Download - The devil made me do it A2 media Analysis

  1. 1. The Devil made me do itLuke dickinson
  2. 2. This documentary is of mixed typing. It has a variety of content likeinterviews, observation and narration. It is single stranded and has anon-linear structure.The Themes explored in this documentary are: murder, crime, religion,the power of the media and the influence of Marilyn Manson (throughhis music and actions) and youth culture.
  3. 3. The camera work in this documentary features camera shots like:The handheld camera following Marilyn Manson makes the audiencefeel as if they are interviewing him. Establishing shot this shows thelocation and sets the scene where the crime took place. There arealso tracking shots used throughout the documentary.The interviews in the documentary are framed in the conventionalway, with a medium close up and the interviewee either placed to theright or left, the only difference is when Manson is interviewed, it isfilmed from a low angle, this could represent how people look up tohim.
  4. 4. The mise en scene of the documentary is mainly based in Italy in 2001as this is when the crime took place. The place is seen in establishingshots or the town/cities.Other mise en scene is: Bedrooms, workplaces, crime scene, graveyard, diaries, names scratched into trees, church, court rooms andconcert arenas. There is also religious paraphernalia such as crosses.There is a frequent use of Marilyn Manson songs as he is the topic ofthe documentary. There is also a non-diegetic heartbeat that slowsdown during the murder scene and concert sounds of Marilyn Mansonlive and the fans watching.
  5. 5. The editing is fast cuts to keep the audience engaged, there is also amontage of mug shots to open the documentary up. There is shotreverse shot between Marylyn Manson and his fans. This shows therelationship between Manson and his crowd and how they worshiphim like a god, linking back to the themes.There is slow motion shot during the funeral while the coffin is beingcarried this emphasises the emotion of the scene and loss the townfelt. There is also cross cuts between the quiet Italian streets andMarilyn Mansons concerts this shows the contrast of the two settingsand could also reinforce the theme of good vs evil. There is also zoomshots of the devil symbols this links with the narrative of thedocumentary.
  6. 6. The editing is fast cuts to keep the audience engaged, there is also amontage of mug shots to open the documentary up. There is shotreverse shot between Marylyn Manson and his fans. This shows therelationship between Manson and his crowd and how they worshiphim like a god, linking back to the themes.There is slow motion shot during the funeral while the coffin is beingcarried this emphasises the emotion of the scene and loss the townfelt. There is also cross cuts between the quiet Italian streets andMarilyn Mansons concerts this shows the contrast of the two settingsand could also reinforce the theme of good vs evil. There is also zoomshots of the devil symbols this links with the narrative of thedocumentary.