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The EU Perspective on OPEN SCIENCE

From Vision (2013) to Action (2017)

Open Science – Our way Forward

Dies Natalis Symposium TU Delft

12 Janaury 2018

Dr. Jean-Claude Burgelman Head of Unit Open data Policies and Science Cloud Chair Open Science Taskforce, DG RTD European Commission

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Open Science = Systemic transition of science system which affects the way

• research is performed • knowledge is shared/diffused/preserved • research projects/results are evaluated • research is funded • researchers are rewarded • future researchers are trained Affecting the whole research cycle and all its stakeholders A typical techno-economic paradigm shift a la Perez (technology, market and

institutional change go hand in hand) or to put it different: disruptive and hence disturbing….


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• Better ROI of the R&I investments: if all the results of our public research are

made reusable, more productive use follows by default

• Faster circulation of new ideas: we have 22 million EU SME's that will have access

to top notch research without having to significantly pay for it!

• More transparency of the science system as such: the public taxpayer has this

right and it can only enhance the quality of science

• Fit for 21st century science purpose: all grand societal challenges need cross

disciplinary research

For researchers:

• Wider dissemination and sharing of their results

• More visibility and credit for what happens before an article get published

• New career paths e.g. data scientists, start-ups, science diplomacy

Open Science offers great opportunities for science, scientists & society

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" As I see it, European success now lies in sharing as soon as possible, (…). The days of open science have arrived."

Speech at "Presidency Conference Open Science", 04 of April, 2016, Amsterdam

Top level policy

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Top level policy at national level

• The Netherlands: first country to make default Open Science a political priority (Rutte III, government declaration) "Open science and open access will become the norm in academic research"

• Finland: created a cross cutting OS policy approach

• Several Lander having dedicated platforms or approaches

• Swiss: idem

• VRWI in Flanders comes up with consolidated advice

• GO-FAIR taking off as a bottom up Member State driven support for EOSC

• G7, RSA, China, ...

• Since the Amsterdam Declaration: permanent issue in Council Conclusions

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Open Science policy @ EC: bottom up & co-design

Extensive stakeholder consultation Public consultation (July-September 2014)

Validation workshops (October-December 2014)

Final report (February 2015):

Strong support by Member States and Competitiveness Council Policy debate & Council conclusions 'data-driven economy' May 2015

Presidency conference Open Science &

Council conclusions 'open science') May 2016

European Open Science Agenda Broad consensus on five policy lines and 8 Actions

Open Science Policy Platform

Embedded in the Digital Single Market strategy

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• 4 with regard to the use & management of research results and data

Open Data: FAIR data sharing is the default for funding scientific research

Open Science cloud: All EU researchers are able to deposit, access and analyse European scientific data through the open science cloud, without leaving their desk

Altmetrics: Alternative metrics to complement conventional indicators for research quality and impact (''next generation metrics'')

Future of scholarly communication: All peer reviewed scientific publications are freely accessible


Open Science Policy Priorities: a holistic agenda (1)

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4 with regard to relations with research actors (researchers, institutions and funders)

Rewards: The European research career evaluation system fully acknowledges Open Science activities

Research Integrity: All publicly funded research in the EU adheres to commonly agreed Open Science Standards of Research Integrity

Education and skills: All young scientists in Europe have the necessary skills and support to apply Open Science research routines and practices

Citizen Science: recognised as valid knowledge producers of European science


Open Science Policy Priorities: a holistic agenda (2)

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Then and now


OA Green or Gold+Green Pilot


OA Green or Gold+Green obligation

& ORD Pilot


OA Green or Gold+Green obligation

& ORD by default

Open Access Policies: Considerable progress in 10 years made

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Open Access policies: focus now

• Open Access to Publications:

2014: mandatory 2018: launch of Open Access Publications Platform: (stand-alone peer reviewed scientific articles from H2020 projects)

• Open Access to research data: 2017: Default, with opt-outs possible at any stage 2017: Research Data Management Plans: mandatory and FAIR 2018: Mainstreaming in all Member States (co-development)

• European Open Science Cloud: 2018: launch of the 1st phase

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Federating existing initiatives to create a trusted virtual environment for enabling data driven science across boundaries and disciplines in Europe

EOSC: a bottom up project

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Source: RTD

EOSC will allow for universal access to open research data and create a new level playing field for EU researchers


ELIXIR, etc. Institutional repository

Member State

Infrastructure New provider/ service

Researcher • Easy access through a universal access point

for ALL European researchers

• Cross-disciplinary access to data unleashes

potential of interdisciplinary research

• Services and data are interoperable (FAIR


• Data funded with public money is in principle

open (as open as possible, as closed as


1.Access to all European research data

2.Access to world-class data services

3.Clear rules of use and service provision

4.FAIR data tools, training and standards

5.Sustainable after the grant

Seamless environment and enabling interdisciplinary research


EOSC: a researcher-centric project

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o 110 key participants

o 80 from all scientific fields

o 15 national scientific infrastructures

o 13 research funders

o 19 officials from Member States and Associated Countries

o Overall, 23 Member States and Associated Countries


o 1800 via web stream and extensive coverage via Twitter

EOSC: all key players on board

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• Hundreds of (strong) stakeholders involved (unlike when the internet was


• Many players very committed (see e.g. GO FAIR)

• Billions of investment touched: overall annual investment of 10 billion euros

(est.) in the EU (mainly by MS) on Research Infrastructures and e-Infras

• And much more to come: If all public funders would agree to commit 1% of

the overall public research spending to open data…

EOSC implementation process: complex but

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Open Science rewards and skills

EU Skills & qualification matrix for OS

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Open Science Rewards and skills: possible assessment criteria

OS Career Assessment Matrix

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Our ambition for Open Science in FP9

FP9 goes beyond OA (publications and data) to embrace & incentivise Open Science as modus operandi for science.

• Clarifies and strengthens the OA obligations;

• Empowers the authors of scientific publications;

• Is home of FAIR data sharing while complying with IPR rules and exploitation obligations set in the GA;

• Broadens Open Access (with opting out options) to other research output;

• Promotes compliance with 'Open Science principles' through a combination of obligations and incentives;

• Implements sanctions for those beneficiaries that repeatedly and consistently fail to provide the required open access, requiring institutions to assume responsibility for their intellectual output;

• Introduces the use of 'new generation' metrics for better assessing the impact of research output and the engagement in Open Science.

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Mainstreaming Open Science as a funder in H2020

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Conclusion: no way back but much more needed

The EC is delivering what it promised:

• Substantial progress on the 8 priorities (next generation metrics foreseen for 2018 – advice OSPP ready)

• ''Not invented in Brussels'' but rigorously in co-design and co-creation with the key stakeholders and member states.

Continuously adapting to a fast evolving reality via the OS Policy Platform – Taking advice and from and mobilising the most important external stakeholders

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This is an irreversible fact too: Independent Quality assurance will always be the core of science

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