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The Dark Side of Event Sourcing:Managing Data Conversion

Michiel Overeem1, Marten Spoor1, and Slinger Jansen2

1{m.overeem, m.spoor}, Department Architecture and Innovation, AFAS Software, The [email protected], Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Abstract—Evolving software systems includes data schemachanges, and because of those schema changes data has to beconverted. Converting data between two different schemas whilecontinuing the operation of the system is a challenge when thatsystem is expected to be available always. Data conversion inevent sourced systems introduces new challenges, because ofthe relative novelty of the event sourcing architectural pattern,because of the lack of standardized tools for data conversion, andbecause of the large amount of data that is stored in typical eventstores. This paper addresses the challenge of schema evolutionand the resulting data conversion for event sourced systems. Firstof all a set of event store upgrade operations is proposed thatcan be used to convert data between two versions of a dataschema. Second, a set of techniques and strategies that executethe data conversion while continuing the operation of the systemis discussed. The final contribution is an event store upgradeframework that identifies which techniques and strategies canbe combined to execute the event store upgrade operationswhile continuing operation of the system. Two utilizations ofthe framework are given, the first being as decision support inupfront design of an upgrade system for event sourced systems.The framework can also be utilized as the description of anautomated upgrade system that can be used for continuousdeployment. The event store upgrade framework is evaluated ininterviews with three renowned experts in the domain and hasbeen found to be a comprehensive overview that can be utilizedin the design and implementation of an upgrade system. Theautomated upgrade system has been implemented partially andapplied in experiments.

Index Terms—Event Sourcing, CQRS, Event Driven Architec-ture, Schema Evolution, Software Evolution, Schema Versioning,Deployment Strategy, Data Transformation, Data Conversion


Applications that do not evolve in response to changingrequirements or changing technology become less useful, asLehman [1] in his law of continuing change stated manyyears ago. Neamtiu and Dumitras [2] shows that this is areality for modern cloud systems as many of them updatemore than once a week. Chen [3] describes how they appliedcontinuous delivery on multiple projects to achieve shortertime to market, and an improved productivity and efficiency.Several technical challenges including seamless upgrades areidentified by Claps et al. [4]. The fast pace of evolution anddeployment of cloud systems conflicts with the requirementto be available always and support uninterrupted work. Formodern cloud systems to support the fast pace of evolution,

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upgrade strategies that are fast, efficient, and seamless have tobe designed and implemented.

One of the architectural patterns that in recent years emergedin the development of cloud systems is Command QueryResponsibility Segregation (CQRS). The pattern was introducedby Young [5] and Dahan [6], and the goal of the pattern is tohandle actions that change data (those are called commands)in different parts in the system than requests that ask for data(called queries). By separating the command-side (the part thatvalidates and accepts changes) from the query-side (the partthat answers queries), the system can optimize the two partsfor their very different tasks.

Young [7] describes CQRS as a stepping stone for eventsourcing. Event sourcing is a data storage model that doesnot store the current (or last) state, but all changes leadingup to the current state. Fowler [8] explains event sourcingby comparing it to an audit trail: every data change is storedwithout removing or changing earlier events. The events storedin an event store are stored as schema-less data, because thedifferent events often do not share properties. A store with anexplicit schema would make it more difficult to append eventsin the store to a single stream. Data in schema-less stores isnot without schema, but the schema is implicit: the applicationassumes a certain schema. This makes the problem of schemaevolution and data conversion more difficult as observed byScherzinger et al. [9]. Schema-less data is more difficult toevolve as the store is unaware of structure and thus cannotoffer tools to transform the data into a new structure. Relationaldata stores that have explicit knowledge of the structure of thedata can use the standardized data definition language (DDL)to upgrade the schema and convert the data. Another problemin the evolution of event sourced systems is the amount ofdata that is stored, not only the current state, but also everychange leading up to that state. This huge amount of datamakes the problem of performing a seamless upgrade evenmore important: upgrades may need more time, but they arerequired to be imperceptible.

The frequency of schema changes is researched by Qiuet al. [10]. Although the storage model is different and thearchitectural pattern is relatively new there is no indicationthat (implicit) schema changes in event sourcing are less ofa challenge. Recovery of the implicit schema does not solvethe problem for event stores, it only helps in finding the rightoperations to transform to a new schema.

978-1-5090-5501-2/17 c© 2017 IEEE SANER 2017, Klagenfurt, AustriaMain Research

Accepted for publication by IEEE. c© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.


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This paper answers the question “How can an event sourcedsystem be upgraded efficiently when the (implicit) event schemachanges?” This question is answered by defining event storeupgrade operations that can be used to express the dataconversion executed by the upgrade of an event store inSection IV. Existing techniques that are capable of executionthese operations to convert the events are discussed in Section V.The efficiency of these techniques is judged on the basis offour quality attributes: functional suitability, maintainability,performance efficiency, and reliability. In Section VI thedeployment strategies, categorized by application and dataupgrade strategies are discussed that lead to an upgrade systemwith zero downtime. The final framework that describes howto design and implement either an ad-hoc upgrade strategy, ora fully automated upgrade system is proposed in Section VII.The final framework is evaluated with three Dutch expertsin the field of event sourcing, who have six or more yearsof experience with building and maintaining event sourcedsystems, and these results can be found in Section VIII.Section IX summarizes the contributions and states futurework.


The foundations of CQRS were laid by Meyer [11] in theCommand-Query Separation (CQS) principle. He defined acommand as “serving to modify objects” and a query is “toreturn information about objects”, or informally worded “askinga question should not change the answer”. Figure 1 shows theCQRS pattern: commands are accepted by the command-sideand produce events which are processed by the query-side. Thequery-side projects these events into a form that is suitable forquerying and presenting. The command-side and the query-side both have their own data store: the first store is usedto maintain data that is used in validating requested changes,and the second store is used to retrieve data for displaying orreporting.




Figure 1. The architectural pattern CQRS.

The command-side communicates with the query-sidethrough asynchronously sending events. These events are usedby the query-side to build a view of the state that can be usedto query and present data. By doing this asynchronously thequery-side does not influence the performance of the command-side. However, this does lead to eventual consistency. This is aweaker form of consistency that Vogels [12] defines as “whenno updates are made to the object, the object will eventuallyhave the last updated value”. The system guarantees that thequery-side eventually will reflect the events produced in the

command-side. However, there are no guarantees on how fastthis will be done. A system with a large delay is unfeasible,because in that case queries will often return data that doesnot reflect the latest changes send to the command-side. Thereare difficulties introduced by eventual consistency, such asreturning items to a client that in fact are already deletedthrough commands send to the command-side. The patternsto overcome this difficulty and others are out of scope for thecurrent paper.

The asynchronous sending of events between the command-side and query-side results in a weak coupling. The resultingfreedom and flexibility in designing the system leads to avail-ability, scalability, and performance among other advantages.The store used in the command-side is often an event store,because it is natural to store the events that are produced bythe command-side. This proposed data storage model has anumber of benefits that make it specifically useful as a storefor the command-side of a CQRS system. First of all, thecommand-side is only used for accepting changes and neverfor queries, and the performance of the store is not thus nothampered by concurring reads and writes. Second, the storecontains every change ever accepted into the system, makingit easy to inspect when and by whom a change was done.A third benefit is the possibility to rebuild the current state(for instance the query-store) in the system by replaying theevents. The replaying of events also enables easy debugging.The fourth benefit is the possibility to analyze the events forpatterns in usage. This information is impossible to extractfrom a store that only persists the last state of the data. Inthe query-side a diverse range of stores can be used, suchas relational, graph, or NoSql databases. The main goal ofthis store is to support the easy and fast retrieval of data, inwhatever form the application requires.

The loosely coupled nature of CQRS combined the benefitsof the event sourcing approach makes it a fitting architecturalpattern for cloud systems. Event sourcing itself is not tiedexclusively to CQRS, the coupling based on events is similar tothat in more general event-driven architectures, as described byMichelson [13]. The events in the event store are processed bythe system to build the query-side or execute complex processes.The CQRS pattern and its sub-patterns are described in moredetail by Kabbedijk et al. [14]. CQRS from a practitionersviewpoint is studied by Korkmaz [15] in order to gain betterunderstanding of the benefits and challenges. Maddodi et al.[16] studies a CQRS system in the context of continuousperformance testing.


The work related to this paper is divided in data conver-sion, specifically schema-less data conversion, and applicationdeployment.

Data Conversion - Two approaches to data conversionare defined by Jensen et al. [17]: schema versioning andschema evolution. Schema versioning is accommodated whena database system allows the accessing of all data, bothretrospectively and prospectively, through user definable version


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interfaces. Schema evolution is accommodated when a databasesystem facilitates the modification of the database schemawithout loss of existing data. Section V will show that bothschema versioning and schema evolution are suitable techniquesfor event store upgrades.

The event store, used as a storage for the command-side ofthe CQRS system is schema-less, and in that respect similarto a NoSQL database as described by Scherzinger et al. [18]and Saur et al. [19]. Although the store is schema-less the dataitself does have a schema, but it is implicit: the application, asdefined by Fowler [20], assumes a certain schema without thisschema being actually present in the store. Within relationalstores the standardized DDL can be used to upgrade the schemaand convert the data, a possibility missing in NoSQL stores.Scherzinger et al. [18] approach the implicit schema and lackof a DDL for NoSQL by proposing a new language that can beused to convert the data in a NoSQL store. Although this fillsa gap in the standardization of NoSQL stores, without supportin the stores the problem of data conversion in NoSQL storesremains. To aid the evolution of the data stored Saur et al. [19]describe an extension to one specific NoSQL database. Thisextension implements an approach that Sadalage and Fowler[21] describe as incremental migration: migrating data whenit is accessed. While the research of Saur et al. [19] is similarto the research described in this paper, the solution is tied to aspecific technology and not applicable in systems that use asimilar data model, but with a different database technology.

Both Cleve et al. [22] and Qiu et al. [10] quantity schemachanges occurring in the evolution of applications. Their workis aimed at relational models, and it is not clear how theseresults translate to event stores. Future studies need to beconducted before these results can be applied to event stores.

The impact of schema changes on application source code isstudied by Meurice et al. [23] and Maule et al. [24]. However,the direction of the impact is different with schema-less storesand implicit schemas. The change originates in the applicationholding the implicit schema and impacts the data in the schema-less store.

Application Deployment - Blue-green deployment is anupgrade strategy that utilizes two slots to which differentversions of an application can be deployed. One of the slots isactive, while the other one is inactive. Upgrading is always donein the inactive slot, and the user is not hindered while upgrading.This strategy is followed by different authors. Callaghan [25]describes a tool written by Facebook to perform online (andzero downtime) upgrades on MySql in four phases: (1) copy theoriginal database, (2) upgrade the copy to the new schema, (3)replay any changes happened on the original database duringcopy/build phase, and (4) finally switch active databases. Thisapproach is very similar to the pattern described by Keller[26] who applied it in the migration of a legacy system. WithIMAGO Dumitras and Narasimhan [27, 28] use blue-greendeployment for their parallel universe: they reduce upgradefailures by isolating IMAGO the production system from theupgrade operations, and completing the upgrade as an atomicoperation. QuantumDB, a tool created by de Jong and van

Deursen [29], applies the expand-contract strategy (explainedin Section VI) with blue-green deployment.

Hick and Hainaut [30] and Domínguez et al. [31] developedand used MeDEA: a tool that focuses on traceability ofartifacts. MeDEA makes it possible to translate changes froma conceptual model of a relational database to schema changesin the actual database. Curino et al. [32, 33] worked on PRISMand PRISM++, a database administrator tool that calculates theSQL statements needed to upgrade a schema. While calculatingthose statements it can check for information preservation,backwards compatibility, and redundancy. These approachessolve the problem of analyzing schema changes and generatingdata conversion statements, something that is not part of thesolution presented in this paper.

The main differences between event store data conversionand the existing research are the usage of an implicit schemaand the amount of data in an event store. Furthermore, thispaper does not propose a new tool which is specific to a certaintechnology or database type, but rather proposes strategiesthat can be applied regardless of specific technologies. In thispaper the techniques and strategies from existing work areextracted and applied to event sourcing. This results in anevent store upgrade framework that can be used in the designand implementation of an upgrade system.


An event store contains different event streams and events.An example is given: the event store of a WebShop application,shown in Figure 2. The two streams contain many events, butonly two events per stream are shown as an example.

WebShop Event Store

Customer Event Stream #1

ShoppingCart Event Stream #13

CustomerCreatedEventCustomerName=J. DoeAddress=Avenue 10

CustomerMovedEventAddress=Highway 15









Figure 2. An example event store with different stream and event types.

The Figure shows two streams part of the store: onefor customer #1, and the stream of shopping cart #13. Inthe application these streams belong to two separate andindependent event sources. These event sources produce theseevents as the result of certain actions. For example, the additionof a product to a cart by a user should result in the added tocart event. The different event types such as added to cart,removed from cart, and customer created contain differentattributes. The added to cart event contains the article (anidentifier) and the amount (an integer) among others. Eventlisteners receive these events and create a view of the datathat can be queried. This knowledge of event types and theirproperties is the implicit schema that is part of the applicationcode.


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Level Complexity Operation Description


Add attribute An attribute is added to an event.Delete attribute An attribute is deleted from an event.Update attribute An attribute is updated by changing the name or value(type).

ComplexMerge attributes Two attributes are combined to a single attribute.Split attribute One attribute is split into two attributes.



Add event A new event is added to the stream.Delete event An event is deleted from the stream.Rename event An event type is renamed.

ComplexMerge events Multiple events are combined to oneSplit event One event is split into two events.Move attribute One attribute is moved from one event type to another.


BasicAdd stream A new stream is added to the store.Delete stream A stream is deleted from the stream.Rename stream A stream identifier is renamed, or a type is renamed.

ComplexMerge streams Multiple streams are combined to one stream.Split stream One stream is split into two streams.Move event An event is moved from one stream to another stream.

An event store has a structure of three levels:The event store - A collection of streams, and every streamis of a certain type and uniquely identified by its identifier.The event stream - Every stream is a collection of eventsthat originated from a single source and is ordered by theevent creation date. In an event sourced system there shouldbe a single source of all the events in a single stream. Theboundary of the stream is very important: a source has a one-to-one relation with its stream. It is this boundary that makesthe event sourced systems scalable: every event source is theowner of a stream and has no relation with other streams.An event source and its event stream can be moved betweenmachines in a cluster without difficulty. The different eventstreams could also be stored in different event stores. This ispossible because the event source is not depended on othersources.The events - An event consists of a type and content in theform of key-value pairs. The type is used to route events tothe projectors that are interested in specific types of events.

The event store upgrade operations are used to express howan event store version 1.0 can be transformed into version2.0. These operations have the same purpose as the NoSQLschema evolution language proposed by Scherzinger et al. [18]:they give a common language to express the conversion of anevent store. The full list of operations is shown in Table I. Twocategorizations are applied: structure level and complexity. Theoperations on the store level are executed on one or multiplestreams, the stream level operations convert one or more eventswithin the same stream, and the event level operations convert asingle event. The update of a stream is expressed by the streamlevel operations while the update of an event is expressed byone or more event level operations. Every level of operationsis also categorized in basic and complex operations. Basicoperations are seen as the foundational operations: they cannot

be expressed by other operations. The complex operations canbe built by combining several basic operations, making thecategories with complex operations infinitely large.

The operations presented are agnostic of the businessdomain of the application and its functionality. The processof expressing the transformation in these operations shouldbe done manually, because it should reflect the intent of theupgrade. Schema changes can be expressed by different setsof operations and these different sets have their own effects.An example is given: the WebShop application is upgraded toa new version, and part of the upgrade is a change in storingaddresses. Figure 2 shows the old event definition: a singleattribute for both street and number. In the new version, thisshould be stored in two separate attributes. This data conversioncan be done in multiple ways and two possibilities are given:

1) Every event could be updated with the split attributeoperation, and this would split every address attributein both a street and number attribute. This increases themaintainability of the system because all event handlingcode can assume the presence of the two new attributes.

2) Every customer stream is updated with an add eventoperation that represents the conversion. In this trans-formation the old information is preserved (to repairmistakes in the split operation for instance). But now theapplication should be able to deal with both old and newaddresses, because events can contain either of the twoforms.

Although both options transform the event store differentlythe two resulting versions of the WebShop application arefunctionally equivalent to the users of the system. However,the inner workings differ significantly. In the first solution theknowledge of the initial address property together with thevalues is removed. The conversion itself has changed the event


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store, and now it appears that the events always contained thetwo separate attributes. The second solution retains the oldaddresses, and adds the split in two attributes as an event tothis system. This conversion keeps the old events intact anddoes not remove information from the store. This exampleillustrates the need for requirements defined by stakeholdersto guide the data conversion.


In this section five existing techniques that can convert anevent store between two schemas by means of the event storeupgrade operations are discussed.

Multiple versions - In this technique multiple versions ofan event type are supported throughout the application. Theevent structure is extended with a version number as suggestedby Betts et al. [34]. This version number can be read by allthe event listeners, and they have to contain knowledge of thedifferent versions in order to support them. In this technique theevent store remains intact as old versions are never transformed.There are no extra write operations needed to convert the store.

Upcasting - Upcasting centralizes the update knowledgein an upcaster: a component that transforms an event beforeoffering it to the application. Different than in the multipleversions technique is that the event listeners are not aware ofthe different versions of events. Because the upcaster changesthe event the listeners only need to support the last version.This technique is suggested by both Betts et al. [34] and AxonFramework [35].

Lazy transformation - This technique also uses an upcasterto transform every event before offering it to the application,but the result of the transformation is also stored in the eventstore. The transformation is thus applied only once for everyevent, and on subsequent reads the transformation is no longernecessary. This technique is similar to the ones described bySadalage and Fowler [21], Roddick [36], Tan and Katayama[37], and Scherzinger et al. [9].

In place transformation - A technique applied by manysystems using a relational database. These systems convert thedata by executing SQL statements such as ALTER TABLE (toalter the schema) and UPDATE (to alter the data). As describedby Scherzinger et al. [9], NoSQL databases do not have sucha possibility. In those cases a batch job is run that reads thedata, transforms it, and writes the updated data back to thedatabase. The documents in the database are updated by thisjob: adding, deleting, renaming properties, and transformingthe values. This technique can be applied to event stores inthe same manner.

Copy and transformation - This technique is similarto the one described by Callaghan [25] and Dumitras andNarasimhan [28]: it copies and transforms every event to anew store. In this technique the old event store stays intact,and a new store is created instead.

The event store upgrade techniques have their own strengthsand weaknesses. To make this visible the techniques are judgedon four quality characteristics from ISO/IEC 25010:2011 [38]:

functional suitability, maintainability, performance efficiency,and reliability. The other four characteristics are regarded asnot relevant for these upgrade techniques. Compatibility is arequirement for every upgrade system: it should be compatiblewith the overall system. End-users of the system will notinteract with the upgrade system and thus is usability notrelevant. The upgrade system is one of the components inthe overall security, and therefore the security should not bedifferent than in other components. Finally, portability is notregarded as a requirement for upgrade systems.

Functional suitability - All five techniques can be im-plemented to achieve functional completeness. However, toexecute complex store operations such as merging multiplestreams the technique needs to read from multiple streams.When the technique is a run-time technique such as multipleversions, upcasting, and lazy transformation this violates theindependence of the streams. The streams could be spread outover different databases and reading them together at the sametime in the application is unfeasible. Therefore, the techniquesmultiple versions, upcasting, and lazy transformation are notfunctionally complete. The other two techniques are executedby a separate batch job that does not adhere to the principleof reading a single stream at a time.

Maintainability - Multiple versions is the least maintainabletechnique, because the support of multiple versions is spreadthroughout the application code. The techniques upcastingand lazy transformation have a better maintainability, be-cause the transformation code can be centralized in thoseimplementations. However, they all do accumulate conversioncode, because either the conversion result is not stored, orthere is no way in telling when everything is converted. Theimplementation of the lazy transformation technique shouldapply all conversions that are not yet applied to specificevents when needed. In place transformation and copy andtransformation score the highest on maintainability, because inthose techniques older transformations and their code do nothave to be kept. After the execution of the data conversion,every event is transformed into a new version and thus theconversion code is no longer necessary.

Performance efficiency - Multiple versions and upcastingare the most efficient, because they only transform eventswhen they need to be transformed without adding extra writeoperations to the store. The transformations are done in-memoryas needed, without writing the events back to the store. Thetechniques lazy transformation and in place transformationscore a bit worse, because they add the extra write operationsthat permanently store the changes. copy and transformationhas the worst performance efficiency, because every event isread and copied to a new store, even if there are no operationsaffecting the event.

Reliability - Three techniques score high on reliability,either they do not change the store (multiple versions andupcasting) or make a backup (copy and transformation). Theother two techniques change the event store permanently,making a backup mandatory.


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Table II shows the overview of the different techniques andtheir evaluation with respect to the four quality characteristics.A plus means that the technique satisfies the quality characteris-tic, a minus means that the quality characteristic is not satisfied.A plus minus expresses an acceptable satisfaction, but thereis room for improvement. These ranks are the result of bothliterature study and evaluation with the experts as described inSection VIII.





















Multiple versions +/− − + +

Upcasting +/− +/− + +

Lazy transformation +/− +/− +/− −In place transformation + + +/− −Copy and transformation + + − +

Table II shows a preference for upcasting on the four qualitycharacteristics, but specific context or requirements could steercompanies towards a different technique such as multipleversions. These requirements could be a short time to market(and thus not having the time to implement a more maintainabletechnique such as upcasting. The event store upgrade operationsrelated to multiple event sources are considered to be executedby non-run-time techniques only. However, the choice for arun-time technique when complex store operations are notsupported is not compulsory. Of course systems can implementa non-run-time technique even if they plan not to support thecomplex store operations.


According to Humble and Farley [39] and Jansen et al. [40],deploying software involves three phases: Prepare and manage,Installing, and Configuring. In the first phase, the environmentin which an application is deployed should be prepared andmanaged: both hardware and software dependencies should bein place. During the Installing-phase the application itself isdeployed. The final phase, the Configuring-phase is used toconfigure the application and make it ready for use.

The techniques that are discussed in the previous sectionare performed in different phases. Three of the five techniqueswere already identified as run-time techniques in the previoussection: multiple versions, upcasting, and lazy transformations.They execute the event store upgrade operations at run-timeand are deployed along with the application binaries, thereforethey are part of the Installing-phase.

The last two techniques, in place transformation and copyand transformation, are not part of the actual application. Bothtechniques perform the data conversion within a separate batchjob that needs to be run before the new application version

is deployed, and therefore belong to the Configuring-phase.Although the code that performs the technique should bedeployed it cannot be part of the application as the applicationitself is only deployed in the Installing-phase. These twotechniques require a second deployment strategy aimed atthe deployment of the data conversion logic.

The simplest deployment strategy is to copy the newapplication onto the machine(s) replacing the older version.Brewer [41] refers to this approach as fast reboot. The timethat it takes to bring down the application process, copy thenew application, and starting the application process again isthe downtime that is observed with this strategy. Its simplicityis its biggest selling point, but its biggest downside is thatthis strategy is not without downtime. Deployment strategiesdescribed by Pulkkinen [42] such as feature flagging, darklaunching, and canary release are excluded from the list ofdiscussed strategies, because they are specifically used to gainmore knowledge about the users and/or (system) performance.Four strategies found in literature, suitable for upgrading anevent sourced system, are discussed:

Big flip - This strategy, described by Brewer [41], usesrequest routing to route traffic to one half of the machines,while they other half is made available for the upgrade. Thetraffic is rerouted again when the first half is upgraded afterwhich the second half can be upgraded. When all machinesare upgraded the load balancer again can route the traffic toevery machine. During the upgrade only half of the machinescan be used to handle traffic.

Rolling upgrade - This strategy too uses some form ofrequest routing to make sure that some machines do not receiverequests. The machines in this strategy are upgraded in severalupgrade groups defined by Dumitras et al. [43]. Because asmall number of machines is being upgraded at a time, moremachines are available to handle the traffic. However, themachines that are available are running mixed versions of theapplication: both those that are not yet upgraded and those thatare already upgraded. This makes rolling upgrades complex,and the application should be able to handle these kinds ofrolling upgrades.

Blue-green - Blue-green deployment is described by bothHumble and Farley [39] and Fowler [44]. According toHumble [39] this is one of the most powerful techniques formanaging releases. Every application is always deployed twice:a current version and either a previous version or a futureversion. One of the deployments is active at a given time,either the green slot or the blue slot. When the application isupgraded, the inactive slot is used to deploy the new version.Blue-green deployment can be done without downtime, asno traffic is going to the version that is upgraded. After theupgrade, the traffic can be rerouted to the upgraded slot,switching between blue and green. This strategy is similarto the big flip strategy, but reserves extra resources for theupgrade while the big flip strategy uses existing resources andthus limits the capacity during an upgrade.


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Application upgrade strategy Data upgrade strategyMultiple version big flip, rolling upgrade, blue-green

Upcasting big flip, rolling upgrade, blue-green

Lazy transformation big flip, rolling upgrade, blue-green

In place transformation big flip, rolling upgrade, blue-green expand-contract

Copy and transformation big flip, rolling upgrade, blue-green expand-contract, blue-green

Expand-Contract - A strategy, also known as parallelchange, described by Sato [45] in three phases. The first phaseis the expand phase: an interface is created to support boththe old and the new version. After that the old version(s) are(incrementally) updated to the new version in the migratephase. Finally in the contract phase, the interface is changedso that it only supports the new phase This strategy is suitablefor upgrading components that are used by other components.By first expanding the interface of the component dependingcomponents can be upgraded. When all the dependingcomponents use the new interface the old interfaces canbe removed. This strategy is not applicable for applicationupgrades, however, it can be utilized in upgrading the database.

An upgrade of an event sourced system needs an applicationdeployment strategy. This deployment strategy executes therun-time event store upgrade technique, but if the upgradeuses a non-run-time technique a data upgrade strategy isalso required. The three run-time techniques multiple versions,upcasting, and lazy transformation only need an applicationdeployment strategy as they do not alter the data store. Theother two techniques, in place transformation and copy andtransformation, do need a data upgrade strategy.

Not all combinations result in an upgrade that does notaffect the operation of the system in a negative manner.Table III summarizes the combinations that would lead to azero downtime upgrade. For the run-time techniques, multipleversions, upcasting, or lazy transformation, an applicationupgrade strategy is sufficient, and the big flip, rolling upgrade,and blue-green deployment strategies will all result in a zerodowntime upgrade. All three strategies upgrade part of themachines while maintaining operations on the other parts, andthe techniques are performed at run-time.

For the non-run-time techniques, in place transformation andcopy and transformation, the same three application upgradestrategies can be used and result in zero downtime upgrades.However, a data upgrade strategy is also needed to executethe batch job that converts the data. The strategy blue-greenin combination with in place transformation is not possible,because the in place nature of the technique conflicts with thestrategy that needs to have two slots available. Therefore, thetechnique in place transformation only works with the expand-contract strategy. Copy and transformation, the other non-run-time technique works with both the data upgrade strategies,blue-green deployment and expand-contract.


This section explains how the event store upgrade operation,techniques, and strategies form the event store upgrade frame-work that can be utilized in two distinct manners. Figure 3shows the different event store upgrade operation, techniques,and strategies and their combinations.

The first row of Figure 3 shows the event store upgrade op-erations, the darker yellow identifies the category of operationsthat crosses event streams and cannot be executed run-time.The event store upgrade techniques are colored green, thedarker elements identify schema evolution techniques, whilethe others are schema versioning techniques. The last tworows identify both application and data upgrade strategies. Thearrows between single elements, or groups of elements, identifythe valid combinations. The valid combinations are explainedin more detail along with the utilization of the framework.

Combined with

Deployed with

Executed byExecuted by

Data upgradeApplication upgrade

Lazy transformation


In place transfor-mation

Multiple versionsCopy and transfor-mation

Basic & Complex


Basic & Complex Stream

Basic Store

Complex Store

Big FlipRolling




Deployed with

Figure 3. The Event Store Upgrade Framework.


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The first utilization of the event store upgrade frameworkis a decision tree that supports the upfront design and imple-mentation of an upgrade system for event sourced systems,presented in Figure 4. This tree shows the decisions that formthe design and implementation of an upgrade system.

Design an upgrade

Is support ofcomplex store

operations necessary?

No Yes

In place transformation&& Expand-contract

Choose anon-run-time


Copy and transformation

Implement the upgrade

Choose a run-timeupgrade technique

Choose an application upgrade


Choose a data upgrade


Multiple version|| Upcasting|| Lazy transformation

Big flip|| Rolling upgrade|| Blue-green

Expand-contract|| Blue-green

Figure 4. Decision Tree for the Design and Implementation of an Event StoreUpgrade System.

The design starts with the question if complex storeoperations need to be supported. This decision influences thepossible techniques that can be applied, because these complexstore operations cannot be executed with run-time techniques.When support for the complex store operations is not neededthe next step is the choice of event store run-time upgradetechnique. Any of the three run-time techniques, multipleversions, upcasting, or lazy transformation, will be sufficient(shown with a single arrow and the || combinator) and Table IIcan be used to decide what technique fits the context. Whenthe upgrade system should support complex store upgradeoperations, the choice is between the non-run-time techniquesin place transformation and copy and transformation. Theexpand-contract application strategy follows automatically ifin place transformation is chosen as a data upgrade strategy(shown with a single arrow and the && combinator). Twodifferent data upgrade strategies can be chosen with thetechnique copy and transformation as follows from Table III.Although the utilization of the framework for upfront designhas much room for context specific choices, it shows what thepossibilities are and makes the trade-offs explicit.

The second utilization of the event store upgrade frameworkis a run-time decision making system. This system is imple-mented in the event store upgrade system, and is visualized inFigure 5. In this system the analysis of the event store upgradeoperations that need to be executed is done at upgrade time.When the operations do not contain complex store operations,the system can apply the run-time technique in combinationwith the application upgrade strategy. If there are complex storeoperations the system can deploy the non-run-time techniquewith the data upgrade strategy, and then apply the applicationupgrade strategy. In this utilization, the choice for run-timetechnique, non-run-time technique, data upgrade strategy, andapplication upgrade strategy is made upfront. The systemimplements both a run-time and non-run-time technique thatfits the requirements. The two techniques are completed with animplementation of a data upgrade and an application upgradestrategy. Having these implementations in the system allowsfor a fully automated upgrade system based on Figure 5.

Start an upgrade

Arecomplex store

operations present?No Yes

Execute the application upgrade

Configure the run-time upgrade technique

Configure the non-run-time upgrade technique

Execute the data upgrade

Figure 5. Decision Tree for an Automated Event Store Upgrade System.


This work was done in the context of the developmentof a large CQRS system at AFAS Software. Two authorsare working as architect and developer on this system, andan earlier list of the event store upgrade operations wasdiscussed with the team that also works on this system. Theoperations were implemented in combination with the copy andtransformation technique and the blue-green strategy. Multipledata conversions were executed with this upgrade system in asmaller experimental setting. The results of these conversionsshowed to be promising, but more systematic experimentationis necessary. Initial results showed that the event store upgradeoperations executed with copy and transformation and deployedwith blue-green were able to handle a diverse range of scenarios.These operations could all be performed while maintaining theoperation of the system, no downtime was observed. However,it also showed that time needed to perform the conversion


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was longer than expected, because the query store needs to berebuild as well.

To evaluate the event store upgrade framework, interviewswere held with three Dutch experts in the field of CQRS andevent sourcing. They were selected because of their experiencewith CQRS and event sourcing, and their presence in thecommunity through speaking engagements. Allard Buijze isthe founder and architect of the Axon CQRS Framework1, andhas more than six years of experience with CQRS and eventsourcing both as a developer and consultant. Dennis Doomen isthe lead architect of a large CQRS system. He has six years ofexperience with CQRS, and four years with event sourcing. Heshares this experience with the community as an internationalspeaker and often discusses this with other practitioners. PieterJoost van de Sande is the founder of NCQRS2, an open sourceCQRS framework. After started applying CQRS and eventsourcing more than six years ago, he recently started workingon a large event-driven architecture. All three intervieweesreceived training on CQRS and event sourcing from GregYoung. Multiple goals were set for conducting the interviews.The questions asked were directed towards these goals, andthe interviews followed this order.

1) Reveal what their experiences of upgrading CQRSapplications are, and what problems and situations theyran into.

2) Evaluate the utility and completeness of the event storeupgrade operations.

3) Evaluate the completeness and the judgment on the qual-ity characteristics of the event store upgrade techniques.

4) Evaluate the usefulness and completeness of the eventstore upgrade framework.

The interviews led to small adjustments in the overviewsand the event store upgrade framework, as summarized in theremainder of this section.

Naming Issues - Many small misunderstandings wereexperienced around naming event store upgrade operations,techniques, and application and data upgrade strategies. Thisshows the immaturity of the field, the relatively new conceptof event sourcing, and the joining of different fields (domain-driven design, distributed systems, and event-driven architec-ture). The event store upgrade technique lazy transformationwas initially named lazy upcasting, but this name causedconfusion. It is not the upcasting that is done lazy, but thetransformation of the store that is executed lazily. The techniquecopy and transformation was initially named replay of events,which was mixed up with the normal procedure that is usedto load aggregate roots and rebuild projectors by replaying theevents in a CQRS system.

Frequency of Operations, and Business Requirements -All interviewees agreed that the event store upgrade operationsacross the boundaries of event streams were not common. Oneof the interviewees stated “Complex event store operations,you will not see a lot. There is a exponential relation between


the level and the times you encounter an operation.” Theseoperations cause the need for a data upgrade strategy, whichis something that two interviewees found conflicting with theexpected immutability of the event store. As a result of thisdiscussion, the support of complex store operations becamethe first question in the event store upgrade framework. Theinterviewees explained that an event store upgrade system canbe useful, even if it does not support these complex storeoperations, because they see other possibilities of solving theseschema changes. The same holds for the operations that deleteinformation from the store, and all interviewees suggested thatdeprecating or archiving of data is preferred over the actualdeletion.

These discussions led to the distinction between functionalimmutability and technical immutability. Technical immutabil-ity is defined as the most strict form of immutability: nochanges to stored events are allowed to be made. If this levelof immutability should be preserved the schema evolutiontechniques (lazy transformation, in place transformation, andcopy and transformation) cannot be applied. However, anotherlevel of immutability is functional immutability as one ofthe interviewees stated. Functional immutability allows thetransformation of events as long as the information in the eventsis preserved from a business perspective. Within functionalimmutability there is far more room for techniques that alterthe stored events.

Variation in Implementation - Two out of three intervie-wees explained a variation of the technique multiple versionsthat improved the code reusability and maintainability. Byre-using the already existing code to read older versions themaintainability is improved. These comments show that thereis a large design space in implementing the techniques thatremoves some of the disadvantages. However, Table II was notchanged, because the conclusion was that the average qualityof the technique was not changed by these implementationvariations.

Projections - An event sourced system always has a datastore for querying and presenting data next to the event store,because the event store itself cannot be utilized for that purpose.This query store is built from the event data by projectorsresulting in projections. These projections are the data that isshown to users while the event store is used for validation ofnew changes. Two interviewees explained that many schemachanges can be applied by not changing the event schemaat all, but by only changing the projectors and projections.The feasibility of this approach and its up- and downsidesare regarded as out of the scope of this paper, and should bestudied in more detail.

Upfront Design and Prototyping - The interviews showtwo sides to look at event sourced systems. Two out of threeinterviewees emphasized the importance of upfront design: bydesigning the event store, the streams, and the events withenough upfront thought, upgrades are less often necessary.One interviewee stated “Event sourcing needs a lot of upfrontthought, which is hard to do with agile development.” This line


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of thought is also seen in the application of event storming3 inthe design of event sourced systems. This design technique isapplied to design the events in a system before implementation,and a good design is said to forestall some of the more complexevent store upgrade operations, such as those on multiple eventstreams. The other interviewee stressed the importance ofdoing event store data upgrades to prevent the accumulationof conversion code, and thus found less value in defendingtechnical immutability at all cost.

Completeness and Usefulness - The interviewees foundthe event store upgrade framework unanimously useful andcomplete. Interest in the end result was shown and encour-agement was given to publish this material. One intervieweestated that “You are maybe the only one, which is having suchan overview and also thought about edge cases, which I hopenever to encounter.”


This paper contributes to the research on event sourcingand data conversion in the following ways. First, event storeupgrade operations are presented to explicitly express the dataconversion needed to evolve an event sourced system to anew data schema. With these operations a common languageis proposed for event sourced applications and frameworksand their upgrade systems to express schema evolution. Theoperations can also be used to analyze the impact of an eventstore upgrade: one category of operations, the complex storeoperations, cannot be executed at run-time without violatingthe independence of the different event streams.

The second contribution is an overview of upgrade techniquesand strategies that are used in event sourcing to execute theevent store upgrade operations. This overview summarizesbest practices and literature and makes it accessible to otherpractitioners. The last contribution is the event store upgradeframework, which is utilized upfront to design and implementan upgrade system. The framework makes the trade-offs explicit,and supports the making of design decisions. The automatedutilization can be used to implement an event store upgradesystem that handles every event store upgrade operation inan efficient way. The framework enables decision makingregarding upgrades downtime and enables selection of themost performant technique and strategy. When there are nocomplex store operations the conversion can be done at run-time, and techniques that transform events in the event storeare not needed. This leads to upgrades that only need anapplication upgrade strategy, which can be applied faster thanthe upgrades that also needs a data upgrade strategy. Themaintainability problem that run-time techniques have can besolved by executing those accumulated conversions whenevera data upgrade is performed.

The event store upgrade framework is also usable as a tool toanalyze applications with respect to their level of readiness forthe cloud, for continuous delivery, and rapid software evolution.Applications that do not have a clear upgrade system, but


use ad-hoc data transformation are not ready. Upgrades aredone manually and are error prone. However, applicationsthat implement an automated upgrade system and can handlethe complete list of event store upgrade operations are readyfor continuous delivery. This allows those applications toincorporate improvements and prevent errors in doing manualupgrades.

Part of the upgrade framework is implemented in a CQRSsystem. The copy and transformation technique together withthe blue-green strategy are used in multiple experiments totransform an event store. This showed that more work is neededto enable the co-evolution of the stores in the command-sideand query-side. The framework was evaluated with three Dutchexperts in the field of event sourcing. Although only threeexperts were interviewed, and they had different opinions, theevent store upgrade framework was found to be valuable byall three. The relative novelty of event sourcing can causeproblems in understanding of concepts and definitions. Thecombination of literature study and expert interviews preventsvalidity problems in definitions and their interpretation and inmaking sure that the result of this paper is usable by otherpractitioners.

To validate the event store upgrade framework the authorsplan to implement the full automated upgrade system thatuses the event store upgrade operations to select an upgradetechnique and apply the upgrade strategies. A follow up studyon the frequency of schema changes in event sourced systems,and the possible operations should support this implementation.The results of such a study could also help to uncover businessdecisions in expressing different schema changes with regardto for example data loss. Finally, the upgrade system could beextended by also including the query-side of an event sourcedsystem. This paper only focuses on the event store, but as theinterviewees stated, schema changes can be implemented byupgrading the projection, and not the event store. Furthermore,a change in the event store also changes these projections andthe rebuilding of projections with the additional performancecosts is a problem that also needs more study.


Acknowledgment This research was supported by the NWOAMUSE project (628.006.001): a collaboration between VrijeUniversiteit Amsterdam, Utrecht University, and AFAS Soft-ware in the Netherlands. The NEXT Platform is developedand maintained by AFAS Software. The authors also thankthe three experts, Allard Buijze, Dennis Doomen, and PieterJoost van de Sande, for their valuable experience and theirwillingness to contribute to this study.


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