Download - The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    ~ ~ P m P . P . r A - \ P - ~ P . A P - . q . - L A ~ / L r \ A - . \ -b%,-\

    T H

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    S I l E 1 : 3 f 1 i N SOK

    P R I N T E R S P l l I l rADd

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    D Y OF



    D E L I V E R E D

    I N ST.



    S U S D A Y



    A D 1861.

    JOSEPIX A. a m s ,

    11 n

    I U T I O I L




    "LLCTURCb 9


    P I I I i i l D C I ~ i ' I I I A :

    A O I D Y



    1 1

    T I I L I I ~ X



    N O R ~ I I



    1 8 6 1 .

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


      INa time like ours, when n ot only tho gospel of t he


    u t

    even th e most elementary views of God, of riglrt

    and light, are foolishness to the Greeks, and often even to

    the noblest among them, i t is of paramount importance

    t o

    be faithful in the simple and fundamental truths ~vhich,

    21ow~v~rnsignificant they may appear, are th e foundation

    of a11 the rest, and to give


    honor to trut h with manly

    moral and logical energy, not heeding the conten~ptuous

    shrugging of slloulders of either friend or foe. -DR.


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    ~ f t L e

    ~ o Y ~ I ,

    A LECTUllE


    11 PETER 1x1

    3 14.

    l L l i n o ~ i n ghis first, that there shnll come in the last days

    scoff'ers, ~va ll ti ng fter t hei r own lusts , ancl saying , Where i s the

    promise of liis coming? for since t he fa thers fell asleep, all th ing s

    continue a s they

    w er e

    [ram the beginning of th e creation, etc.-

    2 PETERii.

    3 14.



    iinportant portion of Scripture is tliat ap-

    pointed Sor th is day s E pist le, which


    have reatl, and

    upon which


    propose to malie a few observations.

    The object of tllesc writings of


    Peter , as s ta ted


    himself, was t o f urn ish a syilopsis of tlic tea ching s

    of b o t h p~oy~l le l sL~LIpostlcs will1 respecl Lo thc

    great salvation, and to keep his readers specially


    inoiilsliecl as to w ha t tlicy we re to expec t. A n d as


    substance of

    evaligelical doctrine is contnincd in

    liis Epis tles in ge ner al, so th e snbstanc e of evang elical

    predict ion is conta ined in this c linpter in p a r t i c ~ ~ l a r .


    cannot enter in to


    the deta ils, bu t




    few topics wliicli may profitably engage our medita-


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    D A Y O


    I. Tlie first I nalne, an d th at which forms the

    c en tr e i n g ro up of ~ v ~ ~ l c l c r snd


    once dctcr-

    min es i,lle pcliod to wh ich th e whole subject relates,


    i h e annou~zcem ent hat hrist s to r tuin again

    to ti l earth I t is this d octr inc th at th e wllolc pass-

    age is meant to assert, defend, elucidate, and enforce

    in its practical bearings. It is a doctrine, also, re-

    rnarltably prominent in


    s ac re d w r i t i n g ~ . A s


    subject of hopeful

    expectation t o

    the pions,



    ter ro r to t h e ungodly, i l is the nlost formally , rc-

    peatcdly, and constantly affirmed.


    say noth ing

    abo ut th e Old Testam ent, (which is just as full


    i t

    a s tlle New,* but wliicll does not always distinguish



    i q



    propllecy in the Old



    ing Christ, that llotli not, in sorllctliing or otller, relate to lliv

    second coming. -Sir Isuar i\rezufon on Di~lzzel, . 132.

    The same oraclcs wliich at te st the first coming of Clirist, as

    if impatient to be confined to so narro w bounds, cvcrflom, as i t

    wcre, in to t l ~ c uture age, nncl expatiale


    ilie piincipal facts

    and circumslances of hi s secolzrl coming. -I1z~~il on t i l e Prophecies,


    129, 130.

    < ' I t mould be very difficult to select an y one en ti re prophecy

    fro111 the Old Tc sian ~e nt , upposcd to relate to thi s event, [Mes-

    siah's comiilg,] which was in rill ils p? inc?j~ccl ~ U T ~ ~ C Z L ~ U T Sceoln-

    plished : ~ t ur Lord's first coming. So Stxr, inclcc l, as any im-

    portance may be attachecl to the general expectation of the Is-

    raclitish Cl~urchbefore t,hat period, scarcely any of thc things

    which tliey loolied for and musecl upon wcrc folfilled a t tlie first

    Advent. -.B~.ooks's Elemrnls


    Pr o i 7 7 ~ e t i ca l l iafe~p~etatio?~,.


    Tlie coming of Cl~rists the leading silbjcct of the prophccics,

    both of the Old a nd K e w Test,amcnt,, cithcr as relates to liis first

    or second coming an d these ar e oft,cn i~itin lat cly onnected to-

    gether, especially in the Old

    Testament. -Bicke~sletil 's Guide to


    Propilecics, p.


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    THE D A Y

    O F


    ve ry clearly betw ern t lle f irst Ad ven t an d t h e scconcl,)

    there is l inrdly n cl iaptcr in al l the cvangelicnl writ-

    ings ~ v h ~ c hIOCS101 in some


    refer to i t .*


    Savior l i imseli ; during his


    spoltc largely


    a period W ~ C I I he mo nrnin g t r ibes of t he ear th

    shall see tho Soil of ma11 coming ill th e clouds of

    heaven wit11 power an d gr ea t glo ry , niid wh en he

    sh all scilcl his angels, w ith a gr ea t sonlid

    o l


    t r u m p e t ,

    to gatl ier l iis elect from t h e four winds.


    Matt .

    xxiv. ,

    xxv. L u k e xxi. ) Tl le myster ious l ieavcnly per-


    I (

    W e affirni, that TII RCUT.FYT.R'SN C O R T DArrE-knmG IS


    VERY ror , c-s~ art v ,rrrl: CIII;KCII.

    Tliat i t is so I~clrl ortli i n tlie

    New Test:~rnent, s beyond dispute."-Cl~~ist's Seeo? d C rnzi?~g,


    Rev D. Uiotan,


    . 14.


    am sure tliat any individual, who ha s not made t ,l ~eubject

    s mat ter of previous investigation, moulil be sarprisccl a t tho

    result of an attentive researcl~,by discovcring liow freqnently

    tho sccorid conling of tile Lord Jcsus Christ is, in


    bronght before the believer's view as an cvcnt x-hich lie ougl~t

    t o lrecp in constant ~e eollc ction , o sti~i inIa( e iiin to incessant

    watchfulness and patience in ru ~i ni ng ile rnce set before

    him."- 1T71~ile IL the Second ilrl?>ent, 1. 13.

    This rrn.s tlic great theme on wliich St,. Paul clrvelt, to animate

    the first Christians in their trials and to console llleni in ilieir


    . .


    I t is the principa l topic of tlie A\pocalypseof St.

    J o h n ; and to this he especially directs th e atterltion of tile first


    I2eu J

    Jjoptist f'c~gcc~zi's


    of t i l e Il'oild, p. 1

    (' ,I s an inceritive t,o repenlance and holiness to sinners,-as s

    motive for watclifalricss, prayer, ze:rl, snd diligellce on t l ie part

    of Christ ian ~ninist,e i,s nd peol~lc,-n~ore p~onzineace s.giue?z to it

    [t,lie Snvioy's secoriil coming] in the

    pnyes of

    the Nezo Testclme?it

    than f o wy othe?. Tlie apost les never failed to give point an d

    pnngericy to their 15-xrnings and exliortntions


    solemn reference

    t,o the cer tainty and suddenness of the Lord 's coming."-Bishop

    l r e n s h w 612 the Teconcl Aduenf, p.


    l i

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    THE C A Y



    sonages wlzo appe ared when h e m ade his trium plinn t

    ascension from the Mount ol Olives said to those

    who witnessed it, Y e m en of Galilce, why stand

    y e g az in g up i n to h e av e n ? t hi s s am e J c s ~ ~ s ,hich

    is talien up from yon into heaven, sh all so come in

    like m an ne r as ye h ave seen hirn go into heaven.



    9-11. Pau l declares th a t The Lord h im-

    self shal l desccnd from heave11 w ith a shout, wit21 th e

    voice of th e a rch ang el, an d th e trui1ip of God. 1

    Thess. iv. 16.) In the Bpis t le to the Hebrews we

    read th a t Ch r is t uTasonce oirered to b ea r th e sins

    of m a n y ; ancl un to tliem tliat look for him sha ll


    appe ar th e sccond lim e witliout sin unto salvation.



    28.) P e te r say s of liiinsclf and his fellow-

    apostles, W e h ave riot followed cuniiiilgly devised

    fables, wlien we rnacle hnow n ~ u l t o on th e power


    coming of our Lord Jesus Clirist.


    I ' c t e ~


    16.) Jo hn says, Beho ld, he cometh with clouds;

    ancl ev ery eye sha ll see him , ancl th ey also which

    pierced him. Ev en so, Amen. (l lev . i .



    in th e ve ry la st words which close tlle canon of

    Scr ip ture i t i s wr i t ten , I Jesus have sent mine

    an gel to testify urlto you tlicse thin gs

    i n


    Churches. Surely I come quickly Amen. (Rcv .

    ss ii . 16-20.) I linow not of an oth er doctrine of th e

    gospel t li at is ann oun ced .cviLh more pe rsp icui ty


    solemnity. Christ 's bi rth of th e V irg in M ary js not

    more explicitly and unequivocally asserted, or more

    certainly a ttes ted, tha n his re tu rn again to the ear th

    a? l itera lly and tr ul y as he went up out of i t . No r

    is the re Creed in Christendom, so far as I know,

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    D A Y O




    which does not embrace it as an essential part of the

    Church's faith.


    shall come to juclge the quick

    an d th e dead, says th e Creed wliicll bears the name

    of Tllc Apostles'. I c shall coinc again w ith glory,

    say s tlie Xynocl of Xice . W e believe t h a t thou

    sh alt come to be our judge, lias been for ages su ng

    in the

    Te Deum.

    T he gr ea t Confes-ion of Au gs bu rg

    affirms t h a t C hr is t shall operily coliic again to

    judge them th a t arc fot~ncl l lre , ancl to l ife

    those t h a t be cl ad , according to thc Creed of th e


    Ie ascended into heaven, and tllcre

    s i t te th , unt i l he re tn rn to judge a l l men


    the la9t

    d ~ y , ays th e Cliurch of Englancl. W e do believe,

    out of th e worcl of God, th a t ou r L ord Jesu s Ch rist

    shal l come aga in from Ileaveil, arlcl t h a t :ifter a cor-

    poral an d vislble m annc r, as lieretofore h e h a th as-

    eencleci, bein g ado rned w ith gr ea t glo ry and mqjesty,

    th a t he nzay appea r as Ju d g e of quicli ancl dead, say s

    th e Collfcssioli of nel g ia . Anci ~~ T.itl lhe same un-

    cqnivocal fulness is this article incorporated in all

    ou r hym n-l~o olis an d liturgies, celcbratcil in o u r

    sacrecl songs , woven into our very p r q e r s , and ut-

    tere d over th e grave s of oa r friends as we collsign

    th ei r bodics to th e gronncl. Indeccl, i t is one of tlie

    g re a t mountain -pea lis of Christianity,-one of llio

    th r e e g r an d p a rt ic u la rs ill ~ v l ~ i c hts sublimest sub-

    stance lies.


    Inc arn atio n, T h e Cross, ancl Yllc

    Seccnd Conling ar e th e stem s upon which evcry

    thing distinctive in Christianity is suspcnclcil, to

    which its whole doctr inal system is adjusted,


    upon w hich th e hopes of th e ~ v o rl d depend.


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861





    ou t citlier one of ih esc would be to m angle



    bcrill turfs from elid to e~ lil , o


    the voice of

    l ) ro l ) lx ts alzcl apostlrs, to sl?oil lllc noLlcst of Chris-

    t l m u tter ances

    i n



    of t lie Churcl l s g ~ c a t c i t

    puri ty, and to emasculate rcli g~ ou tself .

    If C liris tia nit j~ , hen, call teacll ns an y tliing, or

    if th e dc cl ar at io ~ ls f tho Xciil7tlzios nl c r t ,111





    as we profess to bcllcve th a t



    mc m ust accept i t as a t ru th , a nd I-cly ul-ioil ~t





    that the same Jesus mllo



    a t Bctl.~leheni, rucified on Calvary, and rec eiv e~ l p

    illto heaven from 3lIo~lntOlivet is literally and pcr-

    so i~a l lyo ret ur n again to th is world, to bc seen with

    our eyes ancl llearcl w ith our cars, as h c mas seen a i d

    llcnrd in th e clay t h a t he was talicli up. I f th is e

    not t i ne , thcrc is


    t ru th in language , n o inspira-

    tion ill tlie Dihle, 11 substance in our faith, no

    reality in the Ch ristian s hopes. Th e m ethods of

    iuterprctatioii ~vliichcan explain away this doctriac,

    or detach it from tlie teasllillgs

    a n d

    joyous expccta-

    tions of th e proph ets and apostles, must, a t the sam c

    ra te , s i lc~ice l l tha t ~ v c ave h i ther to heeded as the

    oracles of God, a i d lc a~ rcus in


    world of clarkness

    with our only lights sudclenly and forever extin-

    guished. I aecoriliagly accept an d declare it, as a

    doctr ine

    t n t

    liluit stalld

    o r

    fdl l with Chr ls t ianl ty i t -

    self, that Jesus is literally and personally, and

    w i t h

    gre at power alicl glory , to re tu rn ag ain to this world,

    once more to treacl tllc localities alrearly hallowed to

    his Church


    his miracles and prayers and tears

    an d blood.

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    secoiid point


    note in the texr, is the pre-

    diction that, bq'"o~eC i l ~ i s ~hnll come

    n g a i~ z ,a n d

    imm ediately p~ ececling ilut p e a t event, l l ~ i s locii-ilze

    of h is r e i u ~ n lzull becolne subject


    cavil, doz~bt,

    unbelief, a n d ~evile7r~ent.The apostle urgcs his

    rcadcrs to " b e mindful of t h e worcls wliicli w clc

    spolten before by th e holy p ropliels, aiid of tlie conl-

    m sndrnen t of th e apostles of th e L o rd ancl Savior,

    know ing this first, th at I h e ~ e lzall come i n the lasL

    d ay s scqfers, zuallci71g after the ir o u n lus ts,



    ing, 'rV1~ere s the p ~ o m i s ef his coming 2 for since

    ilic fathers fell asleep all things conlinue

    as they

    were." ea rn from these words tllal, i n the times

    to ~ v h ic h h c apostle :111~tdes, h e sul ject oS Ch rist's

    coming ancl ils acc om p:~nin iciits is to Le agitat ed

    and d ~ s c ~ ~ s s e c l ;ha t there will e nlany who ~ v il l ,c

    very unfavorably affected toward


    some of \vliom

    will d e r~ y t altogether , sonic rcvlle i t as



    dream , some agree tliat


    is t ~ u g l i tn t l le Scriptures

    but to


    undcrstootl alter


    m an ne r v ery cliffcrcnt

    f rom what the l l tcra l terms im po rt ; ant1 ih ni thcre

    ~ v i l l e


    gre a t lzuclc


    th e miiids of pcoplc




    to be seriously moved by th is subje ct,

    oxeept to rcvi lc i t and to tu rn i t in to r ldic~ile .


    scoffer is, properly,


    iizsoleilt ricliculcr, s scorner,


    rcproacher . Hence, I Ie nr y in loc.)

    describes these scorers to be persons who "laugh

    s t th e ve ry rnention of C hri st 's seconcl corning, an d

    do wha t in them lies to p ~ l t ll oul of co~ m tena ncc

    who seriously believe a ~ i d ait for i t ;-who cniinot

    deny t l la l there is


    promise, yet laugh a t 11."

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    1 THE

    D A Y O F



    Isa iah

    (v. 19 ,

    Jcremiall (xvii. 15 , and Ezekiel (xii.

    22) had before prophesied


    similar maniresta




    refereace to th e same subje ct ancl th e same

    tiiiies. A nd C hri st also says,


    some of his own

    proressed servants, th at , as t h c t ime draws near,

    t liey wi ll pu t aside th e subjec t, and say , I l y Lord

    delayetli his coming, and shall begin to smite their

    fcllom-servants, aiicl to cat and clriiik with the

    drunlten. (illat t. xxiv.


    Star t l ing a lso is it, in illis con l~ectio n, o tllirlli


    i n o p e r a t i v e a n d n u l l t l i i s p o ~ v e r f ~ ~ loctrine of

    Ch ris l ' s speedy re tu rn h as become in the rc l ig io~ l


    m ocleri~ inies.





    a distingnjshed

    G e ~ m a i i t l le o l og i a n~ ~ h a t

    ( ile

    secoiid coming of

    Ch rist, viewed in coniiection w ith t h e kingdom es-





    occnpics niuch m ore

    p r o m in e ~ i tposition in th c view of t h e Xacrccl Bcrip-

    tuxes th an in t h a t of Illc mod ern Church. Tlle

    remarl; is unqu estionably tru e.


    safely be

    said tl iat th ere is no l allother doctrine in th e ~vliolc

    Cllristian Creed , of eqnn l prominence a nd im po rt-



    is so coldly anci i~ldef iliite ly ap prc -

    hcndecl, and so jqjune ly hclcl, by the great mass

    even of those wl-io profess and call themselves

    Ch ristia~ lr . ' ' People do not exactly deny th a t th ere

    is a


    t h a t Ch rist xvill come ag ain ; b u t i t is

    accepted only with so many allowances, that it can

    hard ly be s a d to be received a t all as an efficacious

    tru th . hI inis lers a iid expositors have become so



    D r . C a r l A u g n s t A u b e rl e n , P r o f e s s or i n


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    D A Y

    O F



    customecl to gloss, spiritualize, and accommodate


    other th ings th e passages wh ich spe ak of i t, nnil so

    preoccupy their minds with fignrative, lirovlclcnlial,

    and imaginary conlings of the Xnvior by rncnns

    of his doctrines, gospcl, ancl Spi rit, t h a t his re al

    coming-which is th e only one th e L b l e spealcs of?

    an d which x ~ a s ever me ant to pass out of' th e view

    of th e Church as ne ar a t hand-has wcllaigl-1 lost

    i ts weight ancl place. I t has bccomc to ma ny a

    mere fable. W h a t earn est Christ ian docs not see

    a nd l a ~ n c n t he wide-sprcacl influences of' ratiolic~lism

    a nd r a t i onn l i ~ t i cpl~ilosophy, explaining away th e

    gospel Revelations, and even the most clemeiltary

    views of insp iration, of God, an d of n~ o r a li tya nd

    rig ht B u t t liere ar e no port ions of t lic Sc r iptu re

    which ra t ional i sm so mucl~neglects, despises, or

    degrades as tlie prophetic portions, and no class of

    men whom it reviles with less mercy than those who

    ar e so simple as to accept th e l3rophecies in an y thing

    like their l i teral terms.


    few clays ago


    read, in a

    sermon preached and pnblished by a clivilic whose

    writ in gs ar e nnm erous and wicle-spread, th at he

    clay of judg m en t, an d t h e da y of t h e Lorcl, anel th e

    convulsions an d chan ges of na ta re , spoken of in th e

    prol~hecies , are

    t o

    he inter pre ted xvith gre at lnbitude

    of signification, as in t h e high st c Z e g r e e j i y z ~ r a L i v e ;

    t h ~ t he clay of t li e Eorcl i s s im l~ly day of cala-

    m ity , or a season of snff ering; th e clay of jud gm ent,

    th e tim e .ivhen th e conseclneilces of' our nctiorls over -

    ta ke u s th e end of th e world, often


    end of


    exis t ing s tate of things; and a new heaven and t

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    1 2 TII D A Y O F



    new e ar th , a be tter m oral conclition of tlie hu m an

    raceH :: Tlie sanie author, in tllc same discourse,

    says, F o r my own part , th e world seeins to nie to

    be ye t in it s infancy. To me th ere is 1zotlling in

    ilic Xcripturcs, nor in the prcseiil s tate ol things, to

    lcsd nzc to apprehend t'he approach of the end ol the

    world, Lut every thin g again st i t . Ev en tl ie la te

    ~ e l i e ~ a b l crofessor Stuart,-for


    long time, if liot

    sti ll, i h c v er y leacler of New En glaii tl csposilioii,-in

    his revi c~ v f Duf ie ld 011 th e Secozlcl C on ~ii igo f hr ist ,+

    jests an d jeers over tlie w hole sul?jcct, ancl lau glis a t

    those who tr~li e l

    U P ,

    as in l l lc volume he re~r ie~vs ,

    as believers in


    ables. Wllen Chrisliali i ty

    was in its virgin

    puri ty,

    th is was anlong th e riiost

    vivifying artic les of th e Creed,-the incentive to re-

    pm~Lailce, h e iriotivc to f~ iit ll, lle czlcol~ragemczit o

    fidelity , tli e iiisp iration of liopc, ancl th e s pr ing of

    colistancy ancl zeal, ~ v l ~ i c hivested even rnar ty~ do ni

    of te rr o rs ; Lnt in these last days i t l ias bccomc so

    po~t-erlessn tlle coilsciences an d he ar ts of nlen tli at

    a11177 ser iou s :liid pr ac tica l concern nbont i t is ho oted

    as nnscliolnrly T\-enliness,and tlre nttcnlpt l o se t i t

    f'ol.tli ztccorclirig to tlie words of t,he H oly G ho st is

    riclicnlcd in hi gh ecclesiastical positions as ide ntic al

    w ith th e advocacy of atristic legencis th a t mould

    disllonor tlie


    of even th e Rabbies in ih ei r

    ~v ild cst lrcnms. L e t a rnnn, constrain ed by liis soleiiin

    . - ~ i r n n p ' s&I i scc l l sneoas W r i t ings , p.



    I I i n t s o n P r o p h ecy A p p en d ix

    t o

    2 d


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    convictions an d acco untabilitie s, lif t up 11is voice to

    reasber t it, in its t ru e sc r i l ~ tu ra l igor a nd to bid his

    f ~ l l o \ r sbe read y for its speedy realization, ancl pul-

    pits an d presses point a t liirii as illore tllan


    l i t t le

    crazed, anci laug hin gly pn l hiin down on the ir rcndy

    list ol lu nati c saints whose ldie utterances ti ley say

    tirne proved to be b ut dreams. W e looli on, an d

    wond er th a t some of tlie best an d most lcarricd me11

    that have livcil shoultl be so flippanlly despatclled,

    ~nd h a t sn ch moiiientous subjects should be so jeer-

    in sly set aside. Arid y et \\re ou gh t not to ~v on dc r.



    he Sc r iptures long ago sa id i t ~voulcl e s o; and S t .

    I 'e ter , i l l s t irr ing


    to remembrance, would liave

    u s assured , first of all, th a t sncli thin gs tlie last


    rvould br in g fo lt h. God has not, indeed, left liirn-

    sc l f ~v i thout~vitnesscq. Thcrc are those to wllom

    tho (loctrin e of th e corning an d liingclo~ii of tlie

    Lorcl Jesu s is a l iving p ow er; whose liearts ar e



    the blessed pronzisc of h is coinirig


    w h o , v ~ i t heloqucrit tongues an d ready pens, are

    vali:~ nlly ontciiding for th is portion oi' he faith once

    delivered to tlic saints


    anrl who, tlio ug h langhecl a t

    and reviled by men, are ye t l .~onorcd nd prospered


    God. Nor

    arc ihcir

    words \v ~t lio nt ffect

    i ninny

    mreli ant1 pious he arts , wllo wi th tllein w ait an d hope

    for th e comiiig of th e I~o rcl. C u t th e gre at nlass of

    C2iristendom ha s no s yin pat liy w ith tliem, ant1 talics



    twi t t ing th rn i for t l l ~ i r r edul ity alicl

    w ant of bett er learning. A nd \vhat is all t l iis bn t

    Peter s prophecy

    fu@Zling,-the very C hurc h joining

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    14 THE D A Y


    T ~ I E


    in th e r ibald cry, W he rc is the promise of his


    ? *

    111 A

    th ird point


    riotice in this passage is the

    im p o rt a n t chro~zological staternelat which i t c ontain s

    w ith r d e ~ e n e e o the second comi?~gf the


    I n

    rcclconing ~vl-retherGod ha s been slaclc or no t con-

    cernin g tllis proniisc, th e apostle urges i t



    very p articu larly not to overlook tl le fact, bu t to

    rem em ber, liat olie clay is witli th e Lo rd as



    sand yeam, and


    thousancl years as one clay.

    Moses, in t h e 11ineteenill Psa lm , had maclc a sim ilar

    si,atenient ne ar ly two tliousanci ye ar s before. I t

    was also a conimon tllin g anlong t h e ancient people

    of Gocl to reckon d ay s as ty pi ca l of tho usands


    ye ars. A11d as th cr e ar c b u t seven


    (all tllc

    rest being hut repetitions of thesc,) i t was held that

    thesc seven days represented so m any th o u ~ a n d s f

    years, in wllicli tlie ~vollcl, nd Gocl's adminisirations

    Tliose \ ~ h o eny th r coming of t he Lord, aiiil the other gr eat

    events of which tlie prophets speak, instead of proving illat the

    prophecirs shall never bc literally fi~lfilled, re themselves strilr-

    in g instances and cxamples of the cer ta int y of their accomplish-

    ment; for


    Peter has expressly propheqietl of these men, mliom

    he calls scoffers, that would malie a jeer of the coming of the

    Lord. Our Savior himself proplles icd lliat before hi s coming

    nien would grow so secure t l ~ n t hey would set a t naught ill1 tlie

    signs and tokens oi liis appearance. And it is a rille wit11 me,

    the more I hear people deny the coming of Christ, the day of

    judgment, and tlie conflagration, vith other things of the like

    nature, tlie more to hold on to them ; for their denial


    to m e

    one of th e highest proofs of th e certa inty of those events. -

    1finchester s Lectt6~e.r


    the Prophecier, vol. iii.

    p. 151

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    TIIE D A Y





    concerning it, would be consummated. They sa id

    th a t as th e worltl was six days in maliing, so i t will

    continue for six tl-lousand yeare, to complete what

    ha s since bee11 un de rta ke n w ith re ga rd to i t ; ancl


    as God rcstccl the seventh day ant1 llallowcd it,

    so tl le seventh thousand years is to be a gr ea t an d

    hallove d world-Sabbath, in which th e f inished ~ vor lrs

    of gra ce sha ll ex hib it t o Gocl an d fu rnis h to its

    subjects a perSect rest.* P au l tells us, also, t h a t

    th er e docs rem ain to th e people of God yest,

    wllieh Joshna did not give, and th a t th a t res t is a

    oupparlo/*o~,-a flabbatlz-iceepi?zg. (I Icb . iv.



    And in the Reve la t ion of John (xx.


    we aye

    told of a cert ain thousancl ye ars, fkr down a t t h e

    elid of t h e world, at the commencement of wllicll

    S at an is to b c bou nd, th e powers of w ickcdnes?

    overth row n, ancl t h e saints raised from th e dead,

    clncl during wliich the martyrs arc to sit on tllroncs,

    and all tlre pious clead to be made blessed ancl holy

    as tlle priests of God and


    Chris t , and to re ign

    w ith him,-which answers ex ac tly to tlle idea, of a

    Grea t Sabb ath. These sta tements , taken a long with

    th is declaration of S t. l etcr, t h a t one clay is to be

    * The tradition that the cnrtli, as w e l l as the moral and re-

    ligiou? st stc of it s inllnbitants, mere to ~ n d e r g o great change

    at t he cncl of six tliousnnd ycals , h as been cletectecl in tlle ~v r i t -

    ings of Pagans, Jews, an d Chribtialls. I t i s fooncl in the most

    ancient of those comnlcataries of the Old Testamcxlt ~vliichwe

    owe to t h e llabbinical school, a n d . preceded by several ccn-

    turies the introduction of tile Christian f,~ith. -Bzai~op



    fhc lThllennium p. 38

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    D A Y


    taken as a thou sand y ears, and a thousand yea rs


    one day, seem vcry well to be ar ou t th e old tracli-

    tioa-refcrrecl to E lij ah th e prophet-tliat th c world

    sliall co ntin ue for siu tho usa nd years,-two thousan d

    ycars voicl, or without the la w ; t ~ v oh o u s ~ i id c ar s

    undcr th e l a w ; ancl two thousand un der the Mes-

    siah,-and that

    t he

    seve nth thousand ycars mill b e

    h e day of tllc holy, blessed God," " t h e day of

    j~ td g m c n t ,

    n d

    tlie worlrl to come."


    is very cer-

    tai n t lia t a vcry l ar g e proporti011 of th e proibundest

    and best C'riristinn tea ch ers lave acce pted i t as prc -

    sen ling th e t ri lt h of Gocl, arid re g~ ~ l;l tc clheir faith

    on this subject accordingly.

    The apostolic

    B n r n n l ~ n s ,

    he conipanion ol




    a good man)


    1~111 f th e II o ly G host,"


    luft us


    Epistle , in which he says, (chap. x i ~ i .


    "G od m ade irl six day s th e worl

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    DAY O


    L O R D .

    1 7


    whose Cliristiall preceptor was the dis-

    tin gu ish ed I'olycarp, one of thos e ang els of th e

    Churches to wliom th e Savior in th e Apocalypse

    directed one of t h e seven Epistles, also says, I n

    wh atever nu m be r of clays th e world was created,


    th e sam e nu m be r of illonsands of ye ar s t will come

    to it s consumm ation. God, on th e si xt h clay, fillislied

    the worlrs which he made; and Got1 rested on the

    scveiitl1 da y fr o n ~ ll his w orks. Th is is a history of

    th e past, an d a prophecy of th e Suture; for th e day

    of tlie Lorcl is as a tllousa ad y ears.

    Victorinzss, Bishop of Pet taw , who was one of

    tlse niartyrs in the persecution

    A n 303-313, says,

    The t r a c and proper S i~ bb a th ha ll bc lrept in the

    seventh m l l l e n n i ~ m t l l e r ~ f o ~ che Lo rd La th assigilcd

    to those FevPlz clays indiv idua lly a t h o ~ s ~ ~ l dcars.

    Lac tan t ius

    wlio lived about Ihc snmc period,

    says, L c t th e philosophers, therefore, who rcckon

    u p tlionsallds of ages frorn th e beginn ing o l th e

    ~vorlil ,u nd ers ta nd th a t tlie s ~ n n otal l ias not yet

    reached tl le s ix thonsaildtli year; and, whca that

    nnnzher s


    a n end m us t be nlacle of th e pr e-

    sent st:xtc of th ings , an d th c condition of hum an ity

    be monlcled anew for t h e bet tcr. As, the n,

    a l l


    ~~rorli-sf Gocl were finisllecl ill six days , th e ~ vo l. ld

    mnst co~ lt iuue n i ts present s ta te th rough s ix ages,

    t h a t is, six thousancl ycars. A nd again, as, when

    his works were finished, he rcstcd oil the seventh

    day, and blessed it , i t follo~vs h a t upon the end of

    the six thoasandtll year all evil and wicliedncss

    mu st be wipcd away from th e e ar th , and justice

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861





    reign for a thousand ycars, and t l le world enjoy

    calm an d repose from tlle la bors it


    o\v so l o ~ g


    Cypi-ian tllc nolecl B i ~ l l o p f C'artllage, who died


    marhyr to his faith, also says, Iil tlie Divine

    ar ra ng rn ie at of th e world, seven clays Tvere a t first

    employecl, and in t liem seven tho us ,~ ndyears -we]-e


    It ~vonlc? e cnsy to cite mlrnerons otllcr au tho ri-

    tics of this sort frotn anlong tlic ancient Cliristiatl

    f athe rs , such as C len icat, J u ~ t i nMarty r , I ' ap i

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861





    TEE LORD 19


    conclndes with these words, set oa t in lar ge

    letters, line for line :

    S A W I X G




    Six thousand ye ars s l in ll the world s tand

    Two thonsnlzcl, void.

    T ~ v olionsnnd, the Lnw.

    Two il~ousancl,Christ .

    These are unto Gocl tlie six days ol thc wceli.

    The scventll is t l lc cverlasting Sabbath.

    Psalizl XC. 5, ancl


    Pe ter i ii .


    A t l ionsand years are to t l ie Lord as one day. *

    islzop atinzer also say s, Tlle hvorltl wa s or-

    dain ed of God to continue, as Scr ipt ur e ancl learn ed

    nien ag ree, six thousant1 yea rs.

    Shal l


    then, receive or reject this cornput

    2 011

    of the t imes ol th is wor ld?


    believe tliat me

    accept mucli upon far more slender grouizclr. Where

    to filzcl scrious objections to it,


    k i io ~ v o t. H O W


    confnte it,

    I an1

    a t a loss. T1.ins God him self

    lias colifornied t h e o r d r r of h is pioviclence to it .



    he passages ol Scripture to which I have referretl

    rnore thaii harmonize mitli it .


    tliey do not abso-

    Intr ly asser t or rcq uire

    it, they sugges t it an d a r e

    bes t

    i i i terprctcd h y


    I t coil1ol.m;: to th a t ty pica l

    system upon wllicli ilcarly every tlliiig mas originally

    coastrnctecl. It llas becn bcllcvccl aiicl tau g h t as a


    from God by a very large lzumber of the

    ablest and most reliable of C hristian trac her s. T he

    ancient Jewish Church held i t as


    set t l ( l verity.


    Luther , vol xiv.

    pp. 1111 1117

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    20 TILE D A Y


    And, for one, I feel bouild to accept it, until God

    shall teach me bet ter .

    I n w hat yea r of ' the ~vorlcl'sage we a rc l iv i i~g , t

    is not possible at this clay accurately to ascertain.

    Acc ording l o tlle common recli-oning, i t will y et be

    about one liundrcd and tl i ir ty-f ive years to the end

    of t lie s ix t l iousai~d . B L I ~liere is nothing upon

    ~ v h i c h cnrilecl nlcn differ mo re th a n on th e siibject

    ol chronology. I know of no systein wl~icllcan be

    received w ith confidence. Some nialie th e time m ore,

    an d soinc less, to t h e cild of th e


    tliousand years.

    Ja rv is calculates ye t one hnnclred an d tweiity y ea rs;

    P,r o\v n~ , bout th ir t y Bliss, nhout twen ty Shimc-

    all and Snvillc, abou t sc vc i~ Bowcn, five nad F yne s

    Clinton, but


    Tlle t r n t h is, tliat 17otliiiig ve ry

    tlefi~lite s l rno ~~ rii11 th e subject . TVc li-no~v illy th a t


    are ill tlie evening of th l a ~ tilystic day,-tlic

    S atu rd ay of t lic world 's long week. A t an y rate,

    Petei- 's rcmarlr is tru e, th a t llc L or d is not slack

    coliceriliilg his promise, as sonic men couilt slack-

    ness. Th oug h always presen ting t h c clay of t h e

    Lord as


    and really and truly so in vai-ious

    i~ np or ta a t espects, y e t so i n tlle highest aiicl fallest




    t o

    t h a t s y s t c l~ iwhicl-1 tnlies


    thousand years


    one day. Th is was his gracio us

    plan from the beginning, to which he lzas all the

    time been working, clclaying to execute speedy ven-

    geance upon th e wickedness of m en, a nd exercisiilg

    upor1 tliein his grea t lon g-su rerin g th at they m igh t

    repent and be saved. H e a lways m eant to come,

    and to come soon; but he never proinised to


  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    TIIE D A Y


    TlIE LORD. 21

    any sooncr than a t the end of s ix thousand year-


    which a rc only now for ll ie fi rs t t ime ~ ~ c r g i n g

    to thcir close.

    We may,

    accorcliagly, lalie this text


    ail iuti-

    mation that a grcat Sabbath ol' rest nncl glory is in

    rese rve for this wo rld, ancl th at , if no special provi-

    dcncc slinll come ill to sh o r tc i~ h e tinlc, we m ay ex-

    pect it to commence a l t h e conclusion of th e six

    thousallcltli year from t he creatio11,-which cannot

    an y longer be far off. M ay God ha sten tlle tim e

    IV Another point I notice in tile test is the

    sfnie7rmzt as


    the ??zamne~7 which the d a y of the



    be ushel-ed in.

    The apostle says il

    -\vill come,

    lotw with st n cling

    th e sltcpticisin alid tlic

    scoirs of men, a i d th at i t will come as a t l ~ ie f l l

    t h e


    Pa ul a lso makes th e same s tntcmeat , in

    th e same words, as a nia t ter ~v cl l n ilerstood by t he

    primitive Christians. 1 Thcss. v.


    And t l ie

    Savio r himself has given noticc, Bcholcl, I come

    as a tliicf, (E ev . xvi.


    not , i~~c lecd ,ith tlie de-

    signs of a thief, but in such time and in sucll



    tile thief comes,-or, as lie elsew here c s -



    ' ( i n uch n koz/'j.CIA y think not.

    (Mat t .

    xxiv. 44


    That holly will


    a n 1 1 0 1 ~f tize



    liter ally an d figuratively. N iglit is tllc time wllen

    thieves w ork ; an d th e statenipnt is th at lic will coiile

    as hief i n tile wight. W hen th e ~m cn~bocliccl

    W o rd of God, a t tlie bcgilining, first came into our

    world, i t was ni gh t; for darkness was upon the

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861






    face of th e clecp ; and tha t Word was,

    Let th r be

    Zigj~t nd there was l igh t . W hen t l ia t same W ord

    hccame jucarnate, a nd was bo rn into th e world as a

    man, i t was in th e night,-while shepherds were

    ( keeping w atch over the ir flocli: by nig ht. A nd so

    his coming in the gre at day shal l a lso be in th e

    night . W he the r i t s lia ll be in th e second watch,

    or in th e thircl watch, wh ether a t even, or a t mid-

    n igh t , o r a t the cock-crowing, o r in the n io ra i i~g ,

    we kiiow 11ol. This oilly we lcaow,--that i t sl lall be


    i n

    t h e n ig ht , w hile m allkiiid is n ~ a p t n sleep,

    and svorlclly faiicy fecds on golden dre am s. B u t i11

    th e figurative, a s well ;IS i l l th e l i teral , night,-in th e

    clnrliest ho ur of th e Chu rch a n d of th e ivolld



    therc wil l be but l i t t le gci iu inc aposbol ic fc~~tl ind

    life i11 tlle enrtli, and tlie virgins, both wise and Sool-

    jsl-I ar e and sleeping; wlien th e powers

    of clarklress have put forth their last and most suc-

    cessfill attem pts, and unsanctificd hu m an ity is most

    deludecl with dream s of security an d progress --then



    of th e L or d sliall come, and th e long-abse nt

    Jcsus be again revealed.


    hour mill also be an uncxpected hour.


    thicf comes uncxpectcdly. H e does n o t tell th e good-

    ma n of tlre housc ~ v hc ii ie will come. I I e tries lo

    niakc l iis approacll with as l i t t le intimation of i t a t

    tlie tim e a5 possible. A i~cl o of tlrat da y an d hou r

    k n o ~ v c t h no m a n , no, no t tlie allge ls of heavcii.

    ( M a t t , xxiv 36.) As jn tlle day s t h a t were before

    th e floo(1 thc y v e r e eat ing an d clrinkiilg, nia rryin g

    an d g iving in mar ri agc , un t il t he da y th a t Noe

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    entered into the ark, a?xd knew o t until the flood

    came, an d tool< the m a11 a w a y ; so sllall also th e

    com ing of th e

    Son of lnan be." (M at t. xxiv. 38.

    Preceding signs tlicre will be,-"signs in th e sun ,

    arid in


    moon, and in the s tars , an d upon the

    earth ," (Luk e xxi. 25, 26,)-but no t such signs as

    th e unbclicvillg world shall und ers tan d and heed,

    (Daniel xii . 10;) for


    to the veyy time of the

    bu rsti ng fort11 of doorn th ey shal l be say ing , Peace

    ancl safety."

    1Thess. v. 3. The wise, inilccd, shall

    understand, ar id "arc not


    darlincss, that that clay

    should overtake

    t lz m as a thief." 1 Thess, v. 4.)

    Occ npyiiig, watching, wa iting, exp ecting, as tho

    Savior coniniands, th ey shall be r c a ~ l y o receive

    him , an d to shout, Blessed is he th a t comelh in t l ic

    name o l the Lo rd " yea , and to mount up to meet

    him a s on eagles' wings. (Isa.

    xl 31.)

    B u t w ith sudclenness, as well as s tea lth, sl lall t h a t

    h ou r com e. T o a ll m hosa h a r t s a r e o v e r c l i a r g ~ d

    with surfei ting , and dru nl< en n~ ss, nd cares of th is

    life, i t sllall

    come unaw ares." Th e destruction

    which i t is to brin g to tho gu ilty will be "sudclen

    dcstrnction." 1Tliess. v. 3. But cvpli in the case

    of those pr eparec3 for i t , i t will corne wit11 a degree

    of suddenness. Upon "ull.,"-"all tlienl t h a t dwell on

    th e face of the who le eartl-1,"-ivhicl~ would seem to

    include the clcront and watchful as well as thc care-

    less an d unbeliev ing, tlie Xavior say s, i t will come

    a s a sna.i.e." (L u k e xx i. 35.) Quick as the spark

    from smitten steel , and sudden as the l ightning's

    f lash , shal l i t break in upon th e world . Fo r as

    t h e

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    DAY O F



    l igh tnin g cometh out of the east and

    jl sheth


    ililto th e west, so sllall also th e com ing of th e S on of

    man be. (M att ,

    s s i v . 27.)

    In a nioment, in the

    twinliling of an cye, say s tlie :~p ost lc, 1




    sliall tlie great tmnslation be effected; and

    before we lrliow it we shall be changecl.



    also this otllcr feature attending tlie ope-

    rations of tlie thief,-that h e is u ~ u n l l yn the Iiouse,

    a n d tlirougli o r well on with his wo rk, before his

    presence is discovcrcd. TVc miss v h a t he has tnlien,

    we beliold th e depredations lie has wro ugh t, or we

    ar e aroused by tlie cracklin g of th e flames his hands

    have ignited. A nd so Jes us will pcrliaps he here,

    anrl dolng his worlr, bpfore

    we become acquainted

    wi th the i j c t .


    suppose th at the f i rs t cvlde~ ice l ic

    living saints ~ v il l hav e of liis presence will be

    conteniporaiieous wltli tlielr translati011


    bu t there i s

    a t least oiie g e n t transnctioii conliectccl ~ ~ ~ i t hh e

    scenes of t h a t ho ur wh ich sEiall precede t h e tra ns -

    la tion . Pau l says, W e th a t a re a live and remain

    unto tllc coining of th e L or d sh all not




    which a rc a~ le cp ; an d th a t wlleii the Lord s lia ll

    descend h e dcnd in Ch rist shall rise first.


    'Phcss. iv .

    15, 16.

    1i:very Ch ristian's grave sha ll

    be vncaterl, nnd 111s corrilptlble body have put on

    ~n iino r ta l i ty , cfore one l iv ing sa in t shal l be trans-

    la te d. EIcrc, thc n, will be sornetliing carr icd off

    before th c world shall find out an y th ing about w hat

    has happened; for


    suppose that tlie rcsurvection

    of th e saints will conform to th a t of thei r L ord, an d

    not occur visibly to m en in t h e flesh. Wo fa r

    as we

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    linow, iiobody saw Christ rise, A n d it would scclii

    as iS tlie same ste alth were to a llen d th e translation

    also. A nian iiz his


    shall a ~ ~ ~ a l ~ c ,nd find llis

    wife go ne ; an d nnotller sliall call for his Sc~itlif~~'ui

    se rv ni ~ l , rid f ind 1-um miss ing; ant1 watcl lers a t t l ~ c

    coucli of aflictioii shall look for the ir pa tient, an d he

    shall not be, because Gocl llas talicii hlm. It is so

    th a t 1i:iioch scelns to ha ve been s to lc ~ i way froni th e

    earth . (IIcb. ii. 5. Elijah in liis ascclisioii was

    visible to

    l l

    frien d slid successor oilly as 2 special

    Scivor of God which hc could not prom ise in ad -

    vance. (2 K ings i i. 10. An d ~ v i t h he s tcnl tl ii iicss

    of the uiidiscovcrccl thiel the Szvior, i t seems, will

    come an d remove his clloseli saints ~v itli ou t tllcir

    most iritirnate eartllly hiencls k no w il ~ g t, cxccpt by

    wh at ih cy afterw:trd miss. ELat,h

    he n o t

    said as

    much himself? W ha t are his words

    I tell you,

    in1 t h a t ni gh t th er e sha ll be tnro in one be d ; th c one

    sllall be talien, an d tlic otlicr left. Two sha ll be

    grinding tog ethe r; th e orlc shall be talien, and th e



    T ~ v o hall be in the field th e one shall

    be talrcn, an d th e oth er left. (L nk c xvil. 34-36.)

    W h a t

    are me to gat,Ilcr from tliis,

    b u t

    t h a t

    t he




    th e oth er stole11 aw ay from lliin wi tho nt


    knowing i t a t ihc

    t i m e ?


    wiqe virgins

    m e t


    Bridegroom, nlid


    already entered in will1 him

    t o

    tlie feast, before th e foolish ones fo~uiid t out. (' T h e


    of the Lord corneth

    as a thief n

    t l z

    night "

    Solenin a i d afl'ectilig tr u th TVatcl~ ye, there-

    fore, and


    always, snith your Lord .


    xs i . 36 . )

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    26 TIIE

    D A Y O


    V . Still anotlicr point


    notice in the tevt is the

    terri.c eon$agi.ntion 7uhich

    i s

    to lake place u;Jzcn

    Christ comes.

    I t i s remarkable tha t g rca t f ires a rc

    eve ryw he re spoken of in conilection w ith th e da y of

    Christ's revelation.

    Pa ul says, T h e Lorcl Jesu s shall

    be revcalccl from heaven wltll liis mighty angels,


    jlam ing jire taking ve?zgeunce u p o n them t i ~ a t,now

    not God


    that obey not tile gospel.

    ( 2





    Ev en ill th e Olcl Tes tanlen t i t mas prophesied,

    Beho ld, t l ie day conieth th a t sha ll ba rn as an oven;

    and l th e proud, yea, an d all th a t clo irvickedly,

    shal l be s lu hb lc ; and the day th at comeil l shal l

    burn them np. ( l la l . iv. I.) Yea, saith tIie Lord,


    will shoirv irvonders in the henvc~lsand iu the

    e ar th , blood, and firc, an d pill ars of sniolio. (Jo el



    A n d so we also read, in th c tex t, of fire, an d

    very g re at h ~ a t , nd nlel ting, and burning, in th e

    a i r and ill tl le c lenients, in th e e ~ r t h

    n d

    in the

    thillgs on th e ear th . More, however, has been made

    of thesc fires than , I t hi nk , i s ~ v a ~ r n n t e c ly Scripture.

    T h c most explicit passage on tlle subject in all th e

    Bible is this from Peter, which is rather s trongly

    transla ted, an d so worded in our version as to lead


    the reader 's imagination l~cyoiidwhat hclieve

    to bc the apostle 's meaning.

    H e spcalis of t h e heave ns being oil fire, and


    to pas s aw ay an d b e clissolvcd. People rea d

    this, an d begin t o th in k of th e regions of th e sun ,

    moon, and stars , alicl so m o ~ u l t p arnong th e orbs

    an d systems of creation, un til th e words before

    them become


    pic tur c of tlie en tire w reck of th e

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    TILE D A Y

    O F



    whole nia tcr id universe. B u t



    satisfied that

    the re was aot2ling of t h e so rl in t h e mind of Pe ter,

    or of th e IIoly Gliost by whicll he wrote. Th e wo rd

    reilclercd -leavens meails simply t h e atm osp he re

    ~vl l ichsurround s the ear th, an d does not car ry us

    an y furtl-ier th an th e regions of th e clouds an ti

    miiicls,-- the air, (Matt. viii.


    Rev. xix. 17,)

    he slcy, (M at t, xvi.


    the realm of tlic cloucls,

    (M att . xxiv. 30; Jam es v.


    The word rcnclered

    being on fire simply mea ns inflamed, mad e fiery,

    an d may be considered as having i ts irnport in th is

    placc exhanstcd by a condition of the atmospliere

    in w2iich it is heated, filled with fiery volcanic

    emissions, anJ l i t


    w ith ligh tnings. The worcl

    rende red sllall pass a ~ v a y oes not mean, to cease

    to exist . I t means, t o pass, as from one place or

    s ta te to another


    where we read, h at no man

    m ight pus s by tl iat way, (M att . vii i. 28,) Jesus of

    N az ar et h passe ti^ by, (L uke


    37.) A s applied

    to the atmosphere, i t expresses a change implying

    motion, and that very violent and boisterous, as

    tlle accompanying word, rendered with


    grea t

    1 cannot but feel astonished that any serious and intelligent

    man should have his mind fettered mith the con~mon-I might call

    it the vulgar-notion of a proper destruction of tlre earth. Some

    seem to extend the notion to thc mhole solar system, appliecl to

    tile idea of an extinction of i t and reducing to nothing; a11d thi s

    rlotion has been general, and thus it has gained so strong a hold

    upon the feelings of many pions persons t ha t t hey have n ~ a d et

    an article of faith. But I confess myself unable to find any evi-

    dence for i t in


    reason, or Scripture.-Jolln I'ye Smzlh,


    F R S : Geology


    Revelation, p. 161.

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     8 THE

    D A Y


    noise, also indica tes. Tlie additional word rcil-

    d e ~ ddissolved is of t h e same gen eral impol t.

    I t means to loosen, ~ uz bin d; as where the B:\vior

    says of tlie colt, Lo ose hi m ; an d of tlie apostles,

    \Yhatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be

    loosed in 11c;lvcn. It is used in Acts xsvii .


    witli reference to t h e brcaliing aw ay of th e hinclcr



    t h e


    iii which P a u l was -cvrecliecl. I t

    r e lc r s liere to the rup tu re of those i l l l i ~ ~ e i ~ ce s

    mliicli now ho ld the v d r i o ~ ~ sar ts of tlic physica l

    wollcl in cluiet,-lo a, fi-ceing of tlie elements



    ancl clash ahont


    de st ru ct iv e commotlol; niicl m i-

    resbrainilil fnr y, jus t as th e Psa lnii st clcscribes t h e


    :- O u r

    Goti slinll come


    a fire shall clevonr

    belo:-e him,


    i sha ll be v e ~ yenzpestuous .j.o7~?zrl

    abo ut hzn ~. (Ps. 1. 3 . Tli is is th e ~v ho lcesteilt of

    t lie tcrm s concc r i~ing he fa te or ( ( ihc henvens.

    A n d even in wllnt is said of lic ea rth tlic ivord

    docs n ot 11cce;;snrily mean t h e en ti re globe on w llicll

    we clwell. \\re oftell speak of t l ~ eC ~ T ~ / Lv i t l l o ~ ~ t

    nieaning the wliole planet. W he n any violcrlt


    he av al o r agi tat ion of th e surface of t h e cart11 occnus

    i l l


    par t icular d i ~ t r i c t r country , we say, Li~eeclrtl~

    shooli, an d call


    an ea~thclnalie,-wllcli real ly i t

    ~ v z

    only the crus t


    the eartl i , and that in oilc l imited



    the n ight- t ime wc say, tlze ear th is

    wrapped in darliiiess, when i t is less tliali one-half

    of the earth that is so cnsl~routlcd. The snine worcl

    is also frequently trnlislaled ln?zfZ,C O Z L ~ ~ I ~ ~ / ;xs, ( ( tlie

    ~ o L ~ ~ ~ R o v

    i th noisy

    r r ~ s l ~ i a g .

    Cra l~me l . ~

    ib le


    i n

    ~ I P nwner of


    lenpcst; Dc


    ' (vtzt Gel bi~sc7~.

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    O THE



    land of Geniicsaret, (Marl

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    except as every constltnent element of the ear th is

    fouild in any given portion of i t ; just as we find the

    elelnents of the ocean in any drop from the ocean.

    The relcrcnce, plaiiily, is only to such Iusihlc and in

    flammable substances as may be subject to the action

    of thc judgmeiit-fires, without determining ally tl-ling

    as to the extent of the coaflagration.

    Tlie word

    rendered shall melt is very mucll the same as

    that just before trai~ilatecl dissolved, and is nearly

    everywllere else ill the Scriptures translated loosed.

    The additional word reildercd with ferveilt lieat

    is tlie participle of a verb signifying to be J~ealecl, et

    olzji~e,n$amed. The plain grammatical mcallilig of

    tlie phrase is, that certain clcmeiltary substances-of

    the earth shall become loosed and disiategratecl by

    being heatcd and set on fire, as in the case of great

    and violenl volcanic crnptious, when vast floods of

    fire and lava are ejected horn the earth, filling mllolc

    countries will1 darliness and destruction.

    Ancl in such a conditioil of things we can easily

    conceive what is mc,znl by tlie otlier pllrase, ('the

    worlcs that arc in the enrtll shall be burned. Our

    xrersioli reads, c~ll he worlis;


    this word


    upon which some lay so much stress in this con-

    nection, is not in the original. It is ail acldition of

    the translator. Tliere is no reason to believe that

    all the works that are in the earth shall be bnraecl.

    Of course, as f

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    D A Y O F



    13nt, as t he re is nothing to show th a t th e b urning

    an d fusing of th e e ar th is -to be un iversal, so the re is

    no reason to believe that this dcstruclion of the

    worlis th a t ar e in i t i s to be


    the one is

    commensurate w i th th e other , and in ne i ther case do

    the words imply universali ty.

    The statement which the apostle gives coilcerning

    i h e

    o ject

    of thcs e fires also bca rs ou t th e conclusion

    th at the y ar e not to be universal. They a re for

    the perdit ion of ungod ly m en; th a t is, for th e

    ternporal clestrnction,'K and the precipitation iiito the


    of a llo the r world, of t ho sc upon whom

    Ch rist 's pa rticu lar veiigeance is to fall in tliat notable

    day of th e Lord. T h e ung od ly mea here spokeil

    of cann ot ta k e to


    all classes of th e unrcgeaernCe,

    including evcrybocly not found worthy to cscapc the

    grea t tr ibulat ion of those times. Th e Scripture s

    teach that t l iere wil l be cverl Christian people, in

    tliat clay, mlio will not be counted worthy, and who

    shall be left when Ch rist has take n to himself

    tliosc found fit for the iranslnlion.

    Tllc parable of

    t lie ten v irgins is proof ci~o ugli on thi s point .

    Fi ve of these virgin s were foolish; b u t the y wcrc

    still virgin^, and also had the oil of grace in their

    lamps. Th ey do not, therefore, ra nk with



    men, an d thosc em inently wiclied an d blasphemous

    people who are everywherc singled out as the


    jects of t h e g r e a t destructioli. These, th en , 8,nd

    The Geneva version reads destruction, instcnd of “per

    dition; De Wette,

    Untergangesn ove~thmu.

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    many others, shall bc left upon th e earth, in the

    flesh, ~vhclz Chr ist comes, ancl sh all pass ov er, a s

    Noall an d his fam ily over t h e flood, to be th c subjects

    of that new order of tllings which is then to be sct

    up. Th e victims of the sc jndgment-fires a r c to be

    only the actually and flagraiitly wiclied, men dis-

    tinguished for their impiety and rejection of the

    claims of God,



    wrong, adherents of

    tlle beast aiicl ihe fi~lseprophet, and despisers and

    blaspheniers of the gospel of Je su s; as ~ v c ead in

    various passages of 8cripburc.* F o r th e da y of

    th e Lor d of hos ts shall be up011 eve ry one th at is

    proud and lofty, and LIPO~I every one that is l if ted

    u p ; and lie shall be brou gh t lo~v. (Is a, ii . 12.) And

    that these characters may receive this their doom ill

    the most signal manner, wc read that thcy nre to bc

    marvellously draw n togethe r b y P rovidence, (Zech.

    xiv. 2 ; Rev. xvi. 16, as the wiclied Jctvs in the

    cncl of th eir s ta te were gathcrecl togeth er w ithill th c

    walls of Jern sale m , an d, a t a molncnt whe n they

    least expect i t , i h c Lo rd will plead against them

    with pesti lci~ceand with blood, and mill rain upon

    illern an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, aiid

    fire, and brimstone, (Ezek. xxv iii. 3 2 ; and the i r

    flesh shall consunle away while th cy s tan d upon thc ir

    feet, and tlieir eyes sha ll consume away in th ci r holes,

    and their tongue shall consumc away



    mouth, (Zech. xiv.

    1 2 ; )

    whilst their leaders are








    4 ;





    8 ;


    xvi. 13-1 0 xix.



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    D A Y

    O F TEE


    ca st alivc into t h e lake of fire bu rni ng wit11 bri m -

    st one ; so fulfilling tllc ivorils of tlle

    P~a lm ,


    20,) The ~vickeclshall perish, ancl the cllernies of'

    Iho Lord shall be as the fat of lambs


    they sllall

    consume; iiito smokc shall they consume awny "

    Aricl so also shall it be


    all their worlis.

    Nor are these judgment-fires tllcli first to


    created. Tiley alread y exist, storecl away in tllc

    nlysterious constitution of nnturc. Onr version

    speaks of tile heavens ancl the ear th ~vhicl la r c

    I ~ O T V ,s 1~ ep t n s tore , reservecl ~ u i t o i re . B u t

    many translate the apostle 's words

    t o

    mean tha t i t

    is theJire tliat is stored. According to thi s rende r-

    % Dr. E. E. IClliott, au th or of tlle admirable worlr called JIora:

    Apocu lyp t i cz , (vol. iv. p. 1'32, 4th edition,) mikes the follo~ving

    note on this point :

    The h e a ~ e n s nd {lie earth mllich now arc (c.e, contradis-

    tinctively to thosc tlist were over~vllelmcdby the floocl) are by

    the same mord

    stored wilil re,



    understand the phrase,) 'being

    ltcpt unto the clay of jndgment,' &c. I t i s only by this ren der ing

    or the r ~ O ~ ~ a n ~ ~ / ~ ~ o / ~ c v o ~vps that the apostle's cvidc~lllyntcnclcd

    anti tlicsis car1 be cxpressccl, bctwcen th e old worlcl stored with

    water , by which, as t i l i n s t ~ t i m en t u l i t y , t s t i ts appointed tirrie

    perisllerl; and the present world

    stored w ith .fire,

    by which


    i n

    it s time, is also to perish. Besides that , i n the received sense,

    T E ~ ~ U ~ ~ I ~ L D ~ ~ V O Ls a mord not n ~e rc ly ~ipcrfluous ut inappropriate;

    ' s tored


    being a phrase 11sec1 of things laid aside from present

    use, which certainly onr present c:irth an d atmosphere a rc not.

    Compare, as to llic

    water , Ps.

    xsxiii. 7 , (Sep t . , )

    rlEcsy EV 8 ~ a a z l p o i ~ .

    a,f iu~uovr.

    siicl, as to the


    Job xxviii. 5 rcnclcrcd by the

    Clialdee, 'Uencath the earth is Gehen~za.' Also 1s:liah xsxiii. 33:

    Topliet is ordninetl of old : for tile king it is prep ared: he ]lath

    made i t deep and lar ge: the pile thereof is fire, and much wood:

    the breath of the Lord,


    a stream of Isrinistonc, doth kindle

    it. '

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


    34 THE

    D A Y

    O F THE



    this passage furnishes a remarliable i l lustration

    of how th e Scrip tures hav e anticipated th e


    coveries and induction s of modern science, A ll th e

    clenielits nroulid us are full of la te nt fire. T he ear th

    we tread on is n, globe of im prison ed Gre. F o r cvcry

    fif ty feet you penetrate into its interior yon have th e

    ten lpcrz~turea degree warmer tha n a t the surface .

    you w ere to bore oil i n ~ v a rd owards i ts centre,

    you would no t reacll the d ep th of one liunclycd miles

    before com ing to a n inte nsit y of hca t which would

    fuse tl lc hardest substances of which the earth is


    Scientific men, accordingly, assure


    tha t unde r a t l l in crust, proportioned to th e whole

    mass ab out as th e ti re t o the wlzecl of a wagon, th er e



    whole w orld of fires, str ug gl in g for ven t,

    an d he re an d thc rc showing tllcmselves from volcanic

    c Similarly Tel.tullian, Apol. 4 7

    : Gehennam,

    q u z est

    ignis n-cnni

    sziblewa~lei ad pcenanl t i~esaurus.' I n mliich view of th c j e r y

    interi or of the ea rth, other fat hers agreed: as Jerolne on Jonah

    ii.: 'Infernis in media t e r r a essc perhibctnr. '

    Wherever, in Europe an d America, the tempcrnture of t he

    ai r, tho watc~ .s, nd th c rocirs in deep excavations has been ascer-

    tained, i t ha s beell founcl higlicr than t,he nican temperature of

    the climate s t thc surfacc and the cvpcriment has been maclc in

    hunclredv of



    is fnm~r l

    ,on, tlla.t,

    t,he heat increases

    rapiclly as me descend belom t hat point i n thc eart h's crus t to

    1~7hicll lie sun's hca t cxtends. Thc mean ra te of increase ha s

    been stated by tlle British Association to bc

    o n e

    d e y e e of P a h ~ e n -

    heit for e v e y olly- zre.feet. A t this rute, LL

    I C X O W N

    K O C I C S 11-OULI



    O F ABOTI r SIXTY NII.l3S. Sllall F C hence Con-

    clude t,hat all the nlattcr of the globe below


    tlliclrness is

    actunlly in a melted s t a te? Rlost geologists linve not seen how

    such a conclusion i s to be avoiilei1. -l'rof. Ilititeheock's Lecture on



    Condit ion nd Destimj of

    t he

    E a r t h .

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    D A Y

    O F THE

    LORD 35

    eratcrs . A nd i t is s imply the letting loose of tl-lesc,

    with the tempests, and earthqnalics, ancl convulsions

    in earth and air which, must needs attencl snch a11

    evcn t, th a t th c apostlc liere sets bcfbre us. TVhilsl

    th e dcsccnding Sav ior shall be revealed in clouds,

    thu nd er, and terr if ic l ightnings from above, th c f iery

    flood from b en eath sha ll br ca k opcn i ts prison-cloous,

    a n d a ivar of loosed elemcn ts ensue,


    ~vll ich l lc

    whole ca r th and h e a ~ e i i s ha ll sha lie , the sun bo

    darliencd, and thc rnooli become as blood, whilst

    ea r th 's r igh t fu l K in g sha l l r ide upon i t d l , sweeping

    out before liis clrcacl chariot-wheels the cnlininateJ

    st re n g th of hell's moizstrons usu rpa tion s


    B u t


    pass to ailother topic.



    speaks of

    n e w heavens nd


    earth wlzcrein

    clwelleth ~2ghLeousness.

    IIc seems to be clclivcring

    himself upon this point in the name of all liis fellow-

    apostlcs. f I e speaks of th is licw ord er of th in gs as

    the conlmon Christian expectation.




    therefore, as


    doctriilc of Christin nity,



    ar e to be new heaveris and a new earth. Nay ,

    t h e ap ostlc gocs f ~ ~ r t l l e r21e say s t h a t God hin~ sc lf

    llns promised n e w lleitvcns

    and a n e w

    ear th . Nor

    will it be hard to find the record of that promise.

    T h e word of th c Lo rd, b y 1sai:th th c prophet, (lxv.

    7; xvi. 22, lorig ago was, Beho ld, I create new

    heavens an d a new earill ancl the former sha ll not


    rcmembercd , nor come in to mind. B ut be ye g l d

    an d rejoice forever in th a t which


    create . For

    the nctv hcavens and thc new ear th , which



  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861





    D A Y

    O TIIF


    nzalie, shall remaill before me, saith the Lord.

    Tlierc lins been s t r o ~ i g ispositiori in nicn, some-


    t o

    spiritualize and explain away this promise,

    2s cvcry thing clse relating to tlie kingdom to come.

    Somc tell us Lliat it is nothing but poetic figure.

    L e t m e a s a r c y ou t h a t i t is l it er a l P e t e r

    quotes i t as lite ral reality. Wlleri he spcalis of the

    heave ns arlcl th e ear th wh ich a rc now, lie mealis the

    litera l l ieavelis and earth . Th e burnings and loosen-

    i n g ~ f wllicll he would liave liis readers s tan d in

    awe are l i tera l burnings. Tlic changes th at he pre-

    dic ts are changes th at arc to occur in t lle m ateria l

    ea rt h we siaacl on, a n d i n t h c a ir ~ v e r ea th e, w i ill

    no more figure ahout t lcm tll:t11 about the waters of

    the flood. A nd dire ctly from these saddening clesola-

    tions he paises to t he subjecl of th ei r rcpar atlon,


    l lec t ing the p lon~ise f tlic ne\v hcavclis and earth


    I hc b ~ e a l r i n g ow n oi' tllc p r e s ~ ~ l t~c ,~vc r l snd

    ea rth, auil fortifies himself ngairist re gr et s over tlzc

    oiic by tlle cxccllcncies which he anticip ates in th e

    o ther . And if he is not spealii~igwith equal li teral-

    ness of both, i t is useless to coafide in t h e ce rt aint y

    of language. Besides, what arc figurative heavens

    ancl ea rth in tlie place of th e lit er al an;l rea l ones

    a n d wh at can a spir i tual rcparatiorl do for a natura l

    tlesolation lV111 a swcc t ivorcl in th e ea r mcild


    rcr it in a ga rm en l? Fro m a l l the te rms , surround-

    ings, ailcl conilnon lams


    speech ancl association be-

    longing to tlie case, th e apost lc can ~ n c a n o o ther

    tha n a l i tera l new licavcns and earth . An d wh at

    propl-lets anaosulced, and Pcter lookecl for, John in

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861




    vision saw, not in symLol, but also ill literal reality.

    Fo llow ing irnlllecliatcly upon liis desc ription of th e

    juclgmci~l-scenes,we fiiid this record



    I s a w

    a new Eieavell ;incl n new earth; for t l lc i irs t hcavcn

    an d tlie first onrill were p ase cl nrzray. ( I lev. sx i .


    I clairn, Ilicrcfore, lhat these new lleavriis aild

    ea rt h a re to be, an d th a t it is one of the consolatioils

    of a C h is t i a n to expect them.

    N or arc tvc to suppose th a t they will be qui te

    ot he r heavens an d cart11 th au tliose me ha ve a t

    present. G re at cliangcs ar e to be macle, b n t no t a

    11cw crcntioa, sep ar at e an d dlst inc l from t h a t wliicll

    now is. I'cter says of

    t h e

    worlcl before the floocl,

    t h a t i t

    periahecl. 13ut i t was no t the ea i t l i t l i ~ t

    perished. I t was only th e orde r an d constitution oC

    tliirigs upon it. I t .cvas th e sam e ea rth afte r tllc

    flood th a t ~t wa s before, th ou gh sornewhat altcrccl

    i11 it s configuralioa an d inl iab ita i~ ts. A nd as tlie

    pe rish ing i11 t h e one case is cited as correspon ding

    to the


    ancl passing away


    the other , I

    cannot bu t take th e n c ~ v eavens ant1 ear th to be ,

    s irnply , the pres fn t h c a ~ e n s nd car tl i


    t h a t

    is, maclc


    again,-brougllt back to the ir origin al

    excellence. T he sam e law will, donbiless, holil nlilcc

    in all tlcpartm ents of rcdeniption , ancl t h e method in

    one be tlie same in all. Red em ption I-ins tlire e t rr ri -

    torieq : tlie soul, tlic body, an d th e m aterial world,

    of x~rhich h e body forms a par t. 111 two of thcse,

    a t least , i t is not God's m ~ tl i oc ?o destroy the old

    and to put ail eiltircly 11em crcnlioll i11 its place.

    The new mnn is sim ply th c old m an renewec1,-

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861


      8 TEE

    D Y O F

    THE L O R D .

    tlle same heart brougllt undcr new influences and

    put inlo a ne~rr


    The risen and glorified

    bociy is the same corlupt and dying body we put

    into tlie grave, only transfigured and fashioned to

    ariother pattern, wit11 new attributes. t is the

    snrnc soul af ter regeneralioii t h a t i t was belore re-.

    geiicratioi1, wit11 the sanie inlierent constitntion.

    W e cal l i t

    ( a

    new crcnturc. W e say, old thin gs

    h ave passed a ~ i ~ ~ l y ,nd bellold all things have bc-

    come ne ~v . B u t i t was th e same Tau1 af ter t lle

    scenes of Dam ascus as before ; a t least, as to all th e

    e lements of l ~ i s oilstitu enl nntu rc. Tlle risen hocly

    of Clirisl was th e same th at w as crnciiicd, with even

    th e nail-prints a i d tl ic s ide-wound wllicli i t carr ied

    with i t to th e grave. I t had new qualit ies nllcl

    ;idapttitions but


    was the same body.


    is t l l is

    corrul3tiblc th at m ust pu t o n i i i c o r r ~ ~ p t i o n ,nd

    ( his ~n or t a l ha t m us t p a t on immor ta li ty . And

    as ill thcse two dcp artm cnts


    conclude i l will bc in

    tllc oilly remaillilig one,-that t l ~ e ew lleavens aild

    e a rt h a r e l o be ~ l o t l l i ~ i gnore nor less t ha n the pre-

    s ~ u tieaveiis and earth, subjectccl to


    and re -

    ge ilera ting iilfluenccs, evolvin g new qn alili cs, and

    at3aptlng the in to be tllc fit abode of tlie recleemcd.

    R ed cc~ ne d neli can har dly


    collsidered leclcemcd

    w ithou t t h a t redemption being exteildecl to th e

    ~ n t ~ t c r i a l orld with which Lliey ar e by essential

    aature so closely uelntcd.

    But I

    callnot coriceive of

    ,z redeemed m ate ria l world other tha n as of a re-

    deemed man, in ~vliicl-1lle co ntin uity of essential

    na tu re is sim ply modified, not brolccn. Th e Sa vio r

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    D A Y O F TI-I%,



    llinisclf ha s also d ropp ed a word up011 th is s ub jcc t

    whicli sets i t in cry clear l igh t. I t is found in

    Matt. xix. 25 He there refers his followers, for

    the reward of their sacrifices for his sake, to t'lic:

    tim e when tlle 8011 of rnan

    sliall sit in tlie tliroile

    of his glo ry.

    The Son of


    is never sl?olieii of

    as s i t t ing, or

    t o



    the th ron e of his g lory, exccpt

    at his corniilg

    n t



    of th e p res en t orde r of

    t,liings, usually called lie end of th e world. A i d

    yet he calls this session upon his throne, nlicl ending

    of t h c prcsen i xvorld, an d liis aclm inistr,ztio~ ~sn t h a t



    R E G I ~ K E R A T I O N ~ - ~ ~ ~


    -the renovatio11-the nza liil~g f th in gs new again.*:

    T h i s application of tile mord re,yene~nlio?z, irt this p:hssagc,

    docs not so appear in most of our English Bibles.

    U r .

    Campbell has made the following criticism in the case:-


    The clause

    cv r l ~ u L s y . / ~ v s ~ ~ n ,

    ere, nlny be constrnccl citlicr

    wit11 the preceding words or vi t h the followil~g. I n the former

    of these mays our trnnslato~s xvc understood theln, and I-lave,

    tliercfore, rendered the verse,


    say nnto

    y o n ,

    that yc ~ h i c h

    hare followed rnc in th e regeneration, whcn the Son of man sllnll

    sit in t he tltrone of liis glory, ye also silall si t npon tmelve thrones,

    judging the twelve tribes of Israel.' I tl~inlr, n the contrary,

    tliat the words ought to bc understood i11 the lat te r way, a nd have,

    therefore, translated them in thi s nxmncr :-lI say unto you, th at

    at tile re?~ovtrlion, hen the Son of man shall be seated on his

    glorious throne, ye my followers, sitti ng nlso upon twelve thrones,

    shall juclge tlic twelve tri bes of Israel.'

    -l 're2imi7znnj Uisse~tutio?zs

    tv1d i l i ~ l eson the Go,ycl.r,

    b y

    George CYunzpbell,D

    n., vol. i.



    The Syrinc Kc~vTcstn~ncr~t,,ccording to 1Inrilock's


    Tr:rnslation, very clcnrly coineidcs w i t h this rendering :- Jcsirs

    ssid unto them, Ve~ily say to you, that, as for you who have

    followed me, when the Son of nlan shall sit on the throne of his

  • 8/20/2019 The Day of the Lord by Joseph A. Seiss, 1861



    ~ x 4 : D A Y


    T ~ I E ,ORD.

    th is gr ca t an d terr ib le da y of th e S avior 's coming,

    to t h e sccnes o l desolation ivliicl-1 a re to a tt en d it s

    introduction, ancl to th c glories which i t is to br in g

    to th e believing anil faithful, a n ~ 1 rilxving from tliesc

    th e conside rations wit11 wh icli to ma ke liis adino-

    nitions effective, 11c balies his stand in the presence

    of tlie whole Cliristiall C hurch , a nd n ia l~ es hi s as

    liis select, last, and most solcmn appeal

    :- TV~IERX-



    1; 1< FOR SUCEI


    R E

    D I L I G E N T T I I A T

    Y E

    I I A Y



    I t IN


    PEACE, W r T H O U T SPOT, AN B T ~ A ~ S I E L E S S . ' '


    subject capable of suc h a use as this i t is p ro fm c

    an d blaspliemons bo stig m atiz e as a illatter of mcrc

    speculation . Coalcl an y iliin g be inorc solemn, or

    touch more deeply upon the profoundest vitalities of

    re l ig ion? Lc t us then , take i t du ly to hear t , and

    so mnch the inore as me see tlle day approaching.

    JIappy th nt niinister .ivlio ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1ash ion h i s e~ l io r ta -

    tions to i l lis apostolic mo del; and happ y tl iat man

    who sllall model liis cxpectntioils and his life accord-

    ing to th is


    cx l~or ta t ion

    The grncc of our Lord Jesus Christ


    with you

    all. Amen.