Download - THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL - JOIN US to worship, learn, grow ... Epistle 2016.pdf · THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL ... Jan Apro, Lois Manifold, Vicky Ritz, Rick Davis, Nancy Ballman ... Communicated





Inside this Issue:

Interim Minister’s Message

1 -2

Council News 3-5

Gifts to the Church 6

News & Updates 7-11

SPY News 9

Scouts/Nursery School


Birthdays 13

Remember in Prayer 14

Calendar 15

You’ve heard the sayings before…sayings about hard work, determination, sacrifice, preparation, dedication, commitment…sayings like these…

"Genius: one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." (Thomas Edison);

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” (Mark Twain);

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.” (Aristotle);

“You aren't going to find anybody that's going to be successful without making a sacrifice and without perseverance.” (Lou Holtz);

“No pain, no gain.” (Every Coach I Ever Knew). We’re headed this month into the season of Lent (beginning on Ash Wednesday,

Feb. 10). Lent is a season in which we are more willing to sacrifice something of ourselves, or “give up” something for spiritual gain. The basic idea is that, through sacrificing something we experience a little pain and discomfort, and therefore are brought closer to the suffering that Jesus endured (for us and for the whole world) in his Passion. Through giving up some of our usual creature comforts, we are emulating the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and can draw closer to him as the Church draws closer to Easter.

Which is quite silly when you really think about it. I mean, come on! How does my giving up chocolate, sweets, or potato chips for six weeks help me understand the mystery of Holy Week? How does my temporary and (only slightly) painful self-denial move me to deeper apprehension of the horrific tragedy/immense victory of Good Friday and the empty tomb? I might get detoxed from carbs (not a bad thing in itself) – but have I grown spiritually? Am I a better person, more patient, loving and forgiving? Have I become more like the Master? Has sacrificial love become my new reality, instead of just a 6-week experiment? More recently I’ve heard Christian leaders speaking about “taking up” instead of “giving up” for Lent. We should take up a new discipline for ourselves, and if we are giving anything up, it is to make room in our lives for that new thing. For example, if I give up a meal every day, I then use that “meal time” for prayer, meditation, scripture reading, etc. I’ve added a new discipline—fasting, in this case—and made my sacrifice productive for my own spiritual growth. I’ve made more room in my life for God…or at least trying to draw closer to God.

St. Paul United

Church of Christ

6997 Hamilton Ave.

Cincinnati, OH


Ph. 513-931-2205

Fax 513-931-2206


[email protected]


Worship Opportunities


9:50 AM Traditional


in Sanctuary

Sunday School

February 2016

For an electronic version of

THE EPISTLE, please visit our website


[Lenten] Ponderings From The Pastor


THE EPISTLE February 2016


Either way, whether you’re giving up something for Lent and/or adding something new to your life, the key thing is discipline and attitude. Our self-denial must be meaningful, and consistent. In our spiritual lives, the “no pain no gain” axiom is just as important as it is in any other area of our lives—even more so. However…

If we’re really, ruthlessly honest with ourselves and carefully examine our lives (another purpose of Lent: self-examination), I think we’d have to admit that often we don’t apply this very well to our spiritual life and practice. Do we even really have a regular, disciplined spiritual practice? Do we exercise our spiritual muscles at all, or in any way close (in terms of time and commitment) to the way we exercise our bodies at the gym, and our minds at school or the library, and our time and talents in our hobbies?

I’m inviting the members of St. Paul UCC to TAKE UP a new spiritual discipline for Lent this year. Whatever you normally do for Lent, I’m also asking each of you to TRY SOMETHING NEW. Take up a new spiritual practice. And you can start small: if you pray 5 or 10 minutes a day, add another 5 or 10 minutes…of contemplative (silent, reflective, listening) prayer or scripture reading. Do something we usually don’t do very much of: listen to God. Actively seek that “still small voice’ (1 Kings 19.12). Practice contemplation, medita-tion.

You can learn about a new discipline to try, such as meditation, or add to one you already know, on Sunday mornings in Lent, starting Feb. 14. I’ll be leading a new 8-week study, “Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines” before worship. Watch for details. We’ll also be doing a weekly Lenten study called “24 Hours That Changed the World” on Tuesdays at 4 PM and Wednesdays at 7 PM. Details about both these opportunities are in this edition of The Epistle. I look forward to sharing, learning and growing with as many of you as possible, and making Lent this year a wonderful season of spiritual growth.

And remember this: we’ll be setting the tone not just for the Lenten season….but a whole NEW season of vison-seeking, new vitality and new life for St. Paul UCC. You gotta start somewhere…and Lent is a good a time/place as any! For ourselves, it’s true: no pain, no gain. It’s ALSO true for a congregation! The more honest we are about where we’ve been, where we are, and where we need to go, the better. The more candid and frank we are with God and one another about what we need to do in order to change and grow (there is no growth without change), the more God honors that sacrifice and equips ready hearts and minds with powerful vision!

Wishing Us ALL a Blessed Lent! – Pastor Barry

[Lenten] Ponderings From The Pastor

Moving Forward in Support of One Another

In Galations 6:2, 10, Paul says to the people, “help carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. So, then, whenever we have the opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” Here at St. Paul NCH, the Pastoral Relations Committee can help the church in following the instructions of Paul by supporting a healthy relationship between our minister, Pastor Barry, and members on the congregation. Jim Gorsler and Linda Woods are currently serving on the Pastoral Relations Committee and will work to maintain open lines of communication between Pastor Barry and the congregation, thereby nurturing a deepening level of mutual understanding and commitment to mission and ministry.


THE EPISTLE February 2016


November 16, 2015 7:00 P.M.

Present: Mike Bartholomew, Rev. Barry Bordenkircher, Linda Woods, Margaret Maybury, Marge Fassnacht, Don Beresford, Jan Apro, Lois Manifold, Vicky Ritz, Rick Davis, Nancy Ballman Council President, Mike Bartholomew, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and offered an opening prayer. The minutes of the October 19, 2015, meeting were reviewed by Council. A MOTION was made (Apro/Manifold) to approve the minutes. The MOTION PASSED and the minutes were approved as printed. Senior Minister’s Report (Rev. Barry Bordenkircher) Pastor Barry reported that he is trying to learn things. He thanked Council for the welcome basket he

received. Brief discussion as to what Council wanted as far as his report every month. Care Team (Marge Fassnacht) Marge reports that she is working on her end-of-year budget. Christmas offering envelopes come from United Church of Christ resources. Nancy asked where the

offering goes to. Marge will check into it. Mt. Healthy Alliance will be getting $1,800. She is making out a voucher. They got the Marathon grant. They raised the amount. It benefits the Community Dinners Facilities Team (Rick Davis) Jim Mueller is now on his Team. He will work on insurance matters. Discussion regarding our current

insurance on our facilities. In an effort to knock down the many requests currently submitted, the Facilities Team is once again back

in full swing. Bring it on! His Team met on 10/1/15 and discussed all the latest concerns. The following is what they have

completed to date: 1. He signed a contract for the latest roof repairs for the leaks in the Scouts room - $1,700.

Communicated with Scouts regarding this. 2. New bulbs and ballasts to the parking lot lights. All are back on. 3. New bulbs and repair to Fellowship Hall. (Sept. Council Meeting noted). 4. Grounds groomed – beds, bushes, trees; dead trees and stumps removed. Team prepared beds

and spread Preen. Scouts helped apply 30 yards of mulch. Unfortunately, we will have a $600+ mulch bill. We will need donations to help cover the cost.

5. Bathroom urinal repaired and back in service. 6. We will be looking for tree sponsors for two key areas of our campus now that the stumps have

been dug and removed. 7. One large container of trimmings and yard waste has been hauled away. 8. Stolen sewer grate replaced/repaired in the alley and is now operable. 9. Windows are in. When replacing, noted that the company made the coverings and tinting wrong.

They will be refinished. The broken window will stay in place until the new one is finished, so that the larger window will not have to be removed and boarded. All will be replaced as soon as they are complete.

More to do, more to come!



November 16, 2015 7:00 P.M.

Minutes Continued Finance Team (Margaret Maybury) Loyalty Sunday was yesterday. She hasn’t added up pledges. She plans to make a spreadsheet. She’ll

put an article in the Epistle. When she gets all the budgets from the different Teams, she’ll make the budget. Discussion regarding gift cards. We aren’t making much money at this point. We may not continue. Money came in from Pete and Erma’s anniversary. Erma would like it to go to something other than

General Fund, maybe to replace trees. Don will put it in Restricted Donation account. Treasurer’s Report (Don Beresford) We show a net loss of $3,215 – much better than budget. For total income, we are ahead $35,000, due to the bequest earlier this year. Under Expenses, we are under budget for Gas and Electric. Scholarships under budget by $1,000 because we had 2 less scholarships than budgeted. We will be under budget on salaries by the end of the year. Discussion regarding organ and piano maintenance budget and pulpit supply. We are under on both. As always, copies of financial reports are on file in the office for anyone who wishes to see them. Endowment Report (Jan Apro) We took a hit on our stocks, as did everybody in the stock market. We are still in good shape, around

$300,000 total. Don commented that we didn’t take anything out of these accounts this year. Nurture Team (Linda Woods) The Samaritan’s Purse project has wrapped up. 79 shoeboxes (24 through Joan’s Easter Star Hofner

Chapter) are ready to be sent out. Evelyn is working on shoes for NCH Elementary School. Lynn is starting a project for school kids’ uniforms. Tentative Nurture budget was approved. Nursery School Karen has 105 students – almost full capacity. Stop & Shop is this Thursday night. Karen and Lynn feel there is a need for a small increase in tuition. A Motion for that passed and will start

next school year. Discussion regarding problem with a light in the hallway. Nursery School soap issue discussed. St. Paul Youth SPY Bake Sale made a $50 profit. Kids will work at Stop & Shop. Need a plan for “Little Angels” Nursery room. Nobody is there during church. Children’s Moments are scheduled through the end of the year.

THE EPISTLE February 2016




November 16, 2015 7:00 P.M.

Minutes Continued Welcome Team (Lois Manifold) Lois reported that she really doesn’t have much to do because when the Welcome seat was vacant so

long, Anne took over many of the duties. Rev. Barry said he will get with Anne to find out what she and Virginia took over and redirect it back to Lois.

Lois said she thinks St. Paul should advertise in other churches like other churches do in ours. Everyone agreed.

Worship Team (Vicky Ritz) This Sunday is the Ingathering of food. The altar is decorated. Hanging of the Greens and the 1st Sunday in Advent are the following Sunday after the Ingathering. Sign-up sheets for Advent and Hanging of the Greens are full. Vice President’s Report (Jan Apro) Jan talked with the Public Works Director for NCH and he will be installing our signs. He has been working on renting of Fellowship Hall.

NEW BUSINESS Brief discussion on putting cameras around the building. President’s Report Mike reported that he attended the Fall SONKA Gathering, 5 for 5, on Saturday, November 7. Thanks to Rick Davis for installing the Chapel windows this past week. Mike thanked everyone who worked so hard on the Coffee Hours the last few weeks for Rev. Duffy and

for Rev. Bordenkircher. The next Council Meeting is January 18, 2016, at 7:00 P.M. Council is not meeting in December.

A MOTION was made (Davis/Apro) to adjourn. The MOTION PASSED and the meeting adjourned at 8:16 P.M. with The Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Klusmeier Council Secretary

THE EPISTLE February 2016




Erma & Pete Amrein Nola & Jan Apro Diane & Bruce Banker

Irvin Basler Lois & Ray Bates Alice Blum

Carol & Mike Chalfin Mary & Jeff Crocker Jane & Kenneth Cushman

Cheryl & Rick Davis Kathleen & Thomas Fahey Deborah & Mike Higdon

Carolyn & Don Huber David Kahle Robin & Mike Keller

Charlotte Kerdolff Lynn & Paul Kluesener Doris & Roger Kolde

Pam & Scott Leist William Lowes JoAnn & Mark Lozier

Will Maier Lois & Dick Manifold Melitta & John Marx

Charolotte McCauley Judy & Jess McIlhaney Ruth & Will Meissner

Mike & Diane Monk Kathy & Bob Morr Carolyn & Roy Push

Bonnie & William Reed Eleanor Reed Deena & Jerry Robinson

Mildred Robinson Bonnie & Steve Rogers Jane & Wayne Schleutker

Charlotte Sess Marlene Sheward Elaine Sloan

Mary Southerland Sue & Steve Tapogna Tri-F

Sally & Ed Umbach Lucille Walters Ed & Gretchen Wilson

Linda Woods Marion Zeinner


Dolores & Donald Elsasser

Jane & Wayne Schleutker




THE EPISTLE February 2016



The Epistle deadline for the March edition is Wednesday, Feb. 17. 20, 2016. Please submit the information either by email to Anne or drop it in the Epistle box in the main office. There is a folder in the blue mailbox outside the office.

The next Council meeting is Monday, February 15, 2016, 7:00 PM.

THE EPISTLE February 2016


Please do your diligence to make sure that the lights are off in the building when you leave. Thank you


For your convenience on Sundays, when the office is closed, there is now a mailbox located in the outer office by the kitchenette. The mailbox is a blue bin with a lid and marked “MAILBOXES”. There are file folders for all the Council members, teams and organizations, church staff, Sunday worship leader, and Epistle Articles. Any items that are CONFIDENTIAL should be placed in the mailboxes in the main office.

NCH will be celebrating their 100

th Anniversary of becoming a village in 2016. The NCH

Historical Society is starting to plan some exciting events for 2016. See below for special events: Mark your Calendar!!!! Booklet and Tour Guide DVD NCH 100 Anniversary Booklet is being updated from the 50th. An NCH narrated tour guide DVD will be

available for a nominal fee.

You can call Sharyn Speckman, President, at 772-2488 or email [email protected] or Treasurer/Secretary Linda Thinnes Braunwart at 522-9058 or email me at [email protected]. Let us know if you want to help!


THE EPISTLE February 2016


It is time to think about applying for the Zwoster Scholarship for the school year 2016-2017. We are accepting applications to accredited Associate Degree Programs and Bachelor Degree programs. Applications and information explaining the Scholarship are available on the kiosk table in the Narthex, and in the church office during business hours. Completed applications are due in the church office by May 1, 2016. Questions can be directed to any member of the Scholarship committee. Thank you.

Sandy Blevins 851-8808 Margaret Maybury Evelyn Osterbrock


Greetings Congregation and Friends, My first duty is to thank you all for your cooperation to my “whimsies” of 2015. I enjoyed the fun and fellowship, hope you did too! We have the best artists and cooks ever.

Our “Shoe Box” project has turned into a year round shopping spree, even the men and boys can find the “best stuff”. A ladies outside group joined our number this year and St. Paul sent 79 completed shoe boxes off to countries far and not so far afield, causing eruption of smiles for gifts and perhaps their introduction to Jesus.

We owe “Shoe Man”, alias P.K., a huge round of applause for gathering aluminum and exchanging the same for money. Tri-F exchanged the money for shoes to keep North College Hill Elementary school children (Kdgn. - 4th grade_ dry and warm.

The Tri-F ladies D.K. who chose the shoes had the pick of “Payless Shoes” store at the Stone Creek Town Center. Stop in the Center store and say Hello to “Tina” who finalized the Tri-F choices. Our past 2015 year purchase was 52 pairs of shoes.

Yes, St. Paul is collecting aluminum cans, etc.

Your gracious gifts to me were put into use. But alas, the gift tags were jumbled. So here is one huge thanks to “SANTA”. I love you.

Evelyn PS. The poinsettias are especially beautiful this year. I will try to carry them throughout the winter.

Community Fundraiser Night/Day

Friends, Food & Fundraising To Support

Mt. Healthy Alliance Inc. Food Pantry Wednesday Feb. 3rd, 6:00 A.M. -9:00 P.M.

Thursday Feb. 4, 6:00 A.M. – 9:00 P.M. Friday Feb. 5th, 6:00A.M.-9:00 P.M.

We’ll earn 15% of Sales when

You present this flyer* at Bob Evans

9970 Colerain Ave (Colerain Ave @ I-275) or

5245 North Bend Rd. @ I-74 or

8270 Winton Rd. @ Cross County Hwy. or

510 Kolby Dr. Cincinnati Mills

Please join us On our Community Fundraiser Night/Day.

*Flyer must accompany check for donation! (Includes Carryout & Retail sales as well)

Please do not share the flyer with other guests at the restaurant.


THE EPISTLE February 2016

The SPY has not had a good January; the weather has prevented us from our lock-ins, bake sales and Super Bowl sub-sales. However, we have great faith that February will be better!

February 12th-13th will be our first lock-in, of the year be at church by 6:30 for dinner and let the fun begin. Our planning meeting which was to be in January will be at this lock-in. We will follow this up by having a bake/candy sale on Sunday, the 14th. You will not want to miss this one, Sweets for your Sweetie, Valentine’s Day. We will

also be helping with the Valentine’s Cards for the shut-in after service on this Sunday.

Skating after the Fish Fry at Golden Skate off Colerain Ave. We will be leaving from the church and leaving at 10 pm to come

back to the church.


If you have gone downstairs to the educational wing, you would have seen on the wall tiles

painted (by SPY and donators) with images from individuals like yourself. We are bringing the

tile sales back and if we have enough sales and help from you, the congregation, we will be

mounting a collage of tiles with the painted pictures outside of the little angel room. Each tile is

$10.00 and the funds will be split between SPY and the Camp Fund. What a great way to support these youth

programs and add a homey feeling to the hall. See any SPY or Pastor Joan.

SPY will be helping out at

St. Paul’s Good Friday

Fish Fry, please mark your

calendars for March 25th.


THE EPISTLE February 2016

Opportunities to LEARN, SHARE,


LENT 2016

Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines SUNDAYS, 8:45 AM

Cost: $12 (for book, Workbook on Spiritual Disciplines)

Location: Chapel — Length: 8 weeks

Audience: YOU!

TUESDAYS, 4 PM 24 Hours That Changed the World

WEDNESDAYS, 7 PM Lenten Devotional Study by Adam Hamilton Cost: $13 (for book—optional,

but recommended)

Light Supper option on Wednesdays, 6:30 PM

DVD-based discussion — Length: 6 Weeks


THE EPISTLE February 2016

More About Our 2016 Lenten Spiritual Growth Opportunities THE WORKBOOK ON SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES is a six-week study on spiritual disciplines for the enhancement of the devotional life. It is designed to be used by small groups, especially in the local church setting. Maxie Dunnam believes that discipline is required for the Christian life. But discipline is not to be seen as a religious practice that has merit within itself; it is a means to an end. The end toward which the discipline takes us is to grow spiritually, to mature in our Christian faith and life, to be alive in Christ. This workbook is to help persons focus on making their Christian lives more effective, vital, meaningful, fruitful, and joyful. [Sessions on Sundays at 8:45 AM, beginning Feb. 14 through April 10]. About the Author: After 10 years serving as its president, Maxie Dunnam is now serving as chancellor of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Dunnam

came to Asbury after 12 years of ministry at the 6,000-member Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. From 1975 - 1982, Dunnam was world editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, and prior to that he was director of Prayer Life and Fellowship for The Upper Room. A prolific writer, Dunnam is the author of more than 30 books. 24 HOURS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. In this Lenten journey, Adam Hamilton guides us through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus' life. Each of the 6 chapters is designed to help the reader experience and understand the significance of Jesus' suffering and death in a way you have never done before. Whether readers are long-time Christians or simply curious about the story of Christ's crucifixion, they are invited to join in retracing the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. Six weekly sessions. [Sessions will on Tuesdays at 4:00 PM beginning Feb. 16 , & Wednesdays at 7:00 PM beginning Feb. 15]

About the Author: Adam Hamilton is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the

Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible

churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton’s congregation the most

influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as

part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013. Hamilton is the best-selling and Award-winning author

of many books, including the bestseller Making Sense of the Bible.

The Sunday Class will begin February 14, the Tuesday class will begin February 16, and Wednesday,

February 17.


THE EPISTLE February 2016

SCOUT NEWS FROM PACK, TROOP, and CREW 150 Pack 150 - Pinewood Derby was a huge success. Scout Sunday is first on the agenda in February. For the rest of the month, the Cubbies will be working on their advancements so that can receive their rank advancements at the Scout Banquet in March. Troop 150 - Klondike Derby was a huge success. A cold weekend, and very muddy. All Scouts and adults seem to have had a great time. The Boy Scouts are working on finishing up merit badges and rank advancements and preparing for Board of Reviews. They will be heading to Perfect North Slopes in the middle of the month to enjoy some Snow Tubing. Crew 150 - The Venturers are also working on their Advancements. They are working on the Discovery Award. Personal Growth areas are the main topic. They are setting one goal for themselves, in one of the areas of Development of Self, Faith, or Others. Scout Sunday is February 7, 2016. The Scouts, Leaders and their families will provide the Opening and Closing Flag Ceremony, for Worship. Afterward, the Scouts will be providing Coffee Hour for the Congregation. As always, a huge thank you to St. Paul UCC for sponsoring Pack, Troop and Crew 150.


The Nursery School is getting ready for our 8th Annual Carnival, where all proceeds go to the Elaine Payne Scholarship Fund. The carnival is set for Saturday, March 5th from 10 AM to 12 PM. The Fellowship Hall will be filled with excitement and fun. During the month of February the Nursery school hallway will be filled with Baskets that are being raffled off the day of the carnival. Hope you get a chance to stop by and see all the baskets. If you would like to take some chances on them, please let Karen Rieman know. The chances are 50 cents each. Good Luck and thanks for all your support.

We are now taking registrations for fall classes for the 2016-2017 school year. If you know anyone who is looking for a preschool, please tell them to check us out! Karen Rieman & Staff


THE EPISTLE February 2016


2/4 2/6

2/7 2/9

Faye Blum Eileen Church Geraldine Cooper Vicki Celenza Lois Manifold Sarah Krebs Mandi Cornish

Dorotha Mayer Robert Nungester Erma Amrein Bonnie Rogers Patricia Sutton Kimberly Ferry William Patrick Lewis

2/10 2/11 2/12 2/14


2/20 2/23 2/25 2/28

Sandra Schneeman Barry Bordenkircher Dotty Sunnenberg Luke Jensen

3/1 3/2

3/3 3/4 3/7 3/8

Doris Dunn Ryan Erickson Dolores Molter Kyle Robinson Robert Jensen Elizabeth Steinhauer Sharon Frazier Venessa Mittler Anne Zimmer

Elainie Sloan Brody Overholts Karen Chalfin Jessica Jester Vicki Prather Doris Kolde William Reed

3/9 3/10 3/11

3/12 3/15

3/19 3/20 3/25 3/26 3/29

Jann Apro Cheryl Davis Nathan Bierkan Adele Werden Rick Tallarigo


THE EPISTLE February 2016

If you would like to add

someone to the prayer

list, please call the office.

Please Continue to Remember in Prayer our HomeBound:

Please keep the office informed on the status of those you have placed on the prayer list.

Please Continue to Remember in Prayer:

Elvera Berger Frieda Bernhardt Sarah Krebs Dottie Mayer Lillian McMillan Albert Mueller Ruth Tasset Lucille Walters Carol Sharp Gladys Elsasser Marian Faller Mary Lou Heiden Joyce Seesing Carolyn Wuennemann Marge Irey Leonard Cooper Geraldine Cooper Betty Hays Anne Timme Bob Dickman Harry Bowman

Please Continue to Remember in Prayer our HomeBound:

Nan Grow

Laura Bierkan Marty Schwartz

Our servicemen and women

Alice Gebhardt

Kim Ferry

Peggy Adams

Valery Ramge

Grace Lienhart

Lisa & Michael Rowland

Payson Davis

Kimberly Dieckman

Elaine Sloan

Pam Farlow

Sumer Redmon

Sharon Wagner

Heidi Jester

Chad Willcocks

Melody Hoff

Dot Sunnenberg

Sherry Reppert-Couch

Katie Morgan

Chelsey Davis

Cora Metz

Jane Wade

Krys Edmonson

Kathy Aker

John Hiatt

Kim Stringer

Ginny DuPriest

Vicky Ritz

Debbie DuPriest

Peter & Erma Amrein

Stephenie Fassnacht

Bob Dickman

Billy Johnson

Bob Adams

Nancy Fifer

Howard Heineke

Jessica Rostran

Will Maier

Marion Zeinner

Tony Mancini

Joni Schille

Sara Sess

Kyle Williams

Ray Bates

Bethany Rose Graber

Sandy Schneeman

Kristen Nadler

Beria Formey

JoAnn Terry

David Smith

Roger Lang

Ruth & Will Meissner

Carl Heitman

John Bell

Dawn Langdon

Erma Long

Kelly Rasnick

Harold Walters

Suzanne Roark

Eugene French

Mike Cornish

Paul Boling

The Kahle Family

Rev. Barry Bordenkircher

Lollie Kasaulones

Herman Schlegel

Alice Graber

Adele Werden

Bradford Smith


February 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 Communion Scout Sunday Scouts - Coffee Hour

8 9

10 Ash Wednesday Services 11 AM & 7 PM Chapel

11 NS Pre-K



Old Friends

12 Noon


12 NS 4’s



SPY Lock In

6 PM

13 SPY Lock-IN 10 AM






NS No School

Nurture Mtg

5:30 PM

Council Mtg.

7 PM

16 17 Staff Mtg.

10 AM



18 19 20




10 AM



tional Mtg


Pack Com

Mtg 6 PM

22 23 24 25 26 27 Mt. Healthy OES Dinner FH 8 am - 9 pm

28 29 Standing Dates: Mondays: Crafty Critters - 10 AM Scouts:6:30 - 9:00 PM Tuesday: Community Dinner 5:00 PM weekly Fridays/Saturdays: AA Meeting 8 PM

FH = Fellowship Hall NS = Nursery School




St. Paul United Church of Christ 6997 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Phone: (513) 931-2205 Fax: (513) 931-2206 Website: Email: [email protected]

Church Staff: Rev. Barry Bordenkircher, Sr. Minister

Evelyn Osterbrock, Lay Minister to Children

Joan Allen, Lay Minister

Rick Tallarigo, Organist/Interim Music


Anne Zimmer, Office Administrator

Jim Maybury, Sexton

Don Beresford, Treasurer

Parish Nurses: Vicki Celenza, R.N., Coordinator Roxanne Reed, R.N.

Office Hours 9:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. Monday - Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Thursday - Friday

Nursery School Staff: Karen A. Rieman, Director Christine Angst, Susan Ehrhardt, Carrie Josche, Amy Miller, Judy Staudigel,

St. Paul United Church of Christ 6997 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45231