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Page 1: The Evolution of the Cellphone

Cellphones Subject: English

Teacher’s Name: Ofélia Martins

*Cláudia Ferreira nº3 *Joana Nunes nº10 *Laura Sales nº14

Page 2: The Evolution of the Cellphone


On this research work we are going to talk about a

technology we all love: the Cellphone.

We are going to talk about it’s history from the

first ever made telephone to the cellphone we use

today and also about what corporations are

developing for the cellphone future.

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The evolution of the phone

Considering how integral phones are to our lives, it’s strange to think how quickly they’ve risen from being only landlines, to the size of backpacks, to thinner than our wallet (and smarter than our old computer). We are going to give you a look at the past and future of one of our most celebrated technological companions:

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The first telephone The first telephones were a purely

scientific endeavor, with little thought

to aesthetics. The entire focus of these

first creations was to come up with a

replacement for the primitive

telegraph. Alexander Graham Bell is

credited with the invention of the first

working telephone, though there is

controversy over who actually

received the patent first: Bell, or

another inventor, Elisha Gray, who

came up with a model using similar


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Early Phones

Early telephones were for the

elite, and were so uncommon

that they came in widely varying

designs, nearly all ostentatious

and victorian in appearance. It’s

strange to think that the two

handed design was the first

attempt at a handset, and not

the one handed design we’re

now so used to.

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Phone Booths Phone booths were once widely seen

as the wave of the future, for they

allowed you to call someone from

the road (kind of), and how else

would mobile calling ever be

possible? The rise and fall of the

phone booth was swift, and now

they’re more an icon than something

most people ever use. Chances are

the next generation will only know

about phone booths from clichéd

scenes in television and movies.

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Car Phones

When phones went the least bit

mobile, the amount of hardware

required to accompany them

required they be incorporated

into a car so the heavy guts of

the phone could reside in the

trunk. This is an additional

example of a technology that the

next generation will find

laughable, despite its

revolutionary effect at the time.

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Mobile Phones The first truly mobile phones…

were not very mobile, though

better than their hulking car phone

predecessors. A halting step

towards true mobility, these

behemoths weighed up to 10

pounds and were basically an

extra briefcase. They carried a

hefty price and weren’t widely

available until slimmed down

versions started hitting the market.

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Handheld Phones

The mobile phone stunned the public,

and was actually produced as a

technology demonstration more than

an actual attempt at cutting the

landline. The industry was as shocked

by the clamor for mobile phones as the

public was shocked by them. They

began their lives as what are now

considered “brick” models, for their

sturdy heft and blocky, angular


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Smart Phones

Apple’s iPhone shocked the

industry and spurred an

onslaught of fierce smartphone

competition, but Apple made a

less well received foray into

communications in 1983, when

they came out with a stunningly

advanced contribution to the

typical landline – a touch


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Video Phones Video phones were a consistent vision

of the future of communication, but

nobody took into account that one of

the greatest benefits of talking on the

phone is being able to communicate

without having to worry about your

appearance. The ability to multitask

while on the phone is crucial, but

videophones require you to be

planted, and focused. Visions of the

future of communication now mostly

revolve around VOIP technology

(calling via the internet).

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The Future of Phones The modern telephone differs so

wildly from the original conception,

that it’s interesting to look forward

and imagine where it will go from

here. Some see the creation of Blue

Tooth headsets as a forerunner of

a phone that will be physically

embedded inside of us, whereas

others continue seeing it as a mini

computer that’s used more as a

mobile port to the internet.

Will it be entirely moldable?

Clear glass with infinite

display options? Will it even

require a receiver, or will it be

with us all the time? Our great

grandchildren will surely look

back on the phones of their

childhood with as much

bewilderment as we do now.

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We learned with this research work that the

cellphone came a long way and gave a lot of work

to the people who developed it and that the

phones we might have in the future are things we

cant imagine.