with a CEN plasmid that expressed Cdc53MYC

from the CDC53 promoter. Immunoblots of whole-cell lysates and anti-Flag immunoprecipitations were probed anti-Skp1 and anti-MYC antibodies. (B) Growth defect of dia2D strains. The dia2D spore clones from a sporulated heterozygous diploid DIA2/dia2Dstrain (yMT1738) are indicated by arrows. Cells from a representative tetrad were restreaked onto rich medium and grown at 30o

for 2 days. (C) Cell size distribution of dia2D strains. Spore clones from a DIA2/dia2D tetrad were grown to early log phase in liquidmedium, analyzed on a Coulter channelizer, and visualized by DIC microscopy at 3100 magnification. (D) DNA content of asyn-chronous wild-type (WT) and dia2D populations. FACS profiles were deconstructed into G1, S, and G2/M components using Mod-Fit LT software.

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3A), as derived from 284 systematic SGA and dSLAMscreens reported in the primary literature (Tong et al.2004; Pan et al. 2006; Reguly et al. 2006). As revealed bythe dominant central cluster, many of the systematicscreens carried out to date have focused on DNA repli-cation, DNA damage, and chromosome segregationpathways (Tong et al. 2004; Pan et al. 2006). Within thislarge data set, the dia2D profile clustered most closelywith query mutations that disrupt aspects of DNA rep-lication and repair, namely homologous recombination(rad51D, rad52D, rad54D, rad57D, hpr5D/srs2D), the rep-lication checkpoint (csm3D, tof1D, mrc1D), an alternativereplication factor C complex implicated in establishmentof sister-chromatid cohesion (dcc1D, ctf8D, ctf18D), theMre11–Rad50–Xrs2 complex that mediates the DNAdamage response and facilitates DSB repair (mre11D,

rad50D, xrs2D), and postreplicative repair (rad5D,rad18D). Overall, the correlated genetic profiles re-vealed by hierarchical clustering suggested a role forDia2 in some aspect of DNA replication.

In addition to the above well-characterized replica-tion and repair functions, dia2D clustered immediatelyadjacent to rtt101D, rtt107D/esc4D, and mms1D/rtt108D

(Figure 3A, red bar). The RTT genes were isolated in ascreen for regulators of Ty1 transposition, which un-covered many pathways that dictate genome stability(Scholes et al. 2001). Rtt101 is the cullin subunit of anSCF-like ubiquitin ligase that has recently been impli-cated in replication fork progression through naturalpause sites and damaged DNA (Luke et al. 2006);Rtt107/Esc4 is a BRCT repeat-containing protein thatis required for replication restart after DNA damage

Figure 2.—Systematic analysis of dia2D synthetic genetic interactions. A total of 55 synthetic lethal (red edges) and syntheticsick genetic interactions (black edges) detected in triplicate SGA screens were confirmed by tetrad analysis. Interactions aregrouped according to indicated cellular functions and individual nodes are colored by a reduced hierarchy of gene ontology(GO) biological processes ranked in the order shown in the color key.

Figure 3.—Two-dimensional hierarchical clustering of synthetic genetic interaction profiles. (A) A combined unique set of 144genetic interactions from dia2D query screens reported in this study and in Pan et al. (2006) were clustered against 284 systematicgenetic screens curated from the primary literature (Reguly et al. 2006). A locally dense region of interactions that contains thedia2D profile is expanded and immediate dia2D neighbors are indicated by the red bar. The source of each genetic interaction isindicated by the color key. (B) Shared interactions among dia2D, rtt101D, rtt107D,, and mms1D. Network shows all interactionsretrieved from the full 284-screen data set for each of the four nodes. Edges are colored by interaction source; nodes are colored bythe same GO biological processes as in Figure 2.


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(Rouse 2004); Mms1 is required for resistance to MMSand other genotoxins (Hryciw et al. 2002) and appearsto operate in the same pathway as Mms22 (Araki et al.2003). Direct inspection of all genetic interactions inthis cohort revealed that 21 of 29 interactions withrtt101D, 34 of 55 hits with rtt107D and 38 of 49 hits withmms1D also interact with dia2D; in addition, many othercross-interactions were evident, including all possiblepairwise synthetic lethal interactions (Figure 3B). Thesesimilar genetic profiles suggest that Dia2, Rtt101, Rtt107,and Mms1 functions converge at the replication fork,particularly under adverse circumstances. Because thedia2D mutant exhibited a larger and more diverse set ofinteractions than other members of the cohort (Figure3B), Dia2 likely performs additional functions as well.

Dia2 is required for resistance to some but not allDNA-damaging agents: Mutations that compromiseS-phase progression often cause sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents or replication stress. Prompted bythe synthetic genetic interactions identified in theSGA screen, we tested the sensitivity of a dia2D strainto various genotoxic agents, using appropriate check-point (mec1D sml1D), nucleotide excision repair (rad14D),and homologous recombination (rad52D) mutants ascontrols (Figure 4A). Plating efficiency of the dia2D

strain was severely inhibited by the potent alkylatingagent MMS. This sensitivity to MMS was most likely dueto defective SCFDia2 activity because a dia2D strainbearing a version of Dia2 that lacked the F-box domainwas as susceptible as the dia2D strain itself (Figure 4B).Intermediate growth inhibition was caused by 4-NQO,which forms bulky adducts that are substrates fornucleotide excision repair, and by camptothecin, apoison that traps covalent topoisomerase I/DNA inter-mediates. A high concentration of the replicationinhibitor HU modestly reduced the plating efficiencyof a dia2D strain. The sensitivity of the dia2D mutant toMMS, HU, and camptothecin has recently been re-ported in other studies (Ohya et al. 2005; Koepp et al.2006; Pan et al. 2006). To determine if these defectsreflected a general sensitivity to DNA damage, we alsotested sensitivity of the dia2D strain to UV light, whichinduces thymidine dimers and other photo products,and to X rays, which produce DSBs. Unlike many otherreplication and DNA damage response mutants, thedia2D strain was insensitive to these agents (Figure 4A).Dia2 thus does not appear to have a role in nucleotideexcision repair or homologous recombination per se, butrather seems to aid in replication fork progression in thepresence of certain DNA adducts.

Figure 4.—Dia2 is required for resistance to agents that generate DNA adducts. The indicated strains were serially diluted in10-fold steps and plated onto rich medium (A) or synthetic medium lacking tryptophan (B) in either the presence or the absenceof 0.02% (v/v) MMS, 200 mm HU, 5 mg/ml camptothecin, 0.1 mg/ml 4-NQO, 200 J/m2 of UV, or 100 Gy of X rays. Photographswere taken after 2 days at 30�.

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The DNA damage checkpoint is essential in theabsence of DIA2: As cells lacking Dia2 exhibited apronounced S and G2/M cell cycle delay, reliance onnonessential checkpoint proteins recovered in the SGAscreen, and hypersensitivity to certain DNA-damagingagents, we determined in further detail if the DNAdamage checkpoint was necessary for viability of a dia2D

strain (Figure 5). Both Mec1 and Rad53 are essentialproteins that transduce signals in the DNA damage check-point. Viability of rad53D and mec1D mutant strains,but not their checkpoint deficiencies, is rescued bydeleting the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor SML1(Zhao et al. 1998). Triple mutants of the genotype dia2D

mec1D sml1D and dia2D rad53D sml1-1 were inviable,indicating that Dia2 normally prevents some form ofendogenous DNA damage that invokes a necessarycheckpoint response.

To delineate the checkpoint pathway(s) that main-tain dia2D viability, we assessed genetic interactionsbetween dia2D and mutations in the S-phase (mrc1D)and DNA damage (rad9D, rad24D) branches of thecheckpoint. Absence of the fork-associated checkpointprotein Mrc1 moderately reduced the growth rate ofthe dia2D mutant, whereas elimination of the check-point adaptor Rad9 and/or the clamp loading factorRad24 only slightly impaired growth rate (Figure 5, A–C). Loss of both the Mrc1 and the Rad9 branchesresults in synthetic lethality, but this lethality can besuppressed by overexpression of RNR1 (Alcasabas

et al. 2001). As expected, a mrc1D rad9D dia2D triplemutant was inviable despite overexpression of RNR1.These results suggested that while either of the S-phaseand DNA damage branches of the DNA checkpointsuffice to allow viability of the dia2D mutant, the

Figure 5.—The DNA checkpoint is required for viability of a dia2D strain. (A) Representative tetrads were dissected for dia2Dmec1D sml1D, dia2D rad53D chk1D sml1-1, dia2D rad9D rad24D, and dia2D mrc1D rad9D heterozygous diploids. Wild-type spores areunmarked, as are inviable spores whose genotype could not be inferred. The dia2D rad53D chk1D cross carries an unmarked sml1-1allele to allow viability of the rad53D mutation. Note that, in the last tetrad shown, rad53D alone is inviable because sml1-1 did notsegregate to this spore clone; however, specific inviability of dia2D rad53D sml1-1 was inferred from the viability of rad53D chk1Dsml1-1 in the adjacent cross, as well as from other tetrads not shown. The mrc1D rad9D cross carries a ,RNR1 LEU2 2mm. plasmidto maintain viability of the mrc1D rad9D double mutant. (B) Legend for determined genotypes. (C) Summary of genetic inter-actions. Minus sign indicates full inviability; plus sign indicates full viability. (D) Failure of various DNA damage checkpoint mu-tants to bypass the G2/M cell cycle delay of dia2D strains. DNA content of asynchronous cultures of the indicated strains wasdetermined by FACS analysis.

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S-phase branch is the more important of the two arms.Given that checkpoint activation is usually accompa-nied by a cell cycle delay, we anticipated that the ac-cumulation of cells in G2/M in the dia2D mutant mightbe dependent on Mrc1 and/or Rad9/Rad24. However,abrogation of either of the main checkpoint branchesfailed to alter the G2/M cell cycle delay in the dia2D

strain, as shown by FACS analysis (Figure 5D). Thisdelay thus either requires both arms of the checkpointor is mediated by an as yet uncharacterized checkpointeffector.

Interestingly, as recovered in the SGA screen, thedia2D strain also requires the phosphatase Pph3 forviability (Figure 2). Because Pph3 is required for de-phosphorylation of g-H2Ax and recovery from thecheckpoint response (Keogh et al. 2006), persistentDNA replication defects in dia2D cells may causepermanent checkpoint arrest in the absence ofdesensitization.

Dia2 prevents endogenous DNA damage in S-phase:The requirement for Mec1, Rad53, and Mrc1 for via-bility of the dia2D mutant and the accumulated S-phasefraction in asynchronous dia2D cultures (Figure 1D)suggested a possible S-phase progression defect india2D strains. We therefore assessed the kinetics ofS-phase progression in synchronous cultures releasedfrom a mating pheromone-induced G1 phase arrest.While most of the dia2D population appeared to pro-gress from G1 phase to G2/M phase with wild-typekinetics, a significant subpopulation accumulated inS-phase (Figure 6A). Signals that trigger the replicationcheckpoint result in Mec1-dependent activation ofRad53 (Sanchez et al. 1996; Sun et al. 1996), whichcan be monitored by an ISA (Pellicioli et al. 1999).Given that dia2D cells have a cell cycle delay, we testedwhether this defect correlates with activation of Rad53kinase activity. As expected, upon treatment of wild-typecells with 200 mm HU, Rad53 was activated, as revealedby its autophosphorylation in vitro (Figure 6B). How-ever, in dia2D strains, Rad53 exhibited marked activa-tion in untreated asynchronous cultures. Exposure to200 mm HU further induced Rad53 autophosphoryla-tion in dia2D cells, possibly because fewer cycling cellsare in S-phase as compared to cultures arrested in HU.Because MMS and 4-NQO also further activated Rad53in the dia2D strain (data not shown), Dia2 is notrequired for maximal activation of the checkpoint. Todetermine whether checkpoint activation in dia2D cellsrequired S-phase progression, we monitored Rad53phosphorylation in synchronous cultures by virtue ofits phosphorylation-dependent mobility shift (Figure6C). In the absence of genotoxic stress, wild-type cellspassed through S into G2 without Rad53 phosphoryla-tion. In contrast, while Rad53 was unphosphorylated inG1 phase in the dia2D strain, as cells progressed throughS-phase and into G2 phase, slower migrating Rad53isoforms became apparent. This result suggested that

Dia2 normally prevents endogenous DNA damage fromarising in S-phase.

Despite the ability of a dia2D strain to activate Rad53in response to HU, MMS, and 4-NQO, the strain isnevertheless sensitive to MMS. To examine whether thissensitivity might result from a partially defective S-phasecheckpoint, G1 phase cultures were released intomedium containing a low dose of MMS, which activatesthe intra-S-phase checkpoint but not the G1 DNAdamage checkpoint (Sidorova and Breeden 1997).Wild-type cells required at least 210 min to completereplication in the presence of MMS, �175 min longerthan without DNA damage. In contrast, MMS-treateddia2D cells were unable to progress past mid-S-phase forthe duration of the 270-min experiment (Figure 6D). Ascheckpoint defective cells normally progress throughS-phase faster than wild-type cells (Paulovich andHartwell 1995), sensitivity of the dia2D strain to MMSwas not a consequence of a defective intra-S check-point, but rather due to an inability to recover fromMMS-induced DNA damage.

The S-phase-dependent activation of Rad53 sug-gested that dia2D cells accumulate endogenous DNAdamage. This idea is also supported by the genetic resultthat RAD52-dependent DSB repair is required forviability of dia2D strains (Figure 2), whereas in directtetrad analysis, the Ku70/Ku80 nonhomologous endjoining factors required to repair breaks in G1 phase arenot required (data not shown). To directly assess theoccurrence of DNA strand breaks in dia2D cells, wemeasured the occurrence of DNA repair foci in live cellsusing YFP fusions to DNA-damage-responsive proteins(Lisby et al. 2001; Melo et al. 2001). As expected,Rad52YFP foci formed at a low frequency in log-phasecultures of wild-type cells. In contrast, the dia2D mutantshowed a significant increase in foci formation of 2- and4.5-fold in unbudded and budded cells, respectively(Figure 6E). A similar increase was seen by both aTUNEL assay for DNA strand breaks and a Ddc1YFP

damage foci reporter (data not shown). This increasein repair foci implies that DNA lesions, most likely DSBs,accumulate in dia2D cells and activate the DNA check-point response. The slight increase of Rad52 foci in G1

phase dia2D cells suggested an additional defect, per-haps due to incomplete repair of lesions before de-sensitization of the G2/M checkpoint arrest. However,we note that the extent of G1 phase damage foci in dia2D

cells is modest compared to other DNA repair/check-point mutants, such as rmi1D (Chang et al. 2005).

Dia2 ensures high-fidelity chromosome segregation:We examined the dia2D phenotype by genomewideexpression profiles, which can often be used to deducegene function (Hughes et al. 2000a). The overall ex-pression profile of the dia2D strain was highly similar tothat of wild-type cells, with the notable exception of a1.5- to 3.5-fold increase in ribonucleotide reductase(RNR) transcripts in the dia2D mutant (Figure 7A). RNR

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induction is a hallmark checkpoint response to replica-tion stress (Elledge and Davis 1990). In addition,several general stress responsive genes, including XBP1and HSP26, were elevated in the dia2D strain. Asidefrom the obvious transcriptional difference in RNRtranscript levels, comparison of chromosome-widemean expression levels revealed that two independentdia2D isolates, one haploid and one diploid, exhibitedsignificantly higher levels of gene expression from Chr Iand Chr X, respectively (Figure 7B). This result indi-cates that these dia2D isolates were aneuploid, consis-tent with previous detection of aneuploidy in otherdia2D isolates (Hughes et al. 2000b).

To directly test whether dia2D plays a role in chromo-some segregation, the rate of chromosome loss wasmeasured by a colony-sectoring assay (Hieter et al.1985). In this assay, cells carry a reporter chromosomefragment with the SUP11 (ochre-suppressing tRNA)gene, which is used to complement an ade2-101 (ochre)mutation. Colonies that retain the test chromosome arewhite, whereas cells that undergo a loss event accumu-late a red adenine biosynthesis intermediate. The dia2D

mutation caused an �200-fold increase in chromosomeloss rate relative to wild type (Figure 7C). In compari-son, the spindle checkpoint mutants bub1D and bub3D

exhibit only a 50-fold increase in chromosome loss rate

Figure 6.—Activation of the DNA damage response in the dia2D strain. (A) Cell cycle progression of unperturbed wild-type anddia2D strains. Cells were arrested in G1 phase with a-factor and released into rich medium. DNA content was assessed by FACS atthe indicated time points in minutes. (B) Rad53 kinase activity was detected using an ISA assay on lysates of the indicated strainsgrown in either the presence or the absence of 200 mm HU for 1 hr. Arrow indicates in situ 32P incorporation into Rad53. (C) Cellcycle dependence of Rad53 activation. The indicated strains were arrested with a-factor and released into rich medium and lysateswere prepared at the indicated time points. Immunoblots were probed with a polyclonal Rad53 antibody. (D) Cell cycle progres-sion of MMS-treated wild-type and dia2D strains. Cells were arrested in G1 phase with a-factor, released into rich medium con-taining 0.033% MMS, and assessed for DNA content at the indicated time points. (E) DNA damage repair foci in a dia2Dstrain. Rad52YFP was detected by fluorescence microscopy in wild-type and dia2D cells. A composite of 21 collapsed Z-sectionswas taken for a minimum of 300 cells/strain, which were classified as unbudded (G1) and budded (S/G2/M) cells. Bars indicatestandard error.

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under identical conditions (Warren et al. 2002). Dia2thus plays a significant role in ensuring the fidelity ofchromosome transmission, likely through suppressionof replication-induced DSBs, which can lead directly toaneuploidy through missegregation events (Kaye et al.2004).

Dia2 suppresses GCRs: DNA double strand breakscan lead to whole or partial chromosome loss (Kaye

et al. 2004). We therefore tested whether dia2D cells areprone to genomic alterations by using a mutator assaythat measures the incidence of GCRs (Chen andKolodner 1999). Rearrangements are detected inhaploid cells by the simultaneous loss of CAN1 andURA3 from the left arm of Chr V, such that cells lack-ing CAN1 and URA3 are able to form colonies onmedium containing 5-FOA and canavanine (can). Strik-ingly, deletion of dia2D in this reporter strain causeda 117-fold increase in GCR rate (Figure 8A). This rateis comparable to that reported for S-phase checkpointmutants (Myung et al. 2001).

Three classes of rearrangements are detected by theGCR assay: interstitial deletions, nonreciprocal trans-locations, and partial deletions of Chr V with de novotelomere addition (Kolodner et al. 2002). To charac-

terize the spectrum of GCRs that occur in dia2D strains,we analyzed Chr V structure by PFGE. ChromosomalDNA from the control parental strain and seven in-dependent 5-FOAr canr dia2D isolates was resolved andprobed with a Chr V-specific MCM3 sequence (Figure8B). In six of the seven dia2D GCR isolates, MCM3sequences migrated slightly faster than in the controllane, presumably due to a partial chromosome deletion.In addition to these discrete chromosomal rearrange-ments, each dia2D strain tested retained a significantamount of chromosomal DNA in the well, suggestive ofunresolved replication and recombination structures(Desany et al. 1998).

Dia2 suppresses recombination at the rDNA locus:Each of the seven dia2D GCR isolates tested above hadgenomic rearrangements in addition to Chr V. In par-ticular, we observed substantial mobility disparities be-tween Chr IV and Chr XII, which normally comigrate(Figure 8B). Chr XII harbors the rDNA locus as a tan-dem array of �100–200 repeats (Petes 1979). TherDNA array is inherently unstable and undergoes cyclesof expansion/contraction through intra- and inter-chromosomal recombination (Keil and Roeder 1984;Kobayashi et al. 1998). We thus tested if the observed

Figure 7.—Dia2 is required to ensure faithful chromosome transmission. (A) Induction of RNR transcripts in a dia2D strain.Two replicate dia2D haploid isolates were competitively hybridized against wild-type control mRNA on genomewide microarrays(5989 ORFs detected) and plotted against one another. The top 10 induced genes in the dia2D strain (fold increase indicated inparentheses) were MET17 (6.53), GPH1 (4.23), HSP26 (3.43), RNR4 (2.93), YGP1(3.03), RNR2 (3.43), HSP12 (3.03),YMR250w (3.13), XBP1 (2.33), and LAP4 (2.13). Signals for RNR genes in replicate dia2D hybridizations are shown separately.(B) Aneuploidy in dia2D mutants detected by microarray analysis. Median gene induction per chromosome was calculated forindependent haploid and homozygous diploid dia2D isolates. (C) Chromosome loss rates. Wild-type and dia2D strains bearingan artificial test chromosome (CFIII-SUP11-HIS3) were plated onto nonselective media for 2 days and scored for half red/whitecolonies (i.e., first division missegregation events). At least 2400 colonies were scored per strain.

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rearrangements were due to alterations in Chr XII.Chromosomal DNA for five of the GCR isolates wasresolved by PFGE and blotted with a 35S rDNA probe.In the dia2D strains, a faster migrating Chr XII was evi-dent, confirming that this chromosome had indeedundergone gross rearrangements (Figure 8C). Further-more, cross-hybridizing signals were detected in thewells of these lanes, indicative of unresolved rDNAreplication intermediates (Desany et al. 1998).

To assess whether rearrangement of Chr XII in dia2D

cells was a consequence of increased rDNA recombina-

tion, we measured recombination rates by scoring theloss of an rDNA ADE2 marker (Merker and Klein

2002). dia2D mutants lost ADE2 at a rate 2.8-fold higherthan that of wild-type cells (Figure 8D), an increase com-parable to those reported for hpr1D (3.1-fold) and sir2D

(4.8-fold) strains (Merker and Klein 2002), both ofwhich have defects in rDNA repeat maintenance. Con-sistently, the rDNA hyperrecombination phenotype india2D cells correlated with an accumulation of bothmono- and multimeric ERCs (Figure 8E), which are knownto arise by recombination (Sinclair and Guarente 1997).

Figure 8.—Increased GCR rate is correlated with hyperrecombination at the rDNA locus in dia2D cells. (A) Assay used to detectgross chromosomal rearrangements. Sensitivity to canavanine (can) and 5-FOA selects for colonies that have undergone simul-taneous loss of both genes via a GCR event. GCR rates were from two independent experiments; fold induction was calculated asthe mean of dia2D GCR rate divided by the mean GCR rate of the parental control strain. (B) Chromosomal DNA from a controland seven independent canr 5-FOAr dia2D isolates was resolved by PFGE, stained with ethidium bromide, and probed with a ChrV-specific MCM3 sequence. (C) Chromsomal DNA from five of the same isolates was rerun and probed with a 35S rDNA sequence.(D) Recombination at the rDNA locus. Wild-type and dia2D strains bearing an ADE2 marker at the rDNA locus were plated ontorich medium and grown for 3 days. Recombination rates were calculated from counting first division missegregation events for atleast 20,000 colonies. Bars indicate standard error. (E) Accumulation of ERCs. Genomic DNA isolated from each of the indicatedstrains was resolved by electrophoresis and probed with rDNA sequences. Asterisk indicates chromosomal rDNA and arrows pointto mono- and multimeric ERCs (red and black arrows, respectively). (F) Subcellular localization of Dia2GFP. A wild-type strain ex-pressing Dia2GFP was grown to log phase and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Dia2GFP signal that segregates late in anaphaseas a string of fluorescence stretched across the bud neck is indicated by the arrow. Numbers in parentheses indicate the percentageof cells that show nucleolar Dia2 localization at each cell cycle stage.

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The specific defects in rDNA repeat maintenance inthe dia2D mutant suggested a particularly acute role forDia2 in this problematic region of the genome. Toinvestigate whether Dia2 might function directly at therDNA locus, we examined the localization of a GFPfusion protein in live cells. Dia2GFP was detected in thenucleus with substantial enrichment in the nucleolus(Figure 8F). This GFP pattern was unaltered duringmitosis, except for a period during late anaphase. At thisstage, Dia2GFP was evident in both mother and daughternuclei with a string of fluorescence stretched across thebud neck. Because the rDNA locus has been shown tosegregate later than the rest of the genome (D’Amours

et al. 2004), this result demonstrates that Dia2 is tightlycolocalized with the rDNA locus. Taken together, theseobservations suggest that Dia2 has an important, butprobably not exclusive, role in maintaining rDNAintegrity.


The ubiquitin system plays an important and con-served role in the control of DNA replication and theDNA damage response (Branzei and Foiani 2005).Here, through characterization of the genetic and cellbiological attributes of the dia2D mutant, we haveuncovered a new role for the ubiquitin system in thesuppression of genome instability associated with repli-cation fork collapse. In the absence of Dia2, cells exhibitan S/G2/M cell cycle delay, greatly increased sensitivityto damage-induced replication blocks, and an increasein chromosomal lesions. As a consequence of accumu-lated endogenous DNA damage, the dia2D mutantconstitutively activates the DNA damage checkpoint.Activation of the checkpoint may account for the weaklyinvasive phenotype of the dia2D strains (Kang et al.2003). The viability of dia2D strains depends on thecentral checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Rad53, as well ason the collective activity of factors that mediate the DNAdamage and replication arms of the checkpoint (i.e.,Mrc1 and Rad9). Because the pre-anaphase cell cycledelay in dia2D strains does not solely depend on Mrc1 orRad9, it may be imposed in part by the spindlecheckpoint pathway, as observed in cells treated withDNA-damaging agents and a variety of replicationmutants (Garber and Rine 2002; Collura et al.2005). Consistently, our genetic analysis indicates thatviability of the dia2D strain requires full spindle functionand an intact spindle assembly checkpoint. Althoughnot recovered in our SGA screen, dia2D strains are alsoseverely compromised in the absence of the anaphaseinhibitor Pds1 (Sarin et al. 2004), which both mediatesaspects of the DNA damage response and couples thecompletion of replication to the onset of mitosis(Clarke et al. 1999). Despite constitutive Rad53 activa-tion, dia2D cells exhibit highly elevated chromosome

loss and GCR rates. Unrepaired replication-inducedDSBs not only can cause catastrophic genome rear-rangements (Chen and Kolodner 1999; Myung et al.2001; Kolodner et al. 2002) but also can directly lead tofailures in chromosome segregation (Kaye et al. 2004).Multiple aberrations in chromosome replication andsegregation pathways thus appear to underlie the highrate of genome instability of the dia2D mutant.

What might be the nature of DNA damage in dia2D

cells? When a replication fork stalls, it may be processedinto toxic replication intermediates, or alternatively, itmay simply collapse, which produces DSBs (Branzei

and Foiani 2005). In either case, cells accumulaterepair foci, as observed in dia2D cells. Most significantly,the genetic result that dia2D is synthetic lethal withrad52D strongly argues that DSBs accumulate in thedia2D mutant and thus must be repaired by homologousrecombination. In addition, dia2D displays syntheticgenetic interactions with sgs1D and top3D, as well as withslx4D, slx5D, slx8D, mus81D, and mms4D. The SLX genes(SLX1, -4, -5, -8, MUS81, and MMS4) are required in theabsence of the Sgs1 helicase (Mullen et al. 2001), whichhelps resolve replication intermediates (Chang et al.2005; Liberi et al. 2005; Mullen et al. 2005). The Slx1/4and Mus81/Mms4 complexes are endonucleases thatcleave structures generated from stalled and collapsedforks, respectively (Bastin-Shanower et al. 2003;Fricke and Brill 2003). Given its synthetic interactionswith slx mutations, it is likely that the dia2D mutant ac-cumulates both stalled and collapsed forks and there-fore requires the Slx products for replication restart.

In wild-type cells, MMS treatment retards fork pro-gression and inhibits late origin firing, but these effectsare transient and reversed once MMS-induced damageis repaired (Santocanale and Diffley 1998; Tercero

and Diffley 2001). In contrast, dia2D mutants com-pletely fail to resume replication following MMS-induced DNA damage. Dia2 thus may be required forpassage of replication forks through damaged DNAtemplates, which rapidly accumulate large proteinstructures as part of the repair process. The inviabilityof dia2D sod1D and dia2D lys7D double mutants is alsoconsistent with a role for Dia2 in aiding replicationthrough damaged templates, as the Sod1 superoxidedismutase and its copper chaperone Lys7 normallyprevent DNA damage from endogenous oxidative stress(Pan et al. 2006). Because dia2D strains appear toprogress through S-phase with near wild-type kinetics,it seems unlikely that Dia2 is a component of the generalreplication machinery. While a significant subpopula-tion of dia2D cultures are delayed for completion ofS-phase, this effect probably arises from checkpoint-mediated inhibition of late origins (Santocanale andDiffley 1998; Tercero and Diffley 2001) and/orfrom an inability to replicate problematic regions(Cha and Kleckner 2002; Lemoine et al. 2005; Admire

et al. 2006). Consistent with this interpretation, we have

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been unable to detect genetic interactions between dia2D

and mutant components of DNA polymerase a-primasecomplex encoded by pri1-M4 or pri2-1, implying thatDia2 does not facilitate either replication initiation orlagging-strand DNA synthesis (data not shown).

Our systematic genetic analysis strongly suggests thatDia2 enables the replication machinery to cope withnatural replication slow zones, in particular the RFB ofthe rDNA repeat. In budding yeast, replication pausesites occur at well-defined regions throughout thegenome, including the rDNA locus (Rothstein et al.2000; Cha and Kleckner 2002; Ivessa et al. 2002; 2003;Torreset al. 2004a). The two related helicases Rrm3 andPif1 have opposing effects on rDNA breakage andrecombination via their ability to regulate RFB activity(Ivessa et al. 2000). Rrm3 suppresses fork stalling bydriving fork progression through non-nucleosomal pro-tein–DNA complexes (Ivessa et al. 2003; Torres et al.2004a), whereas Pif1 appears to promote fork arrest, inaddition to its role in suppression of de novo telomereaddition (Ivessa et al. 2000; Pennaneach et al. 2006).The synthetic lethal interaction between dia2D andrrm3D suggests that Dia2 and Rrm3 may functionredundantly to displace protein–DNA complexes, atleast under some circumstances. However, becauserrm3D strains neither are sensitive to DNA-damagingagents nor require the Mus81/Mms4 or Slx1/4 com-plexes for viability (Torreset al. 2004b), Dia2 may play amore general role than Rrm3 in facilitating replicationfork progression through problematic regions. Giventhe opposing effects of Rrm3 and Pif1 at the RFB, thesynthetic lethal interaction between dia2D and pif1D isenigmatic. This interaction may reflect either theaccumulation of aberrant replication-associated struc-tures in the absence of Pif1 or, alternatively, a require-ment for Pif1 to cope with DNA-damaging events thatarise in the absence of Dia2. Regardless of these moregeneral replication effects, the preferential localizationof Dia2 to the nucleolus and the increased recombina-tion at the rDNA locus in dia2D strains, as well as thesynthetic lethal interactions between dia2D and bothrrm3D and pif1D, clearly implicates Dia2 as a regulator ofthe RFB and rDNA replication.

RNA Pol II-associated protein complexes are alsointrinsic barriers to replication fork progression(Deshpande and Newlon 1996; Aguilera 2002).Head-on collision between the transcriptional machin-ery and the replication fork results in a replication blockthat is resolved by Rrm3 (Prado and Aguilera 2005).The synthetic genetic interactions between dia2D andmutations in various elongation factors, includingctk1D, rtf1D, and cdc73D (Jona et al. 2001; Squazzo

et al. 2002), thus may be explained by an inability of thereplication machinery to transit past stalled transcrip-tional complexes. A variety of mutations that disruptdifferent aspects of chromatin structure, includinghpc2D, htz1D, swr1D, chl4D, npt1D, and hst4D, also exhibit

synthetic genetic interactions with dia2D. Defects inchromatin architecture might engender stalled or de-fective transcriptional complexes that impede the rep-lication machinery in the absence of Dia2; alternatively,chromatin remodeling may be required for recoveryfrom intrinsic DNA damage in the dia2D strain (Vidanes

et al. 2005). While the dia2D mutant is defective in bothtelomeric and rDNA silencing (data not shown), theseeffects likely arise from relocalization of silencing factorsto sites of endogenous DNA damage (Martin et al. 1999).Although Dia2 might conceivably regulate higher-orderchromatin structure and thereby indirectly affect replica-tion and genome stability, we favor a more direct role forDia2 in allowing the replication machinery to cope withproteinaceous barriers.

Further insight into possible DIA2 functions comesfrom its overlapping genetic interactions with RTT101,RTT107/ESC4, and MMS1/RTT108. The pairwise syn-thetic lethal interactions between these four genessuggest convergence on an essential process in DNAreplication. Rtt101 and Rtt107 share similar DNAdamage and replication phenotypes as Dia2 (Rouse

2004; Luke et al. 2006), and both physically interact withMms22 (Ho et al. 2002), a protein that operates in thesame pathway as Mms1 (Hryciw et al. 2002; Araki et al.2003). Intriguingly, the likely human counterpart ofRtt101, called Cul4, forms a ubiquitin–ligase complexwith the Ddb1 protein and targets a variety of repair- andreplication-associated proteins for degradation (Willems

et al. 2004). It is thus possible that Dia2 acts in a re-dundant fashion with an Rtt101-based ubiquitin ligaseto modify or eliminate one or more substrates at thereplication fork.

Two recent reports have suggested replication-associ-ated functions for Dia2 (Koepp et al. 2006; Pan et al.2006). On the basis of apparent premature S-phaseentry of synchronous cultures of a dia2D strain anddetection of replication origin sequences in crosslinkedDia2 immunoprecipitates, Koepp et al. (2006) proposedthat Dia2 prevents precocious firing of replicationorigins. Dia2 thus might function in a manner analo-gous to the CDK inhibitor Sic1, which is known toprevent Clb5/6-Cdc28 activation and subsequent originfiring (Lengronne and Schwob 2002). However, anumber of our results are inconsistent with a role forDia2 in replication initiation. We did not detect overtpremature S-phase entry in the dia2D strain, at least asjudged by bulk DNA replication in synchronous pop-ulations. Unlike the rescue of the sic1D phenotype bycodeletion of clb5D clb6D (Lengronne and Schwob

2002), we did not observe amelioration of the dia2D

cell size and G2/M cell cycle delay phenotypes in aclb5D clb6D background (data not shown). Moreover, incontrast to dia2D strains, the replication checkpoint isnot activated in a sic1D strain (Lengronne and Schwob

2002). The markedly different spectrum of genetic inter-actions exhibited by sic1D and dia2D mutations also

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implies different functions (in the combined data setused to generate Figure 3A, of 153 total dia2D inter-actions and 62 total sic1D interactions, only 20 overlap).Finally, the inability of dia2D cells to resume replicationfollowing MMS treatment suggests a role for Dia2 be-yond replication initiation.

A second recently proposed function for Dia2 iselimination of the replication- and cohesion-associatedfactor Ctf4 (Pan et al. 2006), both on the basis of thespectrum of replication and checkpoint genes recov-ered with dia2D in a dSLAM genetic network (Pan et al.2006) and on the basis of a putative interaction detectedbetween Dia2 and Ctf4 in a high-throughput study (Ho

et al. 2002). Consistently, overexpression of CTF4 is toxicin wild-type cells and a cft4D mutation restores viabilityto a dia2D hst3D double mutant (Pan et al. 2006). How-ever, we have been unable to detect a Dia2–Ctf4 physicalinteraction in direct co-immunoprecipitation tests, nordoes ctf4D appear to suppress the phenotype of a dia2D

single mutant (data not shown). In addition, endo-genous Ctf4 levels are not altered in a dia2D strain( J. Boeke and X. Pan, personal communication). Theprecise role of Dia2 in DNA replication thus remains amystery.

One obvious route to understanding Dia2 function isthe identification of SCFDia2 substrates. While a numberof interacting partners for Dia2, including Ctf4, havebeen reported in high-throughput studies (Ho et al.2002), to date we have been unable to convincinglyrecapitulate any of these physical interactions. Theidentification of ubiquitin–ligase substrates in generalremains a difficult problem. The only clear Dia2homolog in other species is fission yeast Pof3, which,like Dia2, is distinguished from other F-box proteins bythe presence of both TPR and LRR repeats. Theconstellation of phenotypes in the pof3D mutant par-tially parallels that of dia2D: each accumulates DNAdamage, exhibits checkpoint activation and G2/M delay,and displays high chromosome loss rates (Katayama

et al. 2002). However, disparities in UV tolerance andsensitivity to microtubule-destabilizing drugs suggestthat these two F-box proteins may not have entirelyanalogous functions, perhaps because of divergence incheckpoint responses between budding and fissionyeast (Melo and Toczyski 2002). To date, no Pof3substrates have been reported and so no further insightcan be gleaned from the fission yeast homolog of Dia2.While it seems reasonable that the complex dia2D

phenotype might reflect deregulation of multiple sub-strates, it seems likely that the primary function of Dia2is to facilitate DNA replication through taxing regionsof the genome.

Genomic regions prone to replication delays andchromosomal rearrangements have been termed repli-cation slow zones or fragile sites (Cha and Kleckner

2002; Lemoine et al. 2005; Admire et al. 2006). Such sitesoften coincide with non-nucleosomal protein–DNA

complexes, as, for example, at rDNA repeats, tRNAgenes, telomeres, and loci with high rates of transcrip-tion (Ivessa et al. 2003; Prado and Aguilera 2005). Inaddition, endogenous and exogenous genotoxins canburden the genome with protein–DNA complexes thatarise in the course of normal repair processes. Thesevarious forms of replication impedance, when com-bined with defects either in the replication machineryitself or in checkpoint pathways, can lead to rampantgenome instability (Kolodner et al. 2002). Fragile sitesin both yeast and mammalian cells are susceptible toenfeebled DNA replication and diminished checkpointresponses (Richards 2001; Casper et al. 2002; Lemoine

et al. 2005; Admire et al. 2006). A key feature of fragilesites in yeast is persistent, and even enhanced, fragilityafter an initial rearrangement has occurred (Admire

et al. 2006). Moreover, many human tumors are oftenmarked by rearrangements at common fragile sitebreakpoints (Glover and Stein 1988; Wang et al.1997). Understanding the pathways that enable the cellto cope with replication impedance at fragile regionswill provide critical insight into the genesis of cancerand other genetic disorders.

We thank Jef Boeke, Xuewen Pan, Grant Brown, and PatrickPaddison for helpful discussions and communication of unpublishedresults; Rodney Rothstein, Charlie Boone, Hannah Klein, and HowardBussey for providing reagents; and Nizar Batada and Jan Wildenhainfor advice on data analysis. D.B. was supported in part by a CanadianInstitutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Award. P.K. is arecipient of a studentship from the National Cancer Institute ofCanada. D.D. and M.T. are supported by grants from the CIHR and areholders of Canada Research Chairs. M.P. was supported by grants fromthe Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Swiss NationalScience Foundation.


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Communicating editor: A. P. Mitchell

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