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The Pharmacy´s Druid

E.I. 4ª Evaluación Sara Iturriaga Patzig

This pharmacy is special . In this pharmacy drugs aren´t sold . Our products are completely natural and organic . And they don´t have any danger or risk to health of the people .

In this pharmacy sold all kinds of natural products , which traditionally have served our ancestors for naturally cure their diseases and finish to your pain .

Our goal is to advise and provide natural solutions to persons , who don´t like the chemical drugs , because many times they can be aggressive with our organism .

This is a market in full growth , since every time the people demand more organic and natural products .

At the end and at the end , The current medicineis based on the oldhome remedies . It isn´t so ?

ProductTo start the business , we are need a commercial space in a central street and that pass many people .

The raw material is relatively easy to get . It´s in the nature . Just inquire into the matter and seek the remedies used by our celticsancestor :

– Natural Herbs– Royal Gelly– Pollen– Virgin Olive Oil– Poultices– Wild Fruits– Soups– Teas– Juices– Ointments – Roots– Honey

The business isn´t sell normal consumer products , It isn´t advisepeople of that they serve and so they are good .

Natural herbs for ingrediens


It is Anti-inflamatory , sore thoat and gums , healing , digestive , sedative in cases of irritability and sadness , in cosmetic for dye the hair blonde , diuretic and in cases of gout , arthritis , sinusitis , asthma and flu .


It is digestive , it is prevents and treats pains of the stomach , calm the nausea , kill the intestinal parasites , it is stimulates the nervous system and it´s insect repellent .


It is use , the green leaves , stems and the roots . The green leaves are diuretic , the roots sugar levels , they are help with digestion and they are detoxify the colon and liver .It´s purgative and it eliminates toxins from the body .


It is digestive , desparasitador , it cures the burns , mixed with olive oil is very good for the headache and relieve the colics of the babies .


It is blend with mint and rosemary heals the wounds . It is heals the light wounds . The oil is with thimeear calm coughs and descongest. It is boiled with milk ,It is cure the catarrh .


It is improvement the memory . It is relieved the muscular pains . It is stimulates the growth of the hair . It has antioxidant properties against the cancer.It is improves the circulation . It is relieve the pain of throat , It is the exhaustion and the stress .


It´s healing for the minor wounds and the skin infections . It is a against gastritis and the gastric ulcers .It is Soothes the menstrual cramps . It´s effective in gastritis and gastroenteritis . It is stimulates the bile secretion .

Flower of Elder

It is fight the cold and the cough , in infusion . It is purifies the blood . It´s diuretic and anti-inflammatory . It can use in compresses to treat hemorrhoids and minor burns .


It is use for elimination gallstones and clears the liver . It´s very good laxative and soothes the aches . It is reduces the fever and It is combat the urinary infections .


It´s used for the treatment of colds and the pain of throat . It is cure the asthma , bronchitis , indigestions , the colics baby colics . It is take with sugar water for promot the breastfeeding of the babys .


It´s a very good antiseptic for the respiratory system and urinary system . The eucalyptus reduces the fever and improvement the breathing in cases of colds or sinusitis.

The Market Potential

Major buyers , users , customers ...

They are every people who don´t like artificial things , or chemical drugs .Normal people and haven´t lots money , because that. It is affordable product The most importan is that people who try , repeat because she is resolve them your problem .That is the key to the business , that people think it´s a good remedy and tell it to other friends and family .

Requirements cover the business

Our business is located in a place , in the centre of Logroño , on a street whit many people .Our products are for all people and all ages .The people search : - A product that solves their problems . - A product that isn´t expensive . - A product that is fashion . - And if in addition this product is natural and organic , so much better .

The Competition

Traditional pharmacies “NO” .

The traditional pharmacies are sites colds , expenssives , many design and nothing to do with the ancient medicine .It´s products are expensive and it has got many contraindications .

Traditional and natural medicine “YES”

The taditional and natural medicine is respectful with the environment , with the people and with their health .It is looks for aperfect balance between the chemistry of the products and the health of the people and the nature .Our products aren´t expensive , because nature offers them naturally .And on weekends we are focus on collecting them in the mountains and forests of our environment .This is how , we can offerour customers advice we are the remedies more indicated to each ailment .Nearby with the people , we are kind to the customer and eco-health and the natural environment .



CostCounsel – 3 eurosHealing mixtures – 1 euro by ingredientPot herbs 100 grams – 3 eurosPot herbs 200 grams – 5 eurosPot herbs 500 grams – 8 euros

Warnings -Our product are completely natural.-And they haven´t any type of contraindications -Don´t attempt make the mixes you, follow the directions of your advisory of the Druid´s pharmacy .


We are need to we are set up the business :-We are need two antique wood desks .-We are need many exotic plants .-We are need many transparent glass jars for the medicinal´s plant .-We are need many shelves for have medicinal´s plant jars .-We are need every utensils to make mixtures of herbs andmedicinal´s plant .

-We are need a vehicle for collect and transport the raw material from the forets to the store .-We are need a warehoese for dryand store the herbs and medicinal´s plant .

Human Tean

We are need two persons for the daily work in the store . One person is for attend the public and one person for work in the formulas and remedies for the customers .

Economic´s fund My economy are minimal . My savings are minimal . My father and mother finance my business and i will return with a portion of renueve . I´m getting every month .The finance of the bank is impossible of return .The initial investment is small , because the matter is free .The local shopping is for rent and the decoration is my imagination .