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Into the Brexit endgameCoping with a 1oo-year-life societyAmerica's latest tax boondoggle

China's pian for stimulusNOVEMBER 17TH-23RD 2018

Page 2: The Economist America's latest tax boondoggle China's pian · Economist Newspaper limited. Printed byVogel

Contents The Economist November rzth 2018

On thecover

To rebuild public faith inmarkets, resto re competition:leader, page 11. Across theWest powerful, profitablefirms are becoming even morepowerful and profitable. Seeour special report, afterpage 42. Technology haseroded union power.Harnessing it may helporganised labour to stage arevival, page 20

• Into the Brexit endgame HowParliament should weigh up theBrexit deal: leader, page 12. Thechances of approvallook small,page 29. The case for havinganother vote on Brexit is gainingstrength: Bagehot, page 32

• Coping with a 100-year-lifesociety Shinzo Abe must bebolder if a fast-ageingJapan is tostay solvent: leader, page 14.The prime minister outlines hisplans, page 46

• America's latest taxboondoggle A scheme to drawcapital to deprived areas looksmore like a massive giveaway:leader, pog« 14.Superstar citiessweep ali before them. How canthe understudies get a luckybreak? Free exchange, page 68

• China's pian for stimulusThescale of debt limits the country'soptions today, page 62

The world this week8 A round-up of political

and business news

Leaders11 Competition

The next capitalistrevolution

12 Britain and the EUInto the endgame

14 japanese demographyCoping with theioo-year-life society

14 Opportunity zonesOh, the places you'll grow

16 Ed-techClick to download teacher

Letters18 On Australia, shipping,

aliens, Napoleon,metaphors

Briefing20 Trade unions and

technologyWorkers of the world,logon!

Special report:CompetitionTrustbusting in the21St centuryAfter page 42

oCharlemagne Europe'spopulist wave is stirringup tensions betweennational minorities andtheir neighbours, page 28

Europe25 Macron and Europe26 Migrants and politics

inSweden27 EU budget rules and Italy28 Charlemagne Resurgent


Britain29 At last, a Brexit deal32 Bagehot The case for a

second referendum

Middle East &Africa33 An Israeli election looms34 Plastic surgery in Lebanon34 Struggling Dubai35 Nigeria's mysterious Shias36 Looking back in the

Gambia36 The economics of


United States37 Fire in California38 Water in California39 The newattorney-general40 Florida recounts41 Opportunity zones42 Lexington Adam Schiff .

The Americas43 Gun control in Canada44 Corruption in Colombia44 culling green iguanas45 Bello A fight to spend

public money better


~~Contents continues overleaf

Page 3: The Economist America's latest tax boondoggle China's pian · Economist Newspaper limited. Printed byVogel

6 Contents The Economist November rzth 2018

Asia46 Ageing in japan47 Sri Lanka's chaotic

politics48 [ihadists in Indonesia48 India's nuclear subs49 Banyan Renaming India50 Piji's rival strongmen50 Imelda Marcos is


China51 World-class universities52 Against political vetting53 Chaguan Dreaming of

online fame

International54 How technology can

improve education inpoor countries

Business56 The backlash against

chemicals57 Bartleby Nokia's saga58 MTN's trouble spots59 juuì and the FDA59 Indian supermarkets60 CP Group's winning

business model61 Schumpeter China v


-Volume 429 Number 9118

Published since September 1843to take part in "o severe contest betweenintelligence, which presses forward,and an unworthy, timid ignoranceobstructing our progress'

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Finance &economics62 China plans its stimulus63 Buttonwood America

first64 Oil's ups and downs64 America and Europe

talk trade65 Financial inclusion66 The Philippine economy67 Stock exchanges turn to

blockchain67 Italy's pharmacies68 Free exchange Superstar




PEFe certifiedThis copy of The Economistis printed on paper sourcedfram sustainably managedforests certified by

Economie &financial indicators80 Statistics on 42 economies

Graphic detail81 Global wildfires fizzle out

Obituary82 Ruth Gates, champion of corals

(O2018The Economist Newspaper Limited.AII rights reserved. Neitherthis publication norany partofit may be reproduced, stored in a retneval system, ortransmitted in anyform orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying.recording or otherwise, without the prior permission ofThe Economist Newspaper limited. Published every week, except for a year-end double tssue, by The Economist Newspaper limited. The Economist is a registered trademark ofTheEconomist Newspaper limited. Printed byVogel Druck und Medienservice GmbH, LeibnizstraBe S,97204 Hòchberg, Deutschland. France, Numéro Commission Paritaire: 68832 GB.Encartd'abonnementdedeux pages situéentrelesfotios 10et 130. Rapp.ltalia: IMDsrl Via Guido da Velate 1120162 MilanoAut. Trib. MI272 del 13/04/88 Poste Italiane SpA - Sped Abb Post DL353/2003 (conv.l. 27/212004 n.46) art 1comma 1DCa Milano, Dir.Resp. Domenico Tasstnan

Science &technology70 Redefining the kilogram71 Responsibility for climate

change72 A caffeine-free tea plant73 Reinventing the watch


Books& arts74 Austria's history wars75 Michelle Obama's memoir76 Rediscovering Lucia Berlin76 Warhol's prophetic art77 johnson Translating in a


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